Repairs Design Furniture

Bridge on the heating battery. Installation of heating batteries and heating radiators. Independent installation of sectional heating batteries

A warm house is something, without which it is impossible to do any person. To date, the most efficient traditional way to ensure heat in a private house is to install heating and batteries. When it comes to a private house, you can try to do everything with your own hands, after reading the necessary information regarding the installation.

First stage of installation

Considering the fact that radiators today are presented in a huge variety, the installation of the batteries begins with its choice. The ideal heating system does not happen - each type of radiator has its pros and cons, while you should choose exactly the option, whose shortcomings will allow the system to function as efficiently as possible.

Cast iron

Photo 1 Casting Battery Scheme

The main advantage that such radiators possess is the strength and long service period, it is possible to exploit them up to 50 years. Also, this metal is reduced without prejudice to aggressive conditions, including the coolant with various impurities.

Given the fact that the main quality of the heating system is its thermal conductivity, remember that the cast iron is minimal. Even if the water temperature is low, the battery will remain warm for a long time.

Among the minuses of cast iron, the weight of the battery and the lack of aesthetics should be noted.


Such batteries are distinguished by light weight, external design, high power indicators that make up about 190 W. For apartments in high-rise buildings, they are clearly not suitable due to the low quality of the coolant, because aluminum due to the constant exposure with dirty water is quickly oxidized, while for a private house there is a similar radiator-optimal version due to high thermal conductivity and low inertia.

When installing aluminum radiators, remember that it is not recommended to use brass or copper fittings, as this leads to corrosion.


This type of radiators is most reliable. Among the main advantages, you can select the following:

  • resistance to sharp pressure drops in the system.
  • high heat transfer.
  • resistance to mechanical damage.


These are new heating batteries, which are still used quite rarely, they did not have time to conquer great popularity, but still sometimes meet. The area of \u200b\u200bheat pumping is high, size and weight is small, maximum resistance to rust, provided that they will always be filled.

On the steel radiators on the return and the supply pipeline requires installation of shut-off valves.

What to install heating batteries in a private house can be solved, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure and its features.

By choosing a radiator, you should start this step as the installation of heating batteries in a private house, whose video can be viewed below, and right now - read useful tips.

The initial stage is the calculation of the battery power. To dig 1 cubic meter in the modern house, erected in compliance with the construction standards and rules, you will need 20 W.

In the case when the house is old windows, without glazed windows, add another 15% in the foregoing.

Calculate the volume of the house, multiply the digit to the indicator described above, then the resulting digit divide into the power of the section. The resulting digit and will be the number of sections.

Video 1 Installation of batteries (radiators) heating in a private house with your own hands

Tool for mounting

To do everything with your own hands, you should stock task tools:

  • building level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver and roulette;
  • key to twist the nozzles and pencil;
  • key to install sections;
  • bypass - when installing radiators in one-tube heating;
  • shut-off valves.

Installation Instructions

The first thing you want to do is to overlap the heating system, drain the water, up to the use of the pump. Next, lock the radiator on the supports and, applying the level, check how accurately it was done, after which you perform the following procedure:

  • clean all the plugs from the device.
  • if you use a single-tube contour, then you need to connect the bypass with the valve. Provided that the contour of the two-pipe, the compound is carried out only with the help of a camp, the valve is also fixed to it.
  • connect the design to the system with a threading Signs, use special seals to seal joints, ideally welding.

In the rules of installation of radiators, such a process is provided as crimping for which it is desirable to invite a professional master having the appropriate equipment.

During the installation process, remember that the distance from the radiator to various objects should be respected in this way:

  • from the wall - 5 centimeters and more.
  • from floor - at least 10 centimeters.
  • from the bottom of the windowsill to the top of the battery - 5-10 cm.

Well, in principle, and all the subtleties of the installation of radiators. If you have any questions, you can see how the heating batteries are installed in a private house on video, where it is shown in more detail, or ask a question to a specialist in the comments to the article.

Construction of a new home or restoration of an old building involves the modernization of the heating system, which includes all types of work. Among them - the design of the project, the selection of the scheme of connecting radiators, the arrangement of pipelines, the choice of batteries type. The key point that provides high-quality housing heating is the installation of heating radiators. To master the installation technology, it is worth reading the instruction manual, explore the detailed step-by-step instructions and use practitioners experience in work.

Choosing an appointment option to the pipes to the pipes, strive to ensure the greatest efficiency of heating. Connection is most often carried out by three methods.

1. Side - the most common, allows you to achieve the greatest heat transfer, optimal for small radiators. The system is as follows: at the top of the battery is connected to the supply pipe, and in the lower (from the same side) - with the discharge. If the coolant is served below, it loses power. It is easy to perform even a non-specialist, for this method does not need many materials.

2. Lower. Approaching and removing nozzles are located at the bottom and are connected to the main pipe hidden under the floor or plinth. The low-connected installation circuit has a significant minus: a decrease in heat efficiency by 5-15% compared with the side option. However, long radiators with lower eyeliner are better heated than with side connections. And one more unwanted moment: in the breakthrough, the pipes have to be removed from the leakage, the lower apartment may suffer from the leakage.

3. Diagonal. Water enters through the top nozzle on one side, and goes through the bottom with the opposite. The most successful place for diagonal connection is a private house with autonomous heating, in which the coolant circulates at low speed.

If there are more than 12 sections in the devices, their diagonal accession is recommended (including if the installation site is an apartment). In systems with lateral connection, the coolant, even under high pressure, cannot pass through a multisective radiator, saving the temperature.


Before the technology of mounting the heating devices is described, it is worth examining their features. For each type there are preferred options for connecting.

  • Cast iron.

Among their advantages are the stability of the material to wear, corrosion, high temperatures and water pressure. The cast-iron battery is heated for a long time and the same long remains hot. The minus is the need for annual maintenance - painting and flushing. The cast iron unit is embedded in a heating system in different ways.

  • Steel.

They are distinguished by an increased coefficient of heat transfer, the original design, are not clogged with the stigs from the coolant. Disadvantages: corrosion exposure (if made of carbon steel) or high cost (from stainless steel). The steel panel battery is connected by the side method, there are lower options. If the section is sectional, lateral installation is preferred.

  • Aluminum.

They possess the highest heat transfer, attract modern design. Installation of aluminum radiators is recommended for autonomous heating into a small private house. This requires control of the composition of water and pressure in the system. Most often a diagonal connection is used: due to it, the aluminum unit works more efficiently. We also produce models designed for the lower connection.

  • Bimetallic.

They successfully combine the strength of cast iron and the heat efficiency of aluminum, resistant to corrosion and pressure drops. The installation of bimetallic radiators is possible both in the house and in the apartment. Wide model range includes panel and tubular products. You can choose the aggregates of various designs: standard, low, vertically located. Almost every model is designed to connect in different ways. The bimetallic radiator has 4 connecting points: two below and two above.

Deciding with the type of radiator, perform a simple calculation of the amount of heating devices separately for each room. On average, 1 kW of thermal energy is needed at 10 m2 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room (not more than 3 m high). Dividing the total amount of energy into the radiator power, determine their number. Power information includes a product operation manual.

List of requirements

The rules operating in Russia and the rules on the strapping require a clear observance of a number of technical and construction regulations.

1. Installation is performed in the area zones with maximum heat lines. Usually such a place are the gaps between the windows and the floor.

2. The battery should occupy a certain position. It is removed by at least 100 mm from the windowsill, 30 mm from the wall and 60 mm from the floor. These distances take into account the specifics of the propagation of heated air.

3. Connecting radiators to a common network is carried out according to a specific scheme depending on the type of instruments and the characteristics of the heating system.

4. The reliability of the mounting to the wall is ensured by installing radiators to three brackets. The scheme of their location is: one fastener is located at the bottom and two - in the top. Mounting brackets are performed using dowels and mortar.

5. At the top of each section, the valve is connected to descend air from the system. It can be manual or automatic.

6. After the installation is completed, open shut-off cranes. Do it gradually, without jerks to prevent hydrowards.

Step-by-step instruction

The installation of each type radiators has its own characteristics, but in this case, several general recommendations should be followed. In order for the installation on its own forces without errors, it is carefully studied by a manual that has each unit. When buying consumables, fittings and components check their quality. In the process of connecting radiators, all connections make absolutely hermetic.

Before starting installation with your own hands, a universal and special tool is prepared:

  • shock drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • passatia;
  • drills with winning attacks;
  • pencil, roulette;
  • dynamometric key to twist the nozzles.

The technology of installing heating batteries is divided into several stages.

1. The design of the strapping scheme is designed. This procedure is better entrusted to heat engineering specialist. It is a statement of purchased products, without which it is impossible to mount the radiator with their own hands.

2. Choosing materials. If the apartment with centralized heating, the binding of heating batteries is performed using steel pipes and shut-off reinforcement - this will prevent the fitting with high pressure in the system. In a private house you can purchase metal-plastic materials.

If the scheme developed by the designer requires that the ball valve with an American is used during installation, you should know: its hermetic connection is only a specialist. By installing batteries with your own hands, put an ordinary radiator valve.

3. Overlapping. If one new battery is put, water overlap before and behind it. When all the heating batteries are replaced, the system is completely overlapped - regardless of whether it is a private house or an apartment. The water is drained, the residues pump out the pump.

4. Preparation of the wall. It is necessary to align it with the help of plaster and scope. Before the mounting of the mounting is started, marking, punching the holes by a perforator, setting the dowels.

5. Fastening. The wall-mounted device is suspended on the brackets. At the same time, light wall partitions are drilled through, performing mounting mounts on the other side. Outdoor battery is located on a special stand.

6. Preparation of heating radiators. The cast-iron battery is pre-disassembled, after which the nipples are twisted. Aluminum or bimetallic unit is not removed from the package until the complete completion of the installation work.

7. Assembly. The devices are equipped with cranes with detachable connections, Maevsky crane for air booming, radiator corks and plugs, thermostators. In order for the battery securely bonded with all the elements, the joints seal the palauls.

It should be noted that the bimetallic radiator is never collected using emery paper and a file, to avoid leaks.

8. Installing radiators to brackets. When the battery is suspended, its vertical and horizontal position is controlled using a construction level. If at the end of the season is planned to drain water from the system, the radiator is placed with a slight deviation from the horizontal towards the pipe. This will fully remove water so that the battery remains dry.

9. Connection. From the batteries unscrew the plugs. If a single-tube design is connected in advance by the prepared bypass - so that, if necessary, the device can be cut off. With a two-pipe heating system, the battery is connected to the pipe using the CUT to which the valve is screwed. Basin places again seal the palauls.

10. Hydrotesting. Technology provides for checking the density of compounds and their performance in the design operating pressure and during the hydrowards. The second name of the test operation is the crimping of heating batteries. It is quite difficult to fulfill it yourself - it is better to invite plumbing with special equipment.

Turnkey cost

In order to pump a house or an apartment as efficiently as possible, with the minimum probability of failures and breakdowns, it makes sense to charge the work of experienced professionals. It consists of several stages:

  • departure for preliminary evaluation;
  • project development;
  • equipment selection;
  • installing radiators, if necessary - their testing, launch.

The price of work for each customer is determined individually, it depends on the complexity of the project, the number of devices and their design features. To pre-calculate, in which the installation of the heating system will cost, you need to know what is the price for one point - it means the integrated value of the installation services. On average, this indicator in Moscow is 2500 rubles. The total cost of turnkey from different performers is significantly different. To get the expected result, you should draw up a contract with the company, constantly monitor the process and quality.

In order to be warm in the house, the installation of the heating system should be adjusted. At the same time, it is important not only to fully implement the necessary complex of work, but also to properly connect all heating elements. It is necessary to take into account the current norms on the number of heating elements for placing a specific area. If desired, everything can be done with your own hands.

Is the assembly required?

If the radiators are supplied in the assembled form, it is enough to install the plugs and the Maevsky crane. Most models have four holes located in the four corner corners. They are used to connect highways of heating. In this case, any scheme can be implemented.

Before the installation of the system is started, it is necessary to close extra holes using special plugs or aircraft taps. The battery pack includes adapters that need to be screwed into the collectors of the product. These adapters should be connected to various communications in the future.

Prefabricated models

The battery assembly is worth starting from laying the entire product or its sections on a flat surface. Best for the floor. Before this stage should determine how many sections will be installed. There are norms that allow you to determine the optimal amount.

The connection of the sections is carried out using nipples having two external threads: the right and left, as well as turnkey protrusion. Nipples should be tied in two blocks: at the top and bottom.

Collecting the radiator, it is necessary to use gaskets supplied with the product.

It is necessary to ensure that the upper edges of the sections are correctly located - in the same plane. The tolerance is 3 mm.

Features of the installation of various species

The material from which a specific heating element is manufactured, presents certain requirements for its installation. If cast iron is not afraid of a serious mechanical impact, then others require special accuracy.

Cast iron classic

Cast iron radiators are still relevant. Special characteristics of the material used in their manufacture make it possible to effectively heat the room of any area due to slow cooling.

To mount such a heating item correctly, it follows to connect:

  • disassemble the finished product on the section;
  • stretching all the nipples, collect the product in the reverse order.

When performing installation work, it is worth considering the weight of the product and the composition of the material from which the house was built. Installation of the heating element can be made exclusively on brick and concrete walls. Installing the battery near the plasterboard wall is made on the floor stand.

Modern models

Such products are low weight and increased fragility. For them, it is necessary to provide for the crane of Maevsky.

In the process of performing installation work, you should not remove the packaging to eliminate surface deformation.

How will we connect?

The diagram of connecting radiators can be different. From how the option will be given preference, the level of heat transfer and the comfort of staying in the apartment depends. Incorrectly selected layout can reduce the power of the heating system by 50%.


The one-sided lateral scheme, which distinguishes the highest heat transfer rate obtained the greatest distribution. In this case, the pipe supplying the coolant is connected to the top nozzle, and the discharge with the bottom.

If you draw on the contrary, the effectiveness of the heating of the room will decrease almost 7%. To connect multisective radiators, such a scheme is not always justified, as insufficient warming of the last sections is possible. You can avoid this by installing water duct extension.


In the apartment with hidden in the floor or passing under the plinth pipes use the bottom connection.

This is the most aesthetic option in which the nozzles for supplying and removing the coolant are located at the floor, and therefore the bottom holes are used to connect.


Installation of batteries that have twelve or more sections, is carried out in a diagonal scheme.

The coolant is supplied through the upper nozzle, which is located on one side of the radiator, and is given through the bottom on the other side.


Such a connection scheme assumes the presence in the system of pressure heating sufficient for the movement of the coolant through pipes.

It should be provided for the crane of Maevsky, intended for removal of excess air.

It is important to remember that the performance of repair and preventive work will be accompanied by the disconnection of the entire heating system.


The parallel wiring assumes the presence of a special heat pipe, which is built into the heating system through which the coolant is supplied and the outside.

The presence of special cranes at the inlet and outlet makes it possible to replace individual radiators without turning off heat supply. However, the scheme can cause insufficient heating of pipes under reduced pressure in the system.

Sequence of performance

Installation of batteries begins with full overlap of the contour. When replacing old radiators, water merges, and heating elements are dismantled. It will be right to use the pump to eliminate the presence of the remnants of the coolant in the system.

After all the water is removed, the battery mounting is reconciled in both planes. Installed brackets.


The next step is the packaging of radiators using sealing flax, packaging paste or special shut-off valves. Using the dynamometer key, tighten the connection, creating the force specified in the documentation.

Mounting work

Installation of radiators on the wall is made by means of welding or polypropylene pipes. In the first case, it is enough to use two fasteners, in the second they will need at least three. Two must be at the top one below.

At ten or more sections, the number of fasteners should be increased to five. The top should be three, down - two.

Control of spatial location

Monitoring the position of the batteries in both planes. It is advisable to provide a small slope towards the wall. This will avoid bringing the system during its operation.

The final stage

Cutting threads on risers and connecting all elements of the heating system. The tightness of all connections is carefully monitored.

After that, you can perform trial tests in order to detect possible leaks.


If until now everything was performed with your own hands, at this stage it is better to invite a locksmith ZhReu. Broken the "American" cranes, you can open a connecting faucet. Opening the reverse tube is better to trust the locksmith.

In the absence of leaks in places, it will be possible to open a crane on the batteries and close the bypass crane. The coolant will begin to enter the heating. For air booming it is worth using Maevsky's crane.

As soon as the heating circuit warms out in all rooms, the locksmith will open the straight pipe. This will restore the pressure in the system. We can assume that control tests are completed. If the installation was performed correctly, the apartment will be comfortable at minimal cost.

For any type of radiators, there are general rules for placing them indoors. There is a certain sequence of actions to be followed. Technology is simple, but there are many nuances.

How to place batteries

First of all, the recommendations relate to the installation site. Most often, the heating devices put where the heat loss is the most significant. And first of all it is the windows. Even with modern energy-saving double-glazed windows, it is in these places the most heat is lost. What to talk about old wooden frames.

If the radiator is not under the window, then the cold air is lowered along the wall, and spreads along the floor. The situation changes the battery installation: warm air, rising upwards, prevents cold on the floor. It must be remembered that in order for such protection to be effective, the radiator should take at least 70% of the windows width. This rule is spelled out in Snip. Therefore, when choosing radiators, keep in mind that a small radiator under the window will not give the proper level of comfort. In this case, the sides will remain zones where the cold air will go down, on the floor there will be cold zones. At the same time, the window can often "sweat", on the walls in the place where warm and cold air will face, condensate will fall out, dampness will appear.

For this reason, do not seek to find a model with the highest heat transfer. This is justified only for regions with a very harsh climate. But in the north, even from the most powerful sections cost large radiators. For the middle strip of Russia, the average heat transfer is required, for the southern - generally need low radiators (with a small mid-scene distance). Only so you can perform the key rule of battery installation: overlap most of the window opening.

In the cold climate, it makes sense to arrange a thermal veil and near the entrance door. This is the second problem zone, but it is characteristic more for private houses. Maybe such a problem arise in the apartments of the first floors. Here the rules are simple: you need to put the radiator as close as possible to the door. Choose a place depending on the planning, also considering the capabilities of pipe supply.

Rules for the installation of heating radiators

  • Place the heating device requires strictly in the middle of the window opening. When installing, find the middle, mark it. Then right and left postpone the distance to the location of the mounts.
  • From the floor, the distance is 8-14 cm. If you do less - it will be difficult to clean if the cold air zones are formed below.
  • From the windowsill, the radiator must defend 10-12 cm. With a closer position, convection deteriorates, thermal power drops.
  • From the wall to the rear wall, the distance should be 3-5 cm. This gap provides a normal convection and heat distribution. And one more thing: with a small distance on the wall there will be dust.

Based on these requirements, determine the most suitable size of the radiator, and then look for a model that satisfies them.

These are general rules. Some manufacturers have their recommendations. And perceive as a tip: Before buying carefully examine the installation requirements. Make sure all the conditions are satisfied with you. Just buy after that.

To reduce non-production losses - on the heating of the wall - behind the radiator on the wall fill the foil or foil thin heat insulator. Such a simple measure will save 10-15% on heating. It is so increasing the heat transfer. But note that for normal "work", from a shiny surface to the rear wall of the radiator should be a distance of at least 2-3 cm. Therefore, the heat insulator or foil must be fixed on the wall, and not just lean to the battery.

When should I install radiators? At what stage of the installation of the system? When using radiators with side connections, you can first hang them on, then start the pipeline wiring. For the bottom connection, the picture is different: it is necessary to know only the mid-scene distance of the nozzles. In this case, it is possible to install radiators after the repair.

Order of work

When installing radiators, it is important to do everything right, take into account all the little things. Experts advise when installing sectional batteries, use at least three mounts: two tops, one below. All section radiators regardless of the type are hung on the mounting upper collector. It turns out that the top holders account for the main cargo, the lower serves to give direction.

The procedure for installation is such:

We tried to paint the entire heating radiators in the most detail. It remains to clarify some moments.

The most common . They are used in the lateral connection of the heating devices of any type and sectional, and panel, and tubular (click on the picture to increase its size)

Radiator mounting to the wall

All manufacturers require the installation of heating radiators to the prepared, smooth and clean wall. The efficiency of heating operation depends on the correct location of the holders. The skew to one or the other side will lead to the fact that the radiator will not warm and will have to be out. Therefore, when you mark, be sure to follow the horizontality and verticality. The radiator must be installed exactly in any plane (check the construction level).

You can slightly lift the edge where the air vent (about 1 cm) is installed. So the air will be preferably accumulated in this part and it will be easier to descend it easier and faster. Reverse slope is unacceptable.

Now about how to have brackets. Sectional radiators of small mass - aluminum, bimetallic and steel tubular - hang on top of two holders (hook). With a small battery length, they can be placed between two extreme sections. The third bracket is taken from below in the middle. If the number of sections is odd, put it right or left at the nearest section. Usually when installing hooks is allowed with a solution.

To install brackets in the placed places, drill holes, install dowels or wooden plugs. Fix holders with self-draws with a diameter of at least 6 mm and a length of at least 35 mm. But these are standard requirements, read in more detail in the passport to the heating device.

Installing holders is different, but not fundamentally. For such devices, regular fasteners are used. They can be from two to four, depending on the length of the radiator (it can be both three meters).

There are brackets on the rear panel, with which they are hung. To install the mount, you need to measure the distance from the center of the radiator to the bracket. A similar distance to postpone on the wall (there is pre-mentioned where the middle of the battery will be located). Then we apply the fasteners, mark the holes under the dowel. Further actions are standard: drills, install a dowel, we apply the brackets and fix the screws.

Features of the installation of radiators in the apartment

The reduced rules for the installation of heating radiators are general and for individual systems and for centralized. But before installing new radiators in you must obtain permission from the managerial or operational campaign. The heating system is a common property and all unauthorized alterations have consequences - administrative fines. The fact is that with a mass change of the parameters of the heating network (replacement of pipes, radiators, installation of thermostators, etc.) system is unbalanced. This may lead to the fact that the entire riser (entrance) will flaw in winter. Therefore, all changes require coordination.

Types of wiring and connecting radiators in the apartments (click on the picture to increase it)

Another feature is technical. With a vertical (via the ceiling, one tube includes, it comes to the radiator, then it comes out and goes to the floor) when installing the radiator, put bypass - the jumper between the feed and discharge pipe. In a pair with ball cranes, it will give you the opportunity if you want (or a crash) to turn off the radiator. At the same time, you do not need to match or permission from the manager: you turned off your radiator, but the coolant for the riser continues to circulate through the bypass (the same jumper). You do not need to stop the system, pay for it, listen to the claims of neighbors.

Bypass needed when installing a radiator with a regulator in the apartment (the installation of the regulator also needs to be coordinated - it strongly changes the hydraulic resistance of the system). The peculiarity of his work is such that it overlaps the flow of the coolant. If there is no jumper, the entire riser is blocked. Consequences imagine ...


Installation of heating radiators with their own hands is not the simplest, but not the most difficult lesson. It is only necessary to take into account that most of the manufacturers gives guarantees only if the heating devices are installed by representatives of organizations that have a license. The fact of installation and crimping should be marked in the passport of the radiator, the signature of the installer and the printing of the enterprise should be. If you do not need a guarantee, your hands are in place, it is quite possible to cope.


To determine the heating batteries yourself in the apartment, you need to choose their type correctly, decide on the type of wiring and the connection scheme, and then follow the rules.

Installation of heating radiator with their own hands - Photo

Defects in the heating system of the apartment can occur for many reasons, which are impossible without replacing batteries. Then one of the most acceptable solutions will be the installation of heating radiators with their own hands. It's not a simple matter and requires a clear observance of technologies and rules, as well as accuracy and at least minimal skills in handling the simplest tools, such as level, different types of keys, drill, screwdriver, etc. Equally important to the use of quality materials and ideas about how to install the battery.

The main stages of self-editing heating batteries

Stage 1. Preparatory. It includes quite a lot of action, each of which is very important.

It follows from the theory, only then the replacement of heating radiators in the apartment will be successful, and immediately eliminating the mistakes allowed.

Methods for wiring radiators and their connection schemes

Methods of laying pipe heating - Photo

It should be started with the study of battery laying methods, and pick up the most acceptable of existing options:

One-tube or consistent . It is the easiest from the point of view of its device, which is a certain plus for people who first decided to fulfill such work and are not very disassembled in how to install the battery.

The coolant consistently comes to all heating devices and returns along the same pipe. It has the following significant drawbacks:

  • the final battery with such a scheme is most often warmed enough;
  • there is no possibility of control over the temperature regime of each radiator;
  • for repair or replacement, the battery will have to turn off the entire riser.

Council. Install bypass, which will allow you to disconnect only those radiators that are equipped with this device.

Two-pipe . This option is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but you really need to cope with it, you only need to make maximum effort and effort.

Here the parallel connection is used when the coolant is supplied to each radiator and returns already cooled on another, called reverse.

Among the advantages of this option: the ability to adjust the degree of battery heating using thermostat, the room warms up evenly, and the repair is much easier, since you can turn off any of the devices separately, not involving the entire system in the process.

See also:

Aluminum radiators overlook the leaders among all heating devices. They are distinguished by high ergonomic and thermal indicators. The best manufacturers in the market are Rommer Rifar, Global, Sira Industrie ...

Collector . For apartments, it is not used and, moreover, is the most difficult performed. Therefore, we will not stop in detail on it.

battery Connection Schemes in Apartment - Photo

No less important connection scheme. They are selected taking into account the structural features of the apartment, the existing heating system and some other factors. Consider the features of each option:

  • The most common type of connection - one-sided side . It has good heat transfer, but if multisective radiators are used in the apartment, there is insufficient heating of those sections that are located with the edge. It is not difficult to correct this disadvantage - it is necessary to install an extension driver for water flow.
  • Lower . This method is advisable if the heating pipes are underway under the plinth or mounted in the floor. Nozzles for the supply of hot water and breeding are located at the very bottom of the battery and are directed vertically, which does not violate the aesthetic perception of the room. However, heat loss can achieve very significant values \u200b\u200b- up to 15%.
  • Diagonal . This variant is preferable if the radiators have 12 or more sections. Here a hot carrier pipe joins the upper pipe on one side of the battery, and the reverse is to the bottom, located on its back side. Thermal losses do not exceed 5%. However, this indicator will increase twice if the places of attachment of the return and the main pipe are swapped in places.

Given the features of your home, as well as your preferences, you can find the most appropriate connection type. In case of serious doubt, you can seek advice from professionals.

Selection of heating devices (radiators)

When installing heating radiators with their own hands, it is important to choose correctly, which of the sets available on the modern market are suitable for specific conditions. Consider the most interesting and popular types:

Cast iron . The advantages of so familiar heating devices include: durability, good heat transfer, unpretentiousness. However, in order to ensure good warming of the room, such batteries must have quite a large number of sections, collect which is not so simple.

There are features of fixing such batteries in homes built from different materials. For example, if the walls are erected from wood, in addition to supporting fasteners, you need a support-support.

Aluminum . Fit into the interiors of different styles and have good heat transfer, insignificant weight. It is superbly suitable for the installation of heating radiators with their own hands.

Batteries from Steel . For these corrosion-resistant, heating devices are characterized by a good heat transfer and a high level of operational characteristics. Other advantages include the low price and ease of installation.

Bimetallic . Such batteries look very attractive, have high heat transfer, minor weight, do not require special maintenance.

Heating radiator aluminum - Photo

Choosing the most appropriate type of radiators you need calculate the desired number of sections. All the necessary values \u200b\u200bare better to find out from the store specialists, where the acquisition of these devices is planned.

Council. In accordance with the good, but old rules of the same section, it is sufficient for high-quality heating of 2 m 2, if the ceiling height does not exceed 2.7 m. This calculation does not reflect the technical characteristics of modern types of radiators, as well as specific conditions that have changed significantly in recent years . Therefore, this calculation can be taken only as a very approximate reference.

Stage 2.. Registration of documents, acquiring the necessary details and materials.

The heating in the apartment is part of a single centralized system and in order to carry out the drainage of the coolant will need to turn off the whole house. The coordination of such actions with government agencies is mandatory condition. When trying to install heating batteries with your own hands, without permits, it is possible to attract administrative responsibility in the form of a fine.

Council. It is advisable to issue permits in advance, since making a decision on your application takes a certain time.

To correctly and quickly install batteries in the apartment will be needed:

  • Bracketswho are selected by the type of materials of the apartment walls. Their number is calculated on the basis of the rule: at least one bracket for each battery square meter.
  • Shut-off valves. When installing heating radiators with their own hands, without having experience performing such works, preference should be given to radiator-type products.
  • Signs. They are used to attach batteries to the heating system without welding and eyeliner. They must fit the size of the battery and the threads of the pipes used.
  • Adapters, couplings, cranes of Maevsky, tow, sealing ribbon. etc.

Stage 3. . Select the place and rules for installing batteries.

Installing the battery with your own hands in the apartment - Photo

After the old batteries were dismantled, you can move to the markup of the fixtures for new ones. It is very important here to know how to install the battery so that the microclimate in the room is pleasant.

There is nothing difficult: radiators are installed in places where there is a significant temperature difference - near the doors and windows.

There are a number of rules, how to properly install batteries that should be strictly observed:

The slope of the eyeliner should be at least 0.005, but better if this figure is twice as much. It is more expedient to measure it along the length of the pipes, based on the calculation that each of their meter should be tilted with 0.5 cm in the direction of circulation of the coolant.
Distances from the battery to other surfaces should be:
O to floor - 6-10 cm;
o to the windowsill - 5-10 cm;
O to the wall - 3-5 cm.
Clear observance of the horizontal and vertical when installing the heating device, and not "on the eye", but with the help of the level.

Council. Set the heat transfer shield behind the radiator or cover the wall like the material. This will increase the performance of the battery, improve the microclimate without excess costs.

  • Window opening centers and batteries must coincide. Perhaps a slight offset - no more than 2 cm, which is visually not noticeable.
  • Radiators in the same room need to be placed at the same level, which is technologically and looks aesthetically attractive.

Stage 4. . Final. Installing batteries and connecting to the riser.

Before starting the installation of radiators, you need to install brackets for what:

  • Place the points of their placement, which are selected, given the installation rules;
  • The holes in the wall are drilled, where the dowels are installed and the fasteners are screwed, which are purchased or made independently.

It remains only to install the battery itself, so that it is tightly relied on each mount and connect it to the system.

The connection of the battery sections requires special tools and a certain skill, so it is wiser to order the execution of such work in the store. Assembly of the mounting kit is quite possible and independently.

To connect the battery to the heating system, a wagon is used, and then the sealing of the joints using a pacle, and welding is used.

Installation of aluminum or bimetallic radiators heating video

Other options are possible if, when creating a heating system, metal-plastic or propylene tubes are installed.

Now you have an idea how to install the heating battery, and if there is a desire, you can easily cope with this work yourself.