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The difference in writing is not and nor. The spelling of the particles is not with different parts of speech, not

Particles are not negative, so they serve to refer to the denial of action, a sign, subject, etc.: Let the past go: not the fuss (garden.); On the site of cities neither stones, nor ruins (ox.).
The use of particles ne.

1. The particle is not used as the main denial of what is indicated by the word to which it relates in meaning: this is a life that does not frozen bronze, a draft that has not included in Tom (hounds.).
2. The particle is not included in the sustainable combinations, it is unlikely that no, almost not, not at all, and not the same in the composition of unions ... Not only, not only, not that is not ... , not that is not ... but until not.
3. The particle is not used in exclamation and questioning proposals beginning with pronouns, adverch, particles (who are not, as not. Where not, etc.): how not to love the native Moscow! (Bar.)
4. As repeated in a composite verbant, "the particle yam does not serve to transmit an affirmative meaning: I could not not confess in the shower that my behavior in the Simbirsk restaurant was stupid (P.).
5. As a word-forming particle, not under the stress is included in the composition of indefinite and negative pronouns and the shortcoming (some, something, somewhat, no one, there is nothing, there is nowhere else, there is no reason) ". Waiting for letters was not from anyone else.

The use of particles of n.

1. The particle either serves to increase denial:
Then, that everything in the snow, in winter, neither greasy, nor the blues I can (cr.).
2. The particle is not part of the stable combinations, neither to give neither a fluff or a pen, nor a hearing a spirit or place.
3. To strengthen the affirmative sense, the particle is neither used in the appropriate proposal in combination with pronsections, adverbs (whoever, no, no matter where, wherever; how much is neither, etc.):
No matter how much the nation has given the heroes for their history, no matter how many feats have made, are always a few people and studied events (punch.);
As if. That way, the child was born blind (Cor.).
In this value of the combination of pronouns and the shorter with a particle, it was neither part of sustainable revolutions (by all means, wherever it went, from where neither take, etc.).
4. As a word-formative, the unstressed particle is among the negative proncesses and the adverbs (no one, nothing, no, nowhere, anywhere, is not needed). "And that is not needed and for nothing (car.).
311. Read. Set the value of the particles not and nor.
1. How good is this forest in late autumn! There is no wind, no shadow, no light, no noise (T.). 2. Even in the most frank minute with the most favorite friends, I have never changed a single word about the hardness of my family (waters.). 3. To make completely unfamiliar people, he did not love (F. S.). 4. And inside the house what changes! Do not see a zakhara, nor anosis! (Rock.) 5. I could not fall asleep not because it was not tired of hunting, and not because the alarm that was tested by me dispersed my dream, and we had to go (T.). 6. No, not fluffy east to defeat me! (L.) 7. On "Surgery" still neither rumor neither spirit (Ch.) 8. Do not obey, do not tear off the heart, do not rehearse you, Russian snow! (TAT.)
312. (Essay.) Write an essay of the thumbnail about the relationship and difference in generations (for example, "fathers w. Children" of our days) using particles not both to create both negative and affirmative structures. Use rhetorical figures.

Writing not and with any different parts of speech

1. The particle does not write punk:
1) in cases where the word without it is not used (ignorant, unconscious, indignant, hating, can not);
2) with noun, adjective, adverbs on -O, if they do not form a new one, opposite by the word value (antonym):
neuda (\u003d enemy), non-rest (\u003d soft), not far (as clicked);
3) under stress in uncertain and negative pronsections without prepositions (someone, some, something, nothing, some, some; Wed: Not anyone, nothing with what is not for what, not about whom), as well as in negative adverbs ( Nowhere, it is nowhere, there is no need to);
4) in the verbs with the prefix underestimated (to not be heard, underwent, units);
Note. From the verbs with the prefix that denote the inconsistency of the required norm should be distinguished by verbs with the prefix of the pre-and particle not, which denote not to the end of the action; Wed: She was not interested in ("Melchivala") - she did not tell the story to the end ("did not finish the story").
5) with full forms of communion at which there are no dependent (explanatory) words (unverified notebook, a unintelligent audience, an invisible eye, inseparable traveler).
2. The particle is not written separately:
1) with verbs and verprices (not rejoicing, did not afford; not inventing); Exceptions:
naughty, neule, is neuroving;
2) with the full forms of communion, if they have dependent on them (explanatory) word (without ceasing the rain in the morning; not running a coward athlete; not solved by a student's task);
Note. If the communion turns into an adjective, the particle does not write with it, regardless of the presence of an explanatory word (exception - words with no), in the absence of the conditions of separate writing, the particle is not adjective. Wed: Climbing not performed by climbers (sacrament with a dependent word) - imperfect in the form of a product (adjective with a dependent word) - not perfect in the form of a product (adjective with the word Nile, which includes denial NE).
3) with brief forms of communion (the solution is not defined, the hay is not bevelled);
4) with noun, adjective, adverbs on -O, if there is a contrast with the union, and or it is only meant, expressed by intonation (it is not a friend, but the enemy; the river is not violent, but calm; cottage is not far away, but close; coat Not expensive - you can buy it; for me it is not news);
Note. Such oppositions should be distinguished from structures with imaginary opposition, in which non-exclusive concepts are compared (antonym), but combined; Wed: The house is not high, and low - the house is low, but beautiful. When comparing with the union of the particle, it is not written with adhesive.
5) with adjective and adverbs on -O, with the presence of explanatory words, at all, far, at all, as well as all words, including a particle neither (far from calm, not at all, not friendly, is not so happy; no one is not terrible, no bad, nothing notable);
Note. In the presence of explanatory words - the circumstances of the measure and the degree is absolutely, very, highly, quite, extremely, partly, almost, absolutely, very, extremely particle, not with adjective and adverbs, it is written in a firmware (very disadvantageous business, a very unattractive act , absolutely unacceptable option).
6) with numerical, amplifier adhesions, pronouns, impersonal predicative words (not two, not seven, not quite, not he, not that, no need, it is not a pity, no need).
3. The particle is neither written punk:
1) in an unstressed position in pronouns without an excuse (no one, nothing, anyone, no one; Wed: with anyone or anyone or whose);
2) In adverbs (anywhere, never, nowhere, nowhere).
B5 | 4. In all other cases, with any other parts of the speech, the particle is neither written separately with the words that it is used (never, nor a minute, nor a response, no one has come, nor I).
Notes. 1. Nobody else should distinguish between expressions (other), as (a); Nothing is not other than anything else (a). No other expressions are no other, nothing else suggests the presence of particles and create a negative. Expressions are not other than anything other than what the existence of the Union is like. For example: and what. If smiling human life is nothing but a chain of transformations? (Cat.); And suddenly I realized that because it was not the other in the forest, as the wooder, sabbage (arrived.).
2. No expressions (nobody), never ("never") - negative (no buddy has never been with him this winter). Expressions are not alone, more than once ("many", "a lot * or" many times "," repeatedly ") - Affirmative (not one of my grandfather gave life to war; more than once I have heard Russian songs).
313. Rewrite, revealing brackets and distributing these words by groups: 1) without fails; 2) In combination with no other, antonymic value.
(Not) Nastya, (not) up to 1rot, (not) p, Orosem, ^ ^ ^ competent, (no) groceries, (not) Peace, / "Invisible, (no) courtesy, (not ^ brawl, (not) Volno , Slsryaditsa, (no) trouble, (not) is hot, (not ^ desire, / "Unfortunate, (not) Uro" Jii, (not ^ on time, (not ^ pleasant.

314. Read. Set which part of the speech are not both particles are used. Explain their fusion or separate writing.
1. Since then, I have never met my stranger anywhere (T.). 2. I like that you are not sick with me, I like that I am sick not by you (CV.). 3. What is my name gentle, my gentle, do not mention neither day or night ... (CV.) 4. Unprecedented autumn built a dome high (AHM). 5. And that is not a writer who did not add to the vision of a person at least a little dormant (paust.). 6. He suffer for beliefs - not under way (F. S.). 7. Russell dusk, started quotet; He is still on the paw neudoes (kr.). 8. I do not want to love your love, I can't assign it; I am unable to her, my soul is not worth it (fish.).
315. Rewrite, revealing brackets. Explain the spelling not and nouns.
1. Let them wave (not) with a flame soul (fish). 2. As if I copied the items of my SnSub (Ahm.). 3. Your arch fell; The circle flies with the cry of Owl and (not) T: Oiyer (Fet). 4. War of fires zhogoga, and F hatred of enemies was boiling (the one.). 5. Tells I will write to you. And (not ^ words, and an anima blood (one.). 6. She was far from the beauty (L.). 7. Ile on the deck in F Bad, in fur wrapped on the fluffy, listen to how the car knocks ... (Ahm.) 8. In the city, everything is closed - holiday, "Taking Bastille", but ("No dance, with no processes (bun).
316. Rewrite, revealing brackets. Explain the spelling not and with adjectives.
1. The Sun has become ("Neurykh (Green). 2. It is nailed to the shameful pillar of the Slavic conscience of ancient, with a snake in the heart and with stigma on his forehead, I claim that - Collin (CV.). 3. Then he suddenly felt with inexplicable relief , which allowed him to strike a number of crushing blows (I. and P.). 4. You greedily listen and songs of antiquity, and knightly times magical devotes - mocking lets (^ Sunny dreams (L.). 5. He was / "Emergency, For all occasions, he had their own, often at all (unexpected sayings (Sl.). 6. Fashion thing (inevitable, but dangerous! (Konch.) 7. It was a protective color army shirt, (^ non-paramedic - field (car. ). 8. Silence was painful and not) ARO) 5, Olzhateau (Green).
317. Rewrite, opening brackets and inserting missed letters. Explain the spelling not and nor pronouns
1. And ("H -. ^ What does not interfere with this expectation (T.). 2. She could not continue: (N ..) Thu" On an extraordinary pro coming into this shorter (T.). 3. They are all She looked at him, but (N ..) Who (N ..) Cheto did not say until the high old old man came to the road did not appeal to him (L. T.). 4. I know your wrinkles, as you know and You are mine, who - the author? (CV.) 5. ... Listening like a car knocks, and do not think (n ..) (o) Cheu1 (AKH.). 6 It is only a girl from clay, (N -) (for) what to complain to her (Ahm.). 7. "Lord! He said, - this is (N ..) (for) that does not look like" (L.).
318. (Essay.) Write an essay of thumbnails (joke, humoring) using data stable expressions.
For anything, no other thing, nor anyone, nor anyone, nor the same.
319. Rewrite, opening brackets and inserting missed letters. Explain the spelling not and with the verbs.
1. Parametent .. I bore elder ... (n ..) zv "qi! (CV.) 2. SIGN. LIGHT. LIGHT. But still (N") P & skeleton - something through a dream (n .. ) I grabbed (hounds.). 3. Two in the morning ... (n ..) Spe1T... "For that they are all / "Npnavid." - I thought (L.). 5. I confess how much I (H: ^ tried to distinguish anything like a boat, but unsuccessfully (L.). 6. Where (N ..) Looking back, everywhere Rye is thick (Mike.). 7. As (N. .) Love your native Moscow (bar.). 8. Love in no way (not) Right: on the mind (Floa). 9. (No) HR, ORVLP ".. Xia, Evil temperature (Bun).
320. Read, opening brackets. Set, in what cases the verb contains the prefix that expresses the incompleteness of the action.
1. Cutting honey, and songs (no) (up). 2. Then shearded the fire transparency across the screen, the headwheat running dawn, (not) (before) sleeping Kazbek (hounds.). 3. Lost a fox in the affairs of health and peace, in the works of a piece (not) (up to) EP, Ala, nights (not) (before) piled. (Kr.). 4. Returning home, I noticed that I was something (not) (before standing (L.). 5. Familyarities I (not) (before) Auscal (Bob). 6. Bakers' continuing (not) ( Before) I buried, knocked my fingers on the table (C.). 7. ... fullness and depth of feelings and thoughts (not) (before) Start & E7 mad gusts (L.). 8. Raja Chernysh as passionately loved the Malorussian people as passionately (No) (before) Lublub "Abel" Cossacks ", that is, Velikorosov (Lek.). 9. There is a lot of eye around! One (no) (up) Teeth, and the second, and the third saw (Pri.).
321. Rewrite, opening brackets. What patterns do not determine the spelling not with verbalias?

1. He walked (not ^ Hurring and slightly tilting his thin mill (T.). 2. How soon the wolf has a flock of Zabyanit and hurt the sheep, then the wolf here is the power of the sheep, ^ Ke ^ the persecution of the face The court immediately imagine (kr.) 3. We (not) Although sitting on a long, like a nara, a kitchen table (AST.). 4. (not ^ Feeling neither hands, no legs, I'm plenty in the snow slightly alive (sim. ). 5. Old men fled behind them, choking and (not) mountains, yu (I. and P.). 6. Crowds (not) Vice, eye (not ^ tearing from the features of acquaintances, I walked next to her (Y. B.). 7. He was due to gone, (not ^ dying, which maybe it was not as a person (sowing). 8. "I'm sorry," Nikor Ivanovich spoke Yu (not) Bulg.).
322. Rewrite, opening brackets. Explain the spelling of the particle is not with the communions and words on -mash.
1. But (not ^ the surrendering verb behind a goal scores (the one.). 2. There are lucky and happy, sing (not ^ might (CV.). 3. The deserter was (not) talking;
Mishun from nature silent: So from the hut (not ^, Copy (cr.). 4. I had to go to the chest of drawers, to get a new shirt, even (not ^ dredged (F. S.). 5. Then it folded everything in a table where Lying the Mount of La ^ printed parcels (Konch.). 6. Where else are these ^ Incessant explosions (Pri.). 7. On the airfield in Omsk there was still (not ^ touched by warm snow (con.). 8. Return to the island of water Now it seemed to me with anything (not ^ comparable (not ^ happiness (see). 9. Therefore, Lithuanians, Ottomans and Russians had their own ^ unique fates (L. GUM.). 10. However, theories (not. / Features New (L. gum.).
323. (Essay.) Read, revealing brackets. Comment on writing words with no (particle or console). Write an essay (description or reasoning) "Portrait of the Russian landlord" (by works by N. V. Gogol, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, L. N. Tolstoy or other authors - by choice).
Oh, the deudes, they would like the landowners of that time! Of course, you (not) would be, maybe, blame them for being quite somehow / "unknown ... And I just (not) Tiyuglay look at them without laughter. But they hit me not only with her ^ ^ ^ Pock items. Although I was completely at my wedding (not) & in society, but still realized that most of them were rude people, mixed, and their jokes, sharpness and hints were before ("incredibility (not) Delicate and even dirty. (according to E. N. Wetovozozova.)
324. Rewrite, opening brackets and inserting missed letters. Explain the spelling not and nither, adveria.
1. (N ... ^ gift in the young man burns love for public good! (Floating) 2. Siberia King is conquered, and we live ^ Holiday in the world lived! (Floa) 3. A (N ..) D & R. Did you spend your money? (F. S.) 4. Transparent lies in a wrench on fresh rod and with imperceptibly melting (Ahm.). 5. ... All your tricks and keenships I tried to do with a fun view, wanting to show that I am all (n ..) How much (waters). 6. ... you understand, (n ..) (c) His lonely hear steps (Tarn.). 7. And this is for the heart (not) just award, - Such a fade, which is greater (not) AEAD! (Tarn.) 8. Heavy rain lil (N ..) D, Olo (L. T.).
325. (Training dictation.) Read, opening brackets and inserting missed letters. Explain the spelling of the particles and their choice. Write text for dictation.
So..nza has long gone, but light (n ..) decrease.
Gray, like a hare, a cloud, stuck over the field, was without a shadow, and rye .. s .. Ohl, like an emerald village. Zenya on the Brac.-Mr. Peir.
Crash .. Drops fell drops. (N ..) thick, then it is interrupted that someone will recalculate them. All coins of silver-one, with good (semi ^ crawl.
Falling on the plump, whitight. Any land, droplets-coins of the sub-. Mali fountain. Dust. Dust, OS .. Daily, hurriedly sheltered moisture - the fourth week without free.
Malah mowed on the sky (IP) (under) the forehead. And then he was angry over him, and this fell free of charge .. well, that both the field itself .. there was a sn -. ^ Can be seen. However, the likely happened. We will fly a cloud, (the floor / village wet, and on the other half - dry. But what would be) or shed on only the field, bypassing others? (According to V. Bakhrevsky.)
326. (Preliminary dictation.) Repeat the spelling of the particles is not with any different parts of speech. Write text for dictation.
We were not at all prepared for any independent thinking, nor to critical analysis.
Our thoughts were some short and uncomplicated, expressed fragmentary and inconsistently.
Our feelings and expressions were not only herd, but often perverted, our language suffered from monotony and poverty of the expression, the stock of words was extremely small. But be that as it may, our thought made it for the first time, we embraced by some kind of miscarriage questions, the eyes of all glittered, the cheeks of the flames, the hearts trembled. We sat and reasoned far over midnight, rushing to beds with every noise from the classroom room.
- He is just desperate some kind! - It was the opinion of the majority. However, despite the feedback, we are not quite favorable for Ushinsky, we immediately, instinctively, hung in his personality something strong, large and original.
"Oh, if he stayed with us!" - exclaimed pupils, but immediately they unanimously expressed a solid conviction that he had to be in charge. (According to E. N. Wetovozozova.)

327. Repeat the spelling not and nor. Rewrite, opening brackets and inserting missed letters.
1. As (N: ^ I tried to drive away from myself away the memories of the National Assembly ... It was the thing and then returned and pierced me. 2. "What are you, I added, (not) Chayayo Seeing on Earth a new fourth - (n ..) Vil8l, what, if it "? 3. ... if when I drove to my village, then (n ..) more like on (not) Skolko days, so I (n ..) Once "U (n ..) began to visit the ^ ^ mlinn, (N ..) in Mikhailovsky. 4. (N: ^ My beauty I (not) on the temper, ate (n ..) GaE, (N ..) Toto man. 5. Badaeva sang (not) D, Urao. 6. With F in bewilderment, weakly stretching one hand, she looked at me. 7. Moreover, I really more (N ..) What ( N ..) knew. 8. I (N ..) What (N ..) Z & Yu, decisively<к../чего; я <не^знаю, (н..)кто вы, (н..)кто он. 9. Знаю я эту ^небрежность ^неизлечимого горя, знаю равнодушие безвозвратного (не)счастъя\ 10. На дворе (не)зашечалосъ (н..)чего /"необыкновенного. (По И. С. Тургеневу.)

328. (Control dictation.) Repeat the topic "Spelling of particles". Write text for dictation.
In the exception of Gogol, the Student of the Nezhinsky Lyceum, the older Chernosh happened to go with him together for fifty or a hundred of non-people in the village to visit some of their common acquaintances. To whom exactly - I do not know, but they drove together.
On the courtyard stood the unbearable June-burning, and the fascinated Malorosiysk air was full of that fine black soiled dust that can penetrate everything - to draw travelers in Arapov, to blind their hair and firmed their eyes, nose and ears. The neosoglyal Malorosiysk steppe is widely spread, and it seems there is no end, no limit. In all, the field does not occur no living being; Even small birds, and those, having traveled, fell to the bread roots, and they are not visible where they wound this terrible heat-burning oven. Only one dirty wonders with huge glazing is relentlessly mowed over miserable horses and even more increase their painful torment.
Gogol all purred the songs, spit, scorched on his horses, drove the plates of the hedge and spoken in joking tone with a yamchik. But the pump at this time fell to them the most disgraceful, and how Gogol did not start him for conversations, finally had to refuse him from conversations. And then it shifted him to the satellite. Gogol is very calm, but without a predilection before the Chernysh raised, that he, despite the fatigue, began to respond hot and impatient on his part. (On N. S. Leskov.)


A. What is the particle different from other parts of speech, including service?
B. Are the syntactic functions inherent in a particle (the role of a member of the sentence)?
Q. Determine whether particles are equally introduced: is it a fish? I thought Snake. - Is it a fish! Malek some kind ...
G. Which of these words is not used with a hyphen: that, something, ka, appear, and1
D. Specify an example in which you need to use:
He n: was there;
Where he is only n .. was!;
Wherever he: was, I remember a friend;
Is it really there .. was there?
E. Specify an example in which you must not use:
N .. times wrong;
N .. Once n: one n .. Right:
N: how many n .. offended;
N: how many offenses raurated friends;
N .. Only the stalk trembles in a storm;
N .. moon, n: stars.
J. Why is the words non-burnable, inexhaustible, endless do not apply to spelling rules not with communities?

The spelling is not and nor.

The spelling is not or with different parts of speech.

The rule is divided into two parts:

dynamous or separate writing not with all parts of speech;

the difference is not


Dnight and separate writing do not (you can enlarge the picture by clicking on it)


Depending on the conditions

Part of speech Ply Apart
nouns, adjectives \u003d synonym without not-:

insincerity \u003d hypocrisy, unpopular \u003d little-known

Opposition (Soyuz but or antonym), You can not pick up synonym:

not caution and cowardice

not mathematician

nashia 1. Adjusted on -O, -e \u003d synonym without not -:

it is easy to perform (\u003d easily)

2. In negative adverbs:

nowhere, there is no way, there is no reason, there is no need

3. No wonder \u003d is not in vain

1. Attachment on -O, -e, if there is a union A, Antonym:

lives not close, but far

2. Adjusting is not on - it:

at a wrong time

3. not for nothing \u003d not free

proponion Negative and vague

Not / none who, what, what, what, whose, how much, which

1. The rest:

not yours, not me, not every

2. Negative and vague, if there is a pretext between them:

not with anyone

communion Without dependent words:

unlocked letter

Combined with adverbs of measures and degrees:

absolutely unfulfilled task

With dependent words:

not written by the letter

communions and adjectives with suffixes Without dependent words in the hardware case (by whom? What?):

unloved dishes

With dependent words in the articulated case:

we unloved dishes

Despite / despite \u003d Contrary to:

despite the disease, he went for a walk

Literally from the verbs "Watch; look":

walked, despite the legs

The difference is not

In a simple sentence

as denial as an increase in denial, denial
1. When the verb, the communion and the designer:

i do not want milk, not reading books nation

1. With the rest of the speech:

i don't want any milk or tea

2. In sentences where there is no failed:

Don `t move!

3. In phraseologiza:

nor two

nor alive


neither fish nor fowl

out of the blue


as a statement
2. In a composite verb faith, not ... not \u003d approval:

i can not go

3. In question, exclamation proposals with a generalizing meaning:

Who I just did not meet!

In a complex sentence in words where, where, how, when, what, who, how much is not:

Algorithm parsing.

1. We define a part of speech.

2. Look, if there is no word in the sentence, with which they are not always written separately.

3. Pay attention to whether the prefixes are not associated or a combination.

4. In terms of speech, I will recall the rule.

Help the task.

In which sentence is not written with the word separately?

1) He lacks experience and (not) takes patience.

2) Our country (not) is dependent.

3) It somehow was once (not) built.

4) We stopped at all (not) suitable for construction site.

Option number 1.

(Not) pulls out - verb with not (up) -. We remove not: he gets patience. So it is impossible to say, it means without not consumed. Write me!

Option number 2.

(No) dependentthis is a brief communion with suffix -im. There is no dependent word in the proposal in the appropriate case, it means that they do not write ply.

Option number 3.

(Not) built - No is not used. Write pony.

Maybe someone will come in handy.

Particles are not nor
The particle "not" is used in 3 cases

Examples: did not say, did not sang, did not eat.

Twice no. Double denial means approval.
Examples: I could not but talk, it cannot but rejoice.

The particle "not" is used in exclamation proposals with the combined value.
Examples: Which countries I just did not see! With whom he just did not communicate! What she just did not say!

The "nor" particle is also used in 3 cases

Gain. An amplifier particle "Nor" can be replaced with "even" or throw away from the sentence.
Examples: Neither step, did not say a word, did not pay a penny.

The particle "nor" is used in NGN
Examples: Which countries I just saw, I did not forget about my homeland. With whom he only communicated, no one helped him. With whom he only spoke, no one listened to him.

The "nor" particle is used in phraseological units
Examples: neither fish nor meat, neither.

Writing fusion and through a hypercore (screak)
VII. The spelling is not

§ 88. Do not write pits:

1. In all cases, when without a negative particle, the word is not used, for example: ignorant, the inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unhealthy, unreliable, lack (in the meaning "is not enough), it is impossible, it is impossible, it is impossible to unbearable, unshakable, uncaptured.

2. With nouns, if the denial gives the Word to the new, the opposite value, for example: the enemy, misfortune, if the denial gives a word that does not have this particle, the value of opposition, denial, for example: a non-specialist, non-marxist, non-Russian, for example: disagreements between Marxists and Nemarxista ; I liked all nonspecialists; The non-Russian will look without love on this pale, in the blood, the whip of the excised Muse (Nekrasov).

3. With full and brief adjectives and with adverbs on -O (-e), if the combination of them with does not serve not to negate any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: an unhealthy appearance (i.e. painful ), the impossible character (i.e. heavy), the sea is restless (i.e. it is worried), it is unclean (that is, suspiciously), to come immediately (i.e., immediately, immediately), did not come out (i.e. . badly).

4. With complete parties, in which there are no explanatory words, for example: unknown (work), unprofitable (flower), stainless (steel), unloved (child), undisguised (malice), uncompressed (strip) (in such cases, the sacrament is close to adjective); But: not finished in time, not blossomed from the cold flower, not a child who is not loved by his mother, have not yet examined students (in such cases, the communion closely to the verb value).

Note. Under the explanatory words, denoting the degree of quality, it is written with communion, it is written in a punch (in these wishes, the commonings are not close to the adjective), for example: an extremely rapid decision, a completely inappropriate example, but: at all is not suitable for the rule (not written separately due to the presence of an explanatory Words to rule).

5. In pronouns, when not from the subsequent pronoun is not separated by a pretext, for example: someone, something, no one, nothing (but: not anyone, nothing to do with anyone, not for anything).

In prisoner adverbs, for example: no time, there is nowhere to have nowhere.

6. In adverbs there is no need (in the meaning "aimlessly", for example: there is no need to go there), reluctance; In the proposed combinations, despite, despite; In a questionnaire really.

The writing of the adventurous and nouting combinations, which include denial, the pretext, noun or adjective (for example, the non-complaint, the nefple, incolment, is unable), is determined by the rules set out in § 83, PP. 5 and 6.

7. In the verb prefix that denotes the inconsistency of the required norm, for example: closer (fulfill the required norm), to union (not enough, badly look, miss something), not sleep (sleep less normal).

Note. From the verbs with the prefix, it is necessary to distinguish the verbs with the prefix to the prefix that have ahead of the Celebration of the negation not and denoted to the end, for example: not to fulfill the book, do not finish tea, do not watch the play.

§ 89. Do not write separately:

1. When verb, including in serious forms, for example: it does not drink, does not eat, does not say; can not not see; Without looking, not looking, slowly.

On comprehensive writing, despite, invisory and verbs with the prefix bent. § 88, paragraphs., 6 and 7.

Note. The verbal forms are used in the surprise, nemet, neutmet, is lying picked.

2. With communion: a) in brief form, for example: the debt is not paid, the house is not completed, the coat is not sewn; b) In full form, when there are explanatory words with the communion (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when there is or implies contrasting, for example: it brought not complete work, but only separate sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or implied contrast, for example: not luck led us to success, but excerpt and composure; Not death is terrible - Your disjunction is terrible (Pushkin); Morning is not clear, but foggy; The train is not fast and not slowly (meant: "With some mean speed"); Not tomorrow (there is no no contrast here).

Note. You should pay attention to some cases of separately writing a particle not. The particle does not write separately: a) if with an adjective, communion or adverb, as an explanatory word, the pronoun starting with no, for example: no one (no for anyone, etc.) is not the necessary thing, never has a mistake, no one is beneficial for it to take; b) if it is not part of the amplifying denials, it is not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc., preceding the noun, adjective or adult, for example: he is not at all a friend to us, far from the only desire, by no means Not a fair decision, not at all the best output, not enough.

4. When pronuched and placed adverbs, for example: I'm not, not this, not otherwise, not otherwise, not so.

On cases of fusion spelling not with pronouns and placed adversions, see § 88, paragraph 5.

Note. The philosophical term is not-writing through a hyphen.

5. With amplifier adverbs, as well as in pretexts and unions, for example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from ..., not under ..., not that ... not that.

Separately writes an expression more than once, for example: more than once he had heard himself in excessive caution (Fadeev).

6. With immutable words not educated from adjectives and speakers in a proposal as a fault, for example: do not, not mind, is not sorry.

7. With all the words written through DEFIS, for example: all non-trade and industrial enterprises; said not in Russian; Sing not in the old way.

§ 90. Neither is written punk:

1. In pronouns, if the particle is neither separated from the subsequent pronoun with the pretext, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, anything, no, no, but: no one, no with any other way

2. In adversis, never, nowhere, nowhere, no way, nipple, and in a particle.

§ 91. In all other cases, the particle is neither written separately.

On the use of particles nor see § 48.

Note. No one else should be distinguished by ..., no matter how otherwise no other is no other ...; Nothing else ..., for example: it was no one else, as your native brother, no: no one could say that; It was nothing but a fire, but: nothing else could scare me.

In the famous Szhebrah, it comes in: "I will go for you, what would the way be the way to me ..." or still "neither propheted"? What about us - approval or denial? Compared to a negative particle, the particle is neither consuming much less often, but it is with distinction of these particles a lot of difficulties in the Russian letter are associated.

To "transparent" cases of consumption are neither:

    nor in sustainable expressions
    - nor give or take; neither light either dawn; Not at night; neither to settle; nor dead; neither fish nor fowl; neither the comma is not divided!).
    - None - i.e. No one (not one - much); Never - not at all (more than once - many times, several times).
    - Don `t move! No step back!

    pair use: Never (nor bread, no spectacle received the people).
    In such proposals, a negative particle can be replaced and or even lower - the meaning of the statements will continue. ( And bread, and the spectacle did not receive. Bread, the spectacle did not receive.)

To difficult cases of use, neither can be attributed:

    either to increase denial
    In sentences, where neither is used to increase denial, there is usually negative (no, not): There is no penny of money. I did not give me any ruble. Sometimes negation is only meant: Neither a penny in your pocket. Neither a penny was in his pocket.

    there is still double denial with not (I could not not notice. It is impossible not to confess). This double denial gives the suggestion of the meaning of the statement, and not denial ( Could not not notice - I noticed. It is impossible not to confess - it is necessary to confess). In order not to make mistakes, select synonymous substitutions of expressions and words, then much will become clearer; Try not to memorize the rules, but to understand them and poison attention on the examples illustrating the rules.

    use neither pronouns and adverbs
    Whoever passes, the track will leave ( who will pass - everyone will pass).
    Wherever he stopped, learned everywhere ( wherever stopped - anywhere he stopped).
    Whatever expensive, either a dead end ( whatever dear goes - any expensive).
    In such proposals, pronouns and adverbs with neither can be easily replaced by synonymous structures. Neither is used with pronouns and adversions in cases where no exclamation and question.

    in independent exclamation and question deals (If there is or the possibility of substitution of amplifying particles, only) is written: where did he happen? Who did not love him! What Duma did not change my mind!

    in sustainable Podepi to strengthen the affirmative meaning It is used only by any: "I will go beyond you, whatever the way to me nor ..." ("Let's go", despite the fact that "the way"). That is, that would be sang, it is necessary to write something neither.

Today we will talk about literacy. Each of us sometimes sins it with lack of. By virtue of certain circumstances, information is forgotten. But in some situations it is necessary to explain the essence of their actions, especially when you help your child with a homework. In order to clarify or refresh the memory of some vague moments, and this article is written. Today we will analyze when they are written "not", and when "nor". In order to simplify and speed up the process of perceiving "new", well forgotten information, the article will be more like a table than a connected text. So, proceed.

Introduction to the question

In Russian, many particles, and thanks to this, our language acquires high plasticity and some charm, but at the same time it becomes extremely difficult in learning, and variable in the use of certain words. Because of this, certain incidents appear. For example, "the kettle is cold for a long time" and "the kettle does not cool for a long time" - these are statements with the same meaning. Many foreigners in shock turns the phrase: "Yes No, probably." In addition, the presence of double negation sometimes makes the translation from the Russian language very difficult.

Let's start with simple

Therefore, even in such trifles as the spelling of particles, we have to be guided by certain rules. Usually these rules do not imply a double interpretation and are quite simple. For example, the two most common rules in which mistakes most often do:

  • Particles "would", "Lee", "same" are written separately, and also separately writes "here", "as if", "after all," "Mol" and others.
  • The second rule states that particles: "Ko-", "Coe-", "-", "-", "either-", "-de", "-", "-taki", "- "," "And" and "-s" are always written through a hyphen. As we see, the rule itself is simple as addition.

But there are such particles as "not" and "nor", and, to great regret, the younger generation, and sometimes some of the husband's devoted life, do not understand when they are written "not", and when "ne." For this, you need the following table.

When is written "not", and when "nor"

To begin with, consider the general concepts of spelling "not" and "nor", and their place in the proposal. In particular, we wonder a little later. For example, when "nor" is written in negative proposals.

Use "not" and "nor"

1. In denials. I was not at home for a long time

1. Use to enhance denial. I don't know you nor your friend

2. In independent question and exclamation proposals. Why not remember friends more often? Nowhere would they go

2. In the apparent part of the proposal, to strengthen the approval. We could not do it, no matter how they tried

3. Used with indefinite, negative pronouns and negative adverbs, while under stress. Who was not to ask

3. With undefined, negative pronsections and some adversions in an unstressed position "nor" is written in suggestions always. Never remember the resentment

Using "not" and "nor" with different parts of speech

From the previous table, we learned when it is written "not", and when "ne." Now it is worth moving to more special cases, namely: how both particles are used with other parts of speech. First, consider, in which case "nor" is written separately. According to the generally accepted rules, it happens almost always. An exception is the case when "nor" is written in negative pronsections and placed adverbs without an excuse. For example: Nothing, no one, draw, etc. In the case of "not" everything is more complicated, and therefore, for clarity, we use the table.

"Not" with different parts of speech
Part of speechPlyApart

1. If the noun is not used without "not" (loser).

2. If the word has a synonym without "not" (not true - false)

1. In contrast (not rain, and the sun).

2. In question deals in the design "Not really"


1. If the adjective is not used without "not".

2. If there is a synonym without "not" (old - old one).

3. If we are contrasting, using the Unassemble Unassemia, but juicy).

4. In brief adjectives, when the full form is written in a punk

1. If something is opposed to via the Union "A" or when it is meant (not a curve, and winding).

2. With relative adjectives.

3. In brief adjectives, when the full form is written separately

NumeralAlways written separately
PronounIn indefinite and negative pronsections without an excuse (something, someone)With other pronouns
VerbIf there is no "not", as well as in the prefix "Nedo-"With the rest of the verbs
TempeciosIf there is no "not", in the prefix "Nedo-"With the rest of the despyricians
ParticipleIf the complete communion is without a dependent word (unverified person)

1. If there are dependent words next to complete communion.

2. If the communion is opposed to (not learned, but only read verse)


1. If it does not exist without "not".

2. In the adverbs ending on -o, if there is synonym (unreasonable - stupid)

1. In adverbs on -o, -e, if there is a contrast.

2. In adverbs, on -o, in such phrases: not at all, no one is not, not, by no means.

3. If adverb is written through a hyphen


As we see, the use of "not" and "either" seems difficult only at first glance. Visually rules a lot, but in fact most of the statements are repeated for many parts of speech. Therefore, it is worth more carefully to re-read these rules and withdraw a certain quintessence for themselves when "not" is used, and when "either" is used, and boldly enjoy literacy and life without errors.