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How to build a garage from metal products itself. How to build a garage from metal products with your own hands: choice of place, project, selection of metal products, make the foundation, frame of the gate and garage, installation of sheets of metal products, insulation. Additional elements of Gara.

You can build a garage from metal products with your own hands, having spent on all work for about a month. For its construction, metal racks and galvanized steel profile will be required.

Metrolerphyl autode is a relatively easy structure. In order for it to firmly standing on Earth, it is enough to make a ribbon foundation of a finely brewed type of about 0.4 m, and a width of about 0.3 m. You need to prepare a garage plan (drawings of such buildings are available on the site, and the sketch itself is sketch not difficult). After that, it will be necessary to drain and equip the base for the autodoma, install the frame, mounted the walls and then produce it insulation.

The base for the construction is erected as follows:

  1. Place the land put on where you plan to build a garage from metal products.
  2. Approximately 50 cm cut the ground on the plot, perform the alignment of this site. Then you fall asleep it, water water and carefully tamper.
  3. On the spot intended to arrange the observation pit, do the pit. It is choosing his depth, and the width take 200 cm more than that width that your observation pit will have (just leave the meter of extra square from each of the parties).
  4. Kotlovan needs to be aligned, put the sand layer in it and tamper.
  5. It is advisable to immediately make your own hands around the future observation pit. Special drainage system. Pipes for removal of groundwater are recommended to be removed into the lavety, a ditch for the drain or in any reservoir that is available on the site or next to it.
  6. On the perimeter of the construction of metal products, make the marking of the tape base. For these purposes, use elementary devices - cord and wooden stakes. With their help, in addition, make the marking of the walls of the pit (watching).
  7. The reason is best to do from concrete blocks (they are sold in any building store, they do not make sense with their own hands). Between themselves, such products are connected by standard cement-sandy solution.
  8. The side surfaces of the observation pit are made of bricks or from the same concrete blocks.
  9. As soon as the foundation freezes, it should be waterproof from the outside of the wall of the observation pit. Experts advise the use of rolled products to protect against water or bitumen mastic.
  10. Fall asleep the walls of the pit (this process is usually called backfilling).

Garage Ribbon Foundation

Your garage from metal products received its reliable base. Now you need to equip the floors with your own hands (directly for the autoomom and for observation pit). Align the Earth under the future flooring. Then pour the sand layer on the ground. Its height takes 0.1 m below the pits walls. Fix the damper tape on the perimeter, which, during the operation of the garage, will be a guarantee of the immutability of its geometric parameters in seasonal temperature fluctuations.

On the sand layer, put a waterproofing rolled material (a polyethylene high-strength film is usually applied or runner). It is required to enter 15-20 cm on the walls of the base. On top of the waterproofing, it should be placed (in increasing about 15 cm) a grid reinforcement product and pour the construction of concrete into which the polymer composition or liquid glass can be added to increase the water resistance and the screed plasticity.

With the help of the rule, align the solution and wait 20-25 days. During this period, the consignment of the autoom from the metal turns completely dried.

Your garage from metal products must have a reliable "skeleton". It can be erected with his own hands from P-shaped metal products. Between themselves, steel elements must be combined with universal self-draws. Use galvanized profile on the walls - Cares with Marking H-75. Such material has a sufficient thickness (not more than 1 mm), the waves with a height of 7.5 cm, it is able to withstand tangible (up to 12 kg per square meter) load.

Framework from P-shaped metal products

Build a "skeleton" with your own hands in a short time, followed by the following scheme:

  1. Cut metal scissors profile products into pieces of desired geometric parameters.
  2. On a flat surface, they collect the skeleton of the side wall of the automotion, then fasten the resulting structure.
  3. Put vertical racks. They need to be mounted three pieces for each sheet of profile.
  4. Similarly, collect another wall (side).
  5. The front wall of the Avtomom, which we do with your own hands, is constructively consisting of the fronton and the gate frame (its form is rectangular). Frame is desirable to further strengthen. To do this, insert two profiles one to one.
  6. The rear wall will have one of two forms. If you decide to build a garage with a single roof, the wall behind the building is rectangular. But when the roof is erected with two slopes, it will be necessary to add a fronton to such a rectangle from above.
  7. The gate frame is made of two parts. They must have identical parameters. Their high rigidity is provided by special ribs that have a diagonal of the gate.
  8. The "skeleton" of the garage is built on the finished basis. It should be surely fixed on the foundation of nails with dowels and metal corners (perhaps you will have to additionally use and screws).

Our garage from metal products is almost ready. You need to cover it with a reliable roof. Do it from profiles. They must be collected by the configuration of the Avtomom and strengthen the slopes. To fix profile products on the roof, we use all the same screws.

Autodomas from metal products can serve not only a reliable construction for storing the machine. They are able to become an excellent auto repair machine with the observation pit. To do this, you need to warm up the garage and perform its inner finish. The heat insulation of buildings from profiles is best done by one of the following materials: stone cotton; Conventional mineral wool.

Method Metal Power Insulation

These types of insulation are sold in the form of mats, the installation of which does not cause any difficulty. They are also characterized by wonderful heat insulating indicators. Modern wool mats, in addition, have another important property.They themselves fade in fire (do not support burning).

The installation scheme of heat-insulating products is:

  1. Break on metal racks of garage transverse rails. At this stage, the dimensions of the matte used should be taken into account. The thickness of the latter, by the way, can be 10 or 5 cm.
  2. Place mats between racks.
  3. The thermal insulation layer is placed on the special film with steam aggravation characteristics.

The final finish of the garage from the inside is usually carried out by profiled steel sheets. They are easily attached to the racks of self-draws. We add that the described autodoma construction technology from profiles is suitable for the construction of a temporary garage on the country site. You simply do not need to dig an observation pit and perform insulation buildings, if you do not plan to exploit it in winter.

Most of the car owners sooner or later think about the construction of the garage for their vehicle. Someone builds a garage in advance, even before buying a car, someone is convinced of the need to build a "house" for their car, being already a car enthusiast with experience. The car is needed - no one will argue with it.

There are, of course, some alternative possibilities for storing a car type of paid indoor car parks, but they will not solve the problem - first, there is a financial point of view, and secondly - the parking lot, it is a parking lot - you will not change the oil, you will not get drunk under the car She just stands on someone else's territory and you pay for it. Of course, not all car owners can afford to build a capital warm garage with the observation pit. It is long, expensive, you will have to hire builders and equipment. But to give up the building of the garage due to the fact that there is not enough money for a monolithic foundation, the brick and the work of the builders are not worth it. Moreover, options are enough. One of the easiest, relatively inexpensive and at the same time worthwhile options - to build a garage from metal products with your own hands.

Garage from Metal Pool: Pros and Cons

  • The first and most important advantage is the relative cheapness and simplicity of the design. The garage can be built on their own with one - two helpers for several days.
  • The service life of such a garage is about 30 years - it is not bad for such a rapidly erected and inexpensive building.
  • The garage from metal products does not need finish, looks aesthetic and attractive.

But, alas, such a garage will not provide sufficient safety of your car, since the locks are easily cut off from it, and the walls of the thin steel sheet will not be difficult to open. And if such a garage is not in a private plot or not in a protected area, it will have to take care of the installation of alarm and other additional means of protection against thieves.

Several tips on choosing a garage space on the household plot

It is not necessary to treat the choice of garage space frivolously - suddenly the plot in the future in the future will look better than the gazebo, or the place is better suited for some kind of horozle. One of the main requirements - the car's departure should not hinder anything. An ideal option can be considered the location of the garage so that its gate is on the same line with the fence. This ensures the caring of the car straight to the street.

Well, if there is an opportunity to attach a garage from metal products to some of the buildings located on the plot. This can be saved on the construction of one wall. But you should not add a garage to a residential building, so as not to disturb the household sounds of the engine and the smell of fuel and lubricants.

Garage from methockrofil: drawings

Drawing of the garage 0 requirement is optional, but it is desirable to make it, especially the drawing will come in handy to people without the serious experience of construction work. In addition, with the help of the drawing it is easy to calculate the required amount of building materials and make a estimate.

Below we give a few options for the drawings for the garage from metal products that can be used both in the finished form and use as a basis for your project.

Choose metal metal for garage

For the construction of the garage, the PS metal profile is needed or C - which means "wall". The markets in the marking indicate the height of the profile wave in millimeters. For example, "PS 30" is a wall profile with a wave height of 30 millimeters. The greater the height of the wave, the harder sheet of the profile, and the price, respectively, above. You should not try to save and buy a cheap brand profile with 8 or from 10. It must be very carefully fixed to the frame so that the sheets are not "walked", and the tightness of the structure is disturbed, and the thin sheet with the fresh wind will still vibrate. The thickness of the sheet of professional flooring is usually from 0.4 to 1 mm. The garage will be enough 0.5 mm.

In addition, in fact, professional flooring will be needed:

  • Armature and concrete solution for filling the foundation.
  • Metal rolling: corner, profile or round tubes for frame and gate. Wooden bars.
  • Self-tapping screws.

From tools:

  • Bulgarian, metal circles.
  • Welding machine.
  • Screwdriver or drill.
  • Scissors for metal or an electrolybiz for cutting a profile (a small grinder can be used for non-dissimilarity)

How to build a garage from metal products: Stages of construction work

Foundation device. It is preferable to make a foundation for a garage in the form of a monolithic plate, which will also serve as a floor indoor. The work itself is simple, it is quite possible to manage the weekend, but you will have to wait for the complete froze of the concrete about three weeks.

  • Mounting frame. The design is made from metal: channel, pipes and corners. At the same time, vertical racks are installed at the stage of fillings of the foundation. All other parts are welded. Mounting the framework - 2-3 days.
  • Installation of sheets of professional flooring. Nothing complicated: Sheets are cut with a jigsaw, scissors or a grinder, after which they are fixed to the frame of metal self-assembly or aluminum rivets.
  • Work occupies a maximum of two days with the participation of two or three people.
  • Install the garage gate. The gate frame is welded from metal corners or chapellers, weathered by metal products. Work takes no more than two days.


The first stage of construction work. After the fill, you can not wait until the concrete will completely freeze, and immediately begin to solve the other tasks.

To begin with, placing the pad under the garage, remove the soil layer to the depth to half a meter. The bottom of the pits wake up with clean sand, abundantly moisturize the sand. After that, they prepare a deepening for vertical frame racks. By the way, the wells for racks filled with strong concrete will play the role of piles of the foundation, which will significantly increase its resistance to the winter bearing of the soil. The depth of the wells is 50-70 cm. Next along the perimeter of the pit is installed wooden formwork.

Armature rods with a cross section of 8-12 mm are placed in a step of 20 cm along and across the recovery, bind the reinforcement grid with a knitting wire. You can use a special hook or conventional ticks.

How to link fittings, you can learn from the following video:

Racks are installed in the wells, the lower part of which must be previously treated with bitumen mastic. Racks exhibit strictly by level and fasten with spacers. After that, the layer of concrete is poured and is leveled by the rule.

gate and garage frame

While it turns and gaining the strength of concrete, you can collect the framework. You can make it from both a metal corner or profile and from wooden bars. For mounting bars to vertical racks welded steel plates with holes.

At the beginning of the work cut the material of the required length. Next weld horizontal crossbars from three sides of the frame. The roof of the garage made of metal products is the easiest way to make a single one, with a bias to the rear wall. This is the easiest option: horizontal crossbars are welded to opposite racks to which a wooden crate is installed. It should be noted that if there is a lot of snow in the region in the winter, the crate needs to be solid, or to build a double roof.

The frame for the garage gate is welded from a metal corner. The material is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, the frame is welded, after which the metal corners are welded in the corners for additional stiffness. In those places where locks and dries will be, metal plates weld.

Loop boils to the front frame racks, after which the ready-made gate frame is inserted and places places for return loops on it. When it is supposed to make the garage gate fixed, the loops welded ones in such a way that they could not be removed.

installation of sheet metal sheets

Sewing the garage frame can only after the concrete completely freezes. This is necessary in order not to disturb the vertical frame racks and prevent damage and deformation of the profile sheets. Sheets need to be attached vertically to ensure the unobstructed flow of water on the walls. The material is set in one wave in one wave, and this must be taken into account when calculating the amount of material.

It is much more convenient to order already sliced \u200b\u200bsheets - this will help save time and extends the service life of metal products, since the plant sections are covered with zinc layer and paint.

The garage is starting to sow from the walls. The first sheet is set in such a way that it highly lightened the bottom edge of the wave to the rack, it will help to avoid injury in the process.

Metal polfil sheets are fixed to the frame of metal self-taps with a rubber gasket with a screwdriver or an electric drill.

First of all, the top corner is attached, then the entire sheet around the perimeter, except for the place of the sheet of sheets. Next, the next leaf is overlapping in one wave, screw the screws at the place of the joint, after which the metal filter is fixed in the rest of the places. Thus, completely shed the walls of the garage. In the process of installing metal products, it is necessary to monitor, the upper corners of the sheets are firmly sealed to vertical racks.

Work on the installation of the roof starts from the installation of slats and drainage. First of all, the hooks for the drainage gutters and the gutter themselves are installed. A wind strap is attached around the perimeter of the roof, which is a steel sheet bent at an angle of 90 degrees. His destination is to prevent falling under the roof of precipitation. On the bottom edge of the roof, the wind bar is installed so that it is lowered into the drain chute.

On the roof frame, metal sheets are mounted along the garage axis to provide drainage. From above on the wind bar, a sheet of professional flooring is installed and aligned along the edge of the roof, after which the wind strap is attached additionally by self-drawing to a wooden crate.

Metal Garage Heat

Well, that's all your garage from metal products is almost ready. But if you are going to keep the car in it all year round, the room must be insulated. It is necessary to do this not so much to ensure your own comfort, but in order to secure the car from the effect of temperature differences. But it is not necessary to dilute too much and create a room temperature inside the garage. It is best if in the winter time the temperature inside the garage will be from -1 to -5 degrees Celsius. If you maintain a high temperature in the garage, it is very adversely affected by auto units - if on -25 and in the garage +20, then, having left the warm garage, you expose your car with a sharp temperature drop, which can help damage its parts and nodes.

It is best to warm the garage immediately in the construction process, although the insulation of the already operated garage does not constitute any problem.

Select the insulation for the garage from the professional flooring

In our case, the most popular insulation are:

  • Materials based on mineral fiber. Sold in rolls or plates.
  • Polystyrene foam in plates.
  • Polyurethane foam liquid.

All these materials have both pros and cons.

The easiest and most inexpensive option. The plates of polystyrene are glued directly to metal products, then align with construction mixtures. Of the disadvantages of this method of insulation - the slabs are poorly opposed by mechanical loads, it is easy to ignite, and can also begin to decompose into a strong heat and at the same time separating toxic substances.

mineral Fiber Plates

It is best for a garage from metal products as a heater, semi-rigid plates from basalt fiber are suitable. This material has very good thermal insulation characteristics, it is completely environmentally friendly and does not burn, which is very important for the room containing a car. The melting point of this material exceeds 1000 degrees Celsius.

The only serious lack of plates from basalt fiber is the ability to absorb water, so when it is installed, you need to leave a ventilation gap of several millimeters. The circulating air removes excess moisture from the heat insulator and prevents the formation of condensate on the inside of the sheets of metal products. The insulation plates are installed in the frame of the P-shaped profiles attached to the wall.

If warming work is carried out during the construction of the garage, the thermal insulation is better installed on special thermofilms that prevent the formation of cold bridges.

liquid polyurethane foam

Not the cheapest, but very convenient and efficient technology of insulation of the premises. The heat insulator is applied to a solid layer on the surface of the wall, while no seams and cracks remain. Liquid polyurethane foam, except insulation, is used as noise, hydro and vaporizolation, protecting the metal from rust. Polyurethane foam is durable, its service life is at least forty years.

As for the insulation of the roof of the garage from metal products, all the above thermal insulation materials are suitable for this purpose. With the insulation of a simple single-bed roof problems should not occur. If a plate of mineral fiber is used as a heat insulator for the roof, the insulation layer must be closed with a light finishing material, you can use Fane or Fiberboard.

As we can see, in the construction of a garage from metal products there is nothing complicated and all work except, possibly welding, it is quite possible to fulfill the time, saving time and means. But if there is no desire to do any opportunity to deal with construction work, you can buy a ready-made garage from metal products, the price to which varies depending on the dimensions. Thus, the garage with dimensions of 3x4 meters will cost approximately 55,000 rubles, 3.5x 5 meters - 70,000, and 4x8 meters - 135,000 rubles.

Almost all who has a car faced with solving such problems as the construction of the garage and the choice of material for construction. Metal profile is considered the most convenient and economical material, whether it is a warmed garage with an equipped observation pit and a workshop or just a parking lot for the country season. You can build such a garage structure in 2-3 weeks, independently, without attracting builders, most importantly, to act correctly at the preparation stage.

Preparation for construction

Metal garage

The main points in preparation for the construction of the garage include:

  1. Choosing a place for the building, marking of the territory, taking into account the usability and a combination with the general design of the site (size, design, etc.);
  2. Drawing up the drawing of the future garage structure;
  3. Drawing up the estimates, purchase of the necessary materials and tools.

It is worth staying on instruments that will be needed when the garage is erected from metal products. You should be at hand: Bulgarian, scissors for metal, welding machine, electrodes for welding, discs for the grinder.

Construction of foundation

Construction of foundation

Metal profile itself is lung, so a ribbonly low-profiled foundation is suitable for such a garage, having a width of no more than 30 cm and a height of about 20-30 cm or ready-made plates made of reinforced concrete and widely used in construction.

As for the very same construction technology itself, then the work should be started with the markup of the garage foundation all over its perimeter of the entire planned structure, and, if necessary, to carry out the placement of the place under the observation pit, you can use pins and rope for this purpose.

The simplest option for the foundation is such building materials such as silicate concrete blocks or silicate bricks fastened with solution. In the same way, the observation pit will be laid out.

Floor construction

As for the floor, if you use a reinforced concrete plate when creating a foundation, the floor is no longer necessary, since this material is quite smooth.

Before moving to the fill of the concrete floor, it is necessary to make a sand pillow, which will have a thickness of 5-10 cm and be located below the observation pit by 5-10 cm.

Further around the perimeter of the foundation, we place the damper tape, which will retain the floor in the garage from strong temperature drops. It is necessary to put and waterproofing, which would be slightly leaving the walls of the garage structure. Now we put the grid from the reinforcement and only after that fill the concrete tie. It is better to give a complete drying to give at least two weeks during which the foundation and gender should not be subjected to loads.

When pouring the floor it is worth making a bias towards the departure.

Mounting frame (basics), wall construction, roofs

Montage Karcasa

For the basis for the construction of a metal-phase garage, a similar P-shaped type profile is often chosen, which is fairly easy to fasten with the appropriate screws and is cut by metal scissors.

The frame is installed on the foundation. First of all, the side walls are mounted, where profiles are cut by the desired dimensions and are tightened with self-draws. The shape of the rear wall of the garage will be directly dependent on the roof shape: if the wall is smooth - the roof is a single-table, and if the wall is triangular - the roof is double. With a bartal roof, the triangular fronton is additionally mounted, which is attached to the rear wall.

The front wall of the garage structure should consist of a gate and fronton, where the turn of the gate is a frame, a rectangular shape, further reinforced by metal products, and the gate themselves are two canvases that are mounted from profiles.

Installation of garage gate

The roof will also be profile and is assembled on the shape of a rafter pair (from triangles), which additionally need to be strengthened with iron slopes. The number of these pairs should strictly coincide with the number of racks located on the walls of the garage frame (vertically). After assembling the roof frame, it is attached to the frame of the garage wall. Look at how it is done in the photo.

Roof construction

After that, the walls, roofing and doors are trimmed with metal profile, from the front edge of one of the lateral walls, with fatty. Fastening sheets must be roofing self-containers, where there is a washer from any waterproofing material, such as rubber. The roof is manufactured from the same material as the walls and in the same way. At the end of the roof it is mounted.

Wall insulation and interior decoration

As previously mentioned earlier, the garage may be dacha - for the seasonal parking of the car and no more and a garage-workshop, where it would be possible to work in winter. For the second option, warming is needed. Here, as a heater, it is better to use cotton wool: a stone or mineral, which looks like mats. These materials have a lot of positive characteristics and reviews, as well as they are comfortably fitted between profile slats.

Matt thickness should be at least 5 cm and no more than 10 cm enough. They are attached to the walls with the help of rails or special glue. After fixing the mats over it is better to fasten the water insulation film.

Interior trim Garage

Then there is an interior decoration. The easiest and most convenient option is thin aluminum sheets or the same metal profiled sheets that are attached to the self-tapping screw. There is also such an opinion that it is not worth sewing inside the wall in the garage, since metal coatings can lead to the formation of condensate.

Nuances in the construction of a garage from metal products

As any material from metal products has its pros and cons. The advantages include:

  1. The speed of construction of the structure;
  2. Sufficiently long service life (15-20 years);
  3. Efficiency (low price).

The main disadvantages include the insecurity of the structure from high and low temperatures in the absence of insulation in the walls.

It is worth mentioning about what metal-friendly ideal for the construction of the garage.

To create both walls and roofs, it is best to use Metal C10 Metal Papel. This professional flooring has a thickness of 0.5 cm and a working width of 110 cm.

The length of the sheets can be ordered in the store when buying a material. For the garage, the optimal length of the sheet is 2 meters. It is based on these sheets of metal-produce that the total value of the garage can be calculated. The above metal sheet is 500-700 p. - Depending on the coating, which can be ordinary galvanized, polymer or paint-and-paint.

Approximately for the garage with a standard size 4.5 * 3.5 * 2.8 (long * width * height taking into account the skate) 23-25 \u200b\u200bsheets are enough - 17500 p. (maximum price).

Profile price for frame 7000-9000 p.

Self-tapping screws, rustling and other consumable material - 4000 p.

So, the garage from metal products can be built as soon as possible, independently for 25,000-30000 rubles, which is much cheaper than other construction


Watch the video instruction of the garage assembly from corrugated

The construction of a garage based on the profile pipe of a rectangular or square section of galvanized steel is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to build a "house" for the car. With the help of simple tools and equipment, you can build a garage for 1-2 days, given the time to arrange the foundation.

Profile pipes are widely used in the construction of prefabricated buildings and structures - hangars, covered markets, kiosks, stalls, warehouse complexes. Pipes show themselves as durable, but lightweight material for the framework of the frame, which is then shedding with sheet steel, profiled sheet, plywood or chipboard.

The popularity of profile pipes in construction is due to their advantages:

  • easy;
  • strength;
  • high speed framework frame;
  • durability.

The most weighty argument in favor of profile pipes is an affordable cost. Compared with massive buildings from brick, slag blocks, foam or aerated concrete blocks The garage construction will cost the user at times cheaper. At the same time, there is no need to waste time on a long process of building walls and building drawdown, which often takes up to 6 months.

The advantages of the garage from metal

The solution to build a garage from profile pipes is more than justified. The advantages of this method of facilities of a low-rise building include both economic and practical aspects.

  • Low total cost of building, including the foundation building.
  • Easy execution. For collecting the frame, there are no special skills. Anyone who knows how to handle the welding machine, pliers and dump truck, can cope with the task. It does not require any complex equipment or tools for the implementation of the project and extraneous assistance.
  • Simple, light and inexpensive foundation. The garage on the basis of metal profile pipes, even with the trim and roof, weighs very little, so for its installation does not need a massive monolithic foundation. It will be enough to build a simple tape, pillaby or tile base.
  • Strength. Despite the seeming vulnerability, the design based on all-metal profiles is sufficiently strong and sustainable. It is well opposed to shocks and vibrations, high and low temperatures, wind loads.
  • The ability to dismantle and transport. The prefabricated frame garage can be easily disassembled in a few hours or transport it assembled using a crane-manipulator and low-handed tractor.

If you want to equip a reliable shelter for your car, it is recommended to build a garage from metal products with your own hands. Such constructions today are considered the most popular and faster-free.

Constructive features

Before you start work, you will need to decide on the functionality. Thus, the construction can be a summer parking for a car or a real warmed design on the territory of your private house. At the same time, the garage can be provided with observation pit and workshop. If you do not have a large number of time, it will be advisable to select metal as a material, it will be possible to complete the process in one month. If necessary in the observation pit, then you should use ready-made concrete blocks. The foundation will be tape.

As for the floor, it should be equipped with a concrete screed using moisture-proof material. Walls will be performed on the basis of a framework, which involves the presence of a metal profile. On both sides, the surface will need to be seen profiled steel sheets, between which thermal insulation materials should be paved. In the role of insulation, any modern canvases that are used to arrange ventilation facades can be performed. Here you can attribute stone and mineral wool, polystyrene, as well as polyurethane foam.

Construction of foundation

If you decide to build a garage from metal products with your own hands, then first will need to do the foundation. For the reason that the building will be easy, enough small-breeding belt base for it. The design width will be equal to 30 cm, as for the height, it is equivalent to 40 cm. It is important in the process to adhere to a certain technology. Initially, the site should be placed on which the gas installation is expected. The ground is cut into the territory, it is necessary to go deep into the soil by 0.5 meters. After the playground is leveled, it should be tamped, float sand and pour water. At the site of the future observation pit it is necessary to dig the pit, whose width should exceed the design width on the meter on each side.

Looking Yama

The bottom of the pit should be aligned, as well as fall asleep sand and tamper. If groundwater is close on the territory, it is necessary to perform drainage around the pit, for this it is installed pipes, the end of which is introduced into the nearest pond or sewage well. In order to properly equip the foundation, it is necessary to mark the basis of the base, for this you should use pegs and rope. Put the surface to be based on the garage, you can with the help of ready-made concrete blocks that are fastened with a solution based on cement and sand. Pit walls are also performed from the same products or using bricks. After the solution freezes, the outer walls of the pits can be hydroizing, using bitumen mastic for this. Other rolled materials are well suited. At the next stage, a flow of sand is made.

Floor arrangement garage

When a garage from metal products is drawn up with her own hands, in the next step, the floor should be performed. For this, the soil is aligned, its surface is covered with sand in such a way that the level is 10 cc below compared to the walls of the pit. On the perimeter to the wall should be strengthened by damper tape, which will eliminate the deformation processes at temperature changes. The sand should be tamped, and on its surface you need to put waterproofing. The material should be started on the surface of the walls by 15 cm. In the role of an insulator, a polyethylene or rubberoid can be used. When a garage is built out of metal products with their own hands, then the reinforcement grid is stacked at the next stage, after the concrete screed is poured. Its surface should be aligned with the rule. If you add modifiers to a mixture, then the plasticity and hydrostility can be increased. It can be liquid glass, penetrating waterproofing or polymer filler. Leave in this state the floor must be necessary for 3 weeks, during this time the surface is not recommended to load.

Construction of the carcass

When the garage from the metal profile is erected with their own hands, the photo can be considered before the start of work. They will allow you to familiarize yourself with the technology of the process. The construction framework can be made of a steel profile, which has a form of the letter P. Fix the elements between themselves using self-tapping screws. For manipulations, it is necessary to prepare scissors designed for metal work. It is not necessary to do without a roulette, a screwdriver, as well as self-tapping screws. The profile should be chopped on the workpiece of the desired size, and after strengthening the elements of each other. Vertical racks should be positioned so that 3 racks accounted for on the width of the metal profile. This indicates a distance of 50 cm. In order to analyze the perpendicularity of the angles, you need to compare the framework of the framework, they should be equal to each other. The same way should be used when assembling the second wall.

Features of work

Before building a garage from metal products with your own hands, you need to decide on the rear wall form. It will depend on the roof. If the last one-one, then the rear wall should be performed in the form of a rectangle. Whereas for a two-tie roof to a rectangular wall will need to strengthen the frontoth. The front wall should consist of two elements, the first of which is a fronton, while the second is a rectangular frame that will be the gate. Racks frame must be reinforced using the same profile that you need to insert one in another.

When a garage from metal products is going to do it with her own hands, the drawings will help you to competently consider the work technique. The frame should be collected on the foundation by setting the wall and fixing them with the help of screws. Additional fixation to the foundation is carried out by corners, dowel-nails and self-drawing. The roof can also be made of the profile that is going to the triangle. Advanced this system can be discovered. The number of rafter pairs should be equivalent to the number of vertical racks, which are located on the side walls. The frame must be strengthened on the self-tapping screw.

Conducting insulation

If you are built up a garage from metal products with your own hands, it should be stated to comply with the technology that has been described above. At the finishing stage, it is possible to strengthen the mineral mats between the racks. This material does not burn, which is especially important for the garage. It is important to purchase a web, the thickness of which is 5 or 10 cm. Taking into account the dimensions of the insulation sheets, you need to fix the transverse rails on the racks. After strengthening the insulation, the steam insulation film should be searched. The finish can be made of steel profiled sheets that are installed on self-drawing. If you decide to build a garage from metal products with your own hands, the process diagram presented in our review, you will certainly come in handy. Good luck!