Repairs Design Furniture

If the battery failed on the screwdriver. Repair of lithium ionic accumulators of the screwdriver. Pro features of the repair of nickel-cadmium batteries

A shift battery for a screwdriver is a fairly expensive element, because its price fraction in the total value of the instrument reaches about 30%. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many craftsmen are trying to extend the life of the battery with various methods. How to restore the screwdriver battery? - We would like to reveal such a topic in today's thematic article.

Constructive features of the battery for the screwdriver

Regardless of the type of power tools, the brand and its technical characteristics, the structural structure of the batteries is not different from each other. Indeed, in disassembled form, the battery is a serial circuit consisting of identical batteries.

Moreover, in most cases (for various types of batteries), such elements have the same size and output voltage (V), and differ only to the container, which is expressed in MA / H and is indicated on the element body. In addition, when repairing an Akb for a screwdriver, pay attention to the type of elements used (Ni-Cd, Li-ion, Ni-MH), since the recovery method for each of them can be somewhat different.

It should also be noted that in order to charge the elements and power to the power tools in the design of the ACB, power contacts are provided ("+" and "-") connected to the conclusions of the serial chain. Well, to protect equipment from overheating (with forced) charge and align the charge level on all battery banks, two more control contacts are used through which the thermistor and resistance are connected.

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Battery malfunction technique

Given the serial connection of the batteries, the primary task of the artist will be the search for a "weak link", because when you fail, at least one element, the battery will function with significant technical deviations. If you consider that the simultaneous breakage of all components of the chain is not possible, it should be understood how to determine the deviations of individual batteries.

Method 1. Use the multimeter

Given the identical level of voltage of all components of the chain, it is possible to determine the faulty element using a multimeter (switting it into the DCV voltage measurement mode). It should be remembered that the rated voltages for various types of batteries have excellent values:

  • Ni-Cd and Ni-MH (voltage 1.2V);
  • Li-ion (voltage 3.6V).

The technique of determining the failure of the battery is made according to the following algorithm:

  • The battery is installed on a complete recharging;
  • The case of the device is disassembled, and alternate stress measurements are made (using the device) on each of the cans;
  • The elements are labeled, the voltage on which is lower than the installed norm (for Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries, the voltage should vary in the range of 1.2 - 1.4 V; for Li-Ion - in the range of 3.6 - 3.8 V).
  • The battery is assembled and installed in a screwdriver, after which it should be discharged to a noticeable reduction in power, for which, with the help of the power tool, you can perform a number of power transactions.
  • After discharge, the battery case is disassembled again, and stress measurements are again performed on all parts of the chain (special attention should be paid to the marked elements)
  • In the event of a voltage drop on the element 0.5 - 0.7 to such a battery is considered unsuitable.

Method 2. Using the load

The technology for detecting weak batteries in this case is similar to the above described, with the only difference that 12 volt light bulb (for example, by 40 W), which will act as a load for the battery. And in order to solve the set task, it will not be necessary to make the assembly / disassembly of the battery block several times.

After performing all the above manipulations, all unreliable elements of the battery circuit are determined, and after that, a solution to their replacement or recovery is made.

Restoring battery elements

Immediately, it should be noted that restore the Li-ion battery of the screwdriver is practically not possible, and all that can be performed in this case is to identify weak items and replace them.

Sometimes the problem may be hidden in the charger, in view of which the correctness of its work should also pay special attention.

If we talk about the resuscitation of blocks, the recovery method can be applied exclusively for Ni-CD batteries, which are the most common for the screwdrivers.

Among the main techniques for restoring Ni-CD batteries, the following can be distinguished:

  • Sealing (compression);
  • Elimination of the memory effect;
  • Adding a swollen electrolyte.

How to eliminate "Memory Effect"

Sometimes, the rechargeable battery needs to be restored, which is associated with erasing the effect effect. Moreover, to recognize such a "disease" is quite simple: after a complete charge - the battery is very quickly discharged, and again can function after a small time exposure. Partially eliminate the "memory effect" as follows:

Initially, the battery is fully charged (if possible) with a small current, after which the battery should be completely discharged by applying a small load and thereby ensuring slow (soft) discharge, which will allow you to see not only the outer layer, and all the plates are entirely. As a load, in this case, it is advisable to apply an ordinary lamp with a voltage of 220V and with a power of 60W and produce a discharge up to 30% of the nominal container (about 5V).

Before using the battery, the procedure described above should be repeated at least 5 times. And although the capacity of such a "reanimated" battery will be slightly lower than the new battery, yet, as a temporary measure, such a technique is quite successful (can extend the work for at least a year).

Adding a swollen electrolyte

The most common problem of accumulatory batteries for the screwdriver is the booming of electrolyte (especially with a forced charge), in view of which it is precisely on solving the specified question.

So, after determining the failed cans, cut the connecting plates and dismantle the required elements. After that, using a thin pier (with a diameter of no more than 1mm), in the case of banks (from the side of the minus), an opening should be performed through which inside the element should be addressed from 0.5 to 1 cubic centimeters of distilled water (pre-pumping a similar amount of air). The rehabilitation final will be sealing banks (you can use epoxy resin) and connecting an item to an existing circuit.

In the future, in order to align the potential of all components of the elements, applying the bulbs by 1.5 V should be discharged all battery banks, then perform 5 to 6 full charge / discharge cycles, and only then use the power tool.

Replacing battery cans

The most effective method of repairing the battery is the replacement of wearing cans with new elements. For what, before restoring the accumulator of the screwdriver, you should purchase the required positions, given the technical and overall characteristics of donors (must be identical).

The replacement of the failed nodes does not cause special difficulties and involves the use of soldering iron and materials for soldering (tin and alcohol flux on rosin). And in order to ensure the full work of the battery in the process of performing work, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • As elements for a serial connection of cans, it is desirable to apply the available plates, or use copper conductors with the corresponding cross section (associated with high charge currents);
  • To prevent overheating cans (can cause damage), the soldering should be made quickly;
  • The connection diagram of the batteries should be consistent, and consequently minus each previous battery must be connected to the plus of the next one.

The final part of the work should be equalizing the potentials of all components that are part of the battery. For which it is necessary to produce a full-time cycle - battery charge, and after cooling, repeat the specified actions at least twice.

Hey! Today we will repair the accumulator of the screwdriver. And you know that the history of the creation of a screwdriver is rooted in a deep Middle Ages - already in the 15th century, when the knights were in front of the battle in the armor, and the squares helped them twist parts of the armor guess what? Screwdriver!

So it lasted for a long time, while in 1907, the Canadian inventor Peter Robertson did not patent the Robertson screw with a standard square hole in which the sting of a screwdriver was inserted. From this time, the screws began to produce on an industrial scale and apply in the household. Later, in 1934, Henry Phillips, the inventor of Henry Phillips frustrated the screw cap and appeared a screw with a crusading bowl, into which the corresponding screwdriver was inserted. By that time, the engine and the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a "rotator of screws and screws" Vitala in the air was already invented. However, there were big problems with batteries - their weight and dimensions. It was possible to solve the problem only in the 1980s, when the first nickel cadmium Ni-Cd and lithium-ion Li-ion battery elements appeared.

The production of household and professional first mastered the United States and Japan. All this happened due to the emergence of new energy-intensive electricity batteries. Just them and we will be changed in urgency inside the intercole da-10 / 10.8 ER who fell into me in the hands of the battery drill-screwdriver. The fault was such - when you press the button, the engine simply did not spin, but the LED lights upTrue, shone is weak.

Disassembly of the accumulator screwdriver

Start repair the accumulator of the screwdriver. Remove the battery from the screwdriver handle and unscrew the three screws that are located under the sticker below.

After unscrewing the screws, carefully move the hooks of the latch, as in the photo. And remove the lower part of the plastic battery case.

Inside we see lithium-ion banks Chinese company Highstar model ISR18650-1300 Li-Ion. And this means that the batteries have never changed. Because it is known that the intercol is purchased by elements of nutrition from this company and inserts them almost in all its own.

Below in the photo presents the insides of the accumulator of the screwdriver in all its glory with banks in the number of three pieces, which are produced in 2011. Five years have launched these in active operation at a construction site. So the result is very worthy. Usually die before, probably not exploited them in frosts.

To replace the battery banks, you need to analyze it even more. I advise you to remember the location of contacts of the plus, minus and charging, so as not to confuse the wires when reverse assembly.

Pay attention to the voltage control fee on the nutrition elements - it is particularly often out of order and. Be sure to call suspicious radio elements on this board.

We check the voltage at the battery output - it turned out 4.4 volts, and should be 3.7 x 3 \u003d 11.1 volts normally and 10.8 volts with minimal charging. In general, banks died - they need to change it unequivocally.

We continue to disassemble the intercole accumulator

This can be done in several ways - you can disappear wires that go to the board.

You can also simply remove the contacts from the top cover of the batteries. The photo shows what form the curved contacts are, so you can easily remove them yourself.

Under the plastic lid we see how the batteries are connected to each other. Them We welded point welding. This solution is applied in almost any batteries of another tool. It is a reliable and gentle connection of batteries. At the same time, the destructive heating of the lithium batteries themselves is minimal.

Gently we ride or bite the plaques with a metal ribbon to disconnect the cans from each other. They also joined them from the board, and put the ribbon among themselves and put on the glue to the cardboard gasket. This is done so as not to close anything on the board. You must not forget it to return it to the place when the battery is reversed.

New lithium-ionic elements in the absence of a dot welding machine will solder a good-hot powerful soldering iron very quickly. We remember that heating reduces their life and is generally explosive.

Pay special attention to the state of the wires inside the battery. They can be durable or shabby. They need to be high quality or replace on fresh. Since I carried out the repair of the accumulator of the screwdriver on the roadway in the field, it was necessary to apply the ingenious invention of the engineering mind. I took a blue radiotechnical tolerant.

Saw batteries

you can in different ways, for example thick wires. I decided to solder a torn metal ribbon, removed from the old cans. At first he was healing the ribbons in the places of future contacts on both sides. Later A well-hot soldering iron with a drop of solder was healing the batteries. But so that they do not heated strongly - let them cool. Then he pressed the tape to the contacts of the cans and soldered the ribbon again without strong overheating.

The most difficult to roll minus conclusions, but it goes very quickly. True flux is then better to launder to clean the internal batteries.

Now the most important thing. What batteries were used when I did the repair of the accumulator of the screwdriver Interskol Da-10 / 10.8 ER Ask you? Well I will not hide. These were the most Chinese cheap cans that the owner of the device honestly bought in the store. Bailong firms with a fictitious capacity of 8800 mAh. This is of course laughter and God forbid that there are 2200 mAh. Judging by how long the screwdriver worked after repairing on a complete charge. I would reduce this figure even twice. Nevertheless, the screwdriver was urgently repaired and he pleases the owner.

We reanimate the DCB 145 battery

Delived every bank 18650 to 3V current 0,3a. Then he charged to 4.1V current 0,5A. Next, it was again discharged in order to determine how much current is poured into each specific "bank". This is necessary in order to assess their capacity. As it turned out, the batteries are good and in each of them was "filled" from 1164 before 1186 MA.. What is not so far from the claimed capacity of 1300 Ma / h. Thus, I made sure that the batteries are good, and you should not replace them.

After the test (charge-discharge) of each battery measure the voltage on each lithium "bank". It must be within 3.1 ~ 3.3V each. So the composite battery will be descessable up to 12.4 ~ 13.2V.

Then I gathered all the "banks" in boxing, soldered a board with a connector and installed in the case. Put completely discharged The Dewalt DCB-145 battery is already in the staffing of the East Charging and seeding the time of the charging process. How I expected, after 1 hour later (60 minutes, as indicated in the instructions), the charging was completed.

As a "test shot", the voltage on the terminals was measured B +. and B-. It was accounted for 16.4V, as it should be for a fully charged battery.

Thus, it was possible to restore two Dewalt DCB-145 batteries and avoid empty waste of money for the purchase of new batteries, the total value of which is almost equal to the cost of an inexpensive screwdriver.

Now I will tell you about "rakes", which came.

Attention! The assembly must be done very carefully and not allow a short circuit between the "cans" conclusions and the conclusions that go to the balancing connector. If you are closed that passups or tweezers, then the fireworks from the sparks is provided! I was convinced of this in practice. The currents are such that the wire with a cross section of 0.5 mm. melted as if it seems to be the thinnest wiring of the fuse.

First, this is not necessary. You can simply charge each "bank" by connecting the outputs of the charger to the poles of the desired battery. The only thing that may be necessary is to disappear conclusions of the balancing connector and temporarily remove the assembly connector itself.

Secondly, it is possible to damage the isolation of lithium batteries and from behind it.

Thirdly, after lithium "banks" be tested, the question will be asked to connect them together. And even if the plates succeed in making them together, put such an assembly back to the housing will be very laborious task. The battery case is very tightly fitted under the size of the assembly.

Where to buy lithium batteries to replace faulty?

Well, finally, tuping the topic of lithium batteries. If it happened so that the batteries in your screwdriver came into disrepair and need to be replaced, then at the moment it is not difficult to find them a worthy replacement. For example, on

Alteration was a success. With the charges of protection and charge, I did not bother, I just brought out the power conductors, as well as the wires under the balancing connector. I charge everything directly from the Universal Charging Turnigy AccuCell 6. I did everything on a quick hand, as the summer was on the outcome.

Under the replacement of nickel (NiCD, NIMH) batteries on lithium, it is better to take those that welded "petals". So it will be easier to solder the composite battery.

It is worth noting that InR18650-25RM batteries are both used in the most "for power tools. Before buying, I advise you to google datashet on the battery (for example, so: " sAMSUNG INR18650-25RM DATASHEET "). It indicates all that you need to know: a typical charge current and discharge, purpose (tool, toys), loss graphics after several cycles and a lot more.

The cost of the new screwdriver is about 70% consists of the cost of the battery to it. Therefore, it is not surprising when encountered with the failure of the battery, we ask yourself a question - what's next? Buy a new battery or screwdriver, or maybe it is possible to repair a screwdriver battery with your own hands and continue the work already with the usual tool?

In this article, which is conventionally divided into three parts, we will look at: types of batteries that are used in screwdrivers (part 1), their possible causes of failure (part 2) and affordable repair methods (part 3).

Screwdiver battery: Design and types

It should be noted that regardless of the brand of the screwdriver and the country of the manufacturer, the batteries have an identical structure. The assembled battery pack has such a form.

If we figure it out, we will see that he is assembled from small elements that are collected consistently. And from the school course of physics, we know that elements that have a serial connection are described their potentials.

Note. The sum of each power element and gives us the final voltage on the contacts of the battery.

Dialing parts or "banks", as a rule, have a standard size and voltage, they differ only with a container. The battery capacity is measured in a / h and is indicated on the element (shown below).

For the layout of accumulators of screwdrivers use the following types of elements:

  • nickel - Cadmium (Ni - CD) batteries, with a rated voltage on "banks" 1.2V;
  • nickel-metal-hydride (Ni-Mh), voltage on elements - 1.2V;
  • lithium-ion (Li-ion), with voltage - 3.6V.

Consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

  • The most common view due to low cost;
  • Low temperatures are not afraid, for example, Li-Ion batteries;
  • Stored in a discharged state, while maintaining its characteristics.
  • Produced only in the "Third World" countries, due to toxicity in production;
  • Memory effect;
  • Self-discharge;
  • Small capacity;
  • Small number of cycles charge / discharge, which means that long do not "live" with intensive use.
  • Environmentally friendly production, it is possible to purchase a high-quality corporate battery;
  • Low memory effect;
  • Low self-discharge;
  • Large capacity, in comparison with Ni - CD;
  • Larger cycles charge / discharge.
  • Price;
  • Loses part of the characteristics during long-term storage in the discharged state;
  • At low temperatures, it does not "live for a long time.
  • No memory effect;
  • Almost absent self-discharge;
  • High battery capacity;
  • The number of cycles charge / discharge at times more than in previous types of batteries;
  • For a set of the required voltage, a smaller amount of "cans" is needed, which significantly reduces the weight and dimensions of the battery.
  • High price, almost 3 times in comparison with Nickel - Kadmiev;
  • After three years, there is a significant loss of tanks, because Li decomposes.

We became acquainted with the elements, we turn to the rest of the elements of the accumulator unit of the screwdriver. Disassembling the unit, for example, to repair the battery of the Hitachi screw (depicted below), is very simple - unscrew the screws around the perimeter and disconnect the case.

The housing has four contacts:

  • Two strengths, "+" and "-", for charge / discharge;
  • Upper control, it is turned on through a thermal sensor (thermistor). The thermistor is necessary to protect the batteries, it turns off or limits the charge current when a certain temperature of the elements is exceeded (as a rule, in the range 50 - 600C). Heating occurs due to large currents with a forced charge, the so-called "fast" charging;
  • The so-called "service" contact, which is included through resistance 9k. It is used for complex charging stations that align the charge on all battery elements. In everyday life, such stations have nothing, due to their high cost.

Here is the whole battery design. Below is a video, on how to disassemble the block.

Definition of malfunction

With the purpose of the battery design elements, we figured out, now consider how to determine the malfunction, it is part 2 repair of the accumulator of the screwdriver. Immediately note that all the elements of the time cannot fail, and since the circuit we have consistently, when you exit one element - the entire chain does not work. So our task is to determine where we have the weakest link in the chain.

To do this, we will need a multimeter, and for the second way to find a fault of a 12V lamp if your accumulator on the screwdriver is also 12 volt. Procedure Next:

We put the battery for charging, waiting for a full charge signal.

We disassemble the housing and measure on each bank of the battery. For Ni - CD, we must have 1.2 - 1.4V, in lithium - 3.6 / 3.8V.

Check all the "banks", in which the voltage is less than the nominal. For example, in most elements Ni - CD voltage 1.3V, and on one or more - 1.2 / 1,1V.

We collect the battery and work to a noticeable power loss.

We remove, disassemble and measure the voltage drop on the "banks" of the battery. In the noted elements, the "sediment" of the voltage will be more than any other. For example, they are no longer 1.2V, but 1.0V or even lower.

Note. The difference between the elements in the battery in 0.5 - 0.7V is considered essential, this means that the element comes into disrepair.

Thus, we found candidates for resuscitation or amputation and replacement for new elements.

If your screwdriver works from voltage 12 or 13B, you can search a simpler method. A fully charged battery is also disassembled to "+" and "-" contacts with 12 volt lamp. The lamp is load, and will discharge the battery. Next, we perform measurements on battery elements, where the voltage drop is stronger, there is a weak link.

There are other ways, instead of a lamp you can choose resistance, but for this Izia electrical engineering are already needed, and it is doubtful that a resistor with the necessary resistance was at hand.

Other malfunctions are very rare. For example, loss of contact in places of battery solders or power contacts, failure of the thermistor. This problem is more inherent for fakes. In view of the rarity, you will not sharpen attention, we will limit ourselves to battery elements.

With the "problem" elements dealt with, it is necessary to repair. How to repair the accumulator of the screwdriver? In general, 2 ways are available for repair if you can express it. It is the restoration and replacement of elements that have become unusable.

Is it possible to "reanimate" elements and how?

We will proceed to part 3 of the repair of the screwdriver accumulator and immediately disclaim that the concept of "resuscitation" for lithium-ion batteries is not applicable. There is no effect of memory in them, most likely, lithium decomposition occurred, and nothing can be done with this. In such batteries, it is necessary to find out what causes a malfunction: the element itself or control circuit itself. Here are two options:

  • we change the control scheme from another, but similar to ours, batteries, if it helped - we find a replacement and change;
  • to submit 4V to an element with a current of about 200mA, for this you need an adjustable charger. If the voltage on the element grows up to 3,6V - the element is correct, the problem is in other elements or in the control scheme.

The recovery repair of the screwdriver accumulator is mostly available for Ni - CD batteries, but they are usually the most common in household screwdrivers.

So, how to reanimate the accumulator of the screwdriver? There are two types of "resuscitation" for these types of batteries:

  1. Method of sealing or compression (it will work in cases where the electrolyte is still available, but lost volume);
  2. "Firmware" with voltage and current large from nominal. This method allows to eliminate the memory effect, and although not fully, but restore the lost container.

This method is shown below for video.

Note. As a rule, in the nickel - cadmium battery the main cause of the loss of the capacity is the pumping of the electrolyte, and if it is critically small - no "firmware" will not help.

This method, if its result is positive, will not solve the problem of failure of the elements. Rather, he only derete the replacement of those who came into dissent and in the future it will still need to repair the accumulator of the Mcita screwdriver or any other.

Repair and replacement of the elements of the screwdriver battery

A more effective way to repair accumulators for a screwdriver - the replacement of the elements that we define as defective.

To repair the repair, we need either a battery - "donor", in which part of the elements are working, or new "banks". You will not be able to purchase a lot of work, even on the Internet you can easily find with a dozen stores that are ready to send these elements by mail. The price does not particularly bite, for example, a nickel-cadmium element with a capacity of 2000 mA / h stands around 100 rubles.

Note. By purchasing a new element, make sure that its container and dimensions coincide with native elements.

We also need a soldering iron, a low-calorie flux (desirable alcohol flux on rosinis) and tin. We are not talking about point welding, because for one-time repair of the battery is unlikely to have the need to acquire it or collect ...

In the replacement itself, nothing is complicated, especially if at least some kind of experience in the soldering place. Everything is shown in the photos, everything is depicted in detail, cutting a faulty item, we sear the new one instead.

It should be noted several nuances:

  • when soldering a soldering iron, try to solder quickly, so that the battery would not be heated, because risks to spoil it;
  • if possible, the connection is implemented using native plates, or use the same copper sizes, it is important because the charge currents are large and with the wrong cross section of the connecting wires they will warm up, accordingly, the thermistor protection will be triggered;
  • in no case, do not confuse the plus batteries with a minus - the connection is consistent, it means minus the previous bank goes to a plus of a new bank, and the minus is new - on the plus next.

After the new elements soldered, it is necessary to equalize the potentials on "banks" because they are different. We carry out a Cycle charge / discharge: put it to charge for all night, we give a day to cool and measure the voltage on the items. If we did everything right, the picture will be about this: on all elements the same multimeter indicator, in the range of 1.3V.

Next, proceed to the discharge of the battery, insert the battery into the screwdriver and load it "in full". The main thing is to have a screwdriver himself, otherwise you will have to repair it. I bring to a complete discharge. This procedure is repeated two more times, i.e. We charge and completely discharge.

It should be noted that the procedure for erasing the "memory effect" should be carried out every three months. It is carried out by analogy of the workout described above.

This is not very tricky procedure will extend the work of your screwdriver, at least until he himself has to change the new

Any technique comes out of time. With screwdrivers, this also happens quite often. Nobody wants to take on an ordinary screwdriver after appreciated the advantages of this type of devices. Batteries fail most often. Do not hurry to throw out a faulty battery. Repair of the screwdriver batteries does not represent anything difficult if you follow the instructions set out in this article. Before starting work, you must prepare tools.

Battery type definition

To determine the battery content, it is necessary to disassemble its housing. Internal components are several batteries connected in series. It is mostly integrated by such elements of nutrition, but their lack of the property of an intensive self-discharge. The battery charge is depleted if a battery does not use any time. Most of the devices are made precisely for this principle, despite all the inconvenience.

Creating nickel-cadmium elements does not require special education, special skills. The cost of harmful production is reduced due to cheap labor. This contributes to increasing profitability. Production technology causes harm to the environment, the health of workers, creates inconvenience for buyers, but brings profit to entrepreneurs. In essence, the elements of the battery for repairing the screwdriver are nothing complicated. Repair them for everyone.

Definition of malfunction

It will be necessary to determine the place of rupture of the electrical chain and to remove the failed "bank". It is possible using an ohmmeter or tester. The total resistance of the battery is determined and divided by the number of integrated "cans". A completely simple procedure. Thus, the resistance of each element is calculated. But in this matter, there is still your nuances. It will not be possible to make a measurement of resistance if the chain rupture takes place.

We will have to check each "bank" separately. The readings will differ, but the resistance of some battery elements will significantly exceed the average value. Quite often on "banks", their work parameters are indicated. An example is the battery for the Mcita screwdriver.

What to do after identifying a faulty item?

Such marking significantly simplifies work. The specified value can be compared with the data obtained after measurement. "Bank" will not be suitable for use in the future, if its resistance has sharply deviated from the parameters on the labeling. It will take to remove this element from the chain and replace it with a good one. Such details may not always be at hand.

You can try to find a donor battery for the Makita screwdriver of some other brand, designed for similar technology. Today this method will not cause problems. Miscellaneous Power Elements are constantly filled by the collection points of spent components. It is quite possible to find the required battery.

It makes sense to seek help in special workshops. The required element will definitely be found. Of course, masters on these firms are financially repaired independently, but they will not refuse to help find the new "banks". Many in this way will be gaining the battery for the Interskol screwdriver.


Li-ion batteries are not subject to recovery because they do not have a "memory effect". Consider the Ni-CD type battery. For its recovery, the seal method is suitable. Battery banks are neatly compressed. At the same time, a small deformation of the case is allowed. The firmware method with voltage makes it possible to get rid of the "memory effect" to restore the nominal capacity of the battery "banks".

Alignment of potentials

Recovery allows you to temporarily improve the condition of the battery, and the repair of the screwdriver batteries with your own hands with the replacement of components contributes to their update. After working on all items it is necessary to level the potentials. For this, the battery is fully charged and the day costs. The multimeter indicator should be 1.2 V at each bank. Then it is necessary to eliminate the "memory effect".

The battery is discharged and charging several times. As preventive procedures to prevent the appearance of unwanted memory, this action must be repeated once every three months. This will significantly extend the life of the screwdriver until the desire to acquire a new one will arise.

How to replace the tester?

Ommeter or tester may not be in a set of measuring instruments. The ordinary LED bulb will help determine the defective "bank". It is necessary to solder two wires. The opposite contacts are attached to the poles of all battery elements. No need to disperse the entire chain.

The light bulb will receive a charge from a separate element. In the electrical circuit, a weak link will be discovered when there is no glow. Repair of the accumulator of the screwdriver with their own hands after determining the faulty item, nothing complicated. Do not rush to extract it, try to squeeze the "bank" from all sides, without applying damage to the case.

The element can be stopped for some time when the density of the remaining electrolyte will increase by squeezing. "Bank" will have to be drawn away if the LED does not light up after compression. If there is no time to choose and replace the components, the screwdriver battery device can be fixed by the spike of contacts on the site of the extracted part. The tool will lose power, but it will work.

Proper operation of the device

In order for the 12V battery for the screwdriver to continuously and steadily function, it is necessary to charge it once a month to a maximum, and then completely discharge during use. It is necessary to develop its energy. It can be effective even idle. Do not overload the tool. Preferred in the operation of the screwdriver will be small natural interruptions, which is characteristic of the normal operation process. The battery is discharged to the maximum and is postponed again.

Such a procedure should be repeated 2-3 times. The battery is disconnected from the charger after the final discharge and should not be connected to the screwdriver during storage.

The duration of the power supply will be significantly extended due to this elementary procedure. Such batteries are saved for a very long time in the discharged state without losing their properties. Naturally, it is not necessary to count on the possibility of the eternal use of these batteries because the number of cycles of complete discharge and charging is limited.

New technologies

The intercolt accumulator is also developed on the basis of elements with another chemical composition. Metal and nickel and nickels described above the above-described above "barrels". An unambiguous advantage of such batteries is a much larger number of discharge and charging cycles.

Disadvantages still have

Self discharge and "memory effect" are absent in such high-quality devices. The impossibility of the operation of the battery under conditions of low temperature regime, as well as the high cost is two significant drawbacks of this type of product. Repair of the screwdriver batteries can be carried out according to the scheme specified at the beginning of the article. It will be necessary to completely replace the entire battery stuffing if it was damaged as a result of low temperature exposure.

In a variety of cases, the feature of the assembly of batteries prevents its repair. Some models disassemble enough. The extraction of the components of the battery will be much more convenient thanks to the design of the housing, the elements of which are fastened with screws.

Such models are going easily, so they are simply repaired. The glued hulls are much more difficult to disassemble. The procedure can facilitate the preheating of the battery parts.


Faulty charging of the screwdriver battery or battery items themselves are very easy. The procedure will not seem too angry with anyone. Batteries can be withdrawn.

Replacing non-working battery packs to new can be made after opening the case. The charger also needs to be checked. The method of replacing the battery components is appropriate only if there are spare, because their acquisition is quite often comparable in cost with a new battery.