Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint furniture from a tree or chipboard? How to paint an old furniture or a new life for past things painting chipboard varnish

The product from the chipboard, as a rule, is the result of great labor and therefore will be very disappointing if the urgent painting will spoil the ugly painting. In such, it would seem, not a complex business, like repair or decorative staining of surfaces from chipboard, there are features and pitfalls, so compliance with painting technology, right choice Tools and materials will allow you to fulfill these work at home beautifully and efficiently, and the coating will make durable and resistant to any damage.
Today, the market offers a very wide selection of very different painting materials and compositions, while the chance is mistaken in the choice of paint and technology of its application becomes only more. Having studied this material, you will learn how to paint a chipboard with your own hands, which paint to choose, and also get a series important tips Directly by the process of staining. To paint the chipboard with their own hands and do not turn the house in the Malya shop, prepare in advance required tools and materials.

What do you need for painting DSP with your own hands?

Primer - You can use acrylic primer
Paint - alkyd or acrylic, aerosol or ordinary
Brushes and roller If you use the usual, not aerosol paint
Acrylic transparent lacquer - He will protect the painted wooden surface from damage, and also give the depth of color and brilliance with a new coating
Respirator and gloves to protect while working
Solvent For degreasing the surface before painting (you can use White spirit, kerosene or special degreasing formulations)
Fabric napkins Or just dry clean cotton rags
Malyan Scotch and paper or passionate film
Emery paper very small grain
Spatula and putty, best automotive, you will need if you plan to clean deep scratches or chip.

So, go directly to work with our product or design from DSP materials.

Step-by-step instructions for painting chipboard

Step_1 Preparation of the workplace. Before starting to work, close the floor and (preferably) the walls of the room by observer film or newspapers.

Step_2 If you plan to paint furniture from chipboard, then before starting work, remove all parts that are not subject to staining: unscrew the knobs and other accessories, remove the glass, remove the boxes. The doors and elements of the facades also preferably paint, after removing them - this will allow the paint as high quality and smoothly, to avoid non-crushed plots in the joints of the joints, etc.

Step_3 Removing old LKM layers. If you are staining not a new product, but carry out the repair staining of the old product from the chipboard, it is necessary to get rid of the old straight-color coating as possible. If the old coating is already very squeezed, and the places completely tear, it is better to remove it completely. For this you can use special washes old paint.either construction Fenor do it with hands - with help grinding machine or emery paper. If the old LK-coating is well held, then you can just shrink old surfaceso that it is smooth. Use fine-grained emery paper for this.

Step_6 Additional step. Alignment. If there are deep cracks or chippers on the surface, they must be shaded. The easiest way to do this using a car putty. At the end of the putty, sand treated surfaces are sanding, then repeat step 4 - clean the surface with a damp cloth.

Step_7 Priming. Cover the chipboard with one or two layers of primer, it will make it possible to achieve the best adhesion of paint to the surface and reduce paint consumption with further staining. It is best to use aerosol acrylic primer. After the priming, rain full drying of the primer.

Step_8 Finally we got to the most creative and interesting point - staining! What paint paint chipboard at home? For painting chipboard, enamel paints and varnishes are used. Varnishes are used to give the painted surface of a deeper and beautiful colorAnd, most importantly, to protect the painted surface from damage and abrasion during operation. The range of colors today is quite wide: oil, alkyd, acrylic, epoxy ... We recommend using for painting chipboard at home Acrylic paints, preferably aerosol, and there is whole line Causes:

1 acrylic paints today are offered in very big assortment Colors and shades. There are hundreds of them, in addition there are acrylic paints with special effects: metallic, fluorescent, hammer, pearl, etc.

2 are easy to use, applying does not require special skills, even a beginner will cope.

3 Aerosol acrylic paints evenly cover the surface and create a perfectly smooth and smooth coating.

4 are not toxic, dry when room temperature Within 20 -25 minutes, which is very important.

5 possess good adhesion to almost any materials, including chipboard.

6 Durable. Under the observance of staining technology, hold on the surface during for long years. So, we chose the paint. A few words directly about the process of coloring:

If you are using aerosol paints, I will preliminarily shake the cylinder for 20-30 seconds so that the paint is well mixed. Apply paint from a distance of 20 to 25 cm with wide uniform movements. If there is an opportunity, put the surfaces from the chipboard horizontally, it will help to avoid flops. If the surface is located vertically - Krave the movements from top to bottom. Apply at least 2 layers of paint (preferably 3 layers), and it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the previous layer (20 to 30 minutes) before applying the subsequent layer. Special attention when staining, devote to the joints, inner corners And other hard-to-reach elements.

Step_9 varnishing. After your product from chipboard is painted and paint dried, we recommend to apply 1-2 layers of varnish. As we said above, it will give the surface more beautiful deep color And protect it from damage and wear during operation. If you used for staining acrylic paint, We recommend that you use acrylic varnish, best glossy, but you can and matte - depending on what the product you paint and from what you like best.

In painting chipboard, as when working with other materials, there are its secrets. Below are the recommendations that will necessarily help quickly cope with the painting, save money and provide a better result of painting DSP at home:

in varnish, paint, primer is recommended to choose one manufacturer's company, then their compatibility will be one hundred percent.

r Do not forget to close the surfaces that do not require coloring, painting ribbon and passionate film. It will save you from errors and help protect the surface from getting paints to places that do not require coating or already painted.

d If you paint the usual paint, have in your arsenal brushes of different thickness.

e roller with a short pile will help in achieving a smoother surface, and with a long pile roller, you can achieve textures.

well Play with color palette to create unique style. Properly similar colors will help to increase or vice versa to narrow the space where it is necessary.

h Most. modern paints And Nakov is non-toxic, but careful ventilation of the room and the use of a protective mask and respirator at home will not interfere.

The transformation of furniture, gender, walls and other surfaces from chipboard with staining is a magnificent idea, both for full and partially change the interior of the house, cottage, workspace. As you already, probably, understood to paint the DPS with their own hands, no colossal investment of forces and funds will not need - each can do this transformation.
Experiment with flowers, because it is possible that you will even discover the designer's talent capable of creating unique and unique items that cannot be found anywhere else. Updated furniture from chipboard after painting can be a reflection of your way of thoughts and individual vision of the world. Successful work in creating another masterpiece with your own hands!

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The main part of anyone (well, or almost any) interior is furniture. Its role in the organization of the internal appearance of the apartment or the house is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, we all pay great attention to the elements of furnishing our dwellings. But during operation, furniture, like everything else, loses its specifications and appearance. In short, sooner or later, each of us comes to the disappointing conclusion that some detail began to fall out of the furniture ensemble.

Not always the replacement of this detail (buying new) leads to the desired result and is not always possible so cardinal solution. In addition, often mentioned earlier, disappointing conclusion, is a consequence that you simply wanted to change something in the surrounding environment. In this situation, it is better to give preference to a less costly way to update the interior. You can repaint the elements of furniture and thus not only give their appearance the new kind, but also extend the life of these products.

Modern industry uses for the manufacture of furniture the most diverse materials. This article we will talk about how to paint the chipboard, on the ways of painting and necessary to fulfill this work tools and materials.

Chipboard, chipboard, widely used for furniture production. DSP painting has a number of fundamental features that are a consequence of the technology of manufacturing this material. It is made of wood chips, which is pressed together with special resins. DSP painting do not require any special knowledge and skills from you.

Application of paint on the chipboard, according to the algorithm, is not very different from painting other materials (, or MDF). As in other cases, the algorithm includes the following traditional stages:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Selection of type and color of paint;
  • Coating;
  • Protection of coating.

Surface preparation

At the stage of training details of furniture to painting, you must free them from the fittings. Those. if a we are talking Oh, you should unscrew the handles, remove the doors, etc.

Before dismantling, appreciate the risks associated with possible problems When dismantling and, especially when mounting the locker after coloring. Freeing the product from the "accompanying" items, proceed to the preparation of surfaces to painting. Preparation of chipboard Painting consists of three stages:

  1. Removal of old paint;
  2. Elimination of small surface defects;
  3. Padding.

Layer of old paint remove with coarse sandpaper. It is necessary to carefully remove all the paint and pollution traces on the surface. Not allowing the use of any solutions to remove paint, because will harm the structure of the material.

Paint removal process is associated with large quantity dust. It is best to use the vacuum cleaner to remove it.

The video shows how to make furniture from chipboard:

Use for these rags a, the more humor, is not recommended, because In this case, you do not remove the dust, but scold it in the pores of the material, which will significantly worsen the surface quality.

After the layer of old paint is completely removed, the surface of the fine-grained emery paper should be treated. The purpose of this operation is to give the surface of the maximum smoothness.

If there are traces of mechanical damage on the surface, they should be seen. To do this, it is best to use a mixture of shallow wooden chips with glue (for example, PVA). For non-dissimilarity, you can handle irregularity with a putty for wood. After putty dry, it is once again to handle the surface of shallow sandpaper.

The next step is the priming of the surface. To do this, use acrylic primer, which is characterized by high adhesive performance. Primer need to apply a thin layer using for this paint brush or roller. When the primer is completely dry, you can proceed to applying paint.

Selecting paint

The quality of the coating directly depends on the proper choice of paint. When choosing paint for chipboard, it is recommended to give preference to the colors of the acrylic family. These paints create a durable, high-quality coating. The essential advantage of these paints is their environmental friendliness - they are made on the basis of water. They do not have traditional for most other paints, unpleasant odor. These paints are easy to use, but require accurate circulation. Not a dry coating is easy to damage with a careless movement.

Paint is prepared by mixing a dry mixture with water. Mix proportions The manufacturer indicates a package. Paint is recommended to mix in two stages. Carefully place the contents of the package with water to the monotonous view of the required consistency and give a mixture for several minutes to "relax". After that, to mix thoroughly.

The choice of paint color completely depends on your taste preferences. The modern industry produces acrylic paints of various colors and shades.

Application of paint

Apply acrylic paint on surface chipboard You can brush or roller. You do not exist to choose any recommendations on this score. Whatever tool you have used, attention should be paid to its quality. Do not save. Cheap rollers and brushes willingly and generously "decorated" coverage with their vice, which is not always a beneficial effect on the quality of the coating and its appearance.

The paint must be applied by unidirectional movements of the brush or roller. In this case, you will get a flat pattern coating. This requirement is not mandatory. You may want, so that the surface looks like repeatedly repainted, then the paint should be applied with multidirectional movements.

The number of layers of paint you also define yourself. But each new layer should be applied only after a completely dry layer.

Coating protection

With all its advantages, acrylic paints are relatively quickly wiping. Therefore, the coating is necessary to be applied in several layers.

The chipboard coating is performed using a foam sponge. Varnish do not need to be "smeared" on the surface. It is applied with soft "stamping" movements.

After the last layer of varnish is dry, you can start assembling furniture.

How to paint LDSP, we will consider today in detail. This is not the same hard work And forces to do it with your own hands. Also on this issue will help the video in this article and the photo. So update the furniture or the floor you can now independently. Although it will be necessary to comply with the performance technology.

Instruction how to paint Chipboard paintnot difficult. It is necessary to qualitatively prepare the basic plane and apply the dye. Only the quality performance depends on the details, we will tell about them below.

We begin preparatory work

It is necessary to approach any work with the knowledge of the case. Especially if it concerns something new that has never been done before.

Before painting chipboard, you must know what materials and tools will be required to get more information about the features technological process. Only then can be processed to work.

Attention: the most important thing is that the plane after preparation is smooth and clean. After all, everything will remain, after applying the dye, it may well begin to peel. Therefore, do everything qualitatively.

  • So, you are planning to work with chipboard. The material is good, but before the start of work you need to prepare the surface to which you intend to apply a certain layer of paint. From how the surface will be prepared, the quality of the work performed is largely.
  • It is quite a specific and understandable task - you need to give her novelty, to update, so that there are no sins of the old age of the beloved interior item. In such cases, for restoration works, two materials are selected: paint or special varnish. In some cases, these, incompatible, materials can be combined.
  • If you do not spend the surface stripping, no matter how hard you tried, after a certain amount of time, the paint will begin to shock, brown and turn to the floor. The paint simply starts to "run away" from the painted surface.

Therefore, the surface of the chipboard must be carefully cleaned from the old varnish (see) or paint. The work is not simple, requires perfection and patience. Even if there is everything at hand, it is not always possible to easily fit some piece of old varnish from the surface. Despite any difficulties and lack of time, you armed with patience and tool. How to start?

There are two faithful ways. Let's look at:

Chemical option The first method is chemical. A little expensive, in terms of what you need to purchase special solvents in the store, work in a mask to smallese harmful substances in the respiratory tract, but this way is easier.
  • Chemistry for the removal of old paint or varnish is chosen depending on what it is for the coating and how many years it served as faithfully. In this question, you do not need to be a professor, it is enough to approach the seller-consultant and get a convincing advice.
  • If the seller is not much busy, he will even tell the whole process, from applying, before removing the old paint. With different chemistry you should always work in protective facilities. Don't have to coffin your health to enjoy the view beautiful furniture. In the same store you will definitely offer protection options, tell you how to use them.
Thermal The next type of cleaning is thermal, or thermal. It is that the old covered furniture made from the chipboard is pretty heated. Lacquer or paint becomes melting and easier removed using the tool. In this case, poisonous compounds are also allocated, which also need to have protection means.
  • For heating surface, an industrial hairdryer is used. Professional prices, although they are expensive, but have a temperature sensor and the possibility of its regulation. Of course, if you are not going to do this work professionally, it will come up any cheap toolEven Chinese.
  • Take this hair dryer, we turn on, well warms the chipboard and purify from the old coating. For this purpose, you will need any convenient construction spatula.
  • Another point - you do not need to burn with a hairdryer large areas treated with surfaces, warm as much as you can process in a short period of time. Otherwise, the heat treatment procedure will need to be repeated. Then, the cleaned side gently point and clean the sandpaper.
  • Such polisher work is needed so that old flaws and material defects are manifested after applying new paint. Appreciate your work so that you do not have to work again. Or cause a specialist and pay him money for work.

What paint is better to use when painting a chipboard at home

What to paint chipboard? This can be done by various dyes, they are different in their composition and characteristics. Mostly professionals for DSP painting are always enjoyed by enamel paints and varnishes.

  • Varnish are applied in cases when they want to achieve a good material color solving, shades and gloss depth. Still has such a coating other than aesthetics, there is one more positive moment - It protects the surface from exposure to external factors.
  • The range of colors is very diverse. These are: acrylic, alkyd, oil and epoxy. Most specialists recommend, to fulfill work at home, buy.

Attention: best, if it is an aerosol type. Only in this case, you can achieve a qualitative result, because when spraying it falls evenly at all the pores of the chipboard. Tassel will not work.

We give the reasons why acrylic:

  • As mentioned above, there are a very large assortment of this type of paint. There is even with a metal effect, reflecting the light, pearl colors. Shades hundreds can be chosen in any building materials store.
  • They are very comfortable and bribed simplicity at work. Not much experience and serious skills are required. Every person can cope with work.
  • With the help of aerosol paints, perfect and smooth surfaces on chipboard. The surface does not look like a rough.
  • Another plus - they do not harm human health. You can work without means of protection and dry enough in a short period of time. It is enough 30 minutes and the product is not dumping.
  • Paint has good adhesion, applied to all materials. Applied to the chipboard - too.
  • This kind of paint is very durable. If you comply with all the technology for working with it, the product will not lose the chromaticity for long years of use.

With the choice of paint - everything is clear. Now you need to make clarity, how to work with it so that the first pancake does not become a com.

Dye applying to chipboard

How to paint a chipboard with your own hands now we'll figure it out in the details. Work is not complicated, but it is better to go through this issue again.

ATTENTION: If you have a lot of work, then it is best to apply a pulverizer to apply. Its price is not so high, but you can quickly and qualitatively apply the coating.


  • If you did not disobey the council and bought aerosol paint type, then immediately before applying to the chipboard, it must be thickened to shake it well, especially if the paint has additional chemical elements (for example, fluoriscent).
  • It must be applied evenly, otherwise they will flow. Work carefully so that you do not have to redo the job. It is best to apply an aerosol paint, putting a DSP leaf horizontally, it will avoid the above problems.
  • If the sheet does not work "put" into the horizontal position, then you need to paint, evenly applying a layer on the layer, from top to bottom. It is necessary to apply a few layers, before the next color, wait for the complete drying of the previous layer. Contact special attention, staining the places of connecting sheets and corners. The task is not very complicated, but carefulness is required and accuracy.
  • Now we turn to such an opening, painted and dried chipboard. Lacuits of varnish should not be much, it all depends on its quality. In some cases, even just one passage is such a composition, as a last resort - two. Why apply lacquer on chipboard? We have already spoken about it - to protect the surface and color saturation.

How to paint laminated chipboard And how to paint the dresser from the chipboard you will now figure it out. Here is the preparation of the plane. After all, the appearance and durability of the coating will depend on it. Therefore, it is responsible for this issue.

How to paint chipboard with their own hands, interests many furniture owners collected from tree-stoves. Chipboard - far from best Material For use or indoors, nor outside. It is afraid of moisture and is not particularly durable. Applied for gluing wood chips based on formaldehyde turn a chipboard to the source of evaporation harmful to health.

Nevertheless, the chip material is in demand and in furniture manufacturingand in the construction market. Cause of its popularity - low price and ease of processing. The coating applied to the plates improves their environmental characteristics, as it prevents the selection of formaldehyde from the chipboard.

How to paint furniture from chipboard

Female makers are separating the plates with a veneer or color in such a way that they take the form of expensive wood, but the coating on a compressed base does not hold forever. At best, losses and scratches appear on it, in the worst - the protective-decorative layer is exhausted, peeling or cleaned. The furniture loses the presentability, and the evaporation of formaldehyde resins begins with bare slabs.

Painting furniture from chipboard to purchase aesthetic

DSP painting will extend the service life of the furniture. Coloring can be updated its design. Of course, the paint will create a protective film on the stove. Who at least once collected factory furniture from the chipboard, knows that not all their edges are laminated. Plots of plates without coating (as a rule, their rear side) is also worth painting. This rule should not be neglected and amateur manufacturers of furniture.

But what about non-aluminized plates purchased in a construction store? Their purpose is to use as a rough base. DSP will subsequently hidden under finish finishBut they are still better covered with a protective film of paint, varnish or bitumen coating.

Painting furniture is a more time-consuming process. Just paint the enamel of your favorite colors your closet or the bedside table will not work. How to paint furniture from chipboard so that the new coating does not exist through a short time, what kind of paint is better to use when updating furniture? Is it possible to paint it without disassembling? What tools are needed in work? Answers to these questions will be given below.

Preparatory stage

Before painting a chipboard, its surface must be prepared thoroughly. At this stage, you will need:

Preparation of furniture details from chipboard before painting

  • large and small sandpaper;
  • primer and putty on wood;
  • edge tape;
  • flat brush.

The disassembly of furniture from chipboard is desirable. After it, each plate must be checked for cracks, scratches, chips. Perhaps the most questions arise how to paint the laminated chipboard, if there are cracks in the coating. The problem is solved simply:

  • the syringe is filled with PVA glue;
  • squeeze it under the facing exhausting from the foundation;
  • press coating to the plate (it is better to use clamp);
  • remove excess glue.

After a day, the clamp can be removed.

Is it possible to paint the plates now? No, since the grip between the smooth surface of the slab and the paint will be minimal. Panels are treated at first large, then fine sandpaper (you can use grinding with grinding nozzles). After leveling the surface and giving it roughness, dust removes. The plate is ground.

Putty furniture details from chipboard

After that, the remaining potholes are sweeping. The composition is better to apply rubber spatula. When putty dry, you need to remove the irregularities of the sandpaper. Before painting the chipboard, the edges of the tape are glued to the heads of the slabs (the edges of PVC are glued after staining).

There are other ways to remove the old coating with DSP - thermal and chemical, but at home varnish with panels is better to remove abrasive tools. Such work is more dusty, but less dangerous to health.

Is it possible to paint the wardrobe from the chipboard without disassembling it? Well, you can leave it in place if the cabinet does not need to be repaired and only the update of its appearance is required. In any case, the plane to be stained must be processed by sandpaper and rebound acrylic compositionTo prepare the surfaces to painting.

Coloring furniture

Before proceeding to painting furniture, in the room it is necessary to hold wet cleaning And once again remove from the plates of dust residues. Chipboard can be painted with a brush or roller. Brush is convenient when applying paint on small square and hard-to-reach areas. Roller is better to use when painting large surfaces. In any case, you need to work qualitative instrumentnot leaving the pile and bristles on furniture. By the way, the remaining on the slab hairs can be removed sewing needle or pin.

Some prefer to paint furniture from the collapse, but work with it requires a certain skill.

How to face details headset from chipboard

The best paint for chipboard is acrylic. It is well in contact with the surface, creating a smooth, durable, elastic film that protects the slab from the effects of external factors. At the same time, the colorful layer prevents outrage of harmful evaporation from the slab. The coloring pigment acrylic paint almost does not fade. It can paint the surface in any rooms, including children. Acrylic paints almost do not smell and dry quickly. Before painting them, however, the chipboard should be primed only by acrylic composition.

Is it possible to paint furniture by other paints? Alkyd enamel Quickly fade. In addition, there are chemical components in their composition, which are unsafe for health during drying. Nitroemali is toxic and create a film that is unstable to mechanical exposure. Oil paints Eco-friendly, but fade as fast as alkyd. The colorful layer can be covered by cracks through a short time after applying.

Acrylic paint is applied to chipboard at least 2 layers. The second layer is imposed after drying the first. Keep the paint should in the absence of drafts, so in the room where the windows and doors were carried out.

Painting furniture from chipboard

It is not necessary to paint the plane of the paint of the same color. When creating on the surface of a multicolor composition, you can use the painting scotch. He clearly distinguishes the sections of the panel with different shades. After staining, the tape is removed.

Pursuing internal I. exterior finish premises we often use sheetworks, such as chipboard. This material allows where necessary, it is easy to get perfectly smooth surfaces. Also, chipboard is one of the most common materials for the manufacture of furniture, it is widely used in construction and has been applied for a variety of tasks for several decades. Very often, in the manufacture or restoration of furniture, the question arises, how to paint chipboard with your own hands?

The product from the chipboard, as a rule, is the result of great labor and therefore will be very disappointing if the urgent painting will spoil the ugly painting. In such, it would seem, not a complex business, like repair or decorative staining of the surfaces from the chipboard, there are features and pitfalls, so compliance with painting technology, the right choice of tools and materials will allow these work at home beautifully and high quality, and the coating Make a durable and resistant to any damage.
Today, the market offers a very wide selection of very different painting materials and compositions, while the chance is mistaken in the choice of paint and technology of its application becomes only more. After examining this material, you will learn how to paint your hands with your own hands, which paint choose, and also get a number of important tips directly on the process of staining itself.

To paint the chipboard with their own hands and do not turn the house in the Malyal Workshop, prepare the necessary tools and materials in advance.

What do you need for painting DSP with your own hands?

Primer - you can use acrylic primer
Paint - alkyd or acrylic, aerosol or ordinary
Brushes and roller If you use the usual, not aerosol paint
Acrylic transparent lacquer - It will protect the painted wooden surface from damage, and also give the depth of color and brilliance with a new coating
Respirator and gloves to protect while working
Solvent for degreasing the surface before painting (you can use White spirit, kerosene or special degreasing formulations)
Fabric napkins Or just dry clean cotton rags
Malyary Scotch and Paper or Stone Film
Sandpaper Very shallow grain
Spatula and putty, Best automotive, you will need if you plan to clean deep scratches or chips.

So, go directly to work with our product or design from DSP materials.

Step-by-step instructions for painting chipboard

Step_1 Preparation of the workplace. Before starting to work, close the floor and (preferably) the walls of the room by observer film or newspapers.

Step_2 If you plan to paint furniture from chipboard, then before starting work, remove all parts that are not subject to staining: unscrew the knobs and other accessories, remove the glass, remove the boxes. The doors and elements of the facades also preferably paint, after removing them - this will allow the paint as high quality and smoothly, to avoid non-crushed plots in the joints of the joints, etc.

Step_3 Removing old LKM layers. If you are staining not a new product, but carry out the repair staining of the old product from the chipboard, it is necessary to get rid of the old straight-color coating as possible. If the old coating is already very squeezed, and the places completely tear, it is better to remove it completely. To do this, you can use special washes of old paint, or a construction hairdryer, or to do it with your hands - with the help of grinding machine or sandpaper. If the old LK-coating keeps well, then you can simply stick the old surface to be smooth. Use fine-grained emery paper for this.

Step_4 The next step needs to clean the surfaces from dust and contamination. To do this, use warm water and cotton rag, with severe pollution you can add to water detergent, after which you need to wipe the surface with dry rags.

Step_5 Decrease the surface of the chipboard not forming a slippery film with a solvent, for example, White spirit or acetone.

Step_6 Additional step. Alignment. If there are deep cracks or chippers on the surface, they must be shaded. The easiest way to do this using a car putty. At the end of the putty, sand treated surfaces are sanding, then repeat step 4 - clean the surface with a damp cloth.

Step_7 Priming. Cover the chipboard with one or two layers of primer, it will make it possible to achieve the best adhesion of paint to the surface and reduce paint consumption with further staining. It is best to use aerosol acrylic primer. After the priming, rain full drying of the primer.

Step_8 Finally we got to the most creative and interesting point - staining!

What paint paint chipboard at home?

For painting chipboard, enamel paints and varnishes are used. Lucky are used to give the painted surface of a deeper and beautiful color, and, most importantly, to protect the painted surface from damage and abrasion during operation. The range of colors today is quite wide: oil, alkyd, acrylic, epoxy. We recommend using for digeted chipboard acrylic paints, preferably aerosol, and there are a number of reasons:

1 Acrylic paints are offered today in a very large assortment of colors and shades. There are hundreds of them, in addition there are acrylic paints with special effects: metallic, fluorescent, hammer, pearl, etc.

2 are easy to use, applying does not require special skills, even a beginner will cope.

3 Aerosol acrylic paints evenly cover the surface and create a perfectly smooth and smooth coating.

4 are not toxic, dried at room temperature for 20 -25 minutes, which is very important.

5 possess good adhesion to almost any materials, including chipboard.

6 Durable. Under the observance of the staining technology is kept on the surface for long years.

So, we chose the paint. A few words directly about the process of coloring:

If you are using aerosol paints, then you will definitely shake the cylinder for 20-30 seconds so that the paint is well mixed. Apply paint from a distance of 20 to 25 cm with wide uniform movements. If there is an opportunity, put the surfaces from the chipboard horizontally, it will help to avoid flops. If the surface is located vertically - Krave the movements from top to bottom. Apply at least 2 layers of paint (preferably 3 layers), and it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the previous layer (20 to 30 minutes) before applying the subsequent layer. Special attention when painting, devote to joints, inner corners and other hard-to-reach elements.

Step_9 varnishing. After your product from chipboard is painted and paint dried, we recommend to apply 1-2 layers of varnish. As we have already spoken above, it will give the surface of a more beautiful deep color and protect it from damage and wear during operation. If you used acrylic paint for staining, we recommend that you use acrylic varnish, best glossy, but you can and matte - depending on what the product you paint and from what you like more.

In painting chipboard, as when working with other materials, there are its secrets. Below are the recommendations that will necessarily help quickly cope with the painting, save money and provide a better result of painting DSP at home:

and for painting chipboard in dark color Pre-cover the surface at least two layers of primer.

b before the coloring chipboard. Process the surface of impregnation of deep penetration - it will make your product much more durable

r Do not forget to close the surfaces that do not require coloring, painting ribbon and passionate film. It will save you from errors and help protect the surface from getting paints to places that do not require coating or already painted.

d If you paint the usual paint, have in your arsenal brushes of different thickness.

e roller with a short pile will help in achieving a smoother surface, and with a long pile roller, you can achieve textures.

well Play with the color palette to create a unique style. Properly similar colors will help to increase or vice versa to narrow the space where it is necessary.

with most modern paints and varnishes are non-toxic, but careful ventilation of the room and the use of a protective mask and respirator will not interfere at home.

The transformation of furniture, gender, walls and other surfaces from chipboard with staining is a magnificent idea, both for full and partially change the interior of the house, cottage, workspace. As you already, probably, understood to paint the DPS with their own hands, no colossal investment of forces and funds will not need - each can do this transformation.
Experiment with flowers, because it is possible that you will even discover the designer's talent capable of creating unique and unique items that cannot be found anywhere else. Updated furniture from chipboard after painting can be a reflection of your way of thoughts and individual vision of the world. Successful work in creating another masterpiece with your own hands!

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