Repairs Design Furniture

Paint brushes: Why are they different? Paint brushes - which are and for what are the prices for painting brushes

Paint brushes remain the most affordable paintwork tool. The cheapness and simplicity have a root side of the medal - low productivity and uneven paint. To obtain a high-quality coating with one tassel, it is not necessary to do, and it is necessary to have a set of different species intended for various types of paint, different shape of the surface and volume of work.

Paint brushes: types and applications

Flip and chicken brushes

Machova The brushes are distinguished by a large diameter (60-65 mm) and a length of the hair beam up to 100 mm, designed for coloring, primer, or whitewashing large areas. When sold in the form of a beam, then called weights, if they have a regular view - piece. Weighing brush subsequently tied up and make handles of the desired length. The ability to bend taken initial shape characterizes the quality of the brush. According to GOST 10597-87, they have the designation of the CM.

Spinning The brush, due to its 200 mm width and a thickness of 45-65 mm, increases the productivity of the blots and leaves behind the clean surface of the color.

Maclovterns and handbones

(CMA) It is used for painting large surfaces with water-based paints, can replace a chicken brush. It has a round (diameter of 120 -170 mm) or a rectangular shape (135, 165 width, 195 mm and a thickness of 55-65 mm). The length of the working part of the round form reaches 100 mm, rectangular - up to 80 mm. After painting such a brush, the surface does not require flue.

Brushes-handbones It can be with an oval form of a beam (Cro) or a round (kr) diameter of up to 60 mm. The variety of cattle has a round hair, narrowing towards an end to the cone. It is made of natural bristles with the addition of horse-haired, small sizes and a meek handle cause work with small areas. Suitable for most paint species, if the beam is attached using a metal ring. In the case of attachment with glue, such a brush is not used with adhesive and water compositions.

If the brush has a too big length of the working part, then when working it will be soft and inelastic, such a pile will leave after itself an uneven layer of paint, as a result - lowercases and furrows on the surface. Using twine or other materials, brush brushes are tied up to the desired length.

Flush and flat brushes

and flat Brushes (KF and KP) have a rectangular shape of the working part. Widely used when painting with different types of paint and varnish coatings. Flots has a smaller thickness and leaves behind a more smooth and clean surface. Flat brushes, due to increased hair beam thickness, absorb more paint and apply for large areas. The width of the working part of flusted and flat brushes varies from 25 to 125 mm. The thickness in the flushes is 9-18 mm, in flat - 20-35 mm. With the help of flutsers with short hair, luster paint applies and reach the effect of moire during decorative finish.

Pile brushes and ending

Beam pilena Brushes (KFK) are made of round shape of a small size (8-18mm) of rigid pork bristles and is fastened in a metal cartridge. Designed for more accurate application of contour lines, narrow strips and painting in hard-to-reach places.

Brush-strikes (ART) is used to process just painted surfaces, gives a grungy look and is used for primer and decorative trim. Sizes of the rectangular working part: Width - 154 mm, thickness - 76 mm.

Species for special works

Brush for decorative trim

To a narrow flat brushes with a long curved handle and metal rim. Name radiator. This form allows you to paint the hard-to-reach surfaces of varying degrees of bend. It is not difficult to guess that they are used for painting heating batteries. The same brushes with a wide surface are used for external work.

A flat brush with a beveled pile is convenient when painting windows, and a dotted brush with a fastened bunch of a bundle, is used for tinted window frames.

For finishing edges and edges of painted surfaces, an edge brush is used. It is distinguished by the fact that bristled blocks can be changed.

Fan brushes in decorative and painting work are used for wide lines. Textural brushes made of pork bristles of various pile length are used in decorative trim. Can be made with related beams of various types of fibers, which are connected to the brushes of different widths.

What makes paint brushes make

In the modern production of painting and artistic brushes use such materials:

  • Natural bristle. It has excellent ability to absorb and return all kinds of paint, except for water based paints. For the manufacture uses a ridge pork bristle. High-quality raw material assessment occurs with the help of measuring characteristics: elasticity, strength, length and thickness. The range of bristles reaches up to 77 mm long. The color is divided into: white, gray, yellow and black. White bristles is considered the highest quality and turns out by bleaching. The most important characteristic is the degree of natural splitting of the bristle.
  • Natural hair. It has less elasticity and rigidity compared to the bristle, which is rarely used in pure form for painting works. Thanks to the scaled layer, perfectly absorb and give paint. Distinguish hard and slim hair. Hard get from horse and cow hair, and a thin out of the hair of fur animals. The use of natural hair depends on the characteristics: length, shapes, elasticity, softness, wear resistance.

The history of the use of natural hair in painting has several millennia. At different times, rats were used rats, Lans, raccoon, hare, livestock, badger, bear and other animals

  • Synthetic fibers There are thin threads from polyester, polyester, nylon and other connections. They have high resistance to mechanical damage, good softness and elasticity, but insufficient paint fence. This problem is eliminated with the help of artificial cleavage of fiber tips and the creation of additional channels in the cavity. It is used for all types of paint, including water based. Every year the quality of the synthetic fiber grows through the development of innovative technologies.

Mixed (Natural and synthetic) A pile is used to combine the best characteristics of two types - wear resistance and holding ability. In addition, using synthetic fibers, you can adjust the elasticity, softness and other properties of the brush.

Prices for painting brushes

The abundance of producers of painting brushes and rollers makes the buyer make a solution for each need to buy a paint tool. In addition to the elementary knowledge of the diversity of species and areas of their application, whenever it is necessary to choose the optimal ratio of price and quality.

The price of painting brushes and artistic is largely determined by the quality of the material from which the pitch is made. And there is no direct dependence on what type of pile is used: natural, synthetic or mixed. For example, a professional flat brush of American Wooster brand from a nylon and polyester thread width 50 mm will cost about 1,100 rubles, while the brush from the natural high-quality bristle of the same manufacturer is 400-500 rubles.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Many people do not even suspect that painting brushes and repair brushes are simply affected by their abundance and functionality. Usually use only one tool in all situations, but is it correct? So let's understand in detail what kind of brushes are.

Types of brushes

  • Hanging (km) is huge fluffy brushes made of natural fibers and with the addition of synthetics (nylon), have a round shape. Their diameter is 60-65 mm, and the length of the hairs reaching up to 180 mm. Usually used for painting large surfaces, flushing or for spinning works. They have high resistant in contact with different solvents and other aggressive substances, perfectly carry high temperature differences and are not afraid of hot water. When interacting with the working surface, they are a little bend, but then instantly straightened.
  • Maclithus brushes (CMA) - an improved type of brushes that use for applying adhesive or casein paint on various surfaces. They are based on natural horse hair (50%) and artificial bristles (nylon 50%), which allows you to evenly apply the coating layer on a certain surface. There are two types of such brushes: round and rectangular. Their diameter is 120-170 mm, and the length of the hairs is 100 mm.
  • Brushes-handbones (CR) are small round brush, apply for coloring wooden windows or pipes. Their diameter ranges from 26 to 54 mm. Consist of pure bristles and horse-haired, have a round shape. The center of this tool is empty, which allows it to accumulate paint material. It is not recommended to use with adhesives and limestones, since the hairs are kept on adhesive basis. Usually this tool is called simply - painting brush brush.
  • Pilena (FKF) is small brushes with a fairly comfortable handle and a rough white bristle. They are engaged on small surfaces to outline lines and painting difficult to reach. The diameter of the brush is 6-18 mm.
  • Radiator - a wonderful device for applying paint on hard-to-reach places: seams or bends. The name itself suggests that they are ideal for (radiators).
  • Paint paint brush (CF) - flat wide brush from 25 to 100 mm with a comfortable handle. It is made of bristles and a barzuchea hair. Ideal for eliminating drills that could arise from other brushes.
  • Brush Synthetic flat (KP), or brush flat with artificial bristles is a synthetic brush. It has a special property: its fibers, in contrast to natural fibers, retain their initial (level) form in the process of use. It is wonderful for paints diluted with water. Such a tool perfectly holds the composition not only on the outer part of nylon fibers, but also in the internal basis.
  • Brush trim (butter) - a solid and very rigid brush, which consists of a damp or semi-quiet bristle. They are used to finish freshly abandoned paint. It very effectively eliminates all the irregularities applied by other devices.

Note: Brushes from the ridge bristles have the form of a cone, it allows them to capture more paintiness and evenly apply it to the surface.

The bristles made of natural fibers are ideal for painting works, well holds the composition, applying it a uniform layer. She is a little rough to the touch, which allows it to absorb more paints. This is what distinguishes it from artificial (nylon) hairs.

A bristles made of synthetic materials consists of polymers and has a small thickness. Different types of modern polymers allow you to achieve the desired rigidity. Nylon polyester bristle is perfect for water-intensive paints, its hairs do not absorb painting material, nylon pushes moisture and retains its original structure. In addition, the nylon is better suited for painting a bar, without leaving the Village on it.

If you take care of your tools and want them to serve as longer as possible, then you need to comply with certain rules for their storage and use. New or long-not operated paint brushes should be washed with hot water with a small amount of soap, it will help to clean the bristles from dust and broken fibers. After that, the bristle is squeezed and dry.

Before the immediate beginning of the painting work, you must soak up the bristle so that it absorbs moisture, softening and increasing in volume. In such a simple way, you can achieve smoother and uniform paint.

Before starting painting work, the tool must be developed to make it the right form. To do this, take a little painting mixture and the brush itself, as a test surface, you need to use any rough coating (brick, plaster, concrete). Thus, the hairs will acquire the correct form for further work. The working surface is better to clear from all over.

It is very important to correctly clean the tool. For example, a round brushes on the working surface should be gradually scrolling in the hand so that its hairs erased evenly. It does not need to be very pressing it.

There are cases when a person is simply physically able to work out the entire surface. Naturally, he needs rest. At this time, the brush can be left in paint or immerse in a special solution. If glue, lime, oil and casein solutions are used, then soak the tool in water. With kerosene, turpentine or olive compositions, it is recommended to use special solvents.

It is very important: you need to immerse the tassel completely, but only to the depth, where the bristles are slightly touching the bottom, otherwise the hairs will be broken or worry, it is best to hang them on a wire or other device.

How to wash your brushes? For this we take kerosene, and then use water with soap. Such simple procedures must be continued until the water stops colored, remaining clean. At the final stage, hang them and dry them. The cleaning process is completed.

How important is the form of the brush?

Most people are accustomed to save their resources using old tools from time immemorial, but it is completely wrong. You just think that save, but it is not. For example, you can paint one surface with a small bristle with a round bristle. It is much more profitable to purchase a large flat brush that in one movement will paint an impressive surface.

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Round small tassel is more suitable for a small working surface. This tool allows you to cover special places, such as round tubes. For hard-to-top places, it is recommended to use so-called angular brushes. It is important to remember that, first of all, you save time.

Construction technologies are developing, but in the field of painting works, rollers and brushes are still basic tools. We were dedicated to the rollers, and now let's talk about the brushes, their diversity and how to apply them for various works.

The most common and popular option is flint painting brushes (CF). They are familiar to everyone who somehow came across the painting walls, slopes, windows and other surfaces.

Flushes flat, spatula, bristles are reliably fixed with metal tightness. Usually the length of the bristles is 60 millimeters. Flat tassels are more convenient in operation, there may be different sizes, so you can buy several at once so that a wide brush is to paint the free space, and more subtle - window crossbars or ceiling plinths, for example.

The handles in flush brushes can be plastic or wooden, they are also flat, ergonomic and are well lying in the hand. Specialists in painting work noted that a flat brush-flutz can absorb a sufficiently large amount of paint, this allows not to do strokes too often, eliminates the appearance of herds. Flots makes it possible to apply paint in any directions, with proper technique, the spray will not. Such brushes are used with all kinds of paint, varnish, olphoua, enamels.

The opposite of the Flens looks like fililent brushes (KFK). They are round and small diameter. For the color of the walls and other large surfaces, they are not suitable, usually fililene brushes are used where delicate work is needed, for example, to apply screen drawings on the already painted surfaces. In addition, the fililent brushes can be used to pull the fillets and applying paint into hard-to-reach places, much more thick brush just does not reach.

Handes (cr). Round brushes that can have a different diameter, usually from 30 to 50 millimeters. Smoothly staining the surfaces, can be used for priming, color of bottlenecks and in small areas.

Urinary brush. Traditionally, used for blissing, washing walls, blur blell. Now such brushes are usually made from the bark of a linden, purified from bitch and exposed in the tank where air did not sit down. Fibers are separated on thin strips and are wounded in a brush. Water or a solution of urinary brushes hold well, but when working with them it will be very difficult to avoid splashing.

Oval brush. It is considered vocational and beginner painters used infrequently. Oval form allows you to apply strokes and by narrow surfaces, and wide. Typically, the tissue ratio is 1: 2, that is, simply by turning it in the side, you can get twice wider or narrow bristles.

As for the bristle itself of painting brushes, it can be natural and artificial. For example, soft bristles are usually used for thin viper brushes, which is made of a hair column or protein. The best hard brushes are considered to be created from the semi-republic or ridge bristle. They are less spraying the beauty and gain more painted composition. But there are such brushes from the natural range of bristles are usually more expensive.

Cheaper brushes created from horse's hair, but their pile quickly loses flexibility and falls off, they will not serve. Synthetic fiber is a good option, with proper use of such a brush it will last long. But artificial brushes hold less paint, it can drip on the floor, the flow rate is slightly higher.

To check the quality of the bristles, it should be bent it - it must quickly restore its original shape. The hairs should not be strained, they are evenly and smooth. The split ends of the bristles and the loss of hairs immediately after the first flexion are unacceptable.

Usually each house has a pair-three of the brushes with which it paints everything: from the windows and doors to fences at the cottage. They also tinted batteries and lines wallpaper. Let's deal with what are the brushes and why they are suitable for.


Pilenk brush

Little tassel with a comfortable handle and rigid white bristles with a diameter of 6-18 mm. Suitable for painting hard-to-reach places or to outline lines during decorative work.

Radiator brush

The name itself suggests that this brush is intended for dyeing batteries. With it, you will get to all seams and bends.


All brushes can be divided into three categories:

  • Tassels with bristles made of natural fibers. Well absorbed and hold the paint, apply it to a smooth layer. Suitable for paints on an oil basis, olifes, varnishes and wood oils.
  • Tassels with bristles from synthetic materials. Thin and smooth, suitable for water-based compositions: nylon fibers repulse excess moisture and retain their shape.
  • Tassels with mixed bristles. Perfectly hold paint and do not lose form. They can be used for compositions and on water, and on oil bases. Ideal for outdoor work.

If you just bought a brush, then wash it before using hot water with soap - so you will remove dust and broken fibers. Then be sure to squeeze it and dry it.

Before painting something, leave a brush for an hour in the water. The bristle will become softer and swell, and the layers will fall smoothly. The main thing is not to put a brush in the jar, and hang it out, otherwise the bristle can be deformed.

If you have paint on an oil or alkyd basis, then dry the brush well before use.

So that the brush does not "cake" and did not leave the hairs on the surface, work on the brick, concrete or on the rough plaster before starting work.

If you used paints on an oil basis, first carefully rinse the brush in the solvent (kerosene, turpentine, whitecite), and then rinse with hot water with soap. If water-based paints - immediately go to hot water.

GOST 10597-87

Group Ж36.

State Standard of the SSR Union

Paint brushes and brushes

Technical conditions

Painting Brushes. Specifications.

OKP 48 3327.

Date of administration 1988-01-01

Information details

1. Designed and made by the Ministry of Construction, Road and Municipal Engineering


A.I. Polunin (head of the topic), V.A. Safonova.


3. Instead of GOST 10597-80

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

NTD designation to which link is given

Point number

GOST 9.032-74


GOST 9.104-79


GOST 1050-88


GOST 2695-83


GOST 2991-85


GOST 4598-86


GOST 5959-80


GOST 7016-82.


GOST 7827-74


GOST 7933-89


GOST 8273-75


GOST 8486-86

1.2.6, 1.3.2

GOST 8828-89


GOST 10350-81


GOST 12857-78


GOST 13345-85


GOST 13837-79


GOST 14192-77


GOST 15150-69


GOST 16106-82.


GOST 16338-85


GOST 16588-91


GOST 18188-72.


OST 6-05-08-76


OST 6-06-C9-83


OST 6-06-C4-79


OST 17-98-86


5. Reprint. November 1993 with a change in N 1, approved in November 1990 (IUS 2-91)

This standard applies to brushes and brushes intended for painting works in construction.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Main dimensions

1.1.1. Painting brushes and brushes should be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for working drawings and reference samples agreed with the basic standardization organization and approved in the prescribed manner.

1.1.2. Painting brushes and brushes should be made of the following types:

Kr, cattle, kro - brushes, handbones intended for primer and painting surfaces;

KP - brushes flat, intended for primer, coloring, as well as to cover surfaces with varnish;

Km - fly brushes, intended for flushing, primers, whitewash and painting surfaces;

KMA - painlishes, intended for painting surfaces with aqueous solutions;

KF - flusted brushes, intended for processing (flue) of fresh-colored surfaces by smoothing the traces of the brush;

KFK - Pilenk brushes intended for finishing operations;

Brites - cross-shirts, intended for processing fresh-colored surfaces and give it a rough agricultural type.

1.1.3. The main sizes of brushes and brushes must comply with the specified ones.1-11, 17a and in Table 1-6.

Examples of the execution of the robes of the KR Types of Types, CRS, CRO, CF and KP are shown on Checks. 15-18 Annex 1.

Brush sizes KR50, CR55, CRS50, CRS55, CRO50-CR060 and type km, regardless of the beam length, should be made with a beam strapping.

The brushes of the KR20-CR45 sizes, CRS20-CRS45 and CRO20-CRO45 should be made with a beam strapping in case the beam length exceeds the specified in Table 1 and 2 by more than 7 mm.

In the manufacture of brushes with a bunch of beam, it is recommended to use removable liners.

The debris length of the beam should be no less than the excess of the beam length specified in Table 1 and 2.

1.1.4. The conventions of the brushes and brushes should consist of the symbols of types or sizes, the execution of the brushes and the designation of this standard.

An example of the conventional designation of the MAX brush type KM:

Paint brush MAX GOST 10597-87

The same, brush handler sizes CD20:

Brush Handbrack Kr20 GOST 10597-87

The same, brush fluster sizes KF25 version 1:

Poly Flece CF25-1 GOST 10597-87

1.2. Characteristics (Properties)

1.2.1. Cute with a handle and a beam, as well as pads with a bundle, handle or holder must be firmly connected.

The strength of the compound should be determined by the method of breaking the fiber beam with a diameter of 5 mm with an effort of at least:

147 N (15 kgf) - for the brushes of the types of KR, CRS, CRO, KP, km, KF, KFK;

49 N (5 kgf) - for brushes and brushes of KMA types, butrs.

1.2.2. A block of brush-type brush is allowed to be manufactured without a lining, provided that the strength of the connection of the handle with a block is compounded in accordance with paragraph 2.1.

In the manufacture of handles of brushes of types of KP and KF from polyamide, and the ripples from the tin are allowed by the details of the brushes not to connect nails, subject to the requirements of claim 1.2.1.

Metal brackets are allowed to apply metal brackets for fastening the clip with handle and liner. KF type brushes handles are allowed to manufacture solidity with climb and liners.

Cross-handler type cr

Cross-handler type




* Size for references.

The handles of the brushes of KF types and km are allowed to have an angle from 35 to 45 degrees. Regarding a brush beam.

Brush type km is allowed to be made without a safety ring.

Brushes robes may have hooks that provide suspension of brushes in tanks with paintwork.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

1.2.3. The brush density density coefficient of the KRs, CRS, CRO, KP, CF, km should be at least 0.6.

1.2.4. Brush types of kr, cattle, kro (with the exception of the brushes of sizes of CR20, CR25, CRS20, CRS25, CRO20, CRO25), KP, KF and CM should have liners.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe liner in cross section relative to the total beam area should be not more than: 30% - for a beam of pulled bristles or rod bristles; 40% - "" "of another type of raw material.

Inserts with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 30% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe beam for the brushes of the types of KR and km should be round shape.

Inserts should be located in the center of the brush beam.

Table 1



± 1.

L. 1 , not less


l. , not less

CR20, CRS20


Kr25, cattle25


CR30, CRS30


KR35, CRS35


CR40, CRS40


CR45, CRS45


CR50, CRS50


KR55, CRS55










1.2.5. The admission of the coaxiality of the clip, pads and knobs relative to the total axis of symmetry of the brush - 3 mm.

1.2.6. Wood for details of brushes and brushes should be healthy, without cracks, rot, proportion and wormworms.

Bounds with a diameter of more than 5 mm are not allowed. There should be no more than 2 bumps on the handles of the brushes. At the same time, the knots must be healthy and frantic with wood. The remaining defects and wood defects should not exceed the standards for lumber of the 2nd grade according to GOST 2695 and GOST 8486.

1.2.7. The humidity of the details of the brushes and brushes from wood should not be more than 12%.

1.2.8. Climbing from tin, as well as safety rings should not have dents, ripped edges, rust spots.

1.2.9. Plastic parts must be protected from grate and should not have chips, blown, wavy surface, warping, non-frosted, shells, cracks.

1.2.10. Handles and pads made of wood should be covered with oil or having a paint coating. The paintwork should correspond to the class V according to GOST 9.032, the operating conditions of the U1 group according to GOST 9.104.

Handles for brushes and pads from hardwood wood is allowed to manufacture without coating. In this case, the roughness of the outer surfaces should not be more rz \u003d 100 microns according to GOST 7016.

Kro Type Brush


* Size for references.


table 2







no less



















1.2.11. The penetration of glue into the beam of brushes of the types of KR, CRO, KP, KF, km and KFK for the clip from the beam is allowed at a distance of no more than 5 mm, and the cross type brushes are not more than 3 mm from the outer surface of the liner.

Brush flat type KP


* Size for references.


Table 3.







No less

no less














Machine-type brush

1 - Ring


Kma type scroll brush

Execution 1

* Size for references.

1 - beam; 2 - block; 3 - handle


Note. The execution of the bottom part of the brush is similar to the specified in the specified 1 of Annex 1.

Execution 2

(Else -Sm. Execution 1 )

1 - beam; 2 - holder; 3 - shoe; 4 - Screwing


Table 4.

Dimensions in mm








Number of Puchkov

No less

CMA 135.





CMA 165.





KMA 195.





Note. Bundles in the block must be located evenly.

Poly Flece type KF

Execution 1

1 - beam; 2 - nail; 3 - clipping; 4 - insert; 5 - Handle


Execution 2


Table 5.






No less





















Pile Pile Type KFK
Execution 1 Execution 2


* Size for references.

1 - beam; 2 - clipping; 3 - handle

Damn 10.

Table 6.






± 1.

No less









1.3. Requirements for raw materials and materials

1.3.1. For the manufacture of bunches of brushes and brushes, pork treated bristle should be used for the OST 17-98, treated with hair according to GOST 12857, synthetic bristles according to the regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3.2. Raw materials and materials for the manufacture of parts of brushes and brushes must match the specified in Table 7.

Brush ending type b


* Size for references.

1 - beam; 2 - block; 3 - handle; 4 - lining; 5 - Screwing


Note. The number of beams in the clip of the brush should be at least 140.

Table 7.

The name of detail

Name of raw materials, material

Bunch for brushes sizes KR20, kr25, kr30, kr35, kro20, Cro25, Cro30, Cro35, kp35, kp40

Drawn bristles, bristles rod, mixture of pulled bristles and synthetic bristles in the ratio: at least 70% pulled and no more than 30% synthetic bristles

Bunch for brushes sizes kr40, kr45, kr50, krpr 55, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cats35, cattle, cats45, CRS50, CRS55, CRO40, CRO45, CRO50, CRO55, CRO60, KP50, KP100, KP75, KP100

Tenting bristles, a mixture of bristles of pulled and synthetic bristles in the ratio: at least 70% pulled and no more than 30% synthetic bristles

Bundle for brushes like KM

Drawn bristles horse or cow hair, a mixture of a horse spike with cow in various ratios, horse or cow hair with synthetic bristles in the ratio: at least 70% of horse or cow hair and no more than 30% synthetic bristles

A bundle for brushes or brushes of KMA types and a bug

Tenting bristles, horse or cow hair, synthetic bristle, a mixture of horse-haired with cow in various ratios, a mixture of horse or cow hair with synthetic bristles in a 1: 1 ratio

Bunch for brushes sizes KF25 and kf50

Tenting bristles, bristles rod

Bunch for brushes sizes kf60, kf75, kf100

Drawn bristles

Bunch for KFK type brushes

Tenting bristles, bristles rod

Cubage for brushes types of KRs, CRS, CRO, km, KP

Polyamide 6 on OST 6-06-C9, polyamide 6 (secondary) on OST 6-06-C4

Cubage for brushes types of KF, KFK

Polyamide 6 on OST 6-09-C9, polyamide 6 (secondary) on East 6-06-C4, tin white cold rolled hot mezzani according to GOST 13345

Pens, liners, pads, lining, holders

Hardwood wood according to GOST 2695 or coniferous breeds in accordance with GOST 8486, polyamide 6 to OST 6-06-C9, polyamide 6 (secondary) on OST 6-06-C4

Safety ring for brushes like KM

Steel of any brands according to GOST 1050


1. Pens, holders, pads for brushes and brushes of KMA types and branches to make from low-pressure polyethylene according to GOST 16338.

2. It is allowed for bundles of brushes and brushes of KMA types and an ER, made of horse or cow hair, edged with genuine bristles.

3. The closure is allowed, lining, holders to manufacture from the waste of kapron bristles to 6-05-08.

4. Inserts are allowed for KF type brushes to make from box cardboard according to GOST 7933 or T-350 or T-400 fibreboard according to GOST 4598.

1.3.3. Synthetic bristles must meet the following requirements:

- the form of fibers should be cone-shaped or cylindrical;

- the working ends of the cylindrical fibers intended for the brushes, with the exception of KMU type brushes, should have flags or must be sharpened;

- The diameter of the fibers at the base should be no more than 0.24 mm.

1.3.4. Brushes and brushes must be resistant to:

- solvents (acetone, benzene et al.) and aggressive media (copper and lime solution) - Brush types of KR, CRS and CRO;

- solvents, aggressive media and hot water - brushes such as KM;

- solvents - brushes and brushes of types of KP, KF; Kfk, bch;

- Aggressive media and hot water - KMU type brushes.

The temperature limit of perseverance (heat resistance) of the brushes and brushes must be at least 70° FROM.

1.4. Marking

On each brush and brush (handle, clip, block or holder) should be applied:

- trademark of the manufacturer;

- type or size;

- price (for retail).

Note. The method of applying these marking signs should ensure their safety during the service life of brushes or brushes.

1.5. Packaging

1.5.1. Brushes and brushes must be laid in boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959 or GOST 10350.

Boxes inside should be laid out waterproof paper according to GOST 8828 or wrapping paper according to GOST 8273.

Each row of brushes and brushes with bristle or hair bundles should be forwarded 1-2 g of technical naphthalene according to GOST 16106.

It is allowed to use other drugs against moths manufactured by industry.

In coordination with the consumer, another packaging is allowed to ensure the safety of brushes and brushes during storage and transportation.

1.5.2. The mass of gross boxes - no more than 30 kg.

1.5.3. The packaging sheet should be invested in the transport packaging, which should indicate:

- the name of the manufacturer;

- Conditional designation of products;

- the number of products;

- technical control stamp;

- Date of issue.

1.5.4. Marking of transport packaging - according to GOST 14192.

2. Acceptance

2.1. Brushes and brushes must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2. Acceptance and supply of brushes and brushes are made by parties.

The volume of the party establishes the Agreement of the Parties.

The party must consist of the brushes and brushes of the same type or the sizes made from the same materials treated according to one technological process and at the same time submitted to acceptance by one document.

2.3. When checking the brushes and brushes for compliance with the requirements of claims 1.1.2, 1.2.3-1.2.11, 1.3.1-1.3.3, two-stage controls are used in accordance with Table 8.

2.4. A batch of brushes or brushes is taken if the number of defective brushes or brushes in the first sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and is marked without appointing the second sample, if the number of defective brushes or brushes is greater than or equal to the brave number.

Table 8.

Batch volume, pcs

Stage of control

Volume of one sample, pcs

Volume of two samples, pcs

Remote number

Brave number





























































If the number of defective brushes or brushes in the first sample is larger than the acceptance number, but less brave, conduct the second sample.

A batch of brushes or brushes is taken if the number of defective brushes or brushes in two samples is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and they are married if the number of defective brushes or brushes in two samples is greater than or equal to the brave number.

2.5. Checking brushes or brushes for compliance with the requirements of claims 1.2.1 and 1.3.4 should be carried out at least once a year or when replacing the used raw materials, or manufacturing technology, for which 0.1% is taken from the party, but not less than 3 pcs. Brushes or brushes.

If, when checking selected brushes or brushes, at least one product will not satisfy the requirements of claims 1.2.1 and 1.3.4, repeated tests of the doubled number of products selected from the same batch should be carried out.

With unsatisfactory results of re-checking a batch of brushes or acceptance brushes is not subject.

Results of re-checking products are final.

2.6. The consumer has the right to conduct a control check for the quality of brushes and brushes, while observing the sample sampling procedure and applying test methods established by this standard.

3. Test methods

3.1. The size of the brushes, brushes and their details, as well as the requirements provided for by paragraph 1.2.11, are checked with measuring instruments, the measurement error of which± 0.1 mm, and templates.

The brushes with the strapping according to claim 1.2.11 do not check.

(Modified edition, meas. N1).

3.2. The test of beams of brushes and brushes to heat resistance is carried out by immersing a beam into hot water with a temperature (70 ± 2) ° C and withstand them at this temperature for 1 hour.

The temperature of the water is measured by the thermometer, measurement error with ± 1 ° C.

3.3. Tests of parts of brushes and brushes to resistance to the effects of solvents or aggressive environments are carried out by immersing brushes or brushes to the solvent or aggressive medium.

Tests of all types of brushes and brushes, with the exception of KMA brushes, are carried out in one of the following ways:

- by maintaining 1 hour alternately in solvents N 646 according to GOST 18188, P-12 according to GOST 7827, solutions of copper sulfate and lime at a temperature not lower than 20° FROM;

- by standing alternately in acetone, benzene, copper sulfate solutions and lime for 8 hours in each of them.

Brushes and brushes of types of KP, KF, KFK and a branch in solutions of copper sulfate and lime are not experiencing.

The test of KMA type brushes is carried out by holding alternately in solutions of copper sulfate and lime for 8 hours.

The concentration of the copper sulfate solution should be at least 10%, the solution must be with a sediment.

After testing under PP.3.2 and 3.3 and drying at the beams, the appearance of twisted, shrinkage in length and fragility is not allowed.

Note. Brushes and brushes After each stage of tests should be washed in running water.

3.4. The strength of the bunches of brushes with a rope and handle, as well as a pad with a bundle, a handle or holder, are determined on the discontinuous machine with an increase in the gap of 300 H (30 kgf) or with the help of a dynamometer according to GOST 13837 using a special device specified in Dam.

1 - cartridge; 2 - mandrel; 3 - handle; 4 - brush; 5 - Zone measurement


Tests are carried out in the following sequence:

- A bundle of a brush or brush with a diameter of 5 mm, selected in the peripheral part of the brush, is inserted into the opening of the cartridge and with the help of a movable cone are fixed in it. After that, the brush or brush with the specified device is installed on the discontinuous machine, fixing the handle of the brush and device in it, or use a dynamometer and remove indicators on the machine or dynamometer.

Indicators must comply with the values \u200b\u200bgiven in paragraph 1.2.1.

Determination of the strength of the combination of bunches of brushes and handles is determined by at least two places.

For the value of the connection strength, the average arithmetic value of the results of two dimensions takes.

3.5. The coefficient of density of the brush of the Types of KRs, CRS, KM, KFK and Types of Cro Types, KP, CF is checked on special devices specified accordingly by damns.13 and 14.

1 - clamp; 2 - brush; 3 - base; 4 - fixed part of the device;

5 - moving part of the device; 6 - rack; 7 -load


1 -5; 2 -Cast; 3 -Onavitory; 4-lining part of the device;

5-lining part of the device; 6-Stick; 7 -load


The bundle of the beam should be made in the middle of its length.

The density coefficient of the beam is determined by the formula


where S. 1 - the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe beam at the outlet of the rope of the brush before entering it into the device;

S. 2 - The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe brush beam after its compression in the adaptation of the P force, measured as follows.

In the device, the brush is installed in such a way that the middle of the beam is on the edge of the moving part of the device. Lower the movable part of the device. With the help of the stop, the brush is fixed in the device and apply a static load p:

- For brushes types of KR, CRS, km and KFK ... 49 N (5 kgf),

- for brushes of types of Cro, KP and KF ... 29.4 N (3 kgf).

The static load p is made from the weight of the cargo and the moving part of the device.

The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe beam is determined by the scale of the device.

3.6. Requirements Claim 1.2.5 are verified using the device specified on the drawings of the Appendix 2, or the template.

3.7. REQUIREMENTS OF PP.1.2.6, 1.2.8, 1.2.9 Check the visual comparison method with a reference sample.

3.8. Wood moisture handles are determined according to GOST 16588-79.

3.9. The roughness parameter of wood parts is determined by comparing them with a standard sample or on the instrument.

4. Transportation and storage

4.1. Packed brushes and brushes are allowed to transport any kind when ensuring measures that protect brushes and brushes from mechanical damage and moisture exposure.

4.2. Storage of brushes and brushes - on a group of storage conditions with GOST 15150.

application 1


Examples of the performance of the clip

Execution of brush knobs of types of kr, kro

Execution 1 Execution 2 Execution 3

1 - beam; 2 - clipping; 3 - insert; 4 - knob


1 - bed; 2 - rack; 3 - stopper; 4 - Planck Ring;

5 - insert; 6 - holder; 7 - scale; 8 - slider; 9 - brush


(Modified edition, meas. N 1).