Repair Design Furniture

Top most bought products. Electronic gadgets and home appliances. place - software

Today the Internet is so rooted in our life that it has become an integral part of it. With the help of the Internet, we can find out news from all over the world, moreover, faster, fresher and more extensive than it happens on television. Also, thanks to the Internet, we find out the weather forecast, find answers to all questions, make new acquaintances, communicate, scoop up various kinds of content, and also make purchases. It is on purchases on the Internet that we would like to dwell in this article, telling you what most often users buy on the Internet, and then we will give practical advice when choosing and buying goods on the Internet.

Below we will consider the following questions:

What do they buy on the Internet

Having analyzed the entire online shopping market today, we have compiled a rating of goods that are most often bought by users on the Russian Internet. In order to leave the intrigue, we will go in ascending order. So, the top 10 most bought products on the Internet include:
  • Tenth place

Large household appliances are in 10th place. In spite of low prices, in comparison with offline stores of household appliances, the purchase of large household appliances is not so popular among users of the World Wide Web in view of its size, since this causes some inconvenience with delivery and is enough high costs to this action.
  • Ninth place

Slightly more active than large household appliances, users purchase tickets: to the cinema, theater, concert and sporting events - quickly, simply and conveniently.
  • Eighth place

Various payment cards are no less popular on the Internet, taking the eighth place in the rating of the most bought goods. By payment cards we mean: replenishing your personal account with a mobile operator, Internet provider, cable and satellite operator, payment cards in content stores for purchasing applications for gadgets (App Store, Google play) etc. Without leaving your home, you can replenish your account, perhaps even without commissions, which is very convenient.
  • Seventh place

More active online payment cards are buying clothes, which puts it in seventh place in the ranking. Reasonable prices and big choice make buying clothes online convenient, but the huge disadvantage is the selection of clothes. This is probably why clothing does not occupy such a high position in sales in the network.
  • Sixth place

It occupies the sixth line of the sales rating. Oddly enough, more and more people are beginning to give preference to licensed software and buying electronic licenses via the Internet is the most convenient option.

Products for children ranked fifth, due not only to a wide assortment and low price, but also due to their versatility, since they are all divided by the age group of children, which greatly simplifies the selection.
  • Fourth place

Cosmetics and perfumery occupy the fourth line of the rating, since, probably, no offline store can boast such a wide range of products from this segment.
  • Third place

Top three sales leaders open mobile phones, smartphones and, more recently, tablets. These gadgets have widely covered our daily life, and online stores offer the most tempting prices for them.
  • Second place

The second position is occupied by computer components and laptops. The main advantage of buying them on the Internet is the low price and a wide range of product choices. In addition, very often, when buying components in an offline store, they order them from suppliers themselves, and they have to wait - why wait and overpay when you can do it yourself via the Internet.
  • First place

What do they buy the most on the Internet? The most purchased goods on the Internet, sharing one place for two, are electronics and small appliances. This is quite logical, since the prices for such equipment are several times lower than in offline stores, and besides, the risk is minimal, since the products come in a sealed and never opened box. The choice is very simple and does not require additional checks.
Having analyzed the so-called categories, let's look at specific products that are most often purchased over the Internet.

Most bought products on the Internet

What do people buy most often on the Internet? The most purchased goods on the Internet are goods with an average cost of up to 20,000 rubles. Another aspect that unites the best-selling products is the versatility of choice. These products include: digital cameras, camcorders, smartphones, tablets, laptops, computer components, car radio tape recorders, etc. Having chosen the parameters that you need, comparing prices and reading reviews, you can safely buy goods of this type, since you do not need to try them on and then think: is it suitable for you or not.
Quite often, cosmetics and perfumes are bought online. It is very easy to choose cosmetics and perfumes, since when buying it, girls are more focused on the company. Of course, there is one drawback when buying perfumery - you cannot smell its aroma. The question is solved in such a situation by perfume samplers.

Clothing for adults and children is also often purchased online. If the choice of children's clothing, as we have already said, is much easier, since it is divided by the age of children, then with the selection of adult clothing, everything is somewhat more complicated, since it must be tried on, and this cannot be done immediately in an online store.
Of the software, licenses for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and other software are actively purchased.

Buying top-up cards is an irreplaceable service. The convenience of this service lies in the fact that we always remember the need to replenish the account at a time when all offline replenishment points are closed: at night, on weekends or holidays.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping
The advantage of shopping on the Internet, first of all, is a wide assortment and lower prices compared to offline stores. You do not need to visit all the shops in the city to compare prices, you can do all this via the Internet.

Among the disadvantages of shopping on the Internet is the lack of the ability to visually inspect and test the goods when buying, and in the case of clothes, the inability to try them on. If in an offline store you immediately receive your purchase, then buying via the Internet the purchase is delivered from several days to several weeks. In addition, when buying offline, you know who to make claims on the quality of the purchased product, but on the Internet it is somewhat more difficult. There are some online stores that do not take customer orders very seriously and responsibly. Sometimes they can forget about the order made from them, delay the delivery time, or send the wrong product that was ordered, there are not so many such online stores, but there are cases.

How to buy online

Buying over the Internet is easy enough. You can find the necessary product on the network both through the search engine and through the special service Yandex-Market. V search engine you will receive a list of online stores when the Yandex-Market service will provide not only a description of the product, but also customer reviews and prices for this item in various online stores.

It is best to pay for the goods in cash and only after delivery. When paying in cash, the price for the goods, as a rule, will be lower than when paying by bank transfer or electronic currency (all this must be checked with the seller).

How to buy from online stores

Before making a purchase in an online store, first read the reviews about it, they should be in the same Yandex-Market. When reading reviews, pay attention to their naturalness, as they can be "fake". It is necessary to choose an online store according to the following criteria:

The Internet was originally invented for communication, entertainment, education, and information retrieval. Currently, the global network is actively developing business organization... Products that never go out of style and are constantly being improved, such as computers, accessories, books, travel and consumer electronics, are the most popular for sale on the Internet.

Large online stores, thanks to the advertising and support of well-known sites, have now penetrated almost all areas of online life. The principles by which they choose a particular product for sale are based on the interest of users in this product and how profitable it will be to sell it through the network.

If you are thinking about which product to put up for sale on the Internet, it is best not to rely on those products that are most in demand for online trading. The best ones are distributed among large online stores and it will be very difficult to compete with them. It is much better to find your vocation in the market, in which you will have a great qualification. Many products sell well online, although they remain outside the focus of major retailers.

The computer sector has always been one of the most lucrative businesses among the e-commerce sectors. He was a pioneer among the trading industries that gave rise to e-commerce. This sector is engaged in the sale of computer parts, which include:

  • memory cards,
  • hard drives,
  • flash cards,
  • external storage devices,
  • monitors,
  • cables,
  • Input Devices,
  • accessories.

Online resources retail clothing are developing at an exorbitant rate. Numerous firms have sprung up in last years to try your luck in the fashionable online trading sector. This competition has forced small and large sellers to innovate in order to stay at the forefront of this business. Check out the 14 most expensive clothing brands.

If you are an entrepreneur interested in promoting this segment, then you have a good chance of opening a successful online store selling fashion and brand clothing. The level of sales mainly depends on the service offered... The modern consumer uses the Internet to buy clothes mainly due to lack of time, as well as the convenience and profitability of this type of shopping. Having provided him with the conditions, you will get a satisfied client who will certainly recommend the resource to other buyers.

A recent report on online trends published by th google showed that thanks to the increased demand for online shopping, electronic stores began to grow like mushrooms after a rain. Previously, users were limited to purchasing small products such as travel tickets or drivers for computer programs.

It is now possible to buy expensive and durable items such as consumer electronics on the Internet. Check out the 10 most expensive kitchen gadgets. Research recently conducted by online retailers has shown that people prefer to buy appliances online because it is convenient, fast and the seller organizes delivery of the goods to their homes.

To be competitive in the market, an online store needs to ensure timely delivery and quality of products, as well as the ability to return goods if the consumer is not happy with them.

The DVD market is currently going through tough times. It is experiencing increasing competition from online video distributors, and in the context of the ubiquitous distribution of pirated products, it is becoming an unprofitable industry altogether. Should you sell this product online?

Only if you manage to provide excellent quality content and reliably protect it from piracy. Focus on the product that will be most interesting to consumers.

This is a great niche for the aspiring internet entrepreneur as it contains many options for selling certain products. Organic supplements, vitamins, diet books and diet recipes, medical equipment and sports equipment - you can implement all this on your resource.

Engaging with fans is a top priority in today's music industry. The Internet, as in the case of literature sales, is an excellent platform for organizing such cooperation. The use of social media makes communication with music fans more accessible.

It is noteworthy that record companies are paying more and more attention to selling their products over the Internet, seeing it as a major channel for profit.

The online games market is currently growing rapidly. With the proliferation of the Internet, this online trading industry has received a powerful boost in the past decade. It is worth noting that games are included in the list of the 10 most expensive addictions in the world.

The ability to use social media as a new platform for promoting online games has led to excellent sales results for this product. The video game market is also changing at a rapid pace. Technological advances, an increase in the quality of games, and the interest of consumers of all ages are driving the rapid growth of this market segment.

Jewelry is an evergreen product that never loses value and delights the eye with beauty and original design... Buying jewelry is a safe investment for the future. Online jewelry retailing is currently gaining momentum. Check out the 10 most expensive jewelry in the world.

Ten years ago, it never occurred to anyone to order and receive jewelry online. However, the entrepreneurial spirit of some young companies has changed the way millions of people buy jewelry online. Today jewelry is actively sold on online retail portals and attracts the attention of buyers. reasonable prices, seasonal offers and discounts.

Online food sales on the Internet are currently developing rather slowly compared to other segments. The number of online food orders in large cities increases gradually.

If three years ago it was about 5 orders per day on the websites of large online stores, today their number has increased to 100 orders per day. The main clients of the portals are office workers who are interested in delivering ready-made food directly to workplace.

A high-margin product is a product for which there is always a consistently high demand and a small percentage of offers on the market. Each seller tries to sell exactly products with high margins: they not only increase average check but also give the most big profit... has compiled a list of the highest-margin products in 2018.

High-margin products for businesses in 2018

Margin, in the simplest sense of the word, is a synonym for the word "profit", that is, the difference between the cost of a product and its selling price. It is the proceeds received from its sale that is the "margin".
Consequently, the higher the “margin” received for the product, the higher the margin it is.

That is why retailers all over the world today set the most important goal - to sell high-margin goods in large volumes, thereby increasing their profits.

Today there are several types of margin: exchange, credit, banking, guarantee, maintenance, and trading. In our article, we will focus specifically on the trading (market) margin. We all know that a trade enterprise can stay afloat only due to the mark-up on goods, which is necessary for making a profit.

Useful documents to download:

The Business.Ru Retail program will help you calculate the marginality of not only a specific product, but of the entire store. It will also allow you to easily automate the cashier's workplace, work with weight goods, keep inventory and sales analytics. Supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

By “winding up” a trade margin of one hundred, two hundred, and sometimes three hundred percent on a product, each seller is chasing a profit. They are "stimulated" in this process by the fact that today in our country maximum size the margin is not set, which means that any seller or owner of a service company can set any margin depending on their needs and demand for the goods.

Important! If the markup on your products is prohibitively large, then no one will buy such things or products.

When you introduce new products to your retail store's assortment, you must calculate by calculation the optimal markup level to achieve the desired margin level after all costs have been covered.

Buyers of goods and consumers of services will never know how much they are actually overpaying for goods - one can only guess about this. On average, the level of margin is equal to 20 - 30% of the cost of goods or services, but for different categories of goods, the margin can reach 1000%. And, despite this, they are actively bought.

This, for example, is the purchase of things of world-famous brands - consumers overpay hundreds of times over the cost of these goods and, of course, will continue to do so.

In general, all products can be divided into three categories:

1. Low margin products... These types of goods are sold everywhere, the demand for them is quite large, but due to the fact that such things can be bought at every corner, you cannot put too much mark-up on them. The purchase price of these goods is quite low, which means that a margin of more than 10-20% is not set for them. But, at the same time, such products are the most sold, which means they will quickly “leave” the shop windows.

The profitability of selling low-margin goods is that the benefits can be “removed” from them due to their good turnover, that is, “taken” by the amount of goods sold. For example, low-margin products include household chemicals, toys, baby products, non-food products, etc. In the service sector, the lowest level of margins is found in the transport sector;

2. Average margin products... For such groups of goods "cheating" is higher than for low-margin goods, and all because these are no longer goods of daily demand and the supply on the market is noticeably less. This category includes household appliances, in some stores the margin is 30-40% of its cost, or, for example, building materials;

3. High-margin products Are goods that sell well “here and now”. They are the most coveted among retailers. These can be new products, "seasonal products" or products for which there is a high demand in certain days of the year, or goods for which the demand is always high, regardless of the season, the economic situation in the country and the level of income of the population.

This includes Apple products, well-known brands and brands, jewelry and products from precious metals etc. There is always a demand for such goods, which means that a 100% markup will not scare away customers!

As for the service sector, the absolute leader here, receiving the largest margins, is catering establishments. And this applies to both small cafes and elite restaurants, where a cup of coffee, the cost of which is no more than 40 rubles, can be sold for 400, or even a thousand rubles.

How to choose profitable product for sale: ideas for business

Important! The cheaper the cost of the product, at which the retailer purchased it for further resale, the lower the margin will be on it, and hence the amount of margin.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and the trade margin by connecting

  • summarize the average cost of transportation costs spent on delivery of goods to the store;
  • the average cost of servicing a client, including the seller's salary, the cost of maintaining a trade enterprise;
  • funds invested in advertising one unit of goods, as well as other costs.

Based on these components, you will receive the amount of the markup for your product, which can be set on the products.

Today, in a difficult economic period for the country, many retailers are tormented by the question: what high-margin products need to be added to the store's assortment to increase the average check and get the highest profit?

The Internet magazine "" lists the top 10 high-margin products that can be sold with the largest markup in 2018.

Top 10 product categories with the largest markups


Experienced retailers and owners of public catering establishments know firsthand that drinks are one of the highest-margin products. So, for example, the cost of a liter of high-quality simple drinking water is no more than two rubles, but today the average liter bottled water on the market costs from 30 rubles.

Imported copies can cost up to a hundred rubles and more. For example, in resort towns(on the Russian Black Sea coast or abroad) the cost of bottled water in a five-liter container can reach several hundred rubles. And still tourists will buy drinking water at such "crazy" prices.

This is undoubtedly beneficial for sellers - the markup for water here can reach 100, 200, or even 500 percent, and in fact, its actual cost differs many times from the price presented in the store.

The same can be said for drinks in catering establishments. The price of drinks can be increased several times. Even just adding hot tea or coffee, cocktails or refreshing drinks to your grocery store assortment, you can "win" a decent amount of funds and get a good margin.


Let us "feel" the size of the margin in the flower business for sellers and buyers. The mark-up on the goods here is colossal. For example, popular in our country Ecuadorian roses in Ecuador itself, in terms of Russian rubles, will cost 30-50 kopecks apiece, while in Russia their price today is from one hundred rubles per flower. Of course, the cost of a rose "includes" the cost of its delivery, but the margins are still significant.

Selling flowers is always profitable, especially during the holidays. And, if you can competently and beautifully "introduce" the sale of flowers into the assortment of the store, then this will become a stable source of constant profit, since any flowers today are goods with a consistently high mark-up. The catch lies only in finding a reliable supplier who can deliver flowers at an attractive wholesale price for you.

Learn more about how to open a flower shop in 2018.


Exclusive hand-made goods are wildly popular all over the world today. It is very difficult to estimate their cost price, which means that during their sale and resale, the seller is free to “wind up” any price. Hand-made products include dolls self made, hand-sewn clothes, accessories, beautifully designed interior items, original designer "things" and other beautiful and stylish little things.

Retailers are sure: with a competent approach, adding such an exclusive hand-made to the assortment of goods in the store, you can "put together" a fortune into the most short time... The margin level is really high here, demand is also high, and the supply market is relatively calm so far.

Fits given view high-margin goods for various stores: from furniture stores to clothing stores, children's goods, accessories, etc. Handmade products are really profitable to sell to any retailer today.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and the trade margin by connecting

Party accessories

This category also includes goods at "unreasonably high" prices. Sellers, by increasing prices for holiday goods, are betting that people will be forced to purchase them at any cost. That is why a postcard - colored cardboard with a poem inside, the cost price of which is a few rubles - can cost up to one hundred rubles in stores today, and a simple balloon filled with helium with a cost price of 10 rubles will cost 150!

That is why many retailers introduce these high-margin products into the store's assortment: postcards, balloons, decorations for rooms, "caps", as well as wedding accessories, posters, flags and much, much more. The prime cost of all these goods is a penny, but the "margin" from their sale can reach hundreds and thousands of rubles. In addition, the demand for such products is always high.


The products with high marginality, the introduction of which into the assortment of the store is quite cost-effective today, include various jewelry, accessories, and bijouterie. Expanding the assortment for such related products is relevant for shoe or clothing stores, underwear and even a small retail outlet.

The mark-up on products made of colored plastic and glass - jewelry - can reach three hundred percent. Sometimes the cost of simple beads or accessories famous brands can be as high as gold or silver jewelry. In other words, it is on the sale of "penny" jewelry that you can get a particularly large revenue in the store.

Expensive alcohol

Of course, the sale of alcoholic beverages today is a costly business, in addition to obtaining a license to trade in alcohol, you need to observe special trade rules, connect to the Unified State Automated Information System and solve many other related tasks. But all the time and material costs are more than offset by the margin received from the sale of alcohol.

And if, for example, in an average restaurant the cost of a bottle of good wine at least triples, then even in a grocery store you will get a good profit by increasing the markup of 100%. This is far from the limit for elite sorts of alcohol and rare wines - alcohol has been and remains the highest-margin product and brings a net permanent profit to those who are engaged in its retail sale.

Have you opened a store, delivered goods, keep records and thought about automating its work? Pay attention to the product accounting program Business.Ru Retail. It will allow you to easily automate the cashier's workplace, work with weight goods, keep inventory and sales analytics. And also supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

Loose tea and coffee

An amazing fact, but today more and more trade enterprises choose loose tea and coffee to sell related high-margin products. All people love good tea and high-quality coffee, and true connoisseurs are ready to pay a "tidy" sum for their elite varieties.

For example, buying teas directly in China and selling them in your store with a 300% increase to the cost price, you can get an unconditional significant benefit.

This high-margin product has long established itself, and today the most popular varieties elite chinese tea can be found on the counters not only in tea shops, but even in sports stores in the departments sports nutrition and at retail grocery stores. Such a related product will in any case increase the average check in your store.


Introducing cosmetics of well-known popular brands into the assortment of goods in a store is a priori profitable: the cost of cosmetic products, as a rule, does not exceed 20% of the market price of goods. That is, 80% of the cost of cosmetics is its beautiful packaging, the cost of promotion and advertising. But women - the main buyers of cosmetics - are ready to pay almost any amount of money for cosmetics of their favorite brands.

The same applies to perfumes - their cost is much lower than the market value. By making high-quality cosmetics or perfumes a related product in your store, you can increase your average check and receive consistently high profits. This option of related products is also suitable for women's clothing stores, accessories, pharmacies, industrial stores and others.

Snacks and popcorn

The top ten products with the largest mark-up today certainly include such popular products today as snacks, sweets, and popcorn. These options for related products are good for retail outlets located in shopping and entertainment centers. Also, these are generally really high-margin products.

For example, by opening even a small outlet for the sale of gummies, which children love so much, popcorn and other snacks near the cinema, in an amusement park, near a city water park, near children's playgrounds, you can recoup all costs in a matter of months. Just imagine: the cost of raw materials for popcorn - dry corn kernels - is ten times lower than the cost of ready-made hot popcorn!

And even minimum costs for its production do not justify the high prices for this type of product: in cinemas the price of a box of hot popcorn can reach thousands of rubles.

The same goes for other sweets, gummies, cotton candy, ice cream - these high-margin products are always loved and desired among children, and that is why parents are ready to "lay out" a tidy sum for them. An introduction, for example, to the assortment of a children's goods store with a rack with "accompanying" goods - sweets and gummies - you will get tangible benefits in a short time.

About others effective ways increase sales in the grocery store

Accompanying services

Quite a profitable business today is providing the population with services related to your business in the field of trade. You can also "increase" prices here for an infinitely long time, and all the same, such types of servants will be in demand among buyers.

For example, for a clothing store - these are services for fitting clothes, for a furniture store - services for collecting and delivering furniture, for a home appliance store - repairing it, refilling cartridges, installing software on-site, for a flower shop - flower delivery services, decoration of premises with fresh flowers, etc.

You just have to turn on your imagination, come up with a high-margin related service for your business, and you can not only increase your profit, but also make it stable, thereby diversifying your business, and finding new ways to generate income. This "niche" is recognized by marketers and retailers as the most promising and profitable.

In general, experts advise trade entrepreneurs not to be afraid to take risks and introduce products with high margins into the store's assortment. With a competent approach, having weighed all the pros and cons, analyzing the market and competitors, you can increase your profits.

But do not think that everything is so cloudless: today, even when selling high-margin goods in a store, certain difficulties may arise, which means that an entrepreneur must be able to quickly respond to all changes in demand and market, monitor the situation and try to keep up with the demands of the population. ...

Hello dear reader! I am glad to welcome you to the vastness of our business magazine.

Recently, my colleagues and I thought about the question of which product is the most popular in Russia. I think every thinker sooner or later comes up with this question. Personally, he began to torment me from the moment when we decided to launch our online store, but that's another story.

Usually, one question causes a series of subsequent ones, so today there will be not only the top-selling goods in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS - we will also consider with you:

  1. trending products in online sales;
  2. what is in demand on message boards (;
  3. top 10 purchased products worldwide;
  4. What's on this moment bought by a Slavic brother in China (using the resource

Purpose of this article- general development, expansion of consciousness. You will learn how to analyze the demand for a product and its seasonality using publicly available Internet tools, and most importantly, you will be able to show off new knowledge in front of your comrades. Let's start!

The best selling product in Russia and Ukraine

This information is unlikely to help you find a niche for your store, but at least it's interesting. You have a minute to think for yourself which product is the best-selling in Russia.

And no, the answer is not food, not cigarettes or even alcohol, but we buy it almost every time we go shopping in a store or market. In general, the purchase of this product takes place automatically. Have you guessed?

So, the title of the best-selling product in Russia is the usual one. plastic bag... Even on such a seemingly insignificant product, you can make millions of rubles.

The world has already begun to realize that plastic products cause great harm to the environment. environment... The problem is that polyethylene long time does not decompose, and this leads to the death of 1 million birds, 100,000 marine mammals and a huge number of schools of fish. In the USA and Europe, cellophane bags began to be abandoned.

What to focus on when choosing a product for sale?

If you are interested in a product for sale, you should go the other way. You shouldn't be looking for the most popular goods, which are bought by the population in “wagons”. First of all, we need to look at the prospects and profitability - our product must also be ready for unfavorable conditions, since economic crises are not uncommon now.

The list of the most bought goods in Russia contains the following:

  • small household appliances;
  • electrical goods;
  • sanitary goods;
  • everyday tools;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • childen's goods;
  • other goods of daily use.

Let's go through the list of the most demanded products:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey);
  • semi-finished products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • frozen seafood (fish);
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • flour and pasta;
  • sugar and salt;
  • Black tea;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, oats);
  • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage);
  • apples, bananas.

Something has more demand, something less. How to decide?

  1. Focus on your interest and think what is closer to your heart.
  2. Everything is learned in comparison: in order to make a choice in favor of a particular product, an analysis is needed (there will be a separate article about this).

It is beyond the scope of the article, so we will consider in more detail this problem next time. And now let's start compiling a rating of the most bought goods by Russians on the Internet. Go!

Top best-selling products on the Internet in 2017

The Internet is a large and interesting market for three reasons:

  1. now the Internet coverage in Russia is about 74%, while there is a constant growth;
  2. share of older users age group also increases;
  3. mobile Internet audience rushes at cosmic speed (30-40% of people visit our site from smartphones or tablets).

70% of all Russian Internet users have logged on at least once from mobile device- a year ago, for example, this value was 56%.

Where does this rapid growth of the Internet lead? Together with it, the demand for goods and services is increasing, and this is what we need with you. Next, we'll look at:

  1. the most demanded and popular products in online stores;
  2. the most trending and hot products on one-page pages for today.

1. Search for a product in demand for an online store

In an effort to track the most in-demand and popular products in online stores that are best bought by the public in 2016, we came up with the following top 10 list.

  1. Small household appliances are the leader in online sales today. The low price and compact size make these products almost ideal (but this product is not suitable for sale in your online store).
  2. Perfumes and cosmetics .
  3. Mobile devices.
  4. Laptops and tablets.
  5. Internet gifts and toys.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Clothes and footwear.
  8. Books. Surprisingly, paper books are still popular. It would seem that they are expensive, in addition, there are many sites where you can download the literature of interest in electronic form for free. However, this does not stop paper books from selling.
  9. Online ticket booking. You will not be able to imagine how many planes are in the air now (when you have a free minute, go to - this will expand the boundaries of your consciousness).
  10. Large home appliances.

Most of the listed products will not work if you are planning to open an online store from scratch. Problems and breakdowns can arise with equipment, and in order to make money normally, you need to order in bulk. It is unrealistic to compete with large players who take goods in large wholesale and sell at prices typical of regular stores.

2. One-page: what is it and why is it needed?

One-page, landing page, landing page, landing page are all synonyms.

There is such a category as wow-goods (in Russian wow = wow) - impulse demand goods. Have you ever had such a thing that you walk past a shop or kiosk, saw an advertisement for a product on TV or the Internet, and you immediately wanted to buy it, although before that you did not even know about its existence? Chances are high that it was a product from this category. TV shops often sell wow goods too. Here are some examples:

  • an effortless slimming belt;
  • simulators that pump muscles without your participation;
  • all kinds of water, light, fuel economy, etc .;
  • creams to enlarge something;
  • copies of branded watches, iPhones.

Are you familiar with CPA networks, affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage? If not, there will be a separate detailed article about this. In short, a CPA network is an intermediary between a webmaster (the person who works with sites and traffic) and advertisers who have a product. They are ready to pay a commission to the webmaster for promoting and selling the product. CPA networks sell wow products through one-page sites. Remember the phrase that demand creates supply? In the case of these guys, the opposite is true.

Here is one of the many pater networks - After registration at the link, the offered goods will be available, with which you can familiarize yourself (about 300 offers). I will cite 10 of them that were top at the time of this writing.

So, your attention is presented to the top of the most popular products that are sold through one-page sites in large volumes.

  1. Mask for blackheads and acne Black Mask.
  2. Solar powered PowerBank.
  3. Army wrist watch Amst.
  4. AB Gymnic belt.
  5. Corrector MAC.
  6. Waist Trainer Corset.
  7. Mangosteen is a slimming syrup.
  8. FishHungry Bite Activator.
  9. Hair spray Ultra Hair System.
  10. Titan gel.

Some data from Avito - the largest bulletin board in Russia

I tried to find information for 2016, but only came across an official report two years earlier. Since there is fish without fish and cancer, we will continue to talk about 2014. However, the information is interesting and useful, so there will be something to think about.

Carrying out the research, Avito analysts found out that website users skimmed 34.4 billion rubles in such product categories as:

  • personal belongings;
  • goods for home and summer cottages;
  • hobbies and leisure;
  • Appliances;
  • goods for pets.

A third of the turnover was taken over by the categories "Personal belongings" and "Goods for home and summer cottages" (6.5 and 5.5 billion rubles, respectively). Funny point: Compared to the previous year, sales in these categories grew almost the same - by 38.6% and 38.3%.

And the best-selling category of goods turned out to be “ Consumer electronics»: Laptops, computers, video and photo cameras, smartphones and other gadgets for 15.2 billion rubles were sold on Avito. The amount is not small, but when compared with the previous year, the growth is only 13.2%.

3.5 billion rubles were spent on Hobby and Leisure, an increase of 47.4%. And they did not spare money on pets and spent 4.7 billion rubles: the annual growth was as much as 82%.

  • fan;
  • netbook;
  • swimsuit;
  • smartphone;
  • prom dress;
  • tent;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • video card;

From this list, we can conclude that demand is strongly influenced by the season.

How to analyze the seasonality of a product?

If you are reading this article because you are about to open an online store or start your own business, it is important not to miscalculate the seasonality of the product.

Let's look at the product that is at the beginning of the top on Avito - a fan.

To analyze seasonality and demand, we will use the well-known service It is designed to measure user interest that can be applied to the product we have selected. Before starting work, you need to register / log in to the service. If you do not want to constantly pop up captcha, it is better to immediately disable adblock or its equivalent.

Next, we select the region that interests us (in my case, I look at the data for Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries). Next, in a special field, I enter the query “buy a fan”, as it more accurately reflects the intention of users than just “fan”.

The service shows that over the last month there were 236,554 impressions for this request (wow, not sickly!). We can conclude that the product is in demand. And I'll check the seasonality of this product! I just did a search for "By words", now I will switch the checkbox to "History of requests" and see what happens. The graph shows that in 2016 the demand for fans has doubled compared to last year (apparently, this year is VERY hot). So, if you bought fans and started selling them in the winter, it probably wouldn't work. Therefore, never buy a product without testing demand!

Of course, the example I gave is obvious - it is clear that it is hot in summer, and the demand for fans will be greater than in the cold season. However, not all products are that obvious. It is also better to look for niches where the schedule is just starting to climb - it is better to prepare for the season in advance.

Rating of the most popular products from China

It is difficult to determine the sales leader of the Chinese market, because everything is bought on it and in huge quantities. Have you ever ordered something from China? Personally, I ordered a watch, a scale, a case for e-book, a bag, a UV lamp and all sorts of other things. If anyone does not know, here are 2 sites where the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS orders goods from China:

  1. Aliexpress is more designed for retail purchase - here you can order goods in one copy without any problems. However, sometimes it is more profitable to buy a product in a regular online store than here.
  2. Alibaba is a large wholesaler: prices for goods are much cheaper, but you will have to order in bulk. Delivery of goods often costs several times more than their cost.
  1. mobile phones;
  2. clothing and footwear, including copies of world brands;
  3. laptops and tablets;
  4. Appliances;
  5. computer components and accessories;
  6. goods for sports and recreation;
  7. bedding;
  8. furniture;
  9. electrical goods;
  10. equipment and machines.

Of course, the data does not represent 100% reality, but the truth is somewhere near.

For women

For men

For kids


Credit card flash drive

IPhone Waterproof Case

Convenient wallet for IPhone


V recent times e-commerce has attracted many aspiring entrepreneurs. If you decide to open your own online store, first of all, you need to carefully think over what you will trade in it. The best-selling products on the Internet in 2018, collected in this article, will help you choose the right assortment that will attract the attention of buyers.

What to sell?

As a rule, beginners who open their business online choose 2-3 categories from the top-selling products on the Internet. In the future, they gradually expand their assortment. For example, if you sell shoes and clothing, over time, when funds become available, you can offer consumers watches and jewelry. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase your profits.

Since a huge number of people visit the Internet every day, you can sell any product here. But, if you want to receive good income, first of all, you need to carefully study the rating of the best-selling goods on the Internet. After that, you can start forming the assortment.

Online commerce in crisis

Let's try to figure it out,? According to the statistics of the best-selling goods on the Internet, in difficult economic conditions, the demand for expensive elite products begins to grow. It is bought by wealthy people who have worried about their financial well-being... In addition, during the crisis, many citizens try to invest their savings in jewelry made of precious metals and antiques to protect money from inflation. Therefore, such a product is sold in relatively large quantities.

During the period of economic instability, the demand for products of the middle price segment drops sharply. This is due to the fact that people with an average income decrease wage therefore, in order to save money, they have to give up many of their usual purchases. Therefore, if you decide to go into e-commerce in 2018, you should not bet on a product in the middle price range.

In times of crisis, the best-selling products through an online store are cheap products. The bulk of the population of our country saves money, so they prefer to buy inexpensive goods of low and medium quality. Demand for budget clothing, furniture and food is starting to skyrocket as buyers from the former middle class are moving into this segment.

If you cannot determine what is the best-selling product in Russia on the Internet, choose one of two strategies:

  1. Sell ​​expensive goods to wealthy people;
  2. Take up bulk shipments of cheap goods from, for example, China.

We form an assortment

Let's try to compile a list of the top 10 best selling products on the internet.

Quadrocopters and accessories

You probably know what drones or quadcopters are. Such aircraft were originally developed for military purposes. Over time, these devices began to be actively used in everyday life and for entertainment. If you're looking, try trading drones. The demand for such a product is constantly growing, so you can make good money on it.

Gadgets and Mobile Phones

Marketers have found that such products are the leader in sales on the Internet. This category includes any product that costs less than $ 600. The tempting prices that many online stores offer are attracting consumers. About 10% of the citizens of our country can afford to regularly update various gadgets and mobile phones. Moreover, more often than not, they make such purchases online. Consumers compare prices online and in real stores and see that there is a significant difference. After that, they easily part with their money, because they understand that they have saved a decent amount.


These products are among the top 10 best selling products on the Internet. But many people today are afraid to make expensive purchases online. Despite the fact that prices in online stores are much lower, most of the buyers still go to supermarkets.

The fact is that such expensive things are rarely bought, so consumers want to personally compare different models and make sure they are free of any defects. In addition, some people have never experienced mailing a product. They believe that it is much more convenient and profitable to order delivery in the city. Therefore, if you are still undecided, start with a different, more popular product.

Green tea

Trade different varieties green tea is a great business. Modern people care about their health, which is why green tea, which has medicinal properties, is very popular. Another popular product is green coffee. But the demand for it begins to gradually decline, so if you want to make good money, focus on trading. green tea with different extracts.

Products for cleansing the body

Healthy nutritious foods called detox products are gaining popularity rapidly. At the moment, various herbal teas and decoctions are in the greatest demand. They filled all social networks. Surely each of you has come across such a product at least once in your feed. Some products are really good for health, but there are others that are similar in composition to regular tea with different fillings. And nevertheless, it is quite profitable as detox products are sold online in huge volumes.

LED lightening

This segment opens up great prospects for aspiring entrepreneurs. Experts say that literally in 10 years everything lighting in the world will be replaced by LED, since they can significantly save energy. Besides LED lights last much longer than conventional incandescent bulbs.

Such an idea for your business with minimal investment in 2016, with the right approach, will make you wealthy person as LED lighting becomes indispensable in Everyday life modern people.


Despite the fact that recently many people have begun to use electronic devices for reading, ordinary paper books continue to be in demand. Literary publications on specialized web sites are much cheaper than in real bookstores. In addition, many online stores offer customers good discounts and lucrative bonus programs. In the network, the buyer can find any edition he needs. An abstract is attached to each book, with the help of which you can familiarize yourself with its content.

Shoes and clothing

This is a product that is in demand on the market in any economic environment. So that consumers can choose the right things for themselves, online stores provide detailed information about each product:

  • Colour;
  • Textile;
  • The size;
  • Basic performance characteristics.

In addition, they post photos in which you can see how this or that thing looks. As a rule, clothes are shown by models, so the buyer can visually evaluate how it looks on a person. Despite the fact that many citizens of our country continue to buy clothes in ordinary stores, such a product entered the top ten best-selling products on the network. By the way, reselling clothes is a great option for people who are interested in.

Children's toys and gifts

Many modern consumers prefer to order gifts and toys online. There are many sites on the network that offer their services for the selection of gifts. Thanks to this, a person can easily choose a suitable surprise to please his family or friends. To make the gift unique, you can make it personalized, that is, order some kind of original inscription or engraving.


Experts believe that cosmetics and perfumes are the best-selling products on the web. Many online stores that sell products from well-known brands offer video tutorials and master classes from experienced professionals to consumers. Thanks to this, consumers receive quality goods for affordable prices and learn how to properly use the purchased cosmetics. If we talk about perfumery, then usually only proven popular fragrances are bought through the network.

10 criteria for a profitable niche: What to sell online?

During the crisis, many entrepreneurs who trade on the Internet go broke or lose most of their profits. This is because they don't want to change how they work. If you select the best-selling products on the Internet and fill your site with them, online trading will bring huge profits, regardless of the economic conditions.

Before choosing a profitable one, first carefully research the market and study consumer demand. Each city has its own product categories that are most in demand in your region. Trading in such products will allow you to get a good stable income.