Repairs Design Furniture

Requirement for portable power tools used in repairs on the linear part of the main pipeline. Requirements for portable power tools and luminaires, manual electric machines, separating transformers? Demand

1. General security requirements.

Portable power tools and lamps, manual electrical machines, separation transformers must meet the requirements of state standards and technical conditions.

Persons who have trained and verifying knowledge of labor protection instructions are allowed to work with the power tools.

The power tool is manufactured by the following classes:

I class - a power tool, which has all the parts under voltage, have insulation and the plug has a grounding contact.

Class II - a power tool, which has all parts under voltage have double and enhanced isolation. This tool does not have grounding devices.

III Class - power tools for rated voltage not higher than 42V, in which neither internal nor external chains are under a different voltage.

To work with portable power tools and manual electric machines of class I in rooms with increased danger, personnel having a group II should be allowed.

The class of portable power tools and manual electrical machines must correspond to the categories of the room and the conditions for the production of work using in some cases of electric power facilities in accordance with the following -

Indoors without increased danger, premises with increased danger:

I class - with the use of personal protective equipment (dielectric gloves, carpets).

In particularly dangerous rooms:

II and III class - without the use of electric power facilities.

Outdoor (outdoor work):

I class - not allowed to apply.

II and III class - without the use of electric power facilities.

With particularly unfavorable conditions:

I class - not allowed to apply.

Class II - with the use of personal protective equipment (dielectric gloves, carpets).

III class - without the use of electric power facilities.

The voltage of manual portable electrical lamps used in rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous must be no higher than 50V.

When working in particularly unfavorable conditions, portable lamps must have a voltage not higher than 12 V.

The company should keep records of manual power tools, manual portable electrical lamps. On the housings of the power tools and auxiliary equipment, inventory numbers must be specified.

Power tools and accessories to it must be subjected to periodic verification at least 1 time per month. The results of inspections and testing of the power tools and auxiliary equipment to it should be listed in the "Journal of accounting, checking and testing of power tools and auxiliary equipment to it". Power tools and electric vehicles should be stored in a dry room. Control over their safety and health is carried out by a person specifically authorized by the Administration on the enterprise.

Persons guilty of violating this instruction are attracted according to the rules of the internal labor regulation.

2. Security requirements before starting work.

The power tool feeding from the network should be equipped with a non-removable flexible cable (cord) with a plug. A non-removable flexible Class I Cable Cable should have a core connecting the grounding power to the power tool with a ground pin of the plug.

Portable handheld electrical extents must have a protective grid, hook for hanging and hose wire with a fork; The grid must be strengthened on the handle with screws. The cartridge must be embedded in the lamp body so that the circulating parts of the cartridge in the base lamp are not available for touch.

The cable at the injection site into the power tool must be protected from abrasions and beggars with an elastic tube of insulating material. The tube must be fixed in the cabinet parts of the power tool and perform from them for a length of at least five diameters of the cable. Fastening the tube on the cable outside the tool is prohibited.

The plug sockets 12 and 42 in voltage should differ from the network sockets 220 V plugs with voltage 12 and 42 V should not approach 220 V sockets

Before starting work, follows:

Determine the instrument class on the passport,

Check the completeness and reliability of fastening,

Check the serviceability of the cable and the plug, the integrity of the insulating parts of the housing, handles and lids of the brush holders, the presence of protective covers and their serviceability;

Check the clarity of the switch; idling work;

Perform (if necessary) Testing a protective shutdown device (UZO),

In the class I power tool, in addition, the maintenance of the grounding chain between its body and the grounding pin of the plug must be checked;

Connect the power tools to 42 V to the electrical network of common use through the autotransformer or the potentiometer is prohibited.

Connecting the auxiliary equipment (Tr-ra, a protective-off device, power tools) to the network is allowed to electrotechnical personnel with an electrical safety group not lower than III.

It is not allowed to use manual electrical machines, portable power tools and lamps with an auxiliary equipment related to them with defects.

3. Safety requirements during operation.

During operation, the electric drill should be installed on the material being processed, passing the drill to the marked point and then turn on the drill. When working with long drills, turn off the drill is needed until the end of the hole is completely drilled.

Delete chips or sawdust with hands during the tool operation is prohibited. Chips should be deleted after a complete power to the power tool with special hooks or brushes.

Wires going to manual power tools or lamps should be enjoyable. In addition, direct contact of wires with metal objects, hot, wet, coated surfaces should be excluded.

Not permitted while working:

Transmit manual electric machines and tools, at least for a short time, other employees,

Disassemble manual electrical machines and power tools, to make any repair,

Keep manual power tools for the wire or touch the rotating parts of the cutting tool or remove the chips, sawdust until the tool is completely stopped, the machine;

Make replacing the cutting tool until it stops it;

Install the work part in the instrument cartridge, machine and remove it from the cartridge, as well as adjust the tool without turning off it from the plug network;

Enter a portable transformer or frequency converter inside metal tanks or capacities;

Working from the withdrawal stairs, strong forests or frames should be arranged to perform work at height;

Working electric drill in mittens.

Attaching transformers with secondary voltage 12-42V to the network should be made using a hose cable with a plug. The cable length should be no more than 2m. Ends of it must be tightly attached to the transformer clamps. On the side of the 12-42V transformer should be mounted directly on the cover the plug socket. In places where it is possible to safely connect to the network of portable current receivers, appropriate inscriptions must be made.

While working, it is necessary to remember that the clothes fitted the body, the sleeves tightly covered the hands of the hands, the floors of the jacket must be fastened, the hair is carefully removed under the headdress.

When drilling an electric drill with the use of a pressure lever, it is necessary to ensure that the end of the lever does not relieve to the surface with which it is possible to scalp.

Problem and wet parts are prohibited from the power tools.

Leave without supervision a power tool attached to the network.

If a lamp, cord or transformer is detected during operation, replace them. When a closure is detected on the power tool or other malfunction, work with it must be discontinued.

When using the separation transformer, you must be guided by the following:

from the separation transformer is allowed to power only one electrical receipt,

grounding the secondary winding of the separation transformer is not allowed,

3.11.3. The transformer case, depending on the neutral mode of the supply electrical network, must be grounded or reset. In this case, the grounding of the electrical receipt housing attached to the separation transformer is not required.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

4.11. If the power tool fails during operation: damage to the cable plug; damage to the lid of the brush holder; fuzzy work switch; The sparking of the collector's brushes, accompanied by the appearance of circular fire on its surface, the appearance of smoke or smell characteristic of the burning insulation, the appearance of increased noise, knocking, vibration, breakdown or the appearance of cracks in the cabinet part, handle; Damage to the working part of the instrument, then you must immediately stop working and disable power tools from the network.

4.12. In case of an accident, seek medical attention, at the same time, inform the administration of an accident with you or a comrade for work, if it is not able to do this itself for the timely compilation of an act on the accident that happened and take measures warning a repetition of such cases.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work.

5.11. Workplace to put in order.

5.12. Power tools and portable lamps Return to a permanent storage location.

5.13. Remove overalls, face and hands Wash warm water.

Chief Engineer _______________/ /


Labor protection engineer _______________ / /

Portable email Tools, manual e.mashins, lamps must meet the requirements of state standards and technical conditions in terms of electrical safety.

To work with portable power tools and class 1 electric machines in rooms with increased danger, personnel having a group P. Connecting the auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, etc.) should be allowed to the electrical and disconnection of it from the network, having a group W, which operates this electrical network.

In rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous, portable electrical lamps should have a voltage not higher than 50V. When working in particularly unfavorable conditions (wells of switches, drums, boilers, etc.), portable lamps must have a voltage not higher than 12V.

Before starting working with manual power tools and lamps, follows:

Determine the passport class of a machine or tool;

Check the completeness and reliability of the fastening of parts;

Ensure the serviceability of the cable, its protective tube and plug, integrity

insulation of the hull, handles and lids of the brush holders;

Check the clarity of the switch;

Check work at idle.

It is not allowed to use a power tool with defects.

When working with power tools, wires and cables, if possible, should be suspended.

It is not allowed to contact cables and wires with hot, wet and oil surfaces. When a malfunction is detected, the work should be discontinued. Established and used power tools should be inspected and testing on time and volume established by GOST, technical conditions on the product.

With the disappearance of the voltage or break in the operation, the power tools should be disconnected from the power supply.

Employees using power tools are prohibited:

Transmit power to other employees;

Make any repair of power tools;

Hold onto the wire of email. machines, touch the rotating parts, remove the chips, sawdust until the tool stops;

Install the work part in the cartridge of the machine tool and remove it from the cartridge, as well as adjust the tool without turning off it from the network;

Work from withdrawal stairs; For this, strong forests and scaffolding should be established;

Drum the drums of boilers, metal tanks, etc. Portable transformers and frequency converters.

To maintain a good condition of the power tools by order of the head of the organization, a responsible worker who has a group W should be appointed

Electrical appliances that are used in everyday life and in production does not matter to which type of equipment they include, should clearly correspond to the list of tasks for which they are intended. The basic requirements for the power tools are usually listed in the operating instructions that accompany these or other equipment. However, for all types of tools, there are general requirements that suggest a detailed review for safe and high-quality work.

Power tools help significantly accelerate repair work, but it is necessary to use them correctly.

Types and types of power tools

Tools in their characteristics are accepted for professional and domestic ones. Professional power tools features the increased strength of the main nodes. This tool is intended for long, intensive use.

As a rule, professional power tools satisfies the requirements of work in conditions of long overload and increased wear. Professional power tools can be used around the clock, often in severe environmental conditions, without much harm for the functional nodes of the device.

Household or non-professional power tools differs from professional models exclusively by its technical characteristics. It is much less resistant to wear. Power tools should be soldered and used with small breaks in the work, often giving it to relax. The advantage in this case is the price of such equipment, choosing a tool from a well-known manufacturer's company, you can purchase not only a cheap, but also a high-quality power tool that will serve you for a very long time.

General requirements

The general requirements that any power tools must be corresponded primarily for the convenience of its operation.

Electrical diagram of the perforator.

Requirement 1: Any powerful power tools must have a smooth start function. It does work with such a tool more secure, because the device does not twitch in the hand when the start button is pressed. Significantly reduces the load on the network due to the reduction of starting currents.

Requirement 2: If the operation of the power tool due to functional features leads to a large dust or fine particles, the device must be equipped with a dust removal assembly or is equipped with a special nozzle to which the vacuum cleaner needs to be connected.

Requirement 3: The device is equipped with a reverse function - the power tool shaft must rotate in both directions. A big advantage will be the presence of a function of smooth adjustment of the number of revolutions.

Requirement 4: The device must be protected from an invalid mechanical load. The clutch of the ultimate moment will work if the drill or drill, and thereby protects the gearbox of the power tool from damage.

Classification of power tools

Harvesting vibration perforator.

Before you begin working with the power tools, you should understand what kind of type it should be used. It is necessary to understand which class of the power tool is more expedient to apply to fulfill a task.

Class requirements:

  1. Grade 1 - In the tools of this class, all parts that are under voltage have a double or particularly enhanced isolation. Class 1 power tool plug supplied with ground contact.
  2. Grade 2 - nodes under the tool voltage are isolated. In special cases, some elements have double isolation.
  3. Grade 3 - In the power tools of this class, the nominal power supply may not exceed 42 V. Internal or external chains in such equipment cannot be under any other voltage. Power supply of such a class of devices is provided by means of autonomous current sources. Power supply from a network using a transducer or a power transformer with an idle stroke voltage of no more than 50 V. The secondary chain of the transformer should not be grounded.

Important little things and requirements

Table Characteristics of the screwdrivers.

Electrical manufacturers indicate the degree of protection of the power tools on the housing. Double square talks about two-level protection, where the first square is the designation of the insulation of all internal electrical nodes of the tool, the second is the protection of all conductive hull elements available for the touch.

It must be remembered that the power tool feeding from the network must be connected to the current source of a fixed cable of sufficient length and flexibility for comfortable operation.

In case of damage to the insulation of the internal components under voltage, the class 1 tools must be grounded parts accessible to the touch. Electrical equipment 2 and 3 class is usually not grounded.

Power tools 1 and 2 classes are designed for voltage not exceeding 220 V, in the case of equipment intended for power supply from a DC power, and 380 V for devices that feed on AC.

Features of security requirements for power tools

Connecting and rules for performing work with power tools.

Before you start working with power tools of any class, it should be checked:

  • complete set and reliable fastening of all parts of the device;
  • the serviceable condition of the power cable and forks, insulating parts, housings, handles and body elements must be integer, without cracks and other physical damage;
  • good condition of the switch, it must gently change the position; If the switch sparks, hences, changes its position only with a strong pressure, the instrument should be replaced and immediately show a specialist to repair;
  • work at idle.

Additional requirements

A flexible non-removable power cable in a class power tool must be equipped with residential grounds, which is connected from one end with the ground pin on the plug and ground clip inside the instrument housing. The same refers to equipment intended for nutrition from a single-phase network. To connect a three-phase power tool, the use of a four-core power cable is required.

Power tools are forbidden to ground with zero wire. In this case, manufacturers do not guarantee a good operation of the equipment, as well as the security of the personnel working with it. Fower Cables 3 class electrical cables must be equipped with plugs having a design other than forks connected to a voltage network voltage over 42 V.

As for portable lowering transformers, separation transformers, as well as converters, such devices must be equipped on the top voltage side cable with a plug outlet for connecting to a network of 220 V or 380 V. The feed cable should not be longer than 2 m, and its ends must be connected Bolts or soldering with a transformer winding output. The lower voltage side is equipped with sockets under the plug, laid for this class of power tools.

Occupational Safety and Health.

The wheelshop must have devices for heating and ventilation, providing metrological conditions in accordance with the requirements of "sanitary standards of enterprise design."

Equipment where the formation of dust and gases occurs, should be equipped with ventilation.

Lighting fittings and lamps must be cleaned of contamination at least twice a month, and wind opening winds twice a year.

Lighting at workplaces should be both common and local. The use of one local illumination is not allowed.

Noise level should not be higher:

Plots of inspection and acceptance of wheeled steam - 750lk

Smoking in the workshops is prohibited.

The average daily temperature in VKK must be + 18 ° C - + 20 ° C

No climbing and climbing of the aisles in jobs.

Cabinets, drawers and racks for tools and parts are installed so that the items stored in them are in a stable position and could not fall.

Floors in workplaces and aisles should be even, smooth and not moving, kept clean.

Production waste, chips must be removed in a timely manner.

Requirements for the tool.

Plumbing hammers must have a slightly convex surface of the Boyhead and be reliably fortified on the handle by crushing. Handles are made of solid rocks.

The length of the pens of plumbing hammers should be within 300-400mm.

Not allowed on the shock part of the stall.

Impact tools - chisels, critherssels, the beards should not have cracks, skeners, stall on the shock part. The smallest length of the chisel is 150mm. When working, be sure to use protective glasses, during the work of the chisel to place from ourselves, i.e. The direction of the metal flight should be carried out in the opposite direction from itself.

Wrench keys must correspond to the sizes of nuts and bolts heads, the keys sponge strictly parallel. The lengthening of the keys pipes is prohibited.

Before connecting a pneumatic tool, it is necessary to blow the hose. Work on the grinding machine without protective glasses and fences is prohibited. Before working, check its serviceability. It is forbidden to use a grinding machine without gaskets between grinding circle and table cheeper.

The entire hand tool must be well-cleaned with oil. Before you get started, you need to check the reliability of their nozzles and handles.

Only specially trained workers are allowed to work with an electric and pneumatic instrument.

Equipment requirements.

The maintenance of equipment must comply with technological design standards.

The borders of the passages, the places of laying of freight and the containers should be marked by white paint.

The newly installed and released equipment must be carefully verified and securely fixed. The equipment must be taken with the permission of the main mechanic and safety engineer.

To prevent the ability to damage the electric current of the housing of electric motors, induction heaters, flaw detectors, washers, metal casing must be reliably grounded. It is impossible to include an induction heater if its magnetic circuit is not closed with a heated ring. The furnaces for heating the labyrinth and internal rings should be grounded in two places, as well as have devices automatically turning off the furnace from the door when the door is opened.

Along with protective grounding when working with flaw detectors and induction heaters, dielectric gloves, mats and tracks are used.

The launchers of electrical devices must be protected and recessed into the housing by 3-5mm. Stop buttons must be red, have the inscription "Stop" and perform over a 3mm panel.

Safety Instructions Power Tools

Instructions for safety in the operation of the power tool.

1. Constrictly for labor protection during the operation of the power tool!

Organize special training for workers.

Safety safety instructions.

Break employees with the receptions of first aid with electric shock.

Assign the responsible for the safety and availability of the tool.

2. Responsive for the safety and health of the power tool.

Apply the paint sequence numbers to all tools and keep them in a dry room.

Check the ground chains using a special device.

Once a month, check the tool for the lack of closure on the body and the condition isolating the wires.

After repair, check the maintenance on the wall.

Do not give a tool to work with defects.

Check the screws of screws that are fixing knots and parts of the power tool.

Check the state of the gearbox, turning the spinsel with the hand with an unnecessary tool.

Check the states of the collector broth.

The power tool must be turned on and off quickly, but not spontaneously.

The plug connections must have an additional grounding contact.

In a room with increased danger and outdoors, use the power tool with a voltage not higher than 36V.

5. When working with power tools.

Hang the wires and portable tool cables.

Disconnect the network tool when the current is stopped.

Do not turn off the forks made on voltage 36V in the plug sockets with a voltage of 127 and 220 V.

Do not allow the contact of wires and cables with hot and wet metal surfaces.

6. Lits working with power tools.

It is forbidden to work with the withdrawal stairs.

It is forbidden to hold onto the tool wire and concerned its rotating cutting parts.

It is forbidden to remove chips and sawdust to complete the tool stop.

It is forbidden to be introduced inside the metal tanks portable transformers and current frequency converters.

It is forbidden to disassemble and repair the tension tool.

It is forbidden to transfer power to unauthorized persons.

If malfunctions are detected in electrical equipment, call ___ / electrons /.

In case of fire, call: _____

Overview of labor protection rules when working with tools and adaptations, comment, clarification, article on November 17, 2015

Rules for labor protection When working with a tool and adaptations approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 17, 2015 N 552n. The specified rules come into force on January 8, 2016. We offer you an overview in which the main provisions of the Rules are disclosed.

General provisions

First of all, it should be noted that the rules are defined by state regulatory requirements for labor protection when working with devices, mechanisms and other labor facilities used to influence the subject of labor and changes, both moved by an employee during the work and established inpatient.

Who covers the action of the rules?

The requirements of the rules are mandatory for execution by employers who are individual entrepreneurs, as well as employers - legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal form working with the use of tools and devices.

Tool and devices

Types of tools and devices to which the rules are distributed

Abrasive and Elborough

Tool driven from an internal combustion engine

The rules do not apply to work performed using:

Technical devices in the composition of technological and / or transport equipment

Responsibilities of the employer

The employer must provide

Control over compliance with the requirements of the Rules and Instructions for Labor Protection

Development of labor protection instructions for professions and types of work performed.

Instructions should be approved by local regulatory acts of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the relevant trade union body or other representative bodies authorized by employees

Providing employees of personal protective equipment for established standards in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 01.06.2009 N 290n

In addition, employers have the right to establish additional security requirements when working with tools and devices that improve the working conditions of workers.

Responsibilities of the employee

Perform only the work that is entrusted to him and on the fulfillment of which the employee was instructed for labor protection

Work only with the tool and devices, to work with which the employee has studied safe methods and acceptance of work

Use only good equipment, tools and devices, as well as personal and collective protection products.

Immediately notify your immediate or higher-level head about every accident that happened in production, about all the violations of the rules, malfunctions of equipment, tools, devices and means of individual and collective protection

Harmful and dangerous production factors

List of harmful and dangerous production factors that can affect employees

Increased or reduced air temperature of working areas

Increased air bases

Insufficient illumination of working zones

Increased noise and vibration at workplaces

Physical and neuropsychic overload

Falling items (Equipment Elements)

Location of workplaces at the height (depth) relative to the floor surface (land)

Performance of work in hard-to-reach and closed spaces

Circuit of electrical chains through the human body

Moving vehicles, lifting machines, moved materials, moving parts of various equipment

Organization of work (production processes)

Requirements that are presented to employees

Passage of a compulsory preliminary medical examination in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 12.04.2011 N 302n.

Passage of labor protection preparation in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia of January 13, 2003 No. 1/29

When working with electrified, pneumatic, hydraulic, hand pyrotechnic instrument, a tool with an internal combustion engine drive

In addition to the requirements specified above, it should be borne in mind that only workers under the age of 18 may be allowed to work.

Production facilities (platforms). Organization of jobs

Production facilities (platforms)

Labor protection requirements for production premises (sites)

Trenches and underground communications on the territory of the organization should be closed or fired.

Warning inscriptions and signs should be installed on the fences, and at night - signal lighting

Entrances and exits, passages and travels both inside buildings (structures) and industrial premises (production sites) and outside the territory adjacent to them should be equipped with lighting and exempted for the safe movement of workers and travel vehicles

Transitions, stairs, platforms and railing to them must be kept in good condition and clean, and located outdoors - clean in winter from snow and ice and sprinkle with sand

Steps, ramps, bridges must be performed on the entire width of the passage.

The stairs should be equipped with railing with a height of at least 1 m, the steps must be performed smooth and non-slip

Passages and drives inside the production premises must have clearly indicated dimensions marked on the floor markup with paint, metal recessed checkers or other clearly distinguishable pointers

Attention! Application only local lighting is prohibited.

Organization of jobs

Jobs depending on the type of work should be equipped with workbenches, racks, tables, cabinets, bedside tables for convenient and safe performance, storage of tools, fixtures and parts. Tools and fixtures in the workplace should be located in such a way as to exclude their rolling and falling. .

Attention! It is prohibited: - Placement of instruments and devices on the railings of fences, non-frame edges of the fields of forests and scaffolding, other sites, on which work at height, as well as open hatches, wells; - transportation of instruments and devices without isolating their traumatic (sharp cutting, cutting ) Parts and details.

Production processes. Operation of tools and devices

General requirements

Service, repair, testing, testing and technical inspection of the tools and devices should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

Inspection, repair, checking, testing and technical examination of the tool and devices (with the exception of a manual tool) must be performed:

According to general rules

Qualified employees appointed by the employer responsible for the maintenance in good condition of specific types of tools.

Specialized organizations on the basis of civil law contracts

Small enterprises and microenterprises

The duty may be assigned to one employee

The results of inspections, repair, inspections, testing and technical examinations of the instrument (with the exception of a manual tool) conducted with the frequency established by the manufacturer must be entered by an employee responsible for the content of the instrument in good condition, and log.

Information to be specified in the journal

Inventory instrument number

The date of the last repair, check, test, technical examination of the instrument (inspection, static and dynamic testing)

The date of the next repair, inspection, testing, technical examination of the instrument

The results of the external inspection of the instrument and checking work at idle

Employee's surname who conducted inspection, repair, check, test and technical examination of the tool, confirmed by the personal signature of the employee

Additional information to be indicated in the log

For abrasive and elboronic tools

1. Designation of the size of the circle, standard, or technical condition for the manufacture of a circle. Characteristics of a circle and a marking of chemical treatment or mechanical alteration.3. Working speed and frequency of rotation of the circle when tested

4.6. Occupational safety requirements for manual tools and devices Order of the FCS of the Russian Federation of 15-04-2008 403 on the approval of rules for labor protection in customs authorities and institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (2018). Actual in 2018

Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of 15-04-2008 403 on the approval of labor protection rules in customs authorities and institutions under jurisdiction. Actual in 2018

4.6.1. The hand tool should be inspected at least once every ten days, as well as immediately before use. It is not allowed to work with a faulty and worn hand tool.

4.6.2. The boys of hammers and a sledgehammer must have a smooth surface, without chipping and chosel, cracks and burrs.

4.6.3. Handles of hammers, a sledgehammer and other shock action tools should be made from dry wood hardwood or synthetic materials that ensure the strength and reliability of the nozzle when performing work.

4.6.4. The use of files, shabra, screwdrivers without handles and bandage rings on them or with poorly attached handles are not allowed.

4.6.5. The work of the chisel, Crazzamesel and another similar tool should be performed in glasses.

4.6.6. The handles of the tick and hand scissors should be smooth, without dents, jar and burrs. From the inside there must be an emphasis, preventing the squeezing of fingers.

4.6.7. Visks should be firmly attached to the workbench in such a way that their sponges are at the level of the elbow working. If necessary, wooden ladders must be installed for the entire length of the working area. The distance between the Tiskov axes should be at least 1 m.

Sponges of the vice must be parallel, have a notch and provide a reliable clamp of the processed products.

4.6.9. Manual power tools and portable luminaires must be connected to voltage no more than 50 volts. If it is impossible to ensure the connection of the tool to 50 volts to be connected to 50 volts, the use of power to 220 volts is allowed inclusive, in the presence of protective shutdown devices or an external grounding of the power tool housing with the mandatory use of protective agents (rugs, dielectric gloves, etc.).

An electrified tool included on the voltage above 50 volts must be issued complete with personal protective equipment. Accession to the electrical network should be made using plug connections having a grounding contact.

4.6.10. The working bodies of manual instruments (disk electroly saws, electric rinsing, electric grinding machines, etc.) must have protective covers.

4.6.11. When the electric current supply is stopped or during a break in operation, the power tool must be disconnected from the power supply.

4.6.12. The manual pneumatic tool should be supplied with vibrational devices, to be equipped with air exhaust silencers, in addition, compressed air exhausts should not fall on the employee and contaminate the zone of breathing.

4.6.13. Caring for the hand tool and the handling of it must comply with the instructions and rules of operation, developed by the manufacturer for each type of manual tool.

Added to the site:


1.1. This instruction establishes the requirements of labor protection when working with portable power tools and manual electrical machines.

1.2. Employees who have passed medical examinations, production training and certified by the Qualification Commission, having an electrical safety group not lower than II, who have been introduced to work and primary instructions in the workplace, as well as repeated and, if necessary, unscheduled and target, are allowed Instructions for labor protection, as well as verification of knowledge gained and skills.

1.3. Connecting the auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, protective-off devices, etc.) to the electrical network and disconnecting it from the network is performed by electrotechnical personnel with an electrical safety group not lower than III.

1.4. Employees admitted to work should be followed by the internal regulations established in the organization.

1.5. When working with the power tool, the mode of labor and recreation should be observed. Rest and smoking is allowed in specially equipped places.

1.6. Employees need to be performed only by the work, which is entrusted by the head of the work, prevent unauthorized persons to the workplace and do not reconstruct their work to other employees.

1.7. Dangerous and harmful production factors can affect the employee:

noise and vibration from working mechanisms;


adverse parameters of the production microclimate;

moving mechanisms;

sugar and dustiness.

1.8. Overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment are issued to employees according to current standards in accordance with the work performed.

1.9. An employee who performs work with the power tools must be followed by fire safety rules, know the signals of fire alert, the location of fire extinguishing means and be able to use them. It is not allowed to use fire inventory for economic purposes, the fancy of the passages and access to fire inventory.

1.10. In the case of during the work of any questions related to its safe implementation, it is necessary to refer to the employee responsible for the safe production of works at this production site.

1.11. In case of accident, the victim should be discontinued, notify the work manager about this and seek medical attention.

1.12. In case of an accident with any employee, you should have the victim first prefigure help and send it to the medical institution.

1.13. Employees performing work with power tools need to know and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

1.14. Employees who do not fulfill the requirements of this Instruction are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Requirements for labor protection before work

2.1. Before the start of work, you should learn from the replaced worker about all faults and problems that took place during operation, and the measures taken to eliminate them.

Put in order a workplace, remove objects that can interfere with safe work, free the passages.

To put on relying workwear and footwear, prepare good and tested individual protective equipment (dielectric gloves, galoshes).

Do not allow freely hanging parts of clothing and refueling them, fasten the goals of the sleeves, saving to the capture of them with rotating parts of the power tool.

Hair pick up under the fitting headdress.

2.2. Determine the passport of the power tool class.

Make sure when external inspection:

in the serviceability of the cable (cord), its protective tube and plug;

in the purpose of insulating parts of the case, handles and lids of the brush holders;

in the presence of protective housings and their health;

in the health of local lighting;

in the absence of the rapid ends of the electrical wiring;

in stock at its places of the fences of other means of collective protection;

in stock and reliability of grounding compounds.


completeness and reliability of the fastening of parts;

clarity of the power tool switch;

operation of power tools at idle.

In the Power Tool of Class I, additionally check the health of the grounding chain (between the body of the machine and the ground contact plug).

Testing a protective shutdown device.

Ensure the adequacy of the workplace lighting. When using a portable electrolympo, check the presence of a protective grid on the lamp, the function of the cord and the insulating rubber tube.

2.3. Working tools, devices and auxiliary materials should be positioned in a convenient order for use and check their serviceability.

2.4. On all selected shortcomings in the workplace, inform the work manager and before receiving its instructions to work not to start.

3. Requirements for labor protection during work

3.1. When working with the power tool, the direct contact of the wires and cables with hot, wet and oil metal surfaces or objects is not allowed.

3.1.1. It is not allowed to pull, twisting and driving a cable, installing cargo on it, as well as crossing it with cables, cables and gas welding hoses.

3.1.2. It should be used to suspend the power tools if its mass perceived by the operator's hands exceeds 10 kg.

3.2. It is necessary to carefully handle the power tools, not to expose it to shocks, overloads, the effects of dirt, petroleum products.

3.3. When working with power tools is not allowed:

transmit power to other persons;

disassemble the power tools, to produce its repair (both the power tools and wires, plug connections, etc.);

hold onto the power tools, touch the rotating parts or remove the chips and sawdust until the power tool stops;

work from the filter stairs (when performing work at the height, robust forests or scaffolding should be arranged;

drum the drums of boilers, metal tanks, etc. portable transformers and frequency converters;

leave power tools without supervision and included in the power grid.

When using a separation transformer, only one power tool is allowed.

3.4. With a sudden stop of the power tool (disappearance of the voltage in the network, the jamming of moving parts, etc.) you must turn off its switch.

It is necessary to disconnect the power tools from the electrical network of the plug:

when changing the working tool, its adjustment and installation of nozzles;

when transferring the power tools from one workplace to another;

for break in work;

at the end of work or shift.

No clogging of the workplace, passages and travels is not allowed.

3.6. In case of detection during the operation of a malfunction of the power tool or a worker, he felt at least a weak current operation, work should be stopped, and the faulty tool is to check for check and repair.

3.7. Drill holes and punch the furrows in the walls, panels and overlaps in which hidden wiring can be located, as well as produce other works, when performing the insulation of electrical wires and installations, it is possible after disconnecting these wires and installations from power sources. At the same time, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the sudden appearance of voltages on them.

You should use an insulated handle tool.

Drilling work and piercing the furrows in places of placement of hidden wiring should be carried out by electrical personnel or under its observation and with the design of the outfit, in which it is necessary to specify the location of hidden wiring and pipelines, as well as safety measures when performing work.

3.8. Drilling work, when performing which there may be damaged hidden pipelines, must be performed after their overlap.

3.9. When working the drilling machine, the processed parts should be firmly fixed in vice.

Working with drilling and other rotating power tools in mittens is not allowed.

In the process of working on a drilling power tool, you should install the drill to the location, previously scheduled to the core, then turn on the power tools and submit the drill by clicking on the handle. Press should be uniformly until the end of the drilling.

In the case of the drill in the hole, the power tools should stop, remove the drill, clean the hole, and then continue to work.

When drilling through holes at the end of the work, pressing the tool should be reduced.

3.10. When working with a grinding tool, the circle should be uniformly move along the material being processed in the lateral direction.

3.11. Do not include equipment in the work if a prohibiting security mark with explanatory inscription is installed on the control panel "Do not include - people work!". Only the employee who installed it can take it.

4. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

4.1. It should be stopped when at least one of the following faults occurs:

damage to the plug, cable (cord) or its protective tube;

damage to the lid of the brush holder;

fuzzy work switch;

sparking brushes at the collector accompanied by the appearance of circular fire on its surface;

leakage of grease from gearbox or ventilation channels;

the appearance of smoke or odor characteristic of burning insulation;

the appearance of increased noise, knock, vibration;

breakdowns or cracks in the cabinet part, handle, protective fence;

damage to the working tool.

4.2. It should be suspended by the power tools performed outside the premises, at the beginning of the rain or snowfall.

4.3. In cases of accidents, it is necessary to take measures to extract the victim from a dangerous zone, to provide him with first aid, send it to a medical institution.

4.4. Upon receipt of injury, it should be discussed, report this to the work manager and seek medical attention.

4.5. In case of fire, it follows:

stop working and de-energize power tools;

transfer power tools and other equipment for a safe distance from the place of fire;

report a fire to the head of work and cause fire protection;

start steaming fire existing fire extinguishing agents.

4.6. In the case of electric shock, it is necessary to free the affected electric current and put it.

If he breathes independently:

unbutton his clothes;

create a flow of fresh air, to open windows and doors or make the victim of the premises;

watch the pulse and breathing.

In the absence of injured heartbeat and respiration, artificial respiration and massage of the heart should begin to make artificial respiration.

In all cases, you should urgently call a doctor and inform the work manager.

5. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

5.1. At the end of the work, turn off the power tools and the electrified equipment used, local lighting and ventilation.

5.2. Put in order workplace and remove materials, power tools and work tools in the place allotted to store them.

5.3. Clear overalls and other personal protective equipment and remove them in specially designated places.

5.4. Wash your hands and face with warm water with soap or take a shower.

5.5. Report a changeance of all faults and problems that took place during operation, and the measures taken to eliminate them.

5.6. To report to the head of all the disadvantages in work.

Portable electric tools and lamps, manual electrical machines, separation transformers and other accessories should meet the requirements of state standards and technical conditions in terms of electrical safety.

The class of portable power tools and manual electrical machines must correspond to the category of room and the conditions for the production of work using, in some cases, electric power facilities according to the requirements of the TTCM - 016 - 2001 Table 10. 1.

To work with portable power tools and manual electric machines in class 1 indoors, personnel having a group P.

Connecting the equipment to the electrical network and shutdown it from the network should perform electrotechnical personnel having a group operating this electrical installation.

To maintain a good condition, conducting periodic tested and inspection of manual electrical machines, portable power tools and lamps, auxiliary equipment by order of the head of the organization, a responsible worker who has a group Sh is appointed

Before you start working with manual electrical machines, portable power tools and lamps (the person outstanding power tools) follows:

determine the passport class of a machine or tool;

check the completeness and reliability of the fastening of parts;

make sure the external inspection in the serviceability of the cable (cord), its protective tube and plug, the integrity of the insulating parts of the housing, handles and lids of the brush holders, protective housings;

check the clarity of the switch;

perform (if necessary) Testing Protective Disconnection Devices (UZO);

check the operation of the power tool or the car at idle;

check for machines of 1 class serviceability of the ground chain (the machine housing is the grounding pin of the plug).

Employees using power tools and manual electric machines, not allowed:

transfer manual email. Machines and power tools, at least for a short time, other employees;

disassemble Machines and email. tool to produce any repair;

hold on to the wires of email Machines, email tools, touch rotating parts or remove chips, sawdust until the tool or machine stops;

working from withdrawal stairs: forests or scaffolding should be arranged to work at height;

drum the boilers, metal tanks, etc. Portable transformers and frequency converters.

When using a separation transformer, you need to know:

from the separation transformer is allowed to power only one current receiving;

grounding the secondary winding of the separation transformer is not allowed;

the case of the separation transformer, depending on the neutral mode of the supply network, must be ground or attached. In this case, the grounding of the housing of the electrical appliance attached to the separation transformer is not required.

Portable email Tools, manual e.mashins, lamps must meet the requirements of state standards and technical conditions in terms of electrical safety.

To work with portable power tools and class 1 electric machines in rooms with increased danger, personnel having a group P. Connecting the auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, etc.) should be allowed to the electrical and disconnection of it from the network, having a group W, which operates this electrical network.

In rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous, portable electrical lamps should have a voltage not higher than 50V. When working in particularly unfavorable conditions (wells of switches, drums, boilers, etc.), portable lamps must have a voltage not higher than 12V.

Before starting working with manual power tools and lamps, follows:

Determine the passport class of a machine or tool;

Check the completeness and reliability of the fastening of parts;

Ensure the serviceability of the cable, its protective tube and plug, integrity

insulation of the hull, handles and lids of the brush holders;

Check the clarity of the switch;

Check work at idle.

It is not allowed to use a power tool with defects.

When working with power tools, wires and cables, if possible, should be suspended.

It is not allowed to contact cables and wires with hot, wet and oil surfaces. When a malfunction is detected, the work should be discontinued. Established and used power tools should be inspected and testing on time and volume established by GOST, technical conditions on the product.

With the disappearance of the voltage or break in the operation, the power tools should be disconnected from the power supply.

Employees using power tools are prohibited:

Transmit power to other employees;

Make any repair of power tools;

Hold onto the wire of email. machines, touch the rotating parts, remove the chips, sawdust until the tool stops;

Install the work part in the cartridge of the machine tool and remove it from the cartridge, as well as adjust the tool without turning off it from the network;

Work from withdrawal stairs; For this, strong forests and scaffolding should be established;

Drum the drums of boilers, metal tanks, etc. Portable transformers and frequency converters.

To maintain a good condition of the power tools by order of the head of the organization, a responsible worker who has a group W should be appointed