Repair Design Furniture

Convenient layout of a one-story house. Layout of a one-story house: the best options House 8 by 12 layout

Two variations of one-story houses with terraces, intended for a family of four (three) people. The total area of ​​the internal and external premises is 117.5 m2 and 113.5 m2, the overall dimensions of the foundation, respectively 8×12 and 8×14 meters.

Description of layouts

The building, designed to accommodate four people, consists of the following zones:

  • Three bedrooms - single, each with an area of ​​12 m2 and double, the area of ​​which is 13 m2. Single bedrooms are equipped with comfortable places for study/work.
  • Combined kitchen-living room. The area of ​​this room is 35 m2. From the living room there is access to the outside covered terrace.
  • Two separate bathrooms located in the entrance area. One of them is combined with a laundry room and is adjacent to the sauna room.
  • Boiler room with a separate entrance, which allows comfortable operation of solid fuel heating equipment.

frame one-storey house 8×12

frame one-storey house 8×14

The second option for planning a residential building for three people consists of the following premises:

  • Two bedrooms - double and single with a table for study or work.
  • Combined kitchen / dining / living area of ​​35 m2 and a separate exit to the courtyard to the covered terrace.
  • Hozbloka, consisting of two bathrooms, laundry room, sauna and boiler room. This layout simplifies the layout of plumbing communications.

Layout scheme

House option for four people

frame house layout 8×12

Option for planning a house for three people

frame house layout 8×14

Layout characteristics

  • number of floors - one floor;
  • overall dimensions of the foundation - 8 × 12 for a four-bed building and 8 × 14 for a three-bed building;
  • the total area of ​​the premises of the buildings, together with terraces, is 117.5 m2 for a four-bed house and 113 m2 for a three-bed house;
  • the area of ​​residential premises (bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms and kitchens) is 72 m2 and 60.5 m2, respectively.
  • the number of sanitary facilities - 2 (for both layout options);
  • the number of bedrooms - three for the first variation of the layout and two for the second;
  • both houses are equipped with a sauna;
  • in the second version of the layout, a separate entrance to the boiler room is provided;

Building your own home has many nuances. Before starting construction, the location of the future cottage, its size and number of storeys are selected. A budget and practical option would be to opt for a one-story house, the plan of which is easier and faster to draw up than. Various dimensions and a variety of design solutions will allow everyone to find a project.

There are a number of advantages of a small house with an attic:

  • high speed of building construction and project preparation;
  • less material costs for the foundation and building materials;
  • it is easier to provide the entire room with the necessary communications;
  • you can order a ready-made project of economy or luxury class;
  • the building can be erected on almost any type of soil, without fear for the destruction or settlement of the house.

The disadvantages include the limited space and layout options, since only 3-4 full-fledged rooms can fit on the ground floor.

Advice! If you want to find the most affordable option, opt for a foam block house.

Among the typical projects, there are dimensions:

  • 8×10 m.

Each design has its own characteristics, and outwardly it can be made in any design, distinguishing your home from others.

Plan of a one-story house 6 by 6 m: interesting photo examples of finished works

It can take a lot of time to plan a one-story cottage, but the construction process itself, with a well-prepared plan, will go much faster. In a small house, it is important to take into account the correct arrangement of rooms with the most rational use of the entire living space.

Among the plans of small houses 6 × 6 m with one floor, you can find very interesting options. Here are some photo examples of schemes and finished buildings:

House plan 6 × 6 m with an attic floor
You can choose a slightly larger project 6 × 8 m

The living area in such a modest room is only 36 m², but even on such an area you can equip a sleeping room and a living room, and move a nursery to the attic. It is better to make a bathroom combined, freeing up space for a kitchen or hallway. Such designs are often chosen by elderly couples or small young families with one child.

Plan of a one-story house 9 by 9 m: photo examples with options for the distribution of rooms

There are quite a few layouts of a one-story house 9 by 9 m, despite the modest living space. You can make a plan yourself or order a ready-made version from the masters. Here are some interesting options for the location of rooms:

A one-story house 9 by 9 m can be built from, stone, timber, or energy-saving panels. The last option is the most affordable. You can add a garage or attic to any design to make the room larger and more functional.

On average, the total living area will be 109 m², and the facades can be very diverse. Here are some finished 9×9 m:

Layout of a one-story house 8 by 10 m with a photo

When planning the construction of a house and drawing up a project, it is worth considering many nuances, starting from the number of people in the family, ending with the location of the building on the site with the choice of the location of the windows.

Modern technologies make it possible to create 3D projects of one-story houses 8 by 10 m, taking into account their location on the site. To do this, use special ones, where it is even possible to distribute rooms and arrange furniture.

There are many layouts and options for the distribution of living rooms, you can choose a project for a one-story 8 × 10 house with an attic or an attached garage, as well as think over the basement. All this allows you to maximize the usable area in the building.

Here are some interesting plans:

Projects of one-story houses up to 150 m²: photo and description of layouts

Single-storey houses with a living area of ​​up to 150 m² are perfect for families of 4-5 people. They can accommodate three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, as well as attach a garage, make a basement, where to move all communication wiring. An attic is also a good idea for small buildings.

According to European standards, a house up to 150 m² is classified as small, such constructions have a number of advantages:

  • variability of material for building a house (timber, stone, foam block and others);
  • compactness, which is important for small areas;
  • lower consumption of building materials and physical costs, which reduces the cost of construction;
  • small living area allows you to save on utility bills.

You can design a house yourself or order a ready-made plan with the construction of a turnkey building. There are several standard dimensions of cottages up to 150 m²:

  • 10 by 12 m;
  • 12×12 m;
  • 11 by 11 m.

As well as options with a basement, attic and garage.

Plans for a one-story house 10 by 12 and 12 by 12 m with photo examples

On average, the living area in a 10 by 12 house is 140 m² with an attic floor. The distribution of rooms, as well as the appearance of the house, can be varied. When choosing a project, it is worth considering the number of family members who will live under one roof.

In this case, any version of a one-story building will have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to make an attic with a gable roof, increasing the area;
  • there is an option to build a garage or an additional room to the side of the house, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows.
  • easy operation and maintenance at home: great for children or the elderly, as there is no need to climb stairs;
  • you can implement almost any design idea in the facade by mounting arches or other decorations.

Among the finished projects, the layout of one-story houses 10 × 10 or 10 × 12 m is different. Here are some photo examples to make it easier for you to imagine your future home:

Ready-made plan of a one-story house with three bedrooms 10 × 12 m

Plan of a one-story house 11 by 11 m from a bar with a photo

Among all the options, a special place is occupied by one-story ones, which can be of any footage, including 11 by 11m. Natural material always attracts the attention of consumers, looks beautiful on any site, and with proper construction, the life of buildings is long.

Among all the advantages of timber buildings, there are several main advantages:

  • timber can be ordinary and profiled, so you can choose different ones;
  • the material is durable and environmentally friendly;
  • easy to mount wiring in the house: there is no difficulty in drilling walls;
  • the tree does not let the cold through: houses can be built even in climates with harsh winters.

The disadvantages include the ability of wood to absorb moisture, so an additional layer of waterproofing of the walls is required, and a special composition should also be applied to prevent the formation of rot and mold. Wood is classified as an expensive material, so even a one-story house can hardly be attributed to cheap buildings.

There are many layout options, for example, wooden one-story houses 11 by 11 m with an attic look beautiful. Here are some photo examples of different finished designs:

Plan of a one-story house 12 by 12: options for the distribution of rooms

It is easier to think over the layout of a one-story house 12 × 12 m, because a large area allows you to place rooms in random order, make several large or many small rooms. The attic floor is given over to offices and children's rooms or non-residential recreation areas are equipped, and additional openings can serve as a summer refuge from the heat and scorching sun.

Choosing a suitable arrangement of rooms, you can draw up your project by hand or in a special 3D editor, take a ready-made version as a basis, or order a plan from specialists in a construction company in your city.

Here are some options for planning houses 12 by 12 m, as well as ready-made designs:


8 by 12 house project plans are quite popular in 2018 and are in great demand. Therefore, we regularly replenish our catalog of house projects 8 by 12 with new projects with a functional, original and comfortable layout for life.

Typical layouts of 8 by 12 house projects: what you need to pay attention to before buying a finished project

Before proceeding with the construction of a house, an 8 by 12 house scheme must be correctly selected. In order to facilitate and systematize the selection process, a number of important issues must be taken into account.

So, when choosing the layout of houses 8 by 12, it is important to consider:

1. Features of the land allotment.

It is necessary to start choosing a residential cottage project when a building site has already been determined. It is desirable to adhere to this rule, since the features of the land often limit some of the possibilities of the house and the way of life in it. We have described how to choose a good plot for individual construction.

However, the opposite option is not excluded, when a private house project is first selected, and then a site is selected that meets all the construction conditions.

A plot of any shape, with an area of ​​more than 4 acres, is suitable for an 8x12 house project.

2. The cost of construction and materials.

How much it will cost the developer to build a private house on a turnkey basis cannot be said initially, since many factors influence the value of this indicator. So, the region of development can increase costs several times. Also, the costs depend on the materials, the chosen construction technology, etc. Therefore, an estimate can be drawn up when a project and a site for construction are selected.

3. Which cottage 8 by 12 is better: with an attic, one- or two-story?

When deciding on the number of storeys of the future house, you must first familiarize yourself with the advantages of each of their solutions:

The one-story house allows residents to move without any obstacles to all rooms, since there is no staircase. Life in such a house takes place in one plane. However, the construction of such a house is more expensive than the construction of an attic with the same area. This is due to the fact that a one-story house requires more roofing and foundation work.

The best solution for small plots is an 8 by 12 house with an attic. In this house, the room can be divided into a day area and a recreation area (attic room). Attic houses are good in terms of energy saving. The disadvantages of attic houses include the presence of a low attic wall and sloping roof slopes, which somewhat reduce the space and require considerable labor for arrangement. The thoughtful design of 8 by 12 house projects makes it possible to level these shortcomings and make the room cozy for living. Also, an attic house requires insulation of a sufficiently large roof area.

The construction of a two-story house is much more expensive than a house with an attic, but it allows you to use two full floors.

A house whose attic can be converted into a residential attic in several stages is an intermediate solution. At the same time, landscaping work can be carried out when the homeowner has the time and funds to do so.

4. Layout of the house 8 by 12 with a forecast for the future.

When a developer chooses a project, he needs to think carefully about how many rooms should be in the house and what purpose. At the same time, he must rely not on the needs of the present, but also take into account the possible needs of the future. So, an office or living room, which is so lacking now, in a few years can serve as a room for the residence of his parents or grown-up children who decide to stay in their father's house.

5. The possibility of changes in the design of the house 8 to 12

Our designers quite simply make changes of any complexity to the projects of 8 by 12 houses, photos, sketches, drawings and videos of which are posted in this section, without affecting the reliability and strength of the house. Therefore, there is no need to abandon the project you like, just because it has some nuances, since they are easily corrected.

The company implements all architectural projects at average market prices. Each project is accompanied by detailed design documentation, which consists of five sections: structural, architectural and engineering, consisting of 3 parts (ventilation and heating system wiring diagrams, power supply, water supply). Engineering sections of the project are available for an additional fee.

Below we have posted a house project as an example.

Each Z500 project guarantees legal security when building a house, as it is protected by copyright. The certificate posted on the site indicates that Z500 is a representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd.

Our most popular finished project: the project of an energy-efficient two-story 8x12 house with a garage and a boiler room. A modern house with a beautiful and solid appearance, with a carefully thought-out and very comfortable layout of the premises where there is nothing superfluous and with a large number of options for facade cladding in different architectural styles.



No. 1. The layout and appearance of the house 8x12 from aerated concrete 300 mm, brick and plaster cladding:


No. 2.1. Mirror version of the house 8x12 with a terrace above the garage, 170 m2. Brick walls with thermal insulation and facing bricks.

№2.2. Mirror version of the house 8x12 with a basement and a terrace, 250 m2. The walls are made of ordinary bricks, with PPU thermal insulation and facing bricks.

No. 3. Variant of the house 8x12 in a classic style with a brick facade and white architectural elements, with a garage, 170 m2.

No. 4. A respectable version of the house 8x12 in a modern style. The total area of ​​the house without a second light is 178 m2, load-bearing brick walls with effective insulation, a brick facade, a garage and a boiler room. Normal and mirror version.

No. 5. A variant of the house 8x12 in a modern style, a facade made of one-color bricks and window frames made of composite, 140 m2.

No. 6. House variant 8x12 with 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor, two-tone brick facade and decorative plaster, 140 m2.

No. 7. A variant of a solid respectable house 8x12 in a classic style with a balcony and an entrance from the south side, 140 m2.

No. 8. Option for a budget energy-efficient frame house 8x12 in the style of "German fachwerk", area 156 m2.

No. 9. A variant of an economical energy-saving house of the 8x12 series with aerated concrete walls and facade siding, 150 m2.

No. 10. Variant of a 3-storey solar house 8x12 in a classic style, 6 bedrooms, 3 living rooms with fireplaces, 207 m2.


The solar house "8x12" is, first of all, a very warm house filled with sunlight and warmth. Energy-saving technologies, durable materials, beautiful appearance, convenient layout - all this makes it comfortable and healthy.

Description of the house project 8x12: with a small area - 140 m2 (without a garage and a boiler room), an 8x12 house is visually perceived as a large and solid mansion. Simple and inexpensive to build, it looks an order of magnitude better than many houses of similar size and cost.

By adding modern elements or classic details to the basic version of the project, we can give the architecture of the house a modern or classic style. The color and texture of facing bricks and window casings can be changed, achieving a unique individual appearance. The appearance of the house can be decided in any architectural style.

House layout 8x12: rectangular in plan, 2 floors, height of the 1st floor - 3.50 m, height of the 2nd floor - 3.25 m. The total area of ​​the house is 140 m2, with a garage and a boiler room of 175 m2. On the 1st floor there is a single large bright space, conditionally divided into functional areas, with the possibility of installing partitions: entrance hall - 11 m2, office - 10 m2, living room - 21 m2, dining room - 13 m2, kitchen - 11 m2, bathroom - 9 m2.On the 2nd floor: hall - 9 m2, second light, bedroom - 15 m2, bedroom - 13 m2, bedroom - 13 m2, bathroom - 10 m2. Garage - 24 m2 and boiler room - 15 m2 are attached to the house in a separate block on the north side.

Modern energy efficient technologies: reliable insulated foundation, warm walls 500 mm, t warm windows with double-chamber energy-efficient double-glazed windows, reinforced insulation along the attic floor, ventilated attic, no cold bridges in the house.

The solar energy-efficient house was designed according to the principles of passive solar architecture: energy-efficient windows on the east, south and west side, on the south facade there is an additional large stained-glass window on two floors with a second light, on the north facade there is one small window for through natural ventilation of the house. All residential premises are located on the south side of the house, and household premises on the north. Flexible and comfortable layout will create the necessary living space.

Foundation:in the basic design of the house 8x12 there is a monolithic reinforced concrete tape and 2 rows of FBS foundation blocks. The floor slab is monolithic reinforced concrete on the ground, insulated. It is possible to adapt the foundation to your region.

House walls: Bearing wall made of 300 mm aerated concrete blocks, outer wall made of facing ceramic bricks, white piers and architraves around windows made of 200 mm aerated concrete blocks for plastering. The wall material in the 8x12 house project can be easily replaced with brick, ceramic block or any other wall material.

Roof: the attic floor over the 2nd floor is wooden, insulated with basalt insulation with waterproofing and vapor barrier, above it there is a ventilated attic space. The roof of the house is gable, the roofing is made of metal tiles. Can be replaced with flexible tiles.

Window:from a warm profile with a 2-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window. The platbands around the windows can be made with a protrusion of gas blocks, from facing bricks or overhead from finished architectural details.

Insolation: windows on the east, south and west sides, on the south facade there is a stained-glass window on 2 floors with a second light, on the north facade there is one small window for ventilation of the house. The low winter sun freely penetrates the house and additionally heats it, the summer sun only partially enters the house without overheating it.

Roller shutters :the window openings of the house are designed taking into account the concealed installation of the roller shutter box (in the design version with walls made of aerated concrete and plaster architraves). That is, a bulky box is not visible on the facade of the house. Roller shutters will protect the house from heat loss in winter through windows at night, and also serve as a good adjustable sun protection from the hot summer sun.

Boiler room: the area of ​​the boiler room is 15 m2, as well as the garage, it adjoins the house from the north side, this large boiler room will easily accommodate all the necessary modern engineering equipment of the house and there will still be room for a workshop or warehouse.

Engineering training:solar energy-efficient house 8x12 is designed according to the principle of a house-constructor, that is, it is possible to install almost any modern engineering system in the future, whether it is an air conditioning system, supply and exhaust ventilation, a heat pump or solar panels and collectors.

Do-it-yourself construction has gained popularity due to the availability of information via the Internet. Various construction sites, forums allow you to get qualified knowledge and build a house with minimal hired labor. One of the most difficult areas of construction is design. It is in the design documents of the future house that construction materials, the layout of rooms, methods of laying engineering communications and organizing heating are specified. Let's look at the options for planning rooms in projects for buildings measuring 12 by 8 (1 or 2 floors).

Internal layout

The area of ​​the house 8 x 12 m 2 is almost 100 squares (for a one-story building) and almost 200 squares (for a two-story cottage). This is a fairly spacious room in which a family of five to eight people can live. According to the norms of public housing, each person should have at least 20 square meters. m of total area.

The larger the indoor area, the higher your winter heating costs will be. Therefore, huge box houses have limited popularity. Even with the availability of funds, a cottage measuring 8 by 12 m is rarely built in a three- or more-story version. More often they are limited to two floors of a building or one.

In this project, all interior spaces are organically located around the inner hall. Almost all rooms are private. Only the entrance veranda and the common hall are passable.

The house has an ideal rectangular shape, the entrance veranda is located inside the outer walls. It looks like an unglazed covered terrace, which precedes the entrance to a one-story building.

House project No. 2: comfort and convenience

In this one-story project, behind the outer walls with a perimeter of 8 by 12 m, there are three bedrooms, a kitchen-living room with a hall, and a boiler room. This project is a modernized version of the previous plan. The number of bedrooms has been preserved here, and the dimensions of the living room have been increased due to its combination with the kitchen and the hall.

Bedrooms and a bathroom occupy the right side of the house. The left side is a zone of active activity. Here they spend waking hours, gather after work, cook food, receive guests.

There is a second exit from the living room-kitchen. It can lead to a glazed veranda (if desired, it is attached to the house) or go directly to the backyard through a porch or an open terrace. In the warm season, a gazebo, a dining table and a place for general rest are set up on the street next to the second exit.

Two-story house project

The second attic floor will house an exclusively home area: three bedrooms, a closet for storing clothes, a bathroom and a toilet. The entrance to the interior on the second floor is from the hall. Here, in the hall, a staircase rises from the first floor.

The first floor itself is a guest and working area. There is a separate kitchen, a living room and an office, as well as utility rooms (a furnace and a combined bathroom). The first floor of the house is crossed by a large spacious hall. The back wall of the hall is equipped with a light window. The entrance to the house is through a small corridor that separates the internal heated rooms from the street.

What else needs to be considered

The presence of a high porch and steps at the entrance to the house is determined by the height of the basement. The high plinth provides thermal insulation for the first floor floor and requires the construction of a high porch and steps. A low plinth requires mandatory thermal insulation of the floor and is limited to a low porch with one or two steps at the entrance to the house.

Convenient interior design is oriented to the cardinal points, takes into account the wind rose and the daily routine of the owners. If the family regime coincides with natural biorhythms (early rise), then the windows of the bedrooms are located to the southeast (for early illumination of the rooms with natural light). If people are nocturnal, sleep for a long time, then their bedrooms are placed along the northwestern wall of the house (so that bright sunlight does not disturb their morning sleep).

house porch 12 on 8 - designed with love.