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How to become a wealthy man from scratch. As ordinary people have achieved success and became rich

Surely, every person wants to be rich and successful personality. Someone dreams, and others seek this, wondering how to become rich and successful from scratch.

It is realistic to realize the dream, without having secured parents or close friends. The main desire. Successful women and men who have achieved heights in life began from scratch and stressedly moved to the goal. Each such person has a secret of success. Even if he shares a secret with a newcomer, nothing will happen without purposefulness. Before starting actions, get this quality.

Step-by-step action plan

I will give advice with the help of which you gain wealth and success. They will help if there is an understanding of the issue, the desire for self-development and the desire to conquer the peaks.

  • Learn to turn knowledge into money. Combine your favorite lesson with routine business and move to the goal.
  • It is extremely important to get an education, and not just a "crust". Visit courses, go to the library, look for useful literature on the Internet. The knowledge gained will help conquer heights and turn out of ordinary person In the representative of the elite.
  • Do not be afraid to start an uncharted or new. Successful and rich began the case from scratch and thanks to fearlessness earned a state. Fear the fear of people, and sometimes go for risk.
  • Not all attempts will be successful, but sooner or later get the result. If necessary, change the direction of activity, and the earlier experience will become a platform to achieve goals.
  • Be sure to use the position. This applies to new acquaintances, society and the native country. Interesting dating, public, crisis in the country. In all conditions, you can benefit.
  • Believe in success and in force. Vera contributes to the rise. Regardless of the development of events, I always keep faith in success.
  • ATTENTION HAVE MANDATE. This approach helps people get rid of diseases. So why not try with it to gain money and become successful.
  • Work a lot. Despite the difficulties and obstacles that appear on the way, do not bow the head and do not lower your hands. Perseverance determines success.
  • Planning is the key to the result. Drive the diary, put your goals and define the tasks that will contribute to the achievement. Make an action plan, time limited.
  • Do not disregard self-esteem. The higher it is, the greater the chance of becoming successful and rich.
  • With knowledge comes experience. Every new day should be a lesson for success. Studying surrounding people and circumstances, approach the goal.

I hope to get acquainted with the material that is informational in nature, you learned something new. There is no criteria for the formation of a successful and rich personality. Perhaps conquer the peaks without education and knowledge. Work on yourself, develop and become smarter.

How to become a rich and successful man

A man who owns strength and power conquers the peaks and changes the course of history. As practice shows, people account for independently to achieve this if there is no influential dad or a rich relative.

There is no recipe that will help achieve success and wealth. I propose recommendations general characterthat will help put a target and achieve a high plank.

  1. Learn to explain ideas . If you do it right, the interlocutors will see the skills of communication and clear thinking, which is important to achieve the goal.
  2. To power, position or wealth are simply . People who surround, consider equal. As a result, you do not have to crumble or bow to someone, and this is the key to wealth and strength. Having reached the target with time, this approach will make you represented by a favorable partner.
  3. Be sure to temper the art of negotiations . Remember, good negotiations - when the needs of both sides are satisfied.
  4. Learn the topic in detail . Before making decisions and the beginning of actions, it is necessary to all find out what you intend to do. After reading the story successful peopleYou will realize that they understand what they are doing. If a man is going to buy a car, he will first meet him.
  5. Learn to monitor costs and thoughtfully invest . This skill should be a habit that ultimately helps pave the way to success.
  6. Sewing the tenth of earnings . Thanks to this habit, accumulate money for the future. Without this, creating wealth and come to success is impossible.
  7. Each monetary investment should be reasonable and conservative . Even we are talking About small investments, they definitely manage. This will help prepare for the time when the size of the next investment will be greater than the initial contribution.
  8. Show curiosity . The trait that a man who wants to succeed with success and wealth is. A constant influx of information contributes to the emergence of ideas, the implementation of which will lead to the goal. Specify questions and look for answers.
  9. Do not be afraid of mistakes . It is better to do something wrong than inactive. In any case, get experience and acquire confidence.
  10. Do not be afraid of failure . Failures - not a reason to give up work. As a result, get the result and inspire others.
  11. Focus on the people who are superior . Secret success lies in the efforts of other people. Working S. strong personalities, it will become better and stronger.

How to become a rich and successful woman

Success and wealth - Tandem from the state of mind and developed habits. Regardless of income, the key to success lies in competent investment, accumulation and disposal of money.

Typically, increasing income goes by hand with an increase in costs caused by additional spending. With incorrect approach, you can earn great money, but still live on a rented apartment, not to invest and buy things on credit.

Opportunities depend on money. You will not argue with it. But the cash is a tool that does not spoil a person, but opens the previously invisible essence. Not all are correctly managed by money. One with the help of money is beneficial to society, while others satisfy the needs and achieve goals.

Every person dreams of being successful and rich, but not all this turns out, or rather we can say that this is obtained from units. But in order to achieve something necessary, to become on the necessary way and follow it. What you discovered this article can be said that you took the first step towards success and wealth. In this article we present the advice of many successful people.

1. Learn to look into the future. You must very clearly imagine your future. You must submit your environment, which you should achieve, your connections, which solutions can be accepted how your inner world. Their negative and positive consequences. Forcing the desire to achieve your dream. So how much qualitatively you must present your future.

2. Develop your personal financial plan. You need to create such a plan. Because luck can, but I do not think that there will always be lucky, because you need to consider the availability and replenishment of reserves. In order to get money, not enough to earn enough, but after that it is necessary to make them work, and for this you need to have financial knowledge.

3. Creating initial capital. Options for creating initial capital is a very large set, from a loan to the search for an investor.

4. Search for professionals. It is impossible to know almost everything, because it is necessary to hire specialists. Especially often have to attract professionals in the financial sector.

5. Use someone else's experience. Learn the experience of the masters, in your business, and then you will not have to make mistakes that many have done. Many successful people share their experiences, use it. List of billionaires.

6. Take care of your nerves. Remember that investment needs to be done in order to make a profit. Sometimes you have to make a decision very quickly, and always remember that if the investment does not bring profits, you should not do anything.

7. Success in business is 90% of patience. Good luck in the financial world is only ten percent of success, everything else is work and perseverance. The system should always develop and improve, otherwise you will leave behind your competitors.

8. Time is money. Always deal only by the kind of business that brings real profit.

9. Bluff as a need. Often communicating with people you need to draw a picture that you would like, and not that there is. You need to buy supporters, and for this you need to "infect" their idea.

10. What is not prohibited, then allowed. Try to always look for new sales markets or promising investment areas. Try to change work schemes. Methods of sales. Do not limit yourself.

11. Money cycle. Poor people always work for money, and rich people have money for money. Only when the money start making money, then you will have real freedom.

12. Motion brakes. These are the harmful habits of a person, such may be lazy, fear, uncertainty. They need to get rid of them first. At least until you become financially independent.

13. Best teacher - that's life. Life does not always bring progress. There are disappointments. Here is a relationship to such negative episodes in life and can show or not. Never despair and go to your goal, just accept this lesson who gave you life.

14. Favorite business. Just doing the fact that in truth I like a person, he will be able to make the maximum amount of effort. The case should be not only like a source of financial independence, but also should bring joy and enjoyment from the case made.

So, such advice give people to ensure that the person is successful in business, and now we will talk about those tips that give people who are successful not only in affairs, but also their lives.

How to become successful

1. Be the leader. Well, who have leadership skills already have, but it does not mean that they cannot be created. Try yourself as an organizer of some events or other options that will be responsible for you, only so you will become the leader. After all, the leader is not the one who is the first, but the one who makes decisions and is responsible for them.

2. While you live - learn. It is necessary to constantly develop, if it is desirable to develop in many directions. So you will be interested in communicating with other people, and they are interested in communicating with you. Do not stop your spiritual development.

3. Hurry up slowly. Every successful person once started from something. Do not chase immediately for the golden mountains, check the target first.

4. Reality only displaying our thinking. Yes, some kind phrase, but try to change your thinking and attitude. And you will see how the world around you will begin to transform.

5. Try to create your financial independence. Maybe it sounds stupid, but indeed, the behavior of people who have already received financial independence differs critical of people who have no one. In order to start this path, try postponing ten percent income and after a while you will notice changes in yourself.

6. Learn marketing techniques. Knowing these techniques, you will not only easily communicate with subordinates and guidance, but you will also find them relevant in communicating with family or friends. These techniques help to develop communication skills.

7. Refuse to buy unnecessary things. On the one hand, when you go buy, you think that this thing is vital to you, but is it really?

8. First money, and then luxury. People limited in finance can afford to buy luxurious things, people who have gained financial success want to emphasize and show their success to others, but the right one will first provide themselves with constant income and only after that praises their success.

9. Specify your goal. When a person holds an idea in his head, she is amorphous, so try to give her any form, at least showing it on a piece of paper.

10. Time is money. Time is the only thing we can dispose of free and on our choice. So it may be necessary to spend this valuable resource.

11. Who is looking for, he will always find. Do not exchange empty relationships, because they do not promise or support or help. Maybe it is worth finding your half.

I hope these tips will help you to realize and move in front, remember that perfection is an unattainable goal, but no one said that you should not try.

How to become rich

Hello dear readers site. In this article I want to talk to you about how to become a successful and rich man. I offer you your own and wealth consisting of 21 terms.

1 The term - exit the zone of your comfort.

Although many people complain about life, they still prefer to live in the zone of their comfort, without going beyond her framework. So easier and familiar. If you want to change, then you need to get out of the area of \u200b\u200byour own comfort. Do not think that someone became successful and rich only because he was accidentally lucky. Artists, politicians, singers and businessmen - they all worked at 20 o'clock a day, without sparing themselves and attaching all obstacles on their way.

2 Speed \u200b\u200b- become the best in your field of activity.

This is one of the most important conditions for moving towards a goal. The task is to stop being lagging behind. Why start the case, if there is no desire to achieve results in it? It is worth noting that only 1% of people puts one goal to become the best or second. Trainers of personal growth and in their trainings talk about it. All you need is to choose your niche. Meanwhile, Niche is always. So, when you decide to start some kind of case, put the target to become the first or at least second. If there is an uncertainty that you have to become the first, it means that it is not worth starting. You will be in the tail of the echelon - will soon fly completely. Success will not be.

3 Speed \u200b\u200b- Learn from the best of the best.

To become the leader in your business as much as possible short term, It is necessary to learn from professionals in their niche. Find these teachers. Better not one, but a few. The search for the pros is worth considering very responsible, because you can face with these experts and with fakes. Those who relate to the second category are the goal to earn money. Therefore, when choosing a guru, be careful. When you find a real mentor - you will feel it. Heart will tell. It will be rapidly fighting and telling you: - "This person is the one who you were looking for. This is your teacher! " Remember that the true teacher will not call himself a teacher. At the same time, this person is constantly developing and improving, and therefore in each of his students he will see the teacher himself.

Do not wait for your mentor to give a ready-made success recipe in your business. No need to rely on the teacher, blindly going to his hands, otherwise you can stay downstairs. It is important to turn on the head! Only you yourself can digest the received data and start applying them. Your teacher will not make it for you. (For me now, in terms of personal growth, teachers are,)

Four terms - do not spare money for your education.

This truth needs to know everyone: before you get something, you will give something. Full the entire difference between the poor and rich. Poor always save, and the rich do not regret money. It happens that you have to sell something, investing money in training or a new thing. We all know that in our time on the Internet you can find a lot of free information, but all this is not able to replace living training and communicating with people who will tell about their way to success. They will decompose everything on the shelves and will tell how the result achieved, initially being at the very bottom.

If you are tuned to become rich and successful, be prepared to sacrifice something. You will have to donate not only money, but also to what you need to leave the comfort zone. Be prepared for what you will be subjected to psychological stress And you will be tired physically. In any case, it is worth it! (I advise you to read the book "Rich")

5 The term is continuous development and continuous growth.

Each successful person is engaged in training and self-improvement continuously. Thanks to this, he achieves success and is in his business at height. It is necessary to work out the habit of constantly learn, but a lot of information paid and free on the Internet. Successful people are constantly learning, they work on themselves and are interested in all new in their field. They do not regret this forces and time, and therefore they achieve results and are in demand. There is a rule that is important to remember: "It does not survive the strongest, but the one who is faster than all adapts."

6 The term is faith as genius.

If you do not believe in yourself, you will not assume that you are a genius, you can only copy others without achieving essential results in your business. Copying others, the repetition of their steps and their errors will not make you first. What's the secret? How to become the first? You need to be unique! As soon as you believe that you are a genius, you will take the first step towards becoming unique.

To become a genius, surround yourself by people who believe in you who consider you a genius. Jim Ron said that each person is a "average arithmetic number" of five people with whom he communicates most in time. It is important to realize it. Comprehend this phrase. The environment plays an important role. Is your goal to become rich and successful? So you need to surround yourself with such people.

7 The term - the path to wealth passes through passive income.

Passive income implies the following: You made an action once and began to receive continuous profits. If your plans do not include working every day to old age, and then get a fertile pension, then you need to create passive sources of income right now. Options can be a lot - monetization of sites, earnings for real estate, on content from YouTube, as well as investment and other types of income.

If you do not have large quantity Time to work on yourself, create a passive source of income. He will bring you finances always when you work or rest. In this case, the question of how to succeed and become rich will cease to torment you - you will come to the goal.

8 Speed \u200b\u200b- use of modern technologies.

Said: "Those who have not translated their business online will soon come out of it." Advantage modern technologies is the simplicity of work. Every year, the interaction of man and technology is simplified. The disadvantage is variability. You should always be aware of the latest developments. Those methods that still brought the result yesterday, today do not work. What they did 5 years ago, today there is no point in doing. There will be no result.

Your task is to always be aware of new technologies, it is only so possible to succeed and be a secured person.

9 The term - to great success you need to go small steps.

Do you know what is the mistake of most people? The fact that they want to get everything quickly, immediately. But if you want to succeed and a significant result in business, you have to learn a lot and do. It will take a day, no month, and perhaps not one year. Experts have been proven - to become a number one in his business need 10 years. Of course there are exceptions. You can meet people who get rich in the week. These are units. The number of such people is little, there is no point in talking about them.

There is no magic pill - Remember. It is impossible to become successful after visiting one training. It is important to continuously develop and learn. Want to achieve 100 sales per month? Learn to do 10. Want 1000 listeners of your training? Dial to start 100. Stage on the step, step by step you are moving to the result. In this promotion, always rejoice in small victories and mark even minor achievements. This is your way!

Large companies use such a move. When there are no significant results, they reduce the bar and thus conquer and achieve the desired success. Also do and you. Each time, reaching another goal, mark victory inside yourself, concentrate on positive and affairs will go uphill. (I advise you to read the book "Act")

10 Speed \u200b\u200b- serve people.

Another secret of wealth and success is the benefit for people. It is important to bring the value to others in the form of goods, services or consultations. Each person has any problem that has a solution. Solving the problem of a person, you bring it value, benefit.

Part of people dreaming of rapid earnings becomes charlatans. They are fraudulently receive money from other people. Ultimately, such deceivers expose and shown on television in handcuffs. Stank useful people, Make them good and it will return to you in a multiple size.

11 The term is transparent and present.

If you become lying to people, playing some role, issuing yourself for anyone in fact, the success you will not achieve. People will have confidence in you, because Intuitively will feel falle. The surrounding do not want to be deceived. In the event that you will be real, you will achieve success in business.

It makes no sense to demonstrate its titles, medals, letters and awards - this will not add success and money. To be transparent - that's what you need in order to become the leader. Real people attract others. This is the work of the subconscious. Man wants to go for a real man. When you are, you will want to learn, will want to buy a product or service. People see that you are the same as they. At the same time, you have achieved a lot in life, and therefore you want to learn.

12 The term is to love people and do a favorite thing.

The occupation of an unloved business will not bring success and money. If you do not like people, all the more you do not succeed.

If a person is busy with his loved business, it falls into a stream state. Everything happens by itself. The necessary clients and resources are located, you stop puzzled by the problems of finding orders, you willingly get acquainted with you and cooperate.

Anyone who wishes to become a rich and successful person should deal with an exclusively the case that likes that gives pleasure. How to find it? Everything is simple - your hobby can be a successful business. Come up with how to make a source of income from the hobby.

13 Speed \u200b\u200b- skill to sell and promote yourself.

Usually in childhood because of parents, we lose the feeling that each of us is a unique person. Now it's time to develop this quality in itself. You are a unique and amazing person, do not forget about it. Support this feeling, learn how to realize yourself. This will make you the leader.

14 The term - work only for your interest.

When you work for someone, the maximum that you get, it is a praise or a certificate of a conscientious employee. You work well, but wealth is not visible. The truth is simple - the company you work on day to day, getsten to you, getting millions, and you are content with paper assurances of conscientious work and small money.

"It's better to stand in last row in the list of billionaires than in the first row in the list the best workers month! " It is difficult to argue with this. It makes no sense to work on some uncle if you can start working on yourself. Now all profits will flow only into your pocket.

15 The term is to develop your charisma.

Charisma reflects the rod and integrity of the person. Charismatic personality has a set of qualities for which one can judge its predictability, actions, about the system of values \u200b\u200band views. For such people you can see what they do and what are going to take. These people do as they think necessary, even if their actions go into incision with public opinion. For charismatic personality, only their own opinion and intuition, which they trust are important.

These people are respected. Someone may be afraid of them, but at the same time, appreciate that feeling that in front of him a holistic personality. Charismatic person is difficult not to notice - he is a bark and wants to like others. Working on the inner rod, you are at times raise your chances of success. (Very good training y is the development of charisma)

16 Speed \u200b\u200b- Learn to motivate yourself.

Did you think about why some poor could become rich? It is important to be able to encourage yourself. The motivation is one of the main emotional states that makes a person doing anything. Put in front of you the target that encourages you for a long time and hard work to achieve it. Take a course for success. Adjust yourself so that no one can knock you down from the course. Always look for an incentive. You make anything and encourage yourself, pleased with something pleasant - desired purchase or holidays. Put in front of you such a goal, which will result in you to financial independence .. HTML)

17 The term is stubborn and persistent.

There is a fact that you will not argue - a large number of Rich people were born in poor families. It suggests a conclusion: it is possible to become rich from scratch with perseverance and perseverance. On the way to goal, never lower your hands, and you will come to the result to which you strive. You are responsible for your life. You have the right to do as you think right. If you do something and you want something, it means that it is important for you. You should not pay attention to the opinion of others - take your own! Act! (And of course read and explore the stories of successful people on our blog http: // Website / Category / iStori-uspexa)

18 The term is always planning your day.

Many wealthy people make lists. It says what you need to do today, and that tomorrow. They appreciate every second and do not waste time. With the right approach, each minute is capable of bringing a person to achieving success and wealth. Go to the issue of time planning seriously. (We advise you to read the book called "Planning")

19 The term - waste less than earning.

Rich people often adhere to the rules to spend less than earned. All profits go to the turnover, which in a month will again give more money. Unlike rich, poor often spend more than they can earn.

Not he is rich, who has a lot of money, and the one who is correctly disposed of and does not spend the right and left. Conclusion: Sleep less, and your money will gradually accumulate. Accumulated finance can be used to your business.

20 The term - study the biography of famous wealthy people.

Learn from those who achieved something in life. Learn how one or another businessman was able to lend a state and go to new level Life. Follow it with example. You can always find similar ways to enrichment.

21. Not to give up! - This is the last term of success and wealth.

You learned the main components that bring you to success and wealth. Following these rules, you will undoubtedly achieve your own. The world will not bother - enough for everyone, it is only important to try.

And finally. One a famous person He told the phrase, which sounds like this: "No matter how much your debts were, no matter how hard you were, whatever obstacles arose on your way to goal - never give up! The tired and exhausted road traveler may not notice that success is much closer than it seems. "

As a change in attitudes towards money helped him achieve financial stability. He grew up in the poor family, often did not know whether they would be able to pay for the apartment or at the end of the month they will remain outside. He had to observe how relatives and friends quarreled because of money.

Now he owns own business And no longer lives from salary before salary. He did not become a millionaire, but reached the level when it does not need to constantly think about finance. Kim shared tips, which would give himself 18. Perhaps they will use you.

Money is a tool that allows me to do what I love. I do not consider them an end in itself. Now I no longer need more money. But I continue to work and earn to help the family and relatives.

1. If you are convincing yourself that you need a thing, do not buy her

One of the main financial mistresses is to buy things without need. We often do that: buy new clothes, phone or computer, just to keep up with others and feel fashionable. But most of these things to us.

When something really is necessary, you understand it immediately. If before buying, you have to convince yourself, do not take this thing.

2. Do not buy the first models

Seeing a new car model, camera or smartphone, do not hurry to buy them. Wait the next version: it will not be problems and flaws that the first versions sin. You will kill yourself from an extra headache.

3. Do not skimp on what you please

Money can buy happiness if you spend their impressions and meaningful things for you. If they please, inspire and motivate are the necessary investments in your well-being.

Just remember that pleasure from things is faster than from impressions.

After two weeks, we get used to new things and cease to notice them. Impressions please much longer. They can mentally worry anew. In addition, they help us grow and develop new skills.

4. Earn more and spend less

Many after raising salaries begin to spend more. Buy a dear car, more often traveling and eating in a cafe. As a result, they do not become richer, but remain approximately at the same level of wealth. But if you earn more and spend less, there will be free funds. They can be put on or investing.

Think how you could earn more: take additional responsibilities at the current work, find part-time job. Then think how to spend less. For example, prepare at home and less go to the cafe. Less spend on clothes. Sell \u200b\u200bthe car and use public transport. Do not chase for fashionable novelties. Use the remaining means to pay debts or accumulate to something.

5. Never get into debt

No matter how rich you are, if you have debts, you are the slave of the banking system. To pay them and maintain them necessary level Life, you have to work. Perhaps at work that you do not like.

Therefore, never take a debt. If you are thinking about opening your business or create some kind of project, but for this you need to get into debts - set this idea. Start only when you can pay all the costs yourself. So you are less risk. And even the lack of funds forcing the search for a creative approach to problems.

6. Learn no more than what you already have

Be rich - does not mean to have everything you can. This wealth is when you do not need anything, except that you already have.

And the billionaire may be poor if he is constantly needed more and more. He can own real estate throughout the world, but if his friend has a private spaceshipHe will still envy.

We feel that we are missing something when we compare ourselves with people. Instead, compare yourself with those who are poorer. Then your today's lifestyle will seem sufficient to you.

7. Look for not perfect, and good enough

We always strive for an ideal, we want to have all the best. But think, do you really need the best car, the most powerful smartphone or apartment in the most respectable area? Maybe what you have now is enough?

Try during the month not to use the phrase "best". Watch how your attitude to shopping change and how much money you will save.

8. Do not buy a lot of things from one category.

It is much easier to live if you have one phone, one computer, one pair of everyday shoes. In clothing, you can limit the trouser, shirts, socks. You will take less solutions, less nervous and spend less money.

Look at your things and think about what 10% of them do you use 90% of the time? Try. Sell, donate or throw extra things. You will feel relieved, you can pay more attention and energy to important matters.

9. When choosing a product, navigate at a lower price

The brain clings for the first price you saw. Then you choose the goods in comparison with this price. If you first offered the camera for 50 thousand, and then for 30, the second will seem favorable purchase to you. Although it may be arranged for a camera for 15 thousand.

To spend less, first look at the goods with a lower cost. Compared to them, the rest will seem more expensive. As a result, you will stop at an acceptable option and do not spend extra.

10. Replace the environment to consume less

The environment affects how much we consume. When everyone around often change gadgets and cars, buy new clothes and dinner in the restaurant, it will be difficult for you to stay. If you want to spend less and live more modestly, try to change the environment. Naturally, you can not always move to another area or city. But you can change the lifestyle. Less often B. shopping centers And avoid everything that causes you a desire to buy something.

11. Cut the advertisement

We do not even notice how advertising changes our idea of \u200b\u200bsome product, forcing us to want it. Avoid it with all ways. Do not watch TV, do not read the magazines, turn on the advertising blocker in the browser. Unlock from the mailings. Buy paid versions of applications to disable advertising.

12. Remember: the more money, the more problems

Money is welcome until a certain moment. When they are enough to pay for housing, it is no longer happier to pay for housing, it will not do more income. Stress is growing with increasing income. It is necessary to worry about the tax, about unsuccessful investments, about greedy relatives who ask for money and secretly waiting for your death.

The same applies to things. For example, the more you have a house, the more worries: you need to clean the large area, buy more furniture, most of all repair and change. Therefore, by pondering the purchase, keep in mind such hidden disadvantages of the possession of a new thing.

13. Invest in your development

It is most important to invest not in the stock market, but in yourself. This will help. Most often, the book is the clip of the author's ideas for several years or even for a lifetime. This is an opportunity to learn about the lessons that the other person removes and apply their benefit.

The more you invest in the expansion of knowledge, the search for new ideas and the development of a creative approach, the more you benefit.

If you draw from the book at least one new ideathat will inspire you, it means that you have not in vain spent money.

14. Before helping others, ensure our own financial stability.

If you have difficulties with money, do not let them in a debt to someone - even a family member. You will worsen your position and in addition to spoil the relationship.

It is better not to obscure money to friends and loved ones. If you want to help, let's free them. Just so you save a good relationship. But help then when your own financial position Stable.

15. Do not invest in stock

They do not get rich on them. Professional traders often act at random. But it's not only that. Even if the cost of your shares will grow by 30%, the profit from this does not compare with the benefit from. After receiving new skills, after a while you will earn more.

Think how such investments will help you get rich. Maybe you should pass any courses, sign up for a seminar or open your business.

16. Do not risk in vain

It is believed that entrepreneurs love risks just for the sake of risk, but it is not. Good businessmen thoroughly think about their actions and do not allow situations in which all capital can lose.

If you are going to establish your business or invest in something, do not forget that you can always fail. Prepare for this and make sure that you will not lose all your funds.

17. Strive not to wealth, but not to disperse

If you are the owner of the business, focus not on how to increase profits, but on how not to go bankrupt. If you are a company employee, think how to stay fit. For example, you can buy new skills or expand your duties.

18. Mentally exaggerate your spending and underestimate revenues

Very easy. We often look at the world through pink glasses, overestimate yourself and underestimate the problems. Imagine that you are poorer than, and reduce costs. It will help spend less and gradually accumulate funds.

19. Do not buy the most expensive things

The thing for 1 000 rubles will not make you ten times happier than the thing for 100. It seems that expensive goods bring more happiness, but it does not depend on the amount of money spent. There is a certain amount after which the pleasure of purchases is no longer growing. For each it is different. Find this golden middle And do not waste more.

Do not forget that pleasure also come. Especially joys associated with food, sex, travel and shopping. Over time, they cease to cause severe sensations, no matter how much you pay for them. Therefore, it makes no sense to spend on things more and more money.

20. "Think as rich, dress like poor"

So said Andy Warhol. Wear basic clothes, drive the usual car, choose practical things. Those who have been carrying products of expensive brands, often, on the contrary, do not have money and live in debt. They are simply not confident in themselves and want to attract attention from expensive things.

Be rich internally. Remember that you have everything you need. Think less about purchases. Wash more time and effort to create something important.

21. Live modest than revenues allow

We get used to new things in two weeks. No matter how expensive they are, they are not happy with us, because they become ordinary. Try to get used to a more modest lifestyle.

Buy a cheaper thing, even if you have enough for an expensive. Buy - inexpensive equivalent to the original medicinal preparations. In the cafe choose the cheapest coffee or the simplest dish. Over time, it will go into habit.

22. Do not dwell on brands

When look at the thing, think not about the brand or price, but by the fact that it is essentially. Lexus is just an expensive Toyota Camry. Fillet-minion is just a part of the cowhide carcass, and expensive wine - fermented grape juice. A new smartphone is just a piece of metal with a touchscreen. Brand suit - pieces of fabric, stitched by some workers with minimal salaries.

Constantly reduce the value of such things in your eyes. Then they will become less attractive for you.

23. Do not give all the money on investment

If 99% of your funds are invested in real estate, you are deprived of financial freedom. In an unforeseen situation, you will not be able to pay and have to be borrowed. Try to always have free funds that can be quickly removed from the account. This is useful and in case the favorable opportunity will appear.

24. Do not buy anything that you will not be able to pay without loans.

We are too optimistic as evaluating their capabilities. It seems to us, we will be able to quickly pay. But debts accumulate as a snowball. What they are more, the stronger you fall into slavery to the banking system. If you want to use credit cardTo get bonuses, buy only what they could pay without loans.

25. Do not negotiate when take a fee for your services.

Appreciate yourself. If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, take a little more for your services than you, in your opinion, deserve. Maybe you will lose several customers, but in the long run you get more profit.

Of course, when you just start, you can not ask too much. To gain experience, work for some time for free. But then take the board higher than the average. If we agree to the average payment, it will always be necessary to reduce the ends with the ends.

26. In your free time, work on your favorite thing

Many people want to quit work in the office and do what the soul is lying: become a photographer, traveler or writer. Do not do this while you do not have financial stability. Live on income from the main work and do in your free time.

Get up an hour earlier, use a lunch break, do something useful in the evening instead of watching TV shows. When money OT additional work Enough for payment of accounts, you can leave the boring company. But always have funds for unforeseen situations and a spare plan. Perhaps you will have to live with my parents again or return to the old work.

27. Think what else you can buy for money that you are going to spend

Usually, when buying, we only compare the things of one category. For example, smartphones of different manufacturers. But maybe instead of a new cool phone, it is better to go to an interesting trip? Or to invest in your education? Or pay part of the debt?

28. Imagine how to take a purchase in 5-10 years

Look at things realistic. Any purchase in 5-10 years will lose presentable view. This is especially true for cars. It is better not to chase the fashion, but count on the long-term perspective.

29. Do not forget that money themselves do not have value

In fact, money is just a paper. Even in precious metals There is nothing special - it's just shiny stones. Think why they are important for you. Perhaps they give you a sense of stability or symbolize success. Determine what money means for you. For example, strength, no pain, the ability to do what I want.

Do not treat money too serious. And do not forget about really valuable things: relationships with loved ones, important work, gratitude.

30. Do not become a slave of money

Money is not good and not bad - it's just a tool. We ourselves decide what to use them. Think how they affect your life. Why do you need money? What joys and alarms can they bring? How can money be able to help you and others? And can they destroy your life?

Ensure everything you need for life. As soon as you get enough money for this, spend time and effort on your development. And then do something useful and help others.

Each of us probably thought or dreamed of becoming a rich and successful person from scratch. I would like to earn more, improve your life, see the world ... Such desires always remain relevant, but not everyone is embodied in reality. In today's article, we will consider several ways to get rich or at least improve the financial situation. All that is required of you is not to be lazy and use them in practice, then your dream will come true.

1. Anyone can become rich

Many are inventing silly excuses for themselves: they say, there is not enough time, means, opportunities, connections, etc. This is only a reason to make their lives and self officer at the same level. Any of us can become rich, despite the position in which is in this moment. The main thing is to have a desire and act in this direction.

2. Put the financial goal

Before becoming a rich and successful person from scratch, determine how long it is precisely the means you need and for what. This understanding is of great importance. When there is a clear goal, the human brain begins to look for ways to achieve it, motivation and inspiration appears.

But if you write some amount on a sheet (for example, $ 20,000 for the purchase of a car or $ 60,000 on new apartment) And earn it, it will not become rich. Yes, you acquire what you dreamed about, but after that there will be no money.Therefore, the goal should be such that the tools constantly worked to increase your income monthly, and appeared different sources Earn money. Only with this approach you can get rich.

3. Make a list by which ways you can earn money

Suppose, at the moment you have no money at all, or you want to increase your income. We will reflect how you can earn today or tomorrow. Write down possible options. It is possible that the first answer will be "in no way". This is not the case, any of us knows how to do something useful. Perhaps you own any hobby that can be used for additional earnings, or remember some other ways. Try to show fantasy and record the maximum number of ways, how to earn in the coming days, it is very important.

For example, there are many opportunities to earn a lot on the Internet. In 2014, I decided to invest in the Internet with $ 200 on the wallet, and with the help multiplied this money ten times.

4. Start earmarked

The paragraph above you made a list of ways of earnings. Now choose from it the most suitable (or liked) you options and deal with their incarnation. What for? First, your income will increase, and you at least partially be able to solve current material problems (if any). Secondly, it has a big psychological significance. You will believe in yourself, making sure that money can be earned as you like, if you want to want it.

5. Invest

"If you think, how to become a rich and successful person from scratch, then why not engage in investing?" Most people respond to this question predictably: because there is no funds. They are waiting for a lot of money, and will then invest them. This is the root of the wrong approach.

First, investment is just a way to earn and quickly achieve your goal to get rich. Secondly, it is possible to start investing with a very small amount of $ 10-20. You will gain valuable experience, because if you can do from 10 dollars 100, then $ 1000 will easily turn $ 10,000. Therefore, you need to start just with small amounts, so you will reduce the risk of losing a lot of money in your own ignorance. If you have at least some amount of money, start looking for ways to attach it with maximum profit.

Yes, investing risky business. But it is better unstable wealth than stable poverty :) I advise you to get acquainted with the material ""

6. Surrive yourself with rich people

We can right now perform one simple experiment. Choose a person from your environment: a friend, a neighbor, a colleague, etc. Find out what his monthly income and compare with your own. You will find that the numbers are very similar.

This suggests that income strongly depends on your circle of communication. Instead of conversations with the poor Vasya, which all the time complains of life, sitting on the sofa and dreaming of millions, better support contact with a rich Sasha, which generates new ways to make money.

7. Enter the accounting of income and expenses

Even in the sad situation, when you are completely in debt, be sure to describe the current financial position in the figures. Fix the monthly profits, write, what amount you have at the moment, how much and what they spend.

Already within 5-6 weeks you will make a lot of interesting discoveries. For example, you may find that more than seven thousand spent on alcohol, although these funds could have come to you additional profits. And more: eif you spend as much as you earn, it is unlikely that you can become a rich man. Part of the funds must be investing, only such an approach will help multiply capital.

8. Familiarize yourself with the essence of the success of rich people

There are many stories about people in the network who were previously poor and also thought about how to become a rich and successful person from scratch. Now they are millionaires, and made their condition themselves. Such stories motivate well. Listening to the stories of successful people, you yourself begin to reflect and act differently, therefore, and the result will be different.