Repair Design Furniture

Schemes on field-effect transistors. Powerful and simple do-it-yourself inductor What kind of transistor is needed for an electric fishing rod


Fishing is one of the most common pastimes. Her methods

The insights are constantly expanding. Numerous improvements have been made thanks to

Application of electronics. This applies, in particular, to bite detectors necessary for catching

The manual carefully describes simple devices equipped with memory circuits;

Detectors specially designed for catching predatory fish; central block diagram

Alarms, as well as a wireless alarm device. To facilitate the work of the fisherman will help

A wide variety of devices: a regulator that maintains the required water temperature in

Live bait tank, temperature and atmospheric pressure indicators, charger for

nickel cadmium batteries, etc.

All the considered schemes that allow improving the equipment of the angler with minimal

Investment, can be made by both experienced and beginners

Radio amateurs.

The material presented in this manual does not claim to be exclusive and is compiled

Based on many publications, both in the literature and on the Internet. All descriptions and diagrams

Provided for informational purposes only. Remember that for every action there is

Counteraction. Same with the electric rod. To detect it, there are quite simple

And effective devices tracking destructive impulses. Schematics not shown here

Stationary installations capable of detecting the work of an electric rod for tens of kilometers. AND,

Remember that fishing with an electric fishing rod is an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Weapons of mass destruction.

A momentary electrical impulse - and the fish sometimes breaks its back from a sharp

Bending, the swim bladder bursts, other internal organs are damaged,

Hemorrhage. Even if the fish does not die immediately, the eggs that are inside the body die,

The reproductive system is broken. From a strong discharge in water, nothing remains alive:

Large fish, and fry, and caviar, and frogs with tadpoles die.

“The main danger of electric fishing rods is that poachers use them to

First, all year round, and secondly, in places of the greatest concentration of fish - in places of spawning and

On the way to them, where we should not disturb them at all, - says the director of CaspNIIRH

Ahma Abdusamadov. - And thirdly, it is very simple, affordable, cheap and least

Labor-intensive way of catching fish: got into the boat, turned on the battery, gave a charge. If there is a fish

She will float upside down. All. No need to install networks, climb into the water. These people get rich

And the nature is being severely damaged. Mainly large fish suffer, producers,

Breeding stock that goes to spawning grounds. Electric fishing rods are used in mass

Order in canals, rivers. After such a barbaric extermination, it happens that the river becomes dead

Not a single living being, having received a shock, goes there again. In addition, they are used in

Desalinated coastal areas, bays, wintering grounds for fish.

By the way, about networks. Since the beginning of 2009, new

Sports fishing rules. Here's what it says about catching nets.

V. Recreational and sport fishing.

29. Types of prohibited weapons and methods of obtaining (catching) water

biological resources in all water bodies of fishery importance

Volga-Caspian fishery basin.

In amateur and sport fishing it is prohibited:

A) application:

Networks of all types;

Net screening and netting fishing gear and accessories

(nonsense, nets, drags, bastings, lifting nets, circles,

"TV sets", "screens", "grip", "boers", "shards", "capes",

"kerchief", "sakov", "kotsov", "lionfish", "German", "take",

"rezhakov", "ohanov" and others);

Lifts ("spiders") and scoops larger than 100x100 cm, and with

The size (step) of the mesh is more than 10 mm.

Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Illegal harvesting of aquatic animals and plants using self-propelled vehicles

floating means or explosives and chemicals,electric current or other

methods of mass extermination of the indicated aquatic animals and plants – shall be punished

a fine of one hundred to five hundred thousand rubles, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.


Question: Is it true that a big fish reacts more strongly to an electric rod than a small one?

Answer: Yes, but not always. As in other cases, it all depends on the distance from the fish to

Net, as well as devices for electric fishing and electrical conductivity of water. There are times when

Large fish leave, and the whole bottom is strewn with juveniles.

Question: Can an electric fishing rod be environmentally friendly?

Answer: The question is absolutely incorrect. there are immediate and long-term effects,

And also there are no indicators (not emotional) of "harm". In addition, as I already wrote, different

Models of electric fishermen work in completely different ways in different conditions. Yes, the term

"ecology", which is now "fastened" to so many concepts, means only "science,

Studying the relationship of living organisms with the environment "and nothing more.

The main argument of the "electricians" about the "environmental safety" of the electric fishing rod is

The following: if the fish, after it has fallen from the electric fishing net, is released back into the water, then

After a minute (maximum ten), she “comes to her senses” and calmly, without any consequences,

Absence of consequences ”this article is devoted.

Question: (it is often asked to me by a fish inspector): How to determine if a fish is caught using

current or something else?

Answer: In a trout, for example, under the action of a current, the color of the body changes dramatically, and also appear

Characteristic dark triangles on the top of the head. This color change occurs in

The result of paralysis of the skin, and it disappears quite quickly. Sometimes on the sides

Spots are noticeable, which were the result of direct contact of the fish with the electrode.

These spots are very similar to burns, but are also paralysis of the skin (with careful

Consideration is a mesh with small holes).

Question: How do different types of fish react to electric current in a pond?

Answer: Tench, when exposed to current, rapidly goes to the depth and buries its head in the silt,

Leaving only part of his body outside.

Carp are very sensitive to the action of current. They lie on their side and then slowly sink

The bream remains lying where the action of the current overtook it, and does not sink to the bottom.

The chub lies on the surface of the water.

The pike easily reacts to the impact of even a weak current.

Pike perch is easily stunned by current, but does not float up, remaining at an average depth.

Catfish and burbot react to the action of the current in almost the same way. They come out of their hiding places and lie

On the surface of the water, some of them with their mouths wide open.

The eel swims rapidly on the surface of the water and it is not easy to catch it.

Trout and grayling float to the surface and remain lying for quite a long time.

Both of these species are (unlike tench) among the most caught, therefore, the largest

The electric fishing rod causes harm to small trout (grayling) streams and salmon rivers.

Do-it-yourself electric fishing rod locator.

Some time ago, in one of our national parks, I was asked to "find or

Come up with something to detect electric fishing rods. I started by searching the internet. First (and

Unfortunately, almost the only thing) that I found is the project of ichthyologist Sergey Anatsky

"Antielectrolytes". And immediately puzzled by the passage: “The first stage of our project was

clarification of the main parameters of physical signals that occur during operation

electrofishing. The best specialists in electronics and radio engineering of St.

Petersburg, as well as the unique special equipment that our power

structures ». ( Is the tester and oscilloscope in St.

Petersburg can be obtained only in law enforcement agencies, and only the best can work with them

"electronic specialists" ???

Then he yearned for the father of a Ukrainian child prodigy who wanted money for patents and

Documentation for the "mastering of production" of a whole family of newly invented locators. After

Found out that the project is being funded by a grant. Then I thought about the employees of the reserves and

Fisheries, which are forced without any grants and money to “master production”, often with

Risk to yourself and your loved ones, catch well-equipped poachers. And then she took me

Anger. Really, except for verbiage, no one can help in any way, without demanding money in return?

It is absolutely clear that any serious work, especially related to the development of devices,

It must be carried out for money, otherwise these devices will never be mass-produced. But

It is also quite clear that in the current conditions, no one has money for the development of a locator

Electric fishing rod is not going to pay. From here there are two ways:

To excite public opinion, write articles, organize speeches at conferences,

Trying to get money for organized work;

Invent a device, albeit not the most optimal, but assembled from "grazing"

Any graduate of the radio circle, and distribute instructions for its manufacture to enthusiasts.

The project "Antielectrolytes" went the first way. But it seems to be stuck. Last activity on

The relevant web pages are dated 2003.

I chose the second way for myself. So, long live the "People's Antielectrolytes" (brr, creepy


Well, let's get started!

In order to develop an electric fishing rod locator, it is necessary to imagine that we are going to

Locate. The parameters of electric fishing rods have long been no secret to anyone (except

Some participants of the project "Antielectrolytes" :)). See, for example, the book by I.P. Shelestova

"Electronics for the angler", where you can get the average parameters of the electric fishing rod,

as a source of electromagnetic radiation.

So, the electric fishing rod is a generator of unipolar high-voltage electrical

Impulse with the following characteristics:

Pulse repetition rate 10..100 Hz;

Pulse amplitude 100..700V;

Pulse duration 0.1..10 ms;

The shape of the pulses is rectangular / exponential;

Output power (when working in water) 100..500 W.

Any competent engineer will immediately realize that to detect the operation of such a powerful device

Circuitry solutions for devices capable of being used in

As radiation detectors for electric fishing rods, you can find a lot in the literature - from

Electrical wiring detectors to redesigned DV receivers and microphone amplifiers.

You can also develop your own original device, which has significantly higher

Parameters compared to ready-made schemes.

If the goal is to satisfy your own curiosity, then, of course, you should

Develop a locator from scratch, using modern advances in electronics in the field

Processing of weak signals. I also went down this path in the beginning. I got quite

Workable layout of a fully automatic microprocessor-based long-range radar

actions, the cost of about 150 USD. I imagined the chances of widespread use

Such devices ... I thought, and dismantled it back.

We should face the truth and recognize that "mastery of production", "investment in

Development", "organization of serial production" - concepts not from today's reality

Fisheries and reserves.

If our goal is to curb the predatory extermination of the ichthyofauna by means

Elektrolov, then one should proceed from the real state of affairs:

No grants and conferences will produce anything other than feeding participants, reports and

word quakes;

The development of serial production and the state order of locators, if possible in

Today's environment, it is likely only to receive "kickbacks."

The state will objectively have no time for electrofishing for a long time;

Even with the presence of detection tools, fish protection is not always able to stop violations

(both policemen and deputies with their assistants and a lot of other things catch with electric fishing rods

"oxidized" stupidity);

Employees of nature reserves (probably, fish protection) are still working in conditions of extreme

Poverty and are not even able to provide repairs and gasoline for their own transport for

Regular inspections.

In connection with the foregoing, the prospect of combating electric fishing rods in our country is not

Appears to be rainbow. But if you do something about the organizational and financial part of this struggle

Anything private seems unlikely, the technical part is quite possible

So, imagine for a moment that in different parts of our country there are people who care,

What will happen to our rivers and lakes as electrofishing spreads.

It is obvious that the inspectors can (and are doing) the most in this field, in

Their immediate duties include the fight against poachers. If we talk about

Equipping some hypothetical locator inspectors, it becomes clear that the main

The parameters that determine its distribution and applicability will be:


The complexity of self-production;

Ease of operation.

The optimal design would seem to me to be the lowest possible cost, completely

Assembled from parts available in any district center, in no more than 2 hours by means of

Amateur radio students. Assume the interest of more qualified personnel

In the manufacture of locators on a national scale, it seems to me overly optimistic. Undoubtedly,

Operation of the locator should not require special knowledge and expensive consumables.

This is the problem I started trying to solve. While browsing the internet, I accidentally stumbled upon this article.

Radio amateur Igor Grigorov (RK3ZK) "Super-low-frequency reception" about radio reception

"whistling atmospherics" (I found this article on, there was also a link to the magazine

"Radioamator", No. 7, 2001). "Whistling atmospherics" are atmospheric low-frequency

Electromagnetic phenomena owing their appearance to lightning. They don't have electricity

Nothing to do with one exception - the reception of "atmospherics" and the location of workers

Electric fishing rods are very close radio engineering tasks. Igor successfully used to receive

"atmospheric" ordinary audio player, to the pickup head of which, "in parallel" were

A passive low-pass filter (an inductor and two capacitors) is connected, and

Wire antenna. Thinking out the rest in relation to the electric fishing locator was completely

Just. Having tested the locator I assembled in real work, I can now talk about it

Schemes with comments kindly shared [email protected]

Many are afraid of the apparent complexity of making such a key. Although in terms of material and time costs, it practically does not differ from the thyristor one. In addition, there are no such bulky parts as: a capacitor and a choke. Respectively small dimensions. All keys presented in this review are universal. That is, they can work both upper and lower. So the first key is:

The scheme was tested in the waters of the Dnieper and on the rivers of the Urals, showed its performance and survivability. It was developed when there were no drivers from IR at all, and the simplest IGBTs cost 5-10 green presidents. The idea of ​​trigger protection of the output key was expressed by me at Danila-master's conference and was criticized by the monumental giant of fishing rod building SLONIC. Although in the future he himself applied it. (See diagram 16-1. The scheme is very conditionally functional). A feature of the circuit duty cycle 10 is constant over the entire frequency range and protection for the voltage drop on the key. The output key is turned on along the front of the pulse from the 3rd leg of IE8. If during the action of the pulse the key is not overloaded, then on the edge of the pulse from the 2nd leg of the counter, the trigger will switch to its original position. The elements of the protection scheme are not indicated, here you can see the datasheets and turn on your head. As soon as the drop on the key + the drop on the diode exceeds the transistor opening threshold, the protection will work. Dependence: voltage drop and power dissipation - a linear value, so this construction of protection is recommended by manufacturers.

The appearance of drivers from IR made it possible to simplify the circuit and reduce the number of elements. We pass to the second key.

As you can see, everything that was assembled on the trigger and transistors is stuffed into a small 8-leg case. In this scheme, the drivers of the upper IR2127, IR2125 and the lower IR2121 shoulder work. This scheme has no features. Tested both on the table and on the water. The indestructibility status is fully confirmed. This diagram is a fragment of the electric fishing rod circuit. Pay attention to the value of the storage capacity - 220 microfarads. The capacitance value is chosen based on BBL models and calculations, which have been fully confirmed in practice. Many thanks to him for building a computer model and theoretical study of my first key. This value greatly affects the power dissipated in the transistors of the converter. All these mysterious explosions of transistors on water, as well as spontaneous opening of covers by them, find their explanation. Without going into calculations and mathematics, I will say that both an increase and a decrease in storage capacity lead to an increase in power dissipation on the converter transistors. I also had a frivolous attitude to the throttle in front of the key. Now I can say that it is needed, and definitely. But you need to wind it not on a closed ferrite ring. Better on MP-140, armored car, sawn ring, rod or no core at all. The manufacture of this scheme, as well as the nuances of fishing with a duty cycle of 10, made me think about an even greater reduction in the dimensions of the key and changing its parameters. With a duty cycle of 10, it is imperative to reduce the output voltage. It is best to regulate it in steps of 50 volts within 200-400 volts.

It was then that the good old workaholic timer NE555 (KR1006VI1) came to the rescue.

While reading the next issue of the Radio magazine, I came across the statement that the output current of the timer is 200 mA. Started digging datasheets. I looked at what he had inside :) and between his legs. And here's what happened: Here, both the pulse duration of 0.5-2 ms and the frequency of 10-100 Hz are already regulated. The protection also works perfectly, which protects the output key. Some timer instances do not fully discharge the gate capacitance of the gate, which leads to a delay in closing the transistor and overheating. Therefore, it is desirable to put a driver between the timer and the transistor. But the scheme is fully functional and tested.

Further reflections, as well as BBL models, made me pay attention to the excellent UC3842(43) chip. By the way, it can be used instead of expensive IR drivers.

Unfortunately, this chip has only per-cycle PWM. What does not allow it to collect a key with absolutely any form of impulse. The diagram shown here is inspired by the BBL models, as well as the amount of beer drunk. 4-leg RC chain adjusts the frequency. The pulse duration is adjusted by changing the charging time of the capacitor in 3 legs. Through the diodes, bypassing the capacitor, overcurrent and short circuit are worked out. The circuit lies on the table and works, so I do not quote the denominations. Based on this scheme, you can build an automatic key with self-tuning parameters. Namely, the duration of the pulse, depending on the state of the water or depth. A chopper key is being developed now. The frequency is about 100 kHz. This will reduce the size, increase efficiency, smoothly adjust the level from zero to maximum, and most importantly, get absolutely any form of output signal. I also want to thank Vladimir, who contributed to the global warming of the world climate and caused irreparable damage to IR. By whose efforts were my keys tested in iron on the table and on the water. Scrap iron was used as a load equivalent.

The bipolar analogue of this device is an emitter follower (it was discussed). Here is what the simplest repeater on a PT looks like:

Well, let's figure out what and how this repeater repeats 😉 Output voltage:

We can determine the drain current in terms of the gate-source voltage as follows:

Substitute in the formula for and get this:

And if the load resistance is much greater than the value, then we get a pretty good follower ().

But this scheme has a couple of significant drawbacks. First, the characteristics of the FET are difficult to control during manufacture, so such a source follower can have unpredictable DC offset. And secondly, such a repeater has a rather large output impedance, respectively, the amplitude of the output signal will still be less than the amplitude of the signal at the input.

A better repeater is obtained by using matched pairs of PTs. Such a scheme looks like this:

Let's consider the operation of this scheme. Polevik Q2 sets a certain current. This current corresponds to a gate-source voltage of zero. The transistors are connected in series, which means that the same current flows through Q1, and since the field workers are exactly the same, then for Q1 the gate-source voltage is zero. In the same time:

So we get that, that is, the voltage at the output repeats the signal at the input.

This source follower circuit can be further upgraded by adding resistors to the source circuit. By selecting their values, you can set different drain current values:

This is where we finish with the source followers and move on to some other FET circuits)

Scheme of a key on a field-effect transistor.

Here we see an n-channel MOSFET. When the gate is grounded, the field device is in the closed state and, accordingly, the input signal does not pass to the output. If you apply a voltage to the gate, for example, +10 V, then the FET will go into the open state and the signal will pass almost unhindered to the output.

There's not much to explain here.)

Now let's move on to logic elements (gates) on MOSFETs. And let's start with the options for the execution of the logical inverter. Look at the schematic:

What is an inverter supposed to do? Obviously, invert the signal) That is, we apply a low level signal to the input, we get a high level at the output and vice versa. Let's see how it all works. If the input is low, then the n-channel MOSFET is closed, no current flows through the load resistor, respectively, all the voltage Vcc is at the output. And if the input is high, then the FET in the on state conducts current, while voltage appears on the load, and the drain potential (output signal) is almost zero (low level). This is how the scheme works

Consider another version of the inverter, but using a p-channel FET:

This circuit works similarly to the inverter circuit on an n-channel transistor, so we will not dwell on this.

There is one big disadvantage of both of these circuits - this is a high output impedance. You can, of course, reduce , but at the same time, the dissipated power will increase (it is inversely proportional to the square of the resistance). As you can imagine, this is not good. An excellent alternative to these inverter circuits is the circuit on complementary MOSFETs(CMOS). It looks like this:

So, let's say we have a high-level signal at the input. Then the p-channel MOSFET Q2 will be turned off and Q1, on the contrary, will be in the on state. In this case, the output will be a low level signal. What if the input is low? And then vice versa Q1 will be turned off and Q2 turned on and the output will be high. That's all)

Perhaps, now let's consider another shemka on the field workers - the circuit of the logic gate AND-NOT. This gate has two inputs and one output, and the output should only go low when both inputs are high. In all other cases, the output signal is high.

See how it works. If on Entrance 1 And entrance 2 high level, then both n-channel transistors Q1 And Q2 conduct current, and p-channel Q3 And Q4 closed, and the output will be a low level signal. If one of the inputs has a low level signal, then one of the transistors Q3, Q4 open, and, accordingly, one of the transistors Q2, Q1 closed. Then the chain Q1-Q2-ground open, and the output through an open transistor Q3 or Q4 a high voltage is applied. So it turns out that a low level at the output is possible only if both inputs have a high level signal.

We end this conversation about field-effect transistors, today we examined circuits on field-effect transistors and, in addition, figured out how they work) So see you soon on our website!

We live in a good time - electronics and radio equipment stores have everything. Even somehow it became uninteresting. As soon as you set fire to assemble some kind of laboratory power supply or multi-channel charging, it turns out that the Chinese have already done everything, and at an inexpensive price. But fortunately, their marketing minds have not yet penetrated everywhere. A device like high voltage generator - lightning), they haven’t thought of putting it on sale yet, but I think it’s a matter of time. So you can try to assemble such a thing yourself, especially since the circuit is so simple and reliable that it can be soldered in an hour. Of course, not counting the winding of the coil.

Only 7 details separate you from the most interesting device that gives birth to real lightning 5-10 centimeters long (and someone has all 15). The circuit can be safely recommended for beginner radio amateurs who already know how to handle 220V voltage. It is from him, directly, that the kacher feeds. On the one hand, this simplifies the matter, and on the other hand, it increases the risk.

I will not write for the hundredth time that if the device has mains power, then you need to look both ways and play it safe. I will only say one thing - at the first start, carry out experiments with a 2-5 ampere fuse and a 100-200 watt incandescent bulb connected in series with 220v. With her, the kacher works weaker, but you can already understand what works. But in case of accidental short circuits, there will be no explosions, but simply the lamp will light up at full power.

Field effect transistor - any high voltage Mosfet. Found in a box SSH5N90(900V 5A) - he installed it. Before you put the whole thing in the case, you need to solder the surface mounting on the table and achieve reliable operation with maximum spark. At the same time, you will find out whether the selected parts are working or not.

The circuit itself is soldered in an hour (with smoke breaks), but the coil takes longer. Primary winding 4-5 turns of copper wire 1.5-2 mm. It can be even thicker, for stability, because it will hang in the air. The winding direction is not important, the location on the axis is also - both at the base and in the center of the secondary it started up well. Secondary, that is, high-voltage - 500-1000 turns of PEL 0.3. I wound 500 and it worked great, I didn’t even cover it with epoxy. Pipe diameter - 30 mm.

Where to put it all

The eternal problem is a good body. Despite a couple of computer power supplies, in which some install such circuits, I decided not to use metal. For better electrical safety. Still, we are not collecting a flasher!

After some deliberation, I took as a basis a piece of plastic pipe 120x200 mm from a kitchen hood. It is round and looks good. It will have a circuit, a field effect transistor with a radiator, a primary circuit. And a secondary with a sharp copper knob will stick out from above.

From above, the case is closed with a lid from a box in which they sell sea kale :) It fits perfectly in diameter.

A slot is made in the lid for the coil, and so as not to look inside, it is pasted over with black self-adhesive.

The coils were attached to the body through the fiberboard bar, left over from the repair of the balcony, with mounting racks for connecting the three necessary wires.

When designing, keep in mind that a radiator for a transistor requires more than a pack of cigarettes, it will get very hot on a small one, so you don’t drive a quality for a long time. Stopped at 50x100x5 mm, but after 10 minutes it gets hot.

The second most important thing, after the coil, is the thing - throttle. A lot depends on it. A choke inductance greater than 1 Henry and a current of 1 amp is required. I tried primary from network transformers: up to 50 watts it doesn’t work at all, 50-100 watts is good, 100-200 is excellent. It was only a pity to put such powerful ones, I limited myself to 60 watts ТН42.

We place everything in a case on a metal base, to which a throttle, a radiator, and, if anyone wants, a printed circuit board are screwed. I didn’t do it - I assembled it by hanging.

The outside of the case is also glued with self-adhesive, and the coil is wrapped with black electrical tape. I was afraid that it would work badly with her, but nothing happened.

After being placed in the case, we again turn it on not directly to 220V, but through a fuse lamp. There may not be sparks with it, but the rumbling of the circuit and the neon glow near the coil will say that everything all right.

Better to see once

We finally assemble the hull, wait for darkness, and watch an amazing spectacle that is not available to mere mortals :) Sparks - just like electroflower. Beauty! Friends came and stuck with awe :))

One thing is a shame that with such simplicity, a kacher on one unfortunate field worker works better than a whole one. Maybe she was just in a bad mood...