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The application for FB2 on the computer. E-book FB2 - what kind of format, how and what to open

Despite the fact that there were mobile e-books, replaced traditional paper sources of information, preferably readers, it is desirable that a reader for books have been on your own computer. It may need, for example, to read technical, scientific and fiction, as well as to view the drawings, which are currently created in the book format.
Programs for reading books on a computer are a huge set. Below is a selection of readers that have managed to establish yourself from the best side.

Cool Reader.

It can rightfully be called the most popular and common among users. There is a version for both a computer and a mobile device. Supports many different book formats: .doc, .txt, .fb2, .rtf i.epub. The program allows you to view websites.

Features of the reader for the computer are as follows:

  • automatic transfer of pages. The function can be disabled if you want to spend considerable time to familiarize yourself with the data on the page;
  • adjustment of the background and brightness of the font in accordance with the wishes of the user;
  • view the contents of books in archives without resorting to their unpacking.


- This is a program for reading electronic books that can work on computers with the Linux and Windows operating system.

The main feature of the reader is a lot of settings. But, the ordinary user is unlikely to have to change something, and it may well do the default settings. AlReader supports mass formats, including ODT and FB2. Just thanks to the possibility of viewing the last two formats, the reader and became in demand.

It is noteworthy, but when creating a program, the creators paid special attention and its design. Opening AlReader, the user is surprised to see the book on the printed newspaper sheets. To use the reader, there is no need to install it. Immediately after downloading, it can be used in full-fledged mode.


If the user has often to resort to viewing documents and reading literature in all sorts of formats, it is recommended to download this reader. The reading process can be configured in accordance with personal preferences.

It has a simple and intuitive interface, which, if desired, is easy to configure. All open book files are classified according to the characteristics - the name, genre and author.

Move e-books into a shared folder is not required - FBReader automatically creates links to their location in the computer's memory. The shortage of the program is one - the two-page mode is not provided.

Adobe Reader.

It is difficult to find a computer user who has never met in life with this program. As a rule, if you want to open a book in PDF format, you apply exactly Adobe Reader. In this format, not only books, but also magazines and other journals are being created. Many other readers do not always manage documents and books in PDF.

Documents in PDF format can also be a threat to the computer. The attackers introduce malicious scripts in them and therefore before opening anything, you should check the file in the antivirus program.

The same problem concerns other programs where you can open books and documents in PDF. To minimize the risks to use only the latest versions of the reader. The program takes a lot of space in the memory of the computer and is set much longer than other software products with similar appointments.


Format.djvu gradually and steadily displaces documents in format.pdf. The fact is that the first format is better compressed files, which allows you to save space in the memory of the computer. If a modern reader is required to read data in the.djvu format, then it is the best of them.

The advantages of the program are as follows:

  • opening of documents and in other formats in addition to.djvu;
  • you can scroll through all pages, and not flipping them in two, which happens in the overwhelming number of programs;
  • creating bookmarks in a simple and convenient way;
  • fast book opening speed.

Foxit Reader.

Like the previous reader, Foxit Reader can also be applied to read documents in PDF format. But, unlike Adobe Reader, requires smaller volume on the hard disk for installation. The range of features of the reader is quite huge.

The program menu is represented in several languages. The application operates mainly on Windows operating computers. But, recently there were versions that can work on a PC where Windows is used.


The word Professional in the name of the program is not just like that. This reader has a fairly enviable functionality, which is easy to understand, tested the program within a few minutes. It spreads absolutely free and is represented in Russian.

Includes the program two equivalent to the significance of the module - library and reader. To view the documents, you can select one-page or double-page mode.

Often, the mode is selected in accordance with the user preferences and the dimensions of the monitor screen. Each of the modes has its own set of settings.

Plus and at the same time minus (because of the increase in the data occupied by the data), the readers are that all books it automatically downloads to the library completely. So the file can be removed from the main place in the subsequent.

If the amount of space for data storage is small, then you should go to the settings and adjust the level of their compression.

The ICE BOOK READER PROFESSIONAL has the following features:

  • file support in various formats. Exception - .pdf;
  • the entered settings are not automatically remembered. Upon subsequent inclusion, change the parameters in them again will not need;
  • data can be opened from archives without attracting one or another archiver. Information can be viewed in archives in the following, .rar and in others.
Ice Book Reader Professional is one of the best readers and the most customizable. It is worth sitting on it a few minutes, changing the parameters in the settings, and the program can be applied to use it at night and on the street. Due to this, the negative impact on vision will be minimized.


It is not so attractive interface, but it is easy to use and allows you to change the mass of the parameters in the settings. There is a multiple tab mode, which makes it possible to simultaneously open several books.

The most important advantage is multi-informitivity. Using it, you can open documents in format.pdf.


The final selection of readers everyone does for himself. However, if it was difficult in choosing, it is worth emphasizing in favor of the most functional - Stdu Viewer, Ice Book or AlReader.

Paper books gradually moved into electronic form, and now all the booklers instead of extensive bookshelves are acquiring a variety of files. And sooner or later, the question will arise how to open the FB2 file, because such types of books are the most common and convenient for use.

FB2 is the most popular format for e-books. His main advantage is that it will look invariably equally on all types of devices with any operating system and screen resolution.

From here it becomes clear that to open FB2 files there are programs for all platforms and devices. And moreover, such programs are a huge set, and I will tell about some of them in this article.


One of the most popular tools in order to open the FB2 file. He earned his fame at the expense of simplicity and ease, as well as cross-platform. The program works smartly, and there are versions for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, BlackBerry and many other OS, on which fixed and mobile devices work. On the developer's website you can download the version for the desired operating system.

FBReader supports features:

  • creating offline and network libraries;
  • sort book
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • search function;
  • other.

Ice Book Reader.

You can open the FB2 file using the Universal Ice Book Reader reader, which also supports a huge number of other text files. This program is created exclusively for Windows, in contrast to those described above, but it has the maximum functionality.

Among some opportunities, Ice Book Reader can be noted as follows:

  • opens text files of different formats.
  • you can open the FB2 file and turn on autoscrolling.
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • search;
  • there are many options to set up the program for yourself.

So, in this article I brought the most popular programs that allow you to open the FB2 file. They became such well-known at the expense of comfort. It is unlikely that programs will appear more comfortable than those that I described. Therefore, use.

Good day.

Who just predicted the end of the books with the beginning of the development of computer technology. However, progress progress, but books as they lived, and live (and they will live). It was just a little changed - electronic came to replace paper foliants.

And in this, should notice, there are no advantages: not one thousand books can fit on the most common computer or tablet (on Android), each of which can be discovered and start reading in seconds; No need to keep a large wardrobe in the house for storage - everything is placed on a PC disk; In electronic video, it is convenient to place bookmarks and reminders, etc.

The best programs for reading e-books (* .fb2, * .txt, * .doc, * .pdf, * .djvu and others)

For Windows.

Several useful and convenient "readers", which will help to plunge into the absorption process of the next book sitting at the computer.

Cool Reader.

One of the most common programs for both Windows and for android (although in my opinion, for the latter, there are programs and more convenient, but about them below).

From the main features:

  • supports formats: FB2, TXT, RTF, DOC, TCR, HTML, EPUB, CHM, PDB, MOBI (i.e., all the most common and in demand);
  • adjustment of brightness of the background and fonts (mega convenient thing, you can make reading convenient for any screen and person!);
  • auto-turning (convenient, but not always: sometimes you read one page 30 seconds., Other - minute);
  • convenient bookmarks (it is very convenient);
  • the ability to read books from the archives (it is also very convenient, for many are distributed in the network in archives);

Al Reader.

Another very interesting "reader". From its main advantages: this is the possibility of choosing the encoding (and therefore, when opening a book, "Kryakosabra" and not readable characters are practically excluded); Support, both popular and rare formats: FB2,, FBZ, TXT,, partial support for EPUB (without DRM), HTML, DOCX, ODT, RTF, MOBI, PRC (PALMDOC), TCR.

In addition, it is impossible not to note that this program can be used when working with Windows, and on android. I also want to note that in this program there is a fairly fine tuning of brightness, fonts, indents, etc. "Pieces", which will help to configure the display to an ideal state, but not depending on the equipment used. I recommend to an unequivocal acquaintance!


Another well-known and popular "reader", I could not bypass it as part of this article. Perhaps, of its most important advantages, it is: free, support for all popular and not very formats (EPUB, FB2, MOBI, HTML, etc.), flexible ability to configure books (fonts, brightness, indents), large network library (you can Always pick up something for evening reading).

By the way, it is impossible not to say, the application works on all the most popular platforms: Windows, Android, Linux, Mac OS X, BlackBerry, etc.

Adobe Reader.

This program, probably, know almost all users who have ever worked with PDF format. And in this mega-popular format, many magazines, books, texts, pictures, etc. are distributed.

The PDF format is specific, sometimes it is impossible to open it on other readers, except in Adobe Reader. Therefore, I recommend to have a similar program on my PC. She has already become a basic program for many users and its installation, even, does not cause questions ...


DJVU format has become very popular lately, partially displaces PDF format. This is due to the fact that DJVU is stronger compresses the file, with the same quality. DJVU format also apply to books, magazines, etc.

The readers of this format are quite a lot, but there are one small and simple utility among them - Djvuviwer.

What it is better than others:

  • easy and fast;
  • allows you to scroll all the pages at once (that is, they are unnecessary to overflow, as in other programs of this kind);
  • there is a convenient option to create bookmarks (it is convenient, and not just its presence ...);
  • opening all DJVU files without exception (i.e. there is no such that the utility has opened one file, and the second could not ... And such, by the way, with some programs it happens (like universal programs presented above)).

For android

ereader Prestigio.

On my modest view is one of the best programs for reading e-books on android. I constantly use it on the tablet.

Judge himself:

  • a huge number of formats are supported: FB2, EPUB, PDF, DJVU, MOBI, PDF, HTML, DOC, RTF, TXT (including audio formats: MP3, AAC, M4B and reading books loud (TTS));
  • fully in Russian;
  • convenient search, bookmarks, brightness setting, etc.

Those. The program from the category - set 1 time and forgot about it, just use without thinking! I recommend to try, screenshot from it below.

FullReader +.

Another convenient application for Android. I also often use it, opening one book in the first reader (see above), and the second in this :).

Main advantages:

  • support for pile of formats: FB2, EPUB, DOC, RTF, TXT, HTML, MOBI, PDF, DJVU, XPS, CBZ, DOCX, etc.;
  • the possibility of reading out loud;
  • convenient tuning background color (for example, you can make a background as a real old book, some of them like it);
  • built-in file manager (convenient to seek right immediately);
  • convenient "memorist" of recently open books (and reading current).

Cataloging books

Those who have a lot of books, do without any cataloger, is quite difficult. Hold hundreds of authors, publishers, which is read, and what else is not, who was given something - a rather complicated occupation. And in this regard, I want to allocate one utility - All My Books.

Despite the fact that Epub and Mobi formats are becoming increasingly popular on mobile devices, FB2 (Fictionbook) to bury it too early. Today we will consider under our microscope the best programs for reading FB2, which provide maximum eye comfort and without unnecessary frills. These applications should not only open e-books, but also to fit perfectly.

The following free apps included in the mobile FB2 list of readers for Android:

All applications are available for download on Google Play, links to them are available next to the description of each FB2 reader. So, begin testing.

FBReader - Cute FB2-reader for Android

How to open the file? FBReader - the first thing that comes to mind

Perhaps no review does not mention. If you do not know how to open the FB2 file, then this is exactly the application that first comes to mind, regardless of the platform. The fact is that FBReader is available everywhere:

  • for desktop OS (Windows / Mac OS / Linux)
  • mobile Phones and Tablets (Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry 10)

Only iOS is missing in this list - but, it is clear, to read in this mobile OS there are a lot of "native" reading applications.

In addition to FB2, the FBReader application for Android successfully opens the following document formats: EPUB, AZW3, Word documents, HTML, simple text documents, PDF and (by module). True, the last of the named are available after installing plug-ins, which are posted for free download on the application site.

Let's see why the FBReader project was developed, what is the main features of the reader and why should it be used to read books on android? We list the three main reader chips (highlighted in bold).

Synchronization of books on the phone via the network library. FBReader provides cloud service for storing books. You can (by reference - a list of electronic libraries), quietly download documents and books in FB2 format (they can be squeezed into the ZIP archive) to the cloud, and then access access and read on any devices. Position (where you are in the document) will be saved. By the way, synchronization is configured in a couple of clicks, it is disabled by default.

How to open FB2 using FBReader?

In addition to its own library, you can connect additional network directories and bookstores. As for me, I don't use the network functions of the reader FBReader at all, just downloading books from popular online libraries to yourself on Android in FB2 format. This is a standard way to download books that works "with a bang."

Configuring display FB2 books. In addition to the fact that FBReader has a pleasant user interface, pleases to finely configure text display in the book. In this connection, it is necessary to mark the color schemes, night and day reading mode, screen brightness, change in the backdrop, text colors, font size and headset. You can download on android loved fonts in TrueType or OpenType format and specify them in the RIDER parameters.

Finally, the third feature of this program for reading FB2 for Android will like those who read books in foreign languages \u200b\u200b- namely the easy connection of dictionaries to transfer words in the text of books. Take the same Kindl: there you can connect the English-Russian dictionary and promptly recognize the translation of this or that word when it is allocated. On android readers, such a feature is often unavailable, but FBReader is a pleasant exception. Add to your phone ColorDict, Fora Dictionary, to your dictionaries, indicate FBReader "from where to get the words - and you can read the Fictionbook books and.

AlReader - old FB2 reader with good functionality

AlReader is a fairly old reader for FB2, which appeared at the dawn of the flourishing of mobile phones. When opening an application, even a sense of nostalgia occurs: too, AlReader reminds its early versions. That is, the interface since the time has not changed too much. You can treat this in two ways: on the one hand, if you have already opened books in FB Reader and similar readers, then the AlReader application interface is most likely you will not like it. On the other hand, we advise you to estimate other parties to this mobile application.

The AlReader application boasts support not only FB2 format, but also reading books in Epub, Mobi, Doc, including from archives. You can use a local or network library to navigate the document. In fact, inside the book you can also move through the sections (one of the FB2 Fish, by the way), create bookmarks and notes along the reading. The application recognizes many gestures, which makes sense. First of all, to adjust the brightness, navigation.

The appearance and display of the book display on the phone screen is conveniently configured: indents, background color and font, size of the headset, effects of turning - in general, everything that can be found in any developed program for reading e-books on android.

In short, we would advise you to pay attention to the mobile reader AlReader, because it has proven reader among users not only Android, but also other mobile platforms. A non-commodular shell is partly compensated by skins and excellent functionality.

Moon + Reader - "Moon" Reader FB2 for midnight

Reading FB2 using the Moon Reader program

The "lunar reader" is little inferior to the same FBReader, it can be used with the same success to read the books in FB2 format not only. The list of supported book formats includes popular Mobile formats EPUB, TXT, HTML, PDF, MOBI, FB2 and others. Books can be packaged in RAR and Zip archives and open them without problems on Android through Moon + Reader.

Similar to FBReader reader, Moon Reader has the ability to connect online libraries with books. You can also download e-books in the above formats on the SD card or internal memory, and then open them in the application.

Ease of reading at the height: setting the size of fonts, colors, background, indents, shadows, transparency and other beauty, which somehow affect color perception. Returning to the name of the application - Moon Reader - Yes, read at night in this reader is quite convenient, in stock with a dozen verses, as well as night and day reading modes.

When reading, it is worth noting the following features: autoscroll, smooth scrolling text, screen brightness adjustment when slide, optimization with long reading, flipping effects, text alignment setting, transfer modes, display modes for both tablet and small android devices.

If we talk about the unique features of the FB2 program, then this is an unusually wide support for gestures. You can customize literally any team by appointing a certain gesture to execute it. And if the Kindl or the other E-ink reader is bypassing the screen for reading, then in terms of Android gestures ahead of the planet. You can configure the actions on the taps, the volume control buttons, search, the camera button and others. At your disposal 24 operations for which you can hang these gestures.

Good news for fans of foreign literature and for attentive readers who like smoking on the fields: Moon Reader is very convenient to allocate text fragments, you can connect dictionaries to transfer text, popular ColorDict, Fora, ABBYY Lingvo and others are supported. According to this aspect, Mun reader is even a reputable reader FBReader.

Prestigio Reader - Quality Telephone Reader for Book Formats

Prestigio Reader is able to open a lot of book formats, but first of all focus on mobile: it is FB2, Epub, Djvu, etc. If you prefer to listen to audiobooks, then these needs reader will satisfy without problems.

Prestigio Reader - really "prestigious" program for reading books FB2

Prestigio Reader - Honestly, a very pleasant opening for us. In the first steps, when working with the reader, everything is intuitive. At first, Hyde illustrates where and which items need to be used in the application.

FB2 books are added to the library automatically, through an intelligent search. What is incredibly convenient, because You do not need to look for files on your phone yourself, although the File Manager is seized for these purposes in the Prestigio Reader program. In addition, more than 5 thousand books are available for downloading in the online library.

The interface of the Prestigio Reader application is very pleasant and fresh. By default, everything seems to be arranged, but in any case you can configure the design of the FB2-book to itself. In rapid settings - font size, indents, headset. Going into extended settings, you will see setting up styles, colors, panels, animations - even more than you need to read the files in FB2 format.

PocketBook - FB2 and PDF Reader for Android

PocketBook is designed to read FB2 books on your mobile device on Android platform. It is hardly worth listed the formats of books with which this reader works - it covers all popular extensions, in fact duplicating both Moon Reader and FBReader.

I put your hand on the heart, it is worth a recognition that among the readers FB2 for android is not so many pleasant programs in which a) interface looks modern b) nice to read books. Unfortunately, on Google Play there are PDF and FB2 readers with a frankly wretched shell. You open them and think: Well, all the hope that the pages in the book will look fine, at least in this program does not give up. AN no, and fonts under the interface.

As for the Pocketbook application for Android, then everything is the opposite: this is one of the most successful books for reading books in Fictionbook format. Developers have achieved this by convenient navigation through the library and the implementation of the circular menu.

At first, a similar device of the main menu in PocketBook requires addiction, which is clear: rarely in which mobile FB2 reader will meet such a know how. But then it becomes clear that through this menu you can exercise almost all necessary actions: change the size of the fonts, adjust the brightness, go to the menu and so on. The main menu of the application provides a standard parameter basis for setting text display in the book: indents, colors, themes of decoration.

In a word, the developers of the PocketBook application have tried and released a quality product for reading android. It is curious that the same team is engaged in the development of e-books on E Ink ink and related accessories.

EbookDroid - FB2 and PDF Reading Program

EBookDroid reader focuses on two book formats - PDF and deja vu, but the FB2 books with it can also be read with the same convenience on the phone or tablet. However, what about this very convenience?

After fast testing, ebookdroid sensations are double. On the one hand, all the main functions of reading on the spot. You can open books, navigate through pages and partitions, leave bookmarks and comment in various ways, configure the display of fonts and even add your own headsets.

However, as for the actual shell, it is not very pleasant for the eyes. Although the EbookDroid application is regularly updated, the visual shell of these innovations relate to a small extent. It looks like an application for reading a Fictionbook so, as if the yard is not 2016, and 2006.

We hope that soon we can download the FB2 program in the Material Design. And this is not taste, but a simple requirement from most Android OS users.

Cool Reader - an old-fashioned reader for android

Free Oldskaya FB2 reader for Android called Cool Reader supports almost all sought-after e-book formats (PDF, MOBI, RTF, actually Fictionbook, etc.), although, for example, Doc and AZW3 in the list.

Oldskul - because the interface, as in the previous case, is obsolete. This creates certain inconveniences: first, the bookshelf is not such an effect, as in the case of Pocketbook (it could simply be replaced by a simple list); Secondly, you immediately have to rebuild everything "for yourself": background, color, font size and alignment.

If you close your eyes on a custom envelope, how the developer notes on the program description page, Cool Reader simultaneously has similarities with FBReader, Aldiko, AlReader, Moon Reader and other FB2 reader's representatives for Android. Therefore, the list of functions is similar to all of the above.

Summary. We mentioned, in our opinion, the best FB2 readers for Android. As can be seen, there is always there anything to open both FB2 and PDF, EPUB, MOBI. The following reviews will consider these mobile formats for storing books on the phone. Good luck!

1 vote

Good day, dear readers of my blog. This article sets me on a nostalgic wave. I remember times when we bought discs with books. Then the Internet appeared and all began to download the Words documents, everything is for the same purpose.

We constantly thought, were looking for the best services, programs and ways to get high-quality information and consume it with maximum comfort.

Then the mysterious format and a bunch of programs appeared than to open the FB2 file on the computer, one is better than another. Analysis may take a lot of time.

The easiest way to open

To start a pair of words about format, because the set of electronic libraries offers many options for downloading. Nevertheless, FB2 will still be the best and right solution. Why?

FB2 create on the semblance of sites, thanks to various tags and code. Which allows the electronic document to look most attractive.

In the books of this format there is always a convenient table of contents, there are less often krakoyabry, it is convenient to read the footnotes (for it you just need to bring the cursor or click on the link), pictures, tables, and all the other perfect and conveniently decorated, when you press it becomes more.

In short, everything is like on sites. So, if a book for reading from an electronic device, then it is always FB2.

In fact, to open a book, you don't even have to use programs and look for something. You can download only Yandex Browser ( ) And install it on your computer.

I will say frankly, I dislike him. This is not connected with some technical factors, there is rather a certain psychological barrier or destructive behavior. "I don't like it all here, we will not argue." If you also do not have a soul to him, then for the Internet you can continue to use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, but no one bothers the books thanks to Yandex.

Download the book after you installed Yandex Browser and Windows starts automatically offering you to open books using Yandex. Click two times on the document and wait.

You can put a bookmark.

Registration in one or two columns to choose from.

And quick transition to the table of contents.

If you are still closer to Google Chrome, then the book can be opened with it, but it is necessary to download the FB2 extension, passing under this reference .

In the upper right corner choose "install" and wait.

Agree to change.

Ready. Expansion is established.

Now you can add a book.

Find her on the computer.

It is not so beautifully displayed as in Yandex and there is no useful features to add bookmarks, but if you close the book, then you will start reading from the same place.

To open the extension, go to the "Services" section from the start page.

Two opening programs. Choose the best

Before I did not find a more convenient way to search and read books, from the phone and on the computer, I used FB2. From your mobile device, I like it incredibly. It was possible to reduce the brightness, simply by spending a finger at the bottom up and on the contrary, as well as a bunch of additional features. Let's see how much he changed and is it possible to consider it not bad now.

By the way, there is another option. You click on the file with the right mouse button and choose "Open with ...". Several options will open.

This is what the book looks like in Haali.

Best option for searching and reading books

I have already said that I myself use a completely special service. It allows you to find and read the most popular, new and useful books online.

There are literature in English, and books from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", and in general, any works that you have ever heard somewhere even those that cannot be obtained in free access and internet. We are talking about service .

There is a huge library that has a huge number of benefits. I will show you now.

But see, for example, the books of Stephen Covi, who cannot be downloaded for any site for free, on ozone there is from 200 rubles and higher.

A. Bookmaite It goes on premium subscription.

It is 350 rubles per month. With the way, as soon as you pay for it, you are provided with a link to free access for a friend, that is, you can generally thrall with someone and divide the amount in half. Paying for Premium Tariff You get full access to all literature on this service within a month.

See what to do if you buy a book, and in the end you do not like it? Nothing, it remains only to forget about the thrown money. Here you are without unnecessary shadow doubts stop reading and go to another, more useful literature. This is a significant savings. Especially if you want to develop and spend money on it.

Another cool advantage is shelves. Collections on topics created by users of the service. For example, you want to learn something about social networks. Enter into the search location "SMM" and you are opening not only books, in the names of which there is this word, but also the shelves. Click on one of them.

There is a whole selection that may be interesting to you, and in addition, the real reviews of the person who has already read the book!

You see, you may not even suspect that it can be useful, and a person suggests what to pay attention to. What literature and authors are now in the top.

You can download here and your works and read them for free. I mean not the ones that you wrote you (although there is such an opportunity, you can even earn it, but you can throw here what downloaded from another source.

Drag and drop the file into the form.

And you have access to it from all devices. By the way, this is another very important advantage. You can go to your at work or at home, download the application to the phone and always have your own bookshelf. What you read will open exactly on the place where you closed will put the bookmark or not. Very comfortably.

There is a section "Downloads".

The second option - take the cursor around the cover until the link "Read" appears.

The text opens. If you have not paid the tariff, but the book is in premium category, then you can familiarize yourself with the first pages if the tariff is paid, then access will be the whole text, naturally.

On the right there is a table of contents.

You can go to any item.

The left button will help open the page on the entire screen.

Work with the text to be more convenient to read.

And also without problems, by pressing one button, you can see all your quotes and go to them. By the way, they will all be stored in one place in your profile, indicating the book in which you found this text. A good way to refresh in memory is one work or all that you have read over the past year!

To create a quote allocate the cursor or a finger (if you work with a tablet or phone), the required offer and automatically appear an additional menu.

So, everything is very convenient. If you ask me what option to read the FB2 best, I will answer that it is undoubtedly Bookmate.

That's it. Now you know a little more and if you like this publication, then subscribe to the newsletter and recognize more about how to work and make money on the Internet.

If you like to read and learn, you may probably like you, you can at least try. Someone will attract, and some will want to comprehend the secret language of the code. All this is very interesting. Earn and develop at the same time.

I sincerely wish you success in life and self-development. Subscribe to mine group VKontakte. Read more and find ways to apply these knowledge in practice!