Repairs Design Furniture

How to choose the color of the sofa. Simple steps. Color of sofas - Coloring selection rules and psychological effects of color (118 photos) Beautiful flowers in purple colors

Kitchen sofas are only at first glance a few commodity group. If the imagination draws you a standard kitchen corner of a light-colored color - hurry to dissuade you and, perhaps, inspire global change!

In this article we tried to gather for you the brightest examples of sofas for the kitchen. There will be no information about the technical characteristics of the models - you can get it in the article about. Rather, this is an excursion to the world of furniture fashion - here you will learn everything about the style, color and possible form of sofas.

  • Orange
  • Beige
    • Sofa colors of fuel milk
    • Ivory sofa
    • Light brown sofa
  • White
  • Blue
  • Grey
    • Light gray sofa
    • Dark gray sofa
  • Green
    • Salad sofa
    • Pale green sofa
  • Patterned sofas
    • Striped sofa
    • Sofa in flower
    • Pixel Figure

"Sofa style"

The sofas for the kitchen are rarely tied to a specific style. Manufacturers are trying to create for them universal and even neutral design so that no one has problems with the layout.

Conditionally can be divided into 3 groups:

  • The most numerous includes simple rectangular sofas, with a housing from a dark or light tree. They differ only in size - from tiny to impressive, and upholstery material - textile, leather or leather, may have.

  • The second group is more elegant models of kitchen sofas, possibly referring to some historical era. But here the style is balanced on the verge of conventions - an accurate copy of any era to meet almost impossible. But these sofas are distinguished by a more elegant form and upholstery in the old style.

  • The third group is sofas suitable for high-tech, futurism, constructivism. These are models in a modern style, which are characterized by geometry, sometimes incorrect form. Traditional textiles for upholstery is rare, either not striking.

However, the game in contrasts can give more interesting results! Try to enter a classic sofa in an ultra-modern interior or, on the contrary, dilute the plastic dominion plush sofa in the flower!

"Sofa shape"

Erker - every species we have dedicated a separate article so that you can choose the perfect option for your home.

  • The corner kitchen sofa is best suited for a small kitchen, as well as for those who decided to equip the room with an extra bed.
  • The straight sofa is the most popular choice for a large kitchen, often completed with chairs. Straight sofas are also embedded directly into the kitchen set in order to most rationally master the kitchen space.
  • Erkery sofas are made to order, because the size of the niche in each apartment is individual. Their form is the most diverse - they can be semicircular and straight, have one, two or more corners. The most cozy location of the sofas is when they outline the corner so that several people can sit opposite each other. Such a layout makes a possible deep bucket or just a small niche in the kitchen room.

Another interesting option that can be seen in several photos is a semicircular kitchen sofa. It requires a sufficient amount of free space and, of course, a round dining table, but it looks really unusual and accommodates a large number of people.

"Color of the sofa"

What color of the sofa will you prefer in the kitchen interior? Neutral and least brand? Or bright and rising mood? Let's take a look at a few examples so that you can easily make a choice!


Orange color in the kitchen in every way is encouraged by psychologists - improves appetite, contributes to raising the mood, drives the remnants of sleep, positive and only! Probably, therefore, orange sofas use crazy popularity.

  • And without that sunny room, an orange sofa is still comfortable, and so that he does not get out of the overall picture, the kitchen cabinets and a countertop. Now it is not the main emphasis in the room, but only part of a delicious color scheme. Therefore, the upholstery in the prime flower as an additional decoration he will not hurt!

  • Must be bright - we talked about this in the relevant article! When sunlight is poured into the window, the dark upholstery of the sofa should not detain it. On the contrary, issuing the erker, we are entitled to the most brave choice, up to a canary-yellow or shameless pink. A saturated nectarine kitchen sofa, as in the photo below - a wonderful choice for a bright kitchen, where many wooden furniture.


The beige color of the sofa is the most popular and sold. And there is nothing to be surprised, because it is in any other combined with any detail of the interior. Do not want to be like everyone else? Beige has a lot of shades, you just need to choose your own.

"Sofa colors of fuel milk"

  • The color of born milk, resembling yellowed paper, is a coloristic base for the retro interior. If you create something in the spirit of the past era, a strict copy or free stylization, it is unlikely to be able to do without the help of BJ. Very elegant such a sofa will look surrounded by black and chocolate - the illustration is lower than this example. The coffee table of similar light colors looks like, with a tabletop, similar to marble.

"Sofa color of ivory"

  • A very similar example is shown on the illustration below, where the kitchen is made in a vintage style with country elements. Such a kitchen sofa requires a pair - you can buy an armchair of the same shade of ivory, as in the photo below. As you can see, the colors of the sofa are enough to create a certain style in the room, while it can be absolutely any form.

"Light brown sofa"

  • Beige color - for conservatives and people who prefer eternal values, draw up their dwelling with high-quality and expensive objects, designed not for one season. If you prefer to invest in the design for many years, you do not lose, choosing a brown-brown sofa.


  • White sofa is considered a rather bold choice for the kitchen - because the color cannot be called practical. But sometimes for a small kitchen is better not to find option! Guess why? If white color is dominated in the kitchen - in decoration, furniture, appliances, then visually it will look more. And white kitchen sofas on the background of a snow-white wall, as if on the illustration below, as if dissolved, creating the illusion of the depth of space.

  • The white sofa is ideal if some bold color solution is already played in the kitchen. For example, in the kitchen, an acidic green color is dominated in the next photo, which will not allow any more bright shade next to you. White upholstery in this case is the perfect background and actually acts.

  • Scandinavian minimalism, so popular now when designing kitchens, is a snow-white trim, light wood floors, strict white furniture, a bit of bright details. If a white sofa appears in this interior, it is immediately filled with multi-colored pillows or rolls. Therefore, if you are not indifferent to bright accessories, feel free to choose a white upholstery, so as not to make the room overlook.


Blue kitchen soft sofas are suitable not only for maritime interior, because it is one of the classic colors. According to statistics, in the whole world in blue, the most fans, so many will like to have such a sofa in your kitchen.

  • Vasilkovy tones will look good in a light wood frame, and dark blue shades will require a white rim as in the following photo. If you want to choose a pillow on such a sofa, let them be smooth white or decorated with a small blue pattern.

  • Remember that the blue color will be lost in the twilight, so if you want to focus on the sofa upholstery - put furniture by the window. The blue is perfectly revealed in the presence of orange and yellow, so look at the sale of pillows with a similar pattern.


Gray sofa, like white, fit into any kitchen interior. In almost every home, he will find support - it is difficult to submit a kitchen that does not have a single metal or chrome element. A small gray kitchen sofa can be both a charismatic accent, as well as a nearly noticeable part of the interior.

"Light gray sofa"

  • The kitchen in the photo is built on two colors - warm beige and gray. The ocher and the color of the baked milk is filling, it is also paints on the walls, and a kitchen set, and doors, and window frames. And the furniture is selected in a pair to chrome elements - a stool, chairs and a sofa upholstery have a pleasant gray.

And on the sofa we see dark gray pillows that create an additional contrast with the situation. Please note - in a pair with light gray, you should not use the broken beige, the combination will turn out in challenging and uninteresting. But the more saturated shades of camel and the oath will come by the way.

"Dark gray sofa"

  • The interior of the next kitchen, on the contrary, is entirely built on white color. The sofa separates the kitchen area from the living room zone, for which designers wanted to use a bright contrast. But if pure black color is too "in the forehead", then graphite-gray is a more interesting option.


Caprician green color - not for each kitchen, you can easily choose a shade. But we found the two most universal colors of the sofa - lettuce and mint. We look at the illustration below:

"Salad sofa"

  • Salad color is often used in the kitchen - it is wonderful combined with familiar white-gray-beige furniture, refers to positive shades, has a beneficial effect on appetite. However, salad sofas are relative rarity, a quick study of the assortment of stores will make it clear that this is not the most popular tone. Well, you can always buy bright removable covers for a kitchen sofa, which distinguish lower prices and bold color solutions. But consider this sofa will require the update of the entire interior, only then it will look stylish.

"Pale green sofa"

  • But a gentle-mint shade is much less demanding, such a sofa is suitable for a calm interior performed by elegance. Dirty green shades, from olive to pistachio, beautifully looks with furniture made of a non-standard tone tree. It can prevail a reddish component, swampy or red shades. Equally good with the faded green looks artificially aged furniture, as in the photo below.

"Patterned sofas"

More recently, the bright drawings on the furniture were considered the diet of the vintage - chairs and sofas in the flower were signs of meshness, and monophonic furniture was recognized as standard of style. Fortunately, times have changed, and we again got the freedom to buy strange and funny furniture - sofas in multicolored peas, romantic hearts and not a boring cage.

"Striped sofa"

  • The strip does not have to be frequent and bright - pastel wide bands in a quiet color scheme, as in the photo below, they will win in any neutrally decorated kitchen.

"Sofa in Flower"

  • Floral patterns are able to create an easy and romantic atmosphere in the room - if this mood is close, choose a cumulative upholstery with a classic print. Do not forget that in a dark color she may look aggressive, so stop on gentle spring shades or classical gray-beige palette.

"Pixel Figure"

  • Small graphic print will revive the most boring interior - if you want to bring a little speaker in the kitchen design, choose a drawing in the style of computer graphics. See how the dining area is distinguished due to the kitchen sofa in the photo below - except for non-standard upholstery, the owners picked up and contrasting green pillows.

When choosing a color of the sofa, the main thing is to remember that the color of the sofa is part of the total color interior solution. Therefore, he should not be disserted with the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior. Since the sofa is on the background of the walls, then first of all you need to create a color harmony in a pair of a sofa wall. It is advisable to pay attention to and on the room to create complete color of harmony throughout the interior.

Now we will analyze simple rules for choosing a sofa color.

First you need to choose the color of the sofa

Color type sofas can be divided into two main groups.

  • First group - Monophonic sofas, which in turn are neutral (black, white, gray, beige, gray-beige, light brown) and bright colors (red, orange, blue, green, yellow, purple)
  • Second group - Sofas with a pattern.

Monophonic sofas are more versatile to choose them easier to style and interior color. Monophonic sofas are suitable in any type of room. Whether it is a living room, bedroom, kitchen or children.

But the sofas with a pattern, especially pronounced, require more serious work. Figure except for color has a certain shape and rhythm. And you need to catch the balance not only in color, but also take into account the remaining parameters.

Do not forget that the appearance of the sofa will depend on. Upholstery fabrics have different textures. Different tissue texture, even having the same color, can look at different ways in the conditions of illumination of your room. This is a lincer with the fact that the fabrics with different textures differ in different ways.

You can choose the color of the sofa depending on the type of room

The choice of color option depends on the designation of the room and from your psychotype. After all, there is no color explosion in the living room, and we need calm tones and vice versa in the room for active actions need a bright stimulating color. Consider this when choosing a sofa color, picking up a sofa into a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

For the bedroom it is better to use calm, neutral tones, gray, blue, pink. Siny. If the sofa is with a pattern, then the drawing is better not bright and with smooth shape - flowers, clouds, etc.

Since the living room is an active recreation, the color of the sofa can be more bold than in the bedroom. For both bright colors and brightly pronounced drawings on the coupling of the sofa.

To increase the tone and appetite, designers recommend using bright tones in the kitchen. Red, orange, bright yellow. Although you can use neutral colors, and bright accents are made on walls or other furniture in the kitchen.

It is believed that in the nursery everything should be bright and elegant. Indeed, the option of bright colors of the sofa and sofa with bright pronounced drawings are good for rooms of relaxing children. Bright colors will stimulate them to more active actions.

Another small Council regarding the choice of colors of sofas for any of the premises

When choosing a color of the sofa, always take into account. Combination volume-color of the town should be combined. The color of the sofa should be so that he would visually laughed your interior .. Imagine a huge P-shaped sofa of black in a nursery or in the bedroom. He just overshadow all the surroundings with his color mass.

To select the color of the sofa, you can use the color scheme

The color of the sofa must match the objects around it and the colors of the walls and the floor.

Monochrome option

In this case, the color of the sofa is selected as the color of the walls. Or differs from the color of the walls with a tint. This option is usually used in minimalist interiors. Well suitable for a rest room.

Option with neutral colors

In this case, the color of the walls indoors is painted in neutral - beige, gray, white, gray-beige, etc. The sofa is also chosen neutral, but different from the color of the walls. Quiet option. Well suited to create cozy, "enveloping" interiors.

Variant walls Neutral sofa

In the case of bright colors of the walls in the aisle, it is well balanced by the overall perception of the interior sofa in neutral color. Baku dmwan will give the balance to the bright dynamic interior.

Option color stain

With neutral and calm colors of the walls, you can make a color focus on some detail of the interior.

For example, if you want to highlight a visually some kind of zone in the room or dilute the color calm room with a color burst. A bright sofa is quite suitable for such a solution. More details selected in the color of the bright sofa will help to strengthen the impression. For example, curtains or frames of paintings on the wall.

Vivid option in bright

In this case, the color of the sofa and walls are bright. To enhance the effect, they can be contrasting colors. Yellow and blue, green and red. The scheme is suitable for rooms involving active actions. How to pick up contrast colors at the end of the article.

Another approach to choosing a sofa color - selection of harmonious color combinations of the sofa and environment

Now we will understand which colors of the sofa and the surrounding conditions will be the most harmonious. And what a visual effect can be obtained by one or another color of the sofa.

Red sofa It will be well combined with beige, salad and gray colors. Red color will create a romantic atmosphere in the room.

Yellow sofa Harmonies with gray, blue, green, purple and pearly shades. Yellow color creates a joyful, sunny atmosphere.

Orange sofa It will be combined with blue, gray, green and blue flowers. Orange sofa is good to use to create a color spot or accent.

Sofa green color Good surrounded by red, yellow, brown and blue colors. Green creates a pronounced focus on the sofa-sofa becomes the center of attention in the room.

Blue sofa It will look good in conjunction with yellow, red and lilac flowers. Blue color acts soothing. So it is good in rest rooms

Purple sofa Suitable for lilac, beige, lavender, gray environment. Purple color is associated with luxury and parade.

Sofa gray color Fits with lilac, red and yellow. Gray sofa gives rigor and clarity to the interior.

Brown sofa Combined with beige, cream, yellow, orange, green, pink, lilac and blue. Crooked sofa creates a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room.

Black sofa You can use in conjunction with red, yellow, turquoise and lilac flowers. It looks like a black sofa in a spacious bright room. In small rooms, black can harm- by creating a gloomy setting.

Color circle - your assistant when choosing a harmonious color combination of a sofa and environment

Designers for choosing harmonious color combinations use color circles. With their help, using simple rules, you yourself will handle the choice of suitable colors.

Color circles are with different number of segments. Segments are painted according to certain rules. I will not go into details.

The figure shows harmonious color combinations. If you rotate the figures marked on the circle clockwise or counterclockwise then you will get different options for color combinations.

Now closer to sofas. Choose a sofa color depending on the existing situation. In the circle, the color that have walls and the floor in your room and pick up the combination on the circle that will be relevant for your case.

A more complete picture of the ladies are another circle with a large number of color solutions. The figure also presents the right color combinations.

Now you are armed with the desired tool to select the color of the sofa.

By the way, the color circles will be useful in other cases. They can also be used when choosing other objects of the situation, clothing and even makeup and manicure. That's all. I hope that now choose the color you will become easier.

Any apartment reflects the taste of a person and its quality, so it is important to consolidate it competently.

The most important part of the house where guests are judged by us - the living room. And the most important part of any living room, of course, a good sofa.

This piece of furniture personifies calm, comfort and relaxation. A sofa of blue adds a luxury and nobility to the interior.

The mysterious palette of Saint

Blue color - dark sky or deep ocean. It looks exquisite if you find the right color solution for the room. It will work out after studying blue: its light and warm tones, as well as cold and dark shades.

If the windows of the living room overlook the north side, you should give preference to warm gammam, and if it is colder to southern.

But a good design depends not only from color. Do not make a room in a blue interior, if there is bad light in it. This color requires space with plenty of light.

How does blue color affect the room?

The person's eye focuses on bulk and colorful items, so blue sofa attracts attention.

Because of this, it creates a feeling that the small room with a blue object of furniture becomes more, and the spacious room with such a sofa visually decreases.

How to arrange a room with a blue sofa?

The blue sofa should be comfortable and combined with the rest of the interior of the living room. Consider several options for design rooms.

Monochrome interior. Such a strict design looks very impressive, especially if you add blue walls to a blue wall and pick up the corresponding curtains.

Neutral interior with a bright accent. Let the primary colors be bright colors, for example, white or gray. The blue sofa will be originally and brightly stand out among the rest of the room.

The main thing is that the details of the blue shades are no longer there.

Bright color gamut. Dynamic and beautifully looks blue sofa with warm colors, such as orange or red.

What colors are blue tones?

Blue color personifies calm, but at the same time charges energy and helps to concentrate. When adding this color to the interior, it is necessary to correctly combine it with the rest of the tones.

How combines blue with other colors?

With white. This color is universal, so any shades are suitable for it. However, the combination of a white room and a blue sofa may be too cold.

You can correct the situation by adding modular paintings with bright colors or lathe with yellow lamps. Such details will add heat and coziness rooms.

With yellow. Saturated blue sofa and lemon colors background or vanilla will create a feeling of real holiday on a hot beach. And to enhance the effect, add bright pillows.

With red. Someone will seem that two contrasting colors cannot be combined, but it is not.

Bright blue sofa with red items in the form of pillows, a vase or curtain will create a modern dynamic design for active people.

With black. Despite the fact that both colors are cold, of which you can create an exquisite and elegant living room.

You can add gray parts to the sofa, for example, pillows or deposits.

With brown. It is important to choose the right combination of shades of these colors. Only one oversight can make the interior too clean.

If you decide to make your guest room beautiful and unique, be sure to add a blue sofa into it.

You yourself choose, make the main accent on this furniture object or use it as an additional part of the interior. And our photos will help you decide on the choice.

Stock Foto Blue sofa in living room interior

The sofa became an integral interior attribute. On the soft comfortable seat, it is comfortable to spend time, and its color creates a spectacular emphasis in any room.

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right color and shaped sofa in the living room or another room.


The sofa can be called a decoration of a furniture headset intended for the living room, bedroom or dining room. Upholstered furniture creates comfortable conditions and a harmonious environment that guests can be appreciated in the house. For a royal sofa with several places for seating at the table, round and angular products is intended for central and honorable place in the hall.

The main qualities that the best samples possess, experts call a comfortable design, high quality of all elements, pleasant to the eye tone upholstery.

It is important and how this large-sized piece of furniture will fit into the interior of the style and color scheme.

Colored sofas are available in a variety of shades:

  • This season, designers pleased connoisseurs with a presentation of huge, soft, with bright lacquered yellow and blue armrests, unusual and cozy sofas. Textiles, upholstery and leather in trend fashion for home this year.

  • Among the bright colors are dominated by multicolored orange, lemon and red, fuchsia, violet eggplant and turquoise, lime color. The green ruler is represented by products of salad, mint and pistachio shades, olive and muted sea wave. Blue sofas with a geometric pattern are classic, while beige, mustard, coffee with milk and khaki belong to a neutral row.

  • Marsala is called the tone of Italian wines, which combines Bordeaux, Purple and brownish red.For the sofa, the trendy shade became one of the popular because it is sufficiently rich and catchy. The living room in gentle and bright gray-white tones The fashionable sofa colors of Marsala gives sophistication and creates an unusual style.

  • The sofa in the style of Baroque, decorated with gold, strict ornament, floral print looks in elegant and festive. Warm coloring furniture upholstery - peach and cream tones, classic white in flower can decorate any light interior.

How to choose a suitable shade?

Designers identified five major color plans, according to which the soft furniture and other interior items are combined. Color schemes for design rooms in the room are conventionally divided into such:

  1. Monophonic.It is characterized by a combination of upholstered furniture with walls of close tones. For example, in a cold or warm interior, the sofa and chairs are selected. Only the color is a bit brighter or paler. For blue walls, a good option can be considered a set of furniture of all shades of blue, for beige - reddish-brown. You need to show when decorating the house fantasy so that all shades and nuances play and looked winning.
  2. Neutral. The concept of neutral colors includes an extensive row, starting with classic black and white. The line can also be attributed to all intermediate restrained tones - brownish-beige and gray. Connecting various colors from the proposed list, we get a noble contrast. For white walls, an impressive spot will be a black or brown sofa. Against the background of the gray wall need a white or beige sofa.
  3. From bright - to neutral, from neutral - to saturated.The proposed scheme includes the connection of bright panels with neutral furniture. For example, orange wallpapers are suitable under brown or gray, black sofa. In the case of light and muted tones on the walls, you can choose the product of any degree of brightness and not lose in entertainment. White combination with yellow or red looks fresh and joyful. The elite interior in a modern style is difficult to imagine without a bright and impressive accent, as whose role can act as a sofa and the whole kit along with armchairs. Support the color used for accent can chandelier and lamps, a carpet on the floor, an elegant trim on the ceiling and frames in the pictures and photos. The main thing at the design is not to overstat the interior with accents, reaching the optimal number of colors and shades in it.
  4. Harmonious combination. The most difficult thing to achieve a harmonious combination, if the sofa and other parts of your interior are in various color groups. It is important to use contrasting pairs of shades, such as wig-blue, orange-lilac, red-green. For each of them, retreat are possible - for example, a combination will be appropriate for a purple sofa with yellow and gold, but also with beige, lemon and khaki, as well as light green.

Designers give useful tips on choosing furniture that will help to significantly simplify the task of harmonious design of your interior. First of all, a large sofa is considered as an object, it is suitable for certain colors of the other items in the room:

  • Sofas can be monophonic and patterned.Select the first to the apartment or the house is easier, thinking color combinations. In the event that it is about furniture with an ornament or a floral print, you will need time and serious work on choosing a palette. Each drawing has its own rhythm, shape and plastic, so they should also be considered.

  • If you have a red shower, the sofa will become an exceptional dominant in the room. In this case, it is best to choose the plan that will soften the impression, make the presence of things in the room natural. It is proposed to combine red with golden, close on the tone orange. Those who love bold experiments, you can try to use the contrast between green and all shades of red gamma.

  • Orange color is friendly with all gray and greenish shades, it is good and yellow, blue and blue. The monochrome plan is also suitable. It is only necessary to choose for the walls a darker or light shade of orange or golden. For a living room and a nursery, this is an excellent option, the orange sofa and for the kitchen-dining room will fit.

  • You can combine yellow with purple, bluish and gray-green. Against the background of gray and white, this color literally "lights up" like a flashlight. Fluorescent yellow sofa is an excellent option for any neutral interior with beige and black elements.

  • Green and olive - universal halftone in any interior.This means that acquiring such a sofa, you will certainly be able to appreciate the impact of calm and pacifying color. If the furniture is a bright green shade, the walls must be lighter - yellowish or greenish. Olive is harmoniously combined with dark purple and lilac. Pink and peach will create an unbasic and interesting contrast with a dark green upholstery of the sofa. Calm and pacifying tones are used in the bedroom and office.

  • Blue and blue can be called universal for large living rooms and offices,the sofa in such colors is used in cold interiors. White walls and gray with a pattern wallpaper will complement a beautiful dark blue and cornflower sofa. Dilute the tone and make it joyful will help orange, green and white details, yellow items.

If you like chambers in the style of a snow queen, add white and silver, as well as blue and lilac in the design room design.

The sofa is the most significant, comfortable subject of the interior. You can relax after the working day, sit with friends, to stay together with your relatives, relax with a cup of tea or coffee, watch TV. For many it becomes a very difficult task.

It is important that the color has harmonized with walls, carpet, other furniture.

They decided to buy a sofa, then you need to decline in color. There are multiple key color plans for combining upholstered furniture with other interior items.

  • Monochrome. Upholstery material in upholstered furniture is the same color as the walls or their element. The only difference is the shade. For example, a green upholstery, and the walls are light green, etc.
  • Neutral. If you used some one color when painting the walls, it is important that the furniture is identical to the color only differing from the walls.
  • Neutral furniture and interior of different colors. The sofa having the upholstered material of the neutral color will suit any interior, and also helps to balance the colorful walls with upholstered furniture.
  • Sofa saturated coloring and calm, neutral interior. A colorful sofa will help "dilute" the overall environment and will be combined with separate details of the same color range.
  • Combined. When the sofa of one color is placed in the interior of a completely different color. But this option is for those who like to conduct experiments.

The sofa is the most significant, comfortable subject of the interior.

It is worth the choice of this furniture with all seriousness, because from his color scheme will depend on your mood, how comfortable you will be in the room.

First you need to choose a color type

When selecting coloring, remember one thing: its color gamut is an integral part of the entire interior and is obliged to harmonize with the design intent. Color category is divided into two key types:

  1. Sofas of the same color. There are also neutral - beige, dark, white, gray-beige, gray, dairy-beige, and juicy shades - lilac or purple, red, yellow, orange, green, blue, blue.
  2. Upholstered furniture with a pattern.

They decided to buy a sofa, then you need to decline in color.

Of course, it is easier to make a choice for a general setting, focusing on the first option. Such easily "fit" into the room. The second option needs a thorough approach. It is important here that the drawing is combined with walls, with another furniture, curtains, carpet, other elements of the interior. Remember that the upholstery fabric also affects the appearance of the sofa.

Rely on your preferences that you love more - a relaxed atmosphere or pompous, outstanding.

You can choose the color of the sofa depending on the type of room

Selection of furniture, its color scheme is completely interrelated with the room where you are going to put it. For a bedroom, a restrained tone is suitable, because here you are relaxing, gaining strength after a working day. It should be cozy, comfortable, and the color is pleasant to the eyes. Therefore, a calm color as it is impossible to suit the bedroom. If the choice fell on the furniture with a pattern, then the image should not be saturated and large.

The living room is the main place in the house. Here we are going to the whole family for a cup of coffee or tea, we meet with friends. Therefore, the color of the situation, upholstered furniture affects our feeling, mood. Of course, here the sofa on coloring can be richer than in the bedroom, and the drawing is brighter.

It is important that the color has harmonized with walls, carpet, other furniture.

Children's room. Here, the sofa choice is worth it very carefully, since the color affects the mental state of the child. For example, neutral shades will reassure a hyperactive child, and expressive colors are suitable, drawings.

Neutral shades will reassure a hyperactive child.

For the kitchen boldly use a bright color. For example, orange or red contribute to strengthening appetite and general mood. Those who are sitting on a diet should stand the furniture of calm shades in the kitchen.

I want to live, create.

You can use the color scheme to select the color

It is worth the choice of this furniture with all seriousness, because from his color scheme will depend on your mood, how comfortable you will be in the room.

Monochrome (monochrome). Walls and furniture - one gamma. The difference is only in the shade. For example, a light-chestnut sofa is suitable for beige walls.

There is nothing complicated here, as it may seem.

Neutral. The predominant setting is calm, comfortable. The walls are light, the sofa is selected pastel tones.

Soft furniture is selected from the colors.

Colored Walls + Sofa Neutral Color. To combine interior items with walls, furniture of weathered tones are used for colorful walls. Such a combination is equilibrated.

To choose from the color of the furniture, you need to come carefully, stick to certain requirements.

Neutral walls + colorful sofa. You have a kitchen of calm shades, and you want to emphasize the dining area, then put the bright sofa in the room. It is possible to choose textiles on the windows, napkins, kitchen towels, etc. You can change the picture frames to the sofa.

Then you will pick up a sofa that is perfect for the interior and create a cozy atmosphere in the house.

Combined. Option for those who like expressive design. Combine bright walls with colorful sofa. Moreover, color are completely opposite. As a rule, in this version of the scheme it is difficult to competently pick up the colors. In order to avoid mistakes, it is worth contacting the professional.

On the couch, you can relax after the working day, sit with friends, to stay together with your relax, relax with a cup of tea or coffee, watch TV.

Most people make it difficult to choose a sofa color. There is nothing complicated here, as it may seem. Soft furniture is selected from its colors. Let's analyze key colors as they affect the mood.

Most people make it difficult to choose a sofa color.

Red. The color of energy will help create a romantic situation, a comfortable atmosphere. Many belong to it as a color that causes flares, anger, hostility.

In order for the sofa to fit the setting, walls, floor, textiles on the windows, carpet surface, the color schemes were invented, adhering to which, you can successfully choose the desired color gamut.

Blue. Widely used for upholstery. Presents peace, rest, has a healing effect on a mental state. It is best combined with warm shades.

Of course, the sofa on color can be rich, and the drawing is brighter.

Brown. Sitting on such a sofa, becomes cozy and comfortable. This color is suitable for all beige colors, as well as lilac, pink, green, yellow, orange.

The living room is the main place in the house.

Green. Such furniture immediately attracts his eyes. Having settled on it, you can pull to sleep. If the interior items have brown, blue, red, yellow colors, then you can afford the green sofa.

For the kitchen boldly use a bright color.

Grey. Impeccable colors for the house where there are children and pets. It gives calm, a laxity, clarity, can cause melancholy. Combines with red, yellow, purple.

Selection of furniture, its color scheme is completely interrelated with the room where you are going to put it.

The black. Not suitable color for home. May cause anxiety, depressure, the atmosphere becomes painful, gloomy. But in a large, well-lit room will look quite practical.

Remember that the upholstery fabric also affects the appearance of the sofa.

White. The house felt airiness, update, positivity, peace. But you can feel the inner emptiness, the feeling of abandonment.

It is important here that the drawing is combined with walls, with another furniture, curtains, carpet, other elements of the interior.

Orange. Color of activity, communication. It can serve as a source to an excessive burst of energy.

Such easily "fit" into the room.

Yellow. Causes a positive mood, cheerfulness. I want to live, create. Particularly suitable for intellectual people. An excess of yellow color in the interior can lead to excitability.

Of course, it is easier to make a choice for a general setting, focusing on the first option.

To choose from the color of the furniture, you need to come carefully, stick to certain requirements. Then you will pick up a sofa that is perfect for the interior and create a cozy atmosphere in the house.

When selecting coloring, remember one thing: its color gamut is an integral part of the entire interior and is obliged to harmonize with the design intent.