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Cleaning the air duct ventilation system. Cleaning ventilation channels: Procedure, rejoyback. Violation of air circulation between individual rooms

Cleaning ventilation air ducts in Moscow by the employees of the "Dez Group".

The quality of the air in the premises and the level of comfort of the medium in which people are constantly being constantly dependent on the sanitary condition of the ventilation. If the atmosphere does not contaminate harmful impurities and there are no unpleasant odors in it, it has a beneficial effect on the health of everyone who is present in the building. Cleanliness and freshness of air can significantly affect the productivity of office employees, since the lack of oxygen will slow down brain activity. Harmful elements, bacteria and microbes coming from ventilation accumulating in the body may result in breathing, shortness of breath and with long-term exposure - to diseases of various severity.

For organizations, the content and cleaning of ventilation air ducts is a prerequisite for legal business. According to order number 107 of 12.08.2004:

  • At least once every 6 months it is necessary to carry out a complete inspection of the system.
  • To organize and conduct inspection and cleaning on time, tenants and the owners of the premises must independently, with the involvement of specialists of the corresponding profile.
  • The results of the verification are recorded in the certificate certificate.
  • Based on the data obtained, a decision is made on the need to clean the system.
  • The processing can only be carried out by a regular ventilation engineer or a guest specialist of a professional sanitary service having the necessary skills to work with ventilation and extracts.
Due to a specific device, clean the ventilation air ducts is a process requiring special equipment. A device consisting of a long shaft with remote control, replaceable cleaning nozzles and a Live-View camera allows ventilation cleaning specialists to monitor the process at all stages of moving through the channels, effectively purify pollution and penetrate even in hard-to-reach places where it is not possible to get in conventional ways. To work with ventilation pipes and technical elements of cleaning and cooling systems, cleaners, electricians, plumbers or any other employees of an enterprise that do not have a direct attitude towards air systems should not be allowed.

Checking the ventilation systems on pollution must be carried out at least 1 time in 6 months. Sufficient grounds for starting the cleaning organization process is most often considered to be one of the following factors or their combination:

  • The presence of visible pollution: fat, dust, mold, fungus, large garbage, etc.
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor in the room, the source of which is the ventilation holes.
  • Laboratory air tests and scope from the surface of the system showed the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it.
The exact frequency of purification of air ducts of ventilation systems in the law is not prescribed. A logical substantiation of this approach may be the fact that at different facilities, climatic and ventilation equipment can be contaminated for different reasons, at different speeds and different substances.

In the highly specialized rules of SanPiN, there are separate items governing microclimatic norms for production, workers and other premises. They may vary depending on the sphere of the company's activities or organization. These requirements have clear quantitative indicators that are checked by special devices. Conducting the cleaning of ventilation air ducts, these indicators cannot be forgotten. The results of processing should lead the system to the standards prescribed in the legislation.

When ventilation air ducts are performed, the price is formed on the basis of the technical device, the length of the system and the nature of the pollution. For typical projects, this can be a fixed price, for individual - the cost is calculated per square meter. You can learn the price for the processing of your system at the telephone conversation at the time of contacting the company. When executing the contract on reusable maintenance, the price of the service will be lower than when ordering a single procedure.

Timely cleaning of air ducts of ventilation systems:

  • Prevents the emergence of foreign odors in the room.
  • Reduces the likelihood of propagation through the air supply system of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  • Provides the necessary conditions for preventing disasters in the case of force majeure - fire, smoke, etc.
  • Helps quickly removing foreign smells from the building - Gary, food, tobacco, chemicals for the processing of premises and others.
  • Increases the service life of climate techniques.
  • Reduces the cost of repair and premature replacement of elements or the entire system.
  • Keeps a comfortable atmosphere in all rooms, relevant to the requirements of legislation in the field of health and labor protection.

Certified by Rospotrebnadzor SES "Dez Group" has been cooperating with enterprises and state structures for more than 12 years, providing services for cleaning and disinfecting ventilations. All works are provided with an official warranty under the contract. Turning to the specialists of the "Dez Group", you can be confident in the effectiveness of the procedure that is held in full compliance with official sanitary rules.

The quality of air in the apartment, fire safety and health of people constantly located in the house depends on the purity of the ventilation, as the lack of fresh air always affects well-being. The domestic clogging of ventilation may indicate:

  • Visible pollution on the lattice of the duct.
  • Visible pollution on duct channels behind gratings.
  • Duchot in a house that is not associated with the weather outside the window.
  • Insufficient air circulation indoors.
  • The appearance of mold and the effect of a greenhouse with high humidity and warmth.
  • Long delay of smell of prepared food in the apartment.
If you have found one or several signs of the duct clogging, you need cleaning ventilation in the apartment.

According to the current legislation, inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilations in apartment buildings can only be carried out by specialists. This also applies to the regions of ventilation in public areas, and channels within each of the apartments. In my own apartment, you can clean the grille and the channel at the distance of an elongated hand, but if you have problems with ventilation, it will hardly help. To return ventilation in the apartment, the condition of the new and achieve full functioning from it, it is necessary to seek professional help.

Ventilation in the apartment: where to turn

If you need cleaning ventilation in the apartment where to appeal depends on the situation.

  • If you believe that the problems with ventilation lies in the channels inside the apartment, you need to call the SES and call specialists to clean the system at your own expense.
  • If you think that the air duct functions in improperly due to blockages and breakdowns outside the apartment - in the general ventilation system, you need to contact the representative of the management company at home with a request to understand the situation.
In the second case, you will not need to further pay the Criminal Code, its services are already prepayed by you through utility payments and maintenance of general ventilation enters by their number.

If you have never ordered the cleaning of ventilation in the apartment, with great probability it can be argued that the problem is precisely in local pollution. You can order the air duct cleaning in the SES Group certified Rospotrebnadzor. Turning to the service, you get:

  • Diagnosis of the entire ventilation system in the apartment.
  • Cleaning the professional level for the ventilation system and its parts.
  • The official guarantee for the work.
  • Its instance of the contract for the provided service, which is legally binding.
For processing, modern professional equipment and delicate cleaning and disinfectants that do not cause allergies and harm to organisms of people and animals are applied. Processing using SES specialists allows to solve the problem with contaminated ventilation in the apartment in just a few hours.

The ventilation device in the apartment depends on the project of the house and is regulated by the construction norms. Ventilation can be completely autonomous and calculated only on 1 apartment or be connected to the overall air duct house at home. SES Specialists "Dez Group" have all the necessary equipment and skills for high-quality cleaning of both types of systems.

Cleaning ventilation in the apartment: Price

Approximate prices for processing domestic ventilations you can find in the "" section. How much exactly will you manage to clean ventilation in the apartment depends right away from several conditions, the price of each processing is always calculated individually.

The cost of cleaning ventilation in the apartment depends on:

  • Character of pollution
  • The length of the ventilation channels
  • The number of ventilation exits in the apartment to be cleaned
  • Ventilation elements that need cleaning
  • Ventilation status checking methods before and after processing
  • Departure range for apartments located in houses outside MKAD
Since for each order, these parameters will differ, the price of the service for your apartment you can learn by calling the SES "Des Group" or orders the call from the site.

Additional processing discounts can be provided in case you:

  • Order ventilation processing immediately for several apartments.
  • Conclude a long agreement on periodic service and cleaning ventilation in the apartment.
  • Order in SES any sanitary services in addition to cleaning ventilation, for example, disinsection or disinfection of the entire apartment.
You can learn about the possibility of getting a discount and its size from the Consultants "Dez Group". Turning to professionals, you can be confident in the high quality of services and services.

Ventilation Cleaning should be periodically made at objects of any purpose. Such a need is due to the fact that as the building, the channels that ensure the influx and an outflow of the air are gradually clogged. To remove contaminants, use special equipment, and you need to act, observing technology. Careless execution of work to remove a blockage in the ventilation canals may result in fire. For this reason, it is dangerous to carry out the procedure without having studied information about it.

The need to clean the air ducts

If you contact sanitary standards (), control the condition of the ventilation channels and maintain maintenance is recommended regardless of the amount of contamination, and with strict periodicity. This must be done for a number of reasons:

It is difficult for the naked eye to see small pollution that are constantly in the air. With a long stay in the room, where the ventilation has not been cleaned for a long time, the risk of developing the following pathological processes increases:

  • headaches;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • allergic reaction.

Methods for cleaning ventilation and air conditioning systems

The degree of intensity of pollution may differ significantly, given this, the most suitable method for removing the layers of dirt is selected. Allocate 2 methods:

Cleaning ventilation systems is often produced by technology based on the purge channel with compressed air. This is a kind of mechanical method of removing contaminants. In this case, the inside of the ventilation channel is supplied with a jet of compressed air of essential force. Under pressure there is a detachment of fatty deposits.

The chemical method is represented by two popular options:

After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to wash the walls of the channels with water.

Ventilation Cleaning Equipment

To get a good result, it is recommended to use powerful technique. The status assessment of the channels is carried out with the help of robots that are controlled by the remote control. There are still remote manipulators equipped with mini-video cameras that are fixed with a flex cable. Considering the question of how the cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems is performed, it is necessary to take into account the features of the technology used. For example, by selecting a mechanical method, the equipment designed specifically to solve this problem should be applied.

A brush machine is used. According to the principle of action, it resembles a vacuum cleaner. Main structural nodes:

  • moving brushes;
  • filtration system, it necessarily contains filters of fine and coarse cleaning;
  • high power fan;
  • electric or pneumatic drive.

Such equipment is used to remove contaminants from round and square air ducts. It is not always possible to use brush machines, the flexible shafts have an advantage - they are compact. For this reason, with their help purify small structural elements (nozzles, taps). Such shafts are equipped with a compact brush at the end. They are characterized by mobility.

In addition, industrial vacuum cleaners are used to remove dirt inside ventilation. A vacuum type apparatus can be involved. Select devices that are used to remove mud layers by using chemicals. These are all the same flexible shafts, but the brush provides for the insert from the foam rubber, with which chemical reagents are delivered at the desired point.

Purification of the ventilation passage by own forces

The problem of contamination of air ducts can be partially solved by itself. This does not have to use professional equipment. Cleaning the ventilation systems is performed using wire, metal bar or other remedy, and a branch from a tree is suitable. Sequencing:

  • dismantle the protective lattice;
  • the prepared tool is lowered inside the ventilation channel, it is necessary to make reciprocating movements, which will remove most of the contaminants;
  • at the next stage, a vacuum cleaner is applied (nozzles do not need to use);
  • the air intake hose is lowered into the hole, the device turns on and the ventilation channels begins.

To improve the quality of the procedure, you should make reciprocal movements of the vacuum cleaner hose. It is recommended to include it at full power. However, regardless of the type of technology used in everyday life, completely remove contamination inside ventilation.

Features of oil purification

In domestic conditions, a simple detergent is used, for example, for dishes, plates. It is applied to the brush and handle the inner surfaces. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of way to clean the major portion of the ventilation system. All actions are performed at a distance of an elongated hand. You can use the brush, but still the covered area will be small.

In the case when the walls of fat are formed on the walls of the ventilation channel, specialists are invited. You can cope with such pollution using professional equipment, for example, flexible trees with foam rubber on brushes. The highest efficiency is provided, provided that chemical reagents are sprayed inside the air duct, capable of combining fat particles and split them. At the last stage, the system of communications is cleaned with a simple detergent and water.

Disinfection of ventilation

This procedure is mandatory, since it is destroyed by malicious microorganisms: dust pliers, bacteria, viruses. They are distinguished by resistance to mechanical and chemical technologies for cleaning ventilation, but dying under the influence of antiseptics. Internal structural elements during the disinfection of ventilation systems are treated by spraying a chemical. The method of irrigation of the walls with a solution can be used.

The complexity of this technology is to fulfill the procedure after laboratory tests. Only so you can pick up a suitable solution. Otherwise, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems and will not provide the desired results.

The procedure is performed in personal protective equipment. When it is over, the room is ventilated. The disinfecting solution is used in the finished form, it is distributed directly inside the channel. There are the rules for the use of such substances. So, it is sometimes necessary to seal the ventilation system.

It is important to inform the neighbors. If this is not done, the pairs of chemicals can get into residential premises, and then into light people who at this point were in the building. Disinfection of ventilation systems can be carried out after dismantling the channels.

Cleaning frequency

The frequency of the procedure depends on the target of the object:

  • air ducts of administrative, office and shopping buildings require the annual cleaning of channels, more often to carry out service is inappropriate;
  • industrial air ducts and - 2 times a year;
  • objects of health and catering - 1 time per quarter.

Not only the purification of air ducts is carried out - filters and lattices should also periodically exempted from the layers of dirt. This procedure is performed monthly.

Control of the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection

System performance testing is carried out 1 time per year. To evaluate how well the cleaning of air ducts was performed, manipulations are carried out:

  • visual inspection of structures;
  • laboratory research.

Samples take from different sites. It is advisable to perform the procedure after the surface of the ventilation system was cleaned and disinfected.

In order for the air to the room is always clean, and updated in a timely manner - it is possible to clean the ventilation channels periodically.

We are now not talking about chimneys that are polluted by soot - the usual ventilation system (both inlets and exhaust), also needs cleaning.

Why and what is the air duct pollute?

In the air around us there are always small garbage particles, which can fall into Ventkanal. For the exhaust air duct it is:

    fat (which removes through the kitchen hood when cooking);

    chemical compounds formed when using household chemicals (detergents, washing powder) and smoking;

    at least - other small particles that can get into ventilation.

Since the air in the apartment is usually clean, then the exhaust vent ripple is polluted relatively slower than the trimming.

If we are talking about ventilation of the supply (running from the street to the room) - then the contamination rate will be tangible above. The reason is that the street air is much dirtier room (if it comes to the city).

In addition to dust, it contains:

  • pollen;
  • harmful connections OT.exhausts Cars, emissions of industrial enterprises.

In addition, the channels of the supply ventilation can be clogged and larger garbage: leaves, poplar flock, small insects. Of course, if the ventilation lattice will stand at the inlet to the air duct - this can be avoided, but the air with a mass of impurities will still pass and contaminate the system.

Separately, it should be said about the ventilation of natural and ventilation forced. In the first case (when the air through the air duct passes without using fans) pollution will occur more slowly. In the second case, when the air through the system passes more - and it will also be polluted faster.

What exactly is polluted faster?

FROM the introduction of the air ducts - even in small private buildings - quite large, therefore, in direct sections, pollution though goes, but very slowly.

Where places are faster, where small particles have for what "clinging":

  • ventkanal branching;

    diameter drops;

    filters (meaning not the filter element itself, and the sections near it, where the filter housingembedded in the ventsystem);

  • fans;

    heat exchangers, heaters, coolers, humidifiers, dryers;

    lattices, anemostats, diffusers.

Around these places dirt accumulates faster. Later, when the "problem" sections of the pollution layer had already forcent - it begins to expand further along the air duct.

What is dangerous air ducts?

Ventilation pollution is dangerous for several reasons:

    The internal section of the ventilation channel is reduced. As a result, less air passes through the air duct.

    Accelerated further ingrowth of the dust dust. If small particles were able to hooked somewhere - in this place of deposits will grow faster and faster.

    The load on the fans increases, which means that their wear is accelerated.

    The microclimate indoors deteriorates: the level of humidity increases, malicious connections may be present in the air, which cannot be quickly removed, it becomes hotter and stroke into the room. As a result, it is harming both the human body, and the room itself (the risk of fungus, mold increases).

    The risk of reproduction of pathogens of microorganisms is increasing, for which the dirty medium is favorable. The most common consequence in humans is an exacerbation of allergies.

If we are talking about ventilation not in an apartment or house, but on a non-industrial facility, then the deposition of dust in the air duct is also fire and fire. After all, dust easily flashes, and therefore - in the case of ignition, the air duct can easily become one of the ways of spreading fire on the building.

Especially dangerous such a fire can be at objects where there are some combustible substances in the working area (and therefore they will be postponed in the ventilation system). At the same time, keep in mind that the dust can be flared out not only from open fire: the reason can be the spark that arose due to a static charge, which has accumulated an air duct.

How to understand what is needed cleaning?

C. to understand that it was time to clean the air duct - it is not necessary to regularly peel into it.

There are several signs for which you can determine that the system requires cleaning:

    The room has become stuffy and hot if other conditions (weather, operation of ventilation and climatic devices) - did not change.

    Dust on the floor and furniture accumulates very quickly.

    A web is accumulated on the ventilation grille and around it (both exhaust and supply).

    Drafts that previously occurred when opening windows or doors, now have become weaker, or in general disappeared.

In addition to the above "accept", there is a practical way to verify the performance of the ventilation mines:

    Remove the ventilation grid from the outstand.

    Rinse the grille.

    Install the grille into place. If the grille is not too dirty - the first 2 points can be skipped.

    Open the window or window.

    To the ventilation grid, apply a sheet of paper. If it is "attracted" to the lattice - it means that there is a traction, and the thrust is good. Please note: dense paper is not suitable, because even a good traction will not always be able to "attract" a heavy sheet. It is better to use half a notebook, a piece of toilet paper or a loaf of a newspaper.

How to check the condition of the duct and determine the degree of pollution?

If you notice the "symptoms" listed above - it's time to check the condition of the duct.

This is done visually: the inner surface of the ventilation channels is inspected, and the number of deposits is determined.

You can carry out inspection in such ways:

    Through a special hole - hatch. Looking hatch in the ventsystems should be designed when laying air ducts. However, the hatches are usually far from each other, so they allow us to examine only a small part of the system.

  1. After removing the ventilation grille (especially relevant, if there is no observation hatch). This option of inspection allows you to see a small part of the air duct, but does not require special equipment. Actually, if you want to check the status, and the hatch in the system is not (or it is, but in another part of the system).
  2. Remotely, with the help of special video equipment. This option allows you to estimate any, even the most narrow or complex geometrically section of the duct.

If the inspection is carried out by experts - they have an equipment for the video inspection. This may be an endoscope with a camera and illumination that transmits video to the screen, allowing you to evaluate all parts of the ventsystem.

Ventshacht inspection method using video equipment (video)

How often do you need to clean the ventilation system?

In practice, it happens that in many buildings, ventilation systems are not cleaned years (and in ordinary apartment buildings - even decades).

In fact, strict timing of inspections and cleaning exist only in some industrial enterprises. First of all, it concerns buildings in which the production process leads to rapid pollution of the system. For example, this is relevant in the food industry - the hoods in such enterprises are tightened with fat and flour particles. For such survey systems and cleaning can be carried out often - and several times a year.

In residential complexes with managee companies, as well as in commercial real estate, in which there are no factors that accelerate ventilation pollution can be established for regular checks, usually - once every six months-year. Such works are engaged in the employees of the management company (or specialists who operate on the order of the management company - if there is no such profile in its "their" employees).

An independent inspection of ventilation channels in their homes and apartments is recommended periodically, too, about once a year. Cleaning - is needed.

Methods and cleaning technologies

FROM obizive air duct cleaning on the principle of deposits on deposits can be divided into:




Chemical cleaning It is intended to remove body fat (which is practically unrealistic to remove completely).

The principle consists in spraying throughout the surface of the vents of the special composition, which corps the flare. After that, the detachable deposits are carried out with air,or suck with a vacuum cleaner. This method of cleaning it is usually used in kitchens of restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, and other catering facilities.

Mechanical cleaning (I'm simply scraping by the floor of the canal)can be performed using various equipment:

    Metal brushon the cable (in fact, it acts on the same principle as the cable to clean the sewage). To increase the efficiency, the cable may have an electric drive. Suitable for not too serious contamination, if there is no large amount of fat in sediments.

    W. formation consisting of a mechanical cleaning device andvacuum cleaner . In this case, the brushes of the cleaning device will scrape the flare, anda vacuum cleaner - immediately sucks him. This method allowsclear more serious pollution.

    Robot equipped with video cameras and brushes. Allows you to work not "blindly", but control the process on the monitor.

Mechanical Cleaning Scheme using a vacuum machine (vacuum cleaner)

FROM clean deposits can be removed either naturally (carried along with the air flow), or with the help of a vacuum installation (in fact, a powerful vacuum cleaner). It connects to the air duct and sucks all the dirt.

Cryogenic blasting - The method is relatively new, which is the most gentle and "clean".Cleaning It is carried out with the help of "dry ice", which is supplied to the ventilation channel from a special installation.

Contact with the walls of the duct of the "dry ice" granules instantly evaporate, creating micro-sized. It is they who scroll from the surface of the whole flask, while not damaging the walls themselves. When micro-sized granules, only carbon dioxide remains, which is removed from the ventilation channel.

After such a procedure, the sediments are either removed from the duct naturally (carried along with the then air), or removed using a vacuum cleaner.

Ventilation cleaning mechanically (video)

Residents of apartment buildings: how to clean and what can be cleaned?

FROM once the main rule: residents of apartment buildings can cleanonly a plot of Ventkanal, running away from the apartment to the "total" mine. Mine - belongs to general-purpose property, and only employees of the management company or housing can be engaged in its cleaning.

If you have noticed that ventilation in the apartment has worsened - you can first try to clean the "your" site of Ventkanal.For work it is recommended to use personal protective equipment - gloves, glasses, respirator- "Petal".

Stages are:

    Remove the ventilation grille.It needs to be cleaned and washed.

    Free the space around the ventilation hole.

    The floor around the hole is better to cover with something - since dust and other deposits can be sprinkled from it.

    With the help of a flashlight, visually inspect the area as possible. If at home there is a monopod and an action-camera - these gadgets can seriously help with inspection. Run the video shootingand shoot the camera on the monopod inside Ventkanal.

Ventilation of clean rooms is invisible for people inside the building. Rarely, who thinks about the operation of the air exchange system while everything works fine. Therefore, the cleaning of ventilation begins only when the residential space is filled with dampness, mold, unpleasant smells, and the windows are covered with "dew".

The well-being of a person directly depends on the surrounding space as a whole, and access to clean air in particular. The body practically immediately responds to the oxygen deficiency in the room: performance decreases, chronic alands are exacerbated, high fatigue is observed. Wire - clogging filters and as a result, violation of air exchange. Therefore, cleaning ventilation is necessary

Historical retrospective

Until the end of the 18th century, air ventilation boiled down to a banal ventilation of rooms, premises or halls. All that required for this is to open the door or windows. And I did not need to clean ventilation. At a certain stage of the development of society, this state of affairs has arranged. The owners of the houses closed their eyes to dirt and dust, which were freely penetrated at home.

The first wells for the air exchange between the inner space and the external environment appeared only at sunset of the 18th century, at the same time began to use and primitive equipment for cleaning ventilation. Thanks to the new architectural solution, the quality of life of the then population has improved at times.

Cleaning chimneys was paid by adequately, and the chippers used respect in society

The appearance of anything new is necessarily accompanied by the emergence of related problems. This rule turned out to be fair for the system under consideration. There was a new task - cleaning ventilation. Brick air exchange wells were laid out with the usual way, by analogy with the furnace chimney, and therefore, after a few months of active operation, the hole "turned out" by sedimentary rocks from the web, dust, soot and insects.

Petroppers used metal "hedgehogs" to remove soot

The development of technologies and raising the standard of living of the population contributed to the formation of a new profession for that time - a pipeline. The purification frequency was high, due to the prevalence of furnace heating and fireplaces, and therefore the occupation turned out to be very profitable, albeit dusty.

How to determine when cleaning the ventilation system

Ventilation in an apartment building is preferable to organize by installing a forced type. But in the domestic realities it is the prerogative of housing comfort and premium class. The lion's share of the old building houses is equipped with conventional ducts with a shared rim. We are talking about the cheapest and simple connection scheme, but it is necessary to clean the ventilation channels, and regularly.

There is a natural question - when to deal with "cleaning" works, for which criteria to determine what time "X" struck?

Before cleaning the air ducts, it is important to determine the degree of pollution

Several signs pointing to the fact that with cleaning ventilation in an apartment building it is better to hurry:

  • in the summer season, the rooms turn into the "thermos"; Normalize humidity regime does not succeed even with regular cleaning;
  • in the residential premises, dust actively appears;
  • the surface of the filters, as well as the grille of the exhaust system is covered with a layer of viscous soot (characteristic of kitchens);
  • glass packs are constantly "crying", they are noticeable condensate;
  • all rooms feel dampness, mold is present on the walls, fungus.

Signs of air pollution

In all of the above, the only reason is the clogging of the duct. It is important that the cleaning of ventilation channels is carried out at least 1 time in 2 quarters. Relevant work is better to delegate to those skilled in the art, this problem itself is not solved. The snag can be outside the apartment.

Checking the performance of ventilation channels

Experts identify several effective ways to determine the quality of the operation of the air ducts, their degree of pollution. The easiest and surest - to send the flame lighters in the hood grid. Be extremely careful - if the inner space of the mine is filled with small dust and web, there is a high danger of their ignition, distribution and fire.

The flame reacts sensitively to the presence of thrust in the ventilation channel

Cleaning ventilation in the apartment is not required if the flame goes out or heads inside the channel. If visually noticeable deviations are not noticeable - justify you for help to the management company, in the hob. The optimal periodicity of cleaning is 1 time in 6 months, no less often, preventive inspections - 1 time per month.

How do ventilation check special services

Maintenance of ventilation systems - a responsible event assigned to the management company, in view of its accessories for general-purpose property. To this end, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed a special decree under No. 410. In fact, these set of rules and regulations for the ventilation CM to clean the ventilation in apartment buildings, preventive inspections.

Specialist can accurately determine the degree of duct contamination

For regulatory work, it is a prerequisite for the company's license from the company's specialists. Verification activities are carried out quarterly, in accordance with the approved plan, in repair and recovery activities, as well as when reorganizing or changing the configuration of the channels, the absence of traction.

In the arsenal of specialists there are professional devices for checking the functionality of the system, equipment for cleaning ventilation. Channels are periodically disinfected. For removal of contaminants, pneumonic brush machines are used, other devices.

Ventilation Cleaning: Applicable Equipment

Cleaning ventilation channels is a responsible event consisting of several stages. At the preliminary stage, the specialist determines the degree of pollution of the local duct, selects the optimal way to eliminate the problem when it is detected. The case is then made on the feasibility of a common channel (coordination of work with other residents of the house).

Equipment for cleaning ventilation systems

Ventilation cleaning is carried out by special equipment:

  • chemical reagents for dissolving stable pollution in hard-to-reach places;
  • electromechanical device;
  • vacuum devices;
  • devices equipped with several brush mechanisms operating on a pneumatic drive;
  • powerful industrial sample vacuum cleaners.

In emergency cases, cleaning air ducts of the ventilation system can be performed by using a flexible shaft with a brush connected to an electric drill.

Not only household processing, but also industrial cleaning of ventilation and ventilation becomes becoming in demand. For such work, high-specialized equipment is used, with which the level of contamination is estimated via the camcorder, after which the channel is cleared and disinfected. During the process, experts remove all the garbage, even fat.

Ventilation itself: effective ways

In accordance with the existing rules for the operation of housing, the owners of the apartments are forbidden to interfere with the work of the engineering and main system. The cleaning of ventilation air ducts is responsible for management companies that can only delegate them to licensed services. But do not forget that "the salvation of drowning, the work of the hands of immersing."

Independent cleaning air duct

Each owner should not only know how to clean the ventilation in the apartment, but also be able to do it. Work is simple in essence, and consists of several steps.

  1. In all rooms where ventilation grids are installed, they are removed. Accumulated dirt, viscous fat and dust particles are removed. I think you should not focus on how to wash them with the help of detergent.
  2. The area, near the opening is processed by a plastic or metal scraper.
  3. To clean the ventilation system, it is better to use a powerful vacuum cleaner by placing a hose in the channel. It is important to "go through" throughout the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe hole.
  4. After completing the cleaning measures, the affordable duct area is wiped with a damp cloth, the grille is installed in place.

Sleeve of a powerful vacuum cleaner with a fastened brush

To cope with sustainable fat pollution, it is worth contacting a specialized company. Often, their arsenal struggle with the beette consists of chemicals that effectively eliminate residual products from which it is impossible to get rid of familiar means.

Means used when cleaning air ducts

For local cleaning of ventilation systems, protective lattices, channels in the house will suit any detergent. Fat layer is better to eliminate specialized thick consistencies intended for washing kitchen hoods. In this case, there is no disassembly of the air duct, but the cleaning class at the completion of work will be much higher. Processing of problem areas with a disinfectant drug (hydrogen peroxide is quite suitable), will save from microbes, dispute, traveling on the system.

Detergents are perfectly coping with fat and pollution in the ventilation system.

To clean the branched ventilation system will have to be resorted to chemicals and professional equipment. Without the relevant solutions, it is not for both private houses, country cottages, where the channels are located under the ceiling trim. And if household chemicals are quite suitable for cleaning filters, then professional compositions will have to buy for the solution of unlocked tasks, which is not always beneficial.

Cost of cleaning air ducts

Most of the owners who receive an exhaustive answer to the question of creating ventilation in the apartment are wondering - at what price relevant services will cost if you contact the Cleaning Agency. The price factor depends on the region in which the company is located, the remoteness of the object, the list of necessary works.

The following is the price for the services considered in this article:

Cleaning ventilation, air ducts will cost much cheaper if the company does not apply the owner of one apartment, but a representative from around the house. In this case, you can count on a substantial bonus. If you order regular preventive inspections by turning into the status of a permanent customer, the final cost of work will be much lower.

Managing companies are reluctant to refer to the relevant services. It is easier for them to close their eyes on the existing problems and feed the tenants with "breakfasts". Laws, regulations and rules for them are not written, especially if we are talking about the houses of the old building.

Professional cleaning of ventilation air ducts

With self-cleaning should be extremely careful. In pursuit of imaginary savings, it is easy to disrupt the functioning of the system. Do not save on your own health and health of your family.