Repair Design Furniture

What is the name of the heater. What is the ideal option? Types of heating systems, their advantages. How to choose a convector heater for your home

Apartment, office, cottage or maybe a garage? How many square meters are there? How often and for how long do you intend to turn on your acquisition? Is the building where the appliance will be located heated? The fact is that the area that it can heat directly depends on the power. For one square meter of unheated space with good thermal insulation, at least 100 W is needed; but if you want to buy a heater at home so as not to freeze in severe frosts, then in a room of 20-25 sq.m. a unit of one and a half kilowatts will be enough.

The sun can be home

To make an accurate calculation, you also need to take into account the temperature difference between inside and outside the room, thermal insulation, the number of windows, the location of the apartment, the number of people living in it, the material from which the floors and roof of the building are made, as well as whether this building is new or old. And do not forget about household appliances like TVs and computers.

If there are two windows in a room or office, or one of the walls is external, then the heat consumption will definitely increase. Do not forget that the height of the ceilings also matters: the lower they are, the fewer the number of final power calculations will be.

Types of heaters

Each heating device is good in its own way, but you need to choose the one that is best suited for your purposes. Someone needs to work calmly in warmth, someone wants to dry wallpaper and damp walls, someone's apartment is cold even with central heating batteries. All heaters have their pros and cons, but you should not buy a unit without knowing what it is actually intended for.

Oil radiator

The most common so far are oil coolers. The principle of their operation is simple and unpretentious: an electric coil (heater) or a ceramic heater heats up under the influence of current and transfers excess heat to mineral oil. It heats the sealed enclosure, and the enclosure, in turn, heats the air in the room. If the oil boils, the safety valve located at the bottom of the housing will work. To increase the peace of mind of the owners of radiators, thermal fuses are provided in such devices that turn off the unit when overheated; a dropped radiator will also not cause harm: the rollover protection mode will work.

The oil cooler consists of several sections, each of which increases the heated area. They can be from 5 to 15, depending on the model. The more sections, the better the device gives off heat and the less hot it needs to be to provide the desired heating power. If we take two radiators of the same power, but with a different number of sections, we will immediately see that the unit, in which there are fewer sections, will heat up much more, and will provide the same performance. Therefore, it is better to buy a heater with 10-15 sections.

You can choose a radiator to match the color of the wallpaper

Any heating device dries the air. In other words, as the temperature rises, the relative humidity decreases. To support health and immunity, it would be good to buy a humidifier along with the heater, or at least choose a radiator model equipped with a built-in humidifier with a water tank and a fan.

There are models that have a special casing-screen with holes at the bottom and top. Because of the holes, the convection draft increases and, accordingly, the heating rate. The greatest thrust is at the pyramidal casing.

Oil coolers are considered environmentally friendly appliances. They are the best suited for constant heating of the apartment, but I note that in large rooms the heat will be distributed unevenly. There are radiators with fans that disperse heat around the room and allow you to quickly enter the main mode, but there are few such models, they rarely appear on store shelves. Radiators warm up to the operating temperature rather slowly, about 20-30 minutes, besides, they weigh from 10 to 30 kg - they have to be transported on wheels.

Cheap oil coolers are controlled by mechanics, the heating temperature on them can be set with an accuracy of 5 degrees Celsius.

In expensive and high-quality models, electronics reign. Usually, remote controls are included with them, and a display is provided on the radiator itself, on which information about the operation of the device is visible. On such heaters, you can set the temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 degrees Celsius.

NeoClima NC 9409 D does not bring slippers to the owner

Oil coolers accelerate slowly, but retain heat much longer after shutdown. They are recognized as the safest heating devices, do not burn oxygen, are silent and easy to operate.

fan heaters

Their predecessors were those same reflectors from the seventies, pretty fire hazardous and unsightly in appearance. Grasping such a thing with an unprotected hand, one could get a serious burn. But progress, fortunately, does not stand still. Current appliances of this type are equipped with fans.

Their design is elementary. The air is heated by a heating element, an open coil or a ceramic heater, and the fan delivers it to the room. To heat the room more evenly, the fan rotates in the housing; There are models that have a blowing zone up to 180 degrees.

Fan heater Vitek VT-1752 BK with a rotating housing

Fan heaters are installed on the floor, table and other horizontal surfaces, or hung on the wall. They are mainly used if additional heating is needed for a small office or living room.

If there is a fan, then there is noise. At high speeds, this noise turns into a howl and roar, which gets on the nerves of both people and pets. For those who want to heat the apartment at night with a fan heater, it’s good to know that the sound volume should be no more than 30-40 dB. Open coil models burn oxygen and pollute the air. But these heaters are very economical, quickly distribute heat throughout the room, are inexpensive and do not spoil even the most sophisticated interior design.

Heat guns

Fan heaters of high power, from 3 to 20 kW, are called heat guns. They have a metal case; they are usually installed on the floor. The heat gun works constantly, and not cyclically, like a fan heater, so they are used to heat garages, construction cabins, workshops, warehouses, as well as dry plaster and wallpaper in wet weather.

Heat gun Ballu BPH-3C

You can imagine how noisy they are. But they can drive air around the clock and provide more or less normal temperature in unheated rooms.

They cost about five times more than conventional fan heaters.


This heater works in much the same way as a fan heater, but the air enters the heating element in a natural way, without adjusting the blades. Heavier cold air enters the convector from below, heats up, and exits through the grate with guide flaps. The difference in density between cold and hot air creates draft like in a pipe.

The body does not need to be heated, so it takes no more than 70 seconds to heat up the air flow. The convector is not as fast in operation as a fan heater, but it looks much better, does not make noise at all, is compact and very easy to operate. In addition, the temperature of the case walls does not creep beyond 90 degrees Celsius, and the wall behind it heats up to only 45 degrees, so it can even be hung on wooden panels. There are models of convectors with a body wall temperature of up to 55 degrees; they were designed specifically for children's rooms.

Beautiful, gives warmth, does not spoil the interior

The lower the convector is located, the more efficient it works. In houses with glass walls, it is built into the floor. In general, a convector is an ideal heater for rooms with large windows: it blocks the drafts.

Convectors are often used as a replacement for central heating in country houses. One device is built into or hung in each room that needs to be heated, all of them are connected by a common cable and a special programmer cassette is inserted into one of them. You can make individual blocks of the network work in their own mode. If the cable is not to your liking, then buy a model controlled by radio signals from the central console. There are convectors that can protect the house from freezing by automatically maintaining the temperature at 5-8 degrees Celsius.

Only the cheapest models of convectors have the effect of "burning oxygen": dust, falling on the heated body, burns out and gives a very unpleasant odor.

Thermal curtains

They are placed in window and door openings to prevent cold air from entering the room, and warm air from leaking out of it, and at the same time control the temperature. They create a flow of air directed from top to bottom, and thereby separate zones with different temperatures from each other, reduce drafts and prevent dust and insects from entering the office or sales floor of the store. Thermal curtains are usually placed near doors, windows or gates, but it is quite possible to heat a small room with them.

Let's say "No!" outdoor air

To choose the right thermal curtain, you need to know exactly the width and height of the openings. They must exactly match the width and height of the curtain in order to eliminate annoying accidents like a gap into which cold air will blow from the street. The minimum height of the thermal curtain is from 1 to 2.5 meters, the maximum height is from 1 to 4 meters.

Typically, thermal curtains are installed horizontally above a door or window opening. For special cases, there are models with vertical installation on the side of the opening. If you want to change the position of the curtain, then you need to buy a device that can be placed both horizontally and vertically.

Thermal curtains can be used in summer to keep the air cool in the room.

There are thermal curtains with the so-called "stitch" element. It consists of a dielectric tape, stitched on both sides with a chrome-nickel helix. Such air curtains are more reliable than conventional ones (with a heating element), cheap, durable, economical and have a good heating rate.

For very large warehouses or workshops, it is better to purchase several thermal curtains.

Electric fireplaces

What could be better than the good old evening gatherings by a stone or copper-lined fireplace, where burning logs crackle so comfortably? Unless sitting by an electric fireplace, much safer, but just as attractive.

From him breathes the spirit of history, and not the smell of burning

For electric fireplaces, you do not need to lay out a chimney and buy firewood, make a fire, clean the shelves from soot and remove coal. An electric firebox with lighting and a decorative portal case - that's all a simple device. There are two types of electric fireplaces: free-standing, for which you can find a corner in any corner of the house, even in the hallway or on the wall of the farthest room, and built-in, imitating a real fireplace - they already need to be mounted not just anywhere, but only in specially designated places where good fire safety is ensured.

Infrared heaters

They have not only the usual internal heating element, but also an infrared emitter that heats the floor, walls and furniture directly under the device itself. They, in turn, give off heat to the air. We can say that infrared heating is similar to sunlight. On the front panel of the infrared heater are thin quartz tubes or lamps; they are quite fragile, therefore they are protected by gratings; Quartz glass has good thermal conductivity, is resistant to temperature changes and expands less than all materials when heated.

Heat can come from the ceiling

The infrared heater can be used not only indoors, dry or damp like a bathroom, but also outdoors. If the building has very high ceilings and huge halls, then without such devices it will, of course, be possible to warm it up, but it will be too difficult and costly. But with the help of an infrared heater, you can make warm, for example, one workplace in a giant room without paying a penny for heating the entire room.

There are models of infrared heaters with sealed enclosures. They are usually used in rooms with high humidity to save them from a fungus that loves to live on tiles, walls and ceilings.

Infrared heaters, in turn, are of four types: quartz, carbon, halogen and mikathermic.

Quartz heaters

Everything is very simple: all the air was pumped out of the quartz tube and a tungsten filament was inserted into it.

quartz heater

Under the influence of current, the thread heats up to 2,000 degrees Celsius and becomes a source of infrared radiation.

Carbon heaters

If the tungsten filament in a vacuum quartz tube is replaced with carbon fiber, which has a higher thermal conductivity, then a carbon heater will be obtained.

Carbon heater is very similar to a spotlight

True, such tubes break easily, and devices with them are much more expensive, but a carbon heater takes little electricity, does not burn oxygen, does not dry the air, heats up quickly and cools down quickly after being turned off.

Halogen heaters

We fill the vacuum in the quartz tube with an inert gas with small impurities - at the output we have a halogen heater. Tungsten particles in such an environment do not stick to the inside of the tube, but settle back onto the filament. The metal in these conditions is heated more strongly, so the room heats up much faster.

Halogen heater NeoClima NHH-11A

Halogen heaters have one small drawback: the lamp shines too brightly.

Micathermal heaters

Several layers of light non-metallic plates, each of which is covered with two layers of mica - this is an infrared heater created using Micathermic technology.

Heater Polaris PMH-1579D

It is silent, efficient, safe (maximum case temperature does not exceed 60 degrees Celsius), economical and very good-looking. To heat a room with an area of ​​25-30 square meters, he will need less than 1.5 kW of electricity.

Myths about the dangers of infrared heaters

Many people ask themselves: is the infrared device that I am going to buy safe? After all, radiation is not harmless warm air from a fan or convector! Okay, let's try to figure it out.

Infrared radiation is widely used in modern medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Infrared heaters do not burn out oxygen and evenly heat the room.

The radiation spectrum of infrared heaters is exactly the same as that of the sun's rays.

Under the influence of infrared radiation, sleep and general well-being of people improve, the content of melatonin in the blood increases.

Infrared heaters are used to treat asthma, skin infections, muscle strains, and are also used in weight loss and recovery programs for athletes after injuries.

Infrared radiation is very popular with animals.

Warm bed with infrared heater for kittens and puppies

Infrared emitters are used in astronautics.

I think this list is enough to dispel the doubts of those who consider infrared heaters harmful to the health of people and pets.

Types of heating elements

In heaters are used: TEN, an open spiral or a ceramic heater.

TEN - a tubular heater, in which the spiral is hidden inside. The maximum heating temperature of the heating element reaches 200 degrees Celsius.

An open spiral heats up to 800 degrees Celsius, starts to heat up much faster than a heating element, but burns oxygen and emits combustion products that are not the most healthy for health into the air.

Heat-resistant ceramic plates are used in ceramic heaters.

Fan heater with ceramic heating element Prorab PTC 1501 R

Metal coils are connected to their edges. The heat is absorbed by the ceramic plate, and only then it spreads into the air. The operating temperature of ceramic heaters is lower than that of a heating element or an open coil, they give off heat faster, and cool down almost immediately after turning off the device from the network.

Inside and outside

Let's see what is so interesting in modern heaters. They do the same thing, but differ in the number of additional functions and operation controls.

Ventilation without heating

Usually used as a nice bonus. In winter, when the central heating radiators are heated, the fan can mix the air without turning on the heating element itself, and in the summer it will replace the usual room fan.

Frost protection

For those who do not live in a cottage in winter or want to protect their cottage from the cold, experts advise purchasing a heater with the function of protecting the room from freezing. It will maintain a temperature of 5-8 degrees, and the walls of the building will be reliably protected.


Negatively charged ions are said to improve blood circulation, metabolism and stabilize the nervous system. The ionizer built into the case will trap dust and enrich the air with those same negative ions.

Convector Timberk TEC.PS1 ML 15 IN with ionizer

From fatigue and poor health, even traces will not remain.

Overheat shutdown

A fuse or overheat sensor is installed at the air outlet. If the outlet is closed or does not work as it should, the heater will turn off.

Rollover shutdown

The oil cooler must be installed vertically so that the oil circulates inside it. If the heater falls on its side, the circulation is disturbed, the oil overheats and the heating element may burn out. To prevent this from happening, a safety valve is built into the lower part of the case, which turns off the device when the oil boils. Fan heaters are also equipped with a protective device that protects the fallen heater from breakage, and the room from fire.

Delayed start

How nice to come after work in a warm apartment! If the heater has a delayed start function, then the dream will become a reality: the device will automatically turn on at the set time. There are also timers with a delayed shutdown mode.

dust filter

Fan heaters, convectors and thermal curtains have special filters that clean the air from dust. They are usually built into heaters with a hidden heating element.


In order for the heater to maintain a constant temperature in the room, choose a model with a built-in thermostat.

Convector Ballu Plaza BEP/E-2000

The sensor will turn off the device if it heats up above the set temperature, and turn it on when it is necessary to warm the air to normal.

Heaters, children and animals

If there are pets in the apartment, then you will have to take care of their safety, and at the same time reduce the risk of a heater breakdown, not to mention a fire. A fan heater and an oil cooler may well give them a far from heavenly life. Even a small dog can knock over the appliance, and a large one can also crush the fan heater grate. Therefore, in houses where there are animals, experts advise buying convectors or infrared heaters.

Young children also like to push heaters, drop them on the floor, or check how hot the surface of an oil cooler is. Adding to this the knowledge that fan heaters burn oxygen and make a lot of noise, you can immediately figure out which devices should not be purchased in order to protect the health and nerves of children. In apartments where kids live, it is best to install infrared heaters, convectors or, at worst, thermal curtains.

Many models, good and different

Have you already chosen the type of heater, figured out where it will stand and how much electricity to spend? Then it's time to see what models are offered to you by firms from all over the world.

Timberk TCH A1N

Infrared mikathermic heater with power from 0.75 kW to 1.5 kW. Heating area 16 square meters, two power levels, there is a timer, thermostat, remote control. The heater can be mounted on the ceiling or wall; of the protective functions there is a shutdown in case of overheating. The edges of the plates are wavy - because of this, the heating rate increases by 15% and the heat transfer area increases. Dimensions: 1265x283x64 mm, weight 8 kg.

Timberk TCH A1N costs about 3,000 rubles. Buyers say that it heats up just fine, silent, heats up quickly and cools down quickly.

Noirot Melodie Evolution 750

0.75 kW convector with electronic control. Mounted on the wall, heats an area of ​​10 square meters. The built-in ASIC thermostat maintains the temperature with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees; in case of overheating, the convector switches off automatically. The special "shell" coating of the all-cast monometallic RX Silence PLUS heating element increases the heat transfer area, and the mimetic coating of the heater body "adjusts" it to the color prevailing in the interior. The device has an IP 24 protection rating (splash proof), so it can be installed in bathrooms. Dimensions: 1060x150x80 mm, weight 3.5 kg.

Central heating may not be enough to heat a home during a harsh winter. Nowadays, many different types of heaters have appeared, differing in the principles of their work. This article will help you choose the right heater for your home.

Most household heaters are powered by electricity. The choice of a heater for a summer house will differ significantly from the choice of a device for heating a living room in an apartment.

Consider the main types of heating devices, their pros and cons.

fan heater

Fan heaters are large and small. As a heating element in such devices, a metal spiral, tubular heating element or ceramic plates are used. A fan is installed at the back. When turned on, the heating element quickly reaches a high temperature, and the fan actively blows warm air out.

Due to convection, the room is heated very quickly. After 15-20 minutes, you can feel the increase in temperature in the room. Most models are equipped with a power and temperature regulator, and also have the function of turning off the fan if necessary. More expensive devices have the option of ionization and humidification of the air, the possibility of remote control, a timer, a rotary mechanism.

Modern fan heaters are available in various designs: horizontal, vertical, oval, square, rectangular, floor and wall. The body of most devices is made of plastic.
Advantages of fan heaters

  1. Inexpensive.
  2. The range includes small models that can be placed under your feet (for example, when working at a table), on bedside tables and tables for local heating.
  3. Almost all models have a protection function, and the device turns off when dropped or turned over on its side.
  4. Light weight makes it easy to carry the device from room to room, take it with you to a country house.
  5. Outside, it is impossible to get burned by such a heater: all elements are reliably protected, and the blown air does not exceed a temperature of +43 degrees.
  6. Small appliances have a power of the order of 1-1.5 kilowatts and consume not so much energy.


  1. The fan makes noise during operation. If you turn it on at night, then you can not fall asleep because of the hum.
  2. Dry the air quickly.
  3. Not suitable for heating a large room. The larger the device, the more energy it absorbs and the more noise it makes.
  4. They break more often and faster than other types of heaters (a weak point is heating elements that simply burn out with frequent and prolonged use).

Fan heaters are suitable for quickly heating small rooms and certain areas. But as a heating device for constant operation in winter, it is not suitable. To do this, there are more practical and silent types of heaters.

oil heater

For those who are looking for energy-saving heating appliances, oil heaters are the best choice.

The design of such devices is similar to central heating radiators and is designed for floor installation. Inside the sections there is a thermostat and mineral oil that can retain heat for a very long time.

You can find devices with built-in fans located on the side of the case. All modern models are equipped with multi-stage temperature controllers. There are devices with timers and other "chips".

You can use the oil heater at any time: it is completely silent.
Advantages of oil heaters

  1. Durability. They serve for a long time without breakdowns, do not require any maintenance.
  2. Silent operation.
  3. Economical energy consumption. The oil keeps heat for a long time, and after maximum heating, you can lower the temperature to medium, the radiator will remain hot for another 30 minutes. Even after a complete shutdown, the unit will be warm for a long time.
  4. The appliances have wheels.
  5. Suitable for long-term operation and heating of large rooms. The heater can be kept on almost constantly, it is designed for long continuous operation.


  1. Warms up for a long time. It will take at least 20 minutes for maximum warm-up.
  2. No burn protection. The case, made of metal, is not protected by anything and when you touch it, you can easily get burned.
  3. Due to its size and heavy weight, the oil heater is not so easy to transport. For example, to take him to the country, you will definitely need a car with a trunk.
  4. High price. Good oil coolers are not so cheap, although you can’t call them very expensive either.
  5. Dries the air. This disadvantage is inherent in many heating devices. The problem can be solved with the help of automatic humidifiers or simply by placing a container of water near the unit.

Despite all the disadvantages, an oil heater is the most profitable of all if additional heat is needed constantly.


These types of heaters are similar in their principle of operation with fan heaters. The convector draws air from outside, passes it through the heating element and drives it out already warm. The devices consist of a rectangular body with holes at the top through which air circulates.

The difference with a conventional fan heater is that the air flow in convectors is due to the process of natural convection. Most manufacturers try to use a ceramic heating element that does not burn oxygen and dust as much.

The convectors themselves are silent, but there are models with built-in fans. Noise is inevitable when the fan is running. Units can be floor-mounted, wall-mounted, or a combination of both. The body of the convectors is narrow, so they look great on the wall without stealing space.

Many modern inverter-type models are electronically controlled with timers and other convenient options. In terms of energy consumption, they are not much different from oil heaters.
Advantages of convectors

  1. Heat the room evenly.
  2. Compact, suitable not only for floor, but also wall placement.
  3. Silent operation.
  4. Lots of adjustments.
  5. High degree of security. The housing does not get hot enough to cause burns when touched. The convectors also have protection against overheating.
  6. Affordable price.


  1. Warming up takes a long time.
  2. Burns a lot of oxygen.
  3. You can choose a heater for a convector-type apartment for those who lack central heating. Convectors can be hung right under the windows, and they will replace the batteries.

For giving

In summer cottages, as a rule, they do not spend much time in winter. For suburban areas, fan heaters or IR heaters are suitable. They almost instantly give heat and quickly heat the room.

For those who live in the country for a long time, an oil appliance can be recommended. It will gently warm the air and, if there is a timer, will not require too much energy.

For children

For bathroom

The bathroom has increased humidity and is non-residential. So, you need a device that quickly warms up and reduces the level of humidity. Fan heaters work best for this purpose.

For the bathroom, models with a high degree of tightness and isolation of the electrical system are suitable.

Which heater heats the best?

The properties of a home heater in terms of the degree of heating depend not so much on its system, but on its power. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately answer which heater heats better.

Although if we compare oil and infrared devices, then they really have a different principle of operation, but this does not affect the degree of radiated heat. On average, for a dwelling up to 10 sq.m. with good thermal insulation, a 1.5 kW heater will suffice. If the apartment is cold, with high ceilings and concrete walls, then you should choose a more powerful device (up to 2-2.5 kW).

Top Producers

The best manufacturers of oil heaters:

  1. Ballu.
  2. Electrolux.
  3. Vitek.
  4. DeLonghi.
  5. Vitesse.

The best manufacturers of convectors:

  1. Timberk.
  2. noirot spot.
  3. Electrolux
  4. Roda Deluxe.
  5. Alpine Air.
  6. Nobo.

The best manufacturers of IR heaters:

  1. Ballu.
  2. Polaris.
  3. Zenet
  4. neoclima.

The best manufacturers of fan heaters:

  1. Ballu.
  2. Vitek.
  3. Timberk.

Which heaters are the most economical and efficient?

In terms of efficiency, heaters can be distributed as follows:

  1. infrared.
  2. Oil coolers.
  3. inverter convectors.
  4. Mechanical convectors.
  5. Fan heaters.

The efficiency of heating directly depends on the power and dimensions of the device, as well as on the room itself. Brick walls heat up faster than concrete walls, and rooms with high ceilings take longer to warm up than rooms with low ceilings.

Top heaters

We present a brief overview of popular heaters with good performance, great for residential buildings and apartments.

Oil model with a heating power of 1500 watts. The unit is able to heat up to 20 sq.m within a couple of hours. living space. The radiator has 7 sections, an adjustable thermostat, protection against overheating and falling. Placement type - outdoor. The average price of a heater is 2300 rubles.

Another good floor type oil heater with a maximum power of 1500 watts. It also has 7 sections, several temperature settings. Outside there is a light indicator of inclusion. There is a convenient cord storage compartment at the bottom, and a handle at the top for comfortable movement. The design is in dark color. Estimated cost - 1900 rubles.

This is an electronically controlled convector model with a power of up to 1500 watts. The unit can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted. The LED display shows the selected settings. An excellent model in all respects - it is better not to find a home. You can buy Noirot Spot E-5 1500 for 8000 rubles.

The compact convector heater is designed for a room no larger than 13 m / sq. It can be placed on the floor or mounted on the wall. Control type - mechanical. The case has protection against moisture, and the heating element is protected from overheating. The model is suitable for the nursery, as it is safe for the child. The device has an economical price - 2300-2500 rubles.

The convector heater is designed for an area up to 20 m / sq. The model has an electronically controlled display. The indicator light lights up when turned on. The tight case reliably isolates electric elements from moisture. In case of overheating, the unit switches off automatically. You can place the convector on the wall or install it on the floor by attaching wheels to it. The average cost of the model is 7500 rubles.

The 2500 W oil heater has 11 sections and is designed to heat a room up to 25 sq. meters. For ease of movement there are wheels and a convenient handle. The model has several degrees of protection and an adjustable thermostat. On the case there is a light indicator and mechanical switches. When heated, the unit does not produce the slightest noise. You can buy UNIT UOR-123 within 2800 rubles.

The electric convector is also focused on heating a large area - 20-25 m2. The monolithic case protects internal mechanisms from moisture. The device has 2 forms of placement - on the floor and on the wall. The model is suitable for a large apartment, house. The average price is 9000-9500 rubles.

The heater of convector type is executed in the black case. The model is equipped with electronic control, remote control, display, light indicator. The power level of the device is 1500 watts. The device will quickly heat a room of 15-18 m2. The device provides protection against moisture, frost and overheating. The cost is in the range of 4600-5000 rubles.

The fan heater has a power of 1200 watts. Compact rectangular case does not take up much space. You can install the device on the floor or on a cabinet. The model has protection against overheating. The temperature level is adjustable. In summer, you can use the device as a regular fan. The average price is 4000 rubles.

Our rating is completed by another convector model with a power of 2000 watts. Advantages - shutdown in case of overheating, several steps of temperature control. The moisture-proof housing allows you to place the heater even in the bathroom. Installation, like most convectors, wall and floor. Estimated price of the model - 10000r.

Before buying, be sure to ask the seller for a fire safety certificate for a specific model and a warranty card.

Any heater will dry the air in an enclosed space. If you intend to use the heater often, it would be a smart decision to purchase an automatic humidifier. A low level of humidity is harmful to health and is especially contraindicated for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

Typeoil radiatoroil radiatoroil radiatorthermal fan
Heating area20 sq.m20 sq.m20 sq.m13 sq.m20 sq.m23 sq.m25 sq.m20 sq.m15 sq.m20 sq.m
Heating power1500 W1500 W1500 W1000 W1500 W2300 W2000 W1500 W1200 W1200 W
Protective functionsoverheat shutdownfrost protection, waterproof housingwaterproof caseoverheat shutdownwaterproof casefrost protection, overheating shutdownoverheat shutdown, rollover shutdownthermal shutdown, waterproof housing
Pricefrom 2400 rub.from 2100 rub.from 8500 rub.from 2850 rub.from 5000 rub.from 3300 rub.from 8100 rub.from 4600 rub.from 4700 rub.from 11200 rub.
Where can I buy

If in the exhausting summer heat air conditioners become bestsellers, then with the onset of cold weather, household heaters take over the baton of favorites according to the criteria of demand. Their use in private houses and apartments is bound to improve the quality of living in the cold season.

Have you also thought about buying, but do not know how to choose a heater among the impressive range offered by a number of manufacturers? We will help you understand this issue in detail - the article discusses various types of heating devices, their pros and cons are given.

We also analyzed the intricacies of determining the required power depending on the dimensions of the room, supplementing this article for clarity with thematic photos and video recommendations for choosing the optimal type of heater for the home.

The power of the device is one of the key characteristics when choosing a heater. The area of ​​the room to which heat is supposed to be supplied is another decisive factor.

If the area of ​​​​the room is not heated, but has good thermal insulation, then 1.5 kW of unit power per 27 m² will be enough. If the room has a heating system, then a heater with a power of 1 kW is ideal for additional heating of an average room of 25 m².

What else needs to be considered for a more accurate calculation:

  • temperature difference inside and outside the room;
  • the level of thermal insulation of windows and their number;
  • on which side the apartment or house is located - sunny, shady;
  • the number of people living;
  • the age of the building;
  • the number of equipment with heat transfer (refrigerators, televisions, computers);
  • ceiling height - the lower they are, the lower the heater power.

Basically, for a typical apartment with ceilings of 2.5 meters and an area of ​​​​24-27 m², a device with a power of 2500 watts is suitable. For a smaller area (20-22 m²) a 2000 W device is required, etc.

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The fan heater is also called the “fastest” heater of all existing ones. If you need to warm up in an emergency, turn on the fan heater

List of advantages of fan heaters:

  • Speed. The fastest heating of air, thanks to intensive circulation of a stream.
  • Versatility. It can be used as a heater in winter and as a fan in summer.
  • System protection. The thermostat prevents the appliance from overheating.
  • Wide choose. Large selection of models - mobile, stationary, etc.
  • High efficiency (85%). Due to the high performance, energy costs are reduced.

The disadvantages include the fact of undesirable air drying. The units are noisy during operation, sometimes they burn dust and spread a negative smell. The latest models are protected from dust settling on the working body and from moisture ingress into the system.

Most fan heaters are small portable models used as a source of additional heat.

The fan heater can serve as an additional source of heat, in the presence of the main heating, since the radius of its action is limited. The main thing is to choose the right device. In order not to be mistaken in this matter, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the material on.

Type #4 - thermal curtains

Such devices are most often used to supplement engineering communications systems at commercial and industrial facilities - factory workshops, supermarkets, shopping centers.

But in private homes, thermal curtains are also sometimes installed to create a barrier to cold air and keep the heat indoors. Devices create a stream of warm air from top to bottom. Such a unit is able to heat a small room (25 m²).

The systems work according to the principle common to all heaters. In the case of devices there is a heating element and a fan of high power. A powerful fan directs the air flow in a specific direction, the heating element heats it.

In addition to the standard heating work, the units create an air barrier to drafts.

Thermal curtains are mainly used as additional heat generating elements. They will be appropriate above the front door of a country house.

Device advantages:

  • Profitability. Contribute to the conservation of heat, tk. creating a barrier to the penetration of air from the outside, at the same time prevent its leakage to the outside.
  • Excellent protection. Does not let street dust, harmful exhausts and insects into the room. Isolates the space from cold air currents.

Among the minuses are high cost and increased energy consumption. They are able to heat only a small room and are mainly used in combination with other heating equipment.

Automatic control of air curtains allows you to control their operation without much effort, simply by setting the desired setting, focusing on the size of the opening and the outside temperature

Type #5 - classic electric fireplaces

This device is very often used as an interior element, focusing more on its aesthetics than on functional qualities. However, electric fireplaces are able to qualitatively heat the room. There are many types of this climatic equipment: island, corner, built-in, suspended, mobile.

Structural elements of electric fireplaces:

  • Heating system. Heating coils or heating elements are located on the top of the panel.
  • Air supply device. The built-in ventilation system supplies air to the heating elements, and then to the room, while cooling the case and preventing overheating.

The thermostat controls the operation of the fireplace in automatic mode, reacting to changes in the temperature background. Devices can also perform a decorative function - imitate a fire with illumination.

Some modern type electric fireplaces have a backlight, a sleep timer, a decorative fire burn rate control, and even a volume control.

The positive aspects of the electric fireplace:

  • Simplicity. It does not require special installation, unlike a wood-burning fireplace. Does not require time-consuming maintenance and cleaning from carbon deposits.
  • Aesthetics. Creates a special atmosphere in the room. Thanks to a variety of models, it fits easily into urban and country interiors.

Electric fireplaces do not require a separate room, they do not emit combustion products, for the removal of which it is necessary to arrange a chimney.

An electric fireplace is able to heat a room as the main source of heat in accordance with the power ratings.

The downside lies in the high power consumption of 2-2.5 W per hour in active mode. Laying modern-style wiring is mandatory - old wiring may not withstand voltage and cause a fire. The fireplace dries the air and “burns out” the oxygen.

If you still want to get a fireplace, but the electric option does not suit you, we recommend that you pay attention to.

Type #6 - infrared heater

Infrared options are considered a new generation of technology and differ from fireplaces and oil radiators in a different principle of operation. Their action is directed to the objects in the room.

Heating infrared devices do not heat the air mass, but objects that transfer it to the surrounding space.

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They can be used as the main source of heat and as an auxiliary one. Artificial infrared radiation is the closest in spectrum to natural light.

However, it should not be taken as a natural source of heat. In itself, it is not harmful, but being under a ceiling heater for a long time, for example, you can get a heatstroke identical to the sun.

Radiation of infrared heaters can be zoned. They are suitable for installation in open areas, can be used in greenhouses, winter gardens

Advantages of infrared heaters:

  • Long term work. In IR heaters, there are no parts that can periodically burn out, gradually wear out. Mechanically damaged elements are easily replaced.
  • Economical installation. Or laying concerning film systems. All work on the device and installation is carried out without problems at an operational pace.
  • Rapid heating. Infrared heaters do not differ in inertia, they quickly warm up zones and rooms.
  • Possibility of zonal heating. The activity of devices can be focused on a specific area or group of objects.
  • Ability to work outdoors. They can be used for heating open spaces: terraces, sports grounds, etc.
  • Noiselessness. Appliances and film heating systems function without making sounds.
  • Preservation of air humidity. IR equipment does not heat up, and as a result, does not dry the air. His work does not worsen the microclimate in the premises.

The list of cons includes energy dependence. This means that in the case of use as the main source of heat, it is necessary to consider a backup power supply device.

Not everyone is satisfied with the backlight of the control panel, which functions continuously during the operation of the heaters. To protect against power surges and current leaks, you will have to purchase expensive automation.

Installing an infrared heater on the ceiling eliminates the need for underfloor heating

Such a device is suitable for heating log houses, as it warms up wooden walls well and does not require project documentation for installation. In addition, energy savings are significant, compared with other electric heaters - 6-7 times.

One of the varieties of infrared heating devices is a carbon heater equipped with an element of the same name. We recommend that you look at our other article with a detailed overview of the species and recommendations for choosing.

A carbon heater, by analogy with all types of infrared heaters, works on the principle of long-wave radiation - it heats bodies and objects, not air

Type #7 - Monolithic Quartz Heaters

Quartz monolithic group according to the principle of operation refers to heaters of convector type. The device is simple: it is a panel made of a molten mixture of quartz sand with a small amount of marble chips.

Inside the panel there is a spiral heating element capable of heating up to 120 °C. The spiral transfers thermal energy to the inert quartz body, as a result the device heats up only up to 95 °C.

The quartz case works on the principle of wood - it retains the accumulated heat for a long time. The use of this category of devices will help save money, because. units do not need to be constantly running.

The case of a monolithic quartz heater accumulates heat, and then gradually releases it to the cooled air

Advantages of heaters with a monolithic quartz body:

  • Economical energy consumption. Cost reduction is achieved due to the ability of the housing to accumulate and slowly release heat.
  • Ease of installation. The installation will be mastered by an inexperienced performer, acting in accordance with the instructions attached by the manufacturer.
  • Doesn't dry out the air. The heater enclosed in a monolithic housing does not affect the microclimate. For the same reason, it does not burn dust and does not spread unpleasant odors.
  • Let's apply to damp rooms. The sealed housing protects the coil from contact with splashes and damp environments.
  • Safety. The case is never heated to critical temperatures that promote ignition, causing burns.

Monolithic modifications are equipped with thermostats that control the operation of devices. When leaving, for example, from a dacha at the end of the season, the units can be set to a minimum temperature of + 95 °C.

The cost of devices is low, but their weight is quite impressive. Also, not everyone likes the appearance of the heater, but the ability to put special replacement panels in any color eliminates this problem. This type of heater is the best option for heating an apartment or a private house.

We suggest you look at the detailed guide for home and garden.

Type #8 - halogen appliances

The difference between halogen and infrared heaters is in a special heating element. It consists of a tube filled with an inert gas with a tungsten filament inside. The gas prevents the destruction of the tungsten filament, chemical reactions within the tube are excluded.

Otherwise, the principle of operation of halogen devices is similar to the action of infrared heaters.

Advantages of halogen lamps:

  • Saving. Reduced energy consumption compared to electric fireplaces or oil heaters.
  • Mobility. Floor heaters can be installed in different places requiring increased heating.
  • Fast heating. It is provided with design features of the working element of the unit.

Most models have rotary mechanisms that allow you to direct the flow of heat in the required direction.

Halogen heaters are equipped with control systems and devices that turn off the device in case of a fall or overheating

The disadvantages include too bright light supplied by the device. It is harsh and unpleasant, especially at night. the second minus is an unnecessarily fragile tube, which will have to be changed periodically.

Many also noted that it is difficult to heat the entire room with halogen lamps and achieve the desired temperature in it. The heater heats only within the limits of direct action.

Type #9 - Micathermal Heaters

Despite the relatively small size, the mikathermic type of devices pleases with high efficiency. This novelty in the market of heat-generating units has already declared itself with dignity, but consumers are still wary of it.

They do not dry out the air in the process of fairly fast and efficient heating.

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Type #10 - heat guns

When wondering how to choose the best heater for an apartment or a private house, many people pay attention to heat guns. Such a unit can perfectly cope with the role of the only source of heat in a country house.

Devices are arranged without much fuss. The fan inside the housing supplies air to the heating element, distributing the flows into the room. The thermostat regulates the operation of the device, excluding its overheating.

What are the advantages of using a heat gun:

  • Mobility. The device can be easily moved from place to place.
  • Speed ​​and efficiency. The unit is able to quickly heat a large area. It is used for heating large areas, in construction it is used as equipment that provides conditions for drying monolithic structures and for work.
  • Performance. It can serve as the only source of heat in the absence of an alternative.

Before using a heat gun, you need to make sure that the electrical wiring can withstand such a load. Houses with old wiring are not suitable for heating with such an element due to the high probability of fire.

Heat guns are universal: they are suitable for heating large areas, they are used during construction for drying monolithic structures or finishing

True, a heat gun consumes a lot of energy. Most models are connected to a three-phase production network. When using such powerful equipment, you will need to install protective automation.

The modernization of heating appliances brings to the attention of consumers new items that are used for their intended purpose, and also serve as an unusual decor in the interior.

Have you decided to stop buying this type of heater? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the criteria.

So, for stationary heating of a room, you can safely choose an electric fireplace or a heat gun as the main source of heat in a private building.

It is first necessary to carry out all calculations of the power and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. As a source of additional heat or a means for emergency spot heating of certain areas, all other models are suitable.

A thermal curtain is suitable for equipping the entrance to a country mansion if its residents are actively moving from the street to the house or vice versa.

As sources of additional heat in case of a centralized network failure or insufficiently high temperature in the home, we recommend buying comfortable mobile oil radiators, convectors or safe infrared and macothermal systems.

In the case of rapid injection of warm air in different rooms, we recommend purchasing a portable fan heater.

Are you still unable to decide on the right type of heater for your house or apartment? Perhaps you still have questions after reading our article? Ask them in the comment block - we will figure it out together.

Or are you already a proud owner of a heater? Tell us what type of heating device you prefer and are you satisfied with its performance? Did our reviews and tips help you? Leave your comments and add a photo of your heater under this article.

When buying a heating device for their home, many are faced with a huge range of them. How to choose the most suitable among the many presented devices? What types of home heaters are the most economical, and for what purposes are they suitable?

Consider the main types of heating devices, their advantages, disadvantages and methods of use. In total, there are four types of household heaters with different principles of operation:

  1. Convectors ( , ), which work on the principle of convection, moving heated air up and sucking in cold air from below for subsequent heating.
  2. , heating long-wave rays (according to the principle of the sun in nature) walls, floors and various things in the apartment.
  3. creating a warm directional airflow.

Oil coolers

Oil heaters are very good for heating a private house or apartment, which are fairly mobile batteries filled with mineral oil inside. The surface of the battery is heated by heating the oil, using heating elements (1 or 2 heating elements are connected). Such radiators consist of several sections, and the more there are, the more heat such a battery gives off.

When choosing an oil-based home heater, pay attention to its power. The calculation of the required power is as follows: 1 kW can heat a room of 10 m 2 (with a ceiling height of up to 3 m).

Also, in oil heaters, fan heaters are sometimes built in, which greatly reduces the warm-up time of the room. The advantages of oil heaters include:

  1. The presence of a thermostat with which you can adjust the power of the device (if there are two heating elements, then there should also be two thermostat knobs).
  2. Equipped with a timer (in most modern models) to set the time to turn the unit on or off.
  3. Relatively low cost.
  4. Mobility (they can be freely moved around the room or to other rooms).
  5. The ability to work for some time without consuming electricity (due to the already heated oil, which cools very slowly), which can provide tangible savings.

The disadvantages of this type of household heaters include:

  1. Long heating (which is compensated by slow cooling).
  2. Considerable dimensions and weight of the device.
  3. Strong heating of the surface of the case (however, most models are equipped with a special protective casing for safety reasons).

Convection heaters

Convector installations are divided according to different criteria. For example, they can be classified by installation type:

  1. , easily moved in any direction.
  2. (vertical, horizontal), characterized by a small thickness and attractive design. They can be mounted under the window, similar to batteries.
  3. Ceiling. They can be mounted like wall-mounted.
  4. . They are often mounted simply on the floor in order to improve uniform heating of the entire room. To do this, you must first lay niches in the floor for laying pipelines supplying hot coolant. From above, such convectors are covered with a beautiful grill for the penetration of warm air.

They are also shared by type of heating:

  1. Water. Sometimes they require special installation of the boiler and pipelines.
  2. Electrical. The simplest and fastest heating devices are easy to install and do not require additional installations.
  3. Gas. Rarely used in residential buildings.

And even circulation type:

  1. Natural, based on simple convection.
  2. Forced, with a built-in fan for better and faster heating.

The advantages of convector type heaters include:

  1. Noiseless at work.
  2. The body temperature is usually not higher than 60-65 degrees, which makes them quite safe.
  3. Built-in to adjust the automatic self-off and on.
  4. Built-in overheat protection.

They are convenient to use. The most convenient of them are floor convectors. They are quite mobile, they can be freely moved to the desired areas. The main thing is that the length of the electric cord is enough, since they all work from the network.

They are sometimes difficult to install. Electric, water and gas convectors often act as an alternative to a central heating system. They are usually provided special assembly(especially for water and gas), which involves the installation of a boiler, wiring pipes and ventilation ducts.

Convector-type electric heaters are difficult to heat large rooms.

Infrared heating units

These types of electric heaters contain special lamps inside the housing:

  1. containing a tube with a thread filled with an inert gas.
  2. having carbon fiber filaments.
  3. with tungsten filaments.

These lamps are capable of emitting long-wave infrared rays invisible to the human eye. From them, as well as from the sun (by analogy with nature), all objects in the room (floors, walls, furniture) are heated, and then the air. According to their design, these heaters are:

  1. Ceiling.
  2. Wall.

They can be installed not only in living rooms, but also, if necessary, on balconies, terraces, greenhouses, etc.

Advantages of infrared heaters:

  1. Noiseless at work.
  2. Economical electricity consumption.
  3. The ability to heat without raising dust into the air.
  4. The devices do not dry out the air and do not burn oxygen.
  5. Uniform heating of the air throughout the room (more on the scheme of work - in the article).
  6. When you turn on the device, the room starts to warm up instantly.

The disadvantages of these devices include perhaps quite a few of them. high cost.

fan heaters

The most affordable and easiest to use are thermal fans, which are usually desktop or floor standing. When air passes through the heating elements of the device, fast warm-up any room. The heating elements in the fan heater are made in the form:

  1. Electric open coil with temperatures up to 800 degrees.
  2. Electric heater in the form of a tube with a temperature of over 200 degrees.
  3. Ceramic tiles with temperatures up to 200 degrees.

Fan heaters with ceramic heating elements provide more clean air supply, without the emission of combustion products. The devices are popular due to their low cost and ease of carrying. They almost instantly heat the room to the desired temperature.

Fan heaters are economical: 1 kW of device power can heat a room up to 20-25 m 2 in area.

In addition to these characteristics, their advantages include the presence thermostat, which instantly turns off the device when overheating.

The disadvantages of thermal fans include their noise and the ability to raise dust in the room.

There is also such a variety of heaters as blowers or. In the system of such a heat gun, glowing spirals and a powerful fan are involved. Blowers are very effective in cold areas such as garages.


Among the huge number of different types of heaters for an apartment and a house, you can always choose the device that best meets all the requirements, if you know all its technical characteristics, pros and cons. It will not only warm the room, but also give it comfort, create the necessary microclimate in the room. The main thing is to balance price with quality, power with heated area, and ease of use with ease of maintenance of the device.

When you are at work or just at home, when you are planning a trip or it is a vacation in the country, there are almost always times when you have to look for safe sources of heat. How to choose the right heater this year? Therefore, it is considered easy to use and very affordable these days a conventional heater. After all, today, with a large assortment of a heater for an apartment, absolutely any of us can buy.

This is where the question arises of how to choose the best oil heater, which ideally will meet the needs of any person.

Let's try to analyze and compare the types of heaters. Consider also their advantages and disadvantages, the possibilities of any of the presented types of heaters. After reading this article, you can confidently choose the most necessary and optimal option for yourself. However, before proceeding with the choice of a heater of one kind or another for a room, it is desirable to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits area. More specifically, volume. After all, it is these indicators that will tell you how much power you should buy a heater. It is also desirable to decide on the type of room that is required for heating. Do you need a fireplace for such a room (if, for example, it is a living room) or choose an economy option (for example, a bathroom or kitchen).


Whether we're visiting just one more electronics store or we're about to buy some kind of heater, we usually always have to think about how to choose the right inexpensive heater and how not to make a mistake. Here, of course, we never have a clear answer. Each heater has its pros and cons. Let's look at the types and types of heaters.

Probably the most common and popular type today is an oil heater. Some 20 years ago, this type of heater was considered almost a scarce commodity, and today it is very popular, but its credibility is a little undermined. What is the reason? The answer is quite simple - it has too little efficiency. In other words - the optimal use of electricity in comparison with its efficiency. Moreover, even with such negative reviews, such a heater will remain a long-liver, as it has proven itself practically on the positive side. It is not expensive, and this is the most important factor for buyers. After all, not every one of us can purchase a heating device or a fireplace with a unique design and with the best technical capabilities.

The principle of the oil heater of the operation of such a heater is quite simple. Its design is also just as simple. Almost always it is performed in a ribbed design. This is necessary to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact with air. An oil heater may also have a fan to improve the heating itself, and importantly, a thermostat to maintain the set temperature. The metal base of the case, inside which there is mineral oil and an electric coil is installed to heat this oil. In turn, the coil heats up the oil. And it heats the heater itself and, as a result, the latter heats the room itself. Too many activities, right? This is the first advantage.

After all, you can warm up one room an hour after turning on the heater. And if guests suddenly came, and you need to warm up the room quickly? In this case, it is better to buy an electric fireplace just in case. Another disadvantage is its size and weight. Naturally, it should work only in a vertical position, otherwise the spirals may burn out. Its only advantage, which concerns the technical composition of the heater, is its safety. Since the coils are located in a closed case, and the oil that takes heat from the coil practically does not harm it, which allows it to be used for a very long time. Although it is not advised to do this, some people manage to dry clothes on it.

The main thing is that there is an open surface, because the heating temperature can significantly exceed the maximum mark, which is approximately equal to 60 degrees. However, if you still decide to dry your laundry on it, then such a heater provides for the installation of some additional option - special shelves. Even its too long heating can be regarded as a virtue - this is the same long cooling. It is easy to maintain and practically does not dry the air, there is no smell from it and it does not need to be additionally moistened. And most importantly, the oil heater is durable.

Summarize. An oil heater for an apartment or house is very affordable and reliable. It is suitable for those for whom size and appearance do not play a special role.

Electric fireplace

It is also called simply a fireplace. Surely any reader associates it with a spiral Soviet fireplace. In fact, it is, but only the principle of its operation is similar to a classic fireplace with wood. The fireplace has always been and will be in demand, as it can create a unique atmosphere and, as it were, emphasize the wealth of the owner of the house. Soft warmth, comfort of the room, flickering fire. Romantic ... Perhaps the older generation still remembers that fireplace, which looked like a stove, there was even a drawing with firewood or fire. Such a fireplace looked more like glowing coals, or even just ordinary spirals in glass flasks. Now a similar heater with spirals is called infrared. But this is not because they are similar to each other, but because of their principle of action.

We'll talk about this later. Let's go back to the electric fireplace. Why a fireplace, you ask? This is because here the fire can almost be said to be natural, it can quickly flare up or die out, there are no spirals. But in some models, fans are also installed, which were not there before. Buy or not such a heater, it's up to you. After all, current electric fireplaces are not economical and expensive. Naturally, an electric fireplace will fit into your interior much more harmoniously. However, if you are thinking of putting it in a place that is not visible, for example, in the bathroom or behind the toilet, then why overpay for beauty alone. It is better to buy a regular heater.

Floor and wall convector

The converter is a very popular and completely new type of heater. But, not taking into account its relative novelty, the floor and wall convector has already become very popular among heaters. And if we analyze the statistical data, then it is likely that in the future it will be able to replace oil analogues. After all, there are many advantages. These are both good characteristics and cheap production. This is exactly the option when an affordable price does not affect the lack of quality or poor performance. They are made, as a rule, in two versions - floor or wall. This is very practical for modern homes and apartments.

If there is no space on the floor, then you can almost always hang it on the wall.

Now consider the basis of their work and the design itself. The convector consists of a housing or, as it is otherwise called, a convection chamber, inside which there is a heating element. There are holes at the top and bottom for air circulation. What are they there for? - you ask. Remember the word "convection" - this is when, due to its density, heated air displaces cold air down. This is how air circulates. The conclusion suggests itself: the convector during its operation is not only able to heat the air in the room, but also significantly improve its circulation. Yes, and no matter how trite it may sound, but the effectiveness of this convection has been proven for a very long time.

After all, the operation of a convector is similar to the simple principle of a heating battery. Its efficiency level is almost 99%. But what is most interesting if you compare it with the same oil, then it heats the air immediately, it can take about 5 minutes. This is very practical for those who leave home often. Agree that you do not want to return to an unheated house. And here he immediately turned on the heater, and by the time you take off your boots and outerwear, he has already heated the apartment

You can summarize and point out the advantages of a convector of such a heating system. Firstly, it is an affordable price, secondly, its small size, and thirdly, it is a real opportunity to place it on the wall, because it is light and mobile. No fragile items. Very quiet. Can work continuously. And, of course, he is reliable. It is safe, because its heating temperature does not exceed 60 degrees. It has a beautiful design and can harmoniously fit into almost any interior. The best choice for a family.


Infrared heater this is a completely new type of heater. It is somewhat similar to the sun. A special quartz lamp emits infrared rays, thermal energy that is safe for humans. This is the undeniable advantage of this heater. After all, it does not heat the air, the objects, and only then the heat transfer from the heated object to the air begins. This allows you to place an infrared heater almost anywhere, even outdoors. Also, an infrared heater has such an advantage as efficiency. Compared to the same oil, they consume several times less electricity. Infrared heater also has its disadvantages.

He is very fragile. When heated, the lamp is very hot, about 200 degrees and in the dark it glows. However, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages, so, for sure, a similar version of heaters can be considered. There is an infrared heater in three versions: short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave. For the type of source, there are gas and electric infrared heaters.

fan heater

Perhaps the cheapest of all the above. The principle of operation of a fan heater is similar to that of a hair dryer. Usually his body is made of plastic. A fan is installed inside, which blows on heated coils or ceramic elements, which are still preferable (oxygen is not burned, and the service life is longer). Its plus is that it heats up the room very quickly, it can be used for the purpose of drying the room.

It only takes 5 minutes to warm up the entire room. And don't worry if it's too big. True, the fan heater also has its drawbacks: its efficiency is very low, it is not designed for long work and is very noisy. Therefore, in practice, as a rule, it is taken as an addition to another type of heater. There is also a large fan heater or, as it is also called, a heat gun. But it is already designed to heat a very large room.

Floor standing carbon heater

The floor carbon heater is a novelty among other heaters. The principle of operation of the carbon heater is the same as that of the infrared heater. Instead of a lamp, it has carbon fiber, which is in a glass tube with a vacuum. The difference from the previously considered heaters is in efficiency and power, but in all other respects the pros and cons are absolutely similar. The carbon spiral is very powerful, however, it consumes much less electricity than the same infrared heater.

The cost of a carbon heater is not high. It is also important that the carbon element has an unlimited service life. The heating capacity of such a heater is about 3-4 meters. They say that a carbon heater is capable of heating up to several centimeters deep into the human body. May have a healing effect. It does not dry the air and instantly cools.

As a result, we considered the types of heaters. You already know how to choose the right heater in the new year. Choose based on your needs, capabilities, etc.