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How to optimize pages for query. Page optimization for several requests. Adaptability for mobile devices

One of the aspects of the CEO is to optimize the site for users' requests. This is a set of activities aimed at improving the relevance of the contents of the pages.

It is known that the search engines rank sites depending on their compliance with the search query. If the user has introduced "the benefits and harm of bananas", then resources will be shown in the results of the issuance, on the pages of which the relevant article or video is posted.

The relevant content, the higher the site will be shown (with other things).

And not only search engines are interested in showing certain sites for certain search queries. The webmasters themselves do not want their website "pop up" always and everywhere. They only need target requests (those that introduce their target audience).

Therefore, the optimization of the site under the requests of users is one of the most important stages of search promotion.

What is included in optimization for search queries

So, the list of works that the optimizer must be implemented, the following:

1. Drawing up the semantic kernel.

Semantics is the basis, the foundation of the future Content plan. In order for most of the transitions to the site to be targeted, it is necessary to carefully and competently select keywords and phrases.

Today there are many paid and complimentary services that help in the preparation of the semantic kernel. For example, Yandex Wordstat. It allows you to see for free what phrases and how many times a month users entered. Based on this information, you can create a quality core.

2. Drawing up the content plan.

At this stage, a detailed content plan is being developed based on the collected semantics: what articles will be written, on what topics, in what volumes, on what requests they will be responsible, etc.

In SEO, one page accounts for no more than 10-15 keys. Moreover, they must be adjacent (refer to the same topic). Larger number is simply difficult to fit within one article without repaiming. And the PS does not like spam and pessimize sites abusing keywords.

3. Writing articles.

Content is the basis of any site. It is for him that people visit various resources. At this stage of the site optimization, it is worth remembering that you are writing first for a person and only then for the search robot.

The same policy adhere to the search engines. In addition to all the technical nuances, they check and the usefulness of the page: Will the user find here what he was looking for how long he wants to be on this site if it will enjoy the contents and so on.

The PS algorithms are constantly being improved and search robots are increasingly preferring precisely useful sites.

Basic requirements for text:

    uniqueness is not to be plagiarism, only author's content. If you cannot write an article yourself, use copywriting exchanges. There you can buy ready-made or order writing a unique material;

    relevance - it has already been mentioned earlier. The contents of the page must comply with the user's request;

    the structure of the narration is to make articles structured, with clearly designated headlines, subtitles, lists, tables, etc. Do not write large paragraphs - they are difficult to read;

    Seo optimization - the text must contain keywords and phrases, but without repaiming. Not more than one key on 100 words.

Determine your writing style and stick to it. Whether the text will be easily readable or professional with a large content of terms - all this depends on who exactly is your target audience.

4. Optimization of metategs.

Metadata (or MetaTegi) are used to inform search robots about page content.

Title is a header (50-65 characters). The content of this tag is not displayed on the page itself, but is displayed on the browser tab, as well as in the snippet of search results.

This tag is one of the main, as it has the greatest impact on the ranking of the page. It must contain the key and preferably in direct entry. At the same time, the content itself must be well readable, as it will be displayed in a snippet and affect users' solution - click or not.

Description is a description (140-200 characters). It is displayed only in snippeting search results.

Along with the title, this tag must contain keywords (but not duplicate the title) and be well readable.

H1 - H6 - Tags data allow you to structure the page content. If we are talking about the article, then H1 is the name, H2 - sections, H3 - subsections, etc.

If the page is missing Title tag, search robots will be focused on H1.

Site optimization for search queries is the basis of successful promotion. The selection of keywords and filling the resource is a mandatory part of the work within SEO. Accommodation On the page of promoted phrases allows you to understand the search engine that the information in this section is relevant to the corresponding user requests.

Stages of optimization for requests

  • Work with internal factors. This is the improvement of the resource itself, the filling of its pages unique content containing keywords, prescribing metategs and much more. Most of the job optimization works are carried out at this stage.
  • Work with external factors. Ensures the extension of high-quality reference mass. Work with requests at this stage is reduced to the correct incorporation of such phrases in the anchorage (the texts of the active part of the reference design).

What can be optimized for requests on the site?

URL pages

In the title of the page links, you can include promoted requests. At the same time, the so-called CNC are being created - a person-sump URL. They contribute not only to promotion, but also to increase usability: the visitor can determine its approximate content at the address page. You can register the URL manually, but when working with a multi-page site it takes a lot of time. In this case, it is convenient to use the automatic address setting. So, the URL can be formed on the basis of the content of the header H1.


Optimization of the site for search queries involves adding keywords in the main metateli.

  • Title. This is the title of the page that is displayed in the browser and on the search results page (above the snippet). The maximum metatega length is 70 characters, taking into account spaces. Due to the limited volume in Title, includes one key phrase.
  • Description. This metateg concisely describes the content of the page. Google uses this short text as a snippet unchanged. Yandex has another principle of forming a block of information in the search results, but snippets will still be partially based on the contents of Description. When optimizing the site for requests, you can add a key to this metateg 1-2 keyword with non-intersecting words. The page description should fit in 170 characters.

When forming metageges, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • include promoted requests to Title and Description each page;
  • avoid repetition of the same keys;
  • do not include words in the metatelet, which do not belong to the content of the page;
  • insert keywords to a meaningful phrase - simple query enumeration is not allowed;
  • write according to the rules of the Russian language, without errors.

H1 title

When you optimize the site under search queries, you must enable relevant keys in the main title of the page. With this text in H1 should not fully duplicate title. The main header can be only one on the page. Usually it includes the highest frequency query, while you can use the entry in the natural word form form (morphology).

H2-H6 subtitles

These tags are designed to structure content and simplify navigation on the page. When you optimize the site for requests in subtitles also include key phrases. It is desirable that they do not duplicate with those used in H1. The repetition of the same keys can be regarded as renabase. The subtitles do not need to include promoted requests. The main thing is that H2-H6 reflect the essence of the information that will be disclosed in the block below.

Text content

You must fill the site with informative texts with keyword entries. Moreover, it is not the number of consumable queries, but the quality and usefulness of content. When creating texts for promoted pages, follow the following rules:

  • add only those keys that relate to the subject of the page;
  • avoid repaiming (no more than 2-3 phrases on 2000 characters);
  • for commercial pages try to include in the text of the word "sale", "buy", "price" and others;
  • use subtitles, lists, tables, i.e. make content convenient for perception;
  • consuming the keys only in natural for the Russian language forms, it is possible to include diluted with other words of entry, if required by the logic of the structure of the phrase;
  • add to the text LSI-phrase (words from the environment of a keyword or its synonyms, often used in this subject);
  • allocation of promoted query tag Strong is optional: this does not affect the ranking of the page.

Alt attribute for images

To make the site as informative as possible, it is desirable to add images: product photos, infographics, etc. This content can also get into the results of the issuance when searching for pictures. For all images that complement the total content of the page, you must register the Alt tag. The phrase should reflect the essence of photography or pictures. In Alt, you can enable keywords, but only as part of a meaningful sentence. Commercial requests in the text of Metathega undesirable (exception - scan or photo of the price list).

Work with external factors: Keys in an anchor-sheet

Anchor references are necessarily taken into account by the search engine when ranking pages. A properly compiled anchor list increases the chances of entering the top issuance. In the text links, accurate and diluted keywords can be used, as well as non-slip phrases ("here", "on this page", "here"). Options must be as diverse to impart reference weight of naturalness. Links can also lead from images. The percentage of the types of ankors will depend on the progressable page, key phrases and other factors. Natural ankors should be at least 10%.

Again the post of optimization. In previous articles, I wrote mainly about texts. Now I want to look at the question more extensively. To disassemble how to optimize the entire page of the site for several requests. I will mention SEO-texts again, but I will also talk about code, design, pictures and the top of the issuance of Yandex and Google. No naked theory. Only verified information and real examples.

How does the page optimization begins?

Personally, I start with the selection of keywords. Now I almost always use Key Collector, but quite recently I had enough free Wordstat Yandex. Here are what key phrases I picked up for the section of my site describing the service "":

As you can see, I am going to optimize the page under low-frequency requests. These are not too popular keys. But for them there is a tough struggle. It is worth noting that these are commercial requests. They lead to the real customer site, ready to make an order, and not just visitors who want to read something interesting. Many are ready to pay to be in the top of Yandex and Google, when someone drives into the search for "Order SEO-text":

Please note: "specialists" promise 79% of keys in the top, and they can not get there without paid advertising there.

The next stage is the study of competitors who are already on the first issue of issuing

Many professional SEO-Shniks do not discern to copy successful competitors. The size and structure of the text, the number of entries of keys, meta tags. All this practically does not change. The main thing is to write similar, but technically unique text.

I am not engaged in the plagiarism (perhaps in vain). I always try to create something my own. I did not look at the volume and number of subtitles of the text of other copyrights and content studios. But something noted for myself. Almost all TITLE meta tags and H1 headers they have a banal key listing.

All shout about uniqueness and readability. And search engines still give preference to style headers: "| Writing SEO texts to order. "

For this reason, the title of my page turned out this:

And H1 hereinafter:

Was it a good solution? Soon you will learn. Just below there is a screenshot with current positions on requests that are discussed.

Writing a text that helps to get into the top 10 Yandex / Google

I do not want to repeat what has already told B, therefore only a few important facts that did not mention before.

  1. Although the search is looking for "SEO-texts" and "Seo texts", I decided to use the option that I consider the correct - "SEO-texts". Later I found out whether to do it right. You will also find out this too. Everything is in this post.
  2. I did not check the text by any service. Neither Megaindex on the relevance, nor ADVEGO for uniqueness, neither on fullness and other heresy. You can, by the way, now check yourself. I suspect that the results will surprise you.
  3. I did not particularly ceremony with keys. The readable text for a copywriter with the formation of a philologist and readable text for any other person - different things. Unfortunately, I understood it quite late. In the text that we now consider, I, for example, placed a keyword at the very beginning of the first sentence. Yes, a colleague may not like such a heightened approach. But search engines and customers will appreciate.
  4. I chose such a volume because he allowed to talk in detail about the service. In the text, I tell the potential customer everything that, in my opinion, he should know about my skills and experience. If you entered all the information in 2 thousand characters, I would publish the text smaller. If there were more necessary customer information, I would have wrote a text for 5 thousand.

Other nuances associated with the optimization of the site page

We picked up the keys, studied competitors, wrote the text. What's next?

If you optimize the page for commercial requests, do not try to shove it into the blog

She is not a place next to the information articles. The text about services or goods should be on a separate page to which it is easy to get using the main menu. It should not be unnecessary elements. You can forget about the form for comments. Do not think about adding a subscription to the newsletter.

It is necessary to pay maximum attention

You can compare the entries in my blog with pages with a description of the services. See the difference? This is not due to the fact that the blog has no meaning for me, and I do not want information articles to come to the top. The point is in the other. Sections with commercial requests are much more competitors (including those who pay for contextual advertising). Therefore, they need to work more over them.

On the page we consider as an example, only two pictures (not counting screenshots). But I invested in their search for several hours.

Plus the structure of the page itself. Nothing unusual and complex. But it looks pleasant and convincing. And it differs from what is published on their websites my colleagues / competitors.

The higher the indicators of Google PageSpeed \u200b\u200bInsights, the better

When you publish text on a special design page, measure the download speed using this service. It is desirable that the speed is not lower than 85. Ideally - 100.

Here are the indicators of the page that we consider as an example:

If what you saw does not please, try to do the following:

  1. Share pictures using a free program. Do not look at Photoshop. It does not quite well optimize pictures. Only after processing the FileOptimizer Google Pagespeed Insights normally perceives the illustration and does not consider that they slow down the page load.
  2. Install the AutopTimize plugin to optimize CSS and JavaScript (if your site is on WordPress).
  3. Set W3 Total Cache to configure caching (also for WP).
  4. Delete an excess code from the page. This applies to all "special effects": what moves, flashes, changes color.
  5. Get rid of unnecessary elements. This was mentioned above. Here is a little more. The cool form of comments with drops and emoticons is not only distracting, but it usually slows down the page load. A beautiful feedback form slows down the page. Sherling services in social networks can also adversely affect speed. Leave it all for the blog. Make your commercial optimized pages quick and neat. Do not use external solutions for communication forms .. I left for a minimum of time and money. But now it does not affect the non-loading page, it organically fits into the design, and also tells me the address of the page with which the order is made:

We sum up and look at the results

So, to properly optimize the page under low-frequency requests and get into the TOP issuance of Yandex and Google, it is necessary:

  1. Pick semantics
  2. Explore competitors
  3. Write SEO-text
  4. Prepare a page to publish optimized text (select the structure, design, suitable location on the site, etc.)
  5. Pick pictures
  6. Publish text and illustrations
  7. Maximum increase page download speed

Everything I described in the post, I did every time I made a section describing the service on my website. Here are the results of my work:

Please note that the search engines rank my site and on correct requests (those where SEO-text), and by "curves" (where the seo text), although on the page is only one, the correct form of the phrase.

Position I shot using Key Collector.

You can re-send them right now with any convenient service.

I admit: not all the keys I worked, got into the top. But I am satisfied with the result.

This page constantly leads visitors to the site.

Some of them become customers. Let orders are not so much. But attachments (in the optimization of the page I invested the day of labor) have long paid off. And orders do not stop.

Update 2017: Internal Links, Optimizilla and Results per year

The first part (everything that is written above) of this article I published in July 2016. Today (in November 2017) I decided to add a few useful interesting facts and tell whether my strategy is still working to optimize web pages.

Internal links

Now the inner links are no longer as effective as in 2010. Nevertheless, they still work. Especially if they go on them.

Here are some examples:

As you can see:

  1. Relaxes have a non-profit obvious. That is, they do not have such words as "order", "buy", "price." It is worth noting that I also put the links with commercial antics. But they are much less.
  2. Ankori contain keywords (more precisely part of key phrases): SEO-text, site.
  3. Anchorage links are the most natural possible.
  4. Links are in texts that are similar in content with a progressable page. In these texts, it is also about optimization, search engines and positions.

Optimizilla for proper compression pictures

When I started this post a year ago, I thought it was not better to optimize the images than the free FileOptimizer program.

Then I discovered the Optimizilla service. At the moment, its image compression algorithms in JPEG and PNG formats are better than FileOptimizer. Optimizilla has limitations on the number of files processed (with a maximum of 20 pictures with a maximum of 20 pictures), it works slightly slower than Fileoptimizer.

Nevertheless, after Optimizilla, the pictures weigh less, but they look no worse than after processing FileOptimizer.

Results: Does this still have my approach to optimizing pages?

Almost a year and a half passed, and the page where I tell why you need to use my services for writing SEO-texts Still in the top of Yandex (region: Moscow. You can double-check any convenient free service):

Pay attention to the site that is in the first place. This is the resource of Mikhail Pozdnyakova - another copywriter, which is well versed in optimization. I recommend his blog. There is also a lot of interesting things. And everything, like me, is supported by practicing and real results.

For what requests to me came from Yandex last month:

Not many visitors, but do not forget that my site is not for the sale of banner advertising. The main task site is to tell about my services to all who need texts and SEO. The screenshot above proves that the site copes well with it.

Google encrypts requests, so such detailed screenshots from Google Analytics, unfortunately, I can not present. But there is data from Google Search Console:

The lowest Top and the second issue page is very, very little clicks. All the same these orders. Orders that have not stopped for more than a year.

Update 2019: add content, list for snippet and check the results

Clickable content

I note that some serious changes from clickable are not waiting. For example, if the article was published half a year ago and still did not led a single visitor from the search, it would definitely navigate (more than once verified). But if the page you promote, got on the desired requests to the 11th or 12th place, such a chip is able to "reach" it up to the top 10.

List for Snippeet

Carefully look at what Yandex shows on request "What is a business card site":

Usually in snippet of Yandex solid text, and we have a capacious content, designed in the form of a neat marked list.

In order for the Yandex request you needed the same noticeable list that will benefit your site in extradition, simply add a marked list of a minimum of 3 points to a promotion page. In each of these items, use the desired key. Such a simple reception will significantly increase CTR. The higher the CTR, the higher the position and the more target visitors on the site.

Results of my approach in 2019

With confidence, we can say that my strategy for optimizing the page and under Yandex, and under Google is still effective. May not be effective enough. If I missed something, write in the comments.

How to optimize pages for queries - Consider on the example of the online clothing store. Any online store, as a rule, the structure comes down to the presence of catalog pages (here you can attribute the pages of filters), pages of goods and information pages (news, articles). All these pages can and should contain unique content and be optimized for relevant requestsWhat to attract search traffic. To begin with, you must have a summary list of requests, themed of your site. The so-called semantic kernel (SIA). This list of keywords is broken into groups that combine requests close in meaning. It must be remembered that the more key requests are combined into the group, the more difficult it will be correctly and beautifully optimized by the page for them. For orientation - 10-15 requests in the group it is a suit.

  • We also provide a paid service to collect the semantic kernel. Leaves a request for the compilation of the semantic kernel

How should the page for such a group of requests be unpacked?

Text Scripture on the page is unique, readable, at least 300-500 characters for commodity and from 1000-1500 for catalog, containing keywords from the query group and their synonyms. There are no hard recommendations on the number of characters and the density of keywords.

The text should be written with benefit for people. But it does not interfere with using it with the compilation of "correct words" to which the page is optimized.

Refigable page, this is a page that in the "point of the focus of attention of search robots" there are key phrases and words from the query group.

For each page of the site is necessary in commit to fillsuch elements and they must be unique for each page:

  • title - goes into the issuance of Google as a skippet header (a text piece of the site content in the search results). Displayed length in extradition - 60-70 characters with spaces. Long text in title up to 70 characters with spaces + your brand (it is at the end to not "eat" informative visible in the search). Mandatory contains a key request (phrase from the words of all key queries), which is sharpened.
  • h1. - As a rule, this is the main header of the text part. On the page there can be only one first level header. Contains a key request.
  • description. - enters the issuance of the search engine as a description of your site. The ranking does not particularly affect the ranking, but it's like a "sign of the entrance" in the search results. Length 140 - 160 characters.
  • keyword. - Key requests, under which this page is sharpened, separated by the comma. As the ranking factor is practically not taken into account. You can not fill.
  • pictures -alt.(required) and title pictures(Preferably) - contain a description of the contents and key page requests. Length up to 250 characters.
  • lists and fat font - In the body of the text, it is necessary to use highlight parts where keywords meet - highlighting fat (TH STRONG) and lists (Tags OL, UL)

The most frequency key phrases, from the group of keys to which the page is optimized - it is desirable to use in the first paragraph with direct entry and in the word form. Texts on the site should be structured - add subtitles, pictures. These elements not only make the page of understandable and visually pleasant, but also allow you to organically allocate the entry of key phrases. And so, for example, you have one of the groups of requests:

  • dresses in the floor to buy
  • long dress buy Kiev
  • long dress to buy
  • maxi Dresses
  • maxi dress buy
  • maxi dress buy Kiev

For our example, it is obvious that this is a catalog page where long dresses are collected. Spend words from the group - dresses, Dress, Buy, Kiev, In Paul, Maxi, Long

How will content look like in our example:

  • title - buy a long dress in the floor - stylish dresses Maxi, free shipping Kiev and all Ukraine - your brand
  • h1. - Long dresses in the floor, stylish maxi dresses
  • description. - Large selection of dresses in the floor, long maxi dresses - regular directory updates, discounts, free shipping throughout Ukraine. Buy and get a gift from your brand
  • alt.Buy long dress in the floor, maxi dresses Kiev And Title.Long Maxi Dresses in Paul

Long summer dresses in the floor are a real decoration of any lady, because this is the trend of the current season. Fashionable dresses in the floor perfectly outline the lines and bends of the female body, the silhouette is fitting and give elegance to any type of shape. A variety of models of long dresses Maxi allow themselves to find a favorite model, someone more likely made exactly according to the figure, someone prefers free cut. The most popular models of Maxi dresses in the floor:

  • maxi evening dresses with decorative trim, using flying expensive fabrics
  • dresses in the floor Casual - mostly knitted and linen fabrics, simple cut, straight lines
  • beach dresses in the floor are very light and not hot fabrics, very simple silhos, minimum fasteners.

Right page Optimization Under the query is the main work on internal optimization, not counting the transfinking and distribution of weight through the pages. Only the optimized page has chances of getting into the top by one or another keyword. If the page is not optimized, it will be much more difficult to promote its external factors.

Optimize pages need with good lighting. LED screens and media phased is the most productive way to light the room or a street.

So to correctly optimize pageThe following factors must be observed.

How to optimize the article:

1. Number of characters on the page.

Symbols should be from 1000 and higher. Ideally, of course, 3000 characters without spaces. This is the perfect page size when the search engine will be pleased, and the user who came to the site will be read about. Moreover, such a size of the article reveals its essence without "water". Also, there will be no problems from the article if the article has an impressive size. With the size of the content on the page decided.

2. Highlight a key phrase in the tag

Keywords need to be allocated. The page with the size of the symbols of 3 thousand, it will be enough to highlight the keyword 3-4 times. Moreover, it is necessary to allocate not only directore entry, but also wordforms and in various cases. On the example of this article, i.e. A request to optimize the page, I have to take keywords such as "Page Optimization" "Page Optimization for Request" and others. Those. Do not bother with direct accurate entry, the car will understand what you wanted to say.

3. Tags H groups.

Very important factor when optimizing the article. In H1, the main query must go, which will be duplicated in Tialle. Roughly speaking, H1 is the title of the article. In H2, it is necessary to place the second word, which will also give traffic. Below, i h3-h6 can not be used, they do not carry a special value.

4. Perelinka. Refer to articles, with similar on topics and meaning. The content link, not only increases the weight of the page to which you refer to, in addition to this you get transitions through it, the user is delayed on the site, thereby increasing you the behavioral factor and remaining a regular visitor. The main thing is that the link is in the subject, and is interested in the user. In another case, it is better not to put.

5. Desription and Keywords.

At the end of the page optimization, be sure to fill the fields of deskripts and keywords. The descript is important when ranking, as well as affects the CTR of your site in the results of issuing. Keywords are no longer a fundamental factor in ranking, and its effect is almost reduced to zero. But still, for the full picture, fill it and it.

These are the basic factors that determine the quality of the internal optimization of the page. Making them all, you can not quite well optimize the page for query, and get traffic on it. The main thing is that the article reveal the essence, because If the user leaves, ultimately the page will still fly away due to low behavioral factors.