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Why is the small and low speed of the Internet? What to do if a slow Internet? Why low internet speed

Long opening of sites, hanging, low speed Downloading files, problems in online games, Ways for video communication over Skype - with these and similar things you have to deal with a slow Internet connection.

In this regard, users often arise a question: why low Internet speed? How in some cases you can solve this problem?

Reasons that may result in a drop in the speed of the Internet, consider following the following plan:

I note that slow computerwhich "slows down", and slow Internet is different things and directly with each other are not connected.

1. Peak hours

Reducing the speed is a natural process in the peak hours when a huge number of users connect to the provider's network. As a rule, this happens to 6-7 o'clock in the evening on weekdays.

This moment depends entirely on the provider: the more users have, the greater the load falls on the network equipment, therefore, the slower will be an Internet connection.

With the Wi-Fi zone in public places the same situation.

And if you go to the cafe specifically for web surfing, it is better to look for a small place.

2. Equipment provider

The reason for the low speed of the Internet can be a depleted resource of the networking equipment of the provider. Even changing the tariff plan on more expensive will not help. After replacing the equipment provider, the speed of the Internet, respectively, increases sharply.

The reason can also be in a malfunction on any part of the path from the Internet provider to the network card on the user's computer. Failure can be in the apartment, in the corridor on the stairs, in the basement of the house or in the attic, where there is a provider equipment.

When we have someone in an apartment building cut off a piece of cable (possibly because of the repair of the apartment), the provider had to replace 80 meters of cable. But according to my subjective sensations after that, the Internet simply began to "fly."

And in the first, and in the second case, little depends on the user. True, you can contact the provider with constant complaints.

But if B. settlement There are several companies in the provision of access to the Internet, why not get acquainted with the possibilities of other providers. To the first at any time, you can return if the speed of the Internet of other providers will also not satisfy.

3. Router.

The router may be the cause of the low Internet speed. The router, regardless of the specific model and the manufacturer, itself is a weak link in the chain of devices for high-speed data on the network.

The situation is aggravated in the case of budget models of routers who have weak specifications. Such is mostly capable of reduced the transfer rate due to constant hangs.

With a complaint about the slow speed of the Internet in support service, the provider employees are first asked if the connection is connected via the router, and if so, the standard recommendation will turn off the router, followed by its inclusion in 5 minutes.

When the router is restarted, the buffer is cleaned from the cached data, which accumulate during the verification and assembly of network packets.

Before buying a router, consult with the provider. His specialists will prompt which models the best of all proven themselves in operation.

4. Number of Wi-Fi users

There should be a powerful equipment that provides Wi-Fi access point in a house or public place, it has a limit of connected devices.

And the closer the number of users to the limit value of possible customers of such equipment, the less on the smaller speed of the Internet, each of them can count.

Not always, routers distribute the speed of the Internet connection is evenly between all devices. It happens that when one user shakes a large file from the Internet, the second has to wait even for even the elementary opening of the web page.

So that none of the home has been removed in the velocity of the Internet, you can purchase a router with a traffic distribution function.

An alternative is to configure in program loaders of files (download managers, torrent clients) the limit value of the speed of downloading files.

Well, and, of course, needed savory access to Wi-Fi. For B. apartment houses The Wi-Fi Routher signal is available to neighbors, as well as all those who come to visit them.

5. Wi-Fi Action Area

Each router is designed for a certain radius of Wi-Fi zone.

In some cases, if the need for a larger range of actions appeared later to buy a certain model of the router, designed for a smaller radius, can be solved by solving the problem using a wireless amplifier. This device is located between the router and the computer device and serves to enhance the Wi-Fi signal.

Reduce the speed of the Internet can metal obstacles and water containers, located between the router and the mobile or computer device, which receives the Wi-Fi signal. May interfere with the router of neighbors, from overheating of their router, from failure in work software Router.

Router It is advisable to place on a non-cluttered surface and higher.

You can try to bring the laptop as close as possible to the router to see if the Internet speed will increase.

6. Device processor

The Internet connection for the most part depends on the network equipment, but sometimes the cause of low Internet speed can be a weak computer processor, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

On the one hand, now the Internet is no longer rare at high speed. On the other hand, many devices appeared to access the Internet with "lightweight", budget processors: netbooks, etc. Such a processor, alas, sometimes does not cope with a large data stream (for example, torrents).

If you want to check the loading of your processor, press three keys simultaneously: "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Del". In the window that appeared after this, click on the Open Task Manager option.

Fig. 1 Check the processor load in Windows Task Manager

If in a similar window, as in Fig. 1 You will see the download under 100%, then the reason for the low speed of the Internet is not in the provider, but exclusively in your computer and in those programs on it that he is so busy.

7. Programs

Reducing the speed of the Internet can be caused by the activity of applications on the computer that work with the network.

These are programs operating in the background. For example, in the "background" can be launched

  • Skype
  • WebMoney,
  • other messengers,
  • program torrent clients
  • programs to save Internet traffic, for its analysis, etc.,
  • any applications with data synchronization support (Yandex.Disk, Mile Ru cloud),
  • extensions for browsers,
  • antivirus update,
  • windows updates
  • playing music from some site,
  • launched online toy
  • and you never know what else is launched?

Unused applications should be closed, and it is best to remove them from the startup along with the start operating system.

Rarely used extensions for browsers can not be deleted, but disable and activate only if necessary.

8. Malicious PO

The cause of low velocity of the Internet may be viruses and spyware.

Malicious software (software) works in the background and uses an Internet connection without a user's knowledge for spamming, to download on the computer of the user of the garbage files, and sometimes it may even be able to lock the Internet.

Well, if the virus is only inside the computer and will not prevent the launch of antivirus. Because if the virus breaks into the firmware of the router, you will have to make a reset of settings to the factory and re-configure it.

9. Internet provider tariff

There are such tariffs for providers, which when the user has achieved a certain threshold (which is probably listed in the contract with the provider), the speed of the Internet sharply reduces the speed. And so can last before next month, eg.

At the beginning of the month, the speed of the Internet will be high again, then, as soon as the permissible threshold passed, the speed is sharply reduced. Here you have to change the tariff, or the provider, or "stretching the legs along clothes," that is, to live with the tariff that is.

10. Website or server are overloaded

The speed of the Internet may fall sharply if in its browser to try to go to the site for which his owner imposed the corresponding speed limit. Although the site can be loaded for a long time due to other problems on the site or on it.

If you and many more users are simultaneously starting with some server or download files from some site, it may well happen that the server or the site will "fall" will become unavailable.

11. Dust in the computer

The reason is rare, but everything happens in life. Sometimes almost "new" computer has time to collect a huge reservoir of dust from animal wool, from using a laptop "on the pillow", etc.

It is clear that such a number of dust should be eliminated.

How to measure the speed of the Internet

There are many sites that are created specifically in order to measure you the speed of the Internet. Below, I offer you two options for this purpose: Special Website and Yandex Service.

1. Site for measuring speed:

To start the measurement, you need to go to the site specified above and click on the "Begin Test" button:

Fig. 2 Special Program for Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bSpeed
  • All programs are closed on the computer, all windows are closed, only one site works on the Internet speed measurement.
  • Measurements better do not alone, and several times and in different time day.

2. Internet meter from Yandex:

Fig. 3 Measure speed using Yandex Internet meter

If you measure the speed of the Internet on your computer and compare it with the speed that is specified in your contract with the provider, then it is important to pay attention not only to the numbers, but also for units of measurement.

  1. Megabits per second - such units are indicated in the factor of the provider.
  2. Megabytes per second - the speed of any program will measure.

In one pate - 8 bits, so the difference in megabyte and megabit differs in 8 (eight) times. Keep this in mind before calling the provider and blame him that the speed of the Internet is 8 times less than the one that is specified in the contract.

And last. In a contract with the provider, you have the top, the maximum possible Internet speed, I would call it "ideal." It may vary depending on the time of day, and it is often less declared in the contract.

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The speed of the Internet is less than the provision of Internet traffic, it is rather normal than pathology. The reasons for this phenomenon may be somewhat, let's figure it out in order and find out possible cause Low connection speed.
Low speed Internet connection depends on the set of factors

Low indicators do not mean violation of contractual relations. A lot of factors that are not related to the provider can affect the final values. And do not rush to ask him the question: can you determine? Let's look at first.

The differences between the real speed of the Internet from the advertised

To begin with, let's try to figure out what is the small speed of the Internet, or the distribution phrase is inhibits the Internet. Without measuring there are several aspects here:

  1. Psychological. A subjective perception associated with a negative attitude to the operator (let's say, the speed of the Internet compound Rostelecom constantly falls). Special psychological aspect manifests itself with intense, exciting work on the network, then it seems that the speed is not enough;
  2. Missing the traffic used by the requirements. Either the real rate of information exchange is insufficient, or the expectations were higher. This also includes errors with Mbit in MB (i.e., the operator indicates Mbit / s, and traffic is considered in MB, 1 MB \u003d 8 Mbps);
  3. Physically low Internet speed. Measured at the stage of the end application.

Some programs show the speed immediately to the KB / s or MB / s.

Before complaining about the low speed of the Internet connection, check if you do not have downloading files by any program

What makes the Internet speed on the final application

In order to make conclusions, it is required to know the speed of the Internet. First of all, it is necessary to understand what it consists (at the level of the destination application). Not climbing in the subtleties of protocols and exchanges, blocking, for understanding:

  • The restrictions installed by the provider (connected tariff plan). Please note the seller does not indicate a minimum number, and the maximum - "before ...";
  • Speed, loading and prioritization of information processing on the server with which the exchange goes;
  • Bandwidth characteristics of channels, channel equipment and workload;
  • Bandwidth characteristics of your equipment (routers, network cards, computer and other things);
  • Network operating system settings, utilities and applications;
  • Working on the computer applications, services and utilities. First of all use network resources (antiviruses, firewalls), including viral programs.

Some factors act as limiters (no matter how the characteristics did not possess the components, the speed is determined by the slowest: the tariff, the channel overload, many errors in the router protocol, etc.). Some fill part of the traffic (an antivirus update, high-speed channel speed, but due to batch errors less and so on).

Disabling the firewall will lead to uncontrolled use of network traffic.

It is not recommended to disable Windows Firewall

When you turn on, you can install what programs are allowed to use the Internet.

Through Windows Firewall, you can prohibit individual programs to exit the network.


Check at home - the procedure is simple. Any speed test is used: Online checking or using the downloaded program. For reliability, it is better to use any way. Before performing measurements, it is recommended to exclude the influence of the factors that can be managed independently (complete the operation of applications using the network, place the device into the WiFi Confident Reception zone and so on).

For measuring the speed of the Internet connection there are many services

Measuring records

When measurements get values:

  • Incoming. This value of incoming traffic, this figure indicates in the tariff plan;
  • Outgoing. This is the value of outgoing traffic. Typically, the indicator is lower than that of the incoming;
  • . Time to transfer network packets between you and server. Those. Taking into account the errors in the channel, workload and other things. The indicator less than 60 ms is desirable.

Possible causes of the slow speed of the Internet (below claimed)

The speed of the Internet should be one, and the other measurement is different, much lower. What are the reasons why the Internet speed declined? We led a list of what affects the speed of network traffic. We divide the factors into two groups: temporary difficulties and problems.

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Temporary difficulties, do not depend on you and are associated with objective factors:

  • In the evening, the speed of the Internet falls. In the evening, the load on data transmission channels increases due to the end of working time and accessing the network large number users. As a result bandwidth Channels do not cope and a smaller band in the channel is allocated to each specific user;
  • Limiting traffic to the provider. This may be connected with work performed on the equipment or in the channel. As well as shifts of the tariff plan, service provider and other errors;
  • Problems on the server with which the exchange goes. It can be found out by going to another resource.

Problems, some of which eliminate:

  • Long physical communication channel to provider equipment;
  • Malfunction, incorrect setting of finite equipment;
  • Not optimal work software and network devices of the user;
  • Unauthorized actions, including malicious code, unnecessary software, unauthorized users, etc.

The list of running processes can be seen in the Task Manager on the Processes tab.

"Task Manager" will show all running processes in the system.

Methods for troubleshooting when the Internet speed is lower than the declared

In order to increase the speed of the Internet, you need to establish the reason why slow Internet on your computer. The following actions (part depending on the cause) allow you to increase the speed of the Internet:

  • Change the tariff plan towards an increase in Mbit / s, or volume, if the fall comes from the bustling of the limit of the traffic volume;
  • The program to limit the speed of the Internet on the computer. If you have a home network, using the program it is convenient to distribute how many resources will allocate, restriction time, volumes and other parameters;
  • Internet traffic control on a computer. Establish traffic control if the tariff is not unlimited, since when samping a limit in volume, the speed will fall;
  • Install a password on a wifi router. This will avoid unauthorized connections to equipment and limits;
  • Analyze the work of applications. Unnecessary applications and services disable. Disable automatic update applications (update independently as needed), or set the update time;
  • Score devices for the presence of malware (viruses). It is recommended to monitor anti-virus protection and regularly update anti-virus databases. This will reduce the risk of computer infecting and will affect the speed of work on the network;
  • Check restrictions on network equipment, change or configure if necessary. It may turn out that the devices are slow or not configured;
  • Analyze the proposals of providers. On the territory of our country is not one sentence for connecting to the World Wide Web. It is possible that another service provider speeds higher.

Now you know why the speed of the Internet is lower than the stated. Ask questions to specialists.

If you use wireless internet, then Wi-Fi words and a router for you must be, not an empty sound (see also). With this technology, you can, without connecting any wires, implement a connection to the network from a smartphone, tablet or laptop in the office, apartment, or even on fresh airIf the hot spot point is set nearby.

If the connection speed is quite low, you can experience problems when connected: Web pages will open incredibly long, and the load waiting time will increase at times. If you need to increase the speed of connecting to the network in a public place, everything that can be done is to come closer to the access point. If you need to optimize the connection of the house, here you have direct access to the router, and the situation may be much more interesting. Today, in my article, I will tell you how to increase the speed of receiving Wi-Fi on a laptop or any other mobile or portable device.

Causes of low speed

As for the reasons for the low speed of the connection, there can be quite a lot of them:

  • First of all, this is the quality of the equipment used. If your router refers to the category "Low-Cost" or it has one antenna, you may not even hope for a high connection speed. It is only a little bit to move away from the point of reception, as you immediately feel it.
  • Low signal reception range. The range is of the same attitude to the quality of the device, like the first item. The higher the price of the router, the greater the distance between the distribution device and the signal receiver. Explore the technical characteristics of the device in detail.
  • Tariff plan. As you know, the speed of "air" compound is much lower than the wired, so if you have the cheapest fare, then high Quality Connect, you will not achieve in any way.
  • Too high system loading and virus availability. If the speed of your connection on a laptop or is too low, it is also possible to explain this to the virus penetration on your device's drive. Moreover, an overly large number of programs overloading the system can be installed in the OS, which causes a lack of system resources. As a result, the power to handle the Wi-Fi signal may be simply not enough. In this case, it is worth using antiviruses (good, on the Internet of their "PRUD"). see also
  • Damage to equipment. If the router you accidentally dropped, perhaps the distributing antenna is damaged. In this case, it is necessary to immediately turn into a workshop to repair such equipment or to the service center.
  • Firmware. It is likely to. To do it, you need to download new version Firmware from the official website of the manufacturer and replace it on the router.

How to achieve high connecting speed?

The first thing from which should be started is a distance. Important Council: The router itself is worth installing right in the center of the apartment, otherwise the signal will not spread all the rooms. It is also necessary to take into account the number of distributing antennas on the device. If an antenna is one, an acceptable speed of the Connect, you can not achieve, with the result that you will have to acquire a new router. Moreover, it is worth taking into account the thickness of the walls.

Another important moment It is that, as a rule, routers are functioning at one frequency and multi-storey apartments interrupt the signal one of the other. In this case, the identification of an explicit physical transmission channel will help, based on the network load. By default, all routers are set to "auto".

If you are already configured, try to disconnect the power of the device and pull out all the wires, then reconnect everything again and check the status of the signal again: if nothing has changed, go to the next item.

Laptop / PC Settings

If the router analysis did not lead to anything, we will try to carefully deal with the configuration of the computer itself, from which access to the network is performed. Use the combination of Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons and run. Go to the second tab "Performance". If it is found that the network is overloaded, and the Internet you are in this moment You do not use time, you can go to the processes operating in the background, and turn off unnecessary.

We also advise you to remove unnecessary unclaimed applications from autoload. To do this, run the mini-form "Run" using the combination of the Win + R buttons, and enter the command "MSCONFIG" in the window. Here will be a list of programs settled in the autoload.

If, after such testing, the situation will not improve, check the transaction for viruses. If the antivirus finds something, it is likely that after cleaning everything will go to the way. You can use Avast or Cureit to check.

In case of failure, I can advise to update the drivers on last version. You can find the package you need on the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop. Without installation of driver-packs, analogs DriverPackSolution, it is better to do.

Finally, the last reason why the network connection speed can be low is an incorrect routing configuration. Reset these settings can be easily and fast. In addition, it will not harm the general status of the axis. To reset the parameters, start the mode. You can do this by playing the right click on the "Start" button, and choosing the item in the list. After all the steps described on the screen, the console mode invitation string appears. In the command prompt, ask a request " rOUTE -F »As a result, the connection to the network will disappear on time.

Further, in the next line we enter the command " ipconfig / renew And press the ENTER button again. If nothing of the above has helped, instead of the last command, ask a request Netsh Winsock Reset Catalog.

To one of the most radical methods, a complete reinstalling system includes, but if you have not done this yet, it is better to ask to reinstall the Operation of someone from your acquaintances in order not to reflect with the settings. This measure, in theory, should probably have a proper effect.

The speed of the Internet via Wi-Fi, this is the topic that always discussed, and will discuss in different forums, in the comments, etc. Very often ask questions like: "Why Wi-Fi speed is lower than on cable", " Why the speed through the router is smaller, "how to increase the speed of the Internet via Wi-Fi", etc. Why is it coming from where these questions come from. I'll explain now.

There is an Internet that is connected to a computer directly. The provider promises speed for example 100 Mbps. When checking, the speed may be slightly lower, but something about it. We buy a router, install, and of course check the speed, because we read somewhere that the router cuts speed. We check from the router on the cable, it seems normal, the speed has not fallen much. Check when connecting to Wi-Fi and see that two speed, or even more times lower than when connected via cable. For example, on Wi-Fi of 100 Mbps, which gives the provider, 50 Mbps, 40, or even less. It is clear that it does not suit us, and we begin to look for a decision. And in search of the solution go on page such as this.

If you want to see specific advice on the topic of speeding in Wi-Fi, then I will write about it a little later, in a separate article. But, I immediately want to say that I will write advice on whom I will write, and which can already be found on the Internet, usually do not give any results in terms of speeding. Although it depends on certain cases. And in this article I just want to tell why this happens that when connecting through a router, the speed of the Internet is less than for example by cable.

Why Wi-Fi Router cuts speed?

Each router cuts speed. Some less, some more. As a rule, it depends on the price of the router itself. What he is more expensive, the more powerful, and what it is more powerful, it means there will be less cutting speed. I am talking about Wi-Fi connected. If the speed is over the cable through the router and less, then as a rule, it is not critical. But on the wireless network, the speed losses are decent.

Many are still interested in the numbers that are indicated on the box with a router, or in characteristics. There you can see the speed information. For example: up to 150 Mbps, or 300 Mbps. And here again questions come back: "Why does my router support 300 Mbps, and I have a speed of 50 Mbps?". So, the manufacturer indicates the maximumspeed which in normal conditions never get. Speed \u200b\u200bwill always be much lower. And with those 300 Mbps, which are written on the router, we often get speed several times lower. But how much the speed is less, it is already depends on the power of the router (mainly), and from a number of other factors that I will tell now.

Also, you do not need to forget that besides the router, we have another Wi-Fi receiver, in our laptop, tablet, smartphone, or. Which also supports different standards, and the speed on which it works may be below the one that the router can give. Speed \u200b\u200bis always determined by the slowest device on the network. For example: Router issues theoretical 300 Mbps. But the adapter that receives the signal can work at the maximum speed of 150 Mbps. And we already get a limitation of 150 Mbps, as on the network, this device is the slowest. Well, I will continue to delve into these nuances, I just wanted to explain why the speed is so suffering when connecting Wi-Fi network.

What does the speed of Wi-Fi network depend on, and how to get the maximum speed?

As promised, in more detail about ways to increase speed, I will write in a separate instruction. And now, list the main reasons that affect the speed of Wi-Fi network:

  • Wi-Fi router. Network standards (802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11As)It supports which technologies are used in it, and the power of the iron itself. As a rule, the more expensive the router, especially high speed Wireless network.
  • Routher software, and Wi-Fi receiver on your computer. Very often, with updating the firmware of the router, or the drivers of the adapter on the computer, the speed becomes greater.
  • Interference. Interference can be both from other, adjacent Wi-Fi networks (mainly) and from household appliances.
  • Power Wi-Fi network. Not news that near the router, where the signal is maximum, the speed will be higher than in another room, where the network signal is no longer so stable.
  • The number of connected devices to your network. If one device is connected to your router, it will receive the entire speed that the router can give. If we connect another device, and begin to load something on it, then the speed will already be divided into 2, well, etc. In addition, all connected devices create a load on the iron of the router, which leads to a drop in speed.
  • Connection type to the Internet, which uses your Internet provider. The fact is that if your provider uses the connection type dynamic IP, or static IP, then the router will cut the speed less than when connecting PPPOE, L2TP and PPTP.
  • Routher settings. Proper setting Network protection, selection of the network mode and channel width, as well as channel change, can slightly increase speed.

How to organize a Wi-Fi network, what would the loss of speed be minimal?

As for the Internet provider: If you have not yet connected the Internet, and if you can, select the provider that uses the connection technology dynamic IP, or static IP. So the router will be easier, and to configure such a connection is much easier.

Choosing a router: If you want the minimum speed loss, you will have to spend on the router. I advise you to buy a router that can work at frequency 5GHz (GHz), and support. The frequency of 5GHz is now practically free, which means that there will be no interference there. After all, mostly, so far all Wi-Fi networks operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. BUT new standard 802.11Ac, even compared to the most popular at the moment, 802.11n allows you to betray information at speeds of 6.77 Gb / s. This is certainly in theory, with special equipment.

Devices that you will connect to the network: As I wrote above, the speed also depends on the clients of the network. It is desirable that your devices would be new, with support for the modern 802.11ac standard, or at least 802.11n. If this is a computer, then update the driver of your Wi-Fi adapter. I wrote about it.

Check the speed of the Internet, share the results in the comments, and tell you how much your router cuts speed. Good luck!

Do you have a low internet speed and you want to increase it? Then read this article and find out how to raise the speed of the Internet.

I will not open a terrible secret, if I say that the speed of the Internet depends on only two factors: from your Internet provider and from you. Perhaps you ask: And where am I? Okay. I answer in order.

Factor First: Your Provider.

It provides Internet communication and is fully responsible for the serviceability and speed of the Internet connection. Often, providers are increasingly related to their duties, and does not pay due attention to development and maintaining their lines and equipment in the working condition. This leads to overload of lines, and as a result, a decrease in the speed of the Internet. As a rule, this situation can be observed during peak loads in the evening.

Factor Two: You. Rather, not you, but your ability, and the most important desire to properly set up the part of the Internet, the responsibility for which it lies with you. Because, as a rule, most of the problems that interfere normally work on the network occurs not on the side of the provider, but on the user side.

At low internet speed, many factors that you can change

The first, the most obvious and most common. Antivirus

Antivirus is a truly "stick about two ends." It's bad without him, and it's not very good with him. Do you have antivirus on your computer? Then, spend a simple experiment: Check the speed of the Internet when the antivirus is turned on (you can check any). Do not alone, and at least 10 online tests. Calculate the average value of the incoming and outgoing traffic.

What can be done?
Of course, the easiest option is to turn off the antivirus completely. But this is probably not worth doing this. You never know what ... it is better to thoroughly dig in its settings and change the traffic check mode to a softer. In different antiviruses, this is done in different ways. Some have such an opportunity, and others do not have. It is necessary to look in a specific case.

Second: there may be a low speed of the Internet through a router (if any of course you have)

Fifth: browser

Sixth: Install the program to speed up the Internet CFOSSPEED

How to use cfosspeed is shown in this video

Detailed text instructions How to use CFosspeed There is in the article there also have a link to the official website CFOSSPEED!