Repairs Design Furniture

How to disassemble the Lovato gas gearbox? Cleaning and installing remotecting gearbox "LOVATO. Setting up a gas gearbox with various methods Vacuum gearbox LOVATE device

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In gas-filled equipment, the greatest significance is assigned among all nodes. His task: to provide the opportunity to the driver to lower the pressure that comes from the cylinder

In gas-filled equipment, the greatest significance is assigned among all nodes. His task: to provide the opportunity to the driver to lower the pressure that comes from the cylinder. Repair, namely adjustment, on the reducer of the car provides for working with one or two regulators: This is the main difference.

In principle, the gas gearbox is a primitive pressure regulator, arranged in order to maintain the standard pressure value from the fuel consumption autonomously. As practice shows, the device supports it with a slight coller. The pressure is slightly reduced with increasing gas flow. This is not a very significant moment, but requiring attention.

Offer from manufacturer

The device of the Lovato gearbox is characterized by universality, simplicity and reliability. For Turkish semi-star producers, the manufacturer is a role model. Almost all generations of Turkish gearboxes adopted the design of the fightened "drum", on the ends of which two stamped covers. Company "OFFICINE LOVATO S.P.A." Belongs to the family type enterprise which was founded in the post-war time in the conditions of a sharp lack of fuel. In modern conditions, Lovato is one of the leaders of the global gas-filter market. Repair, namely adjustment, analogs of Lovato depends on the following factors:

  • generation of the mechanism;
  • number of regulators;
  • fuel system.

Producer Serving Row:

  • Propane Lovato Reducer Vacuum 90 and 140 kW. The device is intended for the 1st-generation systems HBO on a carburetor-type auto with a capacity of up to 123 horsepower. The gearbox is intended solely for re-equipment for propane.
  • Propane reducer Lovato electronic 90, 140, 170 kW. The device is intended for GBO 1, 2 and 3rd generation systems on auto injector, monocent and carburetor type with an engine power up to 123 horsepower. The gearbox is designed for propane-butane.
  • Lovato methane gearbox. The 2nd generation device is used to convert car and buses on methane fuel.

Reducer settings

Repair, namely adjustment, gearbox provides orientation in its settings. Propane analogues mainly have two regulators, but also meet with one. The methane type gearbox is almost always characterized by one regulator. These settings are the most problematic.

Repair for the gas generation of gearboxes with one unique setting provides for manipulations exclusively with a transmitted gas pressure. Motor transport owners with special enthusiasm prefer to "twist" pressure on their own. By specifying the only true and that a lot is important, the true pressure value, only the fuel gearbox will provide an opportunity to limit gas consumption in mode power due to the element referred to as greed.

Repair has some difficulties in the case when the screw is in the "Closed" position. To preserve the idle stroke in this case, it is necessary to increase the pressure, the process of which includes:

  • Checking the gearbox before setting, namely, whether the "screw of greed" is open.
  • After the implementation of the previous stage, you can proceed to adjustment work.

Process adjustment

The gas regulator is directly represented as a screw compressing the spring. In order to install it, you should consider:

  • when tightening the gas supply will be reduced by a gearbox;
  • when unscrewed - to rise.

Sometimes the screws meet with the left thread, most often it is right. This moment depends on the designer fantasy of the manufacturer. In order to be slightly simplifying this task, it is necessary to consider: with any rotation, it is characterized by the above characteristics of gas pressure changes.

Adjusting idling on the vehicle is explained by the degree of shaking of the motor. His quiet work indicates that the repair of the gearbox is performed competently and efficiently.

So, we run the motor and hold the open throttle. Then we smoothly let it go and bank turnover until the power unit stalls. At the same time, do not forget the condition: must continue to work. For "kettles" Explanation: the engine will not stall completely, if you start the blast of the controller in an arbitrary direction. If the worst work of the motor is viewed, you will have to change the speed of rotation of the gearbox and restore its stable activity.

Today is very relevant. There are many companies that produce gas equipment for motor vehicles. The leading position in this field is occupied by the Italian company Lovato. It develops equipment for many years, its developments on alternative fuel it began in the late 50s of the last century. The company LOVATO produces gas equipment, which is used in all fear of the world, annually 5 million motor vehicles buy components of this particular company.

Gas equipment Lovato

Most domestic motorists choose the GBO brand Lovato, as it belongs to the fourth generation. Also, this equipment is advised to install the wizard of the car service, as it does not require special knowledge to install, because the GBO setup is logatically under the simplified system.

It is important that the manufacturer provides a guarantee for its components for a period of 3 years. This time is enough for a kilometer within 300 thousand kilometers. This indicator is one of the highest among HBO 4 generation. According to averaged data, this is enough for 5 years. If you compare with similar companies in this area, then their indicator is much smaller.

However, despite the high showed, the driver should be remembered that it is necessary to diagnose the diagnosis of HBO 4 generation of Lovato. Because it will help not only to identify malfunctions, but to a greater extent it depends on the safety of the vehicle operation. Many masters declare that it is periodically necessary to make the control unit to the GBO GBO.

Important! Lovato is a monobrand, since all the equipment produces on their own. By buying a HBE of this company to consume can be sure that all the details that are included in the kit are manufactured in Italy.

LOVATO HBO must be installed only in specialized car services, since poor installation may cause a malfunction, and the system will not be able to function normally. In the event that the installation is performed correctly, the system is notified by the "Chicken Ungin" signal.

Many drivers note that after the transition to gas, the motor capacity is very reduced. However, this problem is obvious, because when combustion, gas has a temperature higher than liquid fuel. But this problem was solved on the 4 generation equipment - at the moment the gas enters the engine system in the same way as gasoline. Therefore, the reduction in power is only about 2%. So, the quality of the vehicle affects the quality of fuel refilling.

Features of installation and operation

Many car owners choose gas, because it is much cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel. In addition, gas fuel creates a better mixture when interacting with air, this is determined by the fact that it has good chemical properties. As a result, it turns out that it burns better, and at the same time does not highlight a large chemical sediment, and also does not leave the Scoot traces.

The standard set includes the following components:

  • reducer on which the valve is already installed;
  • ramps;
  • gas filter;
  • temperature sensor;
  • switch;
  • wiring;
  • detailed instructions;
  • warranty card.

The operation of the system occurs as follows:

  • gas is in a cylinder, which is installed either in the trunk, or in place of springs;
  • after the car warms up, the HBO system issues an alert on the panel that you can switch to gas;
  • when switching to the use of gas fuel, gasoline ceases to enter the main transport systems;
  • gas begins to flow through open dampers into the gearbox, after - in the nozzles, and then into the combustion system.

It is important that the whole process occurs in stages, and the maximum is all distributed, which ensures the normal functionality of the car.

Attention! Gas in the cylinder is under high pressure, and it is necessary to reduce it in the motor system. Reducer is used to reduce pressure.

Connection diagram HBO LOVATO consists of several parts. The first stage consists of an installation of a balloon and gas highways, this process does not take much time, and is also not strong. Most often, the gas cylinder is installed in the luggage compartment, but the filling opening can be installed in the bumper or near the gasoline tank. The highways themselves are packed under the bottom of the car.

The second stage is the most difficult - it is necessary to install fittings. Most often, they are installed in the immediate vicinity of the injectors, which are in gasoline fuel. In the event that the work is made not qualitatively, it can lead gas equipment to malfunction, and the methods of eliminating this problem will be new hardware installation work. At the next stage, it is already necessary to install a gas gearbox that will monitor the decrease in the pressure level in the system.

Important! The company's gearbox is LOVATO differs from all analogues by the fact that it is practical and easy to use. In addition, most companies that specialize in the release of this product seek to achieve such indicators and the same level of quality as the firm of Lovato.

After the gearbox is installed, all remaining components are connected to the system. At the final stage, the electronic unit is configured. This is a rather complicated process, and if it is incorrectly, the GBO does not switch to gas.

Some drivers are wondering how to adjust HBO Lovato. It is worth noting that the Adjustment of HBO LOVATO is a rather complex process that can only produce a highly qualified master. For this reason, it is not recommended to perform this procedure independently, since it depends not only to the correct operation of the gas system, but also the safety of operation.

Pros and cons of HBO Lovato

Because the company's equipment refers to the 4th generation, the transition to this system has several advantages. First, the reduction in the engine power is only 2%, which is quite slightly. Also the cost of gas is much lower than fuel, which is made from petroleum products.

Due to its chemical composition, gas does not have harmful impurities, which positively affect the environment. It also allows you to protect the details of the car from metal corrosion. Consequently, the owner of the car will have to change the spare parts, and this is a great cash savings.

Also, the indisputable advantage of the GBO installation is LOVATO is the low cost of mounting. On average, the owner will have to pay from 19 to 47 thousand rubles, depending on the vehicle.

It is worth noting that the company LOVATO is at its production uses the lean production system, which allows you to completely eliminate the risks of marriage. In addition, the firm has many certificates that confirm that all products comply with quality standards.

Today on many cars with a HBO installed, the products of the brand are Lovato. This is the fourth generation equipment. Italian quality and moderate cost helped the company conquer a substantial market share. The price of HBO set is within 19,000-24,000 rubles. The fact that the firm is one and pioneers in the field of engine improvement. Lovato appeared in 1922, but still is a private family business. Since the foundation, it is engaged in the production of electrical equipment. One of the first companies received all the necessary permits for the production of engine control systems. Thanks to the wide network of importers, its products can be found in any corner of the world. The equipment of this brand can be installed in any car service involved in HBO. The masters love to deal with the products of this company, since the equipment is loving has simplified settings. They are available for installers of any level of preparation. System setting also does not cause problems.

The equipment of this brand is a guarantee of up to three years. Usually it is enough for 200-300 thousand kilometers. This is an excellent figure for HBO 4th generation.

This mileage different drivers run differently. On average, it turns out for five to six years. Equipment of other brands has a smaller service life. After installing HBO, the question of its service becomes especially important, it is impossible to forget about it. This is a question not only the serviceability of the engine and its fuel system, but also safety. Periodically, the control unit is set. It is worth noting that a number of masters indicate that even in the absence of maintenance, the equipment will still continue to serve its owner.

It is important to note that Lovato is a monobrand - all components for gas-filled equipment of the 4th generation firm produces independently. The package includes control unit, nozzles, gearbox, valve. All this Italian production.

Gas-ballon equipment for the car must be installed in specialized services. Only there you can achieve the quality of work, which is necessary for the uninterrupted functioning of the system. With the proper installation of HBO, any possibility of the appearance of the "Check Engine" signals is excluded.

Regarding the installation of the 4th generation HBBA, to which the products of the company are lovato, there are a number of speculations. How big are they?

One of the mains is to reduce the resource of the engine. This myth is associated with the fact that the combustion temperature of the gas is greater than that of liquid fuel. However, in modern equipment, this problem has been solved by the fact that the injection of fuel in the nozzle occurs in a similar way in liquid fuel and gas. It should be noted that the engine resource depends on the quality of the fuel, it can be different, and, both gas and liquid.

In addition, the engine resource depends on the quality of equipment installation work. HBO can be installed with their own hands, but it is not recommended to do this.

An important advantage of gas, some masters believe that it is less corrosive engine oil, thanks to which the resource of the engine is even increasing. However, it is impossible to forget about the quality of gas. It is different.

The fundamental factor in the installation for many car owners is the low cost of gas fuel compared to gasoline or diesel fuel. Thanks to the chemical properties of gas, when interacting with air, it creates a fuel mixture. Thus, it burns better and emits less precipitation in the form of soot and other substances. It is impossible not to note the better gas resistance to detonation.

Set of equipment

The package of equipment of the company Lovato includes a gearbox with a built-in valve, a gearbox temperature sensor, a computer, switch, gas filter, ramps and wiring with OBD output, instruction (based on the ECU) and other components.

Principle of operation

Lovato products refer to the fourth generation systems. The principle of operation of this generation is that the gas on the nozzles is supplied depending on the sensor readings, which are sent to the electronic control unit.

The system is as follows. Gas is stored in the gas cylinder. It can be located in the trunk of the car or under the bottom at the place of attachment of the spare wheel.

At the time of switching to gas, the operation of the gasoline fuel system stops. Opened flaps, and gas through the gearbox falls on the nozzles, after which - in the combustion chamber. Gas fuel supply is distributed, sequentially or in parallel.

In the cylinder gas is under high pressure. In order to submit it to the engine, pressure must be reduced. This is done in the device called the gearbox.

Installation of products Lovato.

The GBO installation process from Lovato is divided into the following components. Installed cylon and gas highways. This is the simplest stage, because the cylinder is usually placed in the trunk, and highways - under the bottom of the car. The filling opening can be installed both in the bumper area and in the immediate vicinity of the gasoline "tanner".

At the second stage, the holes for the fittings are drilled. This is one of the most complex stages in installing HBO. The poor performance of work will be negatively affected both at the fuel consumption and on the performance of the system as a whole. Fixing fittings in the immediate vicinity of gasoline nozzle.

The slope of the nozzle must ensure the smallest gas resistance when it gets into the cylinder. Fittings must be embedded at the same distance and at one corner.

In the third stage, a gas gearbox is installed. As mentioned above, it serves to reduce the pressure of the gas mixture when it is supplied to the engine. In addition, he is designed to maintain the stability of this pressure. The process occurs automatically, as the gearbox is controlled via the ECU, which in turn is guided by testimony from the sensors. It is worth noting that when the reducer of the gearbox, gas pressure fluctuations occur, but they are not significant. Thus, the gas gearbox is of the greatest value among all HBO nodes.

Gas gearbox from Lovato is universal, simple and reliable. It is a role model for other manufacturers who seek to achieve this level of quality.

The gas gearbox is installed in the inside of the engine compartment. After mounting, the gas line is connected to it, then the gas filter, valves and ramps of the nozzles are installed.

Ramps are established with the accounting that the length of the hoses from the gas valves to the fitters was minimal.

At the final stage, an adjustment of the electrical component occurs. This is the most complicated process on which the system's performance itself depends. Part of the wires goes to the interior on the computer, part - on the engine nozzles.

The control unit must be connected to the gasoline fuel control unit, as well as temperature and pressure sensors. It is from their work that the amount of the gas mixture supplied to the engine combustion chamber depends.

The installation process is time consuming and requires high qualifications. It is categorically not recommended to perform work. This is a matter of not only the engine performance, but also the security of the car owner.

Setting the control unit

The primary setup of the control unit should also be made in a specialized service. This will depend on the fuel consumption indicators, as well as the operation of the engine. If the power changes are possible if possible. If you do everything properly, the HBO from Lovato will serve as faithfully for many years.

During operation, the control of the performance of the ECU can be made independently. In the package, the delivery is the instruction where the work mechanism is indicated. Enjoy better than the original Lovato controller. It has an OBD format. The instruction contains a clear algorithm how to regulate the 4th generation ECU. The setting is performed according to it. The controller connects to the computer and system. With a full-fledged connection, the "Connection is set" icon will appear, after which it will be possible to start adjusting. The necessary parameters that should be, the instruction contains.

Reducer settings

Repair and adjustment of the gearbox should, if possible, be made in a specialized service. However, there are different situations. Repair and adjustment provide that a person that makes it can orient in its settings. If the auto owner understands the question, you can adjust and do it yourself. On the equipment of the fourth generation, Lovato is only possible adjustment of the pressure of the gas mixture. Using it, you can set the necessary fuel consumption parameters. A screw is installed on the gearbox, when twisting the desired indicators is installed.

The repair is complicated if the screw is set to "closed". In this situation, it is necessary to increase pressure. Adjustment provides for the spinning of this screw.

If the engine works calmly, then this suggests that the repairs of the gearbox and its adjustment and setting are made competently and efficiently.

Adjusting the Lovato gearbox is as follows. When the engine running, the turns are smoothly shown until the motor stalls. At the same time, the gearbox itself must function - if you turn the screw in an arbitrary direction, the engine will not completely stall. If the operation of the power unit worsens, it is better to return to the original parameters.

Thus, if independent adjustment or repair fails, it is necessary to study the instructions again, and it is better to contact a specialized service.

As noted above, Lovato's equipment is distinguished by their reliability and stability. However, poor-quality adjustment and configuration can be outrethged even it.

One of the most important elements of gas-filled equipment is a gearbox, which is designed to monitor the decrease in the gas pressure level.

The gas gearbox is LOVATO has the advantage over its analogues in the fact that it is most practical in operation and simple design.

Many companies on the production of components of HBO seek to achieve the same level of quality as Lovato.

Review of models of gearboxes Lovato

Lovato is the oldest company specializing in the release of HBO. This is a family Italian company that took the principle of "lean manufacturing" when each item is made with a minimum of losses, with the highest quality and excludes the appearance of marriage. That is why the price on the GBO GBO LOVATO may be lower than the analogues, but higher in quality characteristics. The diagnostic cable connectors to the GBO LOVATO are universal, the Gas Reducer Repair Kit can be purchased in any city.

The model range of the gearboxes of this company is represented by the following products for engines with injectors and carburetors, for different temperature modes.

Modern gearboxes for propane HBO

Modern gearboxes for propane HBO from LOVATO - according to compactness and reliability there are practically no analogues. Devices are located in a number of the most sought-after:

On a note! Filling condensate from gearbox LOVATO 4th generation is not required. The design of the plum is not provided, the entire condensate on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe developers goes to the combustion chamber for processing.

For methane GBO

Products are logatically for methane HBOs produced strictly in accordance with European standards and Russian technical regulations:

On a note! Devices for aligning gas pressure from Lovato provide smooth operation of the engine due to the high accuracy of settings and enhanced quality control at each stage of product assembly.

Electronic Reductors Lovato 2nd Generation

Special demand for Russian car owners enjoy the gearboxes of the 2nd generation. These are reliable devices that can serve without bulkhead for up to 2-3 years. Gas gearbox bulkhead is usually required due to poor-quality fuels. With the application of the redoker repair kit, the keys are loving and a pair of keys, it is possible to do it yourself:

How to configure and adjust

To properly adjust the gearbox according to your own hands, you need to understand the settings. Devices for propane systems have two or one regulator. Adjust the methane device - a more complex process. Methane modifications are almost all equipped with one regulator.

Description of setting 2 screws:

  • a car is boated from gasoline and warm up while the thermal sensor does not show the working value;
  • the dispenser must be at the maximum,
  • idling screw is twisted until it stops, then unscrew to 3 about.;
  • the sensitivity screw is installed in an average value at idle on the gas combustion;
  • reduce the number of revolutions by rotating the screw, while adjusting this position so that the machine does not stall;
  • get to the value where the speed will be released at the maximum, then slowly twist the sensitivity screw;
  • when changing revolutions, adjustment is made to the maximum value;
  • to achieve when the screw will be screwed almost until the stop, and the car at idle shows a value of 1200 about. per minute;
  • reduce to the value of 1000 about. per minute.

Refinement of settings:

  • slowly turning the screw to changes in the rotation parameters;
  • turn back again;
  • make a penitzka, the motor should easily feel the pedal without any problems, otherwise the operation is repeated.

Then there is a configuration of the dispenser:

Finishing stage:

  • press the gas pedal sharply, wrapping the sensitivity screw to the feeling of failure;
  • remove the knurist regulator;
  • make repeat dispenser settings.

Setting with 1 adjusting screw:

  • the car should work on the gas stuffling, at idle, about 1,100 about. in min.;
  • spinning screw, reduce speed and put them on 1000 about. per minute;
  • adjust the dispenser, twisted it on 1/2 turn and ride as soon as the car starts working with jerks to adjust the screw to the condition of smoothness.

On a note! The setting is made with a good idle adjustment system (the resistance parameters between the contacts of the system are checked by a multimeter in car services). The consumption of gas fuel also depends on the correct operation of the MAP sensor, it is as a rule, complete to the HBO of the 4th generation.

© Andrey Zelin (YIGR)

To begin with, we divide all 2nd (2+) generation gearboxes into 3 groups.

Adjusting the gearbox adjustment techniques with two adjusting screws

On the gearbox, two main parameters are adjusted: the pressure in the second step (hereinafter "sensitivity" is closer to the truth) and the amount of gas passing through the idle channel is an idle screw.

The engine must be started on gasoline and warm up to operating temperature.

Right adjustment position:

  • the dispenser is turned on a maximum (maximum gas supply channel);
  • stroke screw wrap to the end, and then unscrew to 3-5 revolutions;
  • the sensitivity screw is set to the middle position.

Installation of idling

Take a car on gas. If it fails, then start on gasoline and transfer to gas, to hold turns around 2000 rpm. Reduce the speed to idle and rotating idling screw, find its position when the engine does not stall. If the engine stalls - to repeat the operation until there is a sustainable work at idle (XX). Then, rotating an idle screw, you need to find a maximum of revolutions. Next, we gradually wrap a sensitivity screw if the speed changes, then you need to adjust their idling screw to the maximum. If it does not work, then wrap the screw sensitivity to 2 turns and repeat first. As a result, the sensitivity screw is wrapped almost to the end, the engine works at idle at the maximum - somewhere 1100-1200 rpm. Idling screw, wrapping, reduce speed slightly less than nominal and then, turning, set 950-1000 rpm.

Setting the sensitivity of the gearbox

We gradually turn off the sensitivity screw until it becomes affected by the engine speed at idle, then wrap the turn back to 0.75-1.25. We try to "gaze" sharply - the engine must respond well on the gas pedal. If it speaks badly ("tupits"), repeat the operation.

Setting the dispenser

On the engine running on a gas engine, set 3000-3500 rpm, and wrapping the screw of the dispenser until the threshold of changes in revolutions are found. It is heard on the sound of the engine. You can twist the screw of the dispenser more / less to make sure that. Remove the screw of the dispenser by 0.5-0.75 turns from the found threshold.

Final adjustment

It is also carried out in several steps. Press the "gas" to the drive to the drive, then wrapping the sensitivity screw of 0.25 turns until the failure in the revolutions set. After that, unscrew the screw sensitivity by 0.5 turns. It is better to spend the last operation for a rumor, but on the "starting" of the car from the place on the small "gas". After that, repeat the procedure for setting the dispenser.

Reducer is configured. You can easily ride. The only problem that may occur is a high level of CO. A characteristic feature is a strong specific smell of unburned gas from exhaust at idle. In this case, you need to wrap a slight screw XX. To pass the technical inspection, it is not bad to drive up a hundred with a gas analyzer and check the level of CO in the exhaust.

Adjusting the gearbox adjustment technique with one adjusting screw

The only adjustment screw is the combined idle / sensitivity regulator. How to set up such a gearbox. As in the previous method, make a car on gas (or on gasoline with a subsequent transfer) and adjust the idle. To put the maximum speed adjustment - 1000-1100 rpm. Then wrapping the screw, reduce the speed of slightly less than nominal and then, turning, set 950-1000 rpm.

Adjust the dispenser as in the previous method. You can climb the screw of the dispenser by 0.5 turns and ride. If the machine does not start to "shy", you can press another 0.5 turnover. As soon as the car began to "pull" - turn off the screw before the disappearance of "stupidity". It will be the mode of greatest efficiency without prejudice to the engine due to the depleted mixture.