Repair Design Furniture

How to transplant tulips in spring to a new place. When and how to plant tulips in autumn. Selecting Healthy Bulbs

There are few such amateur gardeners who do not have tulips growing on their plot. With great impatience after the long winter months, we are waiting for our favorites to bloom. And how upset we are if this did not happen, or if they disappeared altogether. That's when we start to wonder about the reasons for failure. One of the common questions is: for a transplant and is it necessary to do it at all?

Let's start with whether to dig or not. Numerous textbooks recommend doing this every year. This is necessary in order to maintain the variety of the plant. This is especially required by hybrid tulips, which lose their beauty or die if they are not dug up.

However, in practice it is not always possible to do this on time. Experienced flower growers recommend in this case to remove the bulbs from the soil once every 2 years. And if ordinary picky tulips are planted in your garden, they can grow in the same place for up to 7 years. Naturally, over the years, the plant becomes smaller or ceases to bloom, because the root system draws the bulbs deeper into the ground, where they are not warm enough by the sun's rays. Either the plants grow strongly and do not allow their "neighbors" to develop. Therefore, you still need to dig, and how often to do this is up to you.

Now back to the question of when to dig up tulips for transplanting.

Time may vary slightly in different regions. If you live in a mild and warm climate, digging should be done in early June, if your strip is colder - at the end of this month. This is a generalized recommendation, flower growers determine the moment when to dig up tulips for transplantation, along the yellowed leaves and along the stem in its upper part - it becomes elastic and does not break. These are signs that it's time to get your precious bulbs out of the ground.

In order for them to ripen well and gain strength, you must cut off the extra leaves, leaving the bottom two, after the tulips have faded. It is advisable to feed the plants during this period with fertilizer and wait until they turn yellow.

It is better to dig in good sunny weather, when the ground is dry. If it rained during this period and the soil is moist, the bulbs removed should be washed (possible in a weak solution of manganese) and be sure to dry well. The prepared material must be folded into cardboard boxes or boxes with holes in 1-2 layers and hidden in a dark place until planting time. Transplanting tulips in autumn is the best time for this.

The classic rules for caring for tulips: children went to school (September, October) - you can plant tulips, finished your studies (June) - you can dig.

Tulip transplant time

In September, you can get your planting material, review it, throw out the bulbs that you think are suspicious. Before that, prepare the place where you will transplant, loosen the soil. This is especially true for young plants. Plant tulips when the air temperature is + 9-10 degrees. In some regions, this may be the month of October.

Now you know when to dig up tulips for transplanting. If the bulbs are well stored, they will delight you every spring with their bright colors.

tulips- this is the very first garden crop that will delight with its beauty in the spring. But if you want to grow a magnificent flower garden every year, do not forget to provide them with proper care.

An important ingredient for this.

How to transplant tulips? Anyone with similar experience can answer this question.

In this process, it is necessary to adhere to a number of certain rules And patterns, and the planting will be successful and the bulbs and, therefore, rare varieties will also be preserved.

A transplant is necessary for all tulips, because the size of the flower and the germination process depend on it. It promotes:

  • soil fertilization;
  • removal of infected or diseased tubers to preserve the whole plant;
  • changing the habitat of the flower;
  • separation of children for normal growth;
  • bulb sizing.

Tulip care after flowering - promotes the formation of strong bulbs for a successful transplant

After the plant has faded, it is necessary to water it every day for 2 weeks. Adjust the amount of moisture so that the earth gets wet by 35-40 cm, because the root system is not adapted to absorb moisture from deep soil layers.

It is necessary to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus. This is necessary for the formation of children, scales of the replacement bulb. Pour water into the selected container and pour about 30 g of fertilizer, mix thoroughly. We water according to the scheme 10 l / m².

It is necessary to remove the seed boxes and the withered flower, as they take away nutrients and prevent the bulb from forming normally.

Transplanting tulips after flowering

After flowering, tulips have a dormant period. It starts in different ways, depending on the plant variety. But on average it varies from late May to mid-July. At this time, summer residents and gardeners stop watering the flowers until the stems and leaves dry out.

The transplant consists of some stages:

  • digging tulips;
  • preliminary drying;
  • calibration and culling;
  • main drying;
  • preparation for planting;
  • place cooking;
  • planting tulip bulbs.

You can start digging up tulips when the leaves have turned yellow, the stems have softened and they have already faded. We dig with a pitchfork and try to do it away to protect the flower from damage. Then carefully pull the plant off the ground and make sure not to leave any part of it.

We put the removed bulbs in the selected container. We put the bulbs and babies to dry in a dry and warm place and always under a roof so as not to get sunburn.

After 3 days, they have already dried up enough and you can remove the leaves, cut long roots. shake off the ground.

After cleaning, you can proceed to the calibration. First of all, we select the largest bulbs, from which the strongest and largest tulips will appear next year. Then choose the average. Children are planted separately and will not bloom in a year.

We inspect and discard all diseased bulbs. They usually have longitudinal stripes. After they have been laid out and distributed in separate boxes, you can put them to dry until autumn.

The main criterion is the onset of cold weather. If the soil has become cool, then the tulips will take root and will not grow until the onset of frost.

Before transplanting, it is necessary to prepare the soil.

For this it is important:

  • non-flooding of the site under the influence of snowmelt in the spring, if there is no suitable place, then it is advisable to slightly raise the bed by adding earth;
  • the site should be located in a sunny place and protected from the wind;
  • fertilize the ground: humus, chopped grass and ash (if the soil is acidic).

Children are the first to transplant, as they need more time for this. And after 10 days, you can safely plant medium and large bulbs. We plant them in different beds and the appropriate depth. After planting, the bulbs are covered with grass or leaves to protect them from frost.

Many people wonder - when can tulips be transplanted and is it possible during flowering? They can be transplanted, but you cannot save the flower. To do this, you need to follow these rules or you will not get a good result:

  • dig up the plant with a clod of soil and without damaging the roots;
  • cut off the flower and leave the stem with 2 leaves;

Bulbs before planting should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Check carefully for mold. If you find it, then you need to thoroughly wash it off and assess the extent of the damage.

For children in the beds, we create furrows of about 1 meter, at a distance of 15 centimeters and a depth of 7 meters. We put the bulbs through 5 centimeters each and cover them with earth. And we plant large and medium tulips in a flower bed. We make it about 50 * 50 to include 15 colors.

We dig a hole, pour sand and earth into it, and then install the bulbs.

If you grow these wonderful flowers, don't forget to repot them. As a result, in a year you will get chic flowers with a heady aroma.

Transplantation of tulips in the spring can be done when they did not have time or did not manage to do it in the fall. To do this, store the bulbs at a temperature of +5 degrees and arrange them in bags to protect them from moisture. We plant in warm ground up to +8 degrees to a depth of 10 cm. This should not be delayed, as they should bloom in the spring. Bulbs take about a month to root, so try to time it correctly.

Flower care after planting

With the onset of spring thaw, the first shoots appear. This happens around the end of March/beginning of April. In order for them to grow well, you need to properly care for:

  • we remove all the material with which the plant was covered for faster heating of the earth;
  • take special care of diseased plants. This becomes noticeable in underdeveloped sprouts;
  • around the flower, you need to loosen the ground every day for a better supply of nutrients to the roots;
  • moderate watering is needed before flowering, as diseases can develop. But as soon as the buds appear, you need to boldly increase the amount of moisture;
  • a must feed boring to improve their growth and qualities.

Application in landscape design

Thanks to these flowers, you can create bright and colorful compositions. The most commonly used are the following kinds:

  • parrots;
  • Terry;
  • undersized;
  • Liliaceae;
  • Darwin hybrids;
  • Green-flowered;
  • simple;
  • wild;
  • Fringed, etc.

They are usually planted in groups according to flowering time: early, middle and late. Choose according to size and height. To get a great composition, they are usually planted in small flower beds or a path on a green lawn. They are the most sought-after flowers that are planted in all significant places.

When transplanting tulips into open ground, take into account the peculiarities of the local climate and soil. Experienced gardeners say that the most suitable time for this is the autumn period. If you plant the bulbs in the spring, they will not ripen. Therefore, transplantation is carried out in the fall - in October. For flowering, it is necessary that the bulbous bud is ripe. But many still take the risk and plant these flowers in the spring. You can use plant bulbs that were not planted in the fall for forcing (long and proper storage). After the tulips have faded, the bulbs are dug up and sent to a box for storage. With proper preparation and care of the tubers, the finished planting material is planted in the spring in open ground.

How to prepare bulbs?

In the wild, tulips bloom in early spring, and when the heat comes, the flower fades. All its life force is concentrated in the bulb, so the plant goes deep into the ground, so that when the autumn coolness comes, it will release new roots. With the onset of spring, new flowers will grow from them. The tulip bulb vitally needs cold weather in order to accumulate useful components, thanks to which the plant grows and blooms.

Gardeners who decide to plant tulips in the spring should consider the following factors:

  1. 1. Before planting, strengthen the immune forces of the tuber. This can be done by placing a crate of flower bulbs at the bottom of the refrigerator where the temperature is kept within 4 degrees above zero.
  2. 2. Protect from diseases and pests. It is recommended to put the bulbs in a weak manganese solution for thirty minutes.
  3. 3. Carefully inspect for damage to the top cover. Discard those damaged by fungus and sores, otherwise the bulbs will give weakly growing tulips.
  4. 4. Dry at room temperature.

For pest control and disinfection, a celandine bought at a pharmacy is suitable. Soaking the tubers for half an hour in a weak warm solution, you can get the result no worse than after manganese baths.

Bulbs should be stored at a temperature of 19-23 degrees and 70% humidity in a dry and ventilated room, in a vegetable box or flower pot. It is important to ensure that the temperature does not rise, otherwise the flower bud will die. If the drying of planting material is carried out in the open air, you need to pay attention so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Having received sunburn, the tulip bulb will die.

In order for the transplantation of tulips to be successful in the spring, in the fall they should be put in a box half-filled with high-quality soil and stored in a cool place close to a temperature of 4 degrees. By the time it's planting time, the bulbs will have sprouts.

Flower transplant rules

In the garden without a transplant, tulips grow no more than 3-4 years. Next, the plants are transplanted, separating the children from the mother bulbs. Children are planted separately from adult flowers, as the grown specimens will bloom in the spring, but the children will not. They must be laid out carefully so as not to damage the roots. Tulips need to renew the soil on the site every year, remove unhealthy and damaged flowers.

If the flowers stop growing or changes occur with the buds (fall off, the petals become irregular in shape), then the soil is not suitable for the plant, it is damaged by pests and gets sick. In this case, an urgent transplant is made to a new place, always waiting for the end of the growing season. Usually tulips are transplanted from one place to another after flowering, during the summer months. In late June - early July, when the leaf and scales of the bulb turn yellow, they begin to dig up the plants. If you skip this period, the tuber will begin to take root. Then it is better not to disturb him, especially if you want to grow a flower out of him.

If you plant tubers in open ground without making pre-planting preparations, they will bloom 14 days later. In order to plant tulips in the spring, they are dug up along with the soil. So the tubers will be stored in their native soil. In the spring they are transferred to a pre-prepared bed.

Bulbs are planted in fertilized soil when its temperature reaches 10-12 degrees at a depth of 9 cm. In this case, planting materials will take root faster. If the temperature is higher or lower, the root system will not develop properly and produce weak flowers. On a dry, sunny day, they dig a small hole and plant the planting material to a depth of three tubers (25 cm). Between them there should be a distance of the width of two bulbs. This will give the flowers enough room to germinate well. It is allowed to plant up to 10 tubers in one hole.

Soil preparation

When the soil thaws, you can begin preparing for planting. First, they cultivate the land by digging it up at the level of the bayonet of a shovel (25 cm). The best soil is humus-enriched loam with a neutral index. If the soil contains a lot of clay, it is improved with large river sand, peat or manure. A little lime is added to peat to neutralize some of its properties.

If the land is not fertile enough, it must be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • top dressing containing nitrogen;
  • with double superphosphate.

The soil is fertilized in early spring, before transplanting from one place to another, for example from a box into the ground.

Usually three top dressings are made:

  • when the first shoots appear;
  • when tulips are ready to bloom;
  • at the end of flowering.

By following the rules of feeding, gardeners get healthy flowers in the spring, in which the tubers remain healthy.

landing care

Care for tulip bulbs after flowering is subject to certain rules. They apply to all varieties planted in spring in open ground:

  1. 1. Check if all the bulbs have sprouted and get the defective ones.
  2. 2. Dig up plants with signs of disease so that the infection does not spread to other flowers.
  3. 3. Water the flower bed, preventing the soil from drying out. Immediately after watering, loosen the soil.
  4. 4. Near small seedlings, carefully loosen the ground to reduce moisture loss and give oxygen access to the root system.
  5. 5. In the first feeding, apply nitrogen-containing top dressing. Thanks to them, the tulip grows quickly, strong leaves are formed. Gardeners recommend using Crystallin with the addition of essential trace elements and nitroammophosphate.

When buds are formed, flowering tulips are fertilized a second time. The second top dressing is considered optional, but it strengthens the flowering plant, and the petals last longer.

Tulips are unproblematic spring flowers. They bloom in almost any case, but really large and bright flowers give only with proper care. To do this, their bulbs must be planted on time and according to the rules, which is done in the fall.

When to plant tulips in autumn

In order for tulip bulbs to take root well, they must be prepared for planting. If we are not talking about buying planting material, you should know how and when the bulbs need to be dug up. This is done after the almost complete drying of the leaves of the plant, which is usually observed in July.

Every year, the bulbs in the ground go deeper and deeper, so you have to look for them with a shovel quite deep, sometimes up to 30-40 cm. And in any case, there remain unfound ones that will continue to grow and bloom in the old place.

The dug bulbs are carefully dried in the shade, after which the baby is separated from them. Only bulbs with a diameter of more than 2 cm are used as "commodity", the rest are planted for growing.

Tulip bulbs are best sorted by size and planted next to homogeneous, and small in another place.

In the middle lane, September 20–30 is considered the optimal time for planting both bulbs and babies. In the south, you can continue planting for another couple of weeks, and in the most severe climate, by September 15–20, it must already be completed. Of course, year after year is not necessary, and errors are possible.

If planted too late, the bulbs may not have time to take root before the cold weather, and if they are planted too early, they may germinate in the fall and die with the onset of frost.

Therefore, in addition to the date, you should also focus on the current weather. The optimal time is for the soil to reach a temperature of about 10 ° C, which can happen either a little earlier or later than the traditionally established planting dates.

Landing step by step instructions

Tulips develop best in sunny, open places that are well protected from the winds, but even with light shading they bloom quite adequately. Only completely in the shade they stretch out, bloom with small and pale colored flowers. They like the soil moist enough, but without stagnant water, loose, not acidic, well fertilized, but it is impossible to fertilize the soil with fresh manure before planting. It is on these principles that the choice of the location of the beds for these spring flowers is based.

Having chosen a place for tulips, proceed as follows.

  1. Planting material is carefully sorted in advance. Too small onions, as well as with signs of disease, it is better to remove them altogether. Immediately before planting, the bulbs are soaked for 30–40 minutes in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    You can try to cure diseased bulbs, but it is better to destroy them

  2. A month before planting, they dig up the bed well with fertilization. It is necessary to dig deep, at least on the bayonet of a shovel, while all the roots of weeds that come across, especially perennial ones, are carefully removed. If the soil is clayey, river sand is added (up to a bucket per 1 m 2), acidic soil is limed (a liter can of lime per 1 m 2). Compost, peat, wood ash, complex mineral fertilizers are suitable as fertilizers.. You don’t need much: a bucket of organics, a half-liter jar of ash, 30–40 g of azofoska, respectively.

    It is not difficult to dig up a bed, but one must carefully consider the destruction of weed rhizomes.

  3. A few days before planting tulips, the bed is watered so that biological balance is established in it.
  4. You can plant tulips in different ways: some flower growers make a separate hole for each bulb, others break through a common trench, whichever is more convenient for you. In any case, it should be a fairly deep recess: large bulbs are planted to a depth of 8–10 cm, small ones, which are planted for growing, by 5–8 cm. When choosing an option (trench or pit), they are guided by the nature of the soil and the distance between the bulbs. Large ones are planted after 12-15 cm, small ones - after 6-10 cm.

    Some growers prefer nested planting: 5-8 bulbs in one large hole

  5. Before planting, prepare a nutrient mixture applied under the bulbs. To do this, 200 g of freshly slaked lime is taken for 1 kg of wood ash. For each bulb there should be a handful of such a mixture, which is poured into holes or a trench. With this approach, tulips bloom well and tie a full-fledged baby.

    Wood ash is both an excellent fertilizer, and a deoxidizer, and an antimicrobial agent

  6. Bulbs are planted vertically with almost no indentation: they may already have tender roots. After landing, they are covered with earth and the bed is leveled with a rake. From above, in areas with high humidity, a centimeter layer of sand can be poured, and in cold regions - 3–4 cm of peat or humus. In early spring, the mulch is embedded in the soil.

    Peat mulch will keep tulips from freezing in case of a sudden cold snap, and in spring it will become fertilizer

  7. If the weather is dry, a week after planting, tulips should be watered (1-2 buckets of water per 1 m 2).

As a rule, this is where autumn worries end, if suddenly severe frosts do not come ahead of time. In this case, the bed should be covered with non-woven materials. For the winter, planted tulips do not require shelter.

Video: autumn planting of tulips

Autumn planting of tulips is not very difficult, but must be carried out on time. Planted once, these flowers can be left untouched for several years. A transplant will be required only when they grow and begin to interfere with each other.

Few flower gardens or gardens are complete without bright beautiful and fragrant ones. Our gardeners are already accustomed to the fact that these unpretentious plants delight with their flowering even with minimal care. But, in some cases, a transplant of tulips is required. Next, we will talk about when to transplant them to another place in the summer, autumn, spring.

When can you transplant tulips?

It is rather difficult to name the exact timing of transplanting tulips. Often, such subtleties depend to a greater extent on the characteristics of the plant variety itself. But still, there is an optimal time period when the plant will be accepted in the ground in the best way - this is autumn (from the first decade of September to the first decade of October).

A plant planted during this period of time will have time to take root quite firmly in the ground, prepare properly for wintering and enter the flowering phase in a timely manner.

But, unfortunately, autumn transplantation is far from always possible. Many are interested in the question: is it possible to transplant tulips in the spring? Gardeners give a rather twofold answer to this question. I guess, yes. But in this case, you should act very carefully, handle the bulbs extremely carefully.

Attention! When transplanting tulips in the spring, you should not wait for the plant to bloom on time. In addition, with a greater degree of probability, we can say that the plant may not grow as beautiful and blooming wildly. But with the right approach, the result will be positive.

It is worth noting that the spring planting will be best tolerated by those tulips that “survived” the winter in special containers. Thus, it is possible to carry out a transplant as efficiently as possible, virtually eliminating the possibility of damage to the flower bulbs.

In what cases is a transplant possible?

To understand the feasibility of transplanting tulips, you first need to find out in which cases it is generally worth carrying out such a procedure, because this plant can quite easily “live” in one place for up to 4 years.

So, the first and quite natural reason for transplanting a tulip may be a long period of its stay in one place (longer than 4 years). The second reason for transplantation (moreover, urgent) may be the absence or insufficient flowering of the plant or the deformity of its flower petals. Such "symptoms" indicate damage to the plant by pests or that the soil did not quite fit the tulip.

The subtleties of the process of transplanting flowers

As mentioned earlier, a tulip transplant is possible over several periods. More on this later.

spring planting

A transplant in the spring is, of course, not the most desirable, but when there is no way out or circumstances have developed, it is important to know how to do it correctly. So, first you need to select the most beautiful and healthy bulbs and plant them in a container with prepared soil. Choose the container very carefully: its depth should not exceed 15 cm. The transplant process is best done by the end of April.

When planting bulbs, try to keep a minimum distance of 3 cm between them. After planting, be sure to sprinkle them with a layer of earth a few centimeters and water gently. When the first shoots appear, you can plant the plant in open ground.

Advice. If tulips have already begun to bloom, it is undesirable to transplant them, since many varietal plants react quite sharply to this process. If the circumstances are so, then try to act as carefully as possible: dig out each flower with a large clod of earth, carefully transfer it to a new place. Fill the holes with earth, without tamping it down. Water lightly.

autumn planting

As for the autumn planting, then, as mentioned earlier, this is the most gentle option for tulips. So, start transplanting approximately by mid-July. By this time, the scales on the bulbs will turn brownish. Try not to be late, otherwise the plant will start to take root, and then the transplant process will become much more difficult. Leave the dug out bulbs to dry either in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

At the beginning of autumn, dry bulbs must be thoroughly cleaned of husks and dry stems, held in weak potassium permanganate to protect against pests and diseases, dried and planted in the ground.

Remember, the transplant site should be almost calm and well lit. The soil must be fertilized the day before planting.

That, in principle, is all you need to know about the intricacies of transplanting tulips to a new place. Good luck!

How to plant tulips: video