Repairs Design Furniture

LED trees - a new kind of festive lighting. "Wonderful Winter Tree" - a master class for the manufacture of a wood insulation for a floor with highlighting from garland street bushes LED with their own hands

You absolutely clean the luminous garland after the winter holidays. There is plenty interesting ways decorating her home interior.

1. Machine the garland on the contector of a mirror of some interesting form.

2. Watched paper lanterns with garland around the branch and hang over the bed.

3. Create a drop-down lamp, decorating the garland with large light bulbs.

4. Create an original tree from the garland.

Draw on the wall of the contour, take the carnation around the perimeter and wipe the luminous garland around them. As easy as pie!

5. Attach photos to glowing garlands with clothespins.

6. Create your own cloth with a pattern of luminous lights.

7. Curtain the garland in the baskets for flowers or put it right there.

8. Fill the bottle of wine with lights so as to effectively highlight them from the inside.

9. Create an angel wreath of paper napkins.

With the help of nipples from the wire, form a round holder for snowflakes and wrap it with an electric garlands with small light bulbs. Then glue the decorative snowflakes on the holder.

10. Or use napkins to make a wedding wreath.

Just do small holes in napkins and thread in them lights.

11. Purley disposable cardboard cups with unusual paper, it will help create interesting light shades using LED garlands.

12. Tie a crochet a glowing mat with a rope and garlands.

13. Decorate the christmas garland with tulle bows.

14. To create a festive mood, decorate the garlands with old decorations.

15. Create colorful twine balls and decorate them with a glowing garland.

16. Make burning snowflakes from holders purchased in the store.

17. Bind the rope with garland for the seafrock decor in the marine style.

18. Create a luminous garlands in the bedroom.

19. Suspend air clouds with hanging glowing garland.

In the photo two-dimensional version of the cloud.

20. You can also use cardboard boxes from eggs to create a flower effect.

21. Write a barking message on suspended lamps.

Make letters, looping holes in paper.

22. Create a romantic headboard.

Fish out simple wooden frame And add traverses. Drill small holes and insert the outlets at the bottom of each niche. Paint the frame and screw to the wall. Fill out every niche of the garland and connect it to the outlets. Cut the transparent panels from polycarbonate sheets and adhere to the frame with fasteners.

23. Use shiny wrapping paper to create giant glowing candy.

Required materials and tools:
  • disposable plastic container with a lid;
  • electric garland;
  • scissors;
  • wire or shelter for cleaning tubes;
  • nippers;
  • multicolored wrapping paper;
  • scotch.

Preparation method:

  1. Cut from the roll a piece of wrapping paper 45x 45 cm.
  2. Wrap your garlands with wrapping paper. Do not forget to leave both ends of the garlands outside to connect it to the network and connect the element with other candy.
  3. Put the wrapped garlands into the plastic container and close it. Wrap the wrapping paper container and fix the scotch.
  4. With the help of heroes or wire, give a container with a garland shape of candy.
  5. Treat the whole garland, leaving a free space between the links (20-40 cm).
  6. Connect the finished bunch of candies to the network.

24. Insert the lanterns into tiny cans for preservation.

Take special lids with a hole under the garland. Close each jar with a lid and insert a light bulb from the garland.

25. Insert the LED garland into the old toy.

You will need:
  • old toy (cotton fabric);
  • pVA glue;
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • light garland.
Preparation method:

26. Write a light message.

27. Place the luminous garland waveforming.

28. Cut the black figures of cats to make this cute garland.

29. Value the garland around the wire wreath.

Probably one of the most simple options creating homemade wreaths.

30. Slow over the bed with garlands.

31. Cut the paper stripes to get the same lanterns with fringe.

32. Use foil from the shape to bake the cupcakes as an ornament for garlands.

This is a great idea for any party.

33. Make shiny scenery with mirrors and backlight.

  • matte aluminum bar;
  • hooks for hanging;
  • garland with mirror suspensions;
  • electric garland.


  1. Attach the rod to the wall using two hooks.
  2. Hang on the rod mirror garland. To enhance the visual effect, you can cut a part of the threads with pendants so that the finished curtain was different lengths.
  3. Over the suspensions, stretch the lighting garland and connect it to the outlet.

34. Use branches to create a rustic chandelier.

This idea can easily be implemented with luminous garland.

  • dry branches;
  • hemp tweer;
  • the veil (as desired to darken the color of the tree);
  • paint under the color of wood;
  • cartridges for lamps with a removable cardboard case under color;
  • plastic ties;
  • glue gun;
  • electrical cable Black I. white color;
  • the black electric wire with a fork;
  • answer complications "nuts".

35. Make a garland of geometric lanterns.

You can independently make lanterns from black wire or natural straw.


To create this creation inspired watching the film Avatar. Remember the fluorescent trees that filled the night with multi-colored light, indescribable beauty.

Surely you have seen trees from beads, man-made creation of an analog of natural beauty, less susceptible to the influence of time. The advantage of such trees in a more "fast height" and the opportunity to ask a unique form, accurately recreated a mental image.

Not so long ago, "Eternal Lanterns" appeared on the market, in particular, devices with LEDs and solar panels.

We combine the foregoing, and we can get a glowing bonsai bonsai from the bead, which looks like this:

in the dark,

at night.

Manufacturing technology

Energy collection for recharging can be carried out by one of two directions:
1) placement of photodiodes in the branches of the tree;
2) Setting one solar element next to the tree.

Creating a tree.

It all depends on your fantasy, skills and diligence. For the example above, it took about 60 meters copper wire A diameter of 0.3 mm and 2160 beads with a diameter of 3 mm. Beads can be any, but in his desire to recreate the effect of leaves, used transparent green, 80 grams.

The first stage, we make branches with leaves.

Next you need to create a durable wire frame with a diameter of about 2 mm, it will be a tree trunk. Having placed LEDs on the branches, leave a stock of length, as shown in the photo. It will be more convenient for further assembly. It also requires a stock in roots, for assembling the scheme.

Installing LED on a branch frame:

If you wish to use the placement of photodiodes on the branches, the design will look like this:

I used branches with photo and LEDs and five leaf sprigs. To create a natural effect, we have dark photodiodes in the center, and the LED at the beginning of the codes with the leaves, this will allow them to illuminate the entire branch.

One finished branch:

Tree ready half:

The same thing in the dark:

Now you need to hide the electronic stuffing, there are many options: solder roots, to turn through holes, press, etc. In this case, the holes in the bottom of the pot were made, the roots are passed through them, and after the electronics is placed, the container was filled with decorative stones.

Pot with pebbles:

E-Side Question
BPW34 photodiodes were used if you decide to use this direction to ensure energy, then you need to use about 10 pieces together to charge a lithium-ion battery. We place them in the branches and wiring take to the roots.
Because of the location "in foliage", photodiodes cannot work on full power Due to the light flux reduced by leaves.

Consider a different solution of the energy supply task. In stores have long been sold keychains with solar batteries, their price is not great.

LED keychain lantern with solar battery:

In the first stages of the calculation, the use of a capacitor as the main battery was assumed. But when I used a sunny element from the keychain, I was a pity to leave the left side of the keychain, including lithium-ion battery by 3.7V and 40mach. The use of these parts simplified the recreation of the scheme.


If you use BPW34 photodiodes, then you need to use blocks, out of 10 sequentially included photodiodes collected in parallel.

The solar battery is connected via diode D1 and resistor R9, which allows the transistor Q1 to play the role of the LED brightness regulator based on the illumination information coming from the solar cell. Thus, the backlight turns on only in the dark and does not take power to the day, letting it be charged the battery. It remains only to collect LEDs and the resistors connected to them.

Hiding electronics stones, leave the unclosed solar cell, otherwise it will not work.

List of materials required to create:
2160 Beads (about 80 g)
60 m copper wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm
1 Pot for Bonsai
8 Super Bright Green LEDs 3mm 8000mcd
1 the solar panel (or 10 BPW34)
1 lithium-ion battery by 3.7V 40mach
2 m copper wire with a diameter of about 2 mm
8 resistors 1 com
1 Resistor 1mom
1 Diode 1N4148.
1 transistor BC327

Such glowing trees will be an excellent decoration for your windows and interior, carrying a little magic in your life.

Detailed MK did not find :(

Names from New Year's garlands

Wire needed, you need to decompose the garland on the table on the twigs (well, it is necessary to count how many light bulbs should be necessary)
Then to make twigs from the wire, in them torsion the garland, hiding in the wire wire. Watch the wire .. Well, a couple of wires in length together with the wire can be wrapped (so that the branch does not stretch)
There must be such a circle of wires with branches hanging on it, staying and a cord with a fork - it's all (except for a cord with a fork) will need to be hidden in the barrel.
Then collect sprigs in the trunk, hiding in the barrel remaining excess wires.
then corrugated paper (or foil, or what does it like) reorganize the wire (well, as the bark so that it turned out)
And you can put a tree on the table and turn on the outlet.
Only roots do not forget to make a sewing (and it will not stand) Well, or in a pot of a tree to plant ..

I think it is possible to do it on the frame too ... the Christmas tree is normal that the paws are lowered down, but if you have a pine to do or cedar .. You can immediately fasten the wood frame from the rigid wire.
Twigs on different ways to do (the location of the light bulbs).

Stand - Canning Bank with a hole, inverted. The trunk is inserted there and everything inside is tightly clogged with a newspaper. downstairs the circle of cardboard is glued

By the way, I looked at the Christmas tree and thought that it was possible to close the branches to close a dark green misher .. she was not particularly brilliant, but fluffy. it will be possible and not on holidays to use further)

And also, the girlfriend says it branches and trunks decorated with painting scotch then painted with gouache and varnish. Her Tree is also sfotkay, like a camera for himself a new one. She screwed him to the stones (instead of a stand)

Unfortunately, there is no camera, I can not show :(

I can only show the nightlight-Christmas tree to do (start) The rest of the pictures were lost: (not judged strictly, it was done at the cottage in 2 hours, so that the hands are remembered))

Drunk in close apartments, we have little opportunities to show their fantasies in external decoration buildings or adjacent sections. But on the cottage or in country house You can give will to your imagination and a sense of style. It should not be thought that the joy to dream and show your creative abilities, is available only to rich people and feasible exclusively in large areas. This is not true.

Of course, on little plot, most of which occupies a vegetable garden, less opportunities to turn around, but it can be decorate with literally a few strokes so that those surrounding simply ash. Especially many opportunities in this plan gives landscaped.

In its proposal, the outdoor lighting of the site is divided into four main types:

  • security, which creates the impression of the constant presence of owners in the territory;
  • functional - ensures safe movement over the area in the evening and night time;
  • architectural - It is designed to emphasize and draw the beauty of buildings or sculptures
  • decorative - intended solely to achieve aesthetic effects.

It is decorative lighting that can turn your plot in fabulous kingdomdiscovering the eye after darkness. Moreover, it is often a plot highlighted in the evening, straightened from the territory you used to see in the afternoon.

Darkness grows distance. But for right organization Backlighting Your plot in a few acres can visually turn into a huge fabulous space where there is a place for adults, suffering to safely relax and admire the nature, and for children who are just delighted with the opportunity to play in this mysterious garden.

There are many objects on the site, the backlight of which will allow you to achieve the desired effect.

This is primarily the following objects:

  • garden paths and paths;
  • flowerbeds;
  • alpine slides;
  • bridges;
  • pond;
  • scenic shrubs;
  • large-sized trees.

Not on each site there are ponds, walkways and even gazebo. But around there are many plants, imperceptible during the day, but very spectacular, if they are properly lit in the evening.

If you seriously abandoned the decorative lighting of the site, then the work usually begins with the organization of the highlighting of the tracks. On the one hand, it is beautiful, and on the other hand, it removes the need to walk along a segment with a flashlight. Even weak light sources located along the paths will allow you to move in all directions without risk to having the nearest bush or come on a flowerbed.

After making tracks can be taken for lighting plants. Do not be too fascinated by hanging lanterns and light bulbs. In terms of decorative illumination, it is better to "underwent" than to move.

Even before it began to start a light, it is worth carefully examining the site and everything that grows on it. You need to outline the lighting objects and thoroughly consider the question correct and safe. Still, the danger of damage to electric shock is always saved.

Especially thoroughly, it is necessary to treat the use of light sources to those people who have small children. It is very difficult for them to explain why the wiring cannot be touched, pull and tear. In such a situation, it is necessary to consider the possibility of using safe light sources, although this option may be more costly.

Since street lighting works in extreme conditions, it should satisfy some mandatory requirements.

Among such requirements:

  • reliable protection against voltage drops;
  • high degree of moisture protection;
  • resistance to ultraviolet;
  • frost resistance (when using decorative illumination in winter);
  • availability of quality certificate;
  • long warranty.

Practice shows that the best in this regard are electric lampsFor which low voltage is used.

Most often for highlighting the following types of lamps are used:

  • conventional incandescent lamps - an undesirable version, especially for permanent use - often burn out, do not like dampness and consume a lot of energy;
  • lED lamps are perfectly suitable for use on the street, they spend little electricity, have long term services are environmentally friendly, easily mounted;
  • lamps on solar panels - Pretty roads, but are the ideal option For parents of young children, because for their installation, you do not need to lay the wires (however, they shine shortly - about 3 to 4 hours).

All these lamps are presented in several types:

  • terrestrial lights different sizes and forms;
  • rating lanterns with rafters of various shapes installed mainly along the tracks and to designate the boundaries of various sites;
  • suspended lights that can be attached to various supports, walls, hang on large trees;
  • street scores - plants them will not particularly cover them, because it is necessary to attach them to the wall;
  • searchlights - can be installed directly to earth or suspended on support;
  • lED garlands with bulbs of various sizes.

The choice of the lamp and the place of its location depends on what exactly the effect you want to achieve:

  • If your task is to demonstrate the beauty of the plant trunk, its texture and strength, then it is worth using a spotlight installed on Earth almost near the barrel itself. It must be directed upwards. The light is better to use white.
  • If you want to emphasize the beauty of a thick deciduous crown or softwood, then the searchlight is better to install the same on the ground, but at some distance from the tree. One lamp will be little, it is better to use three, then the tree "will show yourself" in all its glory.
  • In order to highlight a beautiful silhouette of a shrub or a large tree, the light source needs to be placed behind the plant.

  • Internal illumination, located in the center of the shrub, will allow the most interesting branches or other fragments of the tree, leaving most of the crown in the dark.
  • You can also use the backlight from above with a flashlight on a specially installed support.
  • In order to create an effect of aeriality of a tree, it is necessary to fix the lamps on the branches, moving them into the inside of the crown.
  • For highlighting from the bottom of small plant forms, flower and alpine Gork You can use soil lights with adjustable light stream. Very good for this purpose LED or halogen appliances.

  • For the lighting of small plants, there are lamps "Spike", equipped with a sharp wedge, which simply stick into the ground. True, they are not constantly used, but only at the right moment (for example, at the time of the party).

Garlands from very diverse and found wide use in light design. They are divided into two types: "Fruits" - garlands with rather large, but rarely located lamps, and "leaves" - garlands with very small, but frequent light bulbs.

LED sources are perfectly suitable for highlighting trees, since rather durable, weather racks have a beautiful light, can be of various shapes and colors.

Other types of landscaped luminaires

If you do not want to make great efforts to organize a backlight, you can simplify the task and purchase specially made for these purposes. decorative products Different types:

  • figures, glowing in the dark - a lot of light will not give, but will allow the contours of plants or tracks;
  • highlighted "stones";
  • normal cans, on the walls of which the drawing breaks through, with a light bulb inside is an option for temporary use;
  • beautiful bottles, placed inside LED ribbon.

Thus, you can correspond to any tasks and decorate the site with a fully budget way.