Repair Design Furniture

We need to sow oats. When to sow oats. Technology of sowing oat seeds

Good day, dear friends!

Summer residents who use the principles of organic farming on their site have long adopted the green manure method. Planting various dacha plots temporarily free from the main crops, followed by incorporation of the vegetative mass into the soil, is a proven, effective and very budgetary way to maintain soil fertility.

Let's talk about why, when and how sow oats as green manure before winter and about the benefits of this method of soil enrichment.

Siderata can be sown at any time, except, of course, winter. Most often, gardeners practice winter crops of cover crops, which are carried out after harvesting in the fall. In a short period of warmth, they manage to gain a sufficient amount of greenery, which they leave under the snow, and in early spring they plow into the ground simultaneously with planned digging and preparing the beds for sowing.

This practice allows you to almost completely restore the balance of nutrients in the soil taken out by plants during the previous season, and prepare the plantation to receive new vegetable, berry, fruit and ornamental crops in the future. Winter oats are among the most beloved green manure crops intended for autumn crops by all gardeners.

The benefits of winter oats for the garden

A cereal crop in a short time (up to 60 days) gives an excellent increase in greenery (up to 200 kg / weaving), which allows the summer resident to fully replace the traditional autumn and spring application of organic matter (humus, manure, compost, bird droppings) and mineral compounds (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt, nitroammophoska, etc.).

In addition, oats are considered a universal precursor for all cultivated plants, except for cereals, and, as a rule, this type of agricultural product is rarely grown in private gardens. It should be noted the budgetary nature of sideration with oats. The consumption of planting material is 2-2.5 kg per hundred square meters, and its price is affordable for every vegetable grower.

Benefits of sowing oats as green manure before winter

1. Purification of the soil. Oats are phytosanitary. Phytoncides, essential oils and other biologically active compounds secreted by the root system of green manure into the ground, suppress the growth of perennial weeds (wheatgrass, thistle), clear the ground of nematodes, which is especially useful before or after potato cultivation.

2. High yield. Planted seeds germinate at a temperature of +2°C. Seedlings perfectly tolerate small soil frosts down to -4 ... -5 ° C, continuing the growing season until the steady onset of cold weather, which allows plants sown no later than the end of September (for the middle zone) to gain the required amount of greenery.

3. Soil protection from erosion and freezing. Oat greens left on the site for the winter trap snow in the beds, helping to retain additional moisture in the spring. Ground cover plants prevent weathering and erosion of the upper fertile soil layer, as well as leaching of nutrients on light soils during the period of heavy autumn precipitation and spring snowmelt.

4. Soil structuring. The upright fibrous root system penetrates deep soil horizons (up to 2 meters) in a few weeks, loosening the soil qualitatively and increasing its porosity. In addition, the rhizomes are adapted to extract poorly soluble phosphorus and potassium salts from the lower layers of the earth and convert them into compounds available to cultivated plants.

5. Rate of decomposition. The roots and greens of oats overheat very quickly, giving all the nutrients to the soil. Before the planting of the main crop on the bed after the vegetative mass of winter oats is planted, at least 2 weeks should pass. Spring digging after sowing oats as green manure before winter can be carried out immediately after the snow melts and the top layer of soil warms up, plowing greens to a depth of 3-5 cm, or you can postpone the event to a later date, closer to planting work.

The plow of green oats enriches the soil with biohumus, which creates favorable conditions for the development of beneficial soil microflora. Siderat saturates the soil with readily available compounds of potassium and phosphorus. If necessary, the complex introduction of all nutrients before planting vegetables, winter oats are combined with legumes rich in nitrogenous substances, for example, peas, beans, and beans. Such mixtures improve soil fertility by 100% and are a complete organic fertilizer.

Have a good harvest! See you soon!

In order not to shovel compost heaps on their site every year, many gardeners begin to use artificial fertilizers. However, there are more affordable ways to enrich the soil with nutrients and improve its structure. Among these, first of all, it should be noted the greening of the soil through such a cereal crop as oats. How effective this is, we will consider further.

siderates These are the so-called "green manures". Certain plants are specially grown to be buried shallow in the ground to improve the structure and quality of the soil.

Oats as a crop

Oats is a representative of cereals that belongs to early crops and grows everywhere in a temperate climate in the form of a loose bush that has leafy stems up to 120 cm high. In nature, annual crops are more common, but there are also perennial ones, although they have not received widespread.

Oats are grown both as a grain and as a green manure. It is not afraid of low positive temperatures, which allows it to be sown in early spring, when the soil reaches physiological ripeness. However, unlike rye, oats do not tolerate frost.

The plant is quite moisture-loving, especially during the period of seed germination, which differs from barley. So, in dry weather, seedlings are sparse, and then the plant does not give a dense vegetative mass.

Oats also belong to heat-loving crops, but unpretentious to the type of soil - it grows on loam, black soil, peat bogs, clay and sandy soils. Of course, when growing a plant on more fertile soils, the tillering coefficient and stalk are higher.

The optimal conditions for oats are cool, wet weather, so it is not advisable to use it as a green manure before summer or winter. The ideal time for it is spring and early autumn.

Why is oats used as green manure?

Oats have long been used for soil manure, due to its following properties:

  • It has especially nutritious stems that contain more valuable protein than alfalfa and clover.
  • The vegetative mass contains more potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen. According to the content of nutrients, the biomass of cereals is commensurate with manure, but there are fewer nitrogen compounds in this organic matter. It should be noted that the number of elements depends on the age of the plant: the older it is, the more potassium it contains, but nitrogen prevails in young greenery. In this regard, oats as a fertilizer are cut when it grows to 20 cm in height.
  • It has a fibrous root system that strengthens light soils and loosens heavy ones. In addition, the embedded green mass of the plant makes the soil more air- and moisture-intensive.
  • Forms dense stands - its stems are located close to each other, so weeds do not appear between them. Oats simply drown them out, showing better competitiveness. If undesirable vegetation nevertheless appears, then it does not have time to form seeds before mowing the biomass.
  • It gives a high yield - from one hundred acres of a plot, you can collect a mass equal to 100 kg of high-quality manure.

Thanks to all of the above properties, with the help of oats, neglected areas can be restored and put into crop rotation, although this will take time - about 2-3 years. Gradually, the upper fertile layer will be restored, losing nitrates that have been accumulated over the years of using mineral fertilizers. The earth will gradually receive nutrients from green manure, which will allow it to become looser and more moisture-intensive.

Oats can be safely sown as an optimal soil disintegrator, as well as to prevent damage to garden crops by root rot.

Disadvantages of oats as green manure

As disadvantages of oats, several points can be distinguished:

  • It has a small amount of green mass. In the spring, the soil can be excessively depleted, so one oat may not be enough to green it, although it will support the site on which the rotation is made.
  • Contains little nitrogen. For this reason, oats should be sown in areas where alfalfa or clover is already growing. In the future, the gardener needs to simultaneously plow two crops at once.
  • Needs low positive temperatures and frequent watering. Oats love shade, coolness and abundant watering, so they are more suitable for growing in regions with a cool climate and damp spring. In hot weather, the plant will wither and dry out.

Despite some shortcomings, oats as green manure have a lot of positive characteristics, which is why it is used by many gardeners.

Which is better: oats or rye?

Any green manure plant has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose green fertilizers for various plantings and soil types. So, in order to determine which cereal green manure is better - oats or rye, one should compare their characteristics, as well as determine the goals of planting.

How cultures differ from each other can be found in the table:

Purpose Soils

Consumption rate

oats It is grown in areas where it is planned to get a good harvest of crops that need a lot of potassium. These crops include tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. Oats can be sown after the harvest of early vegetable crops in order to carry out mowing before the first hard frost. Prefers acidic or peaty soils. Not afraid of the risk of damage to plants by root rot. 1.3-1.8 kg of oats can be sown per hundred square meters. Mowing is done before mass flowering.
Rye Planted under a number of garden crops. These include zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, late cabbage. It is one of the most frost-resistant green manure, therefore it is mainly used for winter sowing. Grows well in all types of soil. It is also not afraid of virgin lands and beds that are prone to waterlogging. 2 kg of rye can be sown per hundred square meters. You need to mow the plant 2-3 weeks before planting the main crop.

In arid climates, it is better to sow oats, since rye has a drying effect. If it is required to prevent the growth of weeds, to destroy pathogens of fungal infections and nematodes, rye should be used. Its root system perfectly loosens even the heaviest soils, although it causes the soil surface to dry out.

Before winter, it is better to plant rye, because it is not only cold-resistant, but also not afraid of even severe frosts. Oats are more suitable for autumn or spring planting.

Some gardeners prefer to plant oats and rye together, since oat shoots saturate the soil with potassium and phosphorus, and rye shoots with nitrogen. In addition, both cultures can be used to green manure depleted areas that have high acidity or salinity. However, when growing crops together, it is worth considering the risk that the main plant will not receive the required amount of moisture and will begin to develop worse. To avoid this, the seedling mixture should be watered abundantly, as rye and oat shoots require more water.

What crops to plant before?

Oats have practically no relatives in the garden, cream and other cereals, and it is an excellent predecessor for most cultivated crops. These include:

  • raspberries;
  • currant;
  • strawberry;
  • strawberry;
  • sweet peppers of any variety;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that oats are a cereal crop, so they cannot be sown before other cereals, such as buckwheat or wheat. In addition, it is not recommended to sow oats in the area where it is planned to grow potatoes in the future. The fact is that its root system attracts click beetles or wireworms, the population of which is increasing and posing a great threat to potatoes. So, for this culture it is worth choosing a different green manure.

After potatoes, on the contrary, it is recommended to sow oats for sevosmenu, since its roots contain specific substances that destroy the remains of potato scab in the soil, and also prevent the occurrence of root rot, nematodes and fungal diseases.

Oats should be planted together with legumes, such as vetch or fodder peas, since such a mixture is an improved manure and enriches the soil with all the necessary elements.

Sowing time

Oats are cold-resistant and even cold-loving crops, so it is advisable to plant them in the cool season:

  • In early spring. When the snow melts on the site, you can plant winter seeds. So, the optimal time for these works is the beginning of April or the end of March. Oats love to grow in moist soil, so you don't need to wait for the soil to dry before planting (it just needs to warm up). The planting itself is recommended to be carried out approximately 2-3 weeks before planting the main crop, since green manure is mowed during the formation of buds before the seed is set, when it contains a maximum of trace elements.
  • early autumn. Oats are a cold-resistant, but not frost-resistant crop, so it must be planted before the onset of frost. The plant matures quite quickly - in about 30-40 days. Oats planted in autumn should be mowed and left right on the beds, lightly sprinkled with earth. This will make the soil loose and absorbent. Oats can also be left uncut. In this case, it will rot in winter and be converted into fertilizer. One plowing will be enough to crush it and mix it with the soil.

Autumn sowing is preferred if the main crop is planted too early, which prevents the oats from forming a dense mass.

So, oats as green manure can be sown in early spring, when the ground dries out a little, or in autumn after harvesting. The greens will be ready for use as a fertilizer in a maximum of 40-45 days after sowing.

The process of decay of plant residues will require about 2 weeks, after which seedlings can be transplanted to the site. In total, the preparatory activities take 2 months. Given these time frames, everyone can calculate when it is worth planting oats on their site in order to saturate the soil in a timely manner.

How to sow oats as green manure?

If the plot is small, then it is customary to sow green manure in rows (beds), and if it is large, in bulk, followed by embedding with a rake to a depth of 3-4 cm. When sowing in the first way, the consumption rate is 15 g per 1 sq. m plot. If the method of continuous sowing is used, then the amount of sowing material increases by 1.5-2 times. This figure also increases if sowing is carried out in the autumn. If a bean-cereal mixture is being prepared, then the proportion of oats should be reduced to 40%.

  • for sowing, it is worth choosing winter oats, especially when the green mass is planned to be cut in the spring;
  • sowing material before planting should be soaked for 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid to prevent infection of seedlings with fungi;
  • seeds can be sown manually or using a special device;
  • when manually sowing, the seeds must be scattered over a pre-moistened area and sprinkled with soil.

How to sow oats so that you do not have to dig up the soil is described in the following video:

How to care for crops?

After sowing, oats must be properly cared for according to the following rules:

  • Water generously if the weather is dry. The fact is that oats are a moisture-loving crop, so if the amount of water is insufficient, then without additional irrigation it will not be able to actively grow and intensively produce green mass.
  • Once every 3 days, check the condition of the crop. It is necessary to determine whether the sprouts have hatched, what kind they are, whether the leaves develop normally or dry due to warm weather. If the stems are stunted, then you need to apply a little mineral fertilizer in the form of ammonium nitrate or superphosphate. It should be noted that similar problems are encountered if the previous crop has excessively depleted the soil even for green manure.
  • Apply a special agricultural technique - when the oats reach 10-15 cm, you need to cut it by 30%. Such manipulations stimulate the growth of the plant, which in the future allows you to get more green mass for fertilizing the soil. It should be noted that gardeners have experimentally found that cereals cut to a third of the height outstrip even those plants that were sown a week earlier in growth.

In general, oats are easy to grow and need only sufficient moisture. Only in isolated cases it is necessary to introduce additional fertilizers into the soil.

When and how to mow oats like green manure?

From the moment of sowing to mowing, about 30-40 days should pass, but it is better to navigate by the grown green mass and panicle of flowers. When pollen appears on it, you immediately need to cut the stems. In addition, the cut should be carried out at the initial stage of earing, when the oats grow to 20 cm, since it is in this state that it contains the maximum of useful substances. In the future, the stems will begin to coarsen and decompose poorly in the ground, and will also steadily lose potassium.

The following video shows how to cut oats for green manure, and also explains why this particular crop should be sown as green manure:

When sowing in autumn, mowing time often falls on the last days before the onset of cold weather, and when sowing in spring, before the onset of hot May days.

Oats as green manure should be cut with a flat cutter, cutting the roots at a depth of 5-7 cm, and then embedded in the soil to a depth of 5-15 cm, depending on its structure: it is better to embed deeper in clay soil, and finer in light sandy soil. In any case, it is not necessary to deepen the oats excessively into the ground, otherwise, without air access, it will begin to decompose and acidify the soil, bringing plants no benefit, but only harm. So, it is enough to dig the green mass to a depth into the bayonet of a shovel, and then press it with the top layer of soil.

If mowing is carried out in the spring, then oats must be embedded in the ground no later than 2 weeks before planting the main crop, otherwise it will not have time to rot in time. If the work is carried out in November, then you do not need to drive it into the ground. It is better to do this shortly before the April crops. Thanks to the slanted stems, the ground will not freeze too deep, so it will be ready for planting in the spring.

After mixing with the soil, the green mass quickly decomposes with sufficient moisture, resulting in a green manure. If necessary, it is possible to speed up the process of biomass fermentation by watering the greens embedded in the soil with one of the preparations of effective microorganisms (EM) or by adding ammonium nitrate.

You can not dig up the stems, leaving them on the ground as mulch. In this case, they will protect the soil from drying out and weeds.

If there is a lot of green mass, then its excess does not need to be buried in the ground, since in this case it will turn sour. So, the rest should be thrown into the compost pit, where the green manure quickly breaks down into other components. In addition, the green mass can be placed in a barrel of water or used as feed for birds and livestock.

Can you use oats in summer?

Oats do not tolerate hot weather, so it is not recommended to grow them in the summer heat. However, some gardeners prefer to use it in the summer as well, as it loosens loam and clay perfectly, removes putrefactive bacteria and excess moisture from the soil.

In summer, spring oats are used as mulch, which is laid in the aisles. To speed up the process of decomposition of green mass, it should be watered with a solution of biological fertilizer, and then covered with a layer of straw. Such manipulations will also keep moisture near the roots and help soil insects to gradually process plant residues and turn them into humus.

Video: oats as green manure

The method of weeding oats can be clearly seen in the video below:

Oats are a cereal crop that can be used for soil manure, because, thanks to its branched root system, it removes weeds well and loosens heavy clay soils, preventing them from cracking and drying out. In addition, the green mass of oats acts as an excellent fertilizer, as it saturates the soil with nitrogen, potassium and other useful elements.


City: Tomsk

Publications: 60

Common oats is a cereal herbaceous plant with one of the shortest terms of the full vegetation cycle.

Sown oats reach maturity in 2.5 - 4 months. A plant that is very unpretentious to the state of soil and climatic conditions, therefore, growing areas can vary from subtropics to northern regions.

1 Types of oats

Oat fields appeared in human life much earlier than wheat and rye. Ancient China and the Mongolian steppes are considered its distant homeland. Brought to us during the caravan routes of the late Bronze Age, this cereal gradually became one of the central ones in agriculture due to its versatility.

Winter and spring, grown for fertilizer, for green mass, as succulent fodder, or for hay, for harvesting for the winter, for grain for food - breeding and wild varieties of this cereal can satisfy any human need.

Different varieties of oat seeds for crops determine the difference in species (spring or winter, naked or filmy), color (yellow, brown or white) and panicle structure (spreading or one-mane). The yield of hulled oats is much higher than that of naked oats. This is due to the fact that the naked one crumbles easily and is very picky about sufficient soil moisture.

1.1 Winter oats

The main difference between varieties of winter oats is that the period of the full vegetation cycle lasts almost 250 days. A striking example is the winter variety of oats - "Antey", which in spring grows to a height of up to a meter or more, and in one brush manages to ripen from 30 to 60 seeds. The harvested crop yields 280 kg per 1 ha, and at the maximum yield level, up to 600 kg per hectare can be harvested.

Sowing oats "Antey" does not crumble by more than 3%. Shedding up to 6-7% can be observed if the grown cereal was exposed to sudden temperature changes at the time of ripening. Among other things, due to the increased tillering coefficient, up to 50 tons of green mass can be collected from one hectare, from which up to 4 tons of hay can be dried. Great feature, isn't it?

1.2 Spring oats

When to sow this cereal crop in the spring, the weather will tell you best. As soon as the snow melted from the fields, and the earth turned into porridge, you can't go wrong if you follow the saying "in the spring this oats straight into the mud." Sowing oats in the ground, in which there is a lot of moisture, will only help the grains swell and germinate faster. Therefore, it is possible to sow oats already at a temperature of -0 + 2 ° C, and even if frost hits later, the crops will survive.

There are many varieties and spring oats that can be sown in spring:

  • Solomon;
  • Fighter;
  • Samuel;
  • Lgovsky 78;
  • Horse;
  • Gait;
  • Chernigovsky 28;
  • Frazier;
  • Friend.

1.3 Diseases and pests of oats

Swedish fly, bread striped and stem fleas, sawflies, thrips, cereal aphids, scoops and moths, leech and nematode - this is not the whole list of those who are able to spoil not only the field, but also your mood.

Therefore, special insecticidal preparations have been developed that can prevent the invasion of harmful insects by simply spraying them during the growing season of the plant, depending on the instructions. This:

  • "Bi-58";
  • "Danadim";
  • "Landing";
  • "Binomial";
  • "Ditox";
  • "Imidor";
  • "Confidor Extra";
  • "Opercut";
  • "Kinfos";
  • "Rogor-S";
  • "Terradim";
  • "Fostran";
  • "Ephoria" and others.

2 Medicinal properties of oats

The advantages of oats over other cereals are in a huge amount of nutrients and minerals, vitamins and amino acids against the background of minimal calorie content. See how much it contains such important substances for our health:

  • Cellulose;
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc;
  • Magnesium;
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Methionine;
  • Phenylalanine;
  • Arginine;
  • B vitamins, etc.

Due to its unique biological and mineral composition, oat grains, leaves, roots and stems can become a panacea in the manufacture of many medicines for the treatment of many ailments.

With the help of tinctures and decoctions, you can:

  • treat the nervous system;
  • clean the body and intestines from toxins;
  • restore metabolism;
  • cure viral hepatitis;
  • cure ulcers and gastritis;
  • normalize the work of the heart;
  • affect the manifestations of dermatitis or diathesis;
  • make up for the lack of estrogen;
  • deal with disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • use as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Healing fees for diabetics are made from dried straw, and straw baths are recommended for various diseases of the joints. With excessive levels of cholesterol in the blood, dysfunctions of the liver and kidneys, insomnia and eczema - folk and official medicine are happy to use the healing properties of this amazing cereal.

2.1 Medicinal properties of sowing oats (video)

Oats are a grain crop that people learned about and began to cultivate long before wheat. It was this plant that began to be used as a green fertilizer, discovering the still unknown properties of oats.

There is more protein in oat grains than in wheat kernels, they are enriched with a set of vitamins. Oats are grown as a cereal, but it is much more useful to sow oats as green manure.

What are the advantages of oats as green manure?

Decaying in the ground, young green shoots of oats saturate the soil with organic and mineral substances, potassium, and phosphorus. According to the ability to feed the soil, oats are compared with rotted manure.

One sown oat is equal to 500 kg of manure, on an area of ​​2.5 acres. If there is a need to saturate the earth with nitrogen, then oats or legumes are sown as green manure - vetch-oat mixtures.

Oats contribute to loosening, strengthening the top fertile soil layer during crop growth. Therefore, it is possible to sow oats on heavy soil, which it will loosen, structure and contribute to filling with moisture, nitrogen and oxygen. On light soils, oat cover will help strengthen the upper fertile layer, protecting the site from natural weathering and washing out. Enriched with organic matter by growing oats on them, soils become more water-intensive.

Oats as green manure is a great way to get rid of. In this regard, not only oats are good, but all cereals in general. Dense crops of grain crops help to muffle the growth of weeds, covering the ground with a dense green "carpet".

On the site where oats were grown last year, you can plant any horticultural crop in the fruiting season, expecting a perfect harvest, with the exception of cereal crops.

If you are going to sow oats in the country, be aware that cereals are attractive to wireworms who like to feast on potatoes. Therefore, sowing oats before potatoes is not recommended, but after that it is welcomed, because, like other crops grown on the site, oats have a preventive effect in the fight against potato scab, nematodes, fungal diseases, and root rot.

The advantages of oat cultivation include the unpretentiousness of the culture, which sprouts on almost all types of soil: black soil, peat bogs, acidic podzols, clay and sandy soils, loams.

Oats - an irreplaceable cereal crop

In nature, both annual and perennial species of oats grow, although the latter are much less common than the former. This representative of cereals, at the beginning of the growing season, forms a loose bush with leafy stems with an average height of 50-120 cm. Oats are an early crop that feels great in a temperate climate, therefore it is grown everywhere. It is grown for the purpose of cultivation, as a grain crop, as a green manure - green manure. It is insensitive to low positive temperatures, which allows sowing cereals as soon as the soil reaches physiological ripeness.

Oats are a moisture-loving plant, therefore, when it is important to take this fact into account and provide favorable conditions for the cereal. Agronomists register thin seedlings when grown in dry conditions and the further absence of the formation of a dense vegetative mass. Oats are a sun-loving crop. Although it is not demanding on the type of soil, but on the "poor" land, the coefficient of tillering and stalking is lower than usual. Therefore, if you are going to plant oats in fresh soil, it is recommended to multiply the seeding rate, especially if oats are grown as a fertilizer.

When is the best time to sow oats?

The timing of sowing oats is flexible. In central Russia, most people who cultivate oats start sowing as soon as the snow melts and you can get into the garden. Although farmers recommend waiting until the soil warms up and becomes “warmer” closer to mid-April.

If the spring sowing did not work out, then such a grain crop as oats can be sown until mid-September, even in autumn. Because cereals love moisture, be prepared to keep your crops properly hydrated in dry weather.

Features of seed dressing

Before sowing oats by hand, do not forget to disinfect and pickle oat grains with potassium permanganate. This will help protect them from diseases and pests, and provide resistance to adverse weather conditions. Oat seeds are kept for 20 minutes in a 1% solution and washed with running cold water.

Technology of sowing oat seeds

Siderat is sown in bulk on large plots or in rows on small summer cottages. The soil is previously loosened and cleared of weeds. Seed consumption rates for sowing:

  • in bulk - 16-22 grams per m 2; 165-205 grams - per 1 acre of land;
  • in rows - 10-11 grams per m 2; 1000 grams - per 1 acre of land.

After sowing, the grains are covered to a depth of 2.5-3.5 cm by harrowing the area with a rake. Now you know how to sow oats in a summer cottage or garden with your own hands and without the use of agricultural technology.

Fertilizers for oat crops

To ensure good seedlings and further growth and bushiness of oats, use:

  • granular fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures, regardless of NPK composition;
  • granulated potassium chloride;
  • granules or crystals of ammonium sulfate;
  • fertilizers (suitable "Kaligmat" in granules).

How and when is oats mowing?

Early spring sowing of cereals provides early harvests of plant masses. At the same time, the timing of mowing directly depends on the goals of growing crops.

You can start harvesting after 40 days if you decide to sow green manure oats early. When the seedlings gain a height of about 17-23 cm, you can get to work.

Starting mowing, be guided by the timing of planting garden crops. If in the spring you are going to plant vegetables on the site after oats, then mowing and planting greenery in the ground (as well as other green manure) is carried out no later than 14 days before planting vegetables.

By mowing and planting seedlings into the soil, it is possible to ensure systematic watering of the site. This helps to speed up the process of decomposition of green oats. To avoid souring of green manure, it is covered with a thin layer. Leftover green fertilizer is often sent to the compost pit, applied to mulch, or donated to pet food. In any case, the greens will not disappear.

Oats are not only a useful grain crop, but, as it turned out, a high-quality fertilizer of natural origin - green manure. Now you know how to fertilize the land without using chemicals to get a healthy and rich harvest for the fall. The subtleties of growing and cultivating oat greens described in the article will help you understand the intricacies of the soil fertilization process and grow high-quality oats, no matter how you plan to use it in the future.

Oats are both a nutritious unpretentious cereal crop and green seedlings that are useful for humans and pets. It is worth figuring out how to plant oats in the ground or germinate them at home in order to reap a good harvest on the site or get nutritious sprouts in a city apartment.

By knowing how to plant oats, you will provide your cat with fresh herbs.

Grain preparation

The first stage of growing oats, the same for sowing in the ground or in a pot, is its pre-sowing treatment. What is needed for this:

  • Make a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Soak the seeds for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with clean water.

This procedure is necessary for the disinfection of grain, it reduces the risk of mold. To prevent the grains from sticking to your hands when planting, they must be completely dry.

How to plant oats in a tray

To grow oats, you will need a shallow bowl, a tray for potted flowers or seedlings. The larger the diameter of the container, the more grass can be grown in it. You need to fill the container with earth, you can use a soil mixture from a flower shop. Keep in mind that oats love acidic soil.

  • Pour a layer of earth as thick as a finger.
  • Sprinkle oats evenly.
  • Cover the top with a layer of earth about 1 cm.
  • Water the earth.

For optimal humidity and temperature, a greenhouse effect is arranged. To do this, cover the container with a film. Until seedlings appear, the grain does not need oxygen. When sprouts appear, the film is removed so that they have enough light and oxygen.

Oats require high humidity; when the soil dries out, the sprouts will quickly die. Therefore, you need to regularly moisten the earth with a spray bottle. However, be careful not to let the water stand, especially if the container does not have drainage holes.

In order to have a constant supply of young greens, oats are sown in several trays with an interval of two weeks. While the animal eats grass from one bowl, a fresh portion will grow up.

How to plant oats in the ground

Oats are sown in the ground at the end of September, after a full harvest. This culture is very fond of moist soil, so if the autumn is dry, the crops need to be watered regularly. The technology for planting oats on a personal plot consists of the following stages:

  • Dig and loosen the soil.
  • Make parallel grooves with a stick at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. If desired, you can do without grooves, just spreading the grain evenly.
  • Sow oat grains in the furrows not too thick.
  • Walk around the site with a rake, carefully covering the grain with earth. The depth of embedding should be no more than 4 cm.
  • Plentifully water the area with a sprinkler (rain).

After a week, the first shoots will appear, and after a month, the ground with green oats can be dug up. Earthworms will gladly eat greens, generously fertilizing the soil.

As you can see, planting oats at home or in the country is not at all difficult. All you need is timely watering, heat and light. If you plant oats in cultural flowerpots or trays, they will not only become a source of vitamins for your pet, but also an original interior decoration.