Repair Design Furniture

Diseases of marrows and their treatment. How to process zucchini if ​​they have aphids, the use of folk remedies and chemicals to fight Ants in zucchini what to do

Gardeners who first discovered aphids on zucchini do not know how to treat the plants. To protect them, chemicals, folk remedies, manual collection of pests are used. The result of these actions can be improved if preventive measures against insect invasion are carried out in a timely manner. After all, they can safely survive the winter, eat weeds, and in the summer move to the leaves of zucchini and suck the juice out of them.

Zucchini is most often affected by melon aphids. Its larvae spend the winter among weeds, and with the onset of spring at temperatures above +12 ° C, they begin to actively multiply. First, pests feed on weeds, then they switch to vegetable crops. Aphids develop well with the onset of warm and humid weather.

The following signs will help you recognize an attack by these insects:

  • twisted foliage;
  • dried buds;
  • light discarded aphid shells and sticky slurry;
  • many larvae on the back of the leaf;
  • the appearance of a large number of ants in the greenhouse.

Pests pollute the surface of the foliage of zucchini, disrupting their development and nutrition.

What does aphids look like on zucchini

Aphids inhabit bushes from July-August. Outwardly, it is dark green, even black is found. The length of the pests is from 1.5 to 2 mm. They feed on the juice from the leaves, which immediately begin to curl, and the flowers and ovaries fall off. Insects live on the leaves of squash in colonies that can grow very quickly and dot the entire foliage.

Processing methods

How to sprinkle zucchini, gardeners decide after finding many pests. But it is better to prevent their development long before planting. In autumn, the remnants of the harvest are burned, bonfires are made in the beds where aphids were found.

You should not plant the same crops every year in the same place. Between them it is worth planting plants whose smell will scare away pests. It is recommended to dig up the earth twice - in autumn and spring.

In the open ground

Measures not taken in a timely manner to destroy insects lead to the cessation of the growth of vegetables. Aphids carry pathogenic microbes that affect the entire culture. There are several ways to deal with aphids:

  1. Larvae are collected by hand, diseased leaves and flowers are removed and burned, glue traps are placed, pests are washed off with water.
  2. Nearby plants are planted that love hoverflies, earwigs, lacewings. There are bird feeders in the garden.
  3. Complex fertilizers are applied, plants are regularly watered and weeded.
  4. Zucchini is treated with chemicals.
  5. The vegetable crop is sprayed with herbal infusions, solutions with ash, soap or soda.

Attention! For planting, varieties of zucchini should be selected that are more resistant to aphid invasion (Aeronaut, Partenon, Gribovsky). Their dense dark green leaves suffer less from pests.

in the greenhouse

Greenhouse zucchini require protection in the form of prevention. Her methods include compliance with the norms for fertilizing, maintaining optimal humidity up to 80% and temperature up to 25 ° C, and careful destruction of weeds.

In the greenhouse, you need to remove a 5-centimeter earthen layer. Experts recommend changing the greenhouse soil completely every 5 years. Glass parts should be washed with copper sulfate, wooden parts should be whitewashed. Inside, you need to light a sulfur checker.

Attention! Before trying to kill aphids in a greenhouse, you need to get rid of the ants.


There are a lot of good things on offer today. Their correct application will protect the site and destroy insects in 24 hours. The procedure is carried out when there is no rain and wind, as the poison can be washed away or blown away.


You can treat zucchini with chemicals. When plants have active growth, it is allowed to spray them with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

How to process plants, gardeners decide. But if the vegetable crop is heavily overrun by aphids, it is effective to use Karbofos, Aktara, Tanrek, Kinmiks. The solution is prepared before use. At the same time, it is important to observe a time interval of 20 days between processing and harvesting.

Folk remedies

Among experienced gardeners, the following infusions are most common to help get rid of insects:

  1. Wood ash (2 cups), laundry soap (70-100 grams), water (10 liters).
  2. Tobacco (50 grams), soap (10 grams), hot water (1 liter).
  3. Onion (70–90 grams) or garlic (40–60 grams), warm water (10 liters).
  4. Celandine (1 kilogram), boiling water (2-3 liters) - later hot water (7-9 liters).
  5. Yarrow (800-900 grams), boiling water (2 liters), hot water (8 liters).
  6. Green dandelion leaves (400-500 grams), hot water (10 liters).
  7. Tomato tops (1 kilogram), water (10 liters). Needs to be boiled. Then dilute up to 3 times.
  8. Potato tops (fresh - 1200 grams, dry - 60-80 grams), water (10 liters).

Will fertilizer help with aphids?

Zucchini with elastic, strong and dense leaves resist pests well. In order for the plants to gain strength, regular watering and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are necessary. The following complex top dressings will help to increase the resistance of a vegetable crop:

  1. Agricola-5 increases resistance to diseases and bad weather. The drug can be sprayed on the roots and foliage 5 times a year. The advantage of fertilizer in an environmentally friendly composition.
  2. Zdraven Turbo helps to perfectly assimilate nutrients. Used watering the roots every 2 weeks. The tool contains many useful substances.
  3. A clean leaf accelerates the development of plants and resistance to infections, insects. Fertilizer can be applied dry, as well as in the form of a solution under the root or on the foliage. The advantage of fertilizer is compatibility with organic preparations.
  4. Multiflor builds culture immunity, increases growth, nourishes the roots. It is used in the form of root and foliar dressings. The advantage of using is a small expenditure and complete assimilation of all elements.

Precautionary measures

For the safe use of folk remedies and chemicals, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use personal protective equipment - gloves, closed clothing, respirator;
  • do not exceed the indicated dosage;
  • do not eat vegetables for 10 days after spraying.

The main mistakes in the fight against aphids

To effectively deal with insects, you must follow these rules:

Aphids on zucchini are not easy to defeat. The combination of all available methods is able to protect plants from the reproduction of pests. If you carry out prevention in the fall and spring and follow the rules of the fight, you can not meet these insects in your garden at all.

Fighting aphids in the garden is not a very pleasant process, but do not give your crop to be eaten by it. I came yesterday, as usual, to the dacha with my granddaughter. I plucked a few cucumbers for her in the garden and noticed that some of the lower leaves of the shoots, as it were, were wrapped inside. I looked at the sheet from the reverse side, gasped - aphids! Yes, so many! How to deal with aphids? Decided to check out the rest of the plants in the garden. What did you see?! Aphids on cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins! Aphids on raspberries, roses! On the drain! Guard! In fact, the weather we now have is favorable for the development of all types of aphids - hot, and the humidity is high, since it rains almost every day. Well, groaned, groaned, but something needs to be done.

Aphid cause leaf deformation:

Yes, the aphid not only feeds on plant sap itself, but is also a carrier of various diseases. Plants damaged by aphids develop poorly, lag behind in growth, the leaves are deformed, various spots appear on them.

Aphids on cucumbers
Aphids on zucchini
Aphids on a young plum

I walked around the site, looked under almost every leaf - aphids are everywhere. How could I have missed it? After all, it wasn’t in one day that she actually occupied my entire garden?

On the inflorescences of dill, I noticed a lacewing. This is such a small fly of a pale green color with large transparent wings, long antennae. Refers to beneficial insects. Lacewing larvae feed on aphids. On some zucchini I noticed ladybugs, the larvae of which also willingly eat aphids.

Just in one of the issues of our regional newspaper for gardeners, gardeners "Niva Kuban" I read that before you start processing plants from aphids, you need to count these insects. If, for example, there are 5 larvae of lacewings or 30 larvae of ladybugs per 1 individual aphid, then it is better not to use any preparations to combat aphids. They say that beneficial insects themselves will cope with pests.

Natural enemy of aphids

But, to be honest, I don’t know what the larvae of lacewings, ladybugs look like, and the eternal lack of time, as well as the lack of skills, does not allow to estimate their ratio to the number of aphids. I only learned one thing - since they are (our natural helpers), it is better to use biological preparations to combat aphids, which will not harm lacewings, ladybugs.

In the same newspaper, a plant protection specialist advises the use of the biological drug bitoxibacillin.

The proportions for preparing the solution are as follows - dissolve 40-100 g of the drug in a bucket of water, spray vegetable or fruit plants with it.

What specific amount of bitoxibacillin powder needs to be dissolved depends on the type of plant and on the type of pest. This drug is effective not only against aphids, but also the Colorado potato beetle, various caterpillars, and spider mites. One caveat when preparing the solution - first dilute the powder in a small amount of water, let it dissolve, and then add it to a bucket of water.

In addition to bitoxibacillin, other biological insecticides can be used against aphids - akarin, fitoverm.

Cucumbers are already hanging and turning green, zucchini is pouring, raspberries are ripening - to process them with chemistry, my hand does not turn. How to sprinkle cucumbers, zucchini from aphids? Therefore, until biological preparations were purchased to combat aphids, I decided to prepare an infusion of celandine - since it grows a lot in secluded corners of the garden. This is a strong remedy for aphids. Narwhal celandine, filled the bucket 2/3, filled it with cold water. Left to infuse until the morning.

By the way, you can read about other folk remedies for combating aphids.

I processed everything this morning with an infusion of celandine, and in the evening I walked around the garden again - it seemed to help. At least, I do not see ants on cucumbers, plums. And since the ants left, the aphids all died - they have nothing to eat.

But I must warn you, if development conditions favorable for aphids persist, then you may have to process garden, garden plants more than once or resort to chemical means.

For example, roses, raspberries after harvest, young fruit trees, if they do not have fruits, can be treated with chemicals. Effective in the fight against aphids - Fufanon, Kemifos, Iskra-M, Alatar, Inta Ts-M, Confidor Extra, Aktara.

Tomatoes, cucumbers with fruits can be treated against aphids with Fitoverm - a biological insecticide - it does not accumulate in fruits, it is not dangerous to humans.

I wish you success in the fight against aphids!

Diseases of zucchini in the open field, photo

Viral diseases of squash and their control

Considering viral diseases of zucchini with a photo, mosaics are most often found. There are many varieties and strains of this disease, but cucumber or green mosaic is most common.

Cucumber mosaic melons (lat. Cucumber mosaic)

The cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic virus infects all types of melons, including zucchini. The infected plant lags behind in development. The main symptoms of cucumber mosaic:

  • leaves are covered with mosaic spots of yellow and green;
  • deformation and curling of the leaves, the formation of tubercles on them;
  • internodes are significantly shortened;
  • almost no harvest.

A lot of trouble for summer residents is delivered by viral diseases of zucchini and the fight against them, photos of infected plants will help you quickly recognize the virus and start processing plantings. The cause of infection is the appearance of an insect carrier. For example aphids, ants, Colorado potato beetle. Perennial weeds on the site allow the pathogen to survive the winter cold in the soil.

Preventive measures:

  • regular destruction of weeds along with the roots;
  • fight against aphids and garden ants.

How the zucchini mosaic spreads

It is worth remembering that zucchini seeds cannot be infected with a virus, so planting material is not a source of infection. The disease affects only the leaves and stems of the plant, the pathogen overwinters on weeds and in the soil, and is carried by insects.

To combat the disease, it is effective to use drugs such as Aktara and Aktelikt. With their help, you can slow down the development of the disease, or stop at the initial stage.

Among the folk methods of struggle, it is worth highlighting spraying with infusion of onion peel or garlic. The strong smell will repel aphids and stop the spread of the disease to neighboring plants.

Fungal diseases of zucchini and their treatment

Most often, zucchini is affected by diseases in the open field. The most common group of diseases when grown outside greenhouse conditions are fungal. Their spores are easily spread, so the likelihood of infection is one of the highest.

Powdery mildew (lat. Erysiphales)

Mealy fungi of the genus Erysiphales affect mainly the foliage of plants. Zucchini is no exception - leaf diseases in them are manifested in the formation of a whitish coating on the surface of plants.

First of all, old leaves are affected. Plaque covers them completely, and leads to drying. Mature fungal spores are easily spread by wind to other plants.

Since diseased plants are the source of infection, preventive measures include removing all plant residues from the site and burning them. The soil should be carefully dug up, and weed rhizomes removed.

The spread of powdery mildew can cause the death of all melons on the site, so it is important to study the diseases of zucchini and their treatment, photos and descriptions of signs of damage. In the initial stage, the disease is easily treatable with the help of chemicals and folk recipes. To fight effectively use Nitrafen, Carboran, Kefalon. Processing should be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

From folk remedies, an ash solution is best suited. It helps stop the spread of the disease. To prepare 1 kg of ash, insist on 10 liters of water for a week. Then some soap is added and the plants are sprayed.

White rot (lat. Sclerotinia)

The fungus Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum is very dangerous for zucchini. The main reasons for the defeat are cloudy cool weather, dense plantings and watering with cold water.

The mushroom picker is located on the stems and fruits of zucchini. Gradually, the vegetables become soft and mushy. Basic preventive measures:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • removal of infected fruits and parts of bushes;
  • soil replacement;
  • planting thinning.

An effective solution to the problem is the use of lime or crushed coal: the lesions must be sprinkled abundantly. Among the chemical preparations, those that contain copper are distinguished: Oksihom, Kuproskat.

Zucchini pests and their control

Melon aphid (lat. Aphis gossypii)

You can notice colonies of small insects on the lower part of the leaves. Pests suck juice from plants, causing them to dry out and die. They reproduce asexually, producing up to 20 generations of offspring per season.

The cause of infection is thickened plantings and weeds on which insects hibernate. Preventive measures: cleaning and disposal of weeds and plant residues.

Aphid tobacco tincture recipe

Pour 1 part of tobacco dust with 10 parts of water, leave for 24 hours. Dilute the filtered infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 3, spray the plants when a melon aphid is found.

Recipe for aphids based on yarrow

Infuse 1 kg of dried yarrow herb for 2 days in 10 liters of warm water. Treat plants several times.

Sprout fly (lat. Delia Platura)

The pest infects young shoots of squash in early spring, leading to their death. The reason for the settlement may be poorly sealed manure, in which the fly lays larvae. Since the pupae easily endure winter in the soil, in the fall it is necessary to carry out a deep digging of the site, remove plant debris and thoroughly fertilize.

An effective solution to the problem in early spring will be the introduction of granular insecticides into the soil before planting: Karbofos, Fufanon.

You can scare away the pest by dusting the plantings with sifted ash, ground pepper or tobacco dust. For irrigation use water with table salt: 0.2 kg per 10 liters of liquid.

Zucchini is an early ripening crop, so it is undesirable to use insecticidal agents during intensive growth. To protect the land use biological, agrotechnical, physical methods, folk remedies. Experienced gardeners and gardeners know how to deal with aphids on zucchini.

Who do you have to deal with

Aphids on zucchini are a common occurrence. Small insects with a body length of not more than 3 mm form entire colonies. For the entire warm season, up to 20 generations are replaced. On zucchini, gourd aphids start up. At the end of summer, winged individuals appear that are able to migrate to other crops. They lay their eggs there and stay there for the winter. In early spring, larvae appear and start wrecking.

You can see aphids from the back of the leaf, on the stems - green, yellow small bugs. Signs of zucchini infection:

  • twisted leaves, yellowness, dark spots;
  • the presence of mucus, the death of young shoots;
  • falling flowers, stopping the development of the fetus.

Basic methods of struggle

How to treat zucchini from aphids, gardeners think at the sight of a large colony of pests. It is much more efficient to worry about this even before planting the crop:

  • Collect in the garden all the remaining greens after harvesting, burn. Particular attention should be paid to the beds where aphids have bred. It is also recommended to kindle fires on them.
  • The beds should be alternated, not planted two years in a row in the same place. Zucchini, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, legumes, less often carrots, beets, and tomatoes are attacked by aphids. Between them it is worth planting plants that repel insects with a persistent smell - calendula, onion, garlic, mint, marigolds, mustard.
  • Dig up the soil twice - after harvesting, before planting seeds.

Compliance with these simple rules will protect zucchini from aphids, increase the yield of the land. If the pests have managed to settle, it is recommended to fight according to folk recipes.

Folk remedies

  • In 10 liters of water, add 200 ml, 100 g of laundry soap.
  • Dilute in a bucket of water 1 tbsp. spoon, salt, 200 g of laundry soap.
  • Add 200 g or tobacco powder to 10 liters of water, enter. Also, zucchini beds between rows are sprinkled with ash and tobacco.
  • Combine in equal proportions red, black pepper, cinnamon,. Mix thoroughly, add 100 g of soap.
  • 400 g of onion peel pour 10 liters of boiled water, boil for 20 minutes, leave to infuse for a day. Add laundry soap.
  • Grind a glass, pour 10 liters of cold water, leave for 3 days. Strain before use, add soap.
  • Grind the tops of potatoes or wormwood. Pour in water, cover with a lid, leave to infuse for 3 days. Put on the stove, boil for about an hour. Enter soap.

On a note!

It is necessary to fight folk remedies in dry weather in the early morning, late evening. If it rained, the treatment is repeated. Re-spray zucchini every 3 days for 2 weeks.


You can get rid of aphids on zucchini by treating the seeds before planting. During the period of active growth, it is allowed to treat the culture with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, copper sulphate.

With a strong infection of zucchini with aphids, the use of Karbofos is allowed. The solution is prepared immediately before use. A minimum of 20 days should elapse between spraying and harvesting.

To protect the garden and zucchini from the attack of aphids, it is necessary to take measures even before it appears. Watering the affected area with hot water is one of the most effective folk remedies.

When growing zucchini in the garden, one must be prepared for the fact that they can be affected by a dangerous disease or harmful insects. Fortunately, signs of damage are usually visible to the naked eye, so the gardener has time to take appropriate action.

In addition, plants can also be sprayed for prevention purposes - in this case, the disease most likely will not affect the plants at all. In the article, we will consider how and how to process zucchini from diseases and pests characteristic of this culture.

General information

The most common diseases that affect zucchini include powdery mildew, white rot, anthracosis and some others. Pests, the most dangerous for the crop, are melon aphids, spider mites and sprout flies.

Common measures to control these pests and diseases include the following:

On the video - diseases of zucchini:

If you grow zucchini in a greenhouse, then in this case it is necessary to disinfect the soil thermally: pouring boiling water on the ground.

Pest control

We will find out which harmful insects are most dangerous for zucchini, and what can be done about this scourge.

spider mite

This insect is especially harmful to those zucchini grown in greenhouse conditions, but it can also infect a plant in the open. The tick settles on the underside of the leaves, weaving its cobwebs here: this is precisely the first sign of infection. If measures are not taken, the tick will lead to the death of the entire bush: the leaves of the plant begin to dry out.

Spider mite on squash

They fight this scourge with an onion solution. To do this, onions are passed through a meat grinder, and then a glass of the resulting caustic slurry is dissolved in a bucket of water. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to add Art. a spoonful of pepper, 2-3 tablespoons of ash, and 1 spoonful of soap solution. Everything is shaken, filtered, and then used to spray the bushes. When infected with a spider mite, there should be two procedures: the second is carried out 6 days after the first.

It will also be useful to learn about how zucchini is planted with seeds in open ground:

melon aphid

This insect is also a longtime enemy of zucchini. Aphids settle on the lower part of the leaves, as well as in ovaries, flowers and shoots. Insect-affected parts of the plant dry, curl, die. In addition, the defeat of zucchini melon aphids leads to a slowdown in the growth and development of zucchini.


This insect threatens zucchini in July. The whitefly settles on the lower part of the leaves, and gives itself out as a sticky slimy coating. Over time, the affected leaves begin to wither.

Whitefly on squash

sprout fly

This pest infects young shoots of squash, climbing inside the stems. Thus, the fly can ruin the crop in the bud, preventing the zucchini from even surviving to bloom.

sprout fly

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to dig up the beds in the fall, and also to plant the seeds when planting not too deep.

But when to plant zucchini in open ground, and how planting work takes place, is set out


We will find out what diseases threaten zucchini, and how they can be dealt with.


This is a fungal infection that often affects zucchini, cucumbers and other gourds. Zucchini can get sick with anthracosis throughout the growing season. Signs of the disease: spots on the leaves, which gradually become larger. When the disease has already strongly affected the bush, the latter gives the impression of being burned.

Anthracnose squash

They fight this scourge by careful sorting of seedlings: suspicious seedlings should not be allowed to plant at all. If the plant is already sick, it must be dug up and then destroyed.

From anthracosis, spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur (up to 100 grams of the substance per bucket of water), as well as Bordeaux mixture (100 grams of lime, 100 grams of copper sulfate, a bucket of water) helps.

Thorough disinfection of surfaces will never be superfluous, especially if zucchini grows in a greenhouse. Sanitization is best done with bleach, dissolving 200 grams of bleach in a bucket of water.

powdery mildew

This disease is perhaps the most common among melons, it also applies to fungal infections. External factors that provoke powdery mildew are too humid air with insufficient watering. The disease manifests itself by the appearance of white spots on the leaves. Initially small, gradually they grow, increase until they capture the entire leaf as a whole. Then the leaves die off completely, wither. In addition, the affected plant lags behind in development and growth.

powdery mildew

To cope with powdery mildew, it is necessary in the fall after harvesting to carefully dig up the soil where the zucchini grew. In addition, it is important to destroy all weeds growing around greenhouses and beds, as well as to remove tops from harvested pumpkin crops. It is important to maintain optimal air humidity in greenhouses, and water zucchini on time.

When the disease has already begun, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur, or ground gray. If the disease has not yet spread, and is focal in nature, the affected areas are cauterized with a concentrated solution of ground sulfur (the procedure is performed using a cotton swab). It is also worth learning about how it looks and how the plant is treated.

Gray rot

The disease is caused by a fungus, and manifests itself as a gray coating on the leaves, which after a while becomes slimy, the plant tissues rot. Note that the disease, if it has begun, spreads at a rapid speed, so urgent measures must be taken here.

Gray rot

Phosphorus top dressing will help reduce the incidence of gray rot in zucchini. It is also important to immediately remove the affected leaves and flowers, as well as to carry out the autumn digging of squash beds.

white mosaic

This squash disease is viral in nature, and manifests itself as yellow-white spots on the leaves of a characteristic star shape. The spots gradually become stripes, capturing an increasing area of ​​leaves and fruits.

You need to know that the white mosaic cannot be treated: all affected plants should be dug up and destroyed. And the soil where the zucchini grew needs to be dug up and disinfected.

white mosaic

To prevent this dangerous disease from hitting your crop, it is recommended to carefully sort the seeds before planting, removing suspicious, shriveled, defective specimens. In addition, it is important to treat the seeds in a 15% trisodium phosphate solution before planting. Seeds should be disinfected for at least an hour.

Fusarium wilt

This is a fungal disease that greatly reduces the yield of the crop, worsens the taste and size of the fruit, and leads to the wilt of the stems and leaves.

Fusarium wilt

If the plant is severely affected, it must be destroyed completely. In the event that individual parts are affected, they must be urgently removed. To prevent Fusarium wilt, it is always necessary to dig up a squash bed in the fall, and soak the seeds for 5 minutes before planting in a 40% formalin solution.


This common disease is also called downy mildew due to the similarity of symptoms. The disease manifests itself as spots on the leaves of a light yellow hue, which gradually darken and become covered with a purple bloom. The spots grow rapidly, merge with each other, after which the leaf withers completely. If the zucchini is severely affected by peronosporosis, then only one petiole remains green.


To prevent this disease, the seeds must be warmed up for 15-20 minutes before planting. The water temperature should be 48-50 degrees. Immediately after heating, the seeds are placed in cold water and then dried. If the disease is already progressing, spray the zucchini with a solution of copper oxychloride or Bordeaux mixture. And you can read information about how folk remedies treat peronosporosis of cucumbers.

Other issues

Consider how to deal with the most common symptoms of zucchini lesions.

Rotting ovaries

This disease affects the young ovaries of squash, and if you do not pay attention to it, it can lead to a complete loss of the crop. The disease is caused by putrefactive bacteria that are contagious.

To stop the infection, immediately ruthlessly cut off and burn the ovaries affected by rot. After all diseased ovaries are destroyed, it is necessary to spray the plants with a solution of copper oxychloride.

Yellowing leaves

If the reason is not in watering, then, perhaps, in the absence of adequate feeding. Keep in mind that even if the zucchini do not get sick with anything, and develop quite normally, once a season they need to be fed anyway. It is better to use ready-made mineral compositions: they have a suitable “diet” already balanced. Humus, ash and urea are also suitable for feeding.

So, we examined the features of the fight against the most common diseases and pests of zucchini. As you can see, literally every misfortune has its own antidote, so you should not panic and prepare for the inevitable death of the entire crop. Using the recommendations from the article, you will be able to prepare a suitable healing solution, and easily cope with squash diseases, even dangerous and contagious ones.