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Went a hydrangea in a pot what to do. Hydrangea turns yellow and dries: causes and correction of care errors. Some fungal diseases and redness of the leaves

The flower is endowed with a good immunity, but not correct care and nature whims can provoke occurrence diseases. It is very important to recognize the problem on time to provide timely help.

Diseases of leaves

Occupy a leading number among all diseases.

Why does the hydrangea leave the leaves?

  • The yellowing of foliage may indicate an excess of moisture. Although hydrangea loves frequent and abundant watering, with an excessive cluster of water, it loses its appeal.
  • Pay attention to the acidity of the soil. If it is reduced, you can add several drops of lemon juice during watering to one liter of water. The procedure is repeated several times.
  • Wrap a bush from draft, supercooling, sharp temperature drops.
  • Do not land a flower at outdoor sunny areas. It will be comfortable in the half of the large fruit trees or next to splashing shrubs. If it is on the sunny side, try to create the conditions of scattered lighting.
  • The yellowing of foliage may be in shortage nutrients. Regularly make feeding.
  • OS.motrit leaves. If a grayish raid appeared in the form of spots, it is possible to infection with a torment. Insecticide processing will be required.

The hydrangea will dry the leaves, what to do?

  • Lack of moisture, especially in dry summer.
  • Dry air. This is often faced with growing in closed or semi-open greenhouses.It is recommended whenever possible to air the greenhouse, install an air humidifier, spray air.
  • Sometimes the tips of the leaves begin to dry after the wrong transplant, during which the roots were damaged. Even if you adhered to the rules, no one is insured against a random error. We'll have to be patient and accepted for work. Every 10 days need to be treated with zircon. Up to 2 months may be required to restore health and forces.
  • The lack of nutrients also affects health, especially during the formation of inflorescences and flowering. Fertilizers should be made at least once every 7-9 days.

Why do the leaves of hydrangea draw?

To begin with, the gardener must be understood, with sluggish or dry blackening it is dealing. In each case there are causes of plants and methods of recovery.

Like borush with dry blade?

In the case of dry blackening around the edges of the leaves, large brownish stains are formed, they become dry and faded. The reasons:

  • Sunburn. Protect bushes from straight sun ray. This applies to both growing in the greenhouse and in the open area.
  • Excessively rigid water for watering. Gardeners are not rarely taking cold water From the column. But in many areas it contains lime and other impurities. Be sure to defend it before irrigating. Put the large risks on the site and fill them in the morning or evening. It is better Place on the sunny plot so that water in order to warm the day.

How to deal with sluggish (wet) reversal?

It is not difficult to distinguish it on dark and frowning leaves. The reasons:

  • Excessive and abundant moisturizing.
  • Drafts, sharp temperature differences, too cold summer. In the latter case, you can protect the root system of the layer of mulch.
  • Pay attention to the composition of the Earth. Sit flower in loose, light, nutrient soil. Heavy soil delays moisture, prevents breathing and nutrition.


It occurs when iron deficiency. It is characterized by a violation of chlorophyll formation. The plates are yellow, and the resilience remain green. Iron may not be enough in the soil or flower itself physiological reasons Lost the ability to absorb the mineral.

Signs of chlorosis may be different: reducing the size of the leaves and their color, twisting plate, deformation of buds, drying the shoots.

Measures of struggle and prevention:

  • Pay attention to the characteristics of the soil. It should be nutritious, to skip oxygen to roots. Regularly water the acidic water to maintain the correct soil balance.
  • If the disease began to develop, fueled bushes with iron preparations (in chelated form): ferovit, antichlorosis and others. It is possible to prepare iron chelates at home. To do this, it is necessary in one liter of water to dissolve 4 grams of citric acids and add 2 grams of iron vigor. The solution can be used for watering and spraying. By the way, the chelate of iron will act faster if you bring it along the sheet!


The disease in which the leaves appear dark-brown stains 2-6 mm in diameter (septorious spot). The causative agent is septoria. The affected leaves gradually yellow, die and fall. As a result, the plant can completely lose the leaves. In the spread of illness, the spots appear as on the stuffs and young shoots.

How to deal with septoriasis?

  • Fruit foliage must be assembled and destroyed in time to prevent the dissemination of the disease on the site.
  • Affected shoots cut off with a grip of a healthy part. Sections of cuts to treat garden decoction.
  • Spring requires treatment with a solution of Bordeaux fluid, as well as chemicals - Ridomit Gold, Profit.
  • If the azalea is grown in a greenhouse, follow the humidity of the air.

Rust on colors

This is a fungal disease, during which a rusty shade is formed on colors, leaves and shoots. It may be due to excessive landing density, rebupping nitrogen in the ground.

Fighting rust garden hydrangea

The treatment of copper chlorine is required (40 grams of the drug are bred in 10 liters of water). Some gardeners use Bordeaux liquid, but it can leave traces. You can purchase drugs: Ordan, Topaz or Falcon.

Fighting pests

Garden hydrangea rarely becomes the "target" of different pests. It is important to recognize the beginning of the defeat on time and take measures to improve, otherwise the flower will begin to fade.

Common pests

    1. False puffy dew. It can be recognized by oily spots on the surface of the leaves. Over time, they spread yellow, take a dark shade. On the lower side of the leaves and young shoots, a yellowish flare is formed. Armed dew is often found when growing in greenhouse conditions, high humidity and air temperature is 17-20 degrees.

      To get rid of the pest need to be treated with a soap-copper mixture prepared from 150 grams of green soap, 15 grams of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water.

    1. Web tick -set on the lower sides of the leaves, covering their cobweb of brown shade. Then they become marble color, dry and fall. Putty tick is a cunning enemy. At high temperature (27-30 degrees) and low humidity, it extends only 5-7 days.

      You can fight tick with thiophos.

    1. Green Way - no less dangerous pest. She sucks juice, leaves sugar unpleasant discharge, in which fungi are formed. Tlya quickly spreads, the leaves are yellow and tremendous. Set on the bottom of the sheet.

      You can struggle with tool insecticidal means.

  1. Slugs - attack under conditions too thick and fresh landing. They are harmful, grinding the foliage. It is possible with them with a mulcisian (granulated drug). It is spread around the bushes on the surface of the Earth.

How to reanimate hydrangea after winter?

If the flowers were properly prepared before the onset of cold weather (hidden under the shelter), there will be no problems. With the onset of spring, flowers will be revived and will delight in summer new blossoms. And what if the flower remained in winter without shelter? Return the former look will be difficult. But, this task is quite feasible.

  • To protect against fungal diseases will require processing bordeaux liquid or medium solution.
  • The affected foliage and twigs are removed and after two weeks repeated processing.
  • Pay attention to the soil. Acidify it weak lemon mortar.
  • Before putting an appearance of the plant, remove frozen, dry twigs, To bore This year it will not bloom, but if you spend all the necessary measures and properly prepare for the next wintering, in a year it will take strength and will flourish again.

Hydrangea is a charming flower that loves constant attention and care. Care for him right and it will become the main decoration of your summer country garden.

Hydrangea is divided into many species. Set the exact number is impossible, but it varies from 30 to 80. This flower is most common in Japan and China. By his name, he owes one Roman princess. Despite the fact that hydrangea includes many species, in room conditions It is grown only some of them: hydrangea gardening or large-scale. This is the only form that has compact forms for homemade cultivation.


In the natural medium, the hortensia bush can reach 3 meters in height. Usually this small trees And Liana. Interestingly, some types of this plant may be evergreen, but in our regions, gardeners are more like deciduous species. Hydrangea has large round leaves, pointed at the top and with small gears on the sides. You can admire the flowering of hydrangea from spring and before the onset of the first frost. Most of the types of this plant have white or cream flowers. But there is one kind, hydrangea hydrangea, which can bloom purple, pink and even red flowers. Interestingly, the shade of inflorescence depends on the soil at which the plant is planted. Many gardeners have a question: why does the leaves turn yellow from the hydrangea? You can find an answer to this and many other questions.

Types of hydrangea

Since hydrangea is divided into many species, it is better to learn before landing about which one is suitable for your region and soil. After all, each view has its own requirements for the place of cultivation and care:

  • Hydrangea. The tree hydrangea is widespread in our latitudes. It has a kind of shrub that can reach a height of 3 meters. The plant has white lush inflorescences.
  • Hydrangea sweatshirt. This is a fairly deer view that can reach five meters in height. He fell in love with gardeners and is of great popularity. With proper care, the blurred hydrangea can grow in one place to forty years. Blossom abundant, although short-term. The first blurred inflorescences can only be observed in August. They have white color. The view is not afraid of frosts, so it can be grown even in our northern regions. Many are interested in why the leaves are yellowing from hydrangea. It should be seriously referring to the solution of this problem if you want your garden to decorate a healthy and beautiful tree.
  • Large hydrangea (garden). The familiar habitat is a garden, but this species can be grown even in the room. This is exactly the one the most interesting viewwhich can have white, red and even inflorescences of blue color. Their painting directly depends on the composition of the soil. When growing, you can also wonder why the leaves are yellowing in hydrangea hydrangea (large).

These are the most common species that can be found in our gardens.

Features of the cultivation of hydrangea

Before decorating your garden with this plant, study the features of its cultivation, so as not to face many problems and questions, in particular, why yellow leaves from hydrangea, what to do and how to avoid this trouble.

If you want large-scale hydrangea to bloom with white inflorescences, then experiment with soil acidity. For example, on acidic soil, the flowers will become blue.

Hydrangea loves moisture very much. It is impossible to dry the plant. Watering should be regular and abundant.

Hydrangea loves bright light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. When landing, you should choose such a place where the light will be sufficiently, but in the midday heat, flowers will be able to hide in the shade.

If you solved the problem with a timely irrigation, then with the same seriousness, we assume to the process of pruning the plant. This is an important point in the cultivation of hydrangea.

When feeding the organic plant quickly goes into growth and has a very lush cron, But there should be no waiting for flowers, so you should be careful with this type of fertilizer.

There are frost-resistant plant species, but even need to be stolen by winter, otherwise they can frozen. This is a frivolous problem, since it is usually for the period of growing up the vegetation, hydrangea is completely restored.

One big plus is that hydrangea is rarely subject to pest attacks and all possible diseases.

Landing seeds

For a long time, the species hydrangea is planted with seeds, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. In the fall, the seeds are planted into the prepared ground. It should include 4 parts of the sheet mixture, 2 parts of peat ground and 1 part river sand. After the landing from above, the seeds also slightly sprinkle with such a mixture and watered using a sprayer. Then the container with seeds must be covered with a film or glass. Occasionally, they will have to be tired, as well as water all the same spray. Optimal temperature For successful germination of seeds - + 14-20 degrees.

After a month and a half you will observe the first shoots. It is at this moment that it is necessary to remove the glass. Picking is usually carried out twice. The first falls at the time when seedy leaves begin to develop, and the second - for the month of May. In May, the seedlings are planted in a separate pot of 7 cm in diameter. During this period, they should be hardening, so the seedlings are exposed to the street. But you should choose the place where the straight sun rays and rain will not fall. You will need about two years to grow healthy and strong seedlings at home.

Planting seedlings

Healthy two-year seedlings plant in open sad. For this, the most suitable in advance. Pick up a place for hydrangea. It should be a well-lit plot without direct sunlight. Soil will suit any. With particular attention, we will take care that there are plants next to the hydrangea with the same root system (superficial). It threatens the fact that the struggle for water and nutrients will arise between them, as a result of which the question may arise: why the hydrangea drops the leaves and what to do about it. Before boarding, appreciate the size of the root of the plant and make a pit twice as much. On the bottom there are peat, mineral and organic fertilizers. Looking out the flower is necessary together with the ground in which he germinated. Before falling down the roots, they need to be dissolved. After disembarking, the seedlock should be well pouring and mulching with needles or bark.


It is not so difficult to care for Hydrangea, but several mandatory points will have to remember. As already mentioned, hydrangea loves moisture, so two times a week each bush needs abundant irrigation. You will need about 50 liters of water to one bush. It must be warm and estimated. Those plants that were closed by peat in such frequent watering Do not need a layer of mulch.

Also, it should be periodically loosened so that the roots can breathe and make trimming to remove dead or sick shoots.


In order for the hydrangea to be covered with flowers and you never had a question, why the leaves of the hydrangea are yellow or garden, it needs to be periodically feeding. It is better to do it once before the start of flowering and once after its end. On one adult plant You will need three buckets of such a solution: 20 grams of urea on the water bucket. And after flowering for feeding, mineral fertilizers use. It is also allowed to fertilizer during flowering in the summer. During this period, a dung alive is used. But in this case you need to know the limit to not overgrow.

Why hydrangea drops yellow leaves: reasons

Before many gardeners, this question arises. So why yellow leaves from hydrangea room or from any other type of this flower. There are a number of reasons that may entail the yellowing of the leaves:

  • Although hydrangea and loves moisture very much, it is not worth pouring it. This is one of the main mistakes, why the leaves are yellow in hydrangea and dr.
  • If you put a plant on a draft, then, most likely, the leaves will yellow and crumble, because hydrangea loves warmth.
  • By providing the right care and timely irrigation, novice gardeners cannot find the answer to the question why the hydrangea is yellowing the leaves. The reason may wage in a small amount of fertilizers that receive a plant.
  • For large quantities Inflorescence leaves can not be enough of something and because of this they begin to yellow.
  • The leaves are yellowing in hydrangea, which mildew ram struck. It is possible to determine the presence of this disease by gray raid on the foliage.
  • Another disease is ring spot.

Ways to deal with the yellowing of the leaves

Why does the leaves shine from the hydrangea (the photo in the article shows this process), and most importantly, what to do about it? Many of the gardeners remained alone with this problem. Before starting to fight her, you should find out the reason. And then everything is simple. If the plant gets too much moisture, it is enough to simply reduce the amount of irrigation.

The plant that suffers from draft should be immediately transplanted, otherwise the problem will not be solved, and the bush will completely die. It is worth helping those flowers that do not get enough nutrients.

If you find traces of the disease or presence of pests on the plant, then you need to immediately begin fighting. To do this, use 1% of the Bordeaux fluid solution as spraying.

The plant may suffer from a small amount of iron in the soil. In such cases, the soil acidity is usually raised artificially. To do this, you will need a bucket of water and a teaspoon of acetic essence.

The reasons why the leaves are yellowing from hydrangea and other types of hydrangea and other types are not so much, and all the problems are eliminated quickly and quite enough.

Hydrangea loves many flowerflowers and not surprisingly, because large hats of her inflorescences, which are rare pastel shades, look very impressive during flowering, which lasts long enough. it indoor plant Regarding sustainable diseases and pests.

However, flower flows problems with it, associated with violation of cultivation conditions, still arise. For example, it happens that the tips of the leaves begin to dry out the hydrangea. And more and more. But the leaves are an important plant organ, without them it dies.

Why driving room hydrangea

Hydrangea largest due to active development and gardening, after flowering, it is recommended to transplant annually into a new soil, with the obligatory loaning of the root coma. Very often, due to transplanting, the perennials begin to dry the tips of the leaves. There may be many reasons for this phenomenon, but in most cases it is:

1. Injecting root hairs during transplantation, why the bush simply "relieves".

2. Wrong selection of soil mixture.

3. Inappropriate potty pot.

In addition, there are few more reasons for non-transplanting plants, as a result of which leaves begin to dry out. These include:

1. Insufficient watering and spraying.

2. Dry air indoors.

3. Lack in the soil of trace elements.

4. Incorrect lighting.

It is worth considering each of the reasons individually to find out why the leaves dry out in room hydrangea.

Change - a matter of serious

If the dryness of the leaves became the consequence of the inaccurative transplant of the flower (unfortunately, no one is insured), then it is worth considering that such a state can continue one or even two months, while the bush does not restore completely strength and health.

Even in the process of transshipment of the earth coma, it is not possible to avoid a violation of the formed root system. Meanwhile, small roots and hairs, dense network entangling the soil play an important role in the absorption of moisture. Their damage leads to a temporary damage to the plant. It is possible to revive it efficient and effective irrigation with the addition of a zircon preparation with a periodicity of 1 time per week.

Incorrectly selected soil can also cause a similar phenomenon. As you know, this culture requires acidic soil. Therefore, it is impossible to plant in the humancy. In its pure form, it does not give the soil acidity plant desired for this. When landing in neutral or alkaline soil slows down the development of a flower.

No less important in transplanting and choosing a new pot. He must be wide, but shallow because root system Does not grow deep, but it grows mainly in width. A new pot must have a diameter of 1.5 times more than the former container. But when planting a bush in a light soil, the volume of volume does not need to be carried away, otherwise the summer plant will need more frequent watering.

Ensuring watering and humidity

Dry leaves tips can be a reaction to insufficient soil moisture. Hydrangea loves moisture, and therefore timely watering is very important for her. Even short-term lack of moisture can lead to the fact that she will start to dry out the leaves.

The position is further aggravated if the flower pot is located on the windowsill under the scorching sun. You can reanimate the plant by putting it into a privacy, without depriving sunlight, and ensuring abundant watering and additional spraying.

The same way reacts this beautiful moisture-loving flower on too dry air indoors where it is located. It is worth measuring the level of humidifier of the room.

To prevent this problem, constant spraying or installing the simplest air humidifier in the form of a pallet or saucer with wet stones and moss.

How important it is to feed and choose a good place

Another reason for drying leaves is the lack of nutrients in the soil. The fact is that during the flowering period, the plant needs to be subordinated, which should be held weekly by any complex fertilizer intended for flower cultures. But it is worth considering that hydrangea responds negatively to high doses of mineral fertilizers, from which its leaves are yellow. Upon completion of flowering, the feeding is gradually reduced.

Room Hydrangea must be properly placed in the room. Despite the fact that it is a light-insulated flower, from the overaction of sunlight its dark green foliage is usually covered with light spots. Optimal option Location flower pot are window sills of Eastern and Western windows. In addition, you should take care that the foliage does not touch window glassOtherwise, due to the resulting burns, the tips of the leaves will begin to dry.

It is very important to recognize the problem that has arisen on time so that the assistance rendered was timely and correct. Only in this case will be able to save the room of Hydrangea and admire her luxurious bloom for a long time.

We offer you to watch a video about what diseases are and why the leaves will dry by Hydrangees:

Newbies in flower growing can observe how the hydrangea falls out of the leaves, the leaves of hydrangea are yellow and a number of other hydrangea diseases. Signs, description of hydrangea diseases with photos, effective treatment from specialists.

Hydrangea dries leaves. This is often a reaction to the cutting of the roots. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving flower, and therefore timely watering for it are very important. The lack of moisture leads to the fact that the hydrangeas begin to dry the leaves. The situation is aggravated if the plant is under direct sunlight. Measures to prevent problems: Speak Hydrangea, but not depriving of its bright sunlight, spending timely watering, helped spraying. Even if the leaves dries on hydrangea, it will return its decorative in the next growing season.

Dry leaves in hydrangea room due to the inaccurative transplant, as a result of which the root system was broken. It is important during the transplantation not to damage small roots, which are the main in the process of nutrition and water absorption. You need to transplant young cuttings in the spring. Young cuttings dig out without disturbing the integrity of the earthen coma around the roots. The soil for planting is chosen weakly acidic. When transplanting, you can buoy the flower neck for 2-3 cm, but not deeper. Watering abundant, feeding to spend only after the cuttings get into growth. If after the transplantation of hydrangea dries the leaves, use the drug cycron when watering. This will help the flower cope with the problem.

The hydrangea can dry the leaves due to the mooring of the soil. As an additional sign - the leaves of hydrangea are covered with dark stains with a yellow halo. The mooring of the soil does not immediately affect the appearance of the leaves of hydrangea. First of all, roots suffer. They begin to refuse. As a result - the plant ceases to eat and absorb water. To determine whether the roots of the hydrangea fed, it is neatly taken out of the pot, without disturbing the integrity of the earth coma. Healthy roots will be white on appearance and elastic. Discarded - brown. If the roots of the hydrangea were injured, they are cut to alive fabric. Sections of sections sprinkle with a crowded, activated carbon. The plant is transplanted into a special, suitable for this species of indoor flowers, soil. At the same time choose a pot of smaller sizes than the volume of the previous one. To reduce the percentage of evaporated moisture from the leaves of hydrangeas, it is placed in greenhouse from polyethylene, but the plant is enveloped with polyethylene not tight, leave a small gap for ventilation. Watering is carried out moderate. For rapid rooting of the flower use the drug cycron.

Yellow leaves of hydrangea. At the same time, on the leaves of hydrangeas remain green. Cause of the disease: chlorosis. Chlorosis of hydrangea may occur if the flower is having rigidly, water water With a large percentage of lime. The latter accumulates in the ground and leads to its lacheling. As a result - the leaves of hydrangea are yellowing, the plant ceases to eat and dies. Measures to combat: to transplant hydrangea in fresh soil, watering with soft water. As an option: in water for irrigation to add a nitrogenous potassium with a calculation of 40 g of substance on 10 liters of water.

Yellow leaves from hydrangea due to lack of trace elements in the ground. A similar phenomenon is often observed during the period of intensive growth in the flower (spring). The leaves of hydrangea are discolored and yellow, if there is not enough nitrogen and iron in the ground. On the color of the leaves may affect the pH of the soil. For hydrangea, it should lie within 4.0-6.5. To save the plant spend it extra-green subcords Microelements or iron chelats. If the leaves of the hydrangea are yellow for another reason, the extra-root feeders will have a short-term effect.

The hydrangea is drawn leaves. First, brown spots appear on the edges of the leaves of hydrangea. This state of affairs can cause a high temperature in the room where hydrangea is growing, and low humidity air. In this case, the frequent spraying of the flower is carried out. Black leaves of hydrangea can from direct sunlight. We are talking about sun burns. Hydrangea needs bright sunlightBut the straight rays for her leaves are detrimental. The plant must be dialed.