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How much to water the lawn after landing. How often do you need to water the lawn after landing? Convert the lawn to save water consumption

Watering is one of the most important points on the care of lawn. Proper and timely irrigation will provide a beautiful view, stimulates the growth of plants and creates a favorable climate. With a lack of moisture, the growth process slows down, the lawn grass turns and begins to fade. Water the lawn is needed in spring, summer and autumn.

How to find out what lawn requires watering?

With a lack of moisture, the grass itself will demonstrate it to you. It is better to get drying in the first ground:

  • The grass began to turn around;
  • The lawn began to be pulled out, the grass rises long after pressing;
  • When drought, the grass acquires a brown color;
  • The grass fades or yellow;
  • Compact appear.

The most noticeable wilt on the old grass. The first from drought suffer from a white mint and white field. The average demand for soil moisture in the mehyloch meadow, said. Least species of oatmeal.

With a lack of water, drought-resistant herbs remain alive. If their leaves and the root system dries out, plants go into rest mode. With moisturizing the soil again begin to grow. Despite the fact that herbs survived, the appearance of them during drought leaves much to be desired. The yellowed lawn is unlikely to please the eye.

When is it better to water the lawn?

The most common question: when to carry out watering - in the morning or evening? In each case there are its own features and subtleties.

Watering is best carried out in the early morning. In cool weak weather, water evaporates less and the grass will have time to dry up until the heat.

The day irrigation will also be admissible, but it should be borne in mind that when scraping the sun wet grass can get a burden: water droplets create a lens effect. Moisturizing herbs in the heat is called harmful irrigation, spots appear on the edges. Therefore, for day irrigation, cloudy days or the autumn period is better, when the sun is less accumulated.

Evening watering in the summer is recommended to produce between 16.00 and 18.00. This is due to the fact that the grass should dry. If herbal covers will flash all night in a wet state, it can adversely affect its condition and lead to fungal diseases.

How often do you need to water the lawn?

For an accurate answer to the question how many times you need to water the lawn, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: the type of soil, weather and the depth of the roots. The weather is the most important factor. In the most arid hot summer weather, watering is recommended to produce every day. On average, in Russia, in the heat and on sandy soils, lawn must water 2-3 times a week. In the fall and in cool weather, the norm of moisturizing the hergage decreases to 1 time in 10 days. The main point that needs to be considered when watering is that the land between irrigation should have time to dry. It will stimulate the growth of the root system: roots begin to grow deep, mining moisture residues. In October, a week before Morozov, it should be stopped completely.

One of the most difficult questions is how much water is required for irrigation of the lawn. For the middle band there is irrigation rate, which ranges from 20 to 40 liters per 1 sq. M. Watering should be moderate. Unacceptable formation of puddles and water accumulation. The frequency of watering is determined by the composition of soil and weather conditions. For lightweight soil irrigation frequency - every 3-4 days. For clay times in 7-10 days. Additional moisturizing is carried out after a haircut, during the period of active growth and when feeding fertilizers. Excessive irrigation of lawn leads to a bumping moss and the development of fungal diseases.

If the lawn has been made recently, the grass on it has not yet risen, then the soil must be kept wet. Watering in this case requires daily. The soil without vegetation and the turf does not delay moisture, the dark surface of the earth is heated, water quickly evaporates. On average, daily watering should be made about 7-10 days. Next, the frequency of soil moisture is determined from the composition of the soil and the average daily temperature.

Types of watering

For young grass, or immediately after its landing, you need some water: the root system has not yet formed a layer of turf absorbing and holding moisture. Therefore, you can no longer water, but often.

Deep abundant watering should be carried out in drought, in the summer.

Incorrect, or harmful irrigation - is usually the oversaturation of the soil moisture or moisturizing the hot day. In both cases, the grass turns yellow and fades. Watering in drought it is best to exercise early in the morning.

Means for watering lawn

Means and methods of watering green lawn each chooses himself. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200blawn, the complexity of the relief and its forms, the following options can be considered:

Garden wage is the easiest way to watering the lawn with your own hands. Ideal for watering a small lawn at home. Do not do without watering and to moisturize problem areas, in such places where the hose jet does not get or even once again not wet the garden tracks.

Garden hoses are a simple and universal watering method. In aggregate, the soil irrigates the soil, does not wash off the soil and does not damage the root system. You can water the plants and without the use of special nozzles, a little overlapping a stream. Due to the fact that watering is done with their own hands, the earth will be carefully moistened throughout the area. The disadvantage is that you have to spend your time by moving a hose with a lawn nozzle.

Perforated hoses differ from ordinary hoses only by the fact that all their surfaces are located through their surface. The hose is deployed through the territory of the lawn, and through the holes is carried out by watering quite large areas.

The sprinkler is a comfortable device that turns a powerful jet from the hose in the rain. The use of such a nozzle does not allow water when watering to destroy the surface of the soil. The disadvantage of the device is a large proportion of water evaporation during watering. Small water particles demolides wind.

A circular sprinkler while working like a fountain. Mounted usually several pieces, are perfectly suitable for irrigation of the lawns of a small area.

A rotating sprinkler - this device is a sprayer with the ability to adjust the jet. This irrigation system allows you to adjust the watering distance so as not to pour out garden tracks or swing.

Swinging or oscillating sprinkler is invented specifically for watering lawns of rectangular and square forms. The device allows you to adjust the range and the degree of irrigation.

Automatic irrigation systems are applied on large lawns when watering with their own hands takes a lot of time. The most important aspect is that watering systems are installed in front of the lawn device. There are two types of sprinklers used in these systems: stationary (or visible) and blend. Cleaning sprinkles appear on the surface of the lawn only during irrigation.

The automatic watering system consists of an underground system of pipes and hoses, sprinklers, a large water container, pumps, pumpsometers, rain sensors and a computer. Tensiometers are transmitted to the computer information about soil moisture. Rain sensors report the absence of the need for watering into the programmed time, if there are precipitation. Such systems are calculated and installed by experts.

To acquire a beautiful bright lawn, unfortunately, it is not enough to prepare your site, to improve the soil, eliminate all foreign elements from the surface of the Earth and acquire expensive seeds of lawn crops. Lawn requires constant care. One of the most important ways to care for lawn and maintaining its full-fledged appearance is definitely watering.

If we are talking about watering within the framework of standard abnormal care, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of water for watering, the device of watering system, the absence of areas with a characteristic accumulation of excessive water, and also choose the correct irrigation mode of the lawn area in accordance with the type of planted soil and plant varieties Culture.

Features of watering during the transplantation of a long-term lawn

If for any reason the lawn area is required to move, then the usual transplant method is often used. The implementation of these works requires some tricks from any gardener. Here are just some of them:

  • A lawn area planned to transplant is abundantly abundantly watering water. This will facilitate the extraction of plants from the soil and protect the root system from damage;
  • Correct all the shortcomings regarding the gardening of their own site, including the transplant procedures of the Lawn during the spring season. The deadline for all planned manipulations with lawn cultures is the beginning of June;
  • In the event of an acute need or emergency with the state of the available lawn, a transplant is allowed at any suitable time, regardless of the season. But in this case, it should be prepared for the fact that there is a danger that transplanted herbs simply will not come together;

The main enemy of transplanted lawn sites is drought, excessively high air temperatures and insufficient watering. Replanting the site should prepare and planned to transplant place, excavating the desired area to the depth of about half the shovel.

Having abscesantly watering the plot, preparing the lawn to the transplant, should wait for a certain period of time, sufficient so that the water is absorbed into the soil, and the land with a growing lawn softening.

In transplantations, it is important not to remove the lumps of the earth with the roots of transplantable vegetation. Upon completion of the transplant, the grass should be treatefficer as long as possible, just like it.

Watering is carried out in the following mode:

  • Daily using sprayers and sprinklers;
  • If the grass is transplanted in the summer hot time, then watering is carried out twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening;
  • The transfusion of the transplanted plot should be avoided, as this will not develop roots, provokes putrid education;
  • Watering should be carried out abundantly, but not excessively. Absolutely unacceptably the formation of puddles and stuck on a newly green area.

Care for rolled lawn after transplantation

Many perceived as the process is quite simple, not costly, absolutely simple and guaranteeing just a stunning result. This is not quite so.

After the time, the rolled lawn laid on the territory of the house or cottage can upset its owner with such manifestations as flexibility, dry areas, loss of juiciness of leaves and brightness of color. The cause of everything incorrect laying or an incorrect lawn care program landed with rolls.

A special place in the care program and maintain a normal growth rate and the development of lawn grass - plays competently planned watering. It is due to the receipt of a sufficient amount of moisture ensures that the lawn is unsettled in the area takes place throughout the entire sequel.

Responding to a question how often to water the lawn after landing or laying, you can bring the recommended rolling lawn irrigation schedule:

  • To accelerate the growth and development of the turne, it is not easy to moisturize, but watering up to 20 cm;
  • After each watering, it is worth flexing the edge of the roll and check the degree of soil blown. If necessary, watering is repeated or decreased next time;
  • The first week after laying must be accompanied by a daily irrigation, characterized by a complete wetting of the soil, but without the formation of puddles and stoles;
  • Watering a laid rolled lawn should use sprinklers and sprinklers.

With properly produced works on the laying, the captured lawn will require watering one - twice a week, but if the weather phenomena is not accompanied by drought and heat.

Video about the rules of irrigation of lawn

The main " Right irrigated lawn

Right irrigated lawn

Published: 02.02.2018

Watering is one of the most important points on the care of lawn. Proper and timely irrigation will provide a beautiful view, stimulates the growth of plants and creates a favorable climate. With a lack of moisture, the growth process of slowing down /katalo...-trava/rh, the lawn grass turns yellow and begins to fade. Water the lawn is needed in spring, summer and autumn.

How to find out what lawn requires watering?

With a lack of moisture, the grass itself will demonstrate it to you. It is better to get drying in the first ground:

The grass began to turn around; The lawn began to be pulled out, the grass rises long after pressing; When drought, the grass acquires a brown color; The grass fades or yellow; Compact appear.

The most noticeable wilt on the old grass. The first from drought suffer from a white mint and white field. The average demand for soil moisture in the mehyloch meadow, said. Least species of oatmeal.

With a lack of water, drought-resistant herbs remain alive. If their leaves and the root system dries out, plants go into rest mode. With moisturizing the soil again begin to grow. Despite the fact that herbs survived, the appearance of them during drought leaves much to be desired. The yellowed lawn is unlikely to please the eye.

When is it better to water the lawn?

The most common question: when to carry out watering - in the morning or evening? In each case there are its own features and subtleties.

Watering is best carried out in the early morning. In cool weak weather, water evaporates less and the grass will have time to dry up until the heat.

The day irrigation will also be admissible, but it should be borne in mind that when scraping the sun wet grass can get a burden: water droplets create a lens effect. Moisturizing herbs in the heat is called harmful irrigation, spots appear on the edges. Therefore, for day irrigation, cloudy days or the autumn period is better, when the sun is less accumulated.

Evening watering in the summer is recommended to produce between 16.00 and 18.00. This is due to the fact that the grass should dry. If herbal covers will flash all night in a wet state, it can adversely affect its condition and lead to fungal diseases.

Watering lawn. Features of irrigation and use of various irrigation systems

In the need to irrigation of lawns, no one is not necessary. The grass can not live without water. An example of this in a arid year can serve yellowed, or even the deceased lawns along the roads, near the multi-storey houses and in some parks. That this does not happen and your lawn, the whole season raged you with a juicy greens, it is necessary to establish the optimal regime of his irrigation.

How to water? A small lawn in the absence of water supply can be watered from the watering can. True, this work is quite time-consuming and not for all. If there is a reservoir on the plot, it is possible to establish a lawn with a pump and a hose. The presence of water supply on the site will significantly simplify your task.

For irrigation of the lawn, you can use a hose with a nozzle to splash water, but it is best to purchase special lawn splashingors. With their help, it is possible to pour a lawn more evenly and efficiently, while saving its time.

Currently, you can find many different on sale. These are stationary sprinklers with a hose (or pipes) and nozzles, raising above the surface of the soil during watering. These are nozzles sprinklers with a swinging tube, sprinklers with a pulsating jet, sprinkle hoses with a number of small holes along the entire length and even in the form of flowers or various figures. The choice depends on your desire, financial opportunities, as well as on the configuration of the lawn. For a large lawn, it is preferable to choose a stationary sprayer. For a small rectangular area, it is better to choose a sprinkler with a swinging tube. For round or oval - with a pulsating jet, and for long narrow - hoses with holes.

Lawn. Care: Watering Lawn

Grass, like everyone else, can not live without water. In our climatic zone, a sufficient precipitation usually falls, so that the plants have enough moisture. However, in arid periods of herbal cover needed an additional watering.

A characteristic feature that a mature landscape lawn suffers from drought is dry soil at a depth of 8-10 cm. With a long absence of rain or artificial irrigation, the lawn yellowed, will respond, and even can die if it is inhabited by gentle moisthed herbs, for example, a meadow meadow.

The death of lawns is an exceptional case, usually after heavy rain, they come to life. True, it can bring new problems. Weeds, as a rule, are very drought-resistant, and as soon as the grass weakens, they begin to quickly conquer the territory.

In order to increase the droughtnessability of your garden lawn, first of all, carry out various measures to strengthen the root system of herbs. They will help the lawn to survive even when you will be powerless to help him.

in the autumn, be sure to pierce the turf forks to avoid soil seals;

pull the mulch lawn;

do not cut the grass too short, and in the arid period let it grow higher it;

do not remove the beveled grass from the lawn. Such cover protects the ground from the loss of moisture;

fertilize the lawn in a timely manner. For the good development of the root system of herbs, phosphate fertilizers are very useful;

clear the lawn with rake at the end of the next season.

During drought, we regularly and abundantly water the decorative lawn, by this you restore the necessary water balance of the soil. However, try to avoid excess irrigation to avoid fearing. Remember that everything is good in moderation, so overflow is just as dangerous, as well as insufficient watering. If you all do it right, then your lawn will retain your fresh and healthy look even into the exhausting heat.

Watering the lawn: how it is right and what water to water the grass after landing and haircuts

Even a person far from landscaped landscaping, for the first time drawing up the plot, knows what will need to take care of him. Good timely care, in particular, haircut and watering the lawn, provides an even herbal coating without damage. And if the newcomer still attaches significance, then irrigation often considers it easy, which means that there is unworthy study. Nevertheless, it is watering that a lot of tasks are solved, which distinguish the perfect lawn from the bar of the earth, covered with Zhuhla Greens.

About when it is necessary to include equipment for watering, the attentive owner "reports" the lawn itself. If the grass led, and in some places it began to twist, it means that it urgently requires moisture. There are only two factors affecting how often it is necessary to water the lawn - the depth of moisture penetration into the soil and the speed of its evaporation. They, in turn, depend on the type of soil, weather, locations and time of the existence of lawn.

Irrigation lawn immediately after sowing or laying

For rapid and uniform germination of greenery, it is necessary to water the lawn after planting daily, and when drought occurs, it has to do even twice a day. How sufficient watering is, it can be checked in this way: the lump of the earth, compressed in the fist, should preserve the shape of him, but not to crumble and not allocate moisture. So that in the future the need for such an inspection disappeared, it is recommended to damage the time that was spent on the first watering.

Special Sprayer with Fluid Consumption Counter

Excess liquid is also harmful as its disadvantage - fungus or moss may appear in the soil, and the seeds themselves can bend and die. Similarly, the impulse of the planted area of \u200b\u200bthe straight jet of water is harmful. In order to avoid the erosion of the Earth and the appearance of stagnant water in the depressions, it is necessary to apply the hose nozzle with the maximum scattering capacity.

Rolled lawn after laying to water must be immediately, literally during the first hour. Especially this condition is important to withstand on a hot day - under the rays of the sun, the grass can get a strong burn, which will lead to the loss of the form and the need for a long restoration. At the same time, it is not enough to pour a dermal roll - it is necessary to significantly moisturize the soil layer under it. Therefore, the platform is to irrigate generously, at the rate of 20-30 l / sq. m.

Rolled coating are watered immediately after laying

How to water the lawn. Watering systems of lawn. Drainage of soil.

The glory of English gardens, maybe it would not be so great if it were not for a wet, typical island climate, favorable grass growth. There, lawns do not suffer from their terrible enemies - droughts and heat. In the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, and even more south, on the lawn there is a constant loss of moisture as a result of water transpiration by leaves of grass, as well as direct evaporation of it from the soil surface.
Regular irrigation is necessary to any lawn
The evaporation increases with a revealed turf and, accordingly, decreases with a thick and powerful horses, which is better due to the soil. Insufficient watering in dry weather is often the cause of spreading on the lawn of weeds. The turf cover on the weakly obdic acidic soils is more sensitive to drought than on alkaline. In dry weather, it is more often to irrigate a lawn created on low-chicken sandy soils, as well as with the weak development of the root system of herbs. Young lawn simply need constant artificial moisture. But in principle, any lawn so that the grass is well developed and the whole season retained healthy, juicy green color, we must regularly water.

Watering without hassle

Imagine such a picture: Summer evening after a rarely hot day. You relax in the chaise lounge on the terrace, drinking something cold. Water haze climbs on your lawn, and behind the fence, a neighbor, sweat and exhausted, turns a long garden hose to pour his yellowed lawn from the heat. All this will become a reality, if before bookmarked the garden you think how to provide your grass optimal conditions for existence.
Trust the company?
You already have a plot, comes to an end to the construction of the house ... What's next? If you decide that the garden should have an automatic watering system, it's time to work for work. There are two possibilities. First: Thinking, where and what devices you want to establish, entrust the site to those skilled in the art and provide them with solving all practical issues. In this case, your role will be limited to the solemn discovery of the crane. You can also try to mount the system yourself. This is not so difficult to do, as it seems, in this case the elements of the watering system are selected individually, based on the size of the garden and needs.

How to water the lawn

Systems of irrigation of lawn

It's nice to look at a beautiful well-kept lawn, on flower beds, adorning it in different places. Especially pleased, the type of fresh lawn greenery in the summer is angry when everything is baked from the heat. To achieve this, you need to establish a lawn irrigation system.

After all, the timely irrigation of herbs is the basis for the care of lawn. Then plants will be provided with everything necessary for normal growth, and a favorable water regime will provide flowering flowering flowering beds.

What time is it better to water the lawn

So when is the best way to water the lawn? Many prefer evening irrigation, believing that the soil dried in the day, and the plants at this time are thirsty. However, this is an erroneous opinion. By installing watering systems in the evening, and bypowing the earth moisture, you at the same time leave the grass wet all night. This can lead to the development of mold and various fungal diseases. After all, you involuntarily create favorable conditions for them - heat of summer night, excess moisture, water drops. Such diseases spread very quickly, and it will be difficult to get rid of them. Better do not risk. The exception can only be very hot days when the daily heat reaches 40 °, and the grass around is simply burning in the sun, and even at night the temperature does not fall below 30 °. Then evening watering will be fully justified.

The lawn can be watering after 9 o'clock in the evening, the moisture will quickly be absorbed in the soil, and the hot grass will not leave the water drops on the surface. In this case, you just do not give the grass to burn, and watering will be optimal in the evening.

Many watered the lawn Day. From this, of course harm the lawn will not be. However, there is a strong evaporation of water in the afternoon, and in order to get the soil moisture in the required quantity, it will take a double water volume, since half will immediately evaporate. This is not rational and not economical.

But the most favorable water is watering, it is morning. The morning time, when nature only wakes up from sleep, fully bald, there is no wind, silence and coolness. Water is evaporated the least and mostly goes into the soil, and the water drops will soon, as soon as the sun goes, evaporates with the leaves of grass and colors.

Automatic watering plot that you need to know first

If you live in your home and you have a household plot with a lawn and garden or a greenhouse, then once you begin to realize that you have already been tired of running with a hose and buckets on the site. And begin to think about why - dishes we wash in dishwashers, underwear we wash - in washing machines, cook - in multicookers, and maintain plants in good condition manually needed? This article explains - what needs to be done to get rid of non-productive time loss when working on the household plot and how much you will cost automatic watering.

The need for automatic watering on the site

When discussing the placement of the automatic irrigation system on the site most often have to hear the phrase: "Expensive, we will water themselves." As a result, in a month or two - the owner ceases to water his plot and turns into a green - yellow - brown slice of the burnt steppe. Let's figure it out, is it expensive:

First, the correctly assembled irrigation system will work at least twenty years, modern materials are allowed. We divide the cost of twenty; Secondly, consider the cost of your work on the basis of today's salary - two hours a day, five months a year for twenty years, you will save this amount; Third, leaving in the summer on vacation for a few weeks, you will not need to ask for neighbors or relatives, whatever they watered your greenhouse; In the fourth, in many suburban settlements there are often interruptions with water, and it is not possible to pour the whole site with a weak pressure, as the neighbors are too watered at the same time. Automatic watering of a plot configured for the night or early morning Poland without problems or fill with water at this time a cumulative capacity; In the fifth, the lawn during manual irrigation does not reach this quality and homogeneous green, as with automatic watering.

Auto Pouring Lawn, Automatic Watering Lawn in Moscow

The first spins appeared 80 years ago and were far from perfect. However, it was then that there was a rapid system of auto peer, without which it was difficult to imagine modern life. Irrigation of football fields and watering the household plot, moisturizing flower beds in the parks and automatic irrigation of the lawn in Moscow - the system helps to significantly save time, carefully consumes water, evenly and high quality moisturizes the Earth. "The first watering studio - watering for professionals" offers design and impeccable installation of autopolishing systems of any complexity, ensuring innovative equipment from leading manufacturers of individuals and municipal organizations.

About company

Methods of irrigation of lawns, greenhouses, parks and gardens are diverse, the choice of equipment depends on the set of factors and it is better to take advantage of the experience of professionals. Company specialists are always ready:

Design an automatic irrigation system of any complexity (absolutely free); help choose and buy equipment for autopolivation; deliver and produce high-quality installation of equipment; Reserve the ordered product and keep it in stock in case of the impossibility of operational export (free of charge).

Specialized Watering Studio has many years of experience, during which time more than a thousand facilities for entertainment centers, sports facilities, municipal platforms and private possessions were effectively implemented. In many areas of Moscow, the system of irrigation lawns, designed and installed by our specialists, has been successfully operating.

How much water is needed for watering plants in the garden and in the garden

Watering, like the East, is a delicate matter. After all, plants in the garden can die not only from lack of water, but also from its excess. Advise our readers, how to observe this fragile balance and not harm garden fans?

First of all, find the features of those crops who want to grow on their garden plot in the literature. After all, different types of plants have their own requirements for the amount of moisture in the soil. The amount of water can be optimal for some plants and redundant to others. Therefore, try to plant similar environmental groups in certain areas of plants so that each type of watering has received approximately the same amount of moisture. Do not place a flower garden with moisthed species under large fruit trees, since it is often taken from the top layer of the soil all the moisture, creating its deficiency for rod-corneous herbaceous plants.

What plants are water like air?

Such a group include cultures living in containers. As for the garden, there are cucumbers and other pumpkin, as well as leafy vegetable plants - gentle salads and cabbage. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly water these plants, then it is better to give up from their cultivation. Instead, it is possible to plant etheric and oilseeds, most of which (chamber, lavender, Issop, Sage, Kotovnik) easily tolerate temporary drought.

And who from the inhabitants of the decorative garden loves water?

Most wood and herbaceous plants grown in the garden are quite moisture. This is especially true of the introductions from wet subtropical and East Asian regions (ivy Kolkhidsky, bamboo -istoboler, Chubudniki, Hyvorobi). Most of these plants are able to transfer short-term moisture deficit, but with regular watering it is better growing and more decorative.

Automatic watering

Creating automatic watering systems

Little easy to make landscaping and - flowerbeds and lawns need incredited care. First of all, it consists in timely watering of plants. You can, of course, carry out this in the traditional way, but why, if it is everywhere long ago it is used automatic watering . The presence of a similar system on the native territory is very convenient. All vegetable landscape design elements receive water in the required quantity - and at the same time direct human participation in the process is practically not required.

Each owner of a juicy green lawn will fight the scorching sun for every blade. We all saw enthusiasts with hoses and buckets trying to save their plot from drought and irrigating the lawn with their own hands and only on their own. But there is a great news - this work can be easily simplified with the help of a lawn. What is automatic irrigation lawn and how to make a system of automatic irrigation of the lawn with your own hands on its site? Let's deal with!

Rules and requirements for high-quality irrigation of lawns

If you want to grow a thick carpet of green grass on its plot, then regular watering is the most first rule. Observing certain norms irrigation norms, namely water consumption, measured in L / m2, water temperature, watering time and its frequency, you will achieve the desired result.

Water consumption

Unfortunately, this parameter cannot be voiced as a single rule for all lungs, because the number of water consumed is the factors that all owners of the country area with a lawn will differ. This is: the type of soil, the type of lawn grass, the lawn shadiness and weather conditions. Agree, a fairly wide range of parameters. But this does not mean that in this matter you have nothing to help. On the contrary, the experience of many lawn puddles are assembled in this article to facilitate your life. For example, it is known that heavy soils (clay, loam) are not very willing to pass water into a deep layer of soil. And light soil (sandy soil) does not delay water in itself.

Water consumption depends on the type of soil

A generally accepted is the norm of 10-20 l / m2. Spending water in such a quantity, you have a 15 cm deep into it. This indicator is easy enough to check in practice if you water the lawn manually. Using an automated approach, simply leave a transparent jar on the lawn for watering. When 13 mm of water is scored in it, then your lawn has 10 liters of water.

By the way, if we talk about the shadow, then everything is not so unambiguous, as it may seem at first glance. Well, it would seem that the more open area, the more you need to water. And the larger the shadow, the less you need moisture. But not everything is so simple. After all, if we are talking about the shadow of the trees, do not forget that with the shadow you get also big roots, sucking all the water from the soil.

Water temperature

Lawn grass is a fairly tender plant, so water is lower than + 10 °, will negatively affect its development. It is advised, in order not to damage the leaves and roots, use the water of the same temperature as the air with the soil. If the fossilization of the lawn comes from a well-pierced well or well, then in this case you will water your lawn with undesirable and cold water. But this is the task is solved: just get the tanks or barrels, in which you can warm up the depth water.

Polishing time

So that the water has a good soil, and the roots managed to get drunk, it is better to water the lawn in the evening or in the morning. Well, it has long been known that the day when the sun is the most roast and active, watering will not benefit, but rather harm.

Frequency of watering

Everything is simple: with cloudy weather to water enough 1-2 p / week; When drought - daily. It is observed that more benefits brings abundant, even if not so frequent watering. If you are often, but you will slightly wet the lawn, it just annibtes it, but will not bring the desired benefit. You will only get a crackle crust on the surface.

How to water the lawn

Select the system for automatic watering

As in any other area, in the field of landscaped equipment there are several types of watering systems for lawns. After reading all the options, you can make your choice.

Nowadays, two ways of fueling the lawn lawn are presented. We are talking about a sprinkler and drip watering method.

Sprinkler watering

The method of splinker irrigation is an irrigation system, which is very close to natural irrigation in nature. The usual name of this method speaks by itself - sprinkling. The refining method lies in the fact that through the entire lawn lawn the pipeline system is divorced. Water is supplied through splinkers (nozzles) and dissect in the air with small drops, as during the rain. Splinker watering helps to reduce the temperature of the soil and increase moisture in the air.

Sprinkler watering

The device itself, which supplies water on the lawn, is called a sprinkler and, depending on how it is installed, the sprinkler is divided into retractable and non-sensitive.

Retractable sprinkler

The retractable spinner is immeasured when it is in a non-working position, because he is hidden in the ground. But in the process of supplying water, the pull-out sprinklers go to the surface by approximately 15-20 cm and the range of their fragmentation is 4-7 m. In turn, the retractable spins are:

  • Rotary. This sprinkler consists of a fixed and rotating part. On the rotating head of the sprinkler there are blades that spray water in a circle. Unfortunately, very few people can boast crystal clear water not that for watering, but at least for food. Therefore, if you do not install the filter (or not check it upon purchase), then your system will often be clogged by impurities that are in the water. Rotary sprinklers can be adjustable in which it is possible to independently set the radius of irrigation, and the unregulated describes the clear specified circle (360o).
  • Fan. Their design is very simple: the plastic housing, the retractable rod, the unwilling nozzle and the retractor spring. Water sprinkles on 3-6 m. In some areas with height drops or thick high shrubs, only equipment for irrigation of the lawn with a fan sprinkler can be effective due to its method of water supply, something similar to a funnel or an inverted umbrella.

Labor sprinkler

The unlikely sprinkler is installed in the ground and when water is supplied, it does not leave it. Depending on the principle of operation, the non-extinguishable spins are divided into four main types:

  • Pulse. Such a spawner serves water portion and smoothly changes irrigation range.
  • Pendulum. This sprayer is simply Mast Have for owners of rectangular sites. At the heart of pendulum sprinklers there is a pipe with a hole that swings from side to the side, watering the lawn without spaces. The range of water splashing is 6-20 m (can be adjusted to the corner of the scattering of the tube).
  • Circular. The installation consists of a platform with a rotating head with nozzles. The range of 3-10 m is regulated by water pressure.
  • Hose sprinkler. We can say that there are relatively previous installations, the sprinkler hose is relatively new autopolivation system. The design is very simple: the hose (can be put on the base to lift) with small injectors for spraying. How many nozzles are such watering and will (thick or rare).

Drip irrigation

The drip type auto peer is to use perforated hoses laid out on the lawn. They are connected to the water intake, but water in this case does not arrive under pressure, but it enters small portions directly to the roots, which significantly reduces the amount of water received, and the plants get exactly so much moisture as they need. In order not to spoil the neat appearance of the lawn, the pipes are hiding under the ground. Holes through which water is supplied is not clogged due to the layer of agrovolok.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can independently calculate water consumption. This is done using a customizable controller. You can also set preferred settings. For instance, install the valves so that the auto oppression is turned on when heat and did not turn on after the rain. Also using frost sensors, you protect plants from supercooling.

Video overview of the drip hose underground watering

Project and development of a lawn iris

To establish auto parking for the lawn with your own hands, start with the scheme of your territory. The scheme of the auto paragraph should include: the lawn lawn itself, trees, shrubs and those zones that should not be watering.

Scheme of autopolying

When calculating the ability to skip the water from the feed pipe (with the help of Table 1), you can correctly select the necessary diameter for the entire auto-poly system.

Now the time to decide on the place where sprinkles will be installed. We wrote above that on the site not all objects need watering, therefore, based on this, as well as from the fact that some spiners can supply water on 25 m, we set the right amount of spins in the right place. It is possible to calculate everything correctly with a circulation on the prepared scheme. When applying spins on the plan, do not forget that the system still has some errors in the radius during operation. Knowing the water consumption of one sprinkler, you put the desired amount of watering devices, based on the pump performance data.

One section of watering accounts for one electromagnetic valve. Do the branching of the pipeline in one place, then it will be easier for you to repair and maintain valves, as they will be all in one place.

If you incorrectly plan the pipe laying, that is, the risk of pressure loss, material overruns and the small efficiency of the watering process. Try less often to overtake the pipes and lay them to sprinkle on the shortest path.

Check out again. The circuit of the automatic irrigation is designed to make sure that spinners cover the entire zone, and the pump has enough power.

Mounting auto park for lawn (video)

Installing a lawn irrigation system with your own hands

Now all the time has time to transfer from paper to the lawn lawn itself. Make a place for the pipes, spinners and everything else. Under the printed lines, cut the trenches to lay the pipes in approximately 1m depth. You can lay them as half a meter, but then be sure to create a bias and drainage at the lowest points of the system. It is necessary to painlessly drain the water in winter. Now connect the pipes with each other and laid in the prepared trenches. Before falling asleep all the earth, make a tightness check. Screw sprinkles, pour the earth, adjust the direction of sprinklers and enjoy the result of your work for a long time!

Land watering system

But since the entire system is hidden underground, it is not always possible to notice malfunctions. To this not happen, listen to the councils of caring for the system of autopolivation:

  • Watch out and clean the nozzles from the mud as often as possible;
  • Add the soil in the places where he asked (meaning soil in the roser area);
  • Do not forget to charge the controller battery;
  • Put the system for the winter - drain the water, blow the valves, hide the sensors into the building;
  • Watch out the filters.

10 Tips for watering lawn.

Watering a lawn

    Watering the lawn must be produced in early in the morning or late evening, but not hot weather. The moisture from the lawn in hot weather quickly evaporates and it does not bring the desired result, and plus it is an extra consumption of water. But do not forget that in the day irrigation, the grass can burn the sun's rays.

    The most important rule: it's better to pour it all right than many times and gradually.

    Lawn, which has not crowded for a long time, on the contrary, you need to wipe on a little and often. Moisture should gradually increase the soil.

    Cold water from a well or well lawn cereals perceive not very good. Many of my friends use water for watering a lawn from tanks: pools or drive reservoirs.

    Watering the lawn is better not a straight jet, but from the spins, and even more so do not pour it. When watering the straight jet, you wash all the useful substances from the top layer of the soil. And when watering spins, moisture gradually impresses the soil, while the plants take from the soil the required amount of moisture.

    The new or sub-lawn should be poured only by sprinklers, and in no cases are not a straight jet. Seeds embedded in the soil, straight jet will be removed and remain on its surface.

    Watering the lawn under the trees. Watering the lawn under the trees should be abundantly, because the trees abundantly absorb moisture. But here you should not overdo it, because if the crown is big and the rays of the sun badly warm up the soil, your lawn can just cry. As a result, moss will appear in such a plot and the grass will be bad.

    The interval between irrigation should be such that the moisture is completely absorbed and the grass is dry.

    Evergreen plants on the lawn require also abundant irrigation, especially in the autumn and spring.

That's all! To new meetings!