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The principle of planting a cherry with a closed root system in the summer. Care for sweet cherries - choice of place and landing! What kind of soil is needed for cherry

Cherry - one of the most ancient fruit plants, Favorite many for the beautiful taste of berries and health benefits. She was known even 2,000 years ago, the Romans gave her the name "Kurasunskaya Fruits".

Cherry - a capricious tree, has many nuances in growing and gardener need to know: when and how to put the cherry, which varieties choose and how to achieve abundant fruiting.

Cherry is considered the closest relative of Cherry. Many confuse a cherry and cherry, only in 1491 the nerds were determined that this different culturesAlthough they refer to one family, the cherry is often called the "bird cherry", and in Europe, even the famous play of Chekhov is called a "cherry garden".

A tree can reach up to 20-30 meters in height, it blooms plentifully, and the flowers appear before the leaves. Breakingers are derived by I. dwarf varieties up to 3-5 meters, which provides a more convenient collection of fruits.

The painting of fruits depending on the variety is different: Yellow, pink, dark red. As a state of pulp is divided into 2 types: Bigarro - with solid pulp and late maturation and guy - with a soft pulp and early fruit. Self-free cherry, for pollination it is necessary to land near 2-3 of its other varieties. Especially good to pollinate the sherry.

Tree life expectancy for about 100 years, but it most often uses 15-20 years. Cherry can give up to 25-30 kg of fruits from a tree in a short period of fruiting. There are 4,000 varieties of cherry in the world, of which 46 varieties were created by breeders from Russia.

When to plant: in autumn or spring?

It is believed that a cherry is a tree that is more suitable for the south of the country, as it is very vulnerable to a decrease in temperature and frozen at first permanent freezers, but these days, thanks to the efforts of breeders, the cultivation of cherry has become possible in other regions.

Created varieties of cherries that correspond to different climatic conditions are resistant to extinction and begin fruiting in scheduled time For this region.

In the southern regions, the cherry is planted, mainly in the fall during the leaf fall period. Spring landing threatens seedlings with high temperatures already in March - April, Sukhov, and a large number of pests. In the fall, the tree has time to root well and for the spring is already a strengthened plant, especially since there is no strong frost in the south.

For the central regions of Russia, Siberia, the Far East, the planting of cherries in the spring is recommended that the seedlock is rapid and rooted for the summer period. Spring for planting a tree has another indisputable advantage: during the whole summer time, the gardener is watching the development and condition of the plant daily. It will be able to quickly apply the necessary measures when drought or an abrasiveness of moisture, the attack of pests or during the disease of the plant.

Preparation of berries for planting in spring

Select variety

An error for many cherry lovers is a variety selection that is not zoned for this region. Gardeners are seduced beautiful descriptions, bright labels and do not take into account the accessibility of seedlings, the effects of climate and the biological features of cherry.

This is especially true of areas with harsh and long winter. Moreover, when choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account not only minus winter temperatures, very dangerous differences temperature mode In the spring - return freezers.

For the death of seedlings, a decrease in temperature is sufficient after thawed to -2 ° C if it does not have a high level of winter hardiness. Experienced gardeners in such a situation additionally use smoke from fires.

The yield may also affect the composition of the soil of the region, the duration and intensity of the daylight, the presence of stable cold winds.

The result is small yields, frozen, low taste, and sometimes the death of the plant.

central region Siberia Far East Leningrad region, Northwest region
Pink sunset Tyutchevka Sakhalin Leningrad Black
Iput Symphony Rechitsa Zorka
Italian Jerk Ordynka Jerk
Kras Zhukov Bryansk Pink Bigarro Bulat Bryanochka
Valery Chkalov Fatech Francis Bryansk Pink
Termoshka North Dragan yellow Rechitsa
Jerk Astakhov's memory Ariadne Termoshka
Bryanochka Kozlovskaya Michurina Sweet pink Fatech

For the Leningrad region and the northwestern regions of special zoned varieties, gardeners successfully grow the most frost-resistant and unpretentious varietiesintended for the Urals and Siberia.

Now 2 varieties are being developed for this region - Seda and Yurga. A serious disadvantage for the cultivation of sweet cherries in these areas is cold winds from the Baltic Sea.

Dates of landing for different regions

Source Requirements and Place

The soil for cherry should be with a breathable structure, well heated, moderately wet, with weak acidity.

Very important level groundwaterSince already at the level of 1.5 m from the surface of the Earth begins gaming and a cherry dies. It is preferable to plant it on liquids rich in nutrients, peat soils, clay, sand are categorically not suitable.

Place of planting for sweet cherry is better to choose on the southern and southeastern slopes, well heated by the sun. For her, lowlands are not suitable, from which water does not go away, in addition, it must be protected from the northern winds.

Preparation of soil

When landing in the fall, the land is completely leaving 2-3 weeks before planting, adding a capacity of 10 kg per 1 square meter. meter.

When planting in the spring, the land is prepared in autumn, dripping it and adding fertilizers. Many gardeners and landing pits are prepared in autumn.

If for planting sweet cherry on your site inappropriate land, then this can be fixed. IN clay soil Add sand, and in sandy - clay. Additionally contribute soil mixturewhich is sold in specialized stores, manure or humus. The land is drunk and in a few years she is ready for planting cherries.

Light mode

The sweet cherry is very demanding towards the lighting mode. She feels well next to low trees, forming a crown in the middle and upper tier for better absorption of sunlight.

Shading cherries in gardens with high fruit trees leads to the fact that fruiting switches to the upper branches, the fruits are minor and their number decreases. It is better to choose an open solar and warm place for cherry. For better lighting Crowns use annual trimming.

  1. Cherry contraindicated high humidity The air, the fruits begin to crack and rot, but also excessive dry dryness leads to the fact that the leaves begged.
  2. The sweet cherry is tolerates the neighborhood with walnut, rowan, pear, peach, black currant. Apple and cherry are recommended as neighbors.
  3. The distance between the trees should be at least 4-5 meters, due to the highly developed root system of surface occurrence.
  4. Once in 5 years, the soil around the cherry must be known.
  5. Do not buy 3-year-old seedlings, they practically do not come true.

When planting cherries, you need to take care of protecting birds. Otherwise, most of the berries will be broken and not suitable for use. For this, many on the tree hang shiny, foil ribbon ribbons or old computer discs. As a rule, it does not help, therefore, in advance, it is necessary to prepare a cellular mesh (50x50 mm) and squeeze it into a cherry during the ripening period of fruits.

Preparation of landing pit

Early landing deadlines can destroy a seedling due to recurrent frosts, and lateness can lead to long survival due to the high activity of the Sun. Best time - mid-April until the kidneys began to awaken.

Instructions for preparation:

  1. A pit for planting cherries should be 80cm wide per 100 cm and a depth of 70 cm, unacceptably narrowing the pit of the book. With such sizes of the pit, the root system should be placed freely. Nearby is a pall-supported up to 80 cm high for a seedlings.
  2. The landing yam is filled with a nutrient mixture of 1/3 depth: 2 parts of the upper layer of the soil; 1 part of humus; 1 part of the peat; 100g superphosphate; 50g sulfur potassium;

Another composition for the mixture can also be used: 2 buckets of compost, 1 kg of ash and 400 g of superphosphate. Nitrogen fertilizers do not add to avoid burn root

The pit is filled with a mixture 10 days before planting, stirred, the composition must settle.

Preparation of a seedling before landing

The further development of the plant depends on the selection and preparation of the seedliness:

  1. The seedling must be vaccinated, have a strong trunk, predominant over the side branches.
  2. You should not buy a seedling with a split barrel, under the severity of fruits in the future they can break.
  3. He must have developed root system without defects, with roots of 15 cm long. If the root cut has brown tintThis is a sign of frostbite.
  4. During the day before landing, the seedloves put in a bucket with water to activate the root system.
  5. Before planting a seedling into a landing pit, damaged roots.
  6. Cropped with long roots, as the root system must fully enter the landing pit.
  7. Before boarding, all the leaves are removed, otherwise the seedlings will occur.

Step-by-step landing instructions

  1. In the landing pit, pour the water bucket.
  2. Seedling place in the deepening of the pit near the support, the neck of the seedling should be above the ground level of 4-5 cm.
  3. Fill the roots of the earth.
  4. Seal the top layer and fix the seedling to the soft ribbon support. Loop "eight" make free not to damage the bark of the tree.
  5. Around the perimeter of the pit make a circular recess for watering.
  6. Pour 2 buckets of water, track, so that after the soil sediment, the root cerv is at the ground level.
  7. Crop the main trunk up to 80 cm, and side branches - up to 50 cm. This is necessary to form the right crown.
  8. Planting cherries It is advisable to produce in cloudy weather.
  9. Saplings aged 1-2 years of age are best.
  10. To attract bees next to the sweet cherries, the mustard is planted, experienced gardeners spray a tree with a solution of water with honey

Further care for cherries


Cherry is required 3 times during the season: in May, in the period of extension of the green mass, before flowering, in June, when the fruits begin to ripe and under the winter.

20 days before harvest, watering stops, otherwise the fruits crack and reap. Watering is carried out at a depth of up to 40 cm, and the premium - up to 70-80 cm. In arid weather, the irrigation rate is increased. In the second half of summer, watering is not recommended, as it reduces the frost resistance of the tree.


Feeding in the first year should not be made, since all required substances The seedling received when landing. Nitrogen fertilizers contribute for 2 years of wood growth. In the spring around the perimeter of the rolling circle, it is necessary to scatter 120 g of urea, hinged it into a wet soil.

For the fourth year of growth, the roots will come out for the rolling circle, so fertilizers contribute further from the barrel to the grooves made. In the spring, 120-200 g of urea is laid in wet land, at the end of summer - 400 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulfate.

The width of the priority circle in the second year increases to 1 meter, and each year is added 50 cm. The cherry is well perceived by additional feeding ashes.

The entire summer period is needed by the autumn requires a weeding and loosening of the rolling circle, since the cherry does not make the neighborhood with weeds.

Crown formation, trimming

Cherry needs a mandatory annual trimming, otherwise there will be no good crop. It happens 3 species: forming - spring, sanitary - autumn and rejuvenating when aging a tree. For all options, the mandatory removal of branches by 40 cm from the ground. When trimming the sections of the sections are treated with garden water.

Forming trimming creates right crownThis is especially important for young cherries. Before the renal dissipation, the main barrel and the upper branches on 1/3 of length are shortened, branches are growing, growing inside, only those that grow in relation to the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees are left out of side shoots.

Such trimming is called invadant. It gives good lighting for wood, stimulates fruiting and simplifies harvesting.

Sanitary trim involves the removal of dried, broken, sick branches.

Rejuvenating trimming helps Cherry Return yield

Diseases of young cherry

The sweet cherry is sufficiently resistant to diseases, but there are exceptions. Verticillosis - fungal disease For many bone crops, it is also dangerous for cherry.

First the bark bursts, then fall flowers, yellow leaves and gum appears on the trunk. You can use the preparations such as polychrome, foundazole, topxin. Cracks clean and smear clay with 2% copper vigor. But, as a rule, treatment is ineffective, the tree dies during the year.

During the period of cold and rainy spring, damage to bacteriosis (wood cancer) is possible. Save the cherry fails, scientists have not yet created a means against this disease. Wood need to cut and burn.

Errors in growing

Error Cause
In time, the kidneys do not dissolve The root neck when landing
Reset of wound and foliage Late watering during the growing season
Wood freezing Improperly selected variety for this region
No regular and abundant harvest No annual trimming
No fruity No cross pollination
Cracking bark stems Sunburn, not produced trunk of the trunk in spring and autumn
Gaming, debris Rock breeds, crushed stone in the soil, illness
Yellowing, crushing leaves after landing Watering cold water From the wells
No lateral branching Cutting the trunk when landing

The sweet cherry is not only tasty, it is very useful.

It regulates heart activities, "fights" with a small body, contributes to lifting immunity and reduces blood sugar levels, improves eyesight and relieves irritability.

Especially appreciated by women for its properties to rejuvenate the skin, remove swelling, and the possibility of using in various diets.

Cherry cultivation is a time-consuming process, but the tree will thank you with a rich harvest.

One of the most favorite plants of Russian dachans should be called a cherry, which is equally successful in any regions of Russia. It is really to meet both in the suburbs and in the Urals and in the warm southern regions. But this fruit tree It is not so unpretentious, as it may seem at first glance. How to put it in the spring to always get good harvest? You will learn about it from our step by step leadershipshown below.

Step One: Autumn Preparation for Landing

To plant a sneaker in the spring and be sure that the tree is good forces, it is necessary to give a little time to prepare the soil in autumn period. First, you need to choose the right place in such a way that the plant is most protected from the cold northern wind and received as many sunlight and heat as possible. The most preferred soil is simultaneously loose and moisture. Perfectly suitable in order to plant fruit wood, medium divided and sampling soils that meet these requirements.

In no case, do not attempt to grow a cherry on a plot where the groundwater is locked too close to the surface. This plant although it loves moisture, but does not tolerate its stagnation - the root system in such conditions begins to rot and the tree dies.

Secondly, in the autumn you need to carefully prepare the landing site. For this, the pit is digging a depth of about 60 centimeters and a width of at least 80 centimeters. The soil at the bottom of the pit is jerking and falling asleep by a layer of humus (there will be enough one or two buckets). Then fertilizer is mixed with top layer Soil and remains to winter.

Step Two: Spring Preparatory Work

Spring will also need to make fertilizers to get big crop Already next year. It is best to add to the pit about one kilogram wood ash, as well as 300-400 grams of superphosphate. We thoroughly mix the soil and proceed to the preparation of the planting material.

Carefully inspect the seedling. If he is slightly reduced, then soak it in water in about 8-10 hours before planting, so that the root system can have a good moisture. Pre-cut the roots in such a way that their length does not exceed 10 centimeters, as well as remove the rotten and sick processes.

To make a cherry perfectly for a new place, you can also recommend to make the composition from manure, clay and chernozem. In it, the roots of the plant are dipped for several minutes immediately before immersion in the pit.

In addition, before planting a seedling, you need to cut a bit a bit. This procedure is appropriate only when you plant a tree in early spring. Otherwise, it is better to transfer it to March next year to not harm the tree.

Step Three: Singing a tree into the soil and make fertilizers

If you want to put a coloniform cherry right, then remember that too shrouded landing is unacceptable for this plant. Therefore, it is necessary to raise a seedling for several centimeters so that its root neck is on the same level with the surface of the Earth.

First, the root system is instilled only to half. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly shake the earth with a sapling and carefully ensure that it filled out absolutely all free space between the roots.

After landing, you need to make a small well around the tree and pour the water bucket into it. Then mulch the soil using wood sawdust, peat or humus for this purpose. The seedling is very desirable to tie a peg into the ground to provide his wind protection.

Fertilizers under the cherry must be made in spring, about late April - early May. The fact is that the plant reacts very well to the feeding, which provokes a brown growth. In the autumn period, it is completely inappropriate, since the stability of trees to the cold may decrease to a minimum.

In the spring under the tree, elevated doses of nitrogen fertilizers should be made and fresh manure. Closer to winter to prepare for frosts, you can only use superphosphate, which is made in the amount of 60 grams on square meter Crown projection area.

Cherish care features

Proper to plant a fruit tree, observing all the above recommendations, not at all difficult. But in order to ensure a good harvest from year to year, to completely eliminate the death of the plant due to strong cold weather, it will be necessary to provide him with competent care. It includes:

  • annual sanitary trimming, which should be performed exclusively early in spring, even before the swelling swelling. This procedure assumes the removal of dry and sick branches, as well as the treatment of sections with a special smear;
  • forming cropping, which also needs to be performed in spring to keep the excessively intense growth of the tree;
  • protection against rodents, whitening trunks. In addition, the plant needs to be protected from winter cold, covering the coniferous sweetheart of the base of all skeletal branches;
  • the use of various methods of scaring birds that love to be fruitful with cherry fruits.

We are confident that our manual with colorful photos and stock footage will help you correctly plant a cherry, protect it from any aggressive impact ambient And annually getting a great crop of delicious sweet fruits from a tree.

The cherry does not lose popularity among gardeners. The emergence of new varieties with a high level of suitability only expanded the geography of the cultivation of this tree. The article contains video and photo instructions, tips of summer houses and step-by-step recommendationshow to plant and care for garden tree In the spring.

What is the right process of cherry planting

It will decorate your site during flowering and will delight sweet and juicy fruits. Saplings are planted usually fall or spring is the optimal time. Spring landing will give more chances of the tree fully rooted in front of the winter, survive and develop normally. It is the planting that is recommended for the middle strip of Russia.

The correct procedure consists of the following aspects:

  • purchase or preparation of a seedlings;
  • choosing a landing site;
  • selection of time;
  • the process of disembarking and its features.

Purchase or preparation of a seedlings

The Chief Board for the acquisition of a seedling is to do this in a specialized trading point that has permits, or in a nursery. Ideally, a varietal passport should be attached to the cherry, which marks the nuances of landing and care. Other recommendations:

  • a seedling should not be more than three years;
  • at the root and the crust should not be mechanical damage, unusual stains or cracks;
  • the root should consist of at least three branches with a thickness of 2 mm.

Attention! Check the root system by making a small slice, the brown shade of the core is a sign of frostbite. Buy only a sapling with the kidneys and make sure there is a place for vaccination on it.

You can also independently grow a bone from the bone, it is not difficult. To do this, summarize the "hearts" of ripe berries, mix with wet sand and put in cold. Spring bones land in the ground and get a young seedlove with time. True, such a sweet cherry will not be a variety.

To prepare a cherry, follow these steps:

  1. Cut your root pieces.
  2. Soak the root if he is back.
  3. Remove all leaflets. They will pick up moisture young TsechkaWhat will affect its growth and strengthening in the ground.

The village for spring landing You should buy in the fall. At this time in the market of fruit trees big choiceAnd you can control the storage of sweet cherry for spring.

Council. It is best to touch the seedling for the winter: make a half-meter deepening in the ground and put the seal at it at an angle of 45 ° C. The top at the same time should be directed south. Fuck the seedling of the earth well and pour water abundantly - the softened land sticks to the crust and roots and protect them from the frost.

Selection of place and time for landing

Pick the place with the fact that the tree is heat-loving. The plot must be responsible for such conditions:

  • well covered;
  • be protected from northern winds and drafts;
  • be on an exalted place or artificial embankment;
  • contain fertile soil with essential substances necessary;
  • have a moderately wet, loose soil that misses oxygen;
  • do not contain rubble or clay as part of the soil;
  • neighboring other cherries or cherries for good pollination;
  • it is at a distance of at least 7 m to the apple tree.

Also trace the soil waters to be close to the surface.

Council. To get a rich and high-quality harvest, it is very important to choose the right time. Characteristic sign For the Spring Planting - the seedlus should not "wake up" from the winter state of rest. IN middle lane Russia is usually a period from mid-April to the first week of May.

Step-by-step instruction for planting cherry

When you chose a place and prepared planting material, You can start landing:

  1. Drop the pit. Its parameters: 0.5 m in the depth and 1 m in width. In the process, set aside the fertile top layer.
  2. If the seedlings are somewhat - the step between them should be 2 m or more.
  3. Mix the fertile soil with a compost and complex fertilizer and place on the bottom of the hole. Pre-in the middle of the holes stick and drive a high peg for a sapling.
  4. Install exactly sapling. Pulling it with the earth so that the neck of the root performed above the surface of about 3 cm. Soil needs to firmly facilitate the root, excluding emptiness, so it stands in the process of burying slightly tampering the ground.
  5. Fence the seal with an earthen roller. Fill in the middle of 20 liters of water.
  6. Plush the soil at the seedling peat. He will prevent the evaporation of water.
  7. Tie the village to the peg. The trunk should not be pulled.

Cherish transplant is carried out only in spring, approximately in mid-March. The seedling is prepared in autumn. If such a need has arisen, you need to carefully remove the village from the ground and shop in a horizontal position, fastened with soil and, if possible, snow. The depth of the new pit is from 1 m.

The soil under the transplanted village should be well tumped, to abundantly pour water and sprinkle with peat. Tree branches need a slightly shortened. Remember, cherish transplant rarely ends with success, so it is better to provide all the factors in advance and not change the "place of residence" of the tree.

Planting Cherry: Photo

Cherry is the most ancient of the forms of Cherry, known for eight thousand years before our era. it heat-loving plant southern breadth Only in the last century, thanks to the efforts of breeders, it began to move into cold regions. In order to raise this culture without any problems and get decent yield Gardener will have to work a lot. And also he needs to explore the rules for planting and choosing a place with favorable conditions.

Dates of planting cherry

There are two options for the timing of the planting of sweet cherry - spring and autumn. The first option is most preferable and distributed, it is suitable for all regions of cultivation. Time for landing should be chosen early in the spring, when there has not yet begun, the kidney does not begin. And the snow should already go away, and the land will warm up to + 5-10 ° C. This time is good because nature begins to wake up and arranged plants with it. They will immediately begin to root and go to growth. Supils of seedlings at this time is the maximum. And by the autumn, the cherry will finally come true in a new place, it will grow strengthened, gaining strength and can safely survive his first winter.

In the southern regions with warm winters and a long period of vegetation, an option of autumn landing is possible. In this case, time needs to be chosen so that it remains until the onset of cold weather remains, for which the seedlock will have to root. This option has one advantage - in areas with arid and hot summer seedlings planted in spring, will have to fight drought and heat, which is excluded with autumn landing.

Where to plant a sneaker on the plot

For planting, the cherry will need a well-lit and ventilated place. At the same time, it should have protection from cold northern winds in the form of thick trees, walls of buildings or buildings, fences. It is better to choose a small southern or southwest slope on which water will not be stamped. Wetlafy and close occurrence of groundwater (less than 2.5 meters) is not allowed.

What the soil loves a sweetheart

For cherries grown in arid regions, fertile loams are suitable, and in areas with sufficient or excessive moisture - sandy. At the same time, the soil should have a loose, well-drained structure. The optimal level of acidity is pH 6.7-7.1, but on black soils with a large number of humus plants can be made and carbonate (increased alkaline reaction) of the soil. In this case, the reaction to pH 8.0 is allowed.

How to plant a cherry, if near groundwater

There is no economically reasonable way to cultivate sweet cherries in areas with close grounds of groundwater. On the sweetering soils, it is necessary to carry out the device by the device draining channels that remove excessive moisture beyond the site. Pleasure is an in-room and time consuming.

Drainage of the site - expensive event

In cases where the groundwater occurs is within 1-1.5 m, you can apply the planting of sweet cherry on the hill. It is poured over a planting pit with a height of 0.5-1.2 meters and a diameter of 2-2.5 meters.

At what distance to plant a cherry from each other

The planting interval of plants depends solely on the size of the crown. And she, in turn, depends on the grade of cherry and a stock, to which the vaccine was carried out. On average, cherry crown diameter is usually 2.5-4 meters. Based on the characteristics of the landed variety, the distance between the trees in the row is taken equal to the diameter of the crown, and the distance between the rows increases by 1-1.5 meters. That is, with the diameter of the crown 3 meters, the landing scheme is selected 3 x 4 meters.

Cherries are planted at a distance of three meters from each other

With what trees can be squeezed

It is best to group plants on the principle - similar to those. Cherry preferably plant in a group with other sweets and cherries. Seedless - apple tree and pear - usually oppress the cherry, so they should be staying away from them. It should also be avoided by the neighborhood with sea buckthorn - it is, in general, is a bad neighbor for any cultures. Apricot has a rather extensive and powerful root system, which will actively fight the same power of the root system of cherry. Therefore, it is worth disseminating their neighborhood by 5-6 meters. Plum and Alycha will not damage the cherry, but she herself will inhibit them.

Where to plant a self-visible cherry

Self-visible cherry varieties require presence within a radius of 50-100 meters of pollinators. As a rule, it should be cherries of other varieties whose flowering time coincides with the flowering period of a plant planted. In addition, according to the information from some sources, a good sherry pollinator is a cherry variety. This should be considered when planting cherries. If there is no nearby such plants, and I want to plant a cherry, and it is precisely self-visible, then you will have to plant a sterling of a variety of pollinator at the same time.

How to plant cherry

Planting cherries requires a certain preparation.

Preparation of planting pit for sweet cherry

The planting hole for cherry needs to be prepared at least 20-30 days before landing. If it is scheduled for spring, the landing pit is better to prepare in the fall. For this:

  1. It is necessary to escape a hole with a depth of 50-60 centimeters and a diameter of 80-100 centimeters. On the poor humus the soil volume of the pits increase in order to enter it when landing more nutrient elements.

    You need to escape a hole with a depth of 50-60 centimeters and a diameter of 80-100 centimeters

  2. If the soil is heavy, clay, then the depth of the pit needs to be increased to 80 centimeters and to bottom to lay the drainage layer with a thickness of 10-20 centimeters. As a drainage, crushed stone, ceramzite, gravel, broken brick, etc. are used.

    If the soil is heavy, clay, then on the bottom of the landing pit it is necessary to put a drainage layer with a thickness of 10-20 centimeters

  3. After that, the pit needs to fill the top nutritious mixture consisting of equal parts Chernozem, peat, humus and coarse-grained river sand. On each bucket of such a mixture add 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 0.5 liters of wood ash.

    Landing pit need to fill the top nutritious mixture

  4. For the winter, a pit is covered with moisture-proof materials (film, rubberoid, slate, etc.) to prevent leaching nutrients Talymi and rainwater.

Planting Cherry Spring Saplings

The most common version of the planting of sweet cherries is planting seedlings. They take them, as a rule, in the fall, since at this time there is a large selection of high-quality planting material of various varieties. It is worth a preference to seedlings of one or biennial age. Such better coming up and rooted, faster joined fruiting. The root saplings system should be well developed and have healthy urine roots without growths, knots and cones. The trunk must be a diameter of at least 10-15 mm, have a smooth bark without cracks and damage. IN lately Increasingly, they offer to implement cherry seedlings with a closed root system. Their advantage is that such plants can be planted at any time since April to October.

Saplings with a closed root system can be planted at any time during the retirement

How to save SAPER Cherry to landing in spring

Save the seedlings purchased in the autumn can be either in the cellar (basement) or supassed to the ground. In the first case, you need to have a room with a constant air temperature from 0 to +5 ° C. The roots of the seedling are dipping in a cowboy and clay tank, and then placed in a wet environment (sand, sawdust, moss).

In the second case, you need to dig in the garden to a yum depth of 20-30 centimeters, on the bottom of which poured a small layer of sand. Saplings are located in the pit obliquely and fall asleep with the roots of sand. Water water and fall asleep almost completely, leaving not covered only the top. It is covered with a sweetheart, in order to avoid damage to the hares.

Step-by-step guide landing instructions

Now everything is ready for a successful planting of sweet cherries - landing pit at the selected place and the seedling of the variety you like, placed on storage. Early spring, with the onset optimal period Start a landing:

  1. On the day of the landing, the seedlock of the basement either includes and inspecting it. If damaged or jerked roots are detected - cut them with a secateur.

    If damaged or jerked roots are detected - cut them with a secateur

  2. The roots are soaked for several hours in the growth stimulator solution (epin, heteroaceuxin, corneser).

    Machine roots for several hours in growth stimulator solution

  3. Open the landing pit and make a well in it in the size of the root seedlock system.
  4. In the center of the wells formed a small hollyk, and several aside from the center are driven by wooden or metal count. Its height above the level of soil should be within 80-120 centimeters. You can use two cola for better fixation of the plant.
  5. The seedling is lowered in the hole, having a root neck on top of the hilly, and frame the roots on the slopes.

    The seedling is lowered in the hole, having a root neck on top of the hilly, and spread the roots on the slopes

  6. At this stage it is better to use the help of the second person. One will keep the plant, and the second is to fall asleep the hole of the earth. It must be done in a layer with a seal of each layer. It is necessary to ensure that the root cervix is \u200b\u200bas a result of the soil level. To do this, it is convenient to apply a rail or bar.

    Control of the level of the root cervix when planting a sweet cherry is conveniently carried out using a rail or bar

  7. Crop the central conductor of a seedling to a height of 60-80 centimeters, and branches (if any) shorten up to 20-30 centimeters.

    After landing, the seedling is cut off

  8. Weiss the troller to the cola of the elastic material in the form of "eight", without passing the bark. And also for these purposes, you can use special plastic clamps.

    For garter seedling, you can use plastic clamps

  9. Formed a rolling circle, by heating the earth roller on the diameter of the landing pit.
  10. There is plenty of the plant to three-fold moisture absorption. It is necessary to ensure good soil contact with roots and elimination of air sinuses in the root area.

    Watering the plant plentifully to three-time moisture absorption

  11. The next day the soil is loose and mulched, using for this humus, compost, swinging sawdust, hay, etc.

    After watering the soil loose and mulch

How to plant a grafted cherry

The grafted sweet cherry is planting according to the same rules as the Correspondence. The only feature is that the vaccination location is sometimes too low. In this case, when landing, you need to ensure that it does not turn out to be shuffled into the soil. It is desirable that the vaccination place is located above the ground level by 5-7 centimeters. In regions with a large snow cover level, it is better to acquire seedlings, graft at an altitude of 0.5-1.0 m.

It is desirable that the vaccination place is located above the ground level at least 5-7 centimeters

How to land a sneaker in the container

Currently, seedlings of plants with a closed root system (ZKS) are increasingly selling. Usually they are grown in containers or vendors and sold along with them. This method has obvious advantages:

  • When transplanting such a seedling, the root system is not injured and the survival rate is 100%.
  • Saplings with ZKS may be age in transplanting 3-4 years, which reduces the deadline for the entry of cherries into fruiting from the moment of planting.
  • You can plant such plants at any time from early spring to autumn.

Planting pit for cherry with ZKS is preparing for the same rules as for ordinary seedlings, landing rules also do not change. Features of the landing are concluded in the following moments:

Video: Planting Cherry

How to plant a siny bone

Of course, the cherry can be grown from the bone. Question: Why? It is known that with this method of cultivation, the varietal features of the original are not preserved. Whatever tasty and large berry, the bone of which was used for cultivation, the result would most likely be one. After long work, a dick will grow with small berries of mediocre taste. Yes, such a plant will have endurance, non-cultivation in leaving, frost resistance, immunity to disease and pests. But it will be possible to use it only as a flow to vaccinate the varietal cherry or for decorative vanishing landings. Considering this, we describe the process of planting a cherry bone briefly:

  1. With sweet cherries growing in this area, collect the desired amount (with a margin) of the bones of completely matured berries.
  2. Bones free from the pulp, washed and dried.

    Bones free from the pulp, washed and dried

  3. Place in a paper bag and stored until December at room temperature.
  4. In December, bones are soaked on three - four days in the water, daily changing it.
  5. Place in a container with a wet substrate (sand, sawdust, moss-sfagnum).
  6. The container is installed in a refrigerator for three months for seed stratification.
  7. Early spring container is carried out on the street and is covered with snow.
  8. After shells crack and start germinate, they are planted into individual pots or trays to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters.

    After the shells crack and start germinate they are planted into individual pots

  9. Shoots usually appear in 25-30 days. When they reach a height of 10-15 centimeters, they are divened in the capacity of larger.

    When shooters have reached a height of 10-15 centimeters, they are divened in the capacity of larger

  10. With regular moisture and loosening by autumn, they will grow up to 25-30 centimeters.
  11. After that, not less than a month before the onset of frosts, the seedlings obtained are planted on permanent placeObserving the rules described above. At the same time, it is necessary to take care of the protection of plants from frost and rodents, equipping the shelter for them plastic bottles With cropped bottom.

    It is necessary to take care of the protection of plants from frost and rodents, equipping the shelter from plastic bottles with a cropped bottom

How to plant a sneaker in spring cuttings

In order to plant a cherry cutter, it must be coincided. The landing rules of the rooted cutter are the same as for landing a conventional seedling.

Showing cherry cherries

As a rule, the cherry is breeding with green cuttings. This process is simple, but somewhat painstaking. It consists of following:

  1. Billet cuttings. The best time for this comes when young shoots reach a long length and begin to arevice, but they themselves are still quite flexible. In the middle lane of Russia, this falls on June 10-30. So:
  2. To roighten the cuttings, you need to prepare a container with nutrient soil. Initially, a layer of 10-12 centimeters is poured onto the bottom of the leaf moisture. The substrate from the peat-sand mixture of 3-5 centimeters is poured from above.
  3. In the evening, it is getting from the cutting solution and stick them into the prepared ground to a depth of 3-4 centimeters so that the bottom kidney is located in the substrate. The distance between the cuttings in the row should be within 5-7 centimeters, and between the rows - 8-12 centimeters.

    Strenches for rooting are cut from side shoots located on the mpodous growth of last year

  4. Moisturize the soil from the spray gun.
  5. The container is placed in a well-lit greenhouse in which a high level of humidity should be maintained. The best temperature for rooting is 23-30 ° C.

    The cutting container is placed in a well-lit greenhouse in which a high level of humidity should be maintained.

  6. Further care lies in daily ventilation and twofold irrigation sprayers. And if necessary, the soil must be neatly loosen.
  7. About a month later, the plants will already have good roots and they should be seeded. You can land right away at a permanent place, but it is better to transplant to the containers either shoulder, and landing to postpone until spring. In this case, such seedlings will need to be placed in a greenhouse or equip a temporary shelter from frosts for them.

Video: how to root green cuttings

Planting cherries, depending on the cultivation area

Landing rules and requirements for the location of the tree do not depend on the cultivation area. They are standard and described above. The difference exists only in the used varieties and methods of cultivation, peculiarities of care and formation.

In Belarus

The continental climate of Belarus is great for growing winter-resistant varieties of cherry. Among them:

  • Gascinet;
  • Iput;
  • North;
  • Folk;
  • Sybarovskaya et al.

Dates of planting cherries in Belarus - early spring.

In Ukraine

Cherry, like a cherry, is massively grown throughout Ukraine, especially in its southern regions. There are a large number of zoned varieties (mainly on the Melitopol Experimental Station of Gardening):

  • Melitopol black;
  • Melitopol early;
  • Valery Chkalov;
  • Mascot;
  • Wonderful;
  • Space and many others.

The landing is carried out both in spring and autumn (in southern regions) according to the standard rules.

Planting sweet cherries in the middle lane of Russia, including in the Moscow region

Winter-hardy varieties are suitable for these areas from early to medium-wide maturation. For the most part, they are the fruits of the selection of the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine (Bryansk) and the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery (Moscow), as well as some Belarusian and Ukrainian varieties. Plant the cherry here only in early spring.

In Volgograd

For this region, only two varieties of cherry are noted in the state stake - the early pink average ripening and diquer is the Black middle-a-variety of ripening. But the gardeners of Volgograd and the region do not look into the State Register and successfully grow many of its other varieties:

  • Valeria;
  • Indental;
  • Donetsk beauty;
  • Rossoshanskaya;
  • Yaroslavna, etc.

The deadline for planting cherries in Volgograd is an early spring.

In the Leningrad region

Divided for this area, the Leningrad Black grade was not included in the State Register. No other varieties for the North-West. Gardeners of the Leningrad region, judging by reviews, grow such varieties:

  • Fate;
  • Damask;
  • Iput;
  • Jerky.

Friends, help the Council. What varieties of sweet cherries will grow and fruit in the Leningrad region? Preferably different 2-3 varieties. The eye fell to Leningrad Black and Bryansk Pink.

Martini SPB, Cottage in Apraksin, Leningrad region

Quote (Climate) Leningrad Black Due to the name should, at least grow normally.

Climate, cottage in Apraksin, Leningrad region\u003d55264

Climate, yes we are neighbors! And what is growing from trees and shrub in general? Maybe there is no point and the strength to spend?

Martini SPB, Cottage in Apraksin, Leningrad region\u003d55264

Fate, Chermane, Iput, Jena.

Nadezhdas, cottage in Len. region, south\u003d55264

In the Urals

The climate of the Urals is characterized by the instability of weather conditions and sharp differences in temperature. In such conditions, the cultivation of the southern, thermal-loving culture, which is a cherry, is associated with considerable difficulties. But there is an experience of successful cultivation of some winter-hardy varieties zoned through the central region. The most promising was the varieties of the Iput and the Northern selection of the Belarusian Institute of Fargets. Gardening-experienced Vladimir Pitelin in 2012 wrote about the received abundant variety harvest Fate (selection of the Moscow Institute of Fargets) and 2-7-37 in the conditions of the Southern Urals. According to his information, planting cherries in the Urals does not differ from landing in the middle strip. At the same time there are all the rules set out above. It is only necessary to perform them more scrupulously - the Ural climate does not forgive mistakes. And also he recommends applying seedlings on the dwarf divestream VSA-2 for cultivation of sweet cherries in both stabs and stalancing form.

Video: Cherry in the Gardens of the Southern Urals

In Siberia

Siberia also have enthusiasts experiencing cherry varieties in local conditions. As a rule, these are the same varieties as grown on Southern Urals. The dweller cherries in places are especially good, where snow cover has a significant thickness and covers the trees completely. The stalancing formation in Siberia is also successfully applied. Landing Rules - Standard.

Stonlantic formation of cherry is used in the Urals and in Siberia

Spring cherry transplant

Cherish transplant is an undesirable event for it. Moreover, the older the plant, the more implicit the consequences and above the risk of not survival. This is due to the inevitable injury to the root system, as well as the loss of its greater part in the case of transplanting an old tree.

When you can transplant the sneaker in spring or autumn

Most gardeners recommend doing this early spring, especially in areas with a cold climate. This is explained by the fact that, transplanted in the fall, the tree will not have time to take care well and goes in winter weakened. In places S. soft winter And the hot summer is recommended to carry out a transplant in the fall, since the plant here is more likely to dry in the summer than to freeze in winter. In any case, preparing for a transplant, it is better to rely on the experience of local gardeners and specialists.

How to transplant a young cherry, including three years

The transplant of young cherries is not much different from planting a seedling. The main difference is that it is still necessary to dig out of the ground to transfer it.

Step-by-step instruction of a young cherry transfers

In this manual, we describe the process of spring landing of a transplant tree:

How to transplant an adult cherry tree

If necessary, you can transplant the adult tree, although experts believe that the cherry at the age of more than seven years does not take it. In this case, you can try an interesting method that is as follows:

  1. At the end of September, a circle is placed around the tree, as in the case of a young tree. Its diameter should be so as to capture as much roots as possible, but at the same time the weight of the removed part was in reasonable limits.
  2. A sharp shovel with a flat blade is cut off roots on half of the circle marked.
  3. They dig a trench on this half of the circle depth to the bayonet shovel.
  4. At the bottom of the trench, the roots are cut even deeper, on the bayonet shovel.
  5. Fall asleep trench and watered with water.
  6. The tree continues to eat due to the second half of the roots remaining intact. In the first half at this time, new roots will be formed, which will fill in the inner space of the root system.
  7. After 3-4 weeks, the same procedure is carried out with the second half of the roots. They are cut, swing up, cut off once again, bury. It is plenty of two weeks and leave a tree to spring.
  8. At the same time, it is worth taking care of the landing room for a transplant plant.
  9. Early spring, as soon as the weather is allowed, the plant is digging out of the ground with a comment of young roots and transplant to a new place.

Unfortunately, there are no illustrations of this method, but there is a great video that you should see.

Video: New method of transplanting adult trees

Subsequent cherish transplant, including how to transplant an old tree

The subsequent cherish transplant will most likely be a useless occupation. It is unlikely that the tree will take this procedure again. Therefore, the choice of space for landing should be approached responsibly in order not to have in the future problems. Theoretically, the possibility of transplant remains. But it is necessary to do it with a big room of land, using special technique for this - Excavator, lifting crane, truck for transportation. And even if you do not take into account significant material costs, the success of the event is not guaranteed. Since the specified technique will be able to drive away from any place.

It is unlikely that the gardener will use the special equipment for transplanting an old cherry

I never got along with a normal tree. Three times transplanted, more precisely, it replaced three sweets to all for 7 years. Although, maybe, of course, I contradicted something.


The sweet cherry is very capricious in the sense of transplant in adulthood (and not only transplants). A friend also did not survive the tree.

Vladdi, Kiev.\u003d214461

The rules of landing, reproduction and cherish transplants are not really so difficult that the novice gardener could not figure it out. With due diligence and availability favorable conditions For the culture, the result of nested labor is probably not grieved.

In this article we will tell you how to plant a sinner in the spring. Choosing a place of landing and seedling, soil preparation and sneaking plant in the garden.

Cherry is a wonderful fruit tree. Berries of sweet cherries love both adults and children. But few know how to properly plant a sneaker in the spring, and rightly planted by a tree - a pledge of a rich harvest.

Choosing a place landing

First of all, you need to determine the place where you can plant a cherry. This fruit tree is extremely thermalized. Therefore, you need to choose a warm and sunny place, and protect the tree from the north wind.

These conditions will provide high flavors of berries. Experienced gardeners advise to plant a cherry before the kidneys begin to bloom on trees, but you need to choose the moment when it's no longer cold on the street. If you miss the moment of planting, then you can smoke a seedling.

Particular attention should be paid to the depth of groundwater: it is recommended that at least one meter is recommended, otherwise the root system will be rotated, which will lead to diseases and harvest reduction.

Purchase sapling

It is necessary to choose the seedlock. Good saugencies Cherries should be one-piece years and have a developed root system. It is advisable to buy landing material in specialized stores or nurseries, it guarantees its quality and compliance with the stated variety. Be sure to ask what method the seedlock was grown.

Preferably a congestion method, because cherry seedlings grown from stones do not bring good berries. After the cherry seedling was purchased, it should be prepared for transportation. The best seedling roots are wetted with a wet, soft cloth so that they do not dry.

Preparation of soil

Before planting a sapher, you need to prepare the soil. To do this, it is required to break it in advance and easily. Experienced gardeners advise to think about it from autumn. It is then that the soil will absorb required amount Fertilizers and will be quite fertile.

In the spring, a large role will play melting water that absorbed into the ground after melting snow, saturating her moisture. Before boarding, it is necessary to re-break the earth and give soaked with oxygen.

Sedna landing

Soil preparation is completed. You can proceed directly to the fall of the tree. For this, it is desirable to comply with such a sequence:

In order for the seedling to take root, it is necessary to dig a shallow pit with the sheer edges without narrowing to the bottom.

Make ready-made fertilizers, such as sulfur potassium and superphosphate. Other chemical additives experts advise not to add not to burn the roots with a young tre.

Pay attention to the state of the seedling. If during the transportation of the village dried, it is desirable to put it in the water for several hours. During this time, the seedling will absorb the required amount of water.

It is now important to remember the method of planting cherry. First you need to fall asleep half of the root system of cherry, then it is necessary to pour the water bucket and continue to fall asleep the pit of a fertilous land.

It must be remembered that the cherry loves moisture very much, but does not tolerate the stagnation of water. When fulfilling all the requirements and proper careThe tree will grow well, please you with delicious and juicy berries.

How to plant a cherry video