Repairs Design Furniture

Manufacturer's warranty and why household appliances breaking ahead of service. How many appliances should listen to a long service life such a device

By acquiring a variety, the manons of course want it to serve them faithfully as long as possible.

BUT B. lately From the huge range of diverse home mechanical assistants It is difficult to choose a durable and highly reliable unit.

The problem of choice lies in the fact that household appliances in short term Run and repair is poured into a round sum. It seems that manufacturers deliberately limit the term of impeccable operation of microwave ovens, irons, refrigerators and other devices, thereby pushing consumers to their regular updates.

By purchasing a fridge, pay attention to its dimensions and volume, as well as on customer feedback.

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Operating period of technology

The duration of the service life of refrigeration household equipment plants producers are in direct dependence on technological potentials, species of used materials, structural properties and individualities of units.

As a result, the same type of goods from various manufacturers can be produced with unlike the stated work time.

Most of the creators of refrigerators in the "Rules of Operation of Technology" indicate the duration of service life. This prescription contains only an informational aspect and absolutely does not oblige anything to make a manufacturer / seller.

Note: Appointment of the service life is not the obligation of the manufacturer, but the right.

During the service life of the man in the street in the right to count on:

  • compensation for harm;
  • maintenance of equipment and provision repair work in case of breakdown;
  • presentation about significant disadvantages in the work of the equipment;
  • free replacement that failed the elements of the device.

Consequently, during the specified refrigerator service period, the manufacturer must produce spare nodes and parts to the manufactured technique in order to repair and eliminate the problems.

The term of the possible service service is determined by an experimental, accelerated test in laboratory conditions.

Note: service maintenance Or repair to trust only the manufacturer's official representatives.

Buying a home assistant, you should pay attention and trust those producers who establish a longer warranty for the operation of their products and make the bet on the trademark, but on the manufacturer's country. High quality Distinguishes products produced in Japan, Germany, Scandinavian countries.

It's important to know:in electronic household refrigerators GOST installed warranty service time - at least three years from the date of the implementation of equipment in the trading network.

Usually, middle time Household refrigerators lies within 7-15 years. Some creators deliberately reduce the operational period of technology to avoid complaints and all sorts of requirements from consumers.

Manufacturers of such brands of refrigerators like Bosch, eyelid, Atlant, Biryus, Indesit, Ariston, Stinol publicly established the service life of 7-10 years, and here the refrigeration units of the Libher firms are determined in 15 years.

How to extend the service life

The real period of trouble-free operation of the refrigerator or term, during which small, insignificant repair is carried out is predetermined by many circumstances. The most significant - reasonable installation site and the execution of certain instructions for use.

Should be taken into account: Transportation refrigeration equipment It should be carried out with a rigidly fixed compressor.

  • as far as possible to install the device as far as possible from heating batteries and gas (electrical) plates;
  • make a minimum amount with a small duration opening the door of the refrigerator;
  • the products placed in the refrigerator must be pre-refrigerated to the room temperature;
  • uniformly place edible on the shelves for the best air circulation;
  • it is necessary to get rid of ice formations in the freezer;
  • on an ongoing basis, to inspect rubber gaskets and mounted loops to prevent faults;
  • perform regularly wet cleaning internal surfaces of the chamber without using caustic chemical detergents.

The negligence attitude to the installation and exploitation of the refrigeration unit can lead not only to serious breakdowns and a reduction in the term useful use, but also to the threat of livestock's life.

Correct care For household assistants will allow to extend the service life for a sufficiently long period of time.

See the video in which a specialist tells how to extend the service life of the refrigerator:

The legal concept of "service life" is not exactly what it represents a common person. By law, this time during which the manufacturer must provide the possibility of using the goods. For example, he will have to supply spare parts and consumables (and how to use it?). And he is a manufacturer - during the service life is responsible for harm caused by poor-quality goods.

In general, establish the service life of the goods - the work is voluntary. But there is a list of goods that you need to install this period because then such goods can become dangerous for a person or for nature. Electronic appliances This list includes.

In principle, earlier life was also regulated by the gtales and regulatory acts: for example, service life gas plates was 20 years old, electric stove - 16.5 years (this is the data of the standards of 1982, and they were still still observed), refrigerators - 15 years (GOST 16317-87, respected since 1988). Moreover, the concepts "set service life" and "average service life" were divided: that is, the period during which the manufacturer must produce parts and consumables, and the service life for which the device is approximately calculated. Now the manufacturer has the right to follow or not follow the guests and at its own discretion. He, for example, may instead of compliance with the GOST respect -Technical conditions. Therefore, it is possible to talk about the service life of this or that type of technology only by analyzing how the time for which categories of goods are installed by the manufacturers themselves (usually this information is in the user manuals). What we did.

Approximate deadlines for household appliances

Electric warm panels, wind cabinets and slabs : 7-10 years old

Induction plates : 10 years.

Gas boilers and stoves : 10 years.

Washing machines : 7-8 years. In washing machines with an inverter engine sometimes the service life is higher - from 10 years. Sometimes the service life is 7 years, and the warranty on the motor is 10 years. What does it mean? Only the fact that it is the motor that will produce, repair or change under warranty for 10 years (if the machine will not "die" before).

Refrigerators and freezers : 7-10 years old. As a rule, on inverter compressors Also a separate warranty.

microwaves : 7 years old (then it is recommended to change, as the camera can start passing radiation).

Vacuum cleaners : 3-7 years old. At the cheapest "cyclones", "poems" for 3000-5000 rubles - as a rule, 3 years. And also depends on the engine and manufacturer, because vacuum cleaners with inverter engines and digital control engines appeared. This increases the service life and margin of safety.

Dishwashers : Average 5 years.

Kitchen air purifiers (hoods): 7-10 years old.

Multivarka : 2-3 years old and ten, 5-7 years with an induction heater.

Meat grinders : 3-5 years.

Teapots, Hair Dryers, Small Household Appliances : 3 years. On blenders, hair dryers and some other techniques sometimes put professional motors (AC, DC) - and then the service life is 5-7 years.

The service life of the device is a period of time during which the manufacturer undertakes to provide the consumer with the ability to use the appointment device and is responsible for significant disadvantages that may occur in the device.

During the service life of the device, the consumer has full right to:

  • the ability to use the device;
  • repair and appropriate device maintenance;
  • the presentation of the requirements for free elimination of significant deficiencies in the device, even if the warranty period has ended;
  • compensation of harm generated due to the device.

If the service life is not installed

If the device life is not set, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the above consumer rights for 10 years. Thus, as a rule, the manufacturer is more profitable to determine the service life than not to install it.

How to find out the life of the device

The service life of the goods is established by the manufacturer, while the manufacturer (the Contractor, Seller) is obliged to provide the consumer in a timely manner with the necessary and reliable information regarding the device that obligatory Must contain information about the service life of the device.

When the manufacturer must establish service life

the manufacturer is obliged to establish the service life of a long-term product, including components (parts, nodes, units), which, after a certain period, can:

  • present a danger to life, consumer health,
  • cause harm to his property or environment.

List of long-term goods, including components (parts, nodes, units), which, after a certain period, may be dangerous to life, consumer health, cause harm to its property or the environment contains in the government approved by the Government Russian Federation.

When the manufacturer is not obliged to establish life

In all other cases, the establishment of the service life is the right of the manufacturer, i.e. It may not set the service life.

calculation of the service life of the device

The service life can be calculated by time units, as well as other units of measurement - carometrs, meters, etc. Based on the functional purpose of the goods.

The service life of the device begins to flow from the moment the device is transferred to the consumer, if the contract is not provided otherwise.

We will remember the former glory of those enterprises and the quality of their products for a long time, especially when the task of eliminating the shortage of household appliances was to eliminate the shortage of household appliances, therefore the caraighters "Zila" in the kitchens for 25 years. And now the main goal of the manufacturer - make it new thing. Someone reaches it an attractive appearance of goods, someone new opportunities, well, and someone goes on a simple way - orders things for a long time. Is it possible? Very much!

The year of work for microwaves, steamer and heaters, two or three years for refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners and washing machines - such a standard period of smooth life of the instruments specified in the warranty coupons. Specialists in repair of household appliances claims the brain of automatic styrels burns out even the brand models, and the repair is very expensive.

In the Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights, more and more often appeal. From people come complaints about poor-quality equipment, and most of all complaints are on mobile phones. The central boards of mobile phones, as if specifically, make fragile and practically disposable. Most often owners mobile phones Prefer instead of repairs to buy a new phone.

Short service life of household appliances

After tracking this cycle of the goods in nature, the American journalist spent ten years and found out 95 percent of all the volume of products produced we throw out on the landfill in a tet of months only because it is beneficial to manufacturers. "Their two most successful strategies: planned obsolescence and forced obsolescence. A short service life is another name for goods designed to landfill. These are the laws of the dominant growth model in the economy - the goods need a turn.

The concept of "growth economy" was ignored only in the USSR and the GDR. There was a coupling course, and not for production for the sake of production. Therefore, the goods created in the Union and Democratic Germany have even survived these countries themselves. Only by Soviet or Geada technique, there are knowledgeable people who purchased it now in flea markets now. From the old TV to the electrifuncher - everything is superior to the quality of the current analogues.

The manufacturer is unprofitable so that the technique worked for a long time!

Replacing materials for cheaper and short-lived becomes a problem. Now the manufacturer is unprofitable, from which we conclude: the vast majority of household appliances manufacturers deliberately laid in their products a short service life in order to continuously update them by the consumer and the subsequent receipt of profit by the company. By the way, some of them honestly warn you about the small shelf life of their products in the instructions on exploitation. In some cases, people turn to local craftsmen who, thanks to their developments, are able to breathe life into a broken technique.

Pay attention to the service life of household appliances

Even as an option, it is believed that the planned aging can be if not to win, then at least to overcome. Through court. The warranty period indicates the minimum period during which the goods can be used. However, by its expiration, it is worth paying attention to the Count "Lower life" - usually it exceeds the warranty period for several years. If we do not break the rules of operation, and our TV still broke four years after the purchase, we are entitled to replace the device from the manufacturer.

Do not respect yourself?

Those who do not like and do not want to communicate with the courts, it is quite likely due to the breakdown of household appliances, will suit the idea to buy a new one, while comforting themselves that there is also a fashion for the technique, and it is better to buy a model Ponuhee. By the way, regularly changing our household appliances and permanent advertising companiesReplying to us that to use old devices - not to respect ourselves.

Change every 5 years everyday technique can afford everything?

And yet every five years updated electronic filling at home can afford not everyone family budget. In Europe, where, at the first breakdown, the technique can be thrown into the garbage, salaries are several times higher than Russian. For domestic consumer washer For 400 dollars - already a significant waste. Therefore, people do everything possible to get minimal guarantees for the same money that the technique will serve at least ten years. In the hope of protecting yourself from further breakdowns of household appliances, many people carefully study the market offered products, references famous brands. According to market specialists household goodsThe production of leading brands is quite comparable in quality and, in essence, much different from each other.

One of the reasons for frequent repair of household appliances

This is objective. And subjectively, another cause of frequent repair of household appliances is the elementary illiteracy of consumers in matters of operation of this technique itself. Therefore, it is not too superfluous to recall that the user instructions contain important information that helps to use all the possibilities of your technology and use it long enough. In addition to the rules for connecting and installing household appliances, the instruction still contains a mass useful information about relevant care household appliances, ignore which means to consciously reduce its service life.

Car enthusiasts and car owners also often concerns the question of how to repair their best friend. On this topic, many professional recommendations can be found on the site.

Different manufacturers are installed for household appliances their operating deadlines, for large-sized devices - about 10 years. Household trivia, such as teapots, irons and microwaves, serve even less. Most manufacturers rarely have a guarantee for more than seven years. The exceptions are only some components, such as compressors and engine motors for refrigerators. The service life is 10 years.

Although, as practice shows, good technique It can serve a much longer term recommended by the manufacturer. Therefore, if your machine machine is more erased for 7 - 10 years, do not change it to the garbage, only because it is morally outdated. Better contact the service center, and if any disadvantages are detected during the diagnostics, they will be eliminated - and your old refrigerator, the machine or stove will also serve ten more years, and even more. True, hope for specified time Operation and quality service is not worth it if you use technique, but forget about it. After all careful appeal - This is a kind of investment in the durability of expensive devices. So let's consider the approximate deadlines for the service of various home appliances and electronics.

Refrigerator (service life of 7 - 10 years)

The most necessary in everyday life is usually broken due to the brass-compressor brave. The main reason for such a breakdown is the racing of electricity voltage. The refrigerator will last longer, if you defrost it at least once every six months (with the exception of technology with the NO Frost system) and comply with another number of non-hard rules:

  • do not put a refrigerator next to gas or electric furnace
  • do not put hot products in the refrigerator
  • capacities with water stored closed
  • was not less than once a month without the use of acid-containing substances

Washing machine (service life of 7 - 8 years)

The main enemy of all washing machines - scale, about which they talk so much on TV. Only now there is no sense to be afraid of its inhabitants, we have a very soft water, "said the specialist of the service center Evgeny Dilinov. When operating a washing machine, you need:

  • do not forget to drive a pot machine for drying
  • do not overload the car with extra kilograms of linen
  • if possible, use low-temperatures washing programs
  • systematically clean filters

Kitchen plates (service life 10 - 15 years)

Service life is the same for electrical and gas plates. FROM gas problems Less, but the electrical can turn the burners and switches. By the way, the sockets under the electric stove are also not eternal - they must be changed every 10 years. Slabs care simple:

  • after each use, the slab need to wipe the dry cloth (before cleaning it off from the outlet)
  • do not use abrasive and chemically cleaners
  • after each cooking in the oven leave it open to ventilation
  • do not keep the slab included for a long time
  • can crack the enameled coating
  • do not use the slab surface as cutting boardSince you can damage the enamel or glass-ceramic coating
  • use dish with smooth and dry bottom

Air conditioners (10 years service life)

The term of the cooling device is often dependent on the brand. Japanese air conditioners serve longer than Korean and Chinese. But on the latter it is easier to find spare parts, and even wait for them from the zarechnaya state for about a week. The main reason for the breakdown is dirt, so it is necessary to clean the air conditioners from dust and a poplar fluff regularly, especially those who live on the lower floors. The service time depends on the quality of installation, to trust which is only needed by a professional. And before the start of the summer, it is necessary to call specialists to conduct scheduled maintenance - cleaning, diagnosing air conditioner and refueling by freon.

Microwave oven (service life of 7 years)

The most important condition safe work - Refusal of metal dishes, as well as porcelain and faience with golden cuts or rims. Hitting the microwave chamber of any metal subject It may lead to the failure of the main part of the device - magnetron.

It is worth remembering that:

  • the furnace should stand no closer than 40 cm from the refrigerator
  • ventilation openings must be open
  • Microwaves need to timely clean from contaminants touch and other control panels can be wiped only slightly wet cloth

Vacuum cleaner (service life of 10 years)

In order to avoid breakage, it is important to remember that the vacuum cleaner working for an hour can easily overcome. Engine combustion is the main problem for this technique. The reason is simple - the dried engine and the same races of electricity. So that this does not happen, it is important:

  • do not press the brush to the surface to be cleaned (to the floor)
  • do not forget about the timely cleaning of the dust collector and remember that the tissue bag cannot be washed, otherwise it will be spoiled forever
  • periodically clean all filters to prevent dust entering the engine compartment.

Iron (service life 3 - 5 years)

Such. necessary thinglike iron, most often broke due to falling ironing board), But this is already mechanical damage and rather refers to improper use. In second place is combustion heating element (Tan). Prevent it is unlikely to succeed. This subject is sensitive to voltage drops in the power grid.

Kettle (service life of 2 years)

Electric kettle, perhaps the most short home household appliance. With him the same trouble as with the iron, - often blows a TEN. And for incomprehensible often reasons. Therefore, the teapots serve for a short time. Yes, in addition, with time, plastic begins to distinguish toxic substances. It is worth it the device is not like a washing machine, so it is not necessary to risk your health and exploit it for more than two years. But about the care still do not forget:

  • need to remove scale
  • do not turn on the kettle with a small amount of water
  • do not pour in an empty hot kettle cold water
  • do not pour the kettle and stand with water

TV (service life of 7 - 10 years)

TVs are already in every home, and not one. This is the most popular device household electronics in the house of each person. And naturally the most often breaking. The main reason for the breakage as always is banal - voltage jumps in the power grid. Most often helps the purchase of network filters and stabilizers. Another advice from the service craftsmen - when the TV is turned off, pulling his fork from the outlet, it will extend its service life.

Finally, we want to show you an interesting video material about the service life of household appliances and electronics.