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At what temperature can be used air conditioning. Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter? - What gives such a kit

It's time to sum up the energy consumption of the energy efficient country house. Since last year, a remote monitoring of temperature and energy consumption has been installed in the house. Below I present to your attention the protocol of observations for the period from December to February.

Let me remind you some details of the project. For 2 years, I independently, without the involvement of the hired labor, built energy efficient vacation home with total area 72 square meters. During construction used modern technical solutions: Monolithic foundation Plate. with composite reinforcement, aerated concrete walls 40 cm thick without additional insulation, flat roofing by collecting-monolitic overlapping. Concept of all construction - an apartment in nature. The task was successfully solved for 2 years.

As a source of heat, a semi-sensitive air conditioner was chosen Mitsubishi Heavywhich is air-air air thermal pump. Nominal power consumption of 2 kWh, energy transformation coefficient from 2 (at -20 ° C) to 4 (at +7 ° C). Total budget on heating system With communications, including the ventilation system - about 150 thousand rubles.

The selection of the heating system was due to several factors. First of all, the sources of heating on firewood do not fit into the concept of "Apartment in Nature", because They cannot work automatically and require constant monitoring (at least once a day), and add dirt and the need to create a storage warehouse, not to mention a separate boiler room. The same applies to imported fuel (gas, diesel) - these solutions will require expensive infrastructure with minimal profitability. The main gas in the development area is absent, therefore it is not even considered.

There remains heating with electricity. But straight conversion electrical Energy The thermal is not beneficial due to too high electricity tariffs caused by the arrangement of a country house in the garden partnership in the Moscow region, plus the available capacity limits (5 kW, 1 phase). The cost of 1 kWh in our case is 5 rubles. Reduced power consumption can be one single way - using thermal pump. The air-air class system is essentially an ordinary air conditioner, which works on the "reverse": it cools the street and heats the house. Effective working temperature range (heated pallet): up to -25 ° C.

2. The external unit of the thermal pump is very simple. Right over the heat shield is located inverter compressor having heated crankcase (for the possibility of a safe start at negative temperatures). Next to it is a complex system of freon pipelines, including a four-way valve (switches the air conditioner between the heating modes and "cooling"). The top is the entire electronics. On the left there is a heat exchanger, which in the mode of operation for heating performs the role of the evaporator - in it, the liquid freon evaporates and "takes" heat from outdoor air. The air exchange is automatically adjusted using an axial fan.

3. A complex system of freonopers of the evaporator. In operating mode, the evaporator is intensively frozen due to a strong decrease in temperature. The air conditioner electronics monitors the performance of the system and periodically turns on the defrost mode - switches the four-way valve into cooling mode. The frequency of defrost cycles depends on the humidity and temperature on the street. At negative temperatures, the defrost occurs approximately 1 time per hour and lasts about 5-7 minutes. For safe operation At temperatures below -15 ° C in the pallet, heated by a flexible cable, because Water from an outdated evaporator may have time to frozen on the pallet. I draw attention that at the bottom on Earth under the air conditioner, icelackamites are formed in very solid volumes (for this winter it turned out a laying of ice 1x1.5 meters with a height of 50 cm).

4. The inner part of the system consists of a block with a high-performance centrifugal fan and heat exchanger to which the freon highway is supplied from external block. The heat exchanger in heating mode is a capacitor: Gaseous freon gives its heat and condenses into a liquid state. The air duct system simultaneously solves the ventilation issues of the whole house. From above, you see 3 main distributing ducts in all rooms. Below to the floor is a suction air duct, the lattice is lowered to the floor in the lobby. This completely solves the mixing of warm and cold air in the house in such a way that the temperature difference between the floor and the ceiling does not exceed 1-1.5 degrees.

5. Air ducts in the premises were carried out either in plasterboard boxes (as in the photo), or through adjacent rooms. Thus, in all residential premises, the height of the ceilings is equal to 3 meters. Warm air comes from the lattice in the upper left corner of the frame and thanks to the constant airflow, the whole house warms upwards. The floor is warm, even where the tile.

All technical nuances are better to watch the relevant articles, references to which are at the end of the material.

It is also worth noting that the suction duct is connected to the main air of outdoor air intake with an electric channel heater, and the bathroom has a fan on the hood. It provides a permanent influx of fresh air to the house in volume from 60 cubic meters at one o'clock. About ventilation and its role in residential buildings I will tell in a separate article.

6. For monitoring temperature and power consumption, I use wireless sensors - They can also perform security features.

7. Energy data is removed from the technical accounting meter of AVB C11 with using easy Refinery the door opening sensor. As a result, we have a complete compensated power consumption protocol in the house. It is worth noting that in this momentIn addition to consuming air conditioner, we fix the total power consumption of all electrical devices in the House. Including borehole pump, water heater, refrigerator, electric stove, channel heater, lighting, etc.

8. The WirelesStags system allows you to download all the measurement protocol in CSV format and independently build tables and graphs in Excel. Aleksey helped me solve this task svintuss . So, what data we visualized. In total, I have more than 10 sensors in various places and I selected the most interesting. The temperature and humidity on the street (installed on the eastern wall of the house), the temperature in the well (installed at the ground level over the insulation plate), temperature and humidity in the house (sensor in the lobby, glad to the suction channel) and general energy consumption by day. Below, there are averaged temperatures (in the names of the last rows, a small typo - Grand Total is maxima and minima for the entire period, and Grand for months is middle minima and highs). The data from December 5 is shown here (due to the fact that it was from this moment that I have established electricity monitoring) to February 28.

What conclusions can be done? The minimum temperature for this winter is -21.4 ° C, the maximum +11 ° C. At the same time the average temperature for winter It was not lower than -5 ° C. A strong decrease in temperature occurs at night, but the day is still quite warm. These are ideal climatic conditions for the operation of the air - air thermal pump. Also pay attention to the temperature in the well - this will give an understanding of the real depth of the laceration of the Earth (for the next year I burrow to observe one of the sensors in the ground).

As for power consumption. We see that total consumption for 3 months does not exceed 3000 kWh. And the monthly energy consumption is approximately 950 kWh. During this period, a positive temperature was maintained at least +16 ° C. Immediately I want to pay attention that in these numbers includes energy consumption by a channel heater on supply ventilationwhich is approximately 30% of energy. It is not profitable to put the heat recovery on such small volumes. His payback period will be more than 10 years. But heal passionate air Needless. Also, it is impossible to overlap the supply ventilation.

Still note that the air conditioner is absolutely 0, -10 or -20 degrees on the street. My record of operation (last winter): -27 degrees! It works and its performance is enough to compensate for the heat loss of the building!

However, if you deduct the cost of supply ventilation, then you can draw conclusions that the monthly consumption of the heat pump to compensate for the heat loss of the building in the coldest winter months It is less than 600 kWh or 700 watts per hour.

9. Below are detailed graphs for temperature and power consumption. The air thermal pump on average provides 2.5-fold electricity savings. And considering our high rates - has already paid off half of their cost in two heating season.

What conclusions can be done? Air heating with a thermal pump is profitable! And considering that the system is part of the supply ventilation - it is doubly profitable, because In any house, there must be ventilation.

As for the comfort of operation. First, I want to disappoint everyone who mostly shouted about the unbearable noise. Alas, inside the house quietly and comfortably even at the third fan speed (900 cubic meters per hour). Centrifugal fans are practically silent, and air flow rates are minimal. For comparison, it is possible to confidently say that noise in the lobby next to the fence of the air at the third speed is quieter than noise from the average kitchen Extraction At minimal speed! A B. residential rooms Heating is not heard from the word at all. That is, on average around the house air heating Actually silently.

The only thing that heard is the compressor on the external block is heard in the maximum performance mode in the room located directly next to the external unit.

10. This year global work on landscaping of the adjacent territory is scheduled, completion finishing work on the summer cuisine And finally - painting at home (now he is only sushpaklean). In addition, there are plans for the creation typical project Country house with turnkey construction based on my house at a price of 2.5-3 million rubles.

To be continued!

Supplement: More detailed three-year experience can be read in the article.

Winter is approaching sevenmal steps. It is felt not only on the street, but also in our own apartments: Unfortunately, the heating system often leaves much to be desired, and you have to warm the house on your own. Another situation happens: sometimes the battery is drowned too actively, and it is simply necessary to cool the air in the room. In this regard, many people have a question: is it possible to use air conditioning in winter? We answer - you can. But with some conditions.

The market presents a wide range of air conditioners with various specifications, Therefore, not very simple. But something nevertheless combines split systems, monoblocks and other devices: in winter they are extremely rarely used. But why?

The point in our famous Russian frosts. When the air temperature changes, its humidity changes - therefore, during the operation of the air conditioner there are excess moisture (condensate). In most air conditioners installed a drainage system for removing moisture: the visible part of this system is a tube, which, as a rule, goes to the street. If the street is too cold, the handset of the drainage system freezes, and an ice plug is formed in it, which does not give condensate to outward. Then the moisture remains two exits: either she seeps into your home through the inner case, or displays the device in order.

From colds suffers and outdoor blockIn particular, the compressor is the "heart" of the air conditioner, compressing the refrigerator agent (the special substance necessary for the operation of air conditioners) and supporting its movement along the other parts of the device. Special oil is helped by special oil, whose properties are just dependent on air temperature. If it drops below the border approved by the manufacturer, the oil thickens, and the components of the compressor will wear out.

There is another danger. In the heating mode, the refrigeration agent, despite its name, should not be cooled, but heated. With an excessively low temperature, this does not occur. When cooled, i.e. Liquid, refrigerant in the compressor is a hydraulic blow - it can also lead the device into disrepair.

therefore in winter, you should use air conditioning with caution and follow the instruction manual.

True, there is one type of air conditioner, which can be adapted to work in winter conditions, is a mobile monoblock air conditioner. This mobile outdoor device can be used in all rooms, take with you to give or transport when moving: installation does not require installation. The only element of the device that should not be indoors is an air duct for removal of warm or cold air. To eliminate the risk of freezing the duct, it is worth outputting it into the vent.

In general, the operation of the air conditioner is based only on one principle, a familiar to us from the lessons of physics: the heat is absorbed during evaporation, and it is distinguished by condensation.

Initially, the device was intended for cooling, but modern technologies stepped far ahead, so now heating is the most common function for climate techniques. To understand how air conditioning works for heating, let's first consider how it works for cooling:

  1. The refrigerant in the gaseous state enters the compressor.
  2. In the compressor, the refrigerant is compressed under pressure and heats up to a very high temperature.
  3. From the compressor, the refrigerant enters the condenser, where the refrigerant transitions into a liquid state.
  4. Next, the refrigerant pressure drops, and it falls into the evaporator of the inner unit of the air conditioner, where he again moves from the liquid state in the gas. The boobing of the refrigerant occurs, he "takes" the heat from the room, goes back to the external unit and "throws out" the starting heat into the street.
  5. The refrigerant in the gaseous state enters the compressor again, and the cycle closes.

Use the heating mode allows a special valve - it turns the refrigerant flow and, as it were, the condenser and evaporator changes in places. The rest of the principle is the same.

Before using the heating mode, make sure that the device has such a function. This is indicated in the instructions, as well as on the device itself - the heating mode is usually indicated by the Sun icon.

If the heating mode is provided, see the lower threshold of the temperature at which heating can be turned on, - usually they are also written in the instructions.

Remember: each thermometer may have an error. Sometimes it reaches several degrees. Therefore, it is better not to use the air conditioner if your thermometer shows the critical mark claimed by the manufacturer.

To which temperature air conditioners work on heating

As a rule, air conditioners work properly in heating mode when the air temperature is higher than -5 ° C. With more low temperaturesFirst, the heating capacity drops significantly, and secondly, the risk of icing the capacitor or the drainage system of the device arises. So we do not recommend including heating mode during severe frosts, otherwise, because of the wrong operation, you risk losing your climate "friend."

However, some models of split-systems are heated by air and at -10 ° C, and at -15 ° C. The lower limit of temperature depends on the type of refrigerant. Also at -15 ° C, inverter models work - they have a function of adjusting the intensity of the compressor, which allows it to be more flexible with respect to outer temperatures. Of course, the price of an inverter air conditioner is significantly higher than usual.

SAMI simple causeIn which heating does not work, the client bought a device without sobering in its capabilities. For example, Split systems without heating mode are very popular in latitudes with a warm climate. Therefore, be attentive to all the trifles when buying climatic equipment.

Favorite device does not warm in the cold time? No wonder. We have already written about the possible dangers of the air conditioner's work on the cold: the problem may be associated with a breakdown of the compressor, and with oil, and with a drainage system. The wizard will help in detail to understand the problem.

If heating does not happen, do not rush to beat the alarm. Especially when the display shows that the device works fine. Perhaps simply long warms the internal unit - it is normal in cold weather. The room temperature can start climbing within 15 minutes after the device is started.

Another common problem is a refrigerant leakage. The leak occurs, for example, due to the poor-quality spike of inter-block tubes, according to which the refrigerant circulates. In this case, it will take refueling the refrigerant, which is manufactured by service services.

Even if you know, do not forget that after the installation you need to care for it. If you did not have time to clean the filters in a timely manner, do not avoid breakdowns.

To accurately determine the problem will help a small display screen. IN modern models It usually displays the error code. The value of each code is displayed in the instructions.

If you can not determine the cause of the breakdown or are not sure that you can fix it yourself, it is worth calling the wizard.

Is it possible to include air conditioning in winter for cooling

The answer will be the same as the answer to the question about heating, it is possible. But only if the winter is warm.

As a rule, the minimum temperature in which the air conditioner is operating normally in cooling mode is -5 ° C. At a lower temperature, the device is subject to all the dangers we wrote about at the beginning of the article. Therefore, carefully examine the technical specifications of the device before using the cooling mode.

In order not to be distracted by the air conditioner, you can install: the device will turn on and turn off automatically on the schedule that you will be.

Nevertheless, you always have the opportunity to "strengthen" air conditioning, putting the winter kit.

Winter air conditioner kit

Sometimes the air conditioner is equipped with the so-called winter set. The kit includes several devices. They warm up the drainage system, prevent the oil thickening and the hypothermia of the refrigerant.

The principles of work of the winter set are as follows:

  • Thanks temperature sensor Adjusts the speed of rotation of the fan of the external unit. When the temperature becomes below, the speed slows down. Thus, freezing (and thickening) of oil and the formation of a land in the housing is prevented.
  • A significant part of the compressor load falls on its launch. And if the compressor is also freezing, the air conditioner is definitely incubated. Therefore, the winter kit provides compressor crankcase heating. So the compressor is always ready for launch.
  • In order not to arise ice traffic jamsAnd condensate was displayed without problems, the drainage system is heated.

It would seem that all problems are solved, and the dangers are overcome if it were not for one thing. Indeed, the winter kit allows you to turn on the air conditioner at lower temperatures than the manufacturer declared, but only in cooling mode!

When the air conditioner is turned on with a winter set in heating mode, the device will not work properly. Moreover, the risk of hydroudar increases significantly.

After buying a split system, the owners are wondering - is it possible to include air conditioning in winter to heating? The question is published, because with a detailed study of the technical documentation and user instructions for the climate instrument, you can find information that reversible air conditioners are fully functioned in the temperature range from -5 to +25 ° C. Consequently, if outside the -5 ° C window, then the device can heat the room? And what about cases, if you turn it on at -20-30 ° C?

Let us dwell on how to work out the operation of the air conditioner in the winter.

Air conditioner work on heating and cooling

Specialists in climate technique often ask a question - and is it possible to use air conditioning in winter for heating. It all depends on the type and features of the installation. Some owners prefer to use that the outdoor unit is absent in principle, and the unit itself is in the room.

These air conditioners are used at any temperature, regardless of the time of the year outside the window.

In the device, air, the fence of which is carried out from the room, is used to blow the heated capacitor. When the air conditioner is turned on in winter, a TEN is activated, it functions on heating. In fact, the climatic unit turns into a large fan. The heat pump does not accept any participation in this process, since it is deactivated.

On another principle, split systems are functioning. And in cooling mode, and in heating mode, such devices operate due to heat exchange with an external space. To be more accurate, the outer block installed on the street is used. Obviously, when planning a split system, in obligatory We will have to take into account the temperature outside.

Speaking whether it is possible to use air conditioning in winter, it is worth considering 2 aspects this issue - technical and economic.

Technical Side Question

The main functional component of the climatic instrument is the compressor located in the outer block. It requires periodic lubrication, and its consistency should not be liquid and not too viscous. The consistency state directly depends on the air temperature outside the window.

The use of air conditioner at -5 ° C outside the window leads to the fact that the lubricant thickens. The oil is not able to perform its function, the friction of the parts is enhanced, they are actively wearing, overheat and prematurely fail.

Efficiency of climate technology in winter

Consider more Features of the work climatic devices In cooling and heating mode in winter.

Heating mode

Is it possible to turn on air conditioning in winter in heating mode, and how this device works when minus temperature outside the window? In this case, the outer radiator delegate the evaporator functions. The refrigerant is sent to the body of the outdoor unit, where heats up quickly. In accordance with the technical idea, the freon must be heated from outdoor air. And until then, while the temperature is not too low, everything is functioning properly.

But if the values \u200b\u200bon the temperature column rush below the manufacturer -5 ° C, the freon simply will not be able to heat up from the external environment, which is fraught with a decrease in performance. Air conditioning for heating is simply impractical, due to the minimum efficiency.

Cooling mode

If you turn on the air conditioner in the cooling mode at a minus temperature outside the window, the radiator will start working as a capacitor. The temperature of freon or other refrigerant in the outer block is rapidly rising. The effectiveness of heat exchange will depend on how cold on the street. From the point of view of expediency, the work of the climatic device in the winter is permissible and effective.

As practice shows, there is no need for such a mode of operation at a minus temperature. It is quite logical, because in winter the owners are striving to heat accommodation, and for cooling they simply open the window or the window. Installation in winter and work in cooling mode is justified for server, basements with equipment actively separating heat. These rooms require air exchange, cooling.

What problems are improper operation?

So why can not be included air conditioning for heat in winter? The drop in efficiency is not the main problem with which the owners of the aggregate are faced. The main condition of the compressor is the freon in the evaporative node should fully evaporate, and then in the state of the gas to be sent inside the suction pipe. But what to count on, if you turn on the heating of air conditioning at low temperatures?

The refrigerant does not go into a gaseous state due to weak heating. As a result, it remains in liquid form. Then the liquid is sent inside the compressor. A hydraulic blow is occurring, outputting the supercharger.

Is it safe to use air conditioning in winter in cooling mode? Specialists in the area pay attention to the hidden threat that lifting all users. The main problem comes from condensate running on drainage tank. At low temperatures, the liquid simply freezes that it is fraught with the formation of an ice cork.

Operating devices in conditioning mode are actively produced by moisture, which at a minus temperature will not be discharged, and pour out from the inner part of the inner block. If you add to this unpleasant factor dust present in all rooms, we obtain ideal conditions for the development of fungi.

So, why not use climate machinery in such conditions? In the inner block will arise nasty smell, leaks. Fix this annoyance will help sanitary treatment radiator, indoor nodes. Special attention will have to be given drainage system.

Installing the air conditioner in winter is fraught with bulk effect. It is observed in cases when drainage tube There is no bias: the condensate is accumulated inside the tube, and when air passes through it, the bulk effect occurs. Permanent sounds indicate poor quality: vacuuming was carried out with errors, unwanted moisture remained in the inside.

What air conditioning is suitable for heating in winter?

Having wondered if the air conditioner can be included in the winter for heating, carefully examine the user's instruction. If the corresponding functionality is provided by the manufacturer (reversible models), then no problems will arise. The only condition is to adhere to the recommended temperature mode. Much depends on the compressor control circuit.

For instruments in which an inverter is installed, the device independently determines the optimal mode of operation. These devices function fully without disabilities, due to which their service life increases. They are capable of working in wide temperature ranges.

Some owners prefer to disassemble the air conditioner in winter, which is quite reasonable, considering those negative consequencesTo which its operation can lead to negative temperature values. But is it possible to use without so radical steps? Sure! All you need is to equip a climatic unit with multiple devices (winter set).

In front of the winter, standard air conditioners are equipped with a special "winter package"

It consists of several components:

  • system of heating drainage nozzle;
  • fee responsible for slow speed movements of embedded fans (this levels the danger of freon hypothermia in the outer block);
  • heated compressor crankcase (what is needed to prevent increasing oil density).

The presence of the inverter mechanism and the above components will allow efficiently operating the climatic apparatus at temperatures are much lower than indicated in the user instruction, but only under the condition of work "for cooling".

Why can not turn on the heating mode? Firstly, this is ineffective, secondly, it is worth remembering the danger of hydrowarders.

Checking the performance of the climate device

Many climatic equipment buyers are interested in how to check the quality of the air conditioner installation and its functionality? Professionals use certain methods, but they are relevant only in the spring when the temperature rises to the values \u200b\u200bspecified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

Specialists advise to refuel the air conditioner by Freon on the eve of the spring-summer period. Otherwise, you will have to dismantle the internal unit when it takes most.

You can include the unit and winter, check the mechanical nodes, but subject to the presence of a winter kit. The main conditions - the tanks are refilled by the refrigerant, lubricant, and the device itself is equipped with a winter set. In compliance with all the requirements and recommendations, it is possible to argue with a high probability that the air conditioner will turn on and will efficiently function.

The owners of split systems are often wondering if air conditioning can be included in winter on heating? In modern climatic complexes, work is provided not only for cooling, but also on heating, in reverse mode. It is mistaken to believe that one only optional presence of such a function involves the year-round operation of the unit.

So, is it possible to use the air conditioning system in the winter and how appropriate is in principle? Tell in detail in the article.

  • Show all

    How should the device work: on heating or cooling?

    Model with inverter

    Otherwise, things are dealing with split systems. Such an air conditioner on heat and cooling works by means of heat exchange with the environment, which is why the outer part of the block is fixed on the street. Obviously, we will have to take into account the temperature ambient.

    Heated with air conditioning. pros

    Features of the functioning of the aggregate

    Speaking about the possibility of including air conditioning in the winter, not only the technical side of the question deserves close attention, but also possible problems, about it below.

    Question of technical implementation

    It is necessary to understand that the compressor, which is the key link of the climatic unit, is located structurally in the block outside. This node requires regular lubrication, and the consistency should be not liquid and not viscous. The use of the air conditioner will depend on the external temperature and humidity regime.

    note! Why can not be included an aggregate at minus temperature values? To use the air conditioner in winter it is necessary extremely neat: at -5° C Butter becomes viscous, parts overheat, wear out.

    Be sure to review the video, which describes one of the reasons why not each unit can be used at a temperature of minus 5 and below.

    Air conditioner work on heating. Free refinement

    Efficiency of the device

    In terms of efficiency, the operation of the air conditioner in the winter depends on the functioning mode of the unit.

    Cooling room

    The heat apparatus operating in cooling mode at minus temperatures is a condenser. If you include air conditioning in such conditions, the effectiveness of heat exchange will depend on external conditions - The colder outside the window, the better. This is quite logical and provided by the manufacturer. Modern air conditioners working in winter on cooling are used everywhere.

    Principle of operation of the unit for cooling

    In the realities of the residential premises, there is no need for this, since the main task is to warm the rooms. For ventilation, it is enough just to open the window the window, one of its sash. But in the back or server, where there is a lot of equipment, the specified "air conditioning heating" is required.

    Heated space

    How is the operation of the air conditioner for heating in winter, and why it is impossible to include a climatic unit with negative air temperature values? In this mode, the radiator of the device is already an evaporator. Inside the refrigerant gradually cools due to the difference in temperatures with the environment. Until a certain point, everything functions without complaints.

    Different modes of operation: for heating and cooling

    note! Is it possible to turn on air conditioning in the winter? - It is possible, but provided that the temperature is above the mark in -5° C, or when using specialized climatic units.

    If it becomes colder on the street, the freon will not be able to fully warm, the performance of the device is reduced at times. Strong cooling is fraught with a decrease in the efficiency of the climatic device to the 0th mark. Therefore, if the company does not indicate that this air conditioner can be used for heating, it is not worth it.

    Air conditioner work on heating

    Split systems with heating function

    How to check that the acquired apparatus supports the heating function? The instructions for the climate device indicates whether it is possible to use air conditioning in the winter for heating or not. Much will depend on the characteristics of the compressor implemented by the control circuit. Traditional models are functioning with permanent performance oriented temperature.

    Aggregate with heating function

    With an inverter inclusion scheme, efficiency depends on environmental conditions. The unit will turn on independently, while the fan adjustment speed is determined in unilaterally. There are such devices uninterrupted, while dismantling the air conditioner is not required in the winter. It is initially ready for operation at negative temperature values: heating - up to -5 ° C, for cooling 10 ° C.

    • system for heating compressor crankcase;
    • solutions for heating the drainage nozzle (for this it is necessary to dismantle the unit);
    • board with a special scheme, by means of which a forced slowing down the speed of rotation of the fan embedded in the device is carried out.
    • The refueling of the conditioner refrigerant should be carried out only by experts, especially if the climatic device is supposed at a minus temperature. A professional is able to pick up such a substance that is best suited for specific operating conditions of the device. If the aggregates are referred correctly, their service life increases. In all other cases, the climate device is disassembled for the winter period, its preservation.

      note! There is a wide range of "frost-resistant split systems", the functionality of which allows you to heat the rooms even at -25° C.


      Installation of air conditioning in winter is undesirable. Professionals advise to conduct such work only with the onset of spring, when you can fully check the functionality of the climate unit. But testing mechanical nodes is easy to implement even in winter, and in several ways. The underlying condition is the presence of the "winter set".

In addition to ensuring a comfortable temperature in the Salone, the air conditioner also dries air. It helps to effectively deal with the fogging of glasses. round year, so he is in demand even in winter. However, depending on the temperature behind the board, the control system may prohibit the inclusion of the air conditioner compressor. In this matter, the laws of physics and electronics protective functions rule.

Process physics

The operation of any air conditioner (including the usual refrigerator) is based on the refrigerant transition (freon) circulating on the system, from a gaseous state into liquid, and vice versa. It is these changes in the aggregate state that ensure absorption and selection large number Heat (thermal energy).

Freon enters the cabin radiator (evaporator) in a liquid state and at low temperature. After the cells of the heat exchanger, it actively absorbs heat out of the air, passing it along, and boils, completely turning into gas. In the external radiator of the system (condensor), he gives this energy to the environment, turning into fluid again.

Full evaporation of freon is critical for the health of the compressor, which ensures its circulation through the system. Even the small volume of the liquid refrigerant in it will be fatal. Therefore, various controlling sensors are included in the control system to exclude such a risk. Based on their readings, the electronics can be forced to turn off the compressor when working or prohibited its activation.


Now in the overwhelming majority automobile air conditioners Use Freon R134A. At atmospheric pressure, it begins to boil already at -26 ° C. But in the air conditioning system it is under excess pressure. Accordingly, its boiling temperature will be higher. The transition to the gaseous state in the evaporator is possible at about 0 ° C. In winter, it often happens that Freon is simply not enough heat from the air in the cabin to turn into gas. This intently monitors the environmental temperature sensor and an additional climate control sensor in the cabin. Therefore, when certain conditions Beyond the control system, the control system will disable the air conditioner compressor.

By pressure in the air conditioning system watches a combined sensor. With too low or high pressure The inclusion of the compressor will be prohibited in order to exclude the risk of damage. This is done so that the system does not activate, for example, when it is not enough freon. Important moment: When the air conditioner works, the pressure of freon in front of the compressor is usually about 3 bar, and after the compressor - approximately 14 bar. After a short time after its stop, the indicators are compared. At 20 ° C, this pressure is about 5-6 bar, but at 0 ° C it drops to 2 bar. And on some models of machines, this is enough for the control system to block the inclusion of the compressor.

Depending on the specific car model, the pressure and temperature sensors have different priorities. For example, on many machines, the control unit is focused on the testimony of the outer temperature sensor. If the machine drove into the heated garage with frost, even when the pressure in the system is physically raised to the operating range, electronic brains will need a little more time to realize the real, and not a momentary change in environmental conditions and give good to turn on the compressor.

The main conclusion: in winter you can safely use the air conditioner. This in no way affects the resource of its elements. The only question is, whether this will approve the control system of a particular car, which was taught to be reinsured. On some cars the air conditioner compressor turns on and with negative temperature Overboard (little below zero). And, for example, on some Fords it will refuse to work when the "Snowflake" will turn on the instrument panel (the temperature drop below 3 ° C). It all depends on software and the design of the system of conditioning a particular car, that is, its performance characteristics. By the way, servicemen are recommended to regularly turn on air conditioning in the winter to reduce the risk of clamping the pressure metal plate Compressor inclusion couplings.

The air conditioner protection system is very reliable. It relies on the testimony of several sensors and has various safety algorithms. In general, little is known about the real facts of including compressor under adverse conditions. But if for some reason it will still happen and liquid freon will fall into it, then his death will be sustainable, the remaining elements of the system will not affect it.