Repairs Design Furniture

Why ficus yellow and fall leaves. The reasons for the fallout of the leaves in the ficus and methods of treating the plant. Possible causes of the problem

Unpretentious representatives of the Family Family today were firmly settled in many offices and apartments. Despite the relative undepair for climatic conditions, care must be correct and regular.

If the leaves are yellowing at the ficus, the plant needs to correct the conditions for the content and eliminate the causes of such a state of foliage. When the reason was detected, treatment will be more successful.

Possible causes of the problem

Changing the color of the leaves is one of the first signals, which indicates a violation of the rules for the care of fuses. Especially sharply reacting to dry air or excessive moisturity of the soil. Pepling varieties, which leaves are thinner, are deprived of juicy pulp, they have gentle skin.

Natural reasons

For natural reasons, the ficus is yellow and fall out the leaves in the following cases:

  1. In adult copies, in the fourth year of life, stocks of nutrient components are exhausted. The reaction to the age of the plant becomes yellowing and further falling leaves. The dying process begins with the bottom of the trunk, and the leaves change the painting from the painting to the tip. Such a phenomenon is cyclically, it happens every 3 or 4 years.
  2. In young plants, foliage may fall gradually with previous yellowing as they grow. When the trees height exceeds 70-100 centimeters, the lower part of the leaves falls out, barrel.

Physiological factors change coloring are not accompanied by additional symptoms - with the presence of spots, rot, deformation or thickening stems and shoots. If, in general, the ficus looks healthy and strong, but at the bottom of the trunk there are yellow spots, leaves need to trim, check the presence of diseases and pests.


The transplant is considered one of the most stressful events for any indoor plants, Including for ficuses. During the transfer of the plant in another pot, it is not necessary without injury to the root system, stems, leaves, the cuttings can be rooted for a long time, as a result some time is not allowed to be nutrients from the soil.

Changing the color of the leaves immediately after the transplantation may say that you have chosen an inappropriate moment for the procedure. Perhaps the plant was sore, the immunity was weakened, and the transfer to a new place of growth caused a protective reaction - the dedication of foliage.

When transplanting the following rules:

  1. Pick the pot that is more than the previous one in diameter by 3-4 cm and above 5-8 cm. This will allow the increasing root system to be comfortably accommodated in the new capacity.
  2. Be sure to pour the drain layer to the bottom of the pot. It will prevent moisture stagnation and strengthen the soil aeration.
  3. Soil is desirable to use ready-made with optimally selected combination of components. Suitable soil for flowering plants, Substrate for succulents.
  4. Immediately after transferring the plants to the new "place of residence", do not water it.
  5. The new pot is better to put in the same place to provide a stable level of illumination and temperature. Do not change the location of the ficus indoors.

If the transplant is carried out during the cold season, when there is not enough light coming from the windows, use additionally fluorescent lamps.

Watering and feeding errors

The absence of feeding in the vegetative phase, which lasts from March to September, leads to the yellowed foliage. Complex fertilizers should include nitrogen, magnesium, iron. The day before making the fertilizer the soil loose, the ficus is necessary to pour so that too active feeders do not lead to the root burn.

If the plant has a weak immunity, recently sobbed or subjected to pest attacks, diverge the feeder using twice as much water.

Before the onset of the rest phase at the end of the autumn, do not use mineral formulationsespecially with a large content of nitrogen. Too intensive fertilizer application may lead to the fact that the plants will produce new shoots in winter, and in the spring instead of active growth to dump the foliage.

Regular irrigation is not less important. The soil fever and abundant irrigation lead to the stagnation of moisture in a pot, the development of the roots stops, the process of rotting can begin. This is expressed not only in the yellowing of the leaves, but also in the softening of shoots, stalks, deformation of the plant. Separate branches can be vertically. If the soil is crushed, watering must be temporarily stopped, rearranged by a tree in a dry place, if necessary, a transplant is carried out.

Unfavorable microclimate changes

The microclimate in the room during the cultivation of the ficus should be as close as possible to the subtropical, which is natural for all representatives of the family of the tute. This means that the room or office should have a steadily high temperature and air humidity.

Change of humidity

The humidity in the premises is significantly reduced when the heating season comes. Also, dry air is observed in summer heat when the temperature is raised above +30 degrees.

In such conditions, the ficus is not moisture. The plant is arranged in such a way that it receives water not only with the roots of the soil, but also the above-ground parts - the surface of the leaves, cutters. If there is no moisture in the air, the leaf surface can turn yellow, over time they are completely falling.

Cut the regular spraying, you can bathe a plant under the shower, covering the soil with polyethylene. If possible, set the air humidifier next to the flower. Do not place pots not far from heating batteries or heating devices, especially with a direct flux of hot air.

Reducing temperature

The hypheal of ficus also leads to the drying of the leaves. The optimal temperature of the content is +25 degrees. With a decrease in temperature below +20 degrees, the plant begins to experience stress, which is expressed by the yellowing of foliage. All varieties of ficuses do not tolerate drafts.

When the temperature is reduced in the room, water the ficus with warm water, put the pot on the windowsill on the sunny side, maintain the same temperature in the room without sudden drops.

Diseases and pests

Most insect pests attacking ficuses completely disrupts the food of the plants. Juice copies pull the juices from the leaves and the shoots of the flower, damping its mineral components. As a result, the plant loses the leaves, becomes sluggish, deformed.

When yellowing carefully inspect the flower. On the presence of insects speaks, dark brown spots, processes or grooves on the surface of foliage. Processing insecticides will help solve the problem. Spraying is carried out after insulation Pot with a flower so that insects during the procedure are not transferred to other bedroom plants.

Ficks are rarely subject to diseases, but they can develop with improper care. The most dangerous is the rot from the roots. If it covers low part The trunk, the leaves in this zone are yellow and tremendous. For treatment, you can try to stop watering, but often with a large root system rotation area requires a cutting transplant.

Fungal diseases Also lead to damage to the leaves. Spores of fungi are not visible visually, so it is possible to determine the infection only in appearance - a change in the shade of the sheet plate, the absence of new shoots and a decrease in the flower growth rate. Fungicides preparations are used to eliminate the ride. They spray all parts of the plant and additionally processed upper layer Soil and pot.

How to save a fountain from yellowing

Prevent the yellowing of the leaves can only be high-quality and timely leaving the plant:

  1. Immediately after the purchase, do not hurry to put the pot on the windowsill. Hold the ficus a couple of days in separate room. In the absence of signs of infection with diseases or insects transfer it to other colors.
  2. We regularly examine the leaves, especially the lower side, to detect pests. TLL, COUSE Pliers, whiteflies are often set in exactly here and at the base of the stuff. At the first stages, the plant is easier to cure.
  3. Observe the light I. temperature mode. Maintain an average of the same air temperature, avoiding sharp drops. Do not put a pot on draft.

Do not forget to transplant the details of the minimum once every 5 years. During this period, the lower leaves fall on physiological reasons - lack of food due to an increase in the mass of the root system. If the ficus of large sizes, it is not transplanted, but they change the top layer of the soil into a new nutrient mixture.

Fitting leaves is a frequent problem with which the owners of ficuses are faced. Before you treat the plant, you need to figure out the possible causes of this phenomenon.

Growing ficus, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the needs of the plant. The optimal temperature in the room is determined depending on the type. It usually must be within +18 ... + 20 ° C, however, there are varieties for which the performance is optimal + 10 ° C. Comfortable air humidity - 50-70%.

Lighting should be bright and scattered. The ficus tree does not like direct light and darkness, however, is shadowless. Watering is preferable, moderate cannot be allowed both drying soil and excessive convergence. Transplants of young copies spend 1 time per year. Plants older than 4 years are transplanted less often - once every 2-3 years.

Also, you can not forget about fertilizers. The exact frequency of feeding depends on the variety, however, it is most often necessary to make fertilizers in the spring-summer period every 1-1.5 weeks for decorative-deciduous plants, for example, by means of "rainbow" or "ideal".

Why leave the leaves at the ficus: reasons and what to do

Ficus throws off the leaves for two reasons. This can be both a natural process and a consequence of the wrong plant content. That is why before making a decision, how to save the fountain, you need to determine the exact cause of this condition.

Did you know? The biggest ficus banyan is growing in India. Its age is more than 200 years, the diameter of the main barrel - 12 m. The crown of this tree has grown by 12,000 m² and is supported by side and air roots that have grown to the size of individual trunks.

Natural process

The normal life rhythm of the ficus includes the phase of dropping foliage. This is a natural process that occurs in the fall or at the beginning of winter. Thanks to the loss of leaves, the plant successfully goes into a state of rest.

In the future, leafy plates must necessarily grow again. Most often, the ficus first loses the lower parts of the crown. First, they acquire a yellowish color, then begin to dry and fall.

Wrong care

Very often the cause of ficus losses is the wrong approach to its content. Disorders of the microclimate wrong watering And the transplant negatively affects the state of the plant, from which the leaves begged.

Violation of conditions of content

Microclimate when growing a ficus plays a very important role. The cold and drafts are extremely harmful to the plant. Most species if the temperature drops below + 16 ° C, the foliage with a high probability will be imposed.

Important! It is extremely desirable not to allow sharp leaks of temperature, humidity or level of lighting. The plant does not like changes, including shifts.

It should not also allow the effects of high temperature. Although the ficus and refer to the thermal-loving species, with the rates of over + 30 ° C, the plant is tugged, the leaf plates change the color to yellowish and are hardly held on the stem. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific crown and optimal indicators for it.

An important factor is the level of moisture in the air. The leaves are often creepy due to excess dryness. Often it happens in the summer when it's hot on the street and the air indoors also warms up above the norm.
However, in winter there is a risk of increased dryness of air due to batteries or heaters. The owner must follow the moisture content and, if necessary, adjust its indicators with special air humidifiers.

You can not forget about lighting. Views that differ in a pedestrian pattern on the sheet plates are difficult to carry light shading. Grade S. green leaves Capable to develop in conditions of half.

However, too strong shadow adversely affects the state of any ficus. Due to the room in the dark space, symptoms may occur in the form of a weakening of the crown, lethargy, digestion of foliage and, as a result, its fiction.

Wrong watering

Watering a ficus should be moderate. It is strictly impossible to allow strong soil drying. Such a situation may happen due to poor or rare soil moisturizing. As a result, the crown dries yellow and no longer held on the trunk.

A similar effect occurs if irrigated, on the contrary, too abundant. It is impossible to allow water stagnation in the soil, because the root rotting process begins. It can be determined by an unpleasant grinding odor. If it does not correct the situation on time, adjusting watering, the gradual defeat of the trunk begins. The leaves take the dark color and fall away from the stem.

Incorrect transplant

Since the ficuses are poorly transferred any changes, the reaction in the form of dropping foliage may appear during transplantation. For this reason, the plant cannot be transplanted often.

The maximum frequency of shift pots and soil - 2 times a year. Often flowerflowers, knowing about the possible reaction of the plant, is resorted only to the surface shift instead of a complete transplant.


When dealing with pests, pesticides are becoming the first help for many home plants owners. Chemical-based substances are also used to prevent the development of various diseases.

The effect of intensive processing of ficus with such drugs is often negative. Pesticides are dangerous in that they create a strong load on the plant, as a result of which the leaves are not delayed on the trunk, weak and fly away.

Important! When processing pesticides and other drugs, security rules should be followed. It is advisable to use rubber gloves and eye protection in the form of glasses.

Pests and diseases

The development of various diseases becomes a frequent cause of leaves. Dangerous for ficus are fungal lesions. They appear most often due to excessive moistening of the substrate.

In addition to showering the crown, the fungus causes a change in color and spotting to different parts plants. As therapeutic measures, it is necessary to get rid of the affected areas and process the fungicide, for example, the drug "Carbandazim".

Pests are equally dangerous, among which it is most often possible to detect:

  • paouth tick;
  • shield.
Insects suck juices from leafy plates, as a result of which they weak and do not hold onto the trunk. The first help in this case will be manual collection and destruction of pests with the help of a soap solution. Next, the plant should be treated with a system insecticide, for example, an Aktellik or Inta-Vir.

Why the ficus drops the leaves in winter

Resetting the leaves at the beginning of winter can be caused by various reasons.

The main among them are:

  • natural transition to the state of peace provided that the crown opal at the beginning of the season;
  • reducing the daylight and scant lighting;
  • change of humidity and temperature due to work heating devices in room.

It is also necessary to remember other causes in the form of diseases, pests or improper care.

How to prevent leaves

To prevent the ficus dropping of their crown, the following preventive measures should be performed:

  • maintaining the right microclimate (temperature, humidity and lighting);
  • ensuring stable location and conditions;
  • moderate processing of chemicals;
  • the transplant is not more often 1 time per year for young (up to 4 years) and 1 time in 2-3 years for more adult ficuses;
  • watering the soil in moderation, avoiding the convergence or drying of the substrate;
  • timely treatment from diseases and pests.

Did you know? The fig tree from which the crop in the form of figs is collected is one of the types of ficus.

To ficus for a long time Radded his owners, not only adhere to the basic rules, but also to study the subtleties of care for him:

  1. The ficus tree is quite unthievative. The main thing is to disturb it less and withstand stable conditions. In the summer, however, it can be taken on a terrace or balcony.
  2. If there are lighting problemsSpecial lamps can be purchased in stores for flowerflowers.
  3. In addition to the frequency of watering, the characteristics of water are important for ficus. It must be mild and not colder room temperature. Also warm water spray a plant with increased dryness and washed leaves to remove dust and dirt.

The fence of the crown at the ficus is a very annoying problem. However, it can be avoided by adhering to the basic rules of the plant care and timely resorting to the treatment of diseases and adjusting the approach to growing.

Ficus Benjamin - a flower founding almost every flower. Such popularity is associated with the unpretentiousness and decorativeness of this type of ficus. IN small room It will look like a small magnificent shrub, and in the spacious room a flower can turn into a real tree. In addition, his crown and trunk can be given any form.

Ficus is subject to illness. Few know what to do if the ficus of bendjamine resets the leaves or yellow.

General information about the plant

Exists several varieties of Benjamin ficus, featuring leaves, sizes and conditions of content, and similar to some common properties. All varieties of Benjamin ficus have a straight line, round in the context of the stem. The color of their bark is predominantly gray. Root system well developed. Leaves are smooth or with a slight bend.

A thin sheet plate has an oblong shape with a pointer at the end. In length, it can reach 5-14 cm, in width - 3-7 cm. Branches and the leaves arranged on them in the next order form a lush, branched crown.

It is necessary that it can be judged by the health of the plant. If a thick crown began to rarely start a sharply, then you should think about the causes of foliage dedication as soon as possible.

Causes of crown fence

As a rule, the main reason for the appearance of this problem is not correct care Behind the flower. In order to know what to do if the leaves are falling at Benjamin Fikus, it is necessary to correctly determine the source of the problem:

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In addition to incorrect care of the ficus of Benjamin, fall leaves and for natural reasons. Life life of the leaves is approximately 3 years. After this time, they turn yellow and die away. In this case, only the leaves located below disappear. The cause of the mass leaffall can not be written off at the age of the plant.

If you do not take timely measures to prevent leaves' fence, the plant can lose them all. But in this case, there is hope for the salvation of the flower.

How to help the plant if the leaves are falter

In case of this problem, in the fall, when the feeding will no longer have a positive effect due to the cessation of ficus growth, can take the following measures:

  1. pour from above fresh soil;
  2. provide a plant with additional lighting;
  3. eliminate the possibility of entering through wind;
  4. implement timely watering and frequent spraying.

A month after the measures taken, the ficus will cover fresh foliage.

Despite the presence of a method for resuscitation of the plant after falling leaves, it is better not to bring it to such a state. It is necessary to know exactly the sequence of resuscitation actions in this case and understand what to do if the ficus of Benjamin.

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Correct flower care will not only with the prevention of leaffall, but also will affect on the appearance and health of the ficus:

  • Earth update will help prevent its exhaustion. It is not necessary to completely transplanted the plant, you can remove the top layer of the soil and pour a new one, while supporting the flower. After 2 months, the land will be completely restored.
  • Ficker organic fertilizers. In March and April, the feedback frequency should be once a month, in May - once every 3 weeks. In summer, their number increases to 2 times a month. At the end of September, the feeding stops.
  • It is advisable to form a ficus crown without letting it grow in all directions.
  • Wash Ficus under the shower you need at least once a month.
  • When you have near the southern window, the plant must be dialed to avoid sunburn.
  • Water is desirable to use a filtered and cleaned or tap, sparkling and heated to room temperature.

It is worthwhile to know that a healthy plant will never start and will not throw off the leaves in itself. For this you need any external factors. If the care conditions are all observed, then it is worth checking the plant for diseases or pests.

Diseases and pests

The most popular diseases of the ficus are root rot and anxalosis:

  • Root rot arises due to excessive watering or lack of oxygen. In the latter case, on the surface of the soil you can find a crust. The leaves of the diseased plant first swiftly yellow, and then darken. Branches - rot. From the pot comes the smell of rot. Can be saved only if not all roots are damaged. Cut roots need to be removed, leaving only healthy, and transplant the plant into a new soil. The leaves should be conserved that Ficus Balzamine spends strength to restore, and not to maintain greens.
  • Anrazose In the absence of emergency treatment leads to the death of the plant. First on the leaves there are small dark spotswhich quickly become ulcers. Next - the leaves begin to fall, and the plant gradually dies. To avoid this, all the affected greens should be removed and process the plant by fungicides. After that, adjust the humidity of the air and the amount of irrigation.

As can be seen, the plant can reset the foliage and get sick mainly due to improper care. Most of them require emerge treatment, so from time to time you should carefully examine the ficus.

Ficus Benjamin is a very attractive plant. Fallen branches, motley leaves attract views. But what to do, when Ficus Benjamin drops the leaves, loses its main decoration? Only the correct care will help to cope with this problem.

Where to put a ficus?

You need to find a suitable place in the room in advance. Displacement badly affects the well-being of the ficus. Therefore, it is undesirable to rearrange it. Moving from the store on permanent place Residence - great stress for the plant. Often, in such a situation, Ficus Benjamin resets the leaves. It is better to purchase it in the warm season so as not to stand on the road.

Lighting for ficus should be quite bright, but scattered and uniform. In winter, if the plant is located far from the window, the bush can take wrong shape. The temperature in the room should be no lower than 15 ° C. It is necessary to air the room, but not allow drafts.

Care and watering

Watering in the summer it should be abundant, in winter less. The land from above can be filled to 1/5 volume pot. To impregnate the whole earth com, you need to water in several techniques. Soil moisture should be average. If the ficus oped leaves, it can talk about root reinforcement. Air humidity should be no lower than 50%. In summer, the ficus is preferably sprayed. Sometimes you can arrange a plant warm shower. The ground in the pot needs to close the film. So that the ficus is not frozen after swimming, it should dry, then you can already move it to a permanent place.


Young ficus need to transplant every year, after four years - less often, as roots grow. Best time - Spring or early summer. The transplant is easier to make an abundant irrigation. The roots need to be removed from the pot together with the earthen room, removing only the top layer. The diameter of the new pot must be 3 cm more old. It is necessary to place drainage and a little soil into it, then install the ficus roots. At the edges and on top, to sprinkle fresh ground, slightly seal. Big Ficus to transplant hard, you can limit the replacement of the upper layer to fresh soil.

Reproduction of cuttings

In the spring and summer, when the ficus is actively growing, you can get a tank from him. To do this, cut off the tops of the shoots with two sheets and put into the container with water. You can make cuttings with wet sand. Water should sometimes change. When the roots appear, plant a plant in a pot, covered with a jar or film. After the new leaflet, the shelter can be removed.

Crane formation

Ficus itself is quite beautiful, but the cropping is needed. It stimulates the development of stubby kidneys, of which the branches grow. The plant becomes magnificent. Ficus Benjamin well transfers pruning and accepts any specified form. To disinfect the secret, it needs to be treated with alcohol or manganese. The central escape cannot be cut more than 20 cm. It should remain at least five leaves. Side branches can be shortened or deleted completely if the crown is too thick. Lack of light can lead to falling leaves. For squeezing of slices is used chopped charcoal. To get a stram, you need to remove all the side branches except the five tops. If the fountain is on the floor, the crown is formed at an altitude of about one meter. For a desktop strain, there are shoots at a height of 40 cm.

The young ficus needs a support, his trunk is very flexible. For the formation of a beautiful composition, several plants are sometimes planted in one pot. Flexible trunks gradually twist or intertwined, giving them bizarre forms. Trelliers and supporting clamps as stems need to loosen.

Why Ficus Benjamin dumps the leaves?

The reason may be lack of nutrition. The ficus is quite a capricious character, it is better to buy special fertilizer for him. Fertilize the plant should be twice a month, in spring and summer, alternating mineral and organic matter. In winter, it is not necessary to fear, at this time the plant is almost not growing. Moreover, even the ficus can respond with leaf fall. If you turn it or move it from the usual place, they can also get yellow and festive leaves. Especially often it happens in winter.

Seeing that Ficus Benjamin dumps the leaves, his owner, of course, will upset. After all, this plant is valued precisely for lush cron. Leaves U. different varieties Fikus are dark green, motley or white, yellowish. The leaves with a clear pattern, for example, dark with a wide white strip along the edges are especially elevated. The shape of the leaves resembles a drop or a boat. They have a smooth surface, and the edge can be smooth or waving. The leaves are up to 7 cm width and up to 12 cm.

Why leave the leaves? Ficus Benjamin - evergreen. But each leaf lives no more than three years. Therefore, periodically they die. Worrying is if the ficus of bendjamine resets the leaves in large quantities. All content conditions are quite difficult to observe, therefore any ficus is sometimes bare. There are many possible causes.

The flashell's female still sits on a sheet, covering the egg laying. It highlights a sticky secret, which often develops fungus. It makes the plant even more harm. That is why Ficus Benjamin resets the leaves. Remove the shield from the sheet is easy, but it is not always completely able to get rid of it. Wax sheek protects this insect from the action of insecticides. It is better to wipe the leaves and stems with the infusion of garlic or ordinary vodka. Then it should be removed the top layer of the soil, it may be larvae. These procedures must be repeated several times later.

If the leaves are yellowing at Benjamin Ficus, it is possible, it is amazed by a spider tick. These are small spider-like up to 1 mm in length. Their presence on the leaves is first manifested by white or yellow dots and specks. Then discolored and thinned areas increase in size, the entire sheet dies and falls. The tick is quickly multiplied in heat and dryness. Therefore, the plant must be regularly sprayed. When defeating by the web tick, the ficus should be treated with sulfur or phosphoric drugs, without paying secluded places, for example, slots in the windowsill. The medications are better alternating so that the ticks do not develop resistance to them. The eggs remaining in the soil can preserve viability for several years. It is not easy to remove the web tick, so it is better to monitor the humidity of the air, and at the first signs of the disease take action.

Prevention of leavefall

So, so that such troubles with Ficus Benjamin, the following conditions must be respected:

  • the plant should have a permanent place;
  • should be maintained optimum temperature, comply with sufficient air humidity;
  • a good drainage and moderate watering should be carried out.

Despite the capricious character, Ficus Benjamin does not lose popularity, because it is able to decorate a refined winter Garden or a greenhouse, as well as the interior of any room.

Most of the representatives of the type of fake pretty unpretentious in care. These plants rarely sick and practically do not cause inconvenience to their owner. But what to do, if the leaves fall out at the ficus, even a novice gardener should know. First of all, it is impossible to panic. Only revealing the root of the problem and removing it, you can help the shrub and protect it the crown.

Why ficus drops leaves

There are only three global causes of foliage festivities at Ficus: Incorrect care, illness or attack of pests. Each of them is equally dangerous for the plant and its health, so it is impossible to neglect them. Most often, ficuses suffer due to errors in the care, incorrect conditions of content and simply negligence of the gardener.

Natural reasons

Not always the dedication of leaves is a problem. Fikuses older than 5 years can reset them on their own. The plant thus "rejuvenates" itself, gets rid of old leaflets, which consume a lot of useful substances, and in the process of photosynthesis is no longer so effective.

Ficus begins to reset the leaves at the end of October. The period of "molting" in different varieties can last from one to one and a half months.

These days do not need to water and fertilize the plant, it is better to revive the amount of beneficial substances in the shrub diet to necessary minimumSo that it gets rid of all interfering shoots.

Adverse conditions of detention

Natural appeal is an extremely rare phenomenon. Most often, the shrub loses the leaves due to improper care. Almost whatever: cold, heat, increased or insufficient humidity, disadvantage or excess watering, can affect the crown of ficus. In order not to give the plant to lose all the foliage, you need to carefully check each item of care, and revealing the problem, immediately eliminate it.

Cold and humidity

Fallen leaves in winter is a fairly common phenomenon in cold regions. If the air temperature in the room is lowered below 14 degrees, then the shrub comes out of the hibernation due to the occurrence of the stressful situation and begins to dump the crown. This is necessary for the ficus to preserve heat and vitality until spring.

The problem with supercooling rarely occurs in room plants, which are located in homes and apartments where people constantly live. Most often because of the cold, the leaves fall away from the ficuses that were left to winter in the country. In order to avoid this problem, the plants are better taken during the cold time in heat.

The insufficient level of air humidity can also lead to the dedifications of foliage. If the microclimate becomes too dry for a ficus, the crown will begin shroud and consume more water from the soil. The plant will quickly begin missing the beneficial substances, and it will reset the leaves.

Heat and dryness

The heat for ficus is also dangerous as cold. The focal of foliage in the summer occurs if the figure in the mercury pillar of the thermowner has passed over the mark 26. The high temperature of the air leads to the drying and the appeal of the leaves even when high level Air humidity.

Also, problems with the crown of shrubs arise due to difficulties with lighting. Almost all varieties of ficus do not tolerate direct sun ray on your leaves. At the same time it exotic plant You can only put on well-lit surfaces, because in the shaded sections of the room, the sheets begin to twist and darken.


If there were no problems on all points of care, but the ficus dropped his leaves anyway, it means the case in a shortage of useful trace elements and minerals. This problem is solved simply - only you only need to increase the amount of feeding, which is added to the water, or begin to fertilize the soil more often.

Nevertheless, it is not worth remarking with active substances in irrigation fluid. The oversaturation of the soil can lead to an excessively active growth that will harm the plant.

Also rhizome, which is powered from the ground with an excessive amount of fertilizer, starts to be rotated.

Watering errors

Despite the fact that Ficus is a tropical plant, it is easy to pour it. The overabundance and lack of moisture is equally harmful to this exotic shrub.

Too wet soil becomes a seating for malicious bacteria and activates the process of rotting the root system. From the dying rhizoma infection is transmitted to the stalk and roots. First of all, the Crown suffers from this process as the most vulnerable part of the ficus. After all the leaves fall, start dumping the branches.

Dry soil can also cause a shrub disease. Without regular irrigation, he will begin to felt and get shed, which will lead not only to dryness, but also to oxygen starvation. Foliage first turns yellow and twisted, and then it becomes breaking and falls.

Disruption of soil acidity

One of the most difficult to detect at home the reason for the leaves of leaves is a problem with the level of soil acidity. Ficks in this matter are extremely demanding. You can grow this exotic shrub only in low acidic soil.

If the gardener was determined that the level of substrate acidity is increased, then in this case only a transplant will help in the correct soil. It can be done independently or purchase in specialized stores.

If the ground turned out to be too poor and his acidity is reduced, this situation can be corrected by proper undercaming. This method is long and, most likely, during the rehabilitation, Ficus will lose some more leaves. The easiest way is simply transplanting a shrub into a suitable substrate.

Diseases and pests

Most ficus diseases are caused by improper leaving for the plant. Root rot, yellowing or loss of color leaves are the consequences of the galant attitude of the gardener to their room shrub. At the same time, there is a disease that can develop in a moderate climate, regardless of the efforts of a person.

Spotted leaves most often occurs in rooms with too dry air, but sometimes even those ficuses suffer from this disease that are sprayed daily. The crown of the sick shrub begins to be covered by dark brown spots. You can cope with this, only conducting spraying not one, but twice a day.

Much more often ficus suffers from pests. Most often on its branches and stems, you can find a web tick, shield and milderry. All of them are derived exclusively insecticides.

Mealybug and cobed tick Amazed the green part of the plant - its casting, so they are easy to notice. Problems most often arise with a shield, because young individuals of this insect will settle on the stem and cuttings. Because of the brown color, they practically merge with the bark.

Leaf fall after transplant - how to deal

After the transplantation or moving to another apartment, the ficus often drops the leaves. What to do in this case to save the den's crown and shrub health:

  1. First of all, when transplanting cannot be saved on the quality of the substrate. If the plant moves from a good, high-quality soil into another, worse collected, it can reset the foliage due to stress. Especially often the young plants suffer from this.
  2. Secondly, it is possible to prevent foliage discharge due to abundant watering and feeding. In the first 2-3 months of the life of the ficus in a new pot, the soil fertilizer frequency needs to be increased, and watering to make more abundant. As soon as the progress period passes and the plant will begin to feel confidently in a new pot, you can return to the usual periodicity of watering.

Ficus - the plant is pretty hard, with good immunity and large reserve vitality in case of stressful situations. If this shrub began to reset the leaves, then the rules for its care were grossly violated, and it is necessary to immediately pay attention to it.