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Self-esteem - what it is: concept, structure, species and levels. Correction of self-esteem. Self-esteem of man as the most important component of his "I-concept

A person is a social and developing outside of society normally will not be able. Throughout life, personality, interacting with society, develops and knows new borders of themselves. What the individual will be in this society, largely depends on the environment itself. People change under the influence of the rules and norms given by the society, and this is changing and their attitude to themselves. What will be the environment of a person, what will be his role in this society and as a person will put himself to society, mainly depends on internal characteristics man. Temperament, character, self-esteem is asked the tempo of our movement in the life path.

Self-esteem personality

Human self-esteem affects his attitude to himself, this is how he appreciates its capabilities, strength and skills. It is the center of personality development and has a huge impact on the adaptation of a person in a new society, a group. This is not a constant - it develops and changes depending on the events taking place in a person's life. Basically, self-consciousness and self-esteem are laid in a person since childhood and gradually develop in I-concept. Her presence is in any behavioral act of personality. However, a person will behave in a critical situation, as important issues will solve and whether it will be decided to fulfill certain tasks, it will be directly dependent on the level of self-assessment of a person at the time of decision.

3 types of self-esteem in psychology

Self-esteem is divided into three types: understated, overestimated and medium (adequate). People with different levels of self-esteem in the same situation will behave differently.

Improved self-esteem is the result of the wrong, possibly powerful or excessive caregoting. Such education leads to intrinsicity and its strength and, as a result, to an understated assessment of himself. People with low self-esteem are very wounded and often closed, not sociable, misintermetative. Such behavior leads to a complex of inferiority, the development of depressive states. As a rule, such people tend to dissect their role in society, trying by no means all out. Customers of modern psychologists are increasingly people with understated self-esteem. This problem can be solved. You can work on it.

A high self-evaluation

About the overestimated self-esteem of the individual is evidenced by the reluctance of a person to look at his mistakes, disassemble them and recognize. Personality with overwhelmed self-esteem is inclined to idealize itself and exaggerate its significance for the environment. Such people are characterized by dominant feelings, demonstrating themselves. Sometimes a person is difficult to live with an overestimated self-esteem. Understanding and awareness of this will be the first step to correct the situation, i.e. you can make self-esteem adequate. But in general, this type of self-esteem gives an identity confidence that is good driving power. Such people live under the motto "I can", "I can", "I want." They dominate such qualities as persistence and desire.

People with adequate self-esteem really evaluate their strength and opportunities in relation to the case, which is before them. Such personalities set themselves clear goals that are achieved, soberly look at things. Just adequate self-esteem speaks of the maturity of the person. The more mature personality is, the more adequate self-esteem.


What self-esteem is formed at the exit of development, will affect the level and quality of the life of the individual in society. Realizing itself, understanding and taking a certain way, a person builds life plans, creates his environment and lives in this world. Being an important link in the development of individuality, the self-assessment of a person determines the level of confidence and satisfaction with his life.

Each person is inclined to constantly evaluate oneself, their behavior and actions. This is necessary for the harmonious development of the personality and the construction of relations with the surrounding people. The ability to give itself the right assessment has a huge impact on how society perceives a person and his life in general.

The concept of self-assessment in psychology

All people from time to time analyze their character, seek pluses and cons. The concept of self-esteem in psychology is the ability of a person's consciousness to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bitself and its actions, as well as to judge their skills, skills, personal qualities, advantages and disadvantages. Self-assessment allows people to critically refer to themselves, put various goals and achieve them, move their capabilities with the requirements in various vital areas, think about actions and make decisions of decisions.

The ability to self-analysis has a great influence on the formation of human behavior. Such qualities of personality, as uncertainty and determination, activity and restraint, sociability and closure are directly dependent on self-esteem. A person's opinion about himself determines and the attitude towards him surrounding.

Types of self-assessment in psychology

What types exist? Depending on how correctly a person is assessed, the following main types of self-esteem in psychology can be distinguished: adequate and inadequate.

If the opinion of a person about himself coincides with what he is in reality, it is considered adequate. It must be inherent to all adults. Adequate self-esteem in psychology is the ability of the individual more or less objectively to form an opinion about his person.

In people with inadequate self-esteem, the idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves is sharply dispersed with the fact that they think about them. In this case, such an opinion can be overestimated or understated.

Depending on the susceptibility to the influence of external factors, stable and floating self-esteem is distinguished. Stable self-esteem in psychology is the constant opinion of a person about himself in any situation. In cases where the idea of \u200b\u200bitself changes depending on the mood, success or lesions, approval or condemnation of others, it is floating.

What affects the formation of self-esteem

Each person is inclined to compare himself with a kind of perfect way, with whom he would like to be. The coincidence of a real idea of \u200b\u200boneself with the desired plays a huge role in the formation of self-esteem. The farther the true image from the perfect, the lower the opinion of a person about himself.

A significant impact on the formation of self-assessment is related to the individual. Of particular importance are the opinions of the closest people: parents, relatives and friends.

Real achievements of a person in one field of activity also affect self-esteem. The higher the personal success, the better opinion About yourself man.

How to instill a positive self-esteem?

All parents want to see their child succeeding and happy. How much of the larger results can achieve a person in life, directly depends on self-esteem. To instill a positive conceit, you need to adhere to the recommendations that psychology gives. Human self-esteem begins to form in the very early childhood. For the kid, it is important for approval and encouraging from adults and your peers. If there is no such, the child has an underestimated self-esteem.

Children very clearly catch attention to them from the side of adults. If a child notices that he is ignored, he gets the impression that he is not interested in surrounding. In turn, it negatively affects its self-esteem. Thus, in order for a positive opinion of a child about himself, he must constantly feel protected, significance and importance.

What problems leads inadequate self-esteem?

When people do not know how to correct themselves, adequately judge their advantages and disadvantages, they may have a lot of problems. Both low and overestimated self-esteem negatively affects human life.

With people tend to always make a choice for the worse, believing that they are not worthy of any other. This applies to the search for a partner, work and much more. As a result, people experience constant dissatisfaction, but at the same time they are afraid to take decisive steps to somehow change the situation.

In psychology, this is when a person considers himself much better than he really is. It is also a big problem for a person. First of all, it affects the relationship with others. People are hard to communicate with those who constantly puts themselves higher than others, boasts and exalt its person. As a rule, a person with too highly overwhelmed self-esteem is very few friends.

Signs and reasons

For any person, it is important to feel confidence. However, too high an opinion about himself more often harm than the benefit.

Calculate a person with an overpriced self-esteem is quite easy. These people are very selfish. They always put their interests above strangers. They love to talk about themselves, they often interrupt and translate the topic of the conversation if she is not interesting for them. They do not want to know the opinions of other people, consider their point of view on any matter of the only right. A man with an overwhelmed self-esteem is happy for the complex, sometimes impracticable work, and in cases of failure flows into despair and depression.

What leads to the formation of overestimated self-esteem in humans? First of all, this is wrong education. When the parents indulge in everything, they do not limit anything and ready to fulfill all his desires on the first request, the child is formed that he is the most main man In the world, and everyone should be worse and worship him.

How to learn to adequately evaluate yourself?

If you have noticed that your child has overestimated self-esteem, it is necessary to urgently take measures aimed at learning to form an adequate opinion about himself, otherwise he will later be very difficult to build relationships with others. First of all, it is worth limiting the toddler's praise, try to explain in what situations success is his merit, and in what kind of successful circumstances led to it.

Fix the overestimate self-esteem in an adult is much more complicated. Such people most often do not see or do not want to see the problem, and accordingly, and deal with her. Explain to man that he has inadequate self-esteem, it is almost impossible.

If you are aware that your idea of \u200b\u200byourself is overestimated, you need to make considerable efforts to learn how to evaluate yourself adequately. The most important thing is to understand that every person has the right to his opinion, and if it differs from yours, it does not mean at all that it is incorrect. Learn to hear others, to make concessions, selflessly help people.

And her signs

A low self-esteem in psychology is a condition in which a person thinks about himself much worse than he really is. It leads to such problems as closed, stiffness, jealousy, envy, syradiability.

The problem of many individuals is low self-esteem. The psychology of such people is such that they, as a rule, seek to get to a position requiring the minimum responsibility. When choosing a partner, they unconsciously attract people to themselves who only strengthen their insecurity. They are prone to excessive self-criticism, concentrations on their disadvantages. Such people often complain, consider themselves unallowable and helpless.

How to increase your self-esteem?

According to statistics, men more often overstate the idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves. Women are more inclined to undertake their advantages, they are more often looking for shortcomings - such is their psychology. is a very difficult problem for them.

As a rule, the reason for understated self-esteem in women lies in discontent with their appearance or figure, as well as in hidden complexes caused by failures in personal relationships or careers.

How to increase self-esteem woman? Psychology advises first of all to begin to concentrate on their advantages. Think what are your positive qualities? Why do you deserve in life better than you have? Each woman can find something good in itself. For example, someone is perfectly preparing, someone sings perfectly, dancing, someone has a list of their positive qualities, it is necessary to repeat as often as possible so that they are deposited at the subconscious level.

To enhance self-esteem, try to communicate with people who respect you and support. Watch for your own external species, dress so to feel comfortable and confident. It is very difficult to increase your self-esteem, the main thing is not to give up and believe that you will succeed.

(Methods S.A. Budassi)

Consider four blocks of qualities, each of which reflects one of the levels of personality activity:

1. Self-assessment in the field of communication.

2. Self-assessment of behavior.

3. Self-assessment in the field of activity.

4. Self-assessment of own emotional manifestations.

There are four sets of positive qualities of people. You need to choose from the list and circle such qualities of personality, which, in your opinion, are most significant for you personally.

List of qualities:







business suit



good nature























good luck



























a responsibility




















Finished?Now find in your chosen qualities that you really possess, put a tick, as well as find their percentage.


  1. Calculate the number of ideal qualities.
  2. Calculate the number of real qualities that are included in the list of ideal qualities.
  3. Calculate their percentage ratio:

Self-esteem \u003d Nured * 100%

Nage - the number of real qualities;

Ni is the number of ideal qualities.

Table of standard values

Adequate self-esteem

Below the average

Above average

Inadequately high

Self-assessment of the individual may be adequate, overestimated or understated.

Adequate self-esteem Complies with two positions: "Middle", "above average". A person with adequate self-esteem correctly relates its capabilities and abilities, it critically refers to himself, sets real goals, knows how to predict an adequate attitude of others to the results of its activities. The behavior of such a person is based on its non-conflict, in conflict, he behaves constructively.

With self-esteem " high level"," Above average ": a person deservedly appreciates and respects himself, pleased with him, he has a sense of self-esteem. With self-esteem "Middle Level": a person respects himself, but knows his weak sides And strives for self-improvement, self-development.

Heightened self-esteem corresponds to the level "inadequately high" in a psychodiagnostic scale. With an overestimated self-esteem, a person has an idealized image of his personality. He overestimates its capabilities, is only focused on success, ignores failures.

The perception of reality is often emotionally, failure or failure, as a consequence of someone's mistakes or adverse circumstances. Fair criticism in his address he perceives as picky. Such a person conflict is inclined to overestimation conflict situation, in conflict behaves actively by betting to win.

Low self-esteem Complies with positions: "Low" and "below average". With understated self-esteem in humans there is a complex of inferiority. He is unsure of himself, the timid passive. Such people are distinguished by excessive demanding to themselves and even greater demanding to others. They are fusey, whitewings, and others see only shortcomings.

Such people are conflict. The causes of conflicts often occur due to their intolerance to other people. Self-assessment can be positive (high) and negative (low), as well as optimal and non-optimal.

With optimal self-esteem A person correctly relates it with his capabilities and abilities, it seems quite critical to himself, seeks to really look at his success and failures, puts themselves with reachable goals. The assessment of the achieved approaches not only with its personal standards, but tries to foresee how other people will be treated for this.

But self-esteem can be non-optimal - overly overestimated or too low.

On the basis of an overestimated self-esteem, a person arises an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bherself. In such cases, person ignores failures for the sake of preserving the usual and high assessment itself. There is a sharp emotional "repulsion" of everything that violates the ideal idea of \u200b\u200bherself.

A man with overwhelmed and inadequate self-esteem does not want to recognize that all his failures are the consequence of their own mistakes, laziness, lack of knowledge, abilities or misconduct. An explicit revaluation of its capabilities is very often accompanied by internal uncertainty in itself. All this leads to increased impressionability and chronic helplessness.

If a high self-evaluation Plastic, changes in accordance with the real state of affairs - increases with success and decreases with failures, it may contribute to the development of the personality, the goals set, develop their abilities and will.

Self-esteem can be understated. This usually leads to uncertainty, timidity and lack of initiative, the inability to realize their deposit and abilities. Such people are limited to the solution of ordinary tasks, too critical to themselves. Reduced self-esteem destroys human hope good relationship To him, and real achievements and positive assessment of the surrounding it perceives as random and temporary.

As a result of high vulnerability, the mood of such people is subject to frequent oscillations. They are extremely sharply reacting to criticism, the censure is pre-interpreted by the surrounding laughter, are suspicious and as a result of it more dependent on the estimates and opinions of the people around them are either prevented, but then suffer from loneliness.

The underestimation of its utility reduces social activity, lowers the initiative and willingness to competition.

The person is part of the society, and the attitude of the surrounding, assessment of his qualities is important for him. But no less important for us and self-esteem, the attitude towards yourself, which is formed by a person throughout his life. From the level of own estimate of its advantages and shortcomings, the place in society, which we occupy, and, and the degree of social activity are largely dependent.

In psychology, self-esteem is considered as a complex of a person's ideas about themselves, which formed on the basis of comparing themselves with others. These ideas play an important role in the formation of the image of their own "I" or.

Consciously or unconsciously, but we always compare ourselves with others and evaluate from the "better" position, "worse" or "the same as everything". It is estimated primarily important, meaningful to the quality society. For example, for young man The noble class of the first quarter of the XIX century was normal to argue about whether he is better or worse, the Mazurka is dancing than the Lieutenant Rzhevsky. And for modern man This quality does not matter, therefore it is not evaluated.

Thus, the basis of self-esteem socially significant values, without which it is impossible to realize themselves with decent respect in this society and at this time.

It is clear that it is possible to evaluate yourself in different ways, the more there are situations when we are satisfied with themselves and like themselves, and at another time some act makes you to experience acute discontent, and we are engaged in self-vacation. But self-esteem as part of personality is a sustainable education, it can change, but does not depend on the situational attitude towards himself. On the contrary, self-esteem adjusts this attitude:

  • A person with a high opinion will say about himself: "How could I do that, it's completely uncharacteristic for me, and will try to forget about the mistake.
  • And the one who some self-esteem is low, on the contrary, focuses on his mistakes, will live for them for a long time, thinks that "he in life is a crucial loser who does not really know how."

Species and levels of self-esteem

In psychology, two types of self-esteem is distinguished: adequate and inadequate. Sometimes they also talk about optimal and non-optimal self-esteem, thereby emphasizing that many people tend to evaluate themselves slightly above average, and it is rather normal than deviation. Another thing is how high we appreciate ourselves.

Adequate self-esteem

Adequate self-esteem in one degree or another correctly reflects the ability and quality of personality, that is, this is a representation of a person about itself, which corresponds to the real position of things. Such ideas can be both with a sign +, and with a sign -, because people are not perfect. For example, when a person says that he has come to his ear, it may not be the addition of his own abilities in music, but their adequate assessment.

Self-assessment affects all human behavior and to his attitude towards himself and other people. So, with adequate self-esteem Individual:

  • correctly assesses the ratio of their desires and abilities;
  • sets realistic goals that are able to achieve;
  • able to critically look at yourself from the side;
  • tries to foresee the results of their actions.

In general, it is important for a person with adequate self-esteem. But their opinion, he also estimates adequately, more focusing on his own ideas about the benefits or harm of his actions.

Inadequate self-esteem

Inadequate self-esteem is two types: understated and overestimated. The degree of inadequacy is different levels. The self-assessment of the level is slightly higher or slightly below the average is a fairly common phenomenon, and they almost do not manifest themselves in the behavior of the individual, do not interfere with it to live and interact with others. Determine the deviation in this case can be possible only with the help of special psychological tests. And the self-esteem is slightly higher than the average even in the correction does not need, as a person can deservedly respect and appreciate himself, and self-esteem still prevented anyone.

But it happens (and often) that self-esteem is far from optimal and significantly higher or below average. In this case, it has a serious impact on the actions of a person and can lead to inadequate behavior and with others.

Individual features of people with overpriced self-esteem

People with overly overestimated self-esteem can be quickly noted in any team - they seek to be in sight, to all advise everyone to lead and dominate everywhere. For such people, the following features are characterized:

  • they are too high assessed their capabilities and their significance;
  • do not take criticism, and someone else's opinion is annoying, which does not coincide with their own;
  • often have a complex of superiority, believing themselves in all right;
  • emphasized independent and even arrogant;
  • reject help and support surrounding;
  • in their failures and problems accuse other people or circumstances;
  • do not notice your weaknesses or give them for severe, for example, stubbornness for perseverance, and arrogance for determination;
  • often differ by a demonstrative type of behavior, like to make actions at the bottom;
  • they have a tendency to and disseminately relate to others.

It is encountered such an opinion that it is better to have an overestimated self-esteem than low. But here it all depends on the level - people, too highly appreciating themselves, can be very unpleasant.

Low self-esteem

People with self-esteem level are much lower than the average can not be immediately noticed, especially in the team. They do not seek to be in sight and seem simply modest. But in the process of communicating with them, they are far from the most pleasant qualities:

  • indecision and excessive caution;
  • dependence on the opinions of other people and the constant need for their support;
  • the desire to transfer responsibility, including for their actions on the shoulders of others;
  • the complex of inferiority and, as a result of it, excessive vulnerability, failure;
  • excessive demands for yourself and surrounding, perfectionism;
  • petty, vitality and envy;
  • suffering from low self-esteem, they are nevertheless trying to prove their "steepness" to everyone and make inadequate actions.

Launched self-esteem also makes people egoists, only this is the egoism of another kind. They are so immersed in their failures and obsessed with pity for themselves that they do not notice the problems of their loved ones. Very often those who have too low level self-esteem, do not know how to respect nor love.

Structure of self-esteem

In the structure of self-esteem, psychologists allocate two components: cognitive and emotional:

  • Cognitive component (from Latin Cognition - Knowledge) includes human knowledge about himself, their abilities, skills, opportunities, weak and strengths. This component is formed in the process of self-knowledge and largely affects the level of self-assessment. Inadequate self-esteem is usually associated with either not relevant reality with ideas about their own "I" or with their incommodation.
  • The emotional component is the attitude of the individual to itself and various manifestations of their own personality. That we experience to ourselves, very contradictory: approval and disapproval, self-esteem or its absence ,.

The differences of these two components are pure theoretical, in real life They coexist in an inseparable unity - our knowledge of their qualities is always emotionally painted.

Factors affecting self-assessment

Inadequate self-esteem is always bad, it creates discomfort and problems and the person himself, and his surround. But is it possible to blame the individual in the wrong presentation of yourself? Influenced by self-esteem?

Social factors

The basics of self-assessment are laid in childhood, from the moment when the kid aware of his "I" and begins to compare myself with other children and adults. But in preschool, and in the younger school age, children still cannot adequately analyze their qualities and their behavior, so the estimated sphere is formed completely under the influence of adults. Remember, like V. Mayakovsky: "Krochy Son came to his father, and asked Kroch: - What is good? And what is bad? "

People with a sensitive psyche are more experiencing because of their failures and due to the estimates of others, the less emotional.

  • The person who prevailed the features of Melancholic is inclined to upset even because of a minor random remark and remember him for a long time.
  • Phlegmatic may not even pay attention to the remark.
  • Closed, unlike the surrender estimates are experiencing less than sociable extroverts. On the other hand, due to their tendency to demonstrative behavior, they often suffer from overestimated self-esteem. But the avoiding people who prefer loneliness people often consider themselves higher than others, despise others, unworthy communication with them.

That is, the individual features of the individual certainly affect the formation of self-esteem, but the vector of it sets first of all the social environment. There is another one important factorassociated with the assessment of a person's own "I".

Level of attractions

We all strive for something in life, set ourselves goals. And these are different: someone wants to earn on new apartment, someone to create your own prosperous firm, and for someone a trip to the sea - the limit of dreams. The degree of complexity, the difficulties of the goal or the task, which the person determines for itself, is the level of its claims.

As well as self-esteem, the level of claims can be adequate or inadequate. Adequate is such where targets correspond to human capabilities. If a graduate of the school with weak knowledge and low estimates on the EEG will decide to submit documents to the prestigious capital university, then he is clearly inadequate, the oversized level of claims. And when a good student refuses to enter a higher education institution, because it is afraid to fail, the level of claims is too low. Both are bad.

The level of claims under the influence of success and failures that accompany a person on life path, and, in turn, affects the formation of self-esteem. After all, an athlete, constantly putting the bar, through which he will not be able to jump, will be very quickly disappointed in his abilities and is able to succeed. Yes, and the understated level of claims does not contribute to the development of self-esteem and faith in itself.

But psychologists still believe that the low level is worse than high and poorly affects the formation of personality and its position in society. He makes a person a socioly passive loser, not seeking success.

Self-confinement correction

The ability to change its self-esteem towards more adequate worries many people. This is especially characteristic of mature and already seemingly members when a person realizes that the incorrect assessment of his forces and opportunities prevents him from achieving success and does not affect relationships with others.

Self-assessment is amenable to correction even independently, at least in particularly launched cases requires the help of a psychotherapist or a psychologist-consultant. But it is easier to increase self-esteem than to reduce inadequately overestimated. More precisely, there are conditions under which self-esteem falls, but most often they are unpleasant and even.

If the individual realized that he had inadequately overestimated self-esteem, it means that I could look at myself critically, and therefore, not such a self-esteem with his overestimated. In any case, he is already on the right track.

There are many tips relating to improving self-esteem. But first it is worth understanding, in what area you underestimate yourself. What does not suit you anymore or what you lack to increase self-esteem? Discover the main areas in a separate sheet in the column in which a person is implemented:

  • relationships with people;
  • professional activities (or the choice of profession);
  • appearance;
  • knowledge level, ;
  • hobbies;
  • a family.

You can add something important for you. And now appreciate your success in these spheres on a 10-point scale. If the estimates are slightly higher than 5 points, then you have self-esteem within the normal range, but you can increase it. And if it is significantly lower than 5, then special attention should be paid to this area.

Think why do you think that in this area you are unsuccessful? And what do you miss to feel more confident, start respecting yourself and even admire? Write on a separate sheet what you lack. And start working, eliminating these shortcomings.

As you can see, nothing complicated. And if you would like a "magic tablet" or a ready-made recipe, so they are not. People are all different, we also have different problems. But you can give a few general Soviets To increase self-esteem:

  • Stop comparing yourself with others. Remember, each person is unique, no better or worse, but just another. And your advantage is that you are different from others.
  • Look around and try to see all the best and best. Stay, secure this feeling in my head and try to no longer allow negative thoughts - they attract failures.
  • Starting any business, focus on success, defeat comes to the one who is waiting for him.
  • Smile. Smile - powerful tool, setting our state to positive. But it is equally important that she and the people around them set up for a higher rating of us.
  • Write on a piece of paper all your advantages and re-read them more often, especially when you feel the uncertainty and fear of failure.
  • Be more open. Feel free to contact people for help and support.

To improve self-esteem, it is very important to approve and praise others. Therefore, find yourself a hobby or hobbies in which you can succeed, and feel free to these successes to demonstrate. Draw, knit, embroider with a cross, collect pictures from plastic traffic jams or photograph unusual clouds. And share your successes, seek praise. Now with the development of communication in social networks This is done quite simple.

Self-assessment can not be too much, it can either be enough or lacking. The question of excess of self-esteem raise people who are not confident.

Nathaniel Brander

What is self-esteem?

Self-satisfaction- This is the value that is attributed to the individual to himself or separate its qualities. As the main criterion, the estimation is the system of individual meanings of the individual, i.e. What personality seems significant. The main functions that are performed by self-esteem are regulatory, on the basis of which the problem of personal choice problem occurs, and protective, providing relative stability and individual independence.

A significant role in the formation of self-assessment is played by assessing the surrounding individuals and achievements of the individual. It can also be said that self-esteem is a state when a person appreciates himself in different areas, giving an assessment to one or another its qualities (attractiveness, sexuality, professionalism).

Self-esteem, i.e. The assessment of the person of themselves, its capabilities, qualities and places among other people, of course, belongs to the basic qualities of the personality. It is precisely it in many respects determines the relationship with the surrounding, criticality, demandingness, attitude towards successes and failures.

Man, living and acting in the outside world, constantly compares himself with other people, his own affairs and successes with the affairs and success of other people. We spend the same comparison of self-esteem and in relation to all our qualities: appearance, abilities, success in study or in work. In other words, we have learned from childhood to evaluate ourselves.

Types of self-esteem

Psychologists consider self-esteem from various points of view.

Thus, the assessment of itself as a whole as good or bad is considered to be a general self-esteem, but an assessment of achievements in certain activities - partial. In addition, they allocate the relevant (what has already been reached) and the potential (what is capable of) self-esteem. Potential self-esteem is often called the levels of claims.

Consider self-esteem as adequate / inadequate, i.e., the corresponding / inappropriate real achievements and potential features of the individual. Also, self-esteem differs in terms of level - high, medium, low. Too high and too low self-esteem can be a source of personality conflicts that can manifest in different ways.

Adequate self-esteem

Self-esteem has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the activity and the formation of the person at all stages of development. Adequate self-esteem gives a person self-confidence, it allows you to successfully put and achieve goals in career, business, personal life, creativity, attach such useful qualities as initiative, enterprise, the ability to adapt to the conditions of various socios. Low self-esteem accompanies a man of a timid, insecure in making decisions.

High self-esteem, as a rule, becomes inexpressible successful man, regardless of the profession, be it politicians, businessmen, representatives of creative specialties. However, cases of overestimated self-assessment are also common when people adhere to too high opinions about themselves, their own talents and abilities, while the real achievements of their achievements, according to experts in one area or another, are more or less modest. Why is that?

Practical psychologists Often, two types of behavior (motivation) are detected - the desire for success and avoiding failure. In the event that a person adheres to the first type of thinking, it is more positive, his attention is less focused on difficulties, and in this case the opinions expressed in society are simply less significant for him and its level of self-esteem.

A person coming from the second position is less inclined to risk, exhibits more caution and often finds confirming his fears in life that his way to goals is conjugate with endless obstacles and alarms. This type of behavior may not allow him to raise self-esteem.

It is known that a person is not born, but becomes it in the process of joint activities with other people and communicating with them. Making one or another actions, a person constantly (but not always consciously) is what they expect those surrounding from him. In other words, he seems to "try on" their demands, opinions, feelings. Stripping from the opinions of others, the person produces a mechanism by which the regulation of its behavior occurs - self-esteem.

Research of self-esteem

In each particular case, before proceeding to work on request, with the help of special techniques, a comprehensive study of the client's self-assessment is carried out, its family situation is analyzed, the system of values \u200b\u200bthat pretended to his / her family and social group. The study of the deep layers of self-consciousness allows you to identify the true causes of the problem, which makes it possible to carry out an effective correction of understated self-esteem

Low (understated) self-esteem and its causes

The causes of the low (understated) self-assessment of the individual are diverse. More often than others, there are such reasons as negative suggestions of others, or negative self-sufficiency. Low (understated) self-esteem is often due to the influence and assessment of parents in childhood, and in subsequent life - an external evaluation of society. It happens that the child's immediate relatives give the child in childhood in childhood, saying: "You are not suitable for something!", Sometimes applying physical impact.

Sometimes parents abuse the "tyranny of ownership", while causing a child with a sense of hypership, which can later lead to emotional stiffness and compression. Often, the elders say: "You must behave very well, since your father is a respected person," "You must obey all mom."

In the consciousness of the child there is a standard model, in the case of which it would become good and ideal, but since it is not implemented, the inconsistency between the standard (ideal) and reality arises. The self-assessment of the personality affects the comparison of the images of the perfect and real I "- the greater the gap between them, the most likely a person's discontent with the reality of its achievements and below its level.

In adults, the affected self-assessment of the individual is supported in those cases if they attach too much importance to this or another event, or believe that they are losing in comparison with others. At the same time, they may, they forget that failures are also a valuable resource of experience, and that their individuality is no less unique than other people. Also important is the question of evaluation and self-assessment criteria (as well as to evaluate?), Because In some, even professional areas (not to mention personal relationships), they can remain relative or not enough clearly clarified.

Overpriced self-esteem and its causes

It happens that the parents or the next child relatives tend to overestimate, admiring him (a) reads poems well or plays musical instrumentas he is smart and smart, but falling into another environment (for example, in kindergarten or school) such a child sometimes experienced dramatic experiences, because it is evaluated according to a real scale, according to which its abilities turn out to be estimated far from so high.

In these cases, the overestimated parental assessment plays the evil joke, causing a cognitive dissonance in a child during the period when their own criteria for adequate self-esteem have not yet been developed. Then the overestimated level of self-esteem is replaced by understated, causing a psychotramp in a child, the stronger it happened at a later age.

Perfectionism and level of self-assessment

Perfectionism- The desire to comply with the maximum criteria for perfection in certain areas - often serves as another cause of overestimated or understated self-esteem. The problem is that the criteria for estimates in certain areas may vary, and to achieve perfection in all possible areas ("to be an excellent person in all subjects") is obviously impossible. In this case, in order to increase human self-esteem (or rather, to make self-esteem more adequate) It is worth allocating separate areas with more or less general criteria and form a separate self-esteem in them.

Self-assessment claims

An important point In the study of self-assessment, from my point of view, the level of individual claims is served. If a person puts forward unrealistic claims, it is more likely to wait for insurmountable obstacles to the goal, he more often fails. The criteria of estimates usually serve modern individual community, social, individual value ideas, stereotypes of perception, standards learned by him during life.

In this case, the question arises, do we have a deal with self-esteem? After all, a person takes an external assessment for his own and lives with her. External estimates are distinguished by rigidity, they are difficult to change if only a person does not learn to evaluate himself more adequately.

Famous Formula Classic U. Jems: Camoctional \u003d Success / Specification Level,

This means that self-esteem can be enhanced or increasing the level of success or reducing the claim.

In reality, everything can be more difficult: often people, initially adhering to the approach that they still will not come out of anything, they can increase their success, and in other cases, a person with a low self-esteem is literally incurred to minimize their claims, but it does not cause an increase in self-esteem. Creative peoplemovable dissatisfaction with itself, often put more complex tasks, tend to strive for improvement, to self-actualization - to more complete identification and disclosure of their personal capabilities.

How to raise self-esteem

There are many ways to raise self-esteem. In practical consultations, we will find such methods that the best way correspond to your personality. You can also try to change your self-esteem now and become more successful, more confident by yourself. Find your positive qualities

Take paper and handle and write 5-10 qualities for which you appreciate you and love close people. At the moments when it seems to you that you will not cope, take this piece and reread.

Strip yourself

Sorry yourself, you accept the fact that you are not able to cope with something that you are helpless, and all of the fault. You have the right to make a mistake, but be objective - take responsibility for yourself.

Start the Journal of Success

Each of its achievement (in any area, whether it is work, a hobby or a relationship with a woman / man) write down. Periodically re-read your records.

Plan your business

This will help avoid "hopeless" situations that can bring you out of equilibrium. It is better to make a plan from the evening, and in the morning to adjust, if necessary.

Stimulate yourself

You will come up with a reward for actions or work that you avoid due to insecurity (to speak in public, go to the gym, etc.). Make yourself a gift: buy the desired thing, take a trip.

Look for pluses

In case of failure, aware of the current situation and find positive moments. You lost work - but you will have time to improve your knowledge or change profession. Found advantages will save you from depression and help to make the benefit of the current situation.