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How to introduce preschoolers in kindergarten with musical instruments. Musical instruments for children do it yourself Musical instruments from felt

I remember a bright moment from childhood: "Mistel" Sviridov performs a musician on a broomstick. On the real broom, but with strings. Such a "Metlohor" was blind from what was our violin teacher.

In fact, in the presence of hearing, it is not so difficult to do similarize the tools with your own hands. Let's start with simple. Percussion - for inspiration we go to the kitchen.

Making a shaker can even a child. For this, you will need: capsule from kinder surprise, a small number of semolina, buckwheat or other cereals. We smear in the capsule Cropa, closing and we put it with a tape for reliability. From what kind of cereals will thunder inside the shaker, the dynamics of sound depends.

Sounding glasses

One of the most fabulous musical instruments made by your own hands is a xylophone from glasses. We build glasses in a row, pour water and tune the sound. The water level in the vessel affects the height of the sound: the more water, the sound below. All - you can safely play and! There are three secrets of the game on the glasses: Choose the glasses of thin glass, in front of the game thoroughly wash your hands and when you barely touch the blades of the glass with your fingers, moistened in the water.

Duffech for grandfather and modern recipes

For the materials for a shortcut, we go on nature: we need a reed, reed (or other tubular plant) and berst (or bark, dense leaves). The "tube" must be necessarily dried. With the help of a knife we \u200b\u200bmake a flat platform on the sidewall and cut out a small rectangle on it. The rectangular tongue cut out of the Beresto, with one end we do thinner. Scotch and attach a tongue to the tube and a little flex. If you wish, you can add several holes on the pipe.

The American version of the Dudovka is a tool from a cocktail tube. As the basis, we take a tube with a fold. Slide its smaller part to the teeth. Then we cut off the slices of the top at the edges of the top: there should be an angle of the middle of the edge of the tube. The angle should not be too big or small, otherwise the shoe will not sound.

Castanets from the coin

For the real Spanish tool, we will need: rectangles from color cardboard size 6x14cm (4 pieces), and a size of 6x3.5 cm (2 pieces), 4 large coins and glue.

Large rectangles fold in half and glue in pairs. From each of the small strips glue the ring (for thumb). Inside the rectangle on each opposite sides, we glue the coin, at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. When folding cardboard, cacadets coins should come into contact.

Shock musical instruments do it yourself

Ceramic flower pot with a diameter of 14 cm, several balloons, plasticine, wands for sushi, - that's what you need for.

Cut from the ball "Gorlyshko" and stretch the rest of the pot. The hole at the bottom of the pot can be sealed with plasticine. The drum is ready, it remains to make sticks. To do this, on the sticks from sushi, attach a ball from plasticine, pre-frozen. From the balloon cut off low part And stretch on the plasticine ball. And the rubber band from the top of the ball will help to pull this design.

However, musical instruments do not need to do with their own hands. Listen to the music of the streets, and you will discover the music of garbage tanks, saucepan, hoses, and even brooms. And on these subjects, you can also play interesting music, as the guys from the Stomp team do.

How to make musical instruments at home with their own hands?

The whole charm of homemade musical instruments are that they are a penny, and the process of their manufacture will have to do not only like adults, but also to children. Just imagine how much delight will be at the kid who will independently make Maracas, the Chinese drum, kastagnets or a sweater! Sure, homemade tools Do not make the perfect sound, but the main thing is not in this. Such experience cannot be compared with anything. Classes for the manufacture of self-made musical instruments are very useful at least that the child learns to distinguish their types, understands the principle of action of each of them, knows from which parts they consist. And the main thing - the joint work brings closers, and this is also useful for parents, and for their kids. So what musical instruments can be made with your own hands? Consider the most interesting and simple options.


This is perhaps one of the tools with which the baby gets acquainted, being still in diapers. Maracasi - noise tool. Rattles and other noise toys for babies are the prototype of Maracas. Make them at home is simpler simple, and options may be uncountable set. So, Maracas can be made from:

  • plastic bottles;
  • pumpkins;
  • jars from coffee;
  • eggs from the Kinder Surprise;
  • cardboard cylinders from parchment or paper towels, etc.

Maracas production scheme is quite simple: in the prepared capacity you need to pour a filler in the form of beads, peas, buttons, beads, small peas, sand or fraction. All holes in the container must be reliably close (if it is a cardboard cylinder - close it on both sides with a dense cardboard) so that the filler does not pumped out and the tool made a ringing noise. Maracas themselves can be decorated, drawing a bright ornament on them. acrylic paints Or sticking cute stickers. Round tanks can be attached to the handles for convenient use of the instrument. For example, if for Maracas you took eggs from "kinders", secure them between two plastic spoons and securely fix the twine.


For the manufacture of this tool, wooden hoops are needed for embroidery, 10 metal caps from lemonade, 5 metal twisters with a length of 2-2.5 cm, tape and 5 plates of dense cardboard, wood or metal with a thickness of 2-5 mm and 1.5x1.5 sizes See between the Feds at the same distance, we have plates and fix them with a tape - they will hold the circles of the hoop. Two covers connect each other with a flat part and permeate them in the center of metal plates. As a result, we should have 5 elements that, with the help of the tape, you need to securely attach between the plates at the same distance. As soon as the last element is attached, the tool can be used for intended purpose.

Flute Pan (Paflata)

This musical instrument is very easy to manufacture. It takes a scotch, 7 cocktail straws and 2 pieces of dense cardboard 3 cm wide, and the length will depend on the width of the tubes folded together.

Each of the tubes you need to cut a little so that they make a different sound on the tonality. The difference between them can be 1-1.5 cm. Let the longest tube are 15.5 cm, then the shortest - 5.5-6 cm. When the tubes are cut, spread them on the scotch strip so that on one side of them Ends remained at the same level. We fix this position of the tubes with scotch, by wrapped a number of 2 layers. Further on this tape is krepim cardboard so that Paflata looks more presentable. The ends of the tool must be coated with plasticine so that it can make sounds during the game.

Chinese drum

For this musical instrument you will need a canning bank (approximately 5 cm high) without a lid and bottom. Instead, they can wear plastic covers on the jar, tightly adjacent to its walls. Next, you need to take a ribbon or a strong rope with a length of about 20 cm. The walls of the cans must be pierced between the covers in one distance so that the imaginary diameter line is clearly in the center of the bank. Through the two opposite holes, it is necessary to stretch the rope, leaving the ends of the same length on both sides, tolding the nodes from the walls of the jar and retreating the edge of the rope a couple of centimeters. On the edges of the rope ride on a wooden bead and fix them with a strong knot. Tool ready.

Bells "Wind Music"

If you have somewhere in the old Chinese suspension, called "wind music", it's time to give her new life. To do this, disassemble it for composite parts - for the bells we will need only tubes. Attach these tubes on a piece of stick with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm using a strong rope. Pour the tubes at the same distance in order from the long tube to the shortest. Now this tool can be used as orchestral bells.

Drums of different height and diameter

For the manufacture of drums, you will need several tin cans, for example, from tea or cookies. Instead of the lid, pull the strong paper, fixing it with rubber bands, foil or skin. Muizitize on a similar tool better pencils, at one of the ends of which there is an elastic band. Keep in mind that of the sizes homemade drum The sound of the tool depends. Therefore, having bothering a little with the child, you can create a whole drum installation.

Bells on a cardboard tube or beater

For this tool you will need:

  • cardboard tube (for example, foil or parchment);
  • 12 Bubenchikov (buy them in the needlework store or fracture from old toys);
  • fat needle;
  • dense threads.

In a paper roll from one end, you need to pierce holes by the number of bubber bubber. It is important that these holes are at the same distance from each other, were located in two rows throughout the diameter of the tube. Carefully, but reliably secure the bubrels to the tube with a thread. As a result, the tool should look like this:


This musical instrument is an excellent assistant in studying the rhythm. Make kastagnets do it yourself very simple: take two metal covers, for example, from tin cans with tea. At the back of each cover, attach on a piece of fabric so that the child can put the stands on his fingers. The result of the work may look like this:


Take two identical combat and wax paper. Fold combat together so that the teeth remain in one direction. Combly need to coaches on the edges, covering the design of the twine. Playing on the harmonica need, blowing between the teeth design.

Flute rain

For this tool, you will need a long cardboard tube (for example, from food foil, but it is short, it is better to look for a similar tube of about 70 cm in a building store). Inside this tube you need to insert a spiral made of foil. The spiral must match the length of the tube - this is important. Tightly putting one end tube, inside the design you need to pour a handful of beads, cereals or sand. Next, you need to reliably take the second end of the tube. All, Rain Flute is ready. Now, turning it over it, it will be possible to hear how the filler on the tube slowly descends, making the noise of rain.

Showing a little fantasy, at home with children you can make guitars, whistles, bells, shakers, aqueous xylophones, tambourines, cymbals and other musical instruments. Such objects will be especially loved by children, because they are made own hands. But the main benefit is that the child is getting closer to the world of music.

Even having a special musical education, do not own a methodology for learning a game on professional musical instruments, you can instill with children interest in beautiful melodic sounds, fill the house with sculptures and gummers with music and children's laughter. We will tell how to make simple tools do it yourself.

The game on musical instruments contributes to the development of the creative abilities of the child, the manifestation of its emotionality. Specialists note that children's muscitis aged from one and a half to three years actively develops thinking, auditory perception, develops the ability of the baby to be initiated, independence. Many this helps to overcome shyness and stiffness.

We still do not take a serious music classes, let's talk about simple toysYou can make your own hands to entertain babies, teach them to beat them with rhythm, and just to get enough and rummet.

The first toddler toy is a rattle. Make it easier simple. Choose a lightweight and convenient to keep a plastic bottle and fill the cereal, butt, beads, etc. Be sure to check for strength, the child should not "score" the contents - it can be dangerous. The sound should not be sharp - the child can be frightened. Kids attracts everything bright, so take care of the decor, but consider that the toy will be in the mouth of the baby.

Bubakers make a melodious sound, you can buy them in stores for fishermen. Tools with buboins and bells will like even kids. The sound of the bubber can be accompanied by songs and dances.

The tool is convenient to keep the wand. To attract attention, you can make the basis of the toy in the form of a man's head, animals, and the like.

If you do not know how to sew at all, try to do it even easier: attach the bubbles to the cardboard tube. Its length should be convenient (so that the child can grab the palm), and the inner part can be painted in bright colorTo attract the attention of the child.

Ringing bracelet on velcro can be put on the kid handle. By the way, very comfortable while walking - you always hear where your baby when there is a lot of kids.

If there is no velcro, make a musical bracelet on the rubber band.

Castanets are perfectly trained to coordinate movements and motility, especially if both hands are involved. You need match boxes And walnuts. The larger the shell, the lower the sound. The difference in the height of the sound will be well noticeable if the nuts are 1, 5-2 times different in size. For the right and left hand, you can make a different sound.

Lifting harmonica can be made from sticks from ice cream in minutes. Between two sticks, put a sheet of paper. If you want to make sticks with color, remember that the paint should be safe, because will be in contact with saliva.

For the development of speech, it is very useful to blow, whistling, etc. Make a useful musical instrument from straws for a cocktail - Swirl. Scotch will help secure the design.

Forgotten curlers. What no sinking for music love? Attach them on a wand or pencil and hand the baby.

Similarly, you can do with old unnecessary keys. Ring will ring!

Tired of step barefoot On the house-scattered pencils and markers? Make a musical instrument from them. TTTRRRRREN from top to bottom and bottom up ...

Unnecessary discs and beads will help you build a ratchet. At the ends of the cord, do not forget to leave the loop, so that the child is convenient to keep the tool.

Who would have thought that burst ball balls would still be useful. Tension them on jars - and drums are ready!

Maracas can be made from any tanks. Inside, try pouring various cereals, beads - the sound will be different.

Rain noise is peaceful and lulling sound. Make a musical instrument with a similar sound is easy. Peas or other cereals pour into the hollow tubule.

To sound a tool for a long time, it is necessary to organize obstacles from the toothpicks, then the cereals will crumble more slowly. The holes on both sides are securely stuck.

You can please the young guitarist here such a tool. Strings will be "calling" if you make them out of the thick fishing line.

Or maybe you are not growing guitarist, but a rose?

In the urban apartment you will not allow yourself what can be in the country. Make children musical wall of old dishes - And they will be delighted!

To make musical instruments and - the main thing is to give them into hand to children, you need courage and patience, because, most likely, you will have to listen far from harmony sounds. But, however, no one to doubt the benefits of musical toys - they attract the attention of the kids, develop a rumor, a sense of rhythm. And the home orchestra can generally become a tradition of family evenings and holidays.

If you go on a journey by car, well, or if you just live in a very creative musical family - this master class is for you. Make funny tools from ordinary things that have each in the house.

It happens that when the family goes somewhere on a long path on the car, becomes catastrophically boring. Sometimes, of course, the radio saves, but not always there you can hear songs that like both children and parents. But with such instruments you will never be bored!

The sound of such tools will, of course, differ from the present, but they are being done so simple and easy that you will not regret what they spent time on their creation. Almost all materials you will find in the kitchen.

What do you need:

  • 2 plastic or dense paper little bucket
  • 2 strong balls
  • 8 wide tubes
  • scissors
  • scotch
  • rope
  • 2 plastic wreath
  • 2 plastic eggs that can be opened (use plastic boxes from kinders)
  • running for cakes (or beads)
  • hole puncher
  • several people who will be musicians!

How to make small bongs

Take the buckets. Punch on the sides, do the holes through which the rope connect Bongs. Next, take the balls and cut their ends. Now pull the materials on the tops of the buckets. You can further fantasize and decorate Bongs.

Now do Cogikla

Take straws, put them in a row and shorten on different length. We make cuts (as in the photo), and then glue them together. At will, make a rope.

Proceed to the creation of Maracas

It will be very simple! Take the boxes from the kinders, place the beads or putting on cakes in them. Now shove these little jars into plastic whites. Ready!

Enjoy music and do not miss!

According to the materials of the site:

Tatyana Eliasina

Together with musical The leader of faith Viktorovan Kooova and Parents we decided to do musical noise tools for children's creativity. Something that came up with themselves, something from folk tools, some ideas took on the endless expanses of the Internet, but did everything do it yourself parents, educators and children.

And that's what we did.

For example, a ratchet is made of a spent adhesive roller for clothing, in containers from the kinder surprises of the croup (rice and buckwheat, all stuck, connected and decorated.

The ratchet of another format-of biscuit from the lamp is assembled and tied with shoelaces plus a wand with a wooden bead. And Var. hanging Knitted with bells- can be conducted and to dance.

Metallophone from the keys of different format (They are attached to the hanger with rings) And decorated with trimming bows.

Knitted maratas- inside a plastic bottle with peas. And the ratchet is from what: Started on a wand from a cot Details from the builder and the bubbles from the broken tambourine.

And these maratasas are made in 5 minutes - plastic bottles From the salt, letters from magnetic alphabet poured in them (By the way, it is very convenient to store, and the benefits)and chestnuts, decorated tinted tinsel (stayed after the holidays). And the drums are made of plastic buckets, decorated with trimming of self-adhesive film, plastic balls for a dry pool are on rollers. Children really like to play the noise orchestra!

Publications on the topic:

Master class on making fan ratchet. This master class will be useful to music managers, educators and parents of pupils.

Musical instruments with their own hands and hands of parents parents take an active part in the life of our kindergarten. During.

In young children, attention as a rule is unstable and children love to do what they are interested. Therefore, in class classes with children.

Master class for parents "Musical instruments with their own hands" Purpose: Integrate parents in the manufacture of music. Tools and teach use them in working with children. Tasks: 1. To acquaint with varieties.

Master class "Musical instruments with their own hands" for children, educators and parents prepared Sabelfeld Anastasia Yuryevna Madou.

Musical instruments for children Musical instruments for children Music is a person's historically determined property: people gradually got used to distinguish.

Musical instruments with their own High-consultant: Marenkova Natalia Vladimirovna Music causes people a spiritual pleasure, pleasure.