Repairs Design Furniture

How to make electric woodcut. How to quickly make woodwood with your own hands. Mechanical helpers for splitting firewood

Drovokol is a modern machine designed for wood harvesting, both in small and large volumes. In addition to its main function, firing machines perform the acting function. The split of firewood occurs fast enough, convenient and safely. In just 3-4 hours you can make a weekly stock of natural material.

The homemade firing is actively used in the country or country area, and more complex designs can be found at industrial enterprises.

1 varieties of woodcuts

All firing firings are divided into:

  1. Household. It can be both self-made woodwood and a purchased unit that has a small performance. You can make a robin or hydraulic type.
  2. Professional. These include woodcuts and machines that have a large number of functions and high performance.

Depending on the position of the logs, they can be divided into:

  1. Horizontal type. The log is placed on a horizontal chute. In the process of operation, the machine can move itself to the knife itself, or vice versa.
  2. Vertical type. The log is installed vertically, and on top of it presses the screw knife, separated by the lamps. Usually this method of split is inherent in professional machines.
  3. Mixed type. It combines two ways to locate logs. Usually such a mechanism contains coarse machines.

By type of power, they are divided into models:

  1. With an electric motor. Their work is based on the action of the hydraulic pump. This is the most simple on the operation of the rush structures that are installed even indoors. You can also make them with your own hands. The only feature is the need to access the network.
  2. With a gasoline engine. These are more powerful and serious models that are used both in the industrial sector and private use.
  3. Designs on the tractor pull. They are used in farms, logging and other enterprises.
  4. With combined engines.

On the principle of work can be divided:

  1. Hydraulic type that can be made independently. A special hydraulic pump leading to a knife leads to work. He, in turn, with a huge force affects a chumbach, splitting it into parts.
  2. Conical type. The saw saw is made by a thread cone, which in the process of rotation is crashed into a log, separating it into parts. Just like the wood cutter, it is enough to do it yourself. The only nuance is the need for a more powerful engine.

If possible, movement all Designs are divided into stationary machines, which are whole wood cutting lines of industrial values \u200b\u200band mobile devices with wheels (hydraulic, screw, tapered and robes type).

1.1 Make woodwood with your own hands

Homemade hydraulic woodcut is an opportunity to independently make an aggregate capable of processing large volumes of wood. The power element in it is the cylinder. Its rod is extended as a result of the pressure of the inner liquid. An important role is played by the engine and pump.

The most difficult stage is the creation of the hydraulic part. It includes the following elements:

  • cylinder with a pusher;
  • pump;
  • node controlling hydraulic fluid;
  • oil tank;
  • the engine that leads to the operation of the pump.

All these items can be purchased independently either extract from the tractor technology, which failed. Frame for woodcut should be made of metal. To this end, corners, profile tube or chawliers can be used. Homemade hydraulic woodcut can be mobile type, If you attach the wheel or chassis to the frame.

Certain schemes How to make screw, wheels or hydraulic look, no. This is due to the large number of nuances that need to be taken into account in the production process. In addition, each master has various opportunities in terms of having accessories for handicrafts for simplicity of the process, it is possible to rely on the estimated designs of finished aggregates.

1.2 Homemade Drovokol (video)

1.3 Step-by-step instructions

With minimal knowledge of the drawings and technology of metal processing, you can make a firing in 1-2 days. To do this, you will need to pass several stages:

  1. A simple design includes a vertical metal frame that is installed on the platform and jack.
  2. The upper part of the frame is used to hold firewood, so it must be detachable. This means that the values \u200b\u200bof diameter and length will differ.
  3. Simple design (screw or robes type) involves the use of a car jack. At the same time, for more complex woodcuts, the use of hydraulic jack is required. As a rule, it is installed on a mobile or inpatient style.
  4. By another part of the bed mounted a wedge knife, which will prick firewood. They can be different sizes, as the knife is fixed in several positions.
  5. In the middle of the woodcut, the bed is installed, intended for laying firewood. In the process of rotation of the jack handle, the stubborn part of the river will put pressure on the firewood, and the knife split them.
  6. Through the handle will drop the oil pressure in the cylinder. The rod itself with the help of the springs will take the original position.

2 Rules for using woodcuts

Screw, rubber and other view of the household machine, which is used for personal purposes, is enough to use. For obtaining split mines just put firewood in the chute, Which will burn them and push the knife. The split product is collected in a special tray, which in the process of filling it is replaced.

Wood cutter, like any other equipment, requires compliance with security measures during its use. They include the following recommendations:

  • to exclude loose clothing, which can get between items. It must be sufficiently tight;
  • you should use all the means of protection (glasses, gloves, etc.). Their application will be secure the process itself;
  • it is impossible to start the work of the unit in the state of alcohol intoxication;
  • the process of splitting firewood may begin after all wires and connections will be carefully isolated;
  • the unit is not used in the rain and indoors with high humidity. Moisture can make an irreversible process in the engine.
  • woodcut is installed on a flat surface;
  • the workplace should be fairly free, without foreign objects;
  • all types of rover have the recommended temperature ranges to work. They can be found by studying the instructions;
  • the device is used only according to its intended purpose;
  • you should replace broken or worn items in time. It is possible to identify them by regularly verifying the general condition;
  • if an unforeseen situation occurs on the machine there is an emergency shutdown button, which is capable of suspending work.

In general, woodcuts are indispensable assistants, both on the countryside and in the field of industrial production. For its own use, they can be made with their own hands, observing all the stages of manufacture. As a result, it turns out an economical and extremely useful aggregate.

Owners of country cottages that are drowned in a house with a solid fuel boiler or stove, annually harvest up to 12 cubes of firewood, depending on the needs. To prepare such a volume will take several days. To speed up the process, you can make a column with your own hands - a special device for the mechanized cutting of firewood.

Mechanized Kolong will speed up the cutting time of firewood, as well as save your strength

Varieties of structures

Colong is a modification of an ax with an elongated handle (up to 1 meter) and a modified blade angle - about 35 °. This tool is designed to cut along the fibers of the tree. It will be ineffective to serve it. The total weight of the product varies within 2-3 kg.

Colong is designed to cut firewood along the fibers

Mechanical analogues, in turn, have part of the same characteristics as manual. Today in private farms use both manual and automated models. Basically they are divided into 3 types:

  • hydraulic;
  • spring (manual);
  • electric (screw and rush).

Based on the characteristics of each model, it is necessary to decide which one is made, relying on the desired amount of firewood and the price of components.

Spring Kolun Review:

Spring model with lever

Such a model of mechanical woodcover works at the expense of the impact of the stretched manually springs. Under the blade of the design, the stand is installed in advance, which is laid out the material for cutting. Work so easy to work. It is enough to put it with one hand under the blade, and the second split it.

The design includes the following items:

  • frame from the profile or round tube with a mandatory horizontal extended backup;
  • lever connecting support and cutting element;
  • from the support of the support (frame frame), the spring is attached to the lever, which will strengthen the blow when working;
  • from the reverse side of the lever, the load is fixed (also to enhance the impact), the cutting element and handle for convenient cutting.

Mechanical spring column:

In this case, the design may have not only such components and form. The main thing is that during the work of the firewood tightly kept on the stand and did not overturn. For example, you can do without support, and the lever attach to the addition facilities or wall.

Spring Kolun scheme will help you understand the device's action system in detail.

The homemade column for rods of firewood has a number of significant advantages:

  • lightweight;
  • low cost of materials and components;
  • the product can be used without electricity;
  • frequent design oscillations due to spring mechanism allow you to easily cut firewood on any parts.

The main disadvantage of the structure can be considered a low level of security. During operation, you can automatically substitute your fingers under the cutting element. Also, the use of such a product, alone, facilitates the work process, but still have to work hard: it is necessary to swing the lever and promptly put the firewood.

Overview of Lamb Colon:

Chopping decks with bitch and so-called "slingshots" is much more complicated. To do this, you need to get into one place several times. But even it does not always help, so you have to turn it out of the other side and strike a few times.

Electrical drive

Mechanical models of rover with an electric motor, compared with manual, will significantly facilitate the work of the employee. But the cost of such products is much higher. It will be necessary to spend a significant amount of the electric drive and all the necessary components.

Cone carved threaded with your own hands:

Such products have two varieties - screw and robes. They consist of the following elements:

  1. Screw models. As a cutting element, a metal cone comes with a carvings. It is sliced \u200b\u200bin the opposite direction relative to the rotation of the shaft. When working, the cone thanks to the screw goes deep into and splits it is fully in two parts.
  2. Make a column for firewood with a rating transmission. The principle of operation is complex, like the design itself. The blade is set in a horizontal position on the table top. It is applied to it, and on the reverse side pressed with a toothed rail. Due to the rotation of the rake gear presses a deck to the blade and splits it.

Using mechanical woodcases remember the safety technique

The spread model has only one element of the classic design - the column blade. Alternatively, an electrical motor can be used as an ordinary single-cylinder engine on gasoline. It can be removed from the old motorcycle. You can also install the power selection shaft from the agricultural fuel motor.

In the manufacture of a mechanical colon, with their own hands, you will have to spend money on the production of cone and rail guide. All other elements, such as an electric or gasoline engine, a tabletop, can be found in the farm, remove with old technology and the like. But the cone and the rail guide independently without special skills will not be able to do, they will have to order such work at turner and locksmith.

The manufacture of a columan is a time-consuming and cost-effective process, but its benefits will pay them in full

If we talk about safety while working, the variant is more preferable in this regard. It is always under the frame, and you only need to protect your hand. The conical variant is much more problematic.

The deck can curb and arbitrarily twist, while the person will not be able to hold it, since the motor remains included. There are cases when clothing twisted on the floor. The consequences may be hard. Therefore, special caution is required during operation.

Colong from the ax:

If the budget is small, this species is made independently not recommended for the high cost of components. It is better to purchase factory analogues. The basis of the structure is the support frame. Besides, the hydraulic column consists of the following elements:

  • electrical engine;
  • high pressure hydraulic cylinder;
  • oil pump;
  • oil tank with filter;
  • blade, mainly cross-shaped;
  • iron pusher.

Factory structures can chop the decks with an effort of 5-10 tons, while immediately separating them into 4 parts. The design works as follows:
  1. Motor starts. The pressure in the system rises to the desired value, and the remains of the oil are returned back to the tank.
  2. When you click on the control knob, the liquid presses on the cylinder, which, in turn, pushes the guide with the liner to the blade.
  3. After the deck split, the device operator directs the handle to the reverse mode. The fluid begins to put pressure on the piston on the other hand than returning it to its original position.

Hydraulic colon will help save forces when roding firewood

Power costs when performing work minimum, since the operator simply puts the deck and turns on the drive. Safety is also at a high level, because during the movement of the device, a person's hand is far away.

Nuances for choosing

The most difficult thing in self-making is a critical design. It is necessary to sharpen the rail guide, and to it a toothed gear. You also need to correctly calculate the apparent number and speed of rotation. Other patterns of kolunov are much simpler, so they are recommended to be manufactured at home.

The design and its type should be chosen depending on the working conditions, the presence of materials and budget for the construction.

Choosing a column proceed from all nuances, this will allow you to protect yourself from the excess costs.
  1. If there is no electricity in the house or it appears only from time to time, it is better to choose a simple budget model with a manual drive.
  2. A little more difficult to build a cone model with an electric drive. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a motor with a capacity of 1-3 kW. Thus, you can get the automatic colon model for relatively small money.
  3. For people with small physical abilities, such as pensioners, it is better to do hydraulic models. But the difficulty lies in expensive components. The metal tank for fluid can be welded.

Independent production of woodcut

The manufacture of a mechanical columan for firewood with their own hands on the spring mechanism is an easy task, especially if a person has an initial experience with welding. Although, on the other hand, bolt connections can be used. In this case, Bulgarian and drill will be needed from the tools. They work is not difficult, therefore, even without previous experience, it is not difficult to make a woodcut.

This scheme will help for independent making mechanical columan

Kolun design can be any, the main thing is its power, production quality and stability. But before the start of production, it is necessary to make the right calculations and prepare the drawings. Colong for firewood with their own hands in this case is easy to make even a novice master, and the quality will be pretty good.

It is important to calculate what the optimal length of the lever in the ratio to the blade on the blade will be. It is also important to adhere to the correct location of the spring and the hinge, the distance between them.

Try to choose better materials for your colon that will serve you for many years.

If it is incorrectly calculated the size of the structure, then the product will not fully fulfill its function. For example, the column can be very weak, so it will be necessary to apply a lot of effort. The principle of work is easy to understand. The further the spring from the hinge will be fixed, the greater the power of the column will possess, but the length of the lever should be equivalent to increase. It is necessary to find the perfect place where the spring will have enough power, and it will not be difficult to subsequently raise the lever and pull the spring.

For the production of simple lever rover, you can use infridate materials:

  • depreciable spring from a passenger car (VAZ or similar);
  • ready blade for a kolun or steel blank for self-proof;
  • pipe, the diameter of which coincides with the spring diameter;
  • steel pipes, profiles and other metal rolling for the manufacture of frame.

Cone carving threaded:

For the manufacture of hinges, it is not necessary to use the mechanism on the bearings. The design itself is quite massive, so a fairly ordinary shaft and sleeve. The same mechanisms are set as a loop to the gate.

The manufacturing process is also easy. In each case, it is necessary to rely on the prepared calculations and drawings, and they can be different. All actions must be performed in such a sequence:

  • measure the elements of the frame with the help of grinder;
  • assemble a frame with welds or bolted joints;
  • bowls are manufactured and a spring is installed;
  • at the last stage, the load and the Kolun blade is attached.

If the design is not very stable, then additionally welded pipes to increase the reference area.

Right colun with your own hands:

The main thing is to adhere to general recommendations for the manufacture and follow the drawing. For a simpler option, you can make a column in the form of an ax, but with an extended handle and a heavy cutting part. Even the most primitive model will help the owner in the harvesting of firewood for the winter.

The workpiece of firewood for the winter is a time consuming and troublesome occupation. In addition to sawing, firewood must be drowze and folded into the dryer or in the barn. The most difficult part of the work is ring. To simplify life and save time, it makes sense to maximize the process.

How to make woodwood with your own hands, with photos and examples, various varieties are mechanical, including spring and inertial, as well as a conical electric - the topic of this article.

Mechanical woodcuts

In cases where wood harvesting is not massive and regular, the task is quite feasible using mechanical woodcuts. They are distinguished by simplicity and low cost of structures, they are made, in fact, from scrap metal.

The simplest mechanical woodcut

The unit has a lot of similarity, as in appearance, and on the principle of action with the well Zhurav. The difference lies in the fact that instead of a bucket, a column fell with handles. Racks with a crossbar are connected by hinges, the disadvantage is that the connection will have to be cleaned often.

The principle of operation of the woodcut is simple - a chock is put on the stand, a jerk is served down the lever, the column under the action of the effort and gravity is gaining speed and splits it. The process is repeated, getting more and thinner lanes.

The device is assembled from undergraduate materials - pipes and corners, and as a kolun is suitable for an old ax without an ax. It is better to provide the possibility of paving the woodcut so that it is more convenient to transport it from place to place.

The design has some drawbacks. First, to stop the column after it is closed, it has to make an effort. Secondly, the fixture is quite cumbersome - a long lever is required to reduce the accomplished effort.

Despite the disadvantages, such a device greatly simplifies the rover process of firewood. So that it worked as it should, it is necessary to drag the cooke of the chipper welded to it, or with a concrete pipe.

Spring carving

If you refine the above-described mechanical wood cutter, you can make a smaller device that requires smaller expenditure of physical force when working with it. For this purpose, the spring is attached to the bed, resting in one in the crossbar, which also serves an attachment for a kolun.

The principle of operation is similar to the previous device, except that the load after the split is calculated, depresses the spring. The main task is to selection of the stop and spring so that with the least efforts the greatest result is obtained. For the convenience of adjusting the effort, the focus is made moving.

But if it is envisaged that the firing is working all the time the same person, make a stationary focus, height, like the rigidity of the spring, is elected experimentally. The compound of the frame with the lever is made movable on the bearings of good quality.

The height of such woodcrewing should be no less than 80 cm. True, at such a height it needs to be installed on the platform or work in a bent position.

It is more reasonable to calculate the height of the firing under its set, for this calculate the height of the beds so - the convenient height of the location is Plus the greatest possible height of the split-free lane. In this case, it will be necessary only for the installation of lanes on the stand.

Inertial woodcut

For its manufacture, besides a kolun, you will need a meter pin of a round section, cutting pipe slightly larger diameter and a massive platform to which the bottom of the pin is welded. Colon welded to trim the pipe and dress on the pin.

The principle of operation - manually raise the column, they put it on the platform, then the column is lowered with force. If it got caught very durable, they beat the hammer over the columan.

Cone driven with electric drive

The principle of operation of the mechanism is a steel cone with a threaded thread 3 and a step of 7 mm (most likely, it will have to be ordered from tokar) put on the electric motor gearbox. Rotating, the cone works like a boring and breaks the chumbas. Thicatle lanes begin to break off the edges, and then rut the middle.

The electric motor is needed with turns of 250-600 rpm, and with a capacity of at least 2 kW. With low revs, less than 200, performance will be too small, and over 500 it becomes dangerous.

If an engine is found with the desired parameters, the cone is planted on it without a gearbox. If not, calculated how much the speed should be reduced, and the cone nozzle is used through the gearbox.

The main problem when assembling the design is to find a suitable cone, with an electric motor and a gearbox, the situation is somewhat simpler. Such a device makes sense to do if necessary workpiece of large volumes of firewood.

Photo of woodcuts do it yourself

In our age of modern technologies, electricity and other power sources, manual mechanization occurs everywhere. Even such, purely men's work, like a cutting of firewood, improved, and therefore facilitated.

Drops came to replace the traditional ax. This market segment is represented by a fairly large assortment of mechanical kisuns.

What you need to know about them to make the right choice, and buy what you need?

All cooler mechanisms are divided into:

  • Household carpets. As a rule, they only perform the split of wood.
  • Professional woodcases. These are not only woodcuts, but also firing machines that flow logging, their ending at a given length, subsequent rod and removal of ready-made lanes. Naturally, they are an order of magnitude more expensive, as their power, performance, size and functionality are incomparable with household mechanisms.

Types of woodcuts

By the work area (the location of the split log), they are manufactured:

  • Horizontal type . The log (scaled part of the log) is located on a horizontal refuge. The diagram of the ring is as follows: either log moving (moved by the pusher to the knife of the mechanism), and the knife is fixed on the spot, or vice versa - the chumbach lies in place, and the knife moves to it.
  • Vertical type. A part of the log is vertically, and the knife moves, and presses on top of it. Such mechanisms are more productive, but sometimes it is required to maintain a log-split-handed hand, which requires careful safety safety. But they more require less operational space. As a rule, this type of working direction is performed from professional woodcuts.
  • Mixed type . It combines the possibilities of both a horizontal and vertical automated process. Apply in the professional sphere.

Depending on the engine power source:

1. Models with electric motorswhich drives the hydraulic pump. These are the simplest mechanisms for rods. They are easy to operate, environmentally friendly - can be used even in rooms. They do not need specialized service, they are simply and quickly prepared for work. Such models are used for household needs. They have only one drawback - there are no access to the power supply network.

2. Models with gasoline (diesel) engines. They can be more powerful than mechanisms with electric drive. Such machines are used not only by forestry-professionals, but also craftsmen in country areas.

3. Drops on Tractor Tract. It is connected to the tractor hydraulic system, or with its power take-off shaft. These mechanisms are powerful and durable. Their use is forest farms, farms, commercial enterprises.

4. With combined engines. We produce the following combinations of drilling drilling sources:

  • Tractor drive and electric motor
  • Tractor drive and gasoline engine

Depending on the principle of work, Koluny is divided into:

  • . With the help of a hydraulic pump, the knife presses the chumbach with a huge force, and splits it. The price of such a cooler, domestic mechanism, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 9500 rubles. up to 32000rub., Depending on the power of the engine and the device of the working direction.
  • . Instead of a knife, a carving cone is used, which is rotating, turns into a log, and splits it. Based on this principle of operation of the cooler mechanism, it is easiest to make self-aligning. It has almost nothing to break. The cone carve is enough for the ring of 2000 m3 of birch wood, which is impressive. The only minus - screw rover requires a more powerful electric motor than hydraulic. The price of such a mechanism, depending on the type of engine, varies from 17500 rubles. up to 38000 rubles.

Depending on the possibility of movement, wood cutters are divided into:

  • Stationary mechanisms. As a rule, in such a performance there are heavy woodcuts.
  • Mobile mechanisms. The presence of special transport wheels makes it possible to move the machine to the desired place without work.

Technical characteristics of woodcuts

1. Power splitting- This is an indicator of efforts to be made of trained Churbaks. In domestic woodwaves, the power of splitting varies from 3 to 7 tons. In the screw columns draw attention to the speed of rotation of the nozzle. Its optimal value is 400 - 600 rpm.

2. Working length (distance between the wedge and piston). It defines the length of the login, with which this woodworker can work. Usually, in household mechanisms, the length of chocks is 50 cm. In professional - 50/60/90 / 100cm, depending on the model.

The screw drain, the length of the log is determined by how easy it is or hard to keep it in his hands during the slices. But who will make lamps longer than the oven itself?

3. Diameter split chocks In domestic mechanisms, equal to 30 cm. Cone rover split log cabin of any diameter.

4. Stroke Piston - The distance that overcomes the piston in one operation. At the moment, household firings began to complete the length of the length of the piston, which is very convenient when the sink of short chumbs. This gives an increase in productivity almost twice as well, and good energy savings.

5. The speed of the piston movement in household cutters:

  • The speed of movement is to 4 cm / s.
  • Return speed - up to 7.5 cm / s.

It depends on the time of cut chocks on the lamps.

6. Power of the electric motor In domestic woodwaves varies from 1500W to 2300W. It is clear that the performance of the machine depends on this characteristic, and the electricity consumption. A screw column for firewood requires a three-phase engine, with a capacity of 3000 - 4000W.

7. Dimensions of household firewood are small. They vary depending on the model and manufacturer, but they do not differ dramatically.

8. Additional features:

  • At the moment, household hydraulic mechanisms began to produce, on which you can install a nozzle from 4-cutters, which also allows you to increase productivity - the chub rolls immediately into four parts.
  • For convenience, it is possible to complete the configuration with a special table, which allows you to increase the working height of the woodworker to the level of the belt.

How to make woodcut?

Woodcuts for cottages, private house - absolutely necessary thing. But not many can, and they want to give tens of thousand rubles for this assistant. There is an absolutely inexpensive alternative to the factory manufacturer.

You can just buy a threaded cone-nozzle or ready-made knots, and collect woodwood with your own hands. From the scheme it can be seen that woodwood-screw consists of the bed, on which the engine is fixed. Further, the worker cone is sitting on the shaft, which is driven by the engine through a lower reducer.

We must remember that:

  • You cannot attach the nozzle directly to the engine. It is dangerous, because the speed of rotation of the engine reaches 3000 rpm.
  • The speed of rotation of the nozzle should not be less than 250-300 rpm. At a lower speed, it turns out completely low COLUN performance.
  • Chain or belt transmission (it transmits rotation from the motor gearbox to the working con course) must be in a protective cover.
  • A specialist should be engaged in the electric part.

The price of the bearing assembly (the upper part for the homemade cooler mechanism) assembly, ranges from 4200 rubles. up to 5600 rubles, depending on the diameter of the working cone.

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Like firewood with the help of an ax - very hard work, so many owners of country houses that are drowned by firewood, try to buy or make a woodcut independently. These devices allow you to avoid tedious Mahani Kolun, thanks to which you can beat much more than a day in one day, because you do not have to rest. From the article you will learn how to make woodwood with your own hands: Drawings, photos, instructions will help you in its manufacture.

How to work woodcut

There are three main types of rover, which differ from the source of energy to influence the full:

  • hydraulic;
  • electrical;
  • kinetic (manual).

Hydraulic woodcases

This device works on the principle of the hydraulic press. The hydraulic cylinder pushes is closed to an overwhelmed wedge, which splits the firewood. Such wood cutters are powered by an oil pump operating from a gasoline or diesel engine. Their main disadvantage - high cost of quality hydraulic cylinders, control blocks and pumps.

Electric woodcut

Electric (rush) woodcuts work on the same principle as hydraulic. Their base is a gearbox, which pushes it to a sharp wedge. Their advantage in the availability of parts and their low price. Such gearboxes are installed on and other similar techniques. Electrical (cone) wood cutters work according to the principle of self-proof. A thread is cut on the steel cone, so it is screwed in full and breaks it.

Manual (inertial) woodcut

The basis of this woodcover is a metal pipe (crane), with the help of a hinge fixed on a metal support. On the pipe installed wood blade, as well as various steel reinforcing elements. Sometimes they are counterweight to facilitate the lifting of the pipe. To split the clip, the pipe is sharply lowered. The blade under the influence of the inertia of the pipe and the reinforcing elements is splitted. The advantage of such a device is that it can be made from any steel pipes, which for several hundred rubles will sell a worker of the nearest point of reception of ferrous metal. The disadvantage of this wood cutter is that the muscular strength is used for its work, so the person quickly gets tired.

Video: Woodwrobe with a washing machine

Homemade woodcut - what and how to do

If there are necessary materials, it is easy to make woodcut with your own hands: drawings, photos, instructions are freely available on the Internet. To do this, you will need:

Helpful advice!The scheme of each rover must be developed individually, under the available parts.

Wood cutter - scheme and manufacture

The easiest way to make a wood cutter do it yourself: drawings, photos, whose instructions are posted on the Internet. Its base is a powerful steel bed, to which a wedge, a motor and a gearbox are fixed. For its manufacture, take an electric motor with a capacity of at least 2 kW and two pulleys with a diameter ratio of at least 1: 4. You can also use gearboxes from various mechanisms with a transmission coefficient Over 8: 1. If you do not have an electric motor, but there is a gasoline engine from a saw or trimmer, you can connect it. In this case, it will have to further increase the transmission ratio of the gearbox due to too high revolutions of such a motor. A knitting knife Make a sheet steel with a thickness of at least 1 cm, causing it at an angle of 90 degrees. To work with thick logs, it is necessary to make a composite knife so that its thickness is at least 5 cm, and inside it is to enhance it suitable in the form of a steel blank.

The gear of the rush mechanism should be above the bed at 4-6 cm and is from a knife at a distance equal to the double length of the log. In addition, you need to make a carriage that will ride on the bed. The height of the carriage should correspond to the height of the installation of the rush drive gear. On the front (facing the knife) side of the carriage, install a transverse plate that will play the role of the pusher. For it, use leaf steel with a thickness of at least 7 mm. Install on the carriage any hinge that will allow you to raise and omit the rail, and also make a fastening for the spring to raise the rake above the gear. Install and secure the return spring, which will move the carriage towards the gearbox. On the bed, install the lever that will press the rail to the gear. With this lever you will manage the work of the woodcover - when the lever is pressed, the rail comes with a gear and moves forward. If necessary, cut a rack with a grinder - it should be slightly shorter than the distance from the feed plate to the knife.

Hydraulic woodwood - materials and drawings

To make hydraulic woodwood with your own hands: Drawings, photos, instructions for which you will find below, you will need:

  • electric or gasoline motor over 2 kW;
  • oil pump;
  • oil tank;
  • high pressure hydraulic hoses;
  • control unit;
  • hydraulic cylinder;
  • 2-way or P-shaped metal beam;
  • metal corner with the size of the shelf 30-40 mm;
  • sheet metal with a thickness of 0.5-2 cm (preferably stocking with pieces of different thickness).

From the foreign or P-shaped beam, make a box. The greater the width of the beam, the greater the load will withstand the bed and the more difficult to transport woodcut. Therefore, the optimal beam width is 10-15 cm. The hydraulic cylinder fasten over the beam at an altitude of 5-7 cm and set the pusher from the sheet metal with a thickness of 7-10 mm at the end of the rod. Make a body for a knife so that it can be moved along the bed.

Helpful advice! The change in the length to the knife will allow to split long logs, but it makes it difficult, or even it will make it impossible (due to huge loads) splitting thick logs. Therefore, choose what is important to you.