Repair Design Furniture

Autonomous gasification at home: ways and options to make it convenient and cheap. Small hallway. How to make it comfortable? Her comfortable

  • Is it a lot or a little?
  • Competent zoning
  • How to decide on a style?
    • 5.Correct finish
    • 5. Choosing the right furniture
    • 5.Lighting
    • 5. Decor of the apartment

Area 37 sq.m. can not be called small, especially for a one-room apartment. So we can say that the owners are lucky, because they will be able to make their home as comfortable, practical and even spacious as possible, unless, of course, they take into account several important nuances.

Is it a lot or a little?

For a one-room apartment 37 sq.m. this is a lot, so on such an area you can fit everything you need without compromising the living space. But still, a spacious dwelling cannot be called, because there is only one room, and it will probably contain several zones at once. And this complicates the interior design, so thinking through its design, you need to think rationally and take into account the smallest details, because a lot can depend on them.

Is it worth it to combine a room with a kitchen?

Combining a room and a kitchenette is not the best solution. If you decide to take such a step, then literally deprive yourself of a full-fledged sleeping place, because it will always be in sight. Also, it will not be possible to retire in the office, because if there are several tenants, then those who will be in the kitchen area will certainly interfere with workers or students. In addition, the odors that arise during cooking will instantly spread throughout the apartment, and this is also a significant drawback. That is why it is better to refuse the association.

If only one person lives in the apartment, then even when the main living room is connected to the kitchen, no one will interfere with him in any case, but at the same time the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe space will increase noticeably, the room will become spacious. But before deciding to take this step, find out if the wall between the kitchen and the room is a carrier, in which case its demolition will become impossible. If everything is in order, and the dismantling is approved by the relevant authorities, then you can proceed with it.

There are several combination options. First partial demolition of the wall. It is most preferable, since you will solve two problems at the same time: increase the usable area and hide all working areas located in the kitchen. The second option is the demolition of the entire wall. Then you can from your one-room apartment with an area of ​​37 square meters to make a full-fledged stylish studio, and such projects are currently very popular.

Combining several functional areas in one room

The interior design of a one-room apartment must meet several requirements. The most important among them are practicality and functionality. In fact, one single room carries a heavy load and must perform several functions at once. But at the same time, the living space should be comfortable for all residents and as practical as possible, and sometimes it is very difficult to achieve this.

:Design of a one-room apartment of 36 sq.m: proper zoning and design

So what zones can fit in one room? Everything will depend, firstly, on the number of residents, and secondly, on their type of activity and preferences.
Possible options:

  • Living room and bedroom. This option is the most common and simple, many combine these particular zones. To achieve harmony in the arrangement of the interior is quite simple if you choose a practical and comfortable sofa that will serve as both a very comfortable bed and an area for accommodating guests. You can also choose a bed, but it is desirable to hide it from prying eyes, for example, behind a mobile screen or a light canopy. And yet it is better to refuse it.
  • Living room, bedroom and kitchen. If you decide to combine the living room and the kitchen, then in any case you will have to provide for a kitchen area. And if the working areas (devices) should be as close as possible to the walls, then the place for eating should be taken out and placed approximately in the middle. It is desirable to remove the sleeping area from the dining room to the maximum possible distance, bringing it closer to the far wall.
  • Living room, bedroom and office. This is a rather difficult task, because in addition to bed in the room you will also have to allocate a worker, and it should be made as comfortable as possible and preferably hidden from prying eyes and at least partially isolated, especially if there are several tenants.
  • Bedroom, office and sitting area. As you noticed, with this option there is no living room, and this is a significant drawback. Although if guests come to you infrequently, and there are usually not many of them, then they can be placed in the kitchen, and then invited to the main room (to the recreation area).
  • Nursery, bedroom and living room. If you have a child, then be sure to allocate space for his games, this is necessary! In addition, it is worth remembering that he will grow, so he will need a site to study later. And, of course, you can not do without a full bed. Fortunately, today there are multifunctional furniture sets on sale that combine several zones at once.

For example, you can purchase a complex consisting of a table (it will be located on the first level), a wardrobe, as well as a bed located on the second level. All this will fit on one wall. At the other, you can place a folding sofa, which will combine a sleeping place for adults and a living area.

What zones can be abandoned without prejudice to the owners of a one-room apartment? A comfortable sleeping place will be required in any case, so it is indispensable, although it can be disguised and combined with the living area. Space is also necessary for the child, therefore, it cannot be abandoned. But here it is quite possible to do without a living room.

:Interior of a one-room apartment 40 sq.m - 3 design options

Competent zoning

If you have decided on the zones, this is far from everything, and the most difficult thing is ahead, because they need to be identified and designated in space, as well as delimited, that is, separated from each other so that the room does not seem overloaded.

Zoning can be done in different ways:

  • The use of barriers. But, firstly, there should not be many of them. Secondly, it is desirable to use light and mobile ones in order to be able to rearrange or update the design at any time.
  • Different levels. If height allows, then podiums can be used. For example, a bed can be placed on a raised platform. In addition, you can make a niche in the wall and use it to accommodate a children's or sleeping area.
  • Color spectrum. To designate zones, you can use different, but preferably combined tones.
  • Finishing. Use for zoning different Decoration Materials, but to a greater extent it concerns the walls.
  • Lighting. Lighting devices can also be used to separate zones, this technique is used by many modern designers.

How to decide on a style?

To Interior Design was complete and harmonious, for its design it is worth choosing a certain style. Moreover, it is advisable to adhere to the chosen direction when decorating the entire one-room apartment, that is, both the main living space and the utilitarian ones: a bathroom and a kitchen.

In principle, you can choose any style you like, but preferably a simpler one, involving a small amount interior elements(numerous details will take away such necessary square meters). Such trends as minimalism, loft, pop art or hi-tech are ideal.

The right finish

Finishing should not be too complicated, it will greatly overload Interior Design and probably visually reduce the space. It is desirable that all surfaces are smooth. And to increase the area and make the interior more comfortable, use light shades, such as pastels or natural ones.
Tip: you can select one wall and focus on it. So, it can be brighter, darker or pasted over with photo wallpaper.

Choosing the right furniture

For the arrangement of a one-room apartment of 37 sq.m. compact, practical and multifunctional furniture should be used. For example, it is better to replace the bed with a comfortable folding sofa with a storage compartment. And prefer a built-in coupe type to an ordinary bulky cabinet cabinet. Modular furniture will help create stylish tandems and save space.


It is advisable to prefer diffused lighting to central lighting, this will not only make the apartment more comfortable and bright, but also visually enlarge the space, as well as delimit zones.

Apartment decor

Accessories are needed, they refresh the design, but since the room performs several functions at once, but decorative elements should be, firstly, not numerous, and secondly, neutral and calm.

With the advice given above, you will be able to competently think over the design his one-room apartment and make it practical and comfortable.

How to decorate the interior of a small bedroom? Can a tiny room be cozy and meet all the parameters of comfort? To answer these questions, I did a review of 10 small bedrooms and found out what it takes to create a cozy environment.

1. Solar burst

This room is very unusual in its design. Its walls are decorated in lead-gray, instead of light furniture, objects of a noble dark shade were placed here. Everything indicates that this bedroom is inhabited by a young man who loves bold experiments. Compensation of color and light was made up thanks to bright blotches of yellow. It does not dominate the overall range, but only complements it, due to which it does not overload the space.
Striped rugs are designed to make a room appear larger. The arrangement of furniture against the walls gives a feeling of freedom and additional space, and a wardrobe with mirrored doors works to increase a small room. An important role is played by the built-in lighting, without it the bedroom would look dark and gloomy.

2. Touch of tenderness

Delicate, feminine, bright and incredibly sweet - this is how you can characterize this room. It is quite small, so it was designed in white to visually fill it with light and expand its boundaries. Compact storage systems are located on both sides of the bed, abandoning a bulky closet. Of course, a huge plus of this small space is the window, due to which the space has a perspective.

3. Small but remote

Where to store things if there is so little space in the room that there is barely enough space for a bed? First of all, you need to pay attention to compact models of beds. Secondly, such a piece of furniture should be equipped with additional functions. For example, have enough drawers for storing clothes.

4. Harmonious eclecticism

Today it is popular to mix several styles in the interior, this applies even to the design of small bedrooms. The design of such a room does not have to be boring, it can be diversified! In this room, they boldly went towards experiments: one of the walls was covered with slate paint, a comfortable working area with a dressing table was made by the window, and a beautiful crystal chandelier was installed in the middle of the room, which does not make the space heavier, but rather lightens it.

5. Stylish accent

There is one secret for those who want to visually enlarge a small bedroom. It is necessary to choose one of the walls, decorate it with interesting wallpaper or paint it in an interesting color, and leave the rest of the walls in a neutral shade. So they did in this small bedroom and it turned out very stylish!

6. Good distribution of space

It is very important to correctly arrange the furniture in a small bedroom. Half of the success depends on this. In this bedroom, you can observe a good example of laconic furniture: a simple design bed is located on one side of the window, shelving, a wardrobe and shelves for storing things are on the other. This allows you to visually free the middle of the room and make its interior lighter and more spacious.

7. Place for decor

Many people think that in a small room there is no place for decor, but in fact, even in a tiny space there is a corner for your favorite vase, figurine or photograph. For example, in this interior, a way out of the situation was found thanks to a floor shelf-stand, on which little things dear to the heart were placed without any problems. The same technique made it possible to diversify the interior of a small bedroom and avoid a boring environment.

8. Bedroom of a book lover

The girl who lives in this bedroom loves to read books. She doesn't need a big bed, but she does need good lighting and book storage. they were solved thanks to convenient open shelves at the head of the bed. Books, boxes with things were placed on them and several bright lamps were immediately fixed.

9. Maximum conciseness

Of course, the interior of the bedroom should be extremely concise and comfortable. The real experts in this matter are the Scandinavians, it is they who inspire many to design bedrooms in a minimalist style. Comfortable compact furniture, light fixtures, monochrome colors - everything that makes the bedroom interior neutral and balanced.

10. When there is very little space

When there is very little space in the bedroom, you need to reconsider the location of the bed and put it outside the box. This will save space and arrange a few more necessary interior items, as in this small interior.

Own compost heap at the same time eliminates the problem of recycling part of the waste and provides excellent fertilizer for the garden. Today we propose to figure out how to make compost not in a "heap", as is customary, but in a convenient container, which can be collected in just one day.

Waste that accumulates in the bin in the kitchen is a storehouse of useful elements and minerals to create a balanced fertilizer for our garden. There is no need to throw all this into municipal garbage cans, it is better to build a compost heap and enrich the land in a year, on which vegetables and fruits will grow much more actively.

The design of the compost bin is extremely simple. These are two or three compartments, if desired, which can be filled alternately and gradually. In each of them, food waste mixed with cut grass or straw and a small amount of earth rots over time, turning into a homogeneous mass. As soon as the humus ripens, it can be mixed and introduced gradually into the ground, poured into the holes during planting or on top of the soil to feed adult plants.

Container assembled from pallets

The material for the container is ordinary wood. If it is a pine board, then it does not even require additional processing. Hardwood can be soaked with oil, but not with antiseptics, so that the structure stands longer. It is very practical to use old wooden pallets to obtain a durable and strong material. It is only important to choose pallets that have not been used in hazardous production or for the transportation of chemically hazardous substances.

Inside the container is upholstered with a polymer mesh to hold small debris and at the same time for free air flow into the compost. A simple corrugated sheet cover will protect the compost from being washed away by rain.

The main trick of the container are the front pillars. It is made with grooves for which the boards of the front shield cling. Gradually, when filling the heap, new planks are added and thereby the height of the heap is increased. To leave a gap between the boards, it is enough to screw two or three self-tapping screws into them from the bottom side, so that the head sticks out by about 3-4 mm.

In the minds of most people, the idea is firmly entrenched that a one-room apartment is temporary housing that cannot be practical and modern. But that's not the case at all. You can make sure of this if you use the ideas of designers that they use when working with small apartments.

1. Multifunctional wonder furniture

Furniture that combines several functions, as if created for one-room apartments. The simplest example that will look harmonious in any home is a closet with shelves.

2. Sleep behind a curtain

You can separate the sleeping area from the rest of the space with light curtains. This method of zoning will save a lot of space. And in order for the sleep zone to become truly isolated, it is located on the podium.

3. The most comfortable kitchen

Even a small kitchen can accommodate a reception area. A comfortable small sofa, a table - and a cozy mini-living room is ready. To make the room unique, place a false fireplace in it.

4. Attention to the second tier

The ceiling and the space on the walls directly above it are most often overlooked when arranging an apartment. Unusual finishes, such as thin ceiling beams, will create an exclusive design. And the high shelves are very functional.

5. Maximum air

If there is not enough space in the apartment, then this does not mean that you need to try to fit as many things into it as possible. On the contrary, the fewer items in the house, the better. Also, a feeling of free space will help create a light color scheme in cold shades.

6. More glass

Another good way to separate the recreation area is to use glass partitions. The reflective surface of the glass contributes to the visual increase in space.

7. Wardrobe instead of a wall

A closet that divided a room into two parts is a common zoning technique since Soviet times. But that doesn't make it any less convenient. To make the interior look stylish, we recommend choosing light-colored furniture, which can additionally be decorated with mirrors.

8. Roomy ... partitions

Low storage systems resembling cabinets will help highlight any functional area in a one-room apartment. For example, working.

9. Lighting as a highlight of the interior

Multi-level lighting makes the living space much more comfortable and cozy. Choose unusual lighting fixtures, and the interior of a one-room apartment will be transformed without undesirable costs of precious space.

10. Window to the kitchen

If the wall between the room and the kitchen is not a carrier, then you can make some kind of window in it, of course, without frames and glasses. Here you can equip a dining area or a bar counter. In addition, such a constructive element of the interior makes it non-standard.

11. A couple of color spots

In the process of decorating a one-room apartment, there is a high risk of getting carried away with neutral light colors. As a result, the interior looks featureless and boring. We recommend making a couple of bright color accents on the base background. Together they form a single composition that will look harmonious.

12. The luxury of complex textures

Finishing materials with a complex texture, such as brick, are also appropriate in small apartments. The main thing is not to get carried away with them too much. Otherwise, the space is visually reduced.

13. Unusual arches instead of doors

The moving door leaf does not allow the use of the space at the entrance to the room. Therefore, where possible and justified, do not install doors, but replace them with square or rectangular arches. Such designs look fresh and interesting.

14. Drops of luxury

Trying to fill a small apartment with luxurious things to make it seem more prestigious is a bad idea. The abundance of vintage or exclusive items in a limited space looks ridiculous. But here are a few luxurious things in a neutral interior that will look harmonious.

15. From an ordinary apartment to a studio

To combine a kitchen with a room is a justified solution for a one-room apartment. But in this case, it is necessary to install a good hood in the cooking area.

If the listed options for arranging a one-room apartment seemed not enough, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with

Own compost heap at the same time eliminates the problem of recycling part of the waste and provides excellent fertilizer for the garden. Today we propose to figure out how to make compost not in a "heap", as is customary, but in a convenient container, which can be collected in just one day.

Waste that accumulates in the bin in the kitchen is a storehouse of useful elements and minerals to create a balanced fertilizer for our garden. There is no need to throw all this into municipal garbage cans, it is better to build a compost heap and enrich the land in a year, on which vegetables and fruits will grow much more actively.
Compost bin
The design of the compost bin is extremely simple. These are two or three compartments, if desired, which can be filled alternately and gradually. In each of them, food waste mixed with cut grass or straw and a small amount of earth rots over time, turning into a homogeneous mass. As soon as the humus ripens, it can be mixed and introduced gradually into the ground, poured into the holes during planting or on top of the soil to feed adult plants.

The material for the container is ordinary wood. If it is a pine board, then it does not even require additional processing. Hardwood can be soaked with oil, but not with antiseptics, so that the structure stands longer. It is very practical to use old wooden pallets to obtain a durable and strong material. It is only important to choose pallets that have not been used in hazardous production or for the transportation of chemically hazardous substances.
Inside the container is upholstered with a polymer mesh to hold small debris and at the same time for free air flow into the compost. A simple corrugated sheet cover will protect the compost from being washed away by rain.
The main trick of the container are the front pillars. It is made with grooves for which the boards of the front shield cling. Gradually, when filling the heap, new planks are added and thereby the height of the heap is increased. To leave a gap between the boards, it is enough to screw two or three self-tapping screws into them from the bottom side, so that the head sticks out by about 3-4 mm. with your own hands