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How to remove secure mode on android. Good too can be with fists. How to disable secure mode on Android: basic techniques for different models of smartphones

OS "Android" found millions of fans worldwide. Its success is not amazing, because all rights belong to the global giant "Google". Users choose her for convenience, understandable interface and democraticity. After all, almost all elements can be changed, up to the editing system files. However, such modifications do not end with anything good if the device is in inept hand. In addition, if thoughtlessly pump various content, such as applications from unknown sources, it can harm even the highest quality version of the shell. And the "robot" himself, like no other OS, is subject to viral attacks and errors in the course of work. To solve such problems, developers have provided a platform for the possibility of accessing safe mode. About what it is, how to use it and how to remove the safe mode on the tablet and the smartphone, we will talk in this article.

Why do you need a bR and how to go to it?

In order to get in need to click on the lock button as you would do to turn off the gadget. The "Turn off" item needs to be tapped and retain before the request for the transition to the BR. Select "OK" and wait until your device reboots and turns on in Br. A separate topic for the conversation is a safe mode on the tablet, how to turn it off, we will tell you slightly below. In the meantime, I would like to say a few words about common opportunities.

BR is a mode designed to diagnose the device. If you know what kind of safe mode "windows" and you had to face it - there should be no problems with its use on the tablet. In this state, all third-party applications, drivers, utilities and components are disabled in order to easily test the system and identify the existing errors. In this position, you can see how "the naked" Android can work, while it is not unhappy with third-party programs, various widgets and other similar components. It is important to note that the BR is turned off and the Internet connection.

How to turn off secure mode?

Safe mode does not need some special disconnection. As a rule, it is enough just to restart the device, and it will start in the usual form. But sometimes it happens that even after rebooting the gadget is still returned to the safe mode, quite often the tablet owners are neglected. What to do in this case?

Safe mode on the tablet: how to turn off?

If after you rebooted the system, the device did not return to the previous state - try simply turn it off, wait for some time and turn on again. In some cases, it is also required to get a battery. But how to remove the safe mode on the tablet? After all, not all such devices are removed the back cover. Of course, return the gadget to a state with the functioning of all components can be, and even there are several ways.

How to return the tablet to normal mode

To do this, run the system reboot. During the new turning on the tablet, you must click on the "Home" button. It should not be released until the gadget does not turn on completely.

The variety of tablet models manufactured under the "Android" OS is really great. On some of them, there is even no built-in reboot feature. Then you need to completely turn off the gadget. And immediately after starting to hold the button already known to us.

Reload the tablet with the Recovery mode

"Recovery" mode is a special console with which the settings are reset or the operating system load. If you bought a tablet in a certified store and with stock firmware, this console must be present in your device. She resembles a BIOS work a little if you have an analogy with a computer. If this console for some reason did not turn out - it can be downloaded directly from the OS itself with small utilities. So, safe mode on the tablet: how to turn it off in the Recovery console?

For each device model (no matter, the tablet is or a smartphone) there is a way to get into the "recovery" mode. Initially, you need to turn off the gadget. Then try to press the on and down volume button at the same time (you can try and increase the volume). This is the most common way to go to the console. If not - it is worth reading the instructions, how to go to the "recovery" from your tablet.

In the console you will see the R EBoot System item is a reboot. You can reach it using the volume keys, and choose to make the power button. With the help of item Wipe is reset to factory settings. This should be done only as a last resort, if all previous ways did not help you return the tablet to normal operation. All user settings will be deleted, but the information on the memory card will remain.

We told you about the safe mode on the tablet. How to disable it, you now know, and therefore do not be afraid to apply such a way to diagnose the system and troubleshooting.

Safe mode is designed to help fix errors that occur when operating systems. It is also in Android devices, annoying users with their random appearance. How to disable secure mode on android and do not apply an additional damage to smartphone or tablet? The procedure is quite simple and does not cause special difficulties. Let's deal with what is a secure mode, as it is called and how it turns off.

Why do you need a secure mode

The Android operating system has a rather complicated internal device. It consists of thousands of files providing its functionality. Even the smallest mistakes lead to the appearance of various failures.. As a result, the correct operation of the operating system is disturbed.

In order to get rid of errors, a huge amount of tools are provided. These tools scan system and user files, analyze the work of the services and eliminate various shortcomings. In the most difficult cases, the functionality of the system is disturbed so much that the device stops working and loaded.

And if it is loaded, it slows down. What to do? At first glance, the optimal output from the situation becomes a general reset. But it is fraught with the loss of all user data. Therefore, you can try to cope with the situation by means of a safe mode present on all smartphones and android tablets. Safe mode allows you to:

  • Delete unnecessary user files;
  • Delete applications that caused the failure;
  • Hold manual cleaning system from garbage;
  • Run the system when it is not possible to boot.

This mode starts only basic functions and services, so the entire installed software will be disconnected. The installation of software in this mode works, but it fails to run it. As for the basic file managers, postal programs, application store and other built-in utilities, their performance is preserved.

For ordinary users, the presence of a secure mode will allow you to cope with the removal of applications that lead to the system hang. For example, you set some kind of system application, after which it was found in the impossibility of downloading Android - we enter safe mode, delete the last installed programs and reboot in normal mode.

Using a safe mode, you can not be afraid of something "break", since there is no superuser's rights in this mode - all operations performed are extremely safe. Certificate of logging in mode is the inscription "Safe Mode" or "Safe Mode" in the left side of the screen.

How to enter safe mode

In order to figure out how to remove the safe mode on Android, you need to understand how to get there. Most often, users come here by chance, after any failures with a subsequent reboot. I.e, the system itself offers to remove the latest software that caused a failure.

In some cases, the safe mode is activated after the nearest reboot without any visible reasons. Sometimes a safe mode is activated by accidentally pressing individual keys during the reboot. For example, the SAMSUNG smartphones and tablets are clamping both sound control keys - this is done at the moment when the manufacturer's logo appears on the screen.

This is the official combination of keys to log in to a safe mode where you can remove unnecessary software or caused data failure. Similarly, the input is in secure mode and on many other smartphones. Somewhere clamping both volume keys, and somewhere - only one of them.

In the old Android versions, the safe mode is activated at the shutdown stage - it was necessary to press the "Disable power" item and wait until the activation menu of this mode appears. In the new versions, this feature is removed.

Ways to disable secure mode

Now we know how to enter the secure mode - Android devices enter it yourself or through custom action (when you press the key combination). How to disable secure mode on android? There are several ways for this. The first one is the easiest reboot.

If you find that the device entered safe mode, try to restart it in normal mode - as a rule, it helps. The following way is to complete power outage by 30-60 seconds. Here everything is simple - remove the back cover, remove the battery and wait.

Next, set the battery back, press the power button and wait for and loading. Now our device must start in normal mode. The third way is to press the "volume up" key, "volume up" or "home" when rebooting the smartphone or tablet - press one of the keys and hold it until the desktop appears.

If the inscription "Safe Mode" does not disappear, restart the device and try to clamp another key.

The last way is relevant for smartphones and tablets with non-removable batteries, since it does not provide for a complete power off. If the inscription "Safe Mode" persistently does not disappear, try removing the latest installed applications or downloaded files and send a reboot device.

A new smartphone or tablet based on android always works without failures and glitches. But what to do, if in the future the device suddenly "slows down", slows down the speed of its operation, the applications are incorrectly, the sensor is unstable? Such problems can be solved by including secure operation. In the device running Android, Safe Mode will provide an opportunity to determine what problems occur.

If the phone in safe mode works normally, then "glitches" with it occur due to any application.

How to enable: 3 ways

Of all the ways of inclusion in the most relevant, perhaps are the following:

Method 1

Method 2.

  1. Turn off the phone.
  2. When an inscription appears on the display, corresponding to the name of the smartphone brand or the Android inscription, then you must click the volume button.
  3. In this case, after turning on the screen at the bottom of the screen, the "Safe Mode" (SAFE MODE) appears.

Method 3.

If the above methods did not fit, then try it like this:

  1. The device must be turned off.
  2. During loading, hold the volume button to reduce.
  3. After that, the safe mode will turn on.

Note: In some versions, android, to go to Safe Mode, you must restart the smartphone manually, and at a time when the operating system logo appears on the screen, you need to press the enhancement buttons and reduce the sound volume and hold until the device is fully loaded.

How to Disable: 2 options

No less relevant to disconnect the secure mode. Before you, you need to restart the device, and then use one of the proposed options.

First option shutdown

  1. The phone is turned on, after a reboot, the Safe Mode is automatically turned off.
  2. If the automatic reset of the secure mode has not happened, it is necessary to delete the last application that it was installed, for this you need to select the Settings item in the Application menu.
  3. When this application is selected, it will be proposed to delete. This item needs to touch.
  4. After the actions done, restart the device.

The second option of disconnection

If the first method did not give the desired result, you can try the second way - reset to factory settings:

  1. You must first select the Settings item from the menu, to touch the item backup and resetting the settings.
  2. In the proposed menu, select reset to factory settings, then reset your smartphone / tablet.
  3. Delete everything. After that, the device will be like new. But, keep in mind that all installed applications and personal data will be deleted. Only the factory settings installed by the manufacturer will remain.

Thus, SAFE Mode loads only the required number of programs and utilities, only the required components. It is for the security of these user, the manufacturers have developed the above mode, and only those that installed the manufacturer of the device will work. All other programs that have been established by the user itself may have some threat, and therefore will be disabled.

Even if serious problems occurred in the phone, and in the standard mode, it no longer performs its basic functions, then in safe mode it can still work. For example, the battery began to discharge too quickly or the call button does not work before submitting such a machine to repair, you can check its performance in this service mode.

With the help of a safe mode in the tablet or smartphone Samsung, Sony, ZTE, HTC, Lenovo, Fly, LG, ASUS, Huawei Dexp, MTS, BQ working on android, for example, 5.1, you can correct the errors occurring in the system, although it may sometimes be necessary for this Function simply disable.

What is a safe mode for Android? This allows you to safely reboot the system in your phone and solve the problems that occur during its use.

In safe mode, only default applications and some third-party tools are operating.

If with the usual use of the phone or tablet, there are problems, work in a safe mode should help in their search and elimination, but back to our topic.

I know three options how to disable secure mode in your phone - you will find their description below.

NOTE: One of the most common reasons when the phone independently enters the safe mode with each restart - sticking the volume button (Volume DOWN).

This is caused most often by a protective case when pressed too much on the side buttons or blocking from dust. Check it out and try to restart the smartphone without protective casing.

Method First Disable Safe Mode in Android Phone

To disable secure mode on Android, try simply turn off the phone and remove the battery from it to about 30 minutes, then wait for thirty seconds, insert it into place and turn on the device as usual.

Although in most cases such an option, the problem decides, it has a nuance - not all smartphones and tablets Android can afford it, especially the last Chinese and Samsung.

In the devices of Lenovo, the alkatel, asus, flies, explors, microwave batteries are almost always removable.

If your battery is fixed in your device, we skip this option and go further to other ways.

Method for second remove safe mode in android smartphone

If your smartphone turned on and a secure mode appeared, restart it and as soon as the start starts trying the "Home" button and hold the device until the device is completely loaded.

There is also a nuance here. Not all smartphones have a built-in device restart function. For example, the Samsung Galaxy A3 is an emergency mode and it does not have a relation to safely (do not confuse).

What to do then? Then try simply turn off the phone, as you always do and turn on, while holding the "Home" button, as described above.

Method Three Turn off Safe Mode on Android tablet

To apply the third option to disable secure android mode, turn off the tablet or smartphone and turn on again.

Only depending on the phone and even the version of Android, even before starting, together with the power button you need to hold one more. Options See below

Ultimately, you must find the system menu and select, more precisely, click on the "WIPE DATA / Factory Reset" string.

Moving top-down is carried out by zoom-reduction buttons, and pressing (selection) on-shutdown button.

Now you will need to confirm your choice - exactly you want to delete all your data, and this is exactly what happens.

In the case of consent, respond to the affirmative (on the memory card, all data will be untouched).

After confirmation, relax and calmly wait until the phone or tablet system is all that you will remove, after which you reboot your smartphone by clicking on the line - "reboot ..." and boot in normal mode.

That's all. One option should turn off the safe mode of your Android, although there is a nuance.

If your phone has hardware problems to turn it off, it may not work - the device simply cannot work in normal mode.

In the event of problems with the firmware, the last option usually decides, although I recommend it to apply it only the last.

It will take some experience and all the data you "copied" from the moment of purchase will disappear. Successes.

Each of us probably heard about secure mode in the Windows operating system. But not everyone knows about the presence of this and Google Android. Therefore, when the phone suddenly loads in Safe Mode, it becomes news for a person and a logical question immediately arises: how to disable secure mode on android? It is about this that we will tell in today's article.

Safe Android mode is required to debug failure software. That is, if any software installed by the user gives an error, you can run the OS without it in safe mode.

For example, some program can give such a serious failure that a person will not even be able to open android settings to remove it. Do not actually do hard reset. In such cases, the safest mode is launched, all the necessary debug operations are made, then the function is turned off.

Signs of function

How to determine that this mode is launched on our smartphone? Everything is very simple. In a certain place of the screen (in our case, the left side) is derived an appropriate inscription. So it looks like the eighth version of the green robot:

Turn off the mode

Below we have prepared for you several options capable of helping with errors in Android and disable the boring secure mode.

Using the system menu

In general, this feature must be automatically deactivated when the Android is rebooted. So first try simply press the power button and restart your smartphone.

If after rebooting the inscription did not disappear, then the mode is activated by some kind of system service or one of the applications. In this case, you need to act as written below.

Holding the inclusion button

The more hard reset of the secure mode is performed after a long-lasting power button. Feel free to keep POWER - for this sometimes it takes up to 15 seconds.

In some models of phones, such a manipulation simply does not work, but it is worth trying.

There is another option that is even more rigid than described above. Naturally, it will come in handy only by the owners of gadgets with a removable battery. In fact, everything is clear here: remove the back cover of the phone and simply pull out the battery from it. Next, insert the battery back and turn on the smartphone.

Note: No need to insert the battery immediately, hold the phone without it for about a minute.

Reset to factory settings

  1. Go to Android parameters. You can find them either in the "curtain" of notifications or in the application menu.

  1. Next, depending on your phone model, looking for system settings.

  1. Here is the same section that we need. Click on the designated inscription.

  1. From the reset options, choose the most uncompromising.

  1. To start the process, we click the button marked with an arrow in the screenshot below.

After that, you will have to confirm the operation of the password and the system will be reset. Naturally, the phone will reboot.

Notification panel

In some cases, it is very rare, a secure mode disable function is made in the notification string switch menu. Check, perhaps you will have it there.

Holding the "Home" button

Sometimes one more little trick can act. While turning on the phone you need to hold and hold the "Home" button or, as it is also called, Home.

The same can work with the volume button down or up. Try both the other option.

Removing a problem application

If the reason for the non-switched out of the safe mode in Android has become an application, it must be deleted. It is easy to guess that the error causes the error.

For example, everything worked well yesterday, but here you liked the new gallery and, of course, it was installed. And after that, a secure mode is a dead cargo. Let's fix it:

  1. Go to the phone settings.

  1. We go to the marked item.

  1. We choose the application that has become a stumbling block between you and a green robot.

  1. Click the "Delete" button.

  1. We will be asked to confirm their actions. We agree, tapping on "OK".

  1. Also in some models you can simply pinch the program icon and drag it to the urn icon. So we will produce uninstallation.

  1. If it happened that you are the happy owner of Android 8 Oreo, you can simply clamp the program shortcut and select the desired item in the pop-up menu.


On this instruction on the topic of disabling the safe mode in Android cooled to the end. And we are in a hurry to notify our users that if you have any questions, write them in the comments. Naturally, we will try to help everyone.

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