Repairs Design Furniture

How to fasten the cooktop to the tabletop. Installation in the Hansa gas boiler tabletop. Installation of the cooking panel: installation markup

This step-by-step instruction on how to cut a hole in the tabletop from chipboard or MDF under the cooking panel with your own hands. When you probably need to know how to cut holes in tabletops from chipboard or MDF, if you install the sink or cooking surface. This task may seem simple, but we can assure you that there are many nuances that need to be considered for a good result.

On the one hand, you must closely monitor the gas stove outline using the template or follow the instructions specified on the product. In most cases, there are certain restrictions on which you should pay attention, for example, the minimum distance from the plane to the rear panel or on both sides, to. Use a large carbon L-shaped to draw a rectangle on the desktop, otherwise the angles will not be at right angles.

To get an exact hole, you must use a good saw with the corresponding blade. Therefore, the blade must have, oriented down the teeth, otherwise it will split the surface. Drill the initial openings along the four corners of the rectangle using a drill or (the hole must be wider than the size of the jigsaw blade).

Plan of work on installing a cooking surface in a tabletop


  • countertop;
  • joiner's pencil;
  • insulating tape.


  1. Protective gloves, safety glasses;
  2. Saw or electrolybiz;
  3. Roulette, level, square;
  4. C-shaped clamps.
  • Put the protective points when performing cuts.
  • Choose a blade with thin teeth.


  • 10 minutes

When installing the hob of the gas stove or you must cut holes in the tabletop.

Tip: Keep track of the manufacturer's instructions when cutting holes in a tabletop in the kitchen, if you want to prevent possible problems.

How to cut a hole in the tabletop under the cooking surface

Marking of guide lines

The first step is to define the contour of the plate. In most cases, it must contain the instructions, how to do it, but there is an appliances in which only the recommended dimensions of the hole are indicated. Place the cooking surface on, which is located on top of the cabinets. Leave the recommended distance from the rear panel to the front edge of the table top.

Spend median on the table top and tick the clogging line using the manufacturer's instructions.

Marking Countertops Under Hole for Plate

As you can see in the picture, you need a L-shaped kitty, a roulette and a joinery pencil to make a job professionally. Make sure the lines are parallel, and are located at a right angle. In addition, the rectangle must be symmetrical.

Tip: Check if a rectangle is located correctly under the kitchen cabinet, in which the extractor will be built, and there is enough space around it (in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions).

Installation of pads under the tabletop

To get the exact result, you must accommodate several boosters under the table top. However, the countertop should be smooth.

You must leave about 5 centimeters of free space between the cabinets and the tabletop, otherwise the saw blade can damage them.

We make the initial holes for drilling

Use a drill with a special drill to create initial openings along the corners. It is very important to correctly align the bits, otherwise you can drill outside the contour.

Tip: Make sure you use good equipment for drilling with revolutions. Install the drill at low speeds and hold the drill with both hands if you want to have good control over it. Repeat the process for each rectangle angle.

Passage of laminated layer

In this image, you should notice that the drill passes through the top layer. Do not use too much pressure on drilling equipment, otherwise it can slip off.

We remove the remnants from the process with a vacuum cleaner

Drilling holes in the tabletop with a drill will create a lot of residues, so we recommend that you to remove someone to remove them, as you make a hole.

Tip: Work with great care and attention, as it is important to make holes exactly in the specified places.

Starting openings for cutting

After drilling the angular launches, it is necessary to make cuts along the guide lines. If you do not have experience in this area, you must cover the cut line with a camouflage ribbon. Thus, you will help prevent chopping edges.

Cutting holes with an electric bison in the table top

To make cuts, we recommend that you use an electrolovka. Choose a blade with down tooths. In addition, the blade must be divorced teeth. If you have not previously worked with a jigsaw, we recommend that you secure the worktop. Make sure the blade passes exactly over the lines of the cut.

Tip: Clean the chips which is often formed, otherwise it can cover lines. Install the electrolovka at low speeds.

Ready hole in the tabletop for the stove

And the last but no less important thing: you need to take care of the installation of the cooking surface in the tabletop with your own hands. If you follow our advice and read the manufacturer's instructions, the cooking surface should easily enter the hole. However, if the edges are not quite straight, you can smooth them with silicone or sealant.

Tip: Use sandpaper to smooth out the cutting edges.

Establishing a cooking surface in a tabletop

After that, you can only install the cooking surface in the worktop, connect it and secure with the help of self-tapping screws that should go with it complete.

Thank you for reading our step-by-step recommendation, how to cut a hole in the tabletop and install the cooking surface with your own hands, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with other articles. Do not forget to share our projects with friends using widgets of social networks.

Thought about independent making furniture for the kitchen? Then the time you have to know what to make it is to do it only half down, and the second half of this case is to complete the furniture in all sorts of equipment. These are built-in washing and dishwashers, and washing, and oven, and, of course, a cooking panel, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the OKUHNE.NET website, we will deal with the question, how to install the cooking panel with your own hands and how to connect it to the home gas pipeline and electrical wiring.

Installation of the cooking panel photo

Installation of the cooking panel: installation markup

Marking is, perhaps, the most important stage of work related to the installation of the cooking panel with their own hands, on which, oddly enough, the most nuances. Judge for yourself - how clearly and accurately you can place, and then cut the hole under the cooking panel, the entire appearance of the kitchen depends. This is exactly the case in which an error in one centimeter may be irreparable - always need to remember the cost of the table top. Buying a new one is not so cheap. The fact is that the panel itself should fit clearly above the tab, and there is practically no stock in width.

You can place the landing opening in two ways - it is possible to simply put it on the worktop, to center on the eye and put in a pencil, or to go through professionals and all calculate up to a millimeter. Naturally, it is better to choose a second option to solve the issue, since in this case the chances are mistaken at least. This is done as follows.

Now it's a small thing - cut and make the installation of the cooking panel into the hole. Take about it and talk further. For those who do not like to read and delve into the written, apply a video installation video in a worktop.

Installation of the gas cooking panel: two ways to cut hole

It is possible to cut the boards for the cooking hole using three different electrical tools - this is a jigsaw, drill or manual milling machine. The most accurate and beautiful cut is obtained by using a manual millingrer, but it is even not to ask him about the presence of it in the home workshop of a person who is not associated with construction. Lobzik is also not everyone, but he, at least, is not very expensive, and it can be bought for these works. Well, the drill is available from every economic man. From her and let's start, but to start warning about the quality of the opening drill, it can be said, disgusting. Torn edges to be sealed quite difficult, and it is necessary to do this, and in this regard will cause problems. In principle, they are solved, but a little later.

After the hole is ready, it is mandatory to perform its waterproofing - when water gets into water or even just moisture in the end of the countertop there is a very high probability that the material from which it is made will swell, and the tabletop will deteriorate. As a rule, the cutout end is treated with silicone. If you cut the hole with a drill, then it will be highly difficult to do this - you have to tinker.

Installing the electrical cooking panel: Fastening and connecting

To make it easier to understand how the installation of the cooking surface is performed into the opening of the countertops, imagine it in the form of a sequence of work - so to speak, in the form of a small, but understandable instruction for installing the hob.

In principle, all. In exactly the same way the electric cooking surface is mounted. The only exception is the absence of a gas shower in it. May be, of course, other nuances - for example, if we talk about the vapor panel dependent on the brass cabinet, then the installation process looks somewhat differently. To begin with the oven, and then the panel, which is connected directly to the oven itself.

In principle, all. Now judge yourself - difficult this work or not. You can cope with it yourself or perhaps consult specialists. In general, based on experience, I can say that most people who are wondering how the installation of the cooking panel is done with their own hands, cope with this work easily. In essence, it is not complicated, and everything you need to successfully complete the case, it is clearly observed all the subtleties and nuances.

Thought about independent making furniture for the kitchen? Then the time you have to know what to make it is to do it only half down, and the second half of this case is to complete the furniture in all sorts of equipment. These are built-in washing and dishwashers, and washing, and oven, and, of course, a cooking panel, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will deal with the question, how to install the cooking panel with your own hands and how to connect it to the home gas pipeline and electrical wiring.

Installation of the cooking panel photo

Installation of the cooking panel: installation markup

Marking is, perhaps, the most important stage of work related to the installation of the cooking panel with their own hands, on which, oddly enough, the most nuances. Judge for yourself - how clearly and accurately you can place, and then cut the hole under the cooking panel, the entire appearance of the kitchen depends. This is exactly the case in which an error in one centimeter may be irreparable - always need to remember the cost. Buying a new one is not so cheap. The fact is that the panel itself should fit clearly above the tab, and there is practically no stock in width.
You can place the landing opening in two ways - it is possible to simply put it on the worktop, to center on the eye and put in a pencil, or to go through professionals and all calculate up to a millimeter. Naturally, it is better to choose a second option to solve the issue, since in this case the chances are mistaken at least. This is done as follows.

Now it's a small thing - cut and make the installation of the cooking panel into the hole. Take about it and talk further. For those who do not like to read and delve into the written, apply a video installation video in a worktop.

Installation of the gas cooking panel: two ways to cut hole

It is possible to cut the boards for the cooking hole using three different electrical tools - this is a jigsaw, drill or manual milling machine. The most accurate and beautiful cut is obtained by using a manual millingrer, but it is even not to ask him about the presence of it in the home workshop of a person who is not associated with construction. Lobzik is also not everyone, but he, at least, is not very expensive, and it can be bought for these works. Well, the drill is available from every economic man. From her and let's start, but to start warning about the quality of the opening drill, it can be said, disgusting. Torn edges to be sealed quite difficult, and it is necessary to do this, and in this regard will cause problems. In principle, they are solved, but a little later.

After the hole is ready, it is mandatory to perform its waterproofing - when water gets into water or even just moisture in the end of the countertop there is a very high probability that the material from which it is made will swell, and the tabletop will deteriorate. As a rule, the cutout end is treated with silicone. If you cut the hole with a drill, then it will be highly difficult to do this - you have to tinker.

Installing the electrical cooking panel: Fastening and connecting

To make it easier to understand how the installation of the cooking surface is performed into the opening of the countertops, imagine it in the form of a sequence of work - so to speak, in the form of a small, but understandable instruction for installing the hob.

In principle, all. In exactly the same way the electric cooking surface is mounted. The only exception is the absence of a gas shower in it. Of course, other nuances can be, for example, if we talk about the addicts from the cooking panel, then the installation process looks somewhat different. To begin with, and then the panel that is connected directly to the oven itself.

In principle, all. Now judge yourself - difficult this work or not. You can cope with it yourself or perhaps consult specialists. In general, based on experience, I can say that most people who are wondering how the installation of the cooking panel is done with their own hands, cope with this work easily. In essence, it is not complicated, and everything you need to successfully complete the case, it is clearly observed all the subtleties and nuances.


Today we will talk about embedded kitchen appliances.

The vast majority of modern kitchen heads contain in their composition a cooking panel. For this, those who want to make the kitchen, it is necessary to be able to install it, especially since it is not difficult.

So how is it done?

Everything is very simple: you need to take a tabletop, cut a niche in it, insert the hob in it, and consolidate. It seems so ...

But for greater clarity, I suggest, to consider all the important points related to the installation of this technique.

Personally, I advise you if it is possible, acquire cooking precisely with plasticine. But, in any case, such a technique is not a washing, which, usually, when installing, is attracted with its entire surface to the tabletop.

The hardware fastener is located, I don't even know how to put it on, in short, it is located "goat", and that do not do, it will not be turned out to be attached to the entire surface to the countertop. Therefore, on the installation, it is necessary, outside, the place of the joint, to treat silicone.

Yes, it is better and more convenient to fix this technique when the countertop is already fixed on the lower modules. And you plan a headset in such a way that the cooking surface is not located close to the washing (well, at least, not closer 250-300 millimeters).

Well, here, it seems to be all concerning the installation of the cooking panel.

I also want to note one item: nothing perfect and never happens anywhere.

Therefore, if when installing a cooking, somewhere, a small clearance was not removed, see the fastener (maybe it needs to be adjusted), and if nothing helps - pour the slot with silicone and do not worry, such a technique is not perfect. It does not all depend on you here.

Yes, still. Try the fastener to twist once, and then, often, in cooking, holes with a thread under fasteners such that if a couple of times turn it out, unscrew the corresponding bolt, then the thread is linked, and then do not twist the carving ...

The cooking panel allows not only to prepare any dish, but also save space. After all, such a technique has smaller dimensions than large and bulky gas plates. How to install a cooking panel and the oven? Everything is simple. The main thing is to act according to the instructions. Anyone can cope with such tasks. For this, no expensive equipment is required, but only the presence of certain tools is important.

What you need

In conclusion

Now you know how to integrate the cooking panel in the worktop with your own hands. Before starting work, it is worth assessing your skill and ability. If you are not able to you, then you should seek help to professionals. However, it is safe to say that the installation process is not very complex. A practical one can cope with such a task. The main thing is to carefully examine the instructions and have all the necessary tools at hand. When performing such works, it is recommended to take into account all the nuances and the subtleties of the process.