Repairs Design Furniture

Alignment of the floor plywood without the use of lag and on lags. Floor alignment plywood - cardinal and universal way to solve all problems how to correctly align the wooden floor of the plywood

Among building materials used to level the surface of the floor, plywood sheets use stable and confident demand. The characteristic features of this material are beneficial to distinguish it from a cement screed or geepboard. Compliance with technology when laying plywood sheets to the floor will allow to get a durable, reliable and even base.

Positive moments of applying plywood for leveling base is:

  • Cash savings. The material is not expensive, because it is produced from non-slave wood at domestic enterprises. In addition, cheap samples of the 3rd or 4th grade will be suitable for alignment.
  • The presence of 9 different sheet formats: from relatively small 1525x1525mm to 3050x1525mm. The choice of suitable size will allow you to competently distribute sheets, making the necessary interruption in the seams and reducing the amount of technological joints.
  • Uncomplicated installation work (with the exception of the flooring device on the hairpins). The process of laying, trimming and fastening takes up not much time and does not require the use of a special tool or equipment. After alignment, the plywood almost immediately can be processed to the next phase of the floor device.
  • The ability to select a suitable option on environmental characteristics. In residential rooms, a material with low emissions (excretion of harmful substances) glued with natural albumin-casein glue is usually used. However, this option has a small moisture resistance, so in public premises can be replaced with wear-resistant and moisture-resistant plywood glued using formaldehyde resins.
  • The device of an additional soundproofing and thermal insulation layer.
  • Several laying methods. The choice of a specific method depends on the characteristics of the leveling surface.

How to choose a fane for floor alignment?

Before choosing the desired type of plywood sheets, determine their size and clarify the loads that the coating should withstand. The main selection criteria are environmentally friendly, strength and moisture resistance.

In rooms with high humidity and high permeability, for example, in corridors, halls, industrial buildings, where constant finding of people is not provided, the material with the FSF brand can be used. This plywood is resistant to moisture, but its environmental indicators (in particular, the allocation of formaldehyde), allow its use exclusively in well-ventilated non-residential premises.

Material with marking FKM has an average level of moisture resistance and a small level of excretion of harmful substances. It is allowed to apply in zones to which there are no hard requirements in the indicators of toxicity and humidity.

Plywood sheets labeled with indexes of FC and FBA have a low level of moisture resistance, but safe in terms of ecology. These types of material are allowed to use in residential areas where there is no high humidity.

Since Plywood is in most cases, it is not a finishing finishing material, but is used to align the surface, then not the highest quality varieties are used, which is explained by the price increase depending on the quality. The 3rd or 4th is quite suitable for the screed. For the device of sheets on leveling studs, you can take the 2nd and 3rd grade.

Among other things, the plywood has a difference in the type of wood, from which it is produced. In the process of alignment of the floor, it does not often apply more expensive birch. Sheets made of conifers are widely applied. Recently, samples from poplar appeared on the construction market. This product of Chinese manufacturers does not differ in quality compared to the domestic product, but below it for the price.

Floor alignment on the screed does not require high deformation resistance from the material. This can not be said about the installation of sheets on lags or studs. In these cases, the multilayer Phaneur should be used or put it in two layers with the mandatory shift of the upper and lower junctions (not less than 40 cm).

Another indicator taken into account when choosing a suitable material - grinding its surface. You can choose from three available options:

  • not polished;
  • polished on the one hand;
  • polished on both sides.

It is logical to use the form in which the invisible side is not processed, and the outer (visible) is polished. However, the alignment of plywood is not an finishing finish, so you can take the material from the first option. In addition, sometimes for the ideal alignment and elimination of drops at the junction of plywood, it is grouped after styling and final fixation.

An important parameter for selecting is the thickness of the sheet. With an increase in this value, the price indicator is raised sharply, therefore it is necessary to accurately calculate the weight load (especially when the device on lags or studs) so that the saved cash will be wrapped by deformation of the prepared surface.

Floor alignment methods with plywood

Make a flat surface of the floor using plywood sheets, can be one of several ways available:

  • installation with self-drawers, if the basis is the floorboard;
  • fixation with adhesive solutions, if as the basis - screed or concrete;
  • installation on lags;
  • using anchor adjustable studs.

Each of the listed laying methods has its own characteristics and degree of complexity. The simplest on the execution are laying on the surface of the floorboard or gluing to a solid surface. Alignment with Lag, and moreover, adjustable studs, requires the performer of the accurate calculation of the necessary points of support and professional action in the process of work.

Preparation of plywood sheets for installation

You can not use Phaneur without pre-exposure in the room where it will be installed. After transportation, it should be decomposed on a flat surface and give acclimatizes to the environment for at least three days.

If there is no additional grinding of the joints after laying, then check the ends to the same thickness. To do this, several sheets are laid out on a flat surface (for example, in the middle of the plywood sheet), then a metal ruler is put into place a junction. If with a light click on one of the sides of the line, the backlash appears, it means that the thickness is different. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without the finish grinding of the joints.

Sometimes floor alignment occurs on the first floor of the building under which there is a basement. In this case, there is a possibility of increasing humidity and the appearance of fungus and mold. In such a situation, Phaneru from the inside needs to be treated with an antiseptic that stops the spread of such phenomena.

Preparation of the foundation before alignment

A set of activities related to surface preparation before laying plywood depends on the basic material. If this is a concrete or cement screed, and the sheets are stacked without a device of lag or aligning studs (by gluing), then the following steps must be performed:

  • With the help of a rail, 200cm long need to measure the entire plane of the floor. The detected extrusion with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 30cm and a depth of 0.3 cm should be aligned with adhesive solution.
  • The same rake will help find bugs and influx. They should be leveled using a perforator or grinding.
  • After complete drying of the flooded solution, the surface is diverted and ground.

You can not pay attention to small cracks if their location does not coincide with the seam between the sheets of plywood. Otherwise, the cracks should be divided, primed and close with a spheolder or solution.

Floor alignment, the device of which is made of geepboard:

  • Elimination of creaks. This phenomenon arises for two reasons: the first - a nail, tightly scored in the lag, swaying in the board when it begins under load; The second - rubs the edges of the unreliable fixed or deprived of a tongue connection of the neighboring boards. To eliminate these phenomena, the boards are screwed to lags by self-drawing, and the nails protested are removed. The edges of the boards are folded and sampled with joinery glue.
  • The sword-free floor boards in the places of compounds have protrusions. They must be removed using a plane.
  • It is necessary to lay out the sheets so that the seams between them do not fall on the seams between the boards.

To install plywood sheets on lags or anchor adjustable studs, special attention should be paid to the strength of the base. Its evenness for these methods of the device of plywood does not matter.

Floor flooring directly on the basis

The first stage of working with plywood sheets is a preliminary layout on paper, taking into account all the requirements:

  • At the edges, there should not be fragments in width and length less than 15 cm.
  • Sheets should not coincide with the joints of the boards, seams in the screed or fall on the seams between concrete slabs.
  • The layout of entire sheets begins with the center of the room, the trimming falls on the willed zones.
  • Cross joints should be placed in a checker order.

To the prepared floor of the wooden plywood board, it is screwed by self-drawing on a tree, the length of which is three times the thickness of the plywood sheet. Before twisting the self-pressing under his hat, the drill is fledged. As a result, the hat should be slightly lower than the sheet plane. If necessary, it can be sharpened and make the surface absolutely smooth.

On the floor of the board, plywood sheets are scrolled diagonally: ranging from the center, then around the perimeter. The distance between the mounting points is at least 40cm. Self-tapping screws, located on one junction, must be installed against each other, in two centimeters from the edge of the sheet.

It is desirable that the plywood sheets in length are attached perpendicular to the direction of laying boards. Square sheets of solid seams should also be perpendicular to the length of the boards.

Fixing plywood on a cement screed and concrete is mainly carried out by gluing with special adhesive compositions. The procedure for working with a specific composition, subtleties of application, drying time, and other are indicated in the attached instruction. Depending on the selected option, the thickness of the applied layer changes. It is also necessary to consider what of the glued surfaces (phane or gender) it is applied. In all cases it is important that the surface is dust with and primed.

For all methods of alignment of the floor, plywood is characterized by laying of the first sheet in the center of the room, its fixation and only after that - the continuation of further work. Also in all cases, a prerequisite is the lack of contact of sheets with the walls of the room. There should be a distance of at least 1.5-2Cm between the edge of the sheets and the wall.

With a large size of the room, approximately every 6m (the distance depends on the size of plywood) between sheets should be left a technological gap, which compensates for the expansion of the material from temperature and humidity.

Floor alignment stacked by lags

When the floor, the lags are implied to the rise of the surface for several centimeters (on the thickness of the lag and the sheet of plywood). Unlike solid gluing, this method allows to obtain a more flat plane. However, since the points of the support are only on the lags, the thickness of the sheet used should be calculated with the possible weight loads.

Initially, the installation of the bar is made around the perimeter of the room, along the walls. Then, according to the layout, the lags are installed in those places where the sheets of sheets will be. After that, the remaining distance is evenly distributed depending on the thickness of plywood and an additional bar is added. It is fixed with metal corners. As a result, the entire room should be broken into squares with 40x40cm sides or 40x60cm. All lags, both longitudinal and transverse, are aligned in one plane, without drops, protrusions and depressions.

The plywood sheet shoulder should be no less than 3 cm. This distance is necessary so that the tapping screws do not fall on the edge of the bar or leaf. The scattering between transverse seams should be made maximum.

To reduce the transmission of sound from plywood to the base under the timber, a sound insulation gasket is placed. In addition to the main function, it also compensates for small irregularities. Installed and aligned lags are fixed using metal corners or anchor bolts.

The last stage is a fastening to the vessel of plywood sheets - occurs after controlling the quality of the installed doom. For complete confidence in the accuracy of the layout, you can decompose the paneur, fixing it with a pair of self-tapping. This option will help identify and leave for trimming sheets with impaired geometry.

Alignment of the floor plywood on adjustable anchors

The most time consuming but, at the same time, the most effective way to equalize the base with plywood sheets is a support device in the form of adjustable anchor spills. This method makes it possible to raise the Phaneur to the distance required for laying the insulation, the installation of pipes or technological lines.

Technology device plywood on studs:

  • Marking in the form of squares 40x40cm is applied to each sheet.
  • At the points of intersection of lines and along the edges, the holes are drilled in half a sheet and a diameter equal to the diameter of the nut.
  • In the obtained holes, the through hole equal to the diameter of the heel is drilled in the center.
  • The marked and drilled sheets are laid out on the floor, taking into account the seam interruption. Each hole is noted on the basis of the marker.
  • Sheets are numbered and cleaned. At the location of the lambs of the labels drill holes for the installation of studs.
  • Studs are reliably fixed. Adjusting nuts and carriers of washers are screwed onto their top.
  • All the washers are set to one level using a laser or plane level. The protruding part of the hairpin is cut by grinding.
  • Numbered sheets in the desired order dressed on the heels, leaning on the washers.
  • In the deepening of the sheets, fixing nuts are tightened.

All methods of alignment of the base using plywood sheets will give the necessary result if mandatory requirements are followed:

  • No breach of the technological process.
  • Compliance with the permissible temperature modes (about 20-30 0 s) and humidity of about 70% during operation.
  • Use of material with geometry within the stated tolerance.

File alignment plywood - video

When it comes to repairs in the apartment, all people try to find any way to save not only time, but also money. Walls and ceiling - elements of rooms that are not so demanding in the finish, rather than the floor, because it is the floor covering that the style sets the style.

Even if you finish the walls of gold, a ceiling with silk, and the floor will leave naked - the "chip" of the premises will be lost. That is why it will discuss how to hide the shortcomings of the concrete floor.

Plywood also attracts by the fact that it does not crumble, even after direct contact with water

Plywood - Excellent Material

You ask why the plywood, and not any other material, because you can pour the floor with a cement tie, to extremely put fiberboard?

The answer consists of several points:

  • The price of the material. It is one of the most accessible among those proposed in the construction market (a harmonious combination of cost and quality).
  • It can be called practical and convenient for work with your own hands when there are no special equipment. Even the fill of the cement screed takes more time than laying plywood on uneven concrete floor.
  • The wood material is considered environmentally friendly, although glue mixes are used in production, but they are harmless and non-toxic. At least as long as they are exposed to fire.

Disputes about what is the best basis for laminate - concrete or plywood until they have led to anything.

Some argue that cement is on the century, others lead to the availability of wooden material.

But before you are going to acquire this material, you need to know that plywood is featured in quality and reliability, there are 4 different varieties:

  • I variety is considered the highest quality, it can even be used for facing various surfaces, since it has almost no flaws. Only small browning bodies are allowed.
  • II variety is more affordable at cost, but also its appearance is not so clean, there are inserts from a veneer and small knots. Optimal plywood for concrete floor without lag - durable and priced is not such a "biting".

In the photo - option of concrete floor with fixed lags for plywood

  • III grade is used for internal work when the surface will be finished, but not for the floor, which is constantly experiencing loads. Suitable for alignment of walls, for a garage and economic premises.
  • IV grade plywood - rough, it is used only in cases where the budget for repairs is too triggered.

Visory will accept how different grades of plywood differ

Do not forget that the thickness of plywood should be strictly within the framework of all rules and standards - from 18 mm to 28 mm.

Thin thin sheets are more suitable for horizontal surfaces.

Plywood laying for floor alignment

This section contains a detailed instruction of all manual works that need to be made to lay plywood on a concrete base was correct and efficient. Remember, the result will be positive only if you strictly comply with all the requirements and sequence of work.

Preparation of material

  • Before laying the sheets of plywood material, they must be cut and clean them.
  • The sawing is made either with a tree hacksaw (no power tools), or using an electrolovka. In the first case, two minuses: the ends will be too torn and slightly uneven, it will also take more time and strength. With the help of a jigsaw with sawing plywood, you can cope in 5-10 minutes.
  • To eliminate defects, cut, you need to handle ends with sandpaper: remove burrs and roughness. This is at least ensuring enhanced security, even if you work in gloves.

Skipping surface

Before you start fastening plywood to the concrete floor, the surface should be treated:

  • First of all, the gender is inspired by all sorts of irregularities, old materials and dust.
  • All cracks and deep chips are closed with cement mortar.
  • When the work surface is clean, it is possible to upload it to one layer, it does not matter what you will use, roller or brush - the main thing is that the tool is high-quality.

Plywood fasteners

Now the laying of plywood on the concrete floor under the laminate can begin, for this it is necessary:

  • Prepare glue for plywood and concrete to interact with both the other surface.

Trying to save on a fixing basis, you can get a poor-quality coating (foundation), which in a few years will be in free movement.

This will lead to numerous screenshots and expensive repair, depending on those materials that were selected as finishing.

Therefore, the glue for laying plywood to the concrete floor is better to buy foreign and with a middle price tag.

  • Degrease the surface of plywood from the other side that will be laid on the floor.
  • If it is necessary to lay a waterproofing material, which is fixed at the joints using a special tape (although the usual greasy) is suitable.
  • Installation of plywood begins with the arrangement of horizontal level beacons. You can use small cemented pins, or delay the line on the walls.
  • After - adhesive for concrete and plywood on a small plot (slightly more than the stacked sheet of material) and is trimmed with a toothed spatula.

If you have purchased ready-made glue, it can be poured directly from the container in which it is stored

  • Plywood itself is stacked after 1-2 minutes so that the glue grab a little. Before laying it on the glue, inspect the surface of the material, the side that is worse, put on the floor.
  • Prettyly catching up by the image of the material.
  • Drill the drill around the perimeter of 6-8 holes.

If you feel that the middle of the plywood is free, then fix it with a self-tapping screw

  • Using a screwdriver, fix the Phaneur on the Self-Self Dowel.

Before attaching it to tightly, set the sheet relative to walls and other surfaces.

  • Leave the plywood floor for 1-2 days alone, then pass the surface.

High-quality grinding is possible only when using a special tool, manually rub the sandpaper exhaust and long

Now you can lay any floor covering, observing the installation rules.

Features of laying plywood

  • Before gluing to the concrete Faneru, make sure that there is enough insulation of the room (relevant for country houses). For example, if you have chosen a laminate for the floor, you should use an additional insulation, which will make the floor coating warmer. Plus, so you protect the material from moisture.

This is how the substrate under laminate looks like, it can be used both under plywood and on it

  • Another feature is plywood thickness should not be less than a natural tree (parquet), better - if even it is more.
  • Do not forget that between sheets of material should be temperature gaps from 2 to 5 mm, which will allow the material to expand and narrow without any consequences.
  • We have already talked about how to glue the Paneur to concrete, the glue should be high-quality, but did not mention what kinds there are. One-component - without a hardener, two-component - with a hardener (freezes for several hours).
  • To apply adhesive solution, it is better to use a toothed spatula. As for the cases when trimming plywood will be made by ceramic tiles, we advise you to use a rubber spatula, it will not damage the edge of the material.
  • Using various thickness of the Phaneur, to eliminate the irregularities, it is possible to apply various lining, for example, WHP sheets, although they are not moisture resistant.

Alignment elements of sliced \u200b\u200bplywood

  • Do not forget about safety techniques, especially when working with glue and plywood ends. It is enough to use gloves and protective plastic glasses to avoid adverse effects.

Well, now you know how to fix the Phaneur to the concrete floor without assistance and expensive building brigades. Although, on the other hand, the demand for the quality of work will be on you, and not on outsiders who need to guarantee a positive result or free alteration.

We tried to tell the most detailed in our article about how to lay Phaneur to the concrete floor, and if everything turned out, it means that we didn't try. However, do not be upset if suddenly something does not go out, for example, problems with surface alignment (most frequent problem).

It can be solved in three ways:

  • Use a concrete screed, sprinkled on the installed beacons.

And yet it is a completely effective method

  • Leave everything as it is, with small drops.

In any case, no one prevents you from trying to do it yourself.

How to put a fan on the concrete floor: video instructions for installation with your own hands, the features of the glue, which base under laminate is better, the price, photo

How to put a fan on the concrete floor: video instructions for installation with your own hands, the features of the glue, which base under laminate is better, the price, photo

Instructions - How to put Phaneur to concrete floor

Step-by-step instructions will tell how to seize the floor of the plywood itself and with minimal financial costs. Faped refers to cheap building materials that are used when performing various repair work. When laying new floors on a concrete base, plywood sheets are used, for the manufacture of which natural wood is used. They are produced by pressing thin layers of wood glue.

Depending on the number of layers, the thickness and strength of the material changes. Sheets having a thickness of more than 15 mm are suitable for floor alignment. Consider in more detail how to put Phaneur to the concrete floor.

Preparatory work

Plywood is used to align the floor having irregularities up to five millimeters. If the height difference exceeds the given number, then it is necessary to use a cement screed or self-leveling solution. Plywood serve not only for alignment, and for floor insulation.

There are two main options for laying floors from plywood:

  • accommodation for concrete;
  • installation on wooden lags.

Wooden lags are installed at an uneven surface as an alternative to a new cement screed. The grounds for laying plywood must be carefully prepared. The floor must be clean and dry, clean the base from dust using a vacuum cleaner.

From the tool you need a drill, an electrolovka, a screwdriver, a roulette and a hammer. The first step is carried out a waterproofing layer for which a dense polyethylene film is usually used. It is placed by strips over the entire surface so that there are no passages, braziness. Scotch used strips.

Laying of waterproofing film

Mounting Rules for concrete floor

Now you can start styling plywood sheets. Consider the first way - installation of plywood on concrete floor without using wooden lags.

If a waterproofing layer is laid on top of the concrete, then we begin to lay the sheets on the floor surface. It is necessary to arrange them so that the whole sheets cover the surface, refraction from the door of the room to the walls. That is, the places of maximum passability should be covered with solid sheets. The pieces complement the voids along the walls where the furniture is planned.
Laying plywood is aimless

The main rule how to put the Faneur to the floor is to lay the sheets by the rotor, leaving two or three millimeters between them. Between the wall and plywood sheet, the clearance leaves about ten millimeters. With the help of the perforator, a sheet of plywood is drilled, deepening in concrete. A dowel is driven into the hole and screws the screw. Sheets are attached along the corners, the center and the middle of the parties.

After installation, it is necessary to check that all the caps can be deepened, otherwise the floor covering is damaged. The final phase of the preparation of the floor will be the processing of seams between sheets using putty or gypsum, and the mounting tape is pasted on top.

If the installation is made without a waterproofing layer, the primer is applied by pure concrete floor. Then glue is applied to concrete and plywood sheets. The glue for plywood to concrete floor should include pine resin. On the concrete base, the glue is applied with a brush, and on the sheets - a toothed spatula. The sheet is pressed to the floor and fastened with screws.

We hope now it is clear how to put the Phaneur on the floor without lagged with their own hands.

Mounting Rules for Wooden Laggers

The use of wooden lags allows not only to align the floor, but also reduce heat loss. Paul on lags is significantly warmer than on concrete.

The main stages of the device lag:

  • Wooden bars with a cross-section of 50x50 mm are prepared. At first, the level set two bar in opposite ends of the room at an equal distance from each other.
  • Between them stretches the fishing line.
  • With an interval of no more than meter, the rest of the longitudinal bars are stacked. The selection of the distance is determined by the used thermal insulating material.
  • Between the longitudinal lags, transverse short bars are stacked, forming square cells.

Wooden lag

After mounting the design, the floor is covered with a film that prevents the condensation of steam, and the voids between the bars are filled with insulation. Mineral wool is best suited for this purpose.

When choosing an option to lay a plywood sheet, you need to adhere to the rule that fasteners should fall into the bruis joint. Therefore, we perform preliminary marking on the plywood, and not by the floor. For fastening plywood sheets, self-tapping screws are used, which are comfortable and quickly attached to a screwdriver.

Ready plywood base

At the final stage, the seams are put on between plywood, can be covered with varnish. The base for laying outdoor coverage is ready.

Options for laying Phaneur to concrete floor: how to put a plywood sheet, install it with your own hands

Step-by-step instructions will tell how to seize the floor of the plywood alone and with minimal financial costs.

How to Sing Phaneur to the concrete floor

Plywood is widely used in construction due to its strength, environmental safety and low cost.

Laying plywood on concrete floor makes it possible to create a smooth surface without significant material costs. Such work is easy to perform independently, even without having skills in construction. Consider the characteristics of various types of plywood and the sequence of making them with their own hands.

Types of plywood

Plywood is made of wood sheets glued together with resin compositions. The sheet thickness is produced from 6 to 30 mm.

Types of plywood

Types of plywood depending on the glue used in the table:

Species depending on the application:

  • construction;
  • used for furniture production;
  • structural;
  • industrial;
  • used as packaging material.

Unlike the OSB, the plate and chipboard of plywood is a natural material, so it has significantly greater environmental purity. Depending on the grade and grinding of the surface, the material can be used for a clean or rough floor device.

We choose the material

When choosing plywood for laying on the floor, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. For residential premises, especially for children's rooms, it is recommended to use the FC FC FK, it does not contain in its composition formaldehyde and complies according to the requirements for moisture resistance of the material.
  2. Only the E-1 brand sheet is used for floor mounting.
  3. For the draft coating, the material 3-4 of the variety is suitable, 1-2 sheets of sheets must be purchased for the finishing coating.
  4. The more layers in the material, the stronger it. The thickness of the wood layer in the sheet is 1.7-1.9 mm, the thickness of the sheet depends on the number of layers.

The size of the sheet is of great importance during transportation and storage. When mounting, sheets are cut under the desired size and number so as not to confuse the location of each sheet.

Installation of rough floors

Before beding the Phaneur to the concrete floor, you need to check its level of humidity.

It is impossible to store on a not fully dried base.

How to determine the humidity of the floor:

  1. We drag the small portion of the concrete base with a plastic film, its edges are tightly pressed against the surface and appreciate with any items or fixed on the tape.
  2. A few days later we look under the film, there should be dry.

If condensate was formed, you need to wait until the screed is completely dry, only after that you can start installing the floor.

Choose glue

The most environmentally friendly are the glue compositions on a water basis, but they require additional fixation of the material with dowels. The disadvantage is a long drying time.

Solvent-based glue dries quickly enough, but has an unpleasant smell. So that he waddle, it takes a good room for a while. The material does not require additional fixation.

Adhesive two-component composition dries during the day and does not require additional fixation of sheets.

Cutting sheets

Laying plywood on a concrete base is performed by plywood squares 600x600 mm or 750x750 mm. I need to purchase material with a reserve by 10%. About how smoothly cut to Faneru, look in this video:

Standard plywood list can be divided into 4 squares

If we purchase 1250x1250 sheets, then the sheet is cut by 4 squares, the size of one element 625x625 mm is obtained. These parameters allow us to provide the desired amount of compensation seams, which protect the surface of the floor from the deformation during temperature narrowings / extensions of the material.

Sleep the material easier with an electric jigsaw.

Paul divide for four squares, we find the point of crossing the lines in the center. Without the use of the middle of the middle, we lay the material on the floor with the displacement of the seams in a checkerboard order. We perform fit. On the perimeter of the walls, we leave a compensation clearance of 0.8-1 cm.

Squares Name to not get confused during the installation and draw the scheme of their location.

Preparation of the foundation

It is necessary to remove the old floor covering, inspect the concrete base for the presence of cracks, chips, irregularities. The base of the floor can be aligned with a self-leveling mixture or simply close cracks and chips with cement mortar. If there is a big difference in height, it is better to make a new concrete screed. For more information on the preparation of the foundation, see this video:

Before laying the Phaneur, you need to perform primer surface. You can use primers or conventional formulations of deep penetration.

You can only lay the Faneer on a completely dry floor.

Installation of plywood

Plywood on the concrete floor is stacked according to the scheme and numbering of sheets.

Fasteners should be longer than plywood thickness 3 times or more.

Sequence of work:

  1. We apply glue with a thickness of 2 mm on such a section of the floor under which we have time to put the squares of plywood before setting the adhesive composition.
  2. According to the diagram and numbering, we declare squares, additionally fix them with self-draws, retreating from the edge of no more than 2 cm. For a uniform distribution of glue we pass along the surface of the square roller. Breppy self-drawing around the perimeter and diagonal in 15-20 mm increments.
  3. After soaring the glue after several days, we grind the surface of the wood material with sandpaper or grinding machine.

In a concrete basis, you need to drill holes in advance and insert a dowel in them in those places where fasteners will be located.

In order to make the same distance between the squares, the plastic bars for tiles can be laid between them.

Installation on lags

Consider how to put the plywood on wooden lags. With the installation of lags, you can align the floor without mounting a screed.

Such a base will be warmer than concrete. Under Paneru, you can bed insulation: polystyrene foam, mineral wool, foam, etc.

Lag mounting sequence:

  1. The opposite walls of the room are installed strictly along the horizontal level of a wooden bar with a cross section of 50x50 mm. As a lining for fixing a certain height, it is possible to use bruschers.
  2. We stretch between the timber line.
  3. Depending on the size of the heat-insulating material, placing the installation step of the remaining lag. We set the bars with an equal distance between them (a step of no more than 1 m).
  4. Between the longitudinal lags, we laid across the bars to form squares.
  5. We are placing thermal insulation.
  6. Krepim plywood squares. Learn more about Mounting on the lags, see this video:

Self-tapping screws when attaching squares should fall into the joints between the timber and plywood. In this case, the markup for fasteners is not on the floor, but on the material itself.

Seams between sheets put sand. To put Faneur to the floor, it is not necessary to have experience in performing construction work, it is enough to adhere to the recommendations described in this article.

Laying plywood on concrete floor: how to sharpen without lag

Laying plywood on concrete floor makes it possible to create a smooth surface without significant labor and material costs.

Plywood for concrete floor: choose optimal materials and independently put them

In this article we will tell about how to choose a high-quality coating for the installation of rough floors without lag with direct laying on a concrete surface. The topic of this article is not random, since the concrete base of gender for a number of reasons is used both with the arrangement of apartments in high-rise buildings and in the erection of low-rise individual housing facilities.

But, the concrete surface in pure form is not suitable for everyday use. Therefore, the flooring is required, which will perform the function of the draft floor. In this case, the optimal solution will be laying plywood to concrete floor. Consider in more detail the main points associated with the conduct of these finishing works.

Installation of plywood in a residential room

Features of the choice of floor covering

In the photo - samples of multilayer plywood

Before laying the Paneur to the concrete floor, we will define the characteristic features of the material.

Plywood is made by gluing thin pressed sheets of woody material. Plates, regardless of the brand of the manufacturer and modification, have an odd number of layers. The number of layers depends on the purpose of the material and on the mechanical load, which will be on the surface of the plywood.

For example, if there is a question: how to sash the Paneur to the concrete floor, you can apply the plates with a thickness of 16 mm, consisting of 11 layers or nine-layer plates with a thickness of 12 mm.

However, when choosing materials for laminate, it is necessary to be guided not only to the thickness, but also moisture resistance. In this case, moisture resistance is the parameter that is due to the type of glue used and the surface coating of the plate. According to the degree of water resistance, the plates are divided into the following types: FC, FOF and FSF.

Despite the fact that before it should be treated to the concrete floor pair-or waterproofing, it is better to choose the plates with a high or at least average degree of moisture resistance. In this case, the coating will not only be strong enough, but also durable.

Moisture resistance in combination with environmental safety

Plates of the FSF brand belong to the category of materials with increased moisture resistance. But their use is not recommended in premises with excessive humidity. In the manufacture of these plates, glue compositions are used containing potentially hazardous phenol formaldehyde compounds.

Plates of the FC brand is the average in the degree of moisture resistance of the plywood, but in this case the sheets are glued with glue based on non-toxic carbamide resins. For this reason, such material is suitable for use in any premises.

Another important moment, which should be considered before putting the Faneur to the concrete floor, this raw material from which plates are made. Plywood, as a rule, is made of coniferous rocks and from birch veneer. For filling on concrete, it is preferable to use coniferous materials, as they are resistant to fungal lesions, and therefore practically do not mold.

Plates of the FC brand according to the degree of external flaws are divided into 4 groups. But if you consider the fact that plywood will subsequently be covered with carpet, linoleum or laminate, this classification is not so important. Moreover, refusing to buy plates with a minimum number of defects in favor of acquiring less expensive materials, you can save a decent amount of money.

Features of mounting plywood on concrete

In the photo the use of budget vaporizolation

Before fixing the Phaneur to the concrete floor, make sure that the surface is completely dry. If you neglect this recommendation, the Hapin is formed under the flooring layer due to the fact that excessive moisture will not have exit. As a result, the lower side of the plywood will be cheat, mold and collapse.

On average, for complete drying of the concrete screed requires 1-1.5 months. It is during this time that concrete is gaining optimal strength qualities and becomes ready for further use. Fully dried screed is covered with a layer of waterproofing, on top of which plywood slabs are attached.

Important: Various engineering communications can be hidden under the floor covering.

For this, special groove grooves are made to the desired depth.

Cutting with this task will help cutting reinforced concrete diamond circles.

Technology of installation work

Plates prepared for final installation

Instructions for installing plywood on concrete ties is a number of phased work performed.

We list the main stages and tell me more about them.

  • At the initial stage we carry out preparatory work. Before attaching Phaneur to the concrete floor, make sure that the surface is perfectly smooth. It is easy to do it, it is enough to spend on a dry tie with a plaster rule.
  • No matter how much relief is needed, it must be aligned. For equalization of the concrete floor, ready-made spacious quick-drying mixtures can be used, or you can use a cement-sandy solution prepared with your own hands.

In order to remove protruding irregularities, the diamond drilling of the holes in the concrete is not required, since the influx of the dried solution can be knocked down the ax.

Important: If the screed is new, it is advisable to process it with a strengthening and dusty primer for concrete products.

  • On the prepared screed, we swell a special vaporizolation or less expensive waterproof PVC film. Waterproofing Waterproof with the allen on the adjacent strip. Plightea Breppy wide scotch.
  • Next, we cut the plywood with the settlement so that there is no less than 1 cm between the plates and walls. The compensation clearance is necessary in order for the floor in the process of operation did not swell. Clearance at the end of the installation can be covered with a plinth.

In the photo - a fastener dowel

  • Stelim Phaneur on the concrete floor with the calculation so that the plates of one row be located with some displacement relative to the plates of another row.
  • Fastening plywood to concrete floor Making on dowels. Drills holes under a dowel and immediately drill sweating under the hats. Dowels have a distance of 15-20 cm apart.

At the end of the installation work, the floor can be obfin

  • After the Fanora finally mounted the grooves with the hats, it is advisable to fill the wood with a putty on the tree.

How could you make sure to separate the concrete floor plywood is not so difficult. Meanwhile, the price of independent execution of this work is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of services of professional installers.

Plywood on the concrete floor: features of laying under laminate

Plywood for concrete floor: video installation instructions with their own hands, features of laying under laminate, without Lag, Price, Photo

Wooden floor deformation, which served many years, the problem of many of the owners of the cottages, private houses and apartments of the old sample. If it is completely disassembled and done again, for financial reasons, or you just want to simply change the type of floor covering, then the best way will be the alignment of the floor plywood without lag.

Why plywood will be the most suitable material for such works:

  • it will carry the load perfectly;
  • weighs little and easily delivered to the place of work, which is for an individual master of a big plus;
  • you can choose the required density and properties of the material;
  • types with moisture-resistant properties are not afraid of mold and fungus;
  • low price;
  • fast and easy installation of construction;
  • it is processed by grinding machine and is suitable for coating varnish;
  • does not produce outsided odors;
  • natural environmental production;
  • with proper laying serves a long time.

Preparation for work

Wooden floors begin to creak, and wear the boards and fasteners on which they are located, breeds irregularities. To update the wooden floor, you must first check the status of communications under it, and then get rid of the screen using several additional screws.

If there are really spoiled areas that have been exposed to moisture or heavy loads for a long time, they should be replaced. Only after this can begin to align the wooden floor.

The room must be divided into square segments one meter, to determine the center of the room and measure with a laser level of deviation from the norm. There are three types of floor irregularities, for each of them they apply their own technology to solve the problem.

The first type is up to 2 mm, in this case the alignment of the floor plywood is practically not applied. This deficiency can be fixed with putty. It is prepared from a mixture of PVA and sawdust glue. Fight with the irregularities of specialized acrylic sealant. The appearance of the former sex will suffer from it, but because the reason for its update in the new final coating, be it linoleum or carpet.

The second type is from 2 mm to 5 mm per square meter. This is exactly the case when the correction of surface irregularities is necessary with the help of plywood sheets without using lag.

Third type - deviation over 5 mm. To solve the problem, plywood lags are used. There is already a complex type of construction, which increases the time of work.

Plywood sheets should be in heated room for two days before going to work. Where heating is currently impossible, the sheets need to be treated with warm water with a wet matter and give to stand on the edge of at least a day. Naturally, the work should not use the burst or crumbling sheets, otherwise the result obtained will only disappoint.

Choosing a plywood sheet

It is important to take into account that when aligning the wooden floor, it is necessary to choose the right thickness of the plywood sheet. It depends on the width of the boards on the floor. If the flooring is less than 20 cm, then a plywood is 5-10 mm thick. With the width of the boards, more than 20 cm or in cases where the floor is strongly deformed or was incorrectly laid in the pattern of the tree rings in one direction, then only the material is 18-20 mm wide.

The width selection of plywood is closely related to what coating is prepared for facial use. If it is a linoleum or carpet, then the thickness of the sheets should not be big. These types of coatings with a smooth sheet surface look carefully and smoothly. If laying of laminate or parquet board is planned, then only the perfectly smooth floor can be suitable, which can only provide thick and solid sheets. The ideal option when the thickness of plywood and the final wooden coating coincides.

Plywood is made from wood fibers and veneer. Therefore, it will be better to walk the antiseptic before installing if moisture-resistant models are not selected for work. For repair, with your own hands in the private sector, it is recommended to use FSF or FC brands. The latter does not include phenols and more environmentally friendly.

The average thickness and moisture resistance to the couple with a comfortable price do not create barriers for a wallet and a qualitative result. FSF, on the contrary, is better suitable where there are often temperature differences and increased humidity. In its manufacture, phenol formaldehyde resins are used as adhesive. These elements are somewhat toxic, so such materials are used only for non-residential premises.

There are four grades of plywood

The first grade is the highest quality. There are no defects on its surface, but GOST allows cracks no more than 20 cm if the veneer has a tracking tracks.

Second grade. In this case, leakage of adhesive material is allowed, remnants, scratches and cracks can be taken to 5%.

Third grade. We will have to come to terms with dropped bitch and wormworms.

Fourth grade. Many flaws, but, nevertheless, the veneer gloves well and keeps in the whole design.

For sexual coating, with the subsequent laying of the final material, it is recommended to use the second grade. In cases with non-residential and technical premises, the varieties of worse are suitable. When plywood is used as a facial coating, it is better to use the first grade.

Installation of plywood sheets

Wide sheets are best divided into several rectangular parts, since the plywood is exposed to moisture and the warning can begin with time. When laying, it is impossible to forget that between the wall and the material you need to leave a couple of centimeters. The same rule acts when the sheets themselves are installed next to each other, only the distance decreases to 3-8 mm.

The technological clearance is needed, because when the operation of the sexual coating begins, the plywood will not pass on each other. In addition, it is necessary for elementary ventilation.

Shelves must occur both in a brick wall. Seam one row falls on the middle of the sheets in the following. This method helps to avoid problems with creak and gives the integrity design.

The fastening of sheets should have to "comb" now the black floor. In these places there will be the greatest fit of the materials, which means that the fasteners do not have the gaps and will not be the cause of the breakdown of the site. At the same time, the places for fasteners are distributed evenly.

  • the first is the width of the diameter of the used screw;
  • the second - with a large size of the hat, so that it does not drank out.

To score parts in Phaneur hammer is categorically contraindicated, as it can split it. The mounting to the wooden floor is usually done with the help of the corners. If the dowels are used, the two-stage hole is also drilled for them. On the perimeter of plywood dubel are located from the edge no closer than 2 centimeters.

How to apply lists

The plywood sheets with a roughness with one and polished on the other side (Marking "Sh1") When applied as the primary flooring, it is necessary to fasten the rough part to the top. It is necessary for sufficient clutch surfaces of the sheet and the last leveling layer. And the grinded side is needed when it is supposed to make the faeer facial sex. Then the screws are recessed in the plywood coils are masked by a sealant on an acrylic basis, and the surface of the grinded sheet itself is covered with a varnish one or more layers.

Markings "sh2" and "NSH", respectively, mean grinding from 2 sides and an unlightened sheet. Those models where plywood is polished, have a prescription in the form of a free formaldehyde level. For residential premises, the best solution will be "E1" - less than 10 mg of formaldehyde per hundred grams of plywood.

With all these tips, the alignment of the floor plywood will not be a problem for non-professional. Repair done with your own hands brings satisfaction and tremendous experience.

Any modern floor coverings are very picky to the quality of the surface. No matter how expensive laminate or parquet, such coatings will not be able to fully comply with their characteristics if they are laid on an unprepared or poorly prepared foundation. Curve floor - these are symbols, deformations, destruction of the integrity of the finishing coating. Therefore, any repair begins with floor alignment. Today, the floor alignment is plywood. This is the easiest way to get a smooth floor, which can then be used to lay the most expensive coatings.

What is the popularity of this method? In its simplicity and accessibility. Concrete screed is a more popular way, but to get a high-quality surface in this way, large investments of time and money are required. Plywood has an affordable cost and very simply fit - the alignment of the floor plywood can be carried out in one day (depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room).

Plywood is the best material

It may be plywood and has a fragile appearance, and her sheets seem thin. However, this is not at all. Plywood is considered to be one of their most sought-after from all existing building materials.

Alignment of the floor plywood is a very fast way to correct the existing foundation. On such a draft floor, any coatings can be stacked. The trim of plywood has many advantages:

  • Large size sheets;
  • Simple installation;
  • Floor reliability and strength;
  • The possibility of using even in wet rooms;
  • No smells;
  • Easy processing, protective coating, minimum garbage;
  • High stiffness of sheets and excellent deformation without fuss.

In addition to all this plywood is an excellent insulation, which allows to significantly reduce heat loss. Also plywood can be used not only as the material for the arrangement of draft floors, but as well as the finish coating.

Often, plywood coatings create when necessary:

  • Align the floor;
  • Improve the television monitoring;
  • Additionally, hydroize the base.

The thermal insulation is especially relevant for those rooms located above the basements. However, in those rooms where frequent and sharp temperature differences are observed, it is not recommended to level the floors of plywood.

The floor leveling process is several stages. Each of them is important for a qualitative result.

Assessment of the state of the base

If after the inspection there is an error of up to 5 mm, then the Faneur can be fixed directly on the floor. If there are drops of 1 cm, but not more than 8 cm, then - only alignment of the floor plywood by lags.

Selection of material

Requirements for plywood, as a building material, which will become an intermediate floor, are the same that they are presented to the rough concrete screed. Today, production is offered several plywood varieties. So, the elite, first, second, third and fourth grade differ.

Elite - he is elite. On such sheets, absolutely no surface defects are not allowed. The first layer may have small chip and cracks. Both of these layers have a sufficiently high cost and are not used to improve the floor.

The second grade is much more affordable for the price. There are defects in this material, but they are only 5%. If it is necessary to align the floor of the plywood, they buy the second grade. He is ideal for the price and quality.

The third variety can already have various bitch in its surface different sizes and worms, but they are not too much. And finally - the fourth grade. It has a huge number of various flaws, but the veneer layer is often stuck very well. This is nothing more than technical plywood. For floors, it is good, but as a rough floor, as a budget decision may come.

When choosing, it is important how many layers in the sheet. For floors perfect plywood with a thickness of 12-16 mm. In such sheets from 9 to 11 layers. In addition, the quality, variety and surface treatment are important. Another important point is a brand. In the production of plywood use formaldehydes - this substance can be found in the third and fourth grade. It should not be said that in the residential room, the formaldehyde pairs are definitely not needed.

In addition, they choose Phaneur and by type of subsequent coating. Professionals are recommended for rolled materials to lay the finest sheets. If the laminate is planned or parquet as a coating, then the sheets with a thickness of 12 mm should be selected.

Brand plywood

In industrial construction, where a high level of passability is planned, which means that high loads on the floor are laid materials fB brands or FOF. In construction, lite options are more applicable. This is FSV and FC. For the FC brand, phenols do not apply, and in the FSF and FB FEN and Formaldehyde FB, there are definitely - without it can not do. FC is perfect for alignment of the floor plywood in bedrooms and children's rooms.

FSF brands materials have a sufficient level of strength, capable of withstanding increased loads. Such plywood is perfectly opposed to wear and has excellent moisture resistance. These sheets are not afraid of temperature and humidity differences - this is all due to the presence of formaldehyde resins.

FC are materials that cannot boast of high moisture resistance, but it does not use hazardous and toxic substances in production. This plywood is sampled by carbomid resin.

FSB is suitable for wet rooms, such as toilets, kitchens, corridors. This plywood contains toxic substances.

How to improve plywood quality

So, the material is selected. But you can improve the characteristics slightly. So, the plywood contains 12-15% humidity. To increase the level of moisture resistance, the sheets are impregnated with putty from polyvinyl acetate.

The first thing leaf is impregnated with composition with one of the parties before the appearance of characteristic spots on the other hand. Next - the other side is impregnated. In the next step, Plywood is dried over three days. Sew it is better in a dry room at room temperature. After thorough drying, the materials must be treated with an antiseptic agent.

The alignment of the floor plywood with their own hands in wet rooms can be performed on the basis of the grreenboard materials. The thickness of the sheet is 12 mm, this plywood has the highest characteristics by moisture resistance.

Strength is easily rising with acrylic varnishes. The coating is applied in two layers. First, the first is applied, then when it will dry well, apply the second.

Preparation of the foundation

How to align the floor plywood, you can see on this video. This roller shows the entire process from the beginning to the end.

Right on the base of the plywood stacked if it is quite even, and if it is necessary to adjust something, then slightly. In all other other cases, the floor is adjustable with lags, and then they are already placed on them.

The primer of the base, for example, a concrete screed is recommended to perform primer. This composition contains a larger amount of solvent and has a higher penetrating ability.

This composition can be bought, but you can make it yourself. To do this, it is necessary to purchase bitumen mastic for plywood, and then dilute it to the desired gasoline consistency.

Lags are better treated with a means of fungi and various insects. Imports will suit this. They are much safer.

Cutting sheets

Standard plywood sheet has a size of 125 cm for 125 cm. But specialists cut these sheets into four parts - as a result, small square pieces are obtained with a side of 60 cm. It is more convenient to work with them. The advantage of this method is greater than the amount of deformation seams, which is very good for wet premises.


It is important to solve correctly, from which corner in the room you need to start. To do this, take the corner and apply to each of them all corners. Which of the corners will be the most direct, he should be initial. It will also be better if this angle is the highest.

Alignment on the base

It is important to secure the material to concrete or wooden grounds. To do this, use the "Envelope" method. So, in the corners, the holes are drilled in the middle and the center. For concrete floors, carbide drills are recommended.

The sheets are then cleaned, and the holes are drilled in the floor, where the dowel will be clogged. In these holes, these most dowels will be driven in the future. Further, the plywood is placed in place, and then, with the help of a screwdriver, the screws are driven into the floor.

If the floor has drops of height of less than 10 mm, then the floor alignment is allowed without lag. Plywood is attached directly to concrete. If the differences are serious enough, then only lags.

You can mount plywood sheets for glue. So, the base is purified from dust, then layered a layer of insulating material. Next - plywood sheets are located in such a way as they will be fixed. Elements are selected in size, if necessary - clipped. Then all sheets are marked and removed.

Sheets are carefully covered with a two layer. Special attention is paid to the ends. The composition will not allow the material to deform. When the sheets are good to dry, you can start the laying process. It is important to put them in such a point that at one point there are no more than 3 angles.

Lagam alignment

An option with alignment of the floor plywood on lags is good because any communication is so very comfortable. You can also very conveniently arrange heat and sound insulation. The process itself is quite simple.

The first thing is put in lags. It is better to do in terms of level. Then the lags are fixed on the ceiling plates. Anchor bolts are recommended for attachment. Then it is necessary to treat bars with waterproofing compositions.

In the sheets of plywood should already be holes for fastening them to lags. For drowning the Hats, the holes are a little abuse. Plywood stacked across lags. Screws are screwed in a chess order. Between the sheets it is very important to leave the lumen of 3 mm and more. The edges of the sheets should be on the lags. Next can be passed to finish coatings.

You can level the floors and old lags. It is allowed.


Plywood floors are grinding to get rid of sowing and small height drops. This process can be done not only with the help of the tool, but manually, with the help of sandpaper. After grinding it is necessary to clean the floor.

Now you know how to align the floor plywood. With the right choice of a suitable material and a high-quality execution of all stages, this draft floor will be very durable and even, and the finish coatings will serve for a very long time.

The construction boom of the last two decades gave birth to such previously unprecedented technologies, which can be completely abandoned from central heating by setting three-chamber ventilated plastic windows. You can even plan the whole apartment to create a newly applied, applying a metal profile. But something nevertheless from "old", good construction times remained, this is the alignment of the floor of the plywood without lag.

Plywood for alignment of the floor serves not only to its intended purpose, but also allows you to give the room a more accurate look, it is the basis for further interior improvements

Quickly, comfortable and perfectly smooth. The largest number of suggestions on the plywood market of various sizes and thickness contributes to the rapid decision-making and on the selection of just such a method of alignment.

But in this latitude of choice there is also your own difficulty - you need to choosefully choose and understand the characteristics of plywood.

Plywood characteristics

When choosing plywood to align the wooden floor, the question will definitely be as follows which plywood align the floor. First, pay attention to the location of the fibers.

By location, wood fibers on the outer layers are distinguished by Faneru:

  • Longitian - this fiber is directed along the long side, and
  • Transverse - in short.

Helpful advice! When laying plywood orient sheet in such a way that the fibers are located across the main movement. If plywood is attached to lags, then the lags should also be located across the movement.

The use of plywood in various fields led to the creation of another classification level - for purpose:

  • construction - this is the most suitable for laying floors,
  • industrial - also may well approach, but it must be borne in mind that industrial has the worst quality,
  • packaging
  • furniture, and
  • structural.

There is a classification of plywood and moisture resistance, in some situations it is extremely important:

  • FBA - this plywood, from the point of view of ecology, the most suitable for use in residential premises, but she has a flaw - she has insufficient moisture resistance;
  • FC - plywood has normal resistance to moisture, suitable for most cases of applying without direct contact with water;
  • FSF - this already moisture resistance;
  • The FB is so impregnated with a bakelite varnish, it can be used even in aggressive environments, but it is not worth using it at home, especially on insulated floors;
  • BS - here is already a solid impregnation of bakelite glue, it is good for yacht structures, but not in the residential premises;
  • BV - the type is largely similar to the BS, but with much less moisture resistance.

Alignment of flooring of plywood by lagas or without - has a strictly defined algorithm for the work that you want to accurately observe

The procedure for laying plywood to solve the issue, how to align the floor plywood, will definitely end with grinding of the entire laid area. But this procedure can be avoided if you select Phaneur to another sign - the quality of the treatment of the outer surface.

This indicator distinguishes Faneru:

  • NSh - unlocked;
  • Sh1 - polished on the one hand;
  • S2 - polished on both sides.

Main characteristic

Well, the main characteristic that immediately rushes into the eye when choosing its quality, determined by the number of bitch per square of the outer layer.

There are 5 degrees here:

  • E is the so-called, luxury quality, when the knots are missing at all. Quality plywood "E" is expensive, at the same time, floor alignment is not the operation where such a plywood is required if you are certainly not going to make the floor gilded;
  • I - the maximum length of the bitch and warning does not exceed 20 mm;
  • II-cracks are, but not more than 200 mm, the inserts of wood are allowed, glue seepage is permissible on the area no more than 2% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire sheet;
  • III - there can be no bitch with a diameter of up to 6 mm more than 10 pieces on a square. There is also a restriction on the total number of flaws - not more than 9;
  • IV - quality is the worst, possibly with dropped bitch and defects of edges under 5 mm. Such plywood is clearly not even for alignment.

Helpful advice! When choosing plywood advises to choose the quality indicator from I to III. And then the economy should enter into business - choose the most suitable in size and the cheapest sheet. There are many proposals on the market, and the price of the same quality is very different.

First, explore all the offers and choose the cheapest - do not forget, after all, the alignment is auxiliary in nature, then there will be a shtclowing, varnish, painting and finishing, facial, outdoor coating.


For the purposes of alignment, do not do without the close choice of plywood sheets in size.

All sizes are strictly standardized, their four:

  • 1525x1525 mm;
  • 1220 x 2440 mm;
  • 1500 x 3000 mm;
  • 1525 x 3050 mm.

Helpful advice! The choice of the cheapest plywood and the largest size, which is called, with the minimum specific value of the square decimeter is not always reasonable. The catch is that the size of plywood should coincide as accurately as possible with the size of the room to reduce waste.

Therefore, it is reasonable to simplify the accommodation in the room of all sheets of different sizes in the room. That option that gives minimal waste, and it will be yours.

In the photo - the task, how to align the floors of plywood, is solved in the most obvious option, when everything is performed literally for half an hour, and the pleasure "for life"

Process course

There are two ways to align the floor of the plywood:

  • more time-consuming, using the lower massive crossbars, called lags, will be attached to the plywood;
  • and less time-consuming, practically instant, directly to the existing basis of the floor, without the structure of any additional designs.

But tools and in fact, and in another case there will be the same.


The set of used tools is presented in construction two basic requirements - reliability and convenience.

When working with plywood, you will need:

  • Perforator, or
  • Screwdriver, or
  • Hammer - it all depends on what you better own and what reason is the fastening of plywood, if the lags are made, it is quite good and the hammer, if the base is concrete, then, most likely, a more serious remedy is screwdriver;
  • Level - any type, without this tool it is not necessary, here it is important to choose a level of long length, ideally - overlapping plywood sheet;
  • Electrolzik - Do not do without cutting plywood, select any tool that you skillfully own to perform an accurate section along the entire length;
  • Long roulette - measurements will have to perform constantly and the roulette should always be at hand.

Less without lags

A very fast way of alignment, but in this speed lies and some hurry, which can miss the following nuances:

  • No matter what reason it is, it should not have pronounced rippers, even the alignment does not help here;
  • The base should be carefully sucked;
  • Of course, you use waterproofing, but it will not save from the constantly fueled floor moisture. Such a situation is characteristic of the ground floors, basements or the first floors, directly under which the basement is located;
  • The thickness of the plywood should be at least 10 mm. The market can offer you 4, and 6, and 8, but this is not suitable for alignment without lags;
  • Before laying it is very helpful to cover the sheets of plywood with an antiseptic, which will help to avoid the appearance of mold and fungus in the future.

With the help of lags

In the application of lags there is another indisputable advantage - in the free space between them, since it is given, and practically "free", you can place the insulation that is a "non-dickened card" of this laying technology.

The nuances of the styling suggest:

  1. Of course, you did not wonder the custody, which is called, to invent the bike, and have gained already available in the sale of lags, having coordinated them along the length of the work room. The most optimal are lags with a cross-sectional size of 40 per 100 mm;
  2. Be sure to check the degree of drying of the purchased tree, it must be guaranteed high;
  3. Do not forget under lags to install wooden gaskets over waterproofing. Recommended size of gaskets (width x length x thickness, mm): 150 x 200 x 25;
  4. Between lags, they usually make a distance of 40-50 cm, but this distance must be coordinated with the dimensions of the insulation slabs if they are used. The distance between the lags should be slightly less than the size of the plates so that they are in the tension, but did not create excessive pressure on the design of the lags;
  5. In no case of the lags do not install close to the walls in the end - leave the gap of 4-5 mm;
  6. Moreover, do not allow and contact plywood with the surface of the wall - the gap should be at least 15 mm;
  7. SNiP 3.04.01-87 P. 4.11 requires before performing mandatory primary base. Primer is a light primer with an increased amount of solvent. Such primer provides very high-quality preparation of the foundation, it is important, both when using lags, and without them;
  8. In order for the dowel to do not perform over plywood, such an order is offered:
  • through the phaneer, a hole is drilled to a screed, a dowel diameter (usually 6 mm);
  • the hole is centered by the drill of the larger diameter so that the self-pressing hat is completely in the hole;
  • a plastic dowel is inserted into the hole and the screws are screwed.

Control of results

After performing all the work, be sure to perform all control procedures, only they will give you confidence that everything was done correctly:

  • First, of course, we conduct a simple visual inspection to comply with all gaps;
  • Then, with a rake-rule, we look for possible irregularities. Snip 3.04.01-87 The gap between the plywood and the bottom of the rail should not exceed 2 mm at any point;
  • In the third stage, check the slope. Snip 3.04.01-87 The bias should not exceed 0.2%, and in any case be no more than 50 mm. In other words, if the length of the room is 4 m, the slope of one wall to the other should not exceed 8 mm;
  • And at the end we spend the awake. The sound should be dense and not to issue empties. SNiP 3.04.01-87 regulates the overall minimum area of \u200b\u200bplywood shelves. It should be 80%.


When the task begins before you - the alignment of the floor plywood with your own hands, then you successfully complete it, the entire course of work is not particularly difficult. But we strongly advise you to protect plywood from moisture, both through the preparation of the base and through the use of waterproofing ().

The video in this article prepared additional visual information.