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What dreams brown color. Dream Interpretation: What dreams color brown. Decoding on a shade

Dream book brown color In a dream, he foreshadows danger, trouble, adversity. If you dreamed a dream in which the brown color prevailed - your life will be boring and monotonous. At every step, trouble will be tied up, to overcome which you will have to make maximum effort. Problems are possible at work, in a professional environment, the presence of misunderstanding from colleagues, disorder family relationship. Be careful in your actions - any incorrect step may entail unforeseen circumstances. Great risk of material deprivation, loss of property.

Female dream book

What dream brown? If you dreamed that brown clothing prevails on you - wait for trouble and trouble. Brown clothes in a dream - the symbol of the troubles of you, be careful. On another person, the predominance of brown clothes in your dream - the fault of your misfortunes and trouble will be someone the third, unfamiliar or not at all familiar person. If brown color prevails in the interior of your sleep - this is a sign that you will not be able to fulfill your desires related to the purchase of real estate, housing expansion, moving to a new place of residence. If you dream that the brown color has acquired household items that do not appear brown - wait for dangers. The predominance of brown in a dream symbolizes the grayness and boroughness of your everyday life.

Modern dream book

If you dream brown What does this mean today?

By dreams Brown color - if you dreamed of a dream, in which brown prevails - wait for trouble. Your life will not change in best side. Such a dream can become a tip, possibly troubles and trouble can still be prevented. Try to go deep into sleep and remember what exactly your brightest emotions in a dream were related. Perhaps the dream warns you from accepting an incorrect decision that will serve as the beginning of life without joy and fun.

Dream interpretation Brown color can symbolize a severe disease that is better diagnosed in an early term.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Z. Freud.

What dream brown:

Brown in a dream symbolizes your desire to diversify sexual relations reality. This dream says that you are bored and uninteresting with a partner, but the feelings that you are experiencing to him, and education does not allow you to break the relationship. You feel guilty for your farts of a frank nature, often think about treason. Be more relaxed, otherwise, a heavy emotional state is waiting for depression.

To see in the dream of rats means the emergence of secret enemies, from which it is not so easy to get rid of.

Running huge, sauming rats in reality foreshadowed family troubles and disassension of friends, debris and losses.

If in a dream you put the trap on rat - it means that the intentions of your enemies will be known to you.

Having trapped the rat foreshadows the robbery or scandal with neighbors.

Kill the rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

Doodling rat - to an infectious disease. High-pass rats from the room, to the wrench to the poker or something in the same way, is to fight variable success and a deplorable result.

Get frightened in the dream of rats - I will disappear into an unpleasant story and you will be falsely accused.

Grab the rat with your hands - will experience dismissal to the low, a petition person.

See the cat, catching a rat, - get saving support in time.

If the cat is in your eyes devouring the rat - you will witness the unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream - Rats

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones that deliver constant troubles and grief.

Kill a rat in a dream - a symbol of victory over the enemy or trouble. Such a dream also means that you intolerable treat human weaknesses and will not laugh with meanness, cowardice, hypocrisy.

To stroke the rat in a dream - the foresight of the trouble from the person you considered our friend and which you trusted. White rat in a dream - your hidden enemy.

See Interpretation: Animals, Beasts.

Sit down the skin in a dream means that you will be able to knock out a cunning enemy and get started at his expense. The main thing is that in a dream the skin did not break, because this is the most valuable thing that there is a rat.

Interpretation of dreams

What dreams a big dog in a dream in dream book?

What dreams a big dog? It is possible to appear significant problems that will not be easy to find a solution. A huge dog foreshadows a meeting, an interesting acquaintance with a person who can become your chosen one.

A very big dog indicates an impact on your life from a high-ranking person, meaningful to your friend.

Who dreams a big dog? What dog dreamed? How many dogs dreamed?

Who dreams a big dog?

Woman dreams big dog

For a woman, a big dog in a dream foreshadows the appearance of a reliable, faithful friend, ready to always provide the necessary assistance in the most difficult situations. Big dog Symbolizes a patron, devoted defender.

Girl dreamed of a big dog

A dream about a big dog for a girl foreshadows a meeting with a young man who can become a worthy candidate for future husbands. Look at your chosen one, you can find a lot of attractive features in it.

What dog dreamed?

See in a dream a big beautiful dog

There is a big beautiful dog - a dream symbolizes friendship. For a man, this is a symbol of a faithful friend, whereas for a woman a vision promises the appearance in the life of a friend or a lover.

Dreamed a big bright dog

Dream "Felomena describes a large bright dog as a faithful friend, especially if she was near the dream. Show more attention to your friends, they deserve it.

What dreams a big dog that lies

A big dog was dreamed of a lick - a dream symbolizes love, intimacy, the establishment of warm relationships with a kind, honest person who can give you true love.

Dream big brown dog

What dreams a big brown dog? Difficulties will appear on your paths that can make you pretty and worry and experience the maximum effort to eliminate them.

Dreamed a big shaggy dog

To see a big shaggy dog \u200b\u200bin a dream - to assist in need of inevit. Your disinterested deed will not remain unnoticed, you will be rewarded according to merit.

Sleep about the big courtyard

Sleeping about a large courtyard dog indicates the help of an old friend in a difficult situation for you. Your communication was close, however lately Relationships changed. However, this particular person will come to your aid.

How many dogs dreamed?

Two big dogs dream

Two big dogs dream - dominance of irritation and aggression in your character. You can not do without rest. At the moment you are concerned about the decision complex question. If dogs do not show aggression, a dream means achieving equilibrium, goodwill.

What dreams a huge dog?

A huge dog that appeared in a dream can have several dreams for a dream. Interpretation of sleep largely depends on the circumstances in which a dog is present. Most often a huge dog dreams of a meeting with an influential friend who can assist in affairs.

If a huge dog in a dream licks his hand after the dreams feeded her, it could mean that a friend he helped, he wants to thank him. If the dog throws on the dream, then his enemies thought to chase him. If a huge dog protects a person from danger, it means in reality a patron appeared, who wishes a dream of successful advancement by career stairs. A huge dog for a girl can mean a good marriage. If the dog is sick or dies in a dream, it can mean health problems with the friends of a person who dreamed.

To interpret sleep about a huge dog, its color has important. A white dog dreams of well-being, the success achieved with friendly help, and a black big dog can foreshadow treason, betrayal from a close friend.

To see a dog truly giant sizes may indicate that the dreams soon to get acquainted with a person who will become a big friend. Sometimes such a dream may also mean that old friend Support a dream.

A huge fantastic dog with flaming eyes, which is pursued in a dream and tries to swallow a dream means that some circumstances relating to the newly deceased person will open.

If in a dream, a man sees himself the owner of a huge breeding dog, which means in reality he will be able to easily get rich, applying small efforts.

Meeting with huge pswhich scares a dream may foresee what he will have to resist his surrounding, which is characterized by mediocreness and vulnerability. The dreams seeks to spiritual, and his relatives are tightened into the routine.

Just a big dog, which is frightened in a dream with his own kind, foreshadows the disease of friends or loved ones.

A completely white huge dog is a symbol of worsening affairs in industry and a decrease in the standard of living of the population that can happen in the northern countries in winter.

Among other things, a huge dog in a dream can be a symbol of the dependence of the weak from the strong one. The subconscious projeates the image of a dog in a dream, as something that at first protects the dream, and then subordinates him. A specific person who leads the dream dream in the world of dreams, may wish to dominate sleeping in real life.

What dreams of a huge dog is, the dreams itself can understand, because the images that come in dreams are most often projecting the subconscious in order to give prompts for the right actions in real life. To better understand the meaning of sleep, you need to remember the details and the circumstances in which the huge dog dreamed.

Why dream white dog girl?

The dog since ancient times is considered a symbol of loyalty and devotion. See the dog in a dream, mostly, means a meeting with a close friend or very native person who has not seen for a long time. But dogs are absolutely different. Unusual is a dream, in which there is a white dog.

In order to correctly understand what the white dog is dreaming, the following moments must be taken into account. If a purely white dog dreameded, then the man's appearance awaits weighty help from a good friend. Also sleep can mean an ambulance with a friend with which he has not seen for a long time.

Feed the dog means that others love and respese sleeping. They see in it a rather serious and responsible person who can always rely. Perhaps an interesting acquaintance that will turn into a strong friendship.

If in a dream the dog pursues a person, then in the reality of the enemies prepared different traps. Attention should be taken when communicating with unfamiliar people and those who cause negative emotions.

A kind of sign is considered to see in a dream a white greyhound dog. In reality, all the problems will be solved by themselves, without any effort, and new things will lead to good results.

If in a dream the dog has several goals, do not be engaged in numerous affairs. Wanting everywhere to succeed, a person risks to remain with anything.

To see in a dream several white dogs, which are broken between themselves, means that in reality the two closest people will send, and they will be able to reconcile them soon.

A bad sign is considered to see in a dream injured and the more deadly dog. Such a dream warns that it is very soon possible to get a bad news relating to a close friend or relative.

A big white dog is trying in every way to protect the sleeping - the angels protect the angels in the reality of the man, and they are not terrible to him. Such a dream also warns that there are many ill-wishers around. However, all their attempts to harm are doomed to failure.

Wet, poured in the mud, an embittered white dog suggests that a close friend has very serious problems and breakdown in the family. The reason for its occurrence is the words or actions of the one who sees such a dream.

In a dream, the dog bit - it is worth the caution, since the enemy will fall so strong that alone with him will not be able to cope.

And if the dog attacks a person, then in reality there may be a failure band. Enemies and envious will different ways Try to harm and spoil life.

However, if the sleep is able to reflect the attack or calm the animal, it will be able to win the victory over the ill-wishers and cope with all the problems and difficulties.

Hear in a dream a very loud barking dog - in a short time a person will get good news. In the event that Lai was deaf or scared of sleeping, then in real life it expects a sad news.

If the sleeping is the owner of a white dog - this is a symbol of good luck. The likelihood is that in the near future he will be able to earn good money or even win the lottery.

Sleep, in which a white dog is constantly circling around a person, means that he will be waiting for a huge success in the matters of heart.

If a young girl dreams a big white dog, then she will soon marry a worthy and secured man.

Dingked white dog almost always symbolizes a close friend and relationship with him. It is worth paying attention to exterior appearance Dogs, her behavior and their feelings in a dream. These details will help the most accurate dream.

What dreams a big white dog?

The dog since ancient times is considered a symbol of loyalty and devotion. See the dog in a dream, mostly, means a meeting with a close friend or very native person who has not seen for a long time. But dogs are absolutely different. Interesting is a dream, in which there is a large white dog.

To correctly understand what a big white dog is dreaming, it is necessary to take into account the following features. If a purely white big dog dreamed, then in reality a person is waiting for monetary assistance from a good friend who occupy guideline, or an ambulance meeting with a distant relative.

Feed white dog It means that the person surrounding people loves and respect that he can always rely on it quite serious and it can be rejected. Perhaps soon an unexpected acquaintance will be held, which can later grow into a strong friendship.

A bad sign is considered to see in a dream wounded or even worse killed big white dog. This dream warns that it is very soon possible to get a bad news about a close person. In any case, you should pay more attention to family and friends.

If a big white dog in a dream is trying in every way to protect the sleeping, then the angels are protected by the man, and the guardians are not afraid of him. Such a dream says there is a lot of ill-wishers who will not be able to harm.

Sleep, in which several white dogs fight among themselves, means that in reality the two closest people will quarrel, and they will be able to reconcile them soon.

If the host of a big white dog is sleeping in a dream, then in the near future a person will be able to earn a lot of money or even win the lottery.

The dream in which the white dog kills the snake is extremely favorable. This means that in reality, the faithful and reliable friend will save from the most difficult life situation, which, at first glance, seems hopeless.

A kind of sign is considered to see in a dream a white greyhound dog. In reality, all the problems will be solved by themselves without any effort, and new things will lead to good results.

If a young girl dreams a big white dog, then she will be married to a worthy and secured man. Marriage will be durable and happy.

If a big white dog in a dream attacks, then the failure can be used in reality. Enemies and envious will be in different ways to try to harm and spoil life. However, if a person succeeds in reflecting the attack or calm the animal, he will reveal everyone to win and cope with all the problems and difficulties.

In any case, a dream in which a man dreams a large white dog is usually associated with a close friend. It is worth paying special attention to the interpretation of sleep on how the white dog behaves in relation to sleeping and how it looks.

Dreamed of a dog to what it is, which means in a dream dog

Slavic dream book meaningful dog:

You dreamed of a dog to what it is - a security symbol. Often, black magicians turn into dogs in dreams and try to scare. It all depends on what kind of dog you dreamed and how she applies to you. In any case, the dog is a symbol of a partner. I'm bad if the dog attacks you or climbs - your protection is broken and you have enemies, a mad dog - you are threatened with a big danger. Be careful to the dog can also symbolize the bunch of aggressive astral energy if she was fierce

Dream Dream Housewife Sleep Dreamed Dog.

Dog - friendship; devotion. Black - Thoughts of death; depression; The attacker dog is cunning; worst enemies; affectionate dog - a true friend; the oscalca goes on the trail - temptations that can become disastrous; Dog growl behind his back - intrigue; The dog bites - trouble with business partners; quarrel in the family; skinny and dirty dogs - future failures; disease; multi-headed dog - bustle; Brassing cat and dog - failure in heart matters; pouring warfare - reconciliation; Wild dog - the desire to settle at first glance an unresolved conflict; freedom.

Jewish dream book what does a dog mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a dog to what it was - in Artemifor, the head of the dog in a dream means a villain and a chance, as well as a disease, first of all, epilepsy. Other interpretations: fighting dogs - to make it difficult to make a difficult choice; Lai hear - to a unpleasant conversation; The dog, a ricking bone, - to the unexpected and rough failure to fulfill your request; Black male running under the window - to ailment; Play with a dog - to losses and failures; Run away from the dog - to betraying friends.

Dream Interpretation K. Cholla Interpretation of a dream Dog:

What does a dog mean in a dream - a friend, if the dog is angry, trying to pounce and arther - a provocation, a big dog is a friend who has a high position if the dogs are fighting and gnawing - to serious partners. A racing dog is a friend who leaves you. To see a stray dog \u200b\u200b- your friend is in a difficult position, but does not want to burden you with requests for help. Feed the dog - a sign that in real life you have someone to rely on. Bologna - to friendliness. Hear howl dogs - a fire warning. Play with a dog - joyful meetings with friends. Seeing the dog on the chains - your friend will fall into a quantity.

Dream healer shark, what a dog means in a dream:

You dreamed of a dog to what it is a dream means a devotee who will help you in any trouble. Imagine that you feed the dog, state it, combing her wool, walk, etc.

British dream book in a dream dreamed of a dog:

Dog - Dogs are artistic animals that instinctively perceive the owner as a leader of the flocks, and all, from Shepherd to Bologna, from the racing before the guides, they are equally true, attained and useful. They are in particular relations with people, serving since they were tamed and become different from wolves. It is not surprising that they are called the best friends of a person. What dreams dream: who embodies the dog? What did she do - flee away from you, chased after you, led you in an unknown area? Did you trust her or were afraid that she unfold and attack you like a mad?

Dream name A.Mindel What does a dog mean:

You dreamed of a dog to what it was - you see in a dream a gentle dog - you will smile good luck; Friends will be true. You will dream of an evil dog - the enemies will demonstrate their cunning. Dream black dog - news will be unpleasant. You see in a dream to the skinny and dirty homeless dog - the likelihood is that you will soon get sick. You seemed to meet with a mad dog, and she attacks you - you are waiting for a fight against a serious opponent. You dream of a well-groomed in good shape of the hunting dog - you will be able to use the established favorable circumstances and achieve great success in affairs. The dog seems like a few goals - a dream says that you should not be taken for several things right away. A woman dreams that she was frightened dogs - this woman will have a loving, but strict and demanding, husband. You hear a dog in a dream - in reality, get bad news. You seem to have dogs - there will be cooling in a relationship with a close relative. You hear the growl behind your back - intrigue is preparing against you. You seem to bite the dog - some questions with business partners you will not be able to solve the world.

Big Dream Interpretation Febe Interpretation of a dream Dog:

What does a dog mean in a dream - loyal friends will be nearby, who will help you, will defend from any trouble, will take care of you and never leave alone. Imagine a dog of any breed, what you like more. She runs up to you and begins to shove, lick your hands. You state it and treat with a sugar bone. The dog eats, then happily barks and wags the tail. You give a dog to your home and decide to leave.

Creative dream book Sleep Dog:

You dreamed of a dog to what it was (see also an individual entrance) - faithful and in a devotee friend, the defender, but can mean someone from whom the dream will not be able to get rid of and which will bring some problems. The dog of the very dream or well, well-known him suggests that the randering of his real behavior should be sought in the memoirs of the last period of life. The hunter with dogs keeps the dream of a dream with one of the female archetypes, with Amazon (see Archetypes). A dog guarding the gate next to the cemetery indicates obstacles to be eliminated.

What dreams Dog dreams: Dream Interpretation: Dog See in a dream

What does a dog mean in a dream - see also animals 1. If a dog appears in a dream, it is important to realize, she knows us or not. In the first case, the dog can carry joy and happy memories. In the second - to determine the quality of loyalty and unconditional lovewhich everyone is attributed to this pet. 2. A flock of wild dogs in a dream means emotions and feelings that we fear. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the dog symbolizes the underworld. In Egyptian mythology, it is represented by Anubis, God with a dog's head.

Dream of subconscious what a dog means in a dream:

You dreamed of a dog to what it was. As in the case of dreams about cats, the attitude of a person to dogs in real life will largely determine the interpretation of a dream about this animal. If the sleeping is afraid of dogs, frightening dream with the participation of a dog can be just a reflection of this fear. If the sleeping loves dogs, but the dog is frightened in a dream, it may indicate a feeling of vulnerability, the need to overestimate the situation in the present. Some analysts suggest that dogs in dreams express "doggy" character of human character: loyalty, loyalty and friendship. A dog in a dream can be a symbol of a friend or acquaintance from real life.

Positive value

Dogs about dogs most often consider friendship confirmation and affection. They may have a relationship to friendship in general or to specific people.

Negative implications

Aggressive dogs most often testify to the fear of the attack. Maybe you have to deal with aggressively tuned counterpart or feel an unwanted envy on the part of someone from the circle of communication?

A dog in a dream represents a man you know well. In this case, the dream of a dog may relate to this sense to this person. What connected you - the relationship of the owner and servant or harmonious mutual understanding?

Doggy dog. The dog, barking from joy or pleasure, generally expresses the feeling of taking his steep communication. However, a fiercely dog \u200b\u200bmay be a warning about the work associated with the work in front. Fightering dogs. Fighting dogs in a dream can symbolize the battle of friends or family members, which may come to judge you. Was the battle short? Who has won? Large or small dog. A large dog can be a symbol of protection, reflection of a friend or partner. Small dog assumes that your friendship is insignificant.

Russian dream book what does a dog mean in a dream:

What does a dog mean in a dream - kind - a symbol of devotion, friendship, help; Biting, attacking - enmity, betrayal friend.

Large white dog

Dream dog big white Dreamed, why dream in a dream big white dog? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a big white dog in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Big Dog

A big one or high position.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

Seeing her in a dream foreshadows receipt of news from a friend or meeting with him.

Little dogs in a dream mean troubles, care, bustle.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who started something against you.

White dog in a dream is your close friend. And the redhead dog in a dream means very close man, husband, wife, sweetheart. The breed and size of the dog in a dream characterizes your friends. Poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream - this is a faithful and gentle friend. Dog in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream it will grind on you, then take care of it. This is no longer a friend, but a cunning enemy. Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean mercenary people who are not ashamed to make money on you or to deceive you for the benefit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then sleep predicts you good luck or profit. See Interpretation: Hunting.

If in a dream dogs pursue you, then you should fear traps prepared for you with insidious enemies. Watchdow dogs are faithful, devotees and strong friendswho are ready to protect you in a difficult moment. Meet the dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or a friend. Playing dog in a dream - the harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting. A causing dog means a dedicated friend. However, if there will be an unfamiliar dog in a dream to you, then you should be afraid of deception or betrayal. I myself caress the dog in a dream - the sign that you are trying to achieve the location of a loved one. Thrown, barking, lever, attacker dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, resentment. If you dreamed that the dog bit you, then you should not give money to your friends, so that it is not to put up with them because of this. Sick dogs in a dream symbolize decline in affairs or loss of some property. If in a dream you will see that a little dog fell ill, you will be waiting for sadness and disappointment. The dream in which you saw that the dog hides from you, will avoid you, or runs away from you, foreshadows disorders with a close friend and cooling it to you. Loud Lai to hear in a dream - the fores of success in affairs. If in a dream, Lai scared you, then the news will be unpleasant. To hear a bark of several dogs in a dream - to a large scandal or trouble. If you dreamed that with some big red-made dog there was an accident, as a result of which she died, then soon you will learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident. Dogged dogs in a dream - to a quarrel with a close man. If you dream that your dog was planted on a chain or put a collar on her, then you know that your friend is not free from some obligations and you cannot count on his devotion. If, in a dream you will be able to push the leash, remove the collar from the dog, then success in your personal life and victory over rivals. Beautiful white dog in a dream foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news from a loved one. Dirty, wet, neglected white dog in a dream is your close friend who came into an unpleasant position because of you and had a lot of trouble in my family.

Evil dogs in a dream are your enemies. Mad dog in a dream is your bullie enemy. Often, such a dream predicts that you have to survive shame or humiliation caused by unreasonable accusations.

The dog booth in a dream is the forever that soon you will find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with this. Ride on a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business.

Dog fights are rivals. Walking with a dog in a dream - a sign of a pleasant pastime with a loved one.

If in a dream the dog will protect you from enemies, then you know that you have a friend to help you expect. See Interpretation: Animals.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It's no secret that the dog is the best friend of man. It personifies such excellent qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many folk expressions related in one way or another with this pet: "The dog is a constant friend", "the dog is sinful to click the human name," "Do not kick a dog: the cramps pull", "the dog howling. Night dog howl - to the dead man "," Kolya Dog in at night will turn the pillow under the heads, saying: "On his head!" - And she will silence, "if the dog does not eat the crumbs after the patient, he will soon die", " The dog rises to the owner - unfortunately "and many others.

So, the dog's image that arose in your dream is most likely, is a transformed friend of a friend.

Walking in a dream with a dog - you can envy. You have a beautiful friend who, in the most difficult moment, you will always substitute your shoulder.

Hear in a dream dog Lai - evidence that you have unreal friends. They are discussing you for your back and build a goat against you.

If in a dream, the dogs decide on you with Laem, then such a dream says that in reality to you will be able to solve the intentions of your imaginary friends and prevent them from harming you.

If your own dog is getting on you, - a sign of what you envy angry envy. Wine is your durable financial situation.

Watch in a dream for dogs of dogs because of a piece of meat - a sign that you should not be greedy. Perhaps such a dream says that in the future you will come across a very greedy man.

If in a dream you assure your dog to the slaughterhouse, then such a dream indicates that in the near future you will seriously affect the robbers or hooligans.

If you dreamed of a dog with a feline tail, then in real life, that person you consider your friend is actually such a thing; You will be outraged by his irresponsibility.

If a dog bit you in a dream, then such a dream means that in the near future you will listen to the reproaches of a friend's dissatisfied with your act.

To see in a dream dying from the bite of the snake dog - evidence that in real life you do not appreciate your friends, which will later regret very much.

If a dog is protected in a dream, then I will be very surprised by the courage of your friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The evil dog dreams of failures and insidious miscarions of your enemies. Affectionate dog promises good luck and loyal friends.

If you saw yourself by the owner of a purebred PSA, then it is easy to be able to put a solid state.

Going for you on the trail of the Iznachka dog warns you against dangerous temptations.

If the dog bit you - do not wait in the near future of the world neither at home or in service.

Skinny and dirty dog \u200b\u200bdreams of failures or illness.

Heard in a dream of a dog dog foreshadows bad news. The appearance of hunting dogs in your home means favorable circumstances in affairs.

If in a dream you were frightened by a big dog, then you will have to resist all your surroundings. After all, you have so great desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity! And a woman like a dream is a very worthy husband.

If in a dream you heard the growl of dogs behind your back, then some intrigue can intervene in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in the event of your active resistance.

Suddenly thrown on top of the cat and the dog will dream of failure in heart matters. But if you managed to pour drapes with water, then everything will work well.

White dog, friendly with the tail, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love.

If in a dream you pursued a mad dog, you will have to mobilize all the forces to stand in a serious struggle.

If you have driven or killed it, then it will certainly end safely.

Walking with a dog, especially with breastned, dream of happiness and prosperity.

According to Nostradamus, the dog is a symbol of devotion.

Absolutely white huge dog - a symbol of a worsening of a living stand.

A man in the appearance of a dog - a symbol of new discoveries.

Bulgarian Justice Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows.

Seen in a dream homeless dog - a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a predicule. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems.

Saw in a dream a black dog - I will have a bitter disappointment in a person who have long considered his friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name.

Seen in a dream dog giant sizes - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend.

Feed the dog in a dream - in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others resperate and love you.

Sleep about the wounded or killed dog is a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend.

If the dog attacks you, then in real life you will have an ambulance with unfriendliers, but you will be able to confront them if you contact your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The dog causing sympathy is good / friend.

Causing antipathy, hostile - bad / your enemy / your shameless attractions and animals passion.

See in a dream a dog that does not show your interest in you or is waiting for handout - lucky case / Profit from the enemy.

Guest / happiness comes to your house.

Dog Lay to hear - danger / gossip.

The dog is marked - anger / harm.

Little dog, barking on you, but not causing fear - quarrel, misunderstanding, temporary enmity.

The dog attacked on you is the enemy, the slander.

The dog bites to blood - slander, hostility from relatives.

Not to blood - hostility from a close man.

Sudden bite - a hidden female.

After the struggle - obvious.

She threatens to bite - slander without prejudice.

Dog bone nibbles - the need.

Dogs fight - you will witness a quarrel.

White dog - a pleasant acquaintance.

Redhead - vitality, anger.

Black dog - sadness / betrayal / evil / wakeful rebelliousness in you, denial, skepticism.

Poodle - surprise / loyalty to a friend / unclean power.

If the black puppy is a new friend / young friend.

Mad dog is a danger, failure.

But kill her - victory.

Dog caress - friendship.

But the unlimited - the secret thoughts of your friends, a certain gain from a friend.

Play with a dog - do bad to do with the other.

Kill the dog - Danger / Caution.

There is a dog meat - a quarrel / illness.

A dog with a frighteningly meaningful look - anxiety from a sense of guilt in front of another or close man.

Riding a horse on a dog - unless to exploit friendly feelings / behave shamelessly.

The dog lying on the road and interferes to pass - a heavy cargo on conscience.

A flock of dogs, which is linked for you, accompanies your way with jumps and lames - life vitality, interference with spiritual development.

A flock surrounds you and forces to fight back - the consciousness of the need to temporarily refuse necessary work / The need to "plunge into life".

A fantastic dog with flaming eyes, huge size trying to swallow you, haunting you - some circumstances related to the recently dead person.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Angry dog \u200b\u200b- failures, insidious actions of your opponents;
affectionate dog - good luck, faithful friends;
Be the master of purebred PSA - you will be able to put yourself a solid state;
Iznikka goes on the following you - warning against temptations that can become disastrous for you;
The dog bit you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relations with business partners, nor with his wife;
skinny and dirty dogs - failures or illness;
hear dog dogs - bad news;
Hunting dog in your home - favorable circumstances in affairs;
Pretty gourmet dogs - you will have a frivolous silent fan (for a girl);
To be frightened with a big dog - your willow will resist the whole environment, the desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity;
For women - this dream is a very decent husband;
Dog's growl behind your back - some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests, a defeat, but always this dream is a motivation to active resistance;
Suddenly thrown on top of the cat and dog - failure in heart matters;
Spilling dramuns with water - a good sleep;
White dog, friendly circling around you - a huge luck in affairs and love;
Multi-headed dog - do not get carried away by many things immediately, it turns into a fuss;
The pursuing mad dog is a warning to mobilize all the character forces to resist in the struggle;
Running or killing a mad dog - a good sleep;
Walking with a dog, especially with thoroughbred, and see how she kills the snake - a favorable sleep.
Also, see Bulldog, Cat, Snake, Lai, Hare, Rage, Hunting.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

To dream a homeless dog - a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very predica. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems.

If you dreamed absolutely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream will give a meeting with the old friend with whom you have not seen many years.

If you saw a black dog in a dream, then I will have a bitter disappointment in a person who have long considered their friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name.

To see the dog of giant sizes in a dream - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend.

Feed the dog in a dream - a sign that in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others resperate and love you.

If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend.

If a dog is protected in a dream, then you are under the auspices higher Forces. You have nothing to fear, because you are defended by guardian angels who follow all your thoughts and actions from heaven.

If the dog attacks you, then such a dream says that in real life you will have an ambulance with black forces. Satan servants will try to make your life unbearable, causing you one misfortune after another. If you reflect the attack of the dog, it means that you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but it will happen only if you contact God for help.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The dog is a friend, a friend, but how bites it is unkind, someone will "bite," will be some kind of attack. The dog is an enemy. How to dream a wolf or a dog, then someone will attack. How dreams dream, then you will argue with someone. If it dreams that the dog is harvested, it means the woven. If the girl dreams that the dog bit her, then this is an accurate sign that will soon marry. The dog will break a girl skirt - she will marry. Dog Lay - some kind of attack. If a dog in a dream River and bites, then it means beatings in reality. How to dream puppy, then soon you will meet with a friend of childhood or he will come to you in Guest. Dogs - People will talk about you something like. Black dog - see a friend; fidelity. Dogs of all other masters are enemies. The dog is harvested - the breast of the neighbor is biting - to be trouble through a neighbor.

Dream - Dogs

If you dreamed the evil dog - wait for the failures and insidious actions of your opponents. Affectionate dog is promoting good luck and loyal friends.

If in a dream you are the owner of the purebred PSA. You will be able to braid a solid state.

If the richka goes on the following you - the dream warns you against temptations that can become disastrous for you. If the dog bites you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relations with business partners, nor with my wife.

Skinny and dirty dogs mean upcoming failures or illness.

If you hear barking dogs - you await bad news. Hunting dog in your house foreshadows favorable circumstances in affairs.

Pretty gourmet dogs are a promise to a girl, a frivolous silent fan.

If in a dream you are frightened by a meeting with a big dog - your willow will be resistance to the whole environment, the desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity.

Women this dream is a very worthy husband.

Dog growle in your back - a sign that some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream foreshadows your defeat, but always he is a motivation to active resistance.

Suddenly thrown on top of the cat and the dog promise you fail in heart matters. Favorable sleep in which you spill dracans with water.

White dog, friendly circling around you, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love.

Multi-headed dog - warns you so that you are not fond of many things right away: it turns into a bustle.

A pursuing mad dog is a warning to mobilize all the forces of character to resist in the fight. Good dreamin which you run or kill it.

Walking with a dog, especially with thoroughbred, and see how she kills the snake - both plots are extremely favorable.

Dream - Dogs

If in a dream you start your dog - it foreshadows disagreement with her husband in real life. To see a puppy, leaving a puddle throughout the apartment, - We take extra care, for which you even thank you will not say. Play with a dog - revealing soul joy.

To train the dog - we will be able to defend yourself in an extreme situation, walking - to the prosperous outcome of many walks on numerous instances.

To run away from the huge evil dog attacking on you - the hidden danger is waiting for you. The mad dog who bubbing you - incur damages, adopting shortly.

Jumping around you and testering, like a Pug on an elephant, a moonless savage with a cat with a cat - skip the ears of the echidial remark to the person who is unfriendly tuned to you than to cause even greater irritation. Pursing the dog running away from you - the forever of the disease.

Seeing the dog on the chains in Konura - you cater for yourself enemies and envious. Hunting dogs mean the success achieved by hard work and devotion to their idea; Watchman - be careful in choosing friends; Indoor decorative dogs - to family quarrels; white color - will head a new acquaintance or groom; Black dogs - deception and treason.

Bologna in a dream foreshadows the help of friends in a difficult situation, Borzaya - to the change of work or place of residence, Bulldog - will achieve success, overcoming delusion. A hound dog foreshadows offended from the enemy, Dog - to a meeting with good old friends, Pug - do not wrap troubles around the house, Shepherd - Hurry up to protect you dear people, Poodle - you will find protection from a mighty patron, Spitz - will find a faithful and devoted friend.

What to dream is a big red dog ??? Thank you all for earlier for the answers.


Svetlana Zanfir

Dog in a dream is really to a friend (redhead) influential good friend. Good luck to you.

Max Cavalera

soon we will head a large black kangaroo means

Egor Goncharov

*** Skarlett ***

If you bang on you or busal - to the enmity, quarrel.
If she caught - to the arrival of old friends (friend) or to get acquainted with the new (and) friends ...


the dog is at all dreams of friends.

Sashulenka **

Big redhead dog dreams

Dmitry Glazrin

I only know that the dog in a dream personifies your friend.


If you dreamed of a dog that grows and throws on you, then you should beware of the tracks of enemies, and if the dog flies with you - this is to well-being and faithful friends. If you dreamed that your dog has excellent pedigree and excellent qualities, then wait for wealth. To see in a dream that the sickness is followed by the trail, means that you will tempt the temptations, to succumb to which they threaten big trouble. If you are shooting little dogs, it means that your thoughts are too frivol. If you dreamed that you were bitten by a dog, then be careful in dealing with people around you, as they can be too smoking. Skinny dogs seen in a dream can mean collapse in business, as well as diseases of children. If you dream of dog exhibition, this is a sign of fate favor. The dog predicts that there are bad news. If you dreamed that the dogs drive a fox or other beast, your affairs will go brilliantly. To see in a dream of small home dogs means, perhaps you are too selfish. If such dogs are shot by a young woman, they can predict her a groom, in which there is too much shown gloss. If in a dream you are afraid of a big dog, then I will have an awkwardness that you will stand out from the crowd. For a young woman, such a dream promises outstanding husband. To hear the bark and the growl of dogs means that you are too addictive to the influence of people around you who do not always want to you. Lai lonely dog \u200b\u200bpredicts a long separation with a close man or even his death. If you dream of the crop of fighting dogs, then be prepared for the miscarions of enemies. Perhaps the period of depression begins in your life. If you dreamed that the dog kills the cat, then it predicts a successful deal and unexpected joy. If you dream that dogs and cats peacefully get along with each other, and then suddenly rush to each other, then this is a sign that you are waiting for the collapse in love affairs. However, if in a dream you managed to dispel them, then in life you will be able to avoid breaking with your loved one. If the white good dog is approaching you, you are waiting for a tempting offer, whether in matters or in love. For a woman is a sign of a quick marriage. If you dreamed of a dog with a lot of heads, it means that you strive to cover too much affairs. For a person, aspiring to succeed, such a dream is a reminder that if you chase in two hares, you can't catch one. See in a dream fucking PSA means that all your efforts to achieve the desired vain. In addition, you may comprehend a serious illness. If a mad dog manage to bite you, it warns that you or someone from your loved ones on the verge of madness, and that something tragic can happen. If you dream that you are traveling, and only faithful dog accompanies you, then such a dream promises faithful friends and success in all endeavors. If you are shot by floating dogs, this means that you will smile fortune. If the dog kills the snake in your sleep, this is a precursor of good luck.


Getting news from a loved one ...


get acquainted with good people;


the dog dreams of a friend. And the red color is good)


about the red dog they say that this is a male lover or her husband - there is a loved one.

Large spiders in many people cause a feeling of fear and horror not only in real life, but also in a dream. Similar dreams for a long time remind of themselves, causing discomfort. In order to understand whether to be afraid of something, you need to push the dream correctly. Try to remember as many details of the plot as possible: what the spider looked, what he did, as well as your actions and.

What to dream large spiders?

In most cases, the dreams with the participation of such insects do not carry negative information and foreshadow the receipt of important news. Another dream can fill a serious life change that will be able to radically change life. One of the dreams of a large spider in a dream interprets numerous and enough complex work. You need to be patient and solve all the tasks to succeed. Black insect, located in the house, indicates safety and stability. If the spider behaved aggressively, it means that it is worth expecting betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation, what dreams of a big spider with young, interprets like a harbinger of great good luck in work or business. Negative is the dream, where a large insect had to kill, because he prophesies the emergence of various kinds of trouble and this will happen exclusively due to the wine of the dream. In the near future, problems in relations with loved ones may appear, as well as in the financial sector. It is important to notice that if the dead spider was poisonous, then this is a good sign pointing to the victory over competitors, and this will allow you to move through the career stairs.

Big Tarantula is a harbinger of a serious conversation with an important personwhich will eventually become an authority for a dream. Night vision, in which large spiders were in the house, means that it will soon be possible to achieve the desired heights, but it remains to make the last responsible step. If a major insect crawls through the body, it means that it is to fear a person who ultimately can cause a lot of trouble. See a big spider on a web in a dream is a precursor to achieving the desired heights in a complex business. The dream, where the big spider features the water, warns that the reputation may seriously suffer.

What dreams a big shaggy spider?

A similar dream is an unfavorable sign that predicts the emergence of serious health problems. If the insect bitten is a warning that the enemies will soon go to active actions, and this can adversely affect life in general.

What dreams of a big brown spider?

Such a dream has several interpretations, so brown spiderman can be a warning that there is a risk of seriously poisoned, so it is worth carefully checking food. In one of the dreams, such an insect is considered good signwhich will proper receiving a well-deserved award for the work done.

What dreams a big white spider?

White insect is a good omen, indicating a stable financial situation. Another dream is promoted in work and business. A big white spider in a dream means that it will soon be able to cope with all the problems and troubles. For lonely people, such a dream promises an ambulance wedding.

What does a woman dream of a big spider?

A similar plot means, soon a fair floor has a fear of losing a loved one and stay alone. Dream interpretation indicates that it is not necessary to underestimate. If a woman dreams that she is haunted by a big spider, which means that soon revealed for her will persistently take care of a wealthy fan.

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    For what dream Dog brown in snow by dream InterT? if you dreamed brown dog - Sudden difficulties will arise on your way, forcing you pretty to worry and attach a lot of effort to eliminate them. Total

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    Dog in snowFirst of all, personifies a close friend. Deep interpretation sleep will depend on external view, habits, colors, size and even mood drawing Animal. White dog - Well-being, black - trouble, redhead - intimate entertainment. We got out everything in the 4th to the street, I stopped tie laces. Girls went three meters from me. And then with my side attacks me dog Big brown. Such dogs On north, it seems to be working as rescuers. She bit down a little above the brush right hand.Read completely

  • Dream "Sudba"

    If a dreamed dog Free online dream InterT. What does it mean to play with dog - In reality to be satisfied with life. What means in snow See Lai dogs - Delivery conversations, gossip of ill-wishers; Perhaps you yourself give a reason for attacks, warns free dream book Fate. Dream Big dog brown - This, depending on the situation, promises the beginnings, or the missed chance to change something in his life. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dreamed Dog, but necessary interpretation sleep no in dream Interpret dream Dog in snow in snow seen this symbol dreamed sleep(from Thursday to Friday) that his dog Donna ( kornnevo-Hadoberman) I release some dungeon from under some kind of dungeon, where it was closed in a cage. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    In snow for what dream Dog: Dog see in snow - It favorite people Animal, personifies devotion and courage. You have an image dogsMost likely transformed with your dream image of a friend. Gypsy dream book.If you dreamed dog With a feline tail, then in real life, the person you consider your friend is actually such a thing; You will be outraged by his irresponsibility. If a in snow You bite you dog, then such sleep means that in ... read completely

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    What means Dog in snow: You dreamed Dog what it is - Sleep Means a dedicated friend who will help you in any misfortune. Imagine you feed dog, state it, comb her hair, walk, etc. dream book. Value sleep DogFor what dream Dog Sat October 17, 2015, 11:16:17. I was at my grandmother in the yard near the colt. Suddenly jumps light brown Bulldog he bit my knee. Baked the floor of the knee and ran away. Total

    Dream Interpretation "VILINGSTORE"

    Found 1,519 results on request " in snow brown dog»On the site for 1.069 seconds Search queries - Animals, Insects, Plants (Flora and Fauna) - dog - in snow brown dog. March 15, 2013 - World Day sleep. and mental health on long years. On average, every person spends in snow Third of your life. During sleep We have a minimum brain level. Total fully

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    « Dream book small Dog dreamed, for what dream in snow small Dog". I am the mistress of Sabachka.Vide sleep about Sabaka his boyfriend he was on the chain standing near my legs I saw my black jacket, then my husband was on the car brown I went back and before and so two three times. I then barely got out of some kind of low space, but my husband got out of her husband was angry. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Analysis sleep Burbot Dog Nalim I. dog. Giant dog in snow. I saw near the stop dog brown dnah and dreams gigantic dog. To me dreamed My old dog in snow dreamedthat I am my girl and my dogRead completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Analysis sleep Burbot Dog Nalim I. dog. Giant dog in snow. I saw near the stop dog giant sizes, thoroughly, brown Colors, something on the similarity of the bullmastif, only much more. She seemed to be lost. But everyone was afraid to approach her. I cautiously approached her, began to stroke her big paws dnah and dreams gigantic dog. To me dreamed My old dog in snow. Monday on Tuesday I dreamedthat I am my girl and my dogwho died a couple of years ago, goes with us. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream I feel comes to me dog brown dogs in snow. Dreamed I'm around the house where I walked lying black dog, I was very scared. Then I left this house, but when I looked around, I saw how dog ran up and wanted to grab my hand but I managed to remove my hand and the owners took her dog.Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dog in snow. First day: dream that I bathe on the sea water is clean, looking ashore there the child (boy) is tormented by a cat and lowers under the water with screams, people watch them anyway. I woke up. I woke up sleep--dreamed dog brown dog was but then sleep Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    i woke up .There sleep--dreamed dog brownmaybe it can be attributed as a redhead for interpretation? I looked at him from the height of my growth and frightened a little, because. it's still courtyard dog was but then sleep I switched to the fact that I sit with my girlfriend, the psa put a lot of seeds, and he did not eat, only that I fed him, lay down. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    Dream book brown color in snow foreshadows danger, trouble, adversity. if you dreamed sleepin which prevailed brown Color - Your life will be boring and monotonous. If you dreamedthat clothes are prevalent brown Colors - wait for trouble and trouble. Brown clothes in snow - the symbol of the troubles impending on you, be careful. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Interpretation sleep dogs (1) Dream book dogs. Dnah And the dream of a man Dogs Muzzle. dog feed, loving about departure in snow. Good afternoon, I will describe 2 sleep drawn one night dreamed a former guy who does not want a relationship with me but sleep started with the fact that we have already risen, I seem to be going anywhere, and he goes into the room and speaks where it Dream I feel comes to me dog. She is getting closer, grows in a huge daughter. Dark brown Colors such a two-meter horse. I'm just a chain. But it seems that there is no fear. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    « Dream book to find Dog dreamed, for what dream in snow to find Dog".Hello! To me dreamedthat I found not a puppy, but a small brown Dog. I knew that she was a rich man and ranked looking for this man in elite places, but did not find it. Reply. Total fully

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Interpretation sleep Wolves (1) Dream book Wolves. Dnah and dreaming wolves winter Dogs. huge dog in snow. Hello! To me dreamed sleep Dog in snow brownRead completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    i woke up .There sleep--dreamed dog brownmaybe it can be attributed as a redhead for interpretation? I looked at him from the height of my growth and frightened a little, because. it's still courtyard dog was but then sleep sleep snov And our interpreters snov dream Dog in snow snov!Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dog in snow. First day: dream What I swims on the sea Water is clean, I look ashore there the child (boy) is tormented by a cat and lowers under the water with screams, people watch them all the same. I begin to go to the shore, the waves begin to strengthen, selecting a cat in a boy and run away from the water, the wheels are higher and higher. I woke up. sleep--dreamed dog brownmaybe it can be attributed as a redhead for interpretation? I looked at him from the height of my growth and frightened a little, because. it's still courtyard dog was but then sleep Switched to ... Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Interpretation sleep Wolves (1) Dream book Wolves. Dnah and dreaming wolves winter Dogs. huge dog in snow. Hello! To me dreamedthat I come back in the evening home with a friend (I don't know such a person in reality). Analysis sleep Dog Dog huge dog. Walk along the bank in snow. I am going along the shore, on the one hand, water (type of river, transparent or not not clear), on the other hand there is a train (similar to the commodity brown, Samoa railway did not see) and immediately at the train area with beautiful houses (new buildings with tiled roofs) ... read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    i woke up .There sleep--dreamed dog brownmaybe it can be attributed as a redhead for interpretation? I looked at him from the height of my growth and frightened a little, because. it's still courtyard dog was but then sleep switched to the fact that I sit with my girlfriend, the psa put a lot of seeds, and he did not eat it, just that I feed him to feed my sleep Free in the Interpretation section snov And our interpreters snovmaybe you can express you what dream Dogs in snow. Order for free online interpretation snov!Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Walk along the bank in snow. I am going along the shore, on the one hand, water (type of river, transparent or not not clear), on the other hand there is a train (similar to the commodity brown sleep. To me dreamed dog It remains to live 2 weeks. Total fully

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    dog brown.Dreamed Dog good but necessary interpretation sleep no in dream Interpret? Our experts will help you find out what dream Dog good in snow, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if in snow Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    « Dream book Beat dog dreamed, for what dream in snow Beat dog"Little burned here brown evil dog I wanted to bite, I took a big long stick and hit her with all his strength, after which dog turned into a big white dog with blue good eyes and began to lick me. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Walk along the bank in snow. I am going along the shore, on the one hand, water (type of river, transparent or not not clear), on the other hand there is a train (similar to the commodity brown, I did not see the railway itself) and immediately behind the train area with beautiful houses (new buildings with tiled roofs), the feeling is good, I think that a good view from the window .The sleep. To me dreamedthat my grandparents arrived from afar and said that they were here just because my dog It remains to live 2 weeks. Total fully

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    dog brown.Dreamed buy Dogbut the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream Interpret? Our experts will help you find out what dream buy Dog in snow, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if in snow Seen this symbol. Try! Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    One but not quite in snow. Tonight, for annal amount of time before awakening, me dreamed sleep. Because of the maiden memory, I almost never remember them, but for some reason it is this, the enough strange sleep I remember. Music in snow. Plot 1. as if through sleep Someone (puppy, small dog) Persistently bites over the right hand (brush, palm of the right hand). Dog dark, black with brown, Masty. Total fully

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    « Dream book dirty Dog dreamed, for what dream in snow dirty Dog». sleep Before the awakening, I'm going to go home in someone else's house, remembering that I don't have keys at this time dog and still like spitz, black with brown-Labradorsh runs out completely dirty and wet. I am decided to stay and try to negotiate with the owners of home to wash dog. I don't care

    Dream "Sunhome"

    i woke up .There sleep--dreamed dog brownmaybe it can be attributed as a redhead for interpretation? I looked at him from the height of my growth and frightened a little, because. it's still courtyard dog was but then sleep I switched to the fact that I sit with my girlfriend, the psa put a lot of seeds, and he did not eat, only that I fed him, lay down. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dreamed sleep in which I had bleeding. I did an abortion. But it started again. And on my hand I had a cut from which I had blood. When I spun the hair from the curlers. And for me came for me former spouse. He was in very terrible brown pants big to him in size. Suppose your sleep Free in the Interpretation section snov And our interpreters snovmaybe you can express you what dream Big dog in snow.