Repair Design Furniture

The better to wash your new refrigerator. How to clean the refrigerator and what products to use. The right refrigerator. Caring for him

Keeping the refrigerator in your kitchen clean is akin to personal hygiene for a person. It is in the refrigerator that we store food for the whole family, young and old. This magical device keeps food fresh and healthy for a long time. But if dirt settles in the refrigerator, then the food is gone: pathogenic bacteria will find fertile soil for themselves and will engage in vigorous activity. If it were only spoiled food ... But bacteria will cause unpleasant odors, mold on surfaces and even the development of diseases in the whole family. To prevent such dire predictions from becoming a reality, we will learn how to take care of the refrigerator correctly, in a timely manner and effectively.

We arm ourselves with everything we need: what we need in the process of washing the refrigerator

First, let's decide what we will wash and clean the refrigerator with. At the same time, we will decide whether to use household chemicals or folk remedies for this.


For high-quality and efficient cleaning, you will need:

  • kitchen sponge with a hard side;
  • a clean, dry cloth, always soft;
  • a bowl of suitable depth;
  • rubber household gloves.
  • Sometimes paper napkins can come in handy: they polish glass and transparent plastic surfaces to a shine. But metal sponges should not be used even against strong and stubborn dirt, since they can hopelessly ruin the plastic with small scratches.

    Before you start cleaning the refrigerator, arm yourself with the necessary equipment and suitable means.

    Household chemicals

    On the modern market, household chemicals are represented by a variety of detergents and cleaning products, including those for special purposes. The most common of these are dishwashing liquids. They deal well with food contamination, and the algorithm for their use is quite simple.

  • Take out all the boxes and pallets from the refrigerator compartment, put them in a bathtub (this is much more convenient than washing such bulky containers in a basin).
  • Put warm or hot water into the bathtub and pour in a little washing-up liquid. The quantity depends on the quality: the better your detergent lathers, the less you will need it.
  • Foam the resulting solution well. Take a sponge and wipe all surfaces thoroughly to remove stains and food debris. Do not be stingy with soapy water.
  • After you finish cleaning, rinse the shelves and drawers well under running water and dry with a soft cloth. Buff with a paper towel if desired.
    Regular dish detergent will work well with dirt in the refrigerator.
  • If there are stains that you cannot remove, try using special antibacterial agents on the inside of the refrigerator compartment. They come in convenient spray containers. This shape allows you to spend a minimum of time on cleaning, because you do not have to take boxes and shelves out of the refrigerator. Simply spray on the surface and wipe off immediately with a dry towel. After this treatment, food can be returned to the shelves immediately.

    Special refrigerator care products are equipped with a convenient spray bottle

    There are even wet wipes and disinfectant sprays specially formulated for washing and cleaning the interior of the refrigerator. They quickly and effectively remove dried stains, and at the same time have a disinfecting effect, which is important for maintaining the desired microclimate in the refrigerator.

    Special wipes for refrigerators will perfectly clean and disinfect surfaces

    Note! When cleaning the refrigerator, it is not recommended to use strong abrasive powders and products containing acid or alkali. Such substances are harmful to plastic surfaces.

    You have probably already heard about such a tool as a melamine sponge. It removes almost all the dirt. Perhaps many of our readers have already used it and will confirm (or deny) its effectiveness. The author of this article tried this wonderful sponge on an old refrigerator, the stains on which were impossible to clean at first glance. Only rust remained unconquered, the rest was rubbed off "with a bang." True, I had to sweat, and after a long time my hands ached from exertion. But by any other means, I certainly would hardly have coped. When using a melamine sponge to clean your refrigerator, it is important to know one rule: all treated surfaces should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water. This is necessary in order to remove all exfoliated particles of the sponge. The fact is that melamine, the material of which the sponge is composed, is toxic; it must not be allowed to come into contact with food in order to prevent it from entering the body. And since we store food in the refrigerator, controlling the safety of its surfaces is a top priority.

    Video: the better to wash the inside of the refrigerator

    Home remedies

    Household chemicals quickly and effectively cope with the task of removing dirt. But sometimes we are faced with the fact that cleaning must be carried out here and now, but there was no suitable tool at hand. In addition, some housewives do not at all recognize the achievements of the modern chemical industry, preferring the old grandmother's methods to them.

    Well, for any of these cases, we have available tools at home that will help clean the inside of the refrigerator to a shine.

  • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). From it you need to prepare gruel, diluting with water to the consistency of sour cream. Such gruel is able to dissolve the most stubborn stains within a certain time.
    Baking soda, diluted to a sour cream consistency, will safely remove stubborn dirt
  • Soap solution. Grate the laundry soap with a fine grater and dissolve the shavings in hot water. Determine the consistency of the mortar depending on the degree of contamination. The tool perfectly copes with dirt in rubber seals.
    Laundry soap solution - a reliable assistant in the fight against stubborn dirt
  • Warm water. You cannot use hot water to wash glass shelves (sudden temperature changes make glass brittle), and cold water may simply not cope with the task at hand.
    Use only lukewarm water to clean the glass shelves.
  • A solution of ammonia in warm water in a ratio of 1: 7. Cleans, disinfects, removes odors, adds shine.
    Ammonia cleans, disinfects and gives the surface a shine
  • Apple cider. Thanks to the acid it contains, it copes with dirt and unpleasant odors no worse than ammonia or table vinegar, but, unlike them, leaves behind a pleasant smell. Before use, cider is diluted with water in proportions of 1 glass to 1 liter, respectively.
    Use apple cider as a cleanser and deodorant
  • Toothpaste or powder. These products have mild abrasive properties, they clean dirt from surfaces effectively and at the same time gently, while simultaneously removing unpleasant odors.
    Toothpaste gently cleanses dirt and effectively removes unpleasant odors
  • By the way, toothpaste, combined with ammonia, does an excellent job of yellowing the surface of the refrigerator. I had to face such a nuisance: the once snow-white refrigerator, which served only 3-4 years, faded and covered in places with a yellow coating. Moreover, the spots appeared inside and outside. The reason was found out quickly: it was just necessary to wipe the surfaces more often from any blockages. And do not use abrasive powders for cleaning. Dust and food residues quickly eaten into the resulting micro-scratches. The solution to the problem was discovered completely by accident. I cleaned the dried dirt from the shelf with toothpaste and wiped it with ammonia on top so that there was no odor on the surface. When I finished, I noticed that the treated area was snow white compared to the rest of the surface. Mixing a little toothpaste and ammonia in equal parts and wiping the yellowed areas with this compound, I returned the fridge to whiteness.

    Video: how to wash the refrigerator with soda


    Regular measures

    For convenience, create a cleaning schedule for your refrigerator. It is very simple and consists of several points.

  • Daily tasks. While the kettle is warming up or meat for soup is being cooked, carefully examine the inside and outside of the refrigerator. If you notice streaks or stains, wipe them off immediately with a damp sponge. Fresh dirt is much easier to remove than dried and stubborn dirt. Also, wipe the door handles with tissues or spray with an antibacterial spray to destroy harmful microorganisms.
    It is very important to wipe the refrigerator handles as often as possible, they constantly accumulate a huge number of pathogens
  • Weekly tasks. Before going to the grocery store for the next week, check out what's already in the fridge. Throw away or use in cooking any food that has been lying for several days and has lost its original freshness. Just a couple of days, and they "flow", and you have to wash the refrigerator completely.
    Throw away any food that has been in the refrigerator for more than a week before they are gone.
  • Clean the refrigerator thoroughly from time to time. For example, you have a free hour, and the shelves in the refrigerator compartment become free. Take them out and wipe off dirt. After a couple of days, do the same with drawers for vegetables and fruits, next time with hinged shelves on the door. You can even draw up another schedule specifically for this: on Wednesday - pallets, on Friday - drawers, on Sunday - hanging containers.
  • General cleaning and washing after defrosting

    Even if you strictly control the cleanliness of your refrigerator, you still have to carry out a general cleaning in it. It is recommended to do this 1-2 times a year, depending on the model of the device.

    As with anything, consistency is important when cleaning your refrigerator. You have already armed yourself with the necessary equipment and decided which detergent you will use. Well, let's get started.

  • The refrigerator must be disconnected from the mains so that it is completely defrosted. Some models have a defrosting mode. If your device has such a function, enable it.
    Unplug the refrigerator to defrost
  • Remove all contents from the unit. Those products that were in the refrigerating chamber, it is advisable to eat in the near future. Move frozen food from the freezer for long-term storage to a cold place. In winter it can be an unheated balcony, and in summer it can be a basin of water.
    Remove all food from the fridge and eat the food that spoils quickly as soon as possible.
  • Remove all shelves, drawers, containers, and grates from the refrigerator. They must be washed separately. While the refrigerator is defrosting, soak all removable parts in warm water and detergent. It will be most convenient to put them in the bathtub.
  • It is enough to keep the removable parts in the solution for about half an hour to soften stubborn dirt. Now take a sponge, apply the selected detergent to it (this can be, for example, a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water), and thoroughly wipe the surfaces of each part, paying special attention to the folds, joints, corrugated areas. After that, rinse everything thoroughly under running water, wipe dry with a soft towel and lay out on a flat surface to dry completely.
  • The refrigerator has already defrosted, it's time to take care of its body. First, wash off all stains from drips, grease and dirt on the interior surfaces of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Do not forget to carefully handle the rubber seals - they accumulate dirt, which can be invisible. Wipe dry and leave the refrigerator open for 1 hour to dry and ventilate completely. Then put back all the racks, drawers, shelves and containers, and close the refrigerator door.
    When washing the refrigerator from the inside, pay special attention to the rubber seals - they accumulate a lot of dirt
  • Wash the outside of the cabinet. Just warm water will help you here. Areas with visible stubborn dirt can be wiped down with the same cleaner you used earlier. Dry the surfaces with a soft towel. The outer walls of the refrigerator also need cleaning and polishing.
  • Be sure to clean the rear grill of the refrigerator. Dust accumulates on it, which over time can lead to damage to the device. The easiest way to remove dust from the grate is with a vacuum cleaner.
  • All the manipulations for cleaning the device are completed, now you can load the products back, turn on the refrigerator and set the desired temperature regime.

    But what to do if in the process of washing the unit you find several difficult old stains that cannot be cleaned in the usual way? Above, we wrote in detail about the effects of various means, chemical and folk. If you trust household chemicals, apply any of the described products directly to the stain and leave on for 15–20 minutes. After that, carefully scrub the stain with a sponge, rinsing off with warm water. But do not use scrapers or metal sponges for this - they will leave scratches on the surface. Only a sponge with a hard side is allowed.

    If you prefer folk remedies, then it will be useful for you to know how to use them correctly. Let's take a closer look at how to use home remedies for stubborn stains.

    How and how to remove difficult stains - table

    Means Mode of application
    Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
    • Mix baking soda and warm water to a kefir consistency;
    • apply the resulting gruel to a soft gauze cloth;
    • apply to the dried spot and leave for 30 minutes;
    • after that, rub the dirty area a little and rinse with warm clean water;
    • be sure to wipe the area to be cleaned dry.
    Hot soapy water
    • Grate a small piece of laundry soap on a fine grater and dissolve in hot water;
    • mix thoroughly in order to completely dissolve the soap;
    • Wash all rubber seals with hot soapy water, paying special attention to folds, since it is in them that various dirt accumulates most;
    • after treatment with soapy water, wash off its remains with clean water;
    • Wipe all seals dry with a dry gauze cloth (due to its soft structure, it will remove excess moisture from the folds).
    Hot water with ammonia
    • Wear rubber gloves before the procedure;
    • dissolve a little ammonia in hot water in a ratio of 1: 7, respectively;
    • moisten a rag in the resulting solution and place on a dried spot;
    • leave for 30–45 minutes;
    • at the end of the specified time, wipe the dirty area with a soft sponge;
    • only then can the refrigerator be washed out with plenty of water.
    • Mix a glass of apple cider and a liter of warm water;
    • Stir well and soak a soft sponge in the solution;
    • start washing all surfaces inside the refrigerator;
    • then rinse all shelves and walls with clean water and dry with a kitchen towel.
    • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the porous sponge and scrub all surfaces inside the refrigerator;
    • remove shelves, drawers and pallets and wash them in the bathroom or in the kitchen sink;
    • in the end, thoroughly rinse the paste with plenty of water and wipe the surfaces dry;
    • replace all removable elements.
    • Mix tooth powder and water so that the paste has the consistency of thick sour cream;
    • follow the same procedure as with toothpaste, then rinse with plenty of water and dry all surfaces with a dry towel.

    Video: how to defrost and wash the refrigerator

    How to properly wash a new refrigerator before using for the first time

    You bought a new refrigerator and now it has arrived at your home. Should I immediately put it in the chosen place and turn it on?

    Do not hurry. First, open the doors of the refrigerator and let it stand for several hours at room temperature. Secondly, the new refrigerator still needs to be washed, since factory or store pollution may remain in it. And the technical smell is unlikely to add comfort and coziness to the kitchen.

    New refrigerator, fresh from the store, also needs to be washed

    A warm solution of baking soda will handle dirt and dust well. Enough 1 tablespoon of the substance per 1 liter of water to wipe all surfaces to a shine. And you can drive away a too strong chemical smell with a sponge dipped in vinegar. After processing, wipe the refrigerator dry and leave to air for a couple of hours. If you use lemon juice instead of vinegar, then ventilation is not needed.

    What will help you remove specific odors

    Since a wide variety of foods are stored in the refrigerator, odors, including unpleasant ones, are unlikely to be avoided. But we can get rid of them. Moreover, simple tools that are always at hand will help us with this.

    The usual 9% vinegar, which we often use in cooking, will perfectly kill off odors. Apply it like this:

  • In a bowl, mix equal amounts of warm water and vinegar.
  • Thoroughly rinse all surfaces in the refrigerator with the solution: walls, shelves, drawers, even containers for ice and eggs.
  • Wash all treated surfaces with plenty of clean warm water to remove the vinegar odor. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.
    Plain table vinegar reliably removes unpleasant odors
  • Due to its strong and pungent smell, ammonia successfully interrupts all other aromas. In addition, it has disinfecting properties, guaranteed to kill bacteria that produce unpleasant odors.

  • Take a piece of cheesecloth, folded several times, and soak it in ammonia. Wipe thoroughly all interior surfaces of the unit. Treat with fresh air in the room (for example, opening a window and door) so as not to suffer from strong odors.
  • After processing, leave the refrigerator open for several hours so that all other odors are gone along with the ammonia. It is recommended to do the procedure in the evening so that everything is ventilated by the morning.
  • Lemon juice

    Dissolve the juice of one lemon in 2 liters of warm water and wash the refrigerator, carefully wiping all surfaces, especially on the folds. This will be enough to eliminate unpleasant odors. The undoubted advantage of this method is that after processing, you do not need to wash the refrigerator with clean water: a pleasant citrus aroma will remain from the lemon.

    Lemon juice will not only cope well with dirt, but will also leave a pleasant citrus aroma in the refrigerator.

    Coffee grounds

    Brewed natural coffee perfectly copes with any extraneous odors. And the particles of coffee grounds, which have the properties of a delicate abrasive, gently and effectively wipe off even old dried stains. After you finish processing, carefully remove the thick from all surfaces, first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

    Video: how to get rid of odors in the refrigerator Separate food types and store in separate drawers to keep the refrigerator clean and fresh

  • Try to eat primarily perishable foods and those that are approaching the end of their shelf life. They should not be allowed to acidify, airing and the formation of mold, otherwise general cleaning of the refrigerator will be needed urgently and will take a lot of time.
  • If you spill any liquid or spill food, treat it immediately and wipe the surface dry. Making this a habit will save yourself the hassle of cleaning the refrigerator frequently. Wipe up spilled food and liquids immediately.
  • The shelves should be wiped down weekly, even if you haven't spilled or spilled anything on them.
  • Sealed containers and cling film are great inventions. Store food in them, both raw and cooked, to avoid contamination of surfaces and the formation of odors inside the refrigerator compartment.
    Sealed food containers store food conveniently and safely for the refrigerator
  • You can cover the boxes for fruits and vegetables with plastic wrap or sheets of thick paper. They can then simply be thrown away and the surfaces will remain clean.
    Cover the shelves with suitable material that you will not mind getting dirty and throwing away
  • Use a deep dish to defrost food. For example, if you are transferring a piece of meat from the freezer to the refrigerator compartment, place it not on a flat plate, but in a suitable bowl. The thawed meat juice should remain inside the container and not spread over the shelves. Otherwise, you will have to wash the entire refrigerator.
  • Make it a rule to throw away foods that have been in the refrigerator for more than a week without mercy. If you have not eaten them during this time, then you are unlikely to eat them afterwards. In addition, such food can be unhealthy.
  • A fridge shining with cleanliness is a decoration of a kitchen and a guarantee of freshness of food. If you used to think that cleaning the inside of the refrigerator and maintaining it in a proper way takes a lot of time and effort, now you are probably convinced that this is not the case. We hope our tips will help you make your household chores much easier and more enjoyable. Remember this simple rule of thumb: Keeping clean is much easier than general cleaning. Comfort for your home!

    The refrigerator compartment stores many foods, both raw and cooked. Not always, when placing containers, we follow all the recommendations of the manufacturers, aromas are mixed if stored improperly.

    In addition, you may not notice any spilled liquid or food that is past its expiration date. All these factors become sources of unpleasant odors. Any housewife should know how to wash the refrigerator inside to eliminate the smell. Today, as always, we will suggest the best solutions to this problem.

    Why a smell can appear in the refrigerator: the main reasons

    In order to effectively and quickly remove odor from the refrigerator, it is advisable to understand the reason for its origin. Two main groups can be distinguished:

    • Factory- manufacturers warn about this in the instructions, in addition, there are also recommendations for its elimination. It is often enough to wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth using any detergent composition;
    • Household reasons- the smell appears due to the storage of products with a past expiration date, as well as if the food is uncovered with a film, spilled and uncleaned liquids.

    How to wash a new refrigerator before first use: features of different models

    Many people think that new equipment does not need cleaning, but this is not the case. The manufacture of refrigerators is not considered to be sterile, in addition, storage and transportation leave their mark. Therefore, almost every new equipment has a specific smell. If you do not get rid of it before use, the aroma will be absorbed into the food, which will later be stored in the chamber.

    Features of cleaning the chamber with the "No Frost" system

    The modern "No Frost" system is freezing without ice, the equipment is equipped with innovative ventilation, which removes the problem of defrosting. But no matter how good the system is, many users are faced with the real problem of how to remove the bad smell in a new refrigerator. The main reason is the condensate tray, it is located in a hard-to-reach place, sometimes it is necessary to dismantle the back panel of the refrigerator to clean it. Appliance owners should keep track of the expiration dates of the products. It is necessary to defrost such a unit twice a year.

    You should know this! It is best to avoid the use of chemicals for cleaning equipment. Their aggressive effects can negatively affect food.

    How to clean the inside of a regular refrigerator

    You can use the following tips on how to clean your refrigerator so that there is no smell:

    1. use a detergent to wipe the surfaces: shelves, drawers and grates;
    2. do not forget about cleaning the back panel and freezer compartment;
    3. pay more attention to the door, especially the trays and containers that are placed on it;
    4. after cleaning, rinse the surfaces with water and wipe dry;
    5. if after the manipulations the smell has not gone away, you need to wipe the surfaces with soda powder, lemon or vinegar;
    6. You can connect the refrigerator and lay out products in it after 4 hours, in summer the time for its complete drying is reduced to 1-2 hours.

    What chemicals can I wash the refrigerator inside to eliminate the smell

    Today, the retail network offers a wide range of household chemicals that effectively remove the smell in the refrigerator at home. But before making a purchase, you can use any liquid that is intended for washing dishes. In its composition there is a perfume, sometimes just such a method is enough. If you wish, you can buy any drug. In most cases, they are available as a spray for easier use. Additionally, there is a flavoring agent in the composition, which helps to destroy bacteria.

    How to quickly get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using folk remedies

    In the event of a “scent” emerging from the cell, there is no need to rush to the store for household chemicals. Folk recipes will help to cope with this. Before eliminating the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, you should disconnect the device from the power supply, empty it from the contents, in addition, take an inventory of products.

    How to use vinegar or baking soda to remove stale bad odors from your refrigerator

    Soda is the first aid in many difficult situations in the kitchen, it should be in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing the smell from the refrigerator, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Prepare a mixture at the rate of 80 g of powder per 1 liter of water.
    2. Take out the racks and shelves and wipe them with the mixture, as well as treat the inner surfaces and the refrigerator door.
    3. Dry everything with a towel.

    Vinegar also provides invaluable odor control. First, dilute the 9% solution with water in equal proportions, then treat the entire chamber with the composition and wipe it dry.

    It is important! Treat surfaces with vinegar in a special bandage and rubber gloves to prevent it from getting into the respiratory system and on the skin of the hands. After cleaning, ventilate the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

    How to get rid of a strong unpleasant smell in the refrigerator: ammonia or lemon juice are the best remedies

    Strong odor can be eliminated with the following homemade recipes.


    Add 1 ml of ammonia to 100 ml of water, then rinse the inner surfaces with the ready-made composition. Then dry everything, and leave the refrigerator open for a while for airing.


    Squeeze out the juice of half of the fruit, dilute it in 1 liter of water. Wipe the inside of the chamber with the resulting solution. At the end of the process, be sure to dry everything.

    How to Quickly Remove Mold Odor in Your Refrigerator Using Soap and Hydrogen Peroxide

    If you are faced with the question of how to clean the refrigerator from the mold smell that could arise from condensation or spoiled product, hydrogen peroxide or soap will come to the rescue.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Can be diluted in 1 liter of oxen 1 tsp. peroxide. To enhance the effect, add 1 tsp to the composition. vinegar. Thoroughly treat all surfaces with the prepared solution, not forgetting about the accessories, drawers and grates.

    Laundry soap

    Everyone is familiar with the destructive effect of an alkaline environment on any microorganisms, including fungus and mold. The procedure is as follows:

    1. Coarsely grate some laundry soap.
    2. Dissolve the gruel in a little warm water.
    3. In the evening, treat all surfaces with the composition and leave to act until morning.
    4. Rinse everything with clean water and wipe dry.

    The better to wash the freezer of the refrigerator after defrosting and what to look for

    The appearance of an unpleasant odor in the freezer can provoke a sudden power outage at a time when the owners were absent. All food will go bad after defrosting. Before eliminating the smell in the refrigerator, you need to turn off the equipment, defrost it and throw away anything that has had time to deteriorate. For cleaning, you can use any of the above options, paying special attention to the places where liquid from defrosted food could have flowed. Treat all gum and crevices, then rinse with clean water and wipe the camera dry. And only after that the question about the smell will be removed.

    How to remove odor from your refrigerator with natural and industrial odor absorbers

    You can make a do-it-yourself odor absorber for the refrigerator from available tools.

    Activated carbon

    Grind several tablets, pour into small containers and place on the shelves.

    Pour some raw rice on a saucer and pour vinegar to cover the cereal. Place the container on any shelf.

    To fix the problem, you just need to open the bag and put it inside the camera.

    Strongly flavored spices such as turmeric, citrus zest, ground coffee

    Pour any spice into a container and place it inside the refrigerator. It is important to remember, however, that aromas can be transferred to other foods.

    Lemon combined with baking soda or charcoal

    Peel half of lemon from pulp, pour soda or crushed coal into it, then put it on any shelf of the chamber for 1 week.

    In addition to natural remedies, odor absorbers from the retail network can be used:

    • helium- in their composition, in addition to lemon, contains algae extract;
    • silica gel- the packaging is enough to clean the chamber for a year;
    • electrical appliance ionizer- its advantage in additional antibacterial effect on microorganisms;
    • activated carbon cleaners effectively fight ethylene, which is released during storage by vegetables and fruits;
    • mineral salts in the form of a crystal- in addition to odors, they absorb excess moisture.

    Cleaning frequency and odor prevention

    So that the unpleasant problem of the appearance of a smell in the refrigerator never arises, you must first of all take care of it correctly and in a timely manner. In addition, simple recommendations should be followed:

    1. remove smudges and dirt immediately after they are found before they dry;
    2. use containers;
    3. if food is thawed in the chamber, they should be placed in deep containers;
    4. clean the equipment regularly.


    It is quite easy to cope with an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, however, it is much more important to prevent its appearance. To do this, you need to conduct a periodic inventory of food products, in addition, food for storage should be placed in closed containers. It is important to regularly clean all surfaces, while not forgetting the accessories, rubber bands and the door.

    We hope that in difficult times the tips from our review will be useful to you. Share with us in the comments your secrets for eliminating the smell in the refrigerator, our editorial staff will be happy to take note of them. In the video, the hostess will share with us the secrets of how it is recommended to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell.

    Buying household appliances is a joyful event for every family. A brand new household appliance pleases with its brilliant appearance. Over time, the appearance deteriorates, an unpleasant odor appears inside. It is necessary to resort to cleaning the device. How to wash the inside of the refrigerator to eliminate the smell?

    How to properly wash the inside

    First of all, to maintain safety, disconnect household appliances from the network. Then they start washing.

    It is necessary to wash the refrigerator thoroughly, paying attention to all the details. The door, shelves, containers, and other parts are thoroughly washed. The grill located at the back of the household appliances is cleared of dirt. A dusty grill leads to a violation of the heat transfer function, contributes to an increase in energy consumption.


    Defrost and wash the refrigerator once every 3 months. Remove all food before doing this. Storing food in closed containers can help prevent odors.

    We wash the refrigerator correctly, regularly check the food for freshness, clean the appliance inside and out.

    What is the best way to wash a new refrigerator before turning it on?

    Many people are unaware of the need to wash a household appliance after purchase. Why is this procedure necessary? The fact is that the device has a specific technical smell. If food is placed right away, there is a risk that the food will absorb unpleasant odors.

    It is necessary to wash a new refrigerator, which will eliminate contamination that has arisen during the manufacturing or transportation process. Household appliances are brought to the store from special warehouses. There accumulates a huge amount of dust, dirt that settles on the surface of household appliances. Seemingly clean, they contain dust particles.

    How to wash a new refrigerator before using it for the first time? There are products for cleaning the inside of the refrigerator that are sold in stores. Before their appearance, household appliances were washed with an ordinary soda solution. The method is environmentally friendly and cheap.

    Before washing the refrigerator, be sure to unplug it.

    The freezer does not go unnoticed. Together with the boxes, they are washed and wiped dry. The device is turned on after 6 hours.

    If cleaning the refrigerator does not help, wipe the walls of the appliance and accessories with a sponge soaked in vinegar. Instead of vinegar, citric acid mixed with water is suitable. The rag is moistened in the resulting solution, the inside of the device is wiped. Four hours is enough for the device to dry completely.

    How to properly wash a refrigerator with a know frost system

    A household appliance with a know-frost function assumes no ice formation inside. It does not require any special defrosting. The absence of ice makes the washing process easier.

    The walls are wiped with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water. Do not expose electrical components to water. The drain hole is cleaned of dirt with a cotton swab.

    Dissolving baking soda with water, remove impurities from rubber seals, which must be washed.

    Without know frost function

    A household appliance without the know-frost function must be periodically defrosted. Defrosting allows you to get rid of excess ice accumulated in the freezer and on the walls of the appliance.

    Timely cleaning will help prevent the appearance of odors, dirt. Before the washing procedure, it must be defrosted. Disconnect household appliances from the network, remove boxes and shelves. Leave until completely thawed. Only after defrosting can the refrigerator be washed.

    Washing the refrigerator:

    • Take out all components, products
    • Prepare a soda solution (1 tsp soda for 1 liter of water)
    • Wipe the components with a sponge soaked in soda solution
    • Wipe the walls of the appliance gently
    • Rinse several times with water
    • Wipe dry


    Various means are used to keep the household appliance clean.

    The store sells specially formulated detergents.

    Traditional methods will also help cleanse the dirt: vinegar, soda, laundry soap, apple cider vinegar, lemon.

    Cope with a regular dishwashing detergent.

    Removing odor and yellowness

    Over time, the refrigerator starts to smell bad. It is not advisable to use chemicals inside, they are absorbed into the products. To clean the refrigerator from the smell will help:

    1. Apple vinegar
    2. Lemon
    3. Ammonia

    Apple cider vinegar is a great way to remove odors from the refrigerator. Vinegar is mixed with water one to one. With a cloth soaked in solution, wipe all the components inside. Leave to dry for a couple of hours.

    How to process the refrigerator and remove yellowness? Lemon is an irreplaceable helper. Lemon juice is dissolved in water. Clean the surface of the walls inside the device. Ventilate until completely dry.

    When working with ammonia, rubber gloves are used to protect the skin of the hands. Alcohol is used to treat surfaces, walls and accessories. You can use it in a day. During this time, the door must be open.

    What and how often you need to wash the outside

    The outside of the household appliance must be wiped once a week. It is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, this will get rid of long-term stains that are difficult to wash.

    Detergent, baking soda solution, soap solution will help with stubborn dirt.

    Folk ways to remove the smell

    In addition to special store-bought products, you can resort to traditional methods of how to remove odors from the refrigerator:

    1. Using soap
    2. Detergent
    3. Washing the refrigerator with vinegar

    Wash the refrigerator with soap

    Laundry soap will do an excellent job of removing dirt. Surfaces treated with soap are disinfected. Washing the refrigerator to remove odors with a soapy solution is an environmentally friendly, efficient way.

    Washing with detergent

    You can use special detergents or regular dishwashing detergent to combat the odor. Wipe the surfaces with a cloth moistened with soapy water. Remove the remaining cleaning solution with a clean, damp sponge. Ready.

    Eliminate the smell with vinegar

    He gets rid of the darling better and faster than all means. A solution of vinegar and water is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. Wipe the surfaces with a cotton swab or sponge soaked in the solution. Leave to dry.


    Maintaining a constant cleanliness will eliminate the time-consuming effort of removing stubborn dirt. An unpleasant smell can be easily removed with detergents, folk methods.

    For all of us, the refrigerator is usually invisible. He stands day after day, not attracting attention to himself. With the usual movement of our hand, we open his door and put everything that we brought from the store there.

    During the day, we repeatedly go to him again and take from there everything that is needed when we feel hungry. We don't even think about whether we need to do something with the refrigerator yet.

    However, a moment comes, and we begin to notice that after a long time the outer case begins to become covered with dust, and noticeable spots of dirt remain on the handle. At home, we usually wipe the outside of the refrigerator, that's all.

    If you look into the refrigerator itself and take a closer look at what is inside, it turns out that on the inner walls it is covered with food stains, greasy smudges and bread crumbs. The more time passes, the more messy it gets. And, most importantly, a specific unpleasant smell appears inside.

    Does the refrigerator need to be washed after purchase and how to get rid of the smell?

    Even when you bought a new refrigerator, you also had to wash it before turning it on after delivery from the store. After all, standing in full view of everyone, during the sale period, he literally attracts all the bacteria that are in the surrounding air.

    In addition, customers, passing by, always open and look into the freezer or refrigerator, and they do this very often with unwashed hands.

    Just imagine how many harmful microorganisms came to your home after a long-awaited purchase. But it is highly undesirable to store food in a dirty place and consume them.

    How to wash the refrigerator, many of you will ask now? Anyone can wash it properly, even at home. It is better to wash a new refrigerator before connecting to the mains with a special cleaning agent without abrasive components.

    For this purpose, you can use a solution of homemade soda. The outside and inside of the case is wiped with a damp and soft cleaning sponge. Wipe the frozen food compartment thoroughly.

    Then you need to wipe it dry and, after drying your hands, turn on your purchase in the network.

    How to wash a refrigerator, which was already in the kitchen at home, has worked for a long time and, in addition to traces of pollution, has extremely unpleasant odors, especially when the door is opened.

    How to clean the outside of the refrigerator is usually no question to anyone. However, when the refrigerator is old, another question arises: how to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell inside?

    For a long time, the refrigerator literally attracts all the aromas of food and mixes them. It is already becoming more difficult to clean such a refrigerator.

    If you are lazy, then, of course, you can leave everything as it is, but there is a risk of getting food poisoning due to the saturation of food with pathogenic bacteria.

    To thoroughly clean the inside of the refrigerator, it is necessary to use commercially available disinfectants.

    For example, there are several methods available for internal cleaning.

    1. In the matter of getting rid of the smell in the refrigerator, the usual lemon juice... You just need to buy a few lemons, cut them into slices and then rub the dirty surfaces and leave the product for an hour. Then all that remains is to wipe the refrigerator with a damp sponge and water. Lemon will not just rid the fridge of the unpleasant odor. It will create an unfavorable environment for harmful bacteria and, along the way, destroy them.
    2. Can you clean the refrigerator hydrogen peroxide... Everyone is well aware of its powerful bactericidal properties. It was after receiving various scratches and cuts that many rushed to treat the damage on the skin with this remedy. It is best to dip the sponge directly into the hydrogen peroxide solution and gently wipe off any dirt. This method is guaranteed to give an unsurpassed result, and you will immediately notice that the unpleasant smell is gone.
    3. You can remember the past and seek help from soda with which you cleaned the refrigerator before using it for the first time. Soda allows you to perfectly clean all surfaces of the refrigerator, both outside and inside. She takes very good care of the painted and polished surfaces of your product.
    4. If there is a house vinegar, then its solution can also be used to clean all the interior surfaces of your food keeper. To do this, it is necessary, observing safety precautions, to dilute vinegar in equal proportions with water and the resulting mixture, slowly, wipe off all surfaces from the inside and outside. Vinegar can be very good for cleaning. However, remember that vinegar should not be used if you have skin lesions on your hands.
    5. Some advise using only specialized cleaning products... Undoubtedly, it is much more convenient to clean the refrigerator with the purchased preparation, since it is already ready for use and packed in a convenient container. Also, you can save a lot of time. However, the effect will be almost the same as in the case of using folk remedies.

    Regular prophylaxis

    Considering any of these methods, remember that no matter how carefully you use the unit, the question of how to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell will sooner or later arise before you.

    Therefore, when cleaning the entire apartment, do not forget about the refrigerator. Very often, even in the absence of an unpleasant smell, it can arrange an unpleasant surprise - for example, it will start to spoil the food standing in it.

    When using any cleaning agent, be sure to use hand protection - gloves. Be sure to disconnect the device from the power supply and do not turn it back on until all surfaces are completely dry.

    The formed ice in the freezer must be melted, and then the chamber itself must be thoroughly wiped. It's actually quite easy to keep your refrigerator clean. The main thing is to do it regularly.

    Household appliances need regular maintenance. However, it is the refrigerator that requires cleaning and proper operation almost more than others. It contains food that exudes a wide variety of aromas. All these odors are absorbed by the surfaces inside the unit. Over time, an unpleasant "background" is created from a mixture of aromas, which is not always pleasant. This means that sooner or later you will have to decide how to wash the refrigerator inside. Maintenance of equipment is performed regularly, and not as needed.

    For cleaning, special chemical compounds are used. Dishwashing detergent is suitable. You can also use substances that are almost always in the house: vinegar, lemon, soda, ammonia. There are many recipes based on these ingredients.

    Some of the popular solutions:

    1. A solution based on vinegar essence is being prepared. The substance must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. For example, it is enough to take 100 ml of vinegar and the same amount of clean liquid. If the question of how to wash the refrigerator inside is being decided, you should know that a solution of this consistency is enough to remove extraneous aromas of prepared food, as well as to avoid the appearance of a persistent smell of essence. All surfaces are treated with the resulting liquid using a dishwashing sponge or rags.
    2. Soda solution. It is prepared on the basis of baking soda (2 tablespoons) and pure water (0.5 liters). Stir the specified amount of baking soda in warm water. How to properly wash the refrigerator using such a product? It is necessary to moisten a rag in the prepared liquid, and wipe the unit from the inside.
    3. Salt-based solution. To prepare the product, you need to prepare 30 ml of ammonia. The substance is diluted in water. To obtain a solution with the desired properties, it is recommended to take 300 ml of liquid. When deciding what to wash the refrigerator after, you can use this recipe. Such a tool allows you to remove odors, disinfects, removes dirt well.
    4. Lemon juice solution. It will take 2 tbsp. l. juice and 0.5 liters of water. The product mixes well. It moistens the rags and you can start processing the surfaces of the unit. When deciding what is the best way to wash the refrigerator inside and remove the smell, you can use this particular tool, as it will provide a pleasant aroma. However, after washing the walls and shelves, the aroma will soon disappear. To prolong the effect of the product, you can put 1-2 saucers with lemon zest in the refrigerator.

    Tip: It is better to use products that will not only help clean the shelves and walls of the chamber, but also disinfect all surfaces, for example, baking soda, ammonia are well suited for this purpose.

    Sequence of actions for cleaning inside and outside

    From time to time it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of all chambers, in addition to this, the outside of the unit should be looked after. To do all the work as efficiently as possible and in a short time, you need to know how to properly wash the refrigerator. Instructions:

    Commissioning a new refrigerator: washing, connecting

    Before connecting the unit to the network, you need to give it time to stand at rest. This is more important in winter. When the refrigerator is brought in from the cold, it should stand for several hours. In the summer, 1 hour is enough. Then you need to decide what to wash your new refrigerator with before using it for the first time. To do this, use special chemicals or home remedies. It is prohibited to use abrasive compounds. Given that there is no smell inside the new unit, it is not necessary to use odor-removing agents.

    In this case, how can you wash a new refrigerator before turning it on? For these purposes, a soda solution is perfect. Clean all chambers with detergent. Removable elements (side racks, containers, shelves) are also treated with a solution before installation. After finishing washing, wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth. After making sure that the refrigerator is completely dry, you can connect it to the network, load products.

    The walls of refrigeration equipment quite quickly, and as they function, dirt collects in the corners, containers and surfaces. To avoid such troubles, you need to regularly follow some simple rules: