Repairs Design Furniture

Repair frame for glasses at home. Choose a gold middle than glue glasses for sight

Glasses can be easily damaged or break. So that after that I did not have to order them again you need to know how to fix the glasses at home, what instruments for this use and how to make it so that they serve even long enough.

In this article, we will consider all the ways to repair the glasses without resorting to the help of professionals.

Note! "Before you start reading an article, find out how Albina Guryva was able to defeat the breakdowns with his eyesight taking advantage of ...

Points have a lot of positive qualities, but, unfortunately, many of their species do not differ in strength and often break.

The breakdown occurs most often for two reasons:

  1. Because of the natural wear of small points of the glacier frame. It happens after a long service.
  2. Because of the coarse physical impact on the main framework of glasses (frame).

The latter can be attributed to:

  • falls;
  • strong pressing (someone accidentally came or sat on the glasses);
  • squeezing (when stored without a case, in your pocket, etc.).

Most breakdowns are easy to eliminate at home using certain tools and materials. For repair points you will need:

  • scissors;
  • hour screwdriver;
  • perennial knife or cutter (to make a cutter enough to use the old hacksaw blade, fasten it between two wooden halves and glue epoxy glue, they will serve as a handle);
  • electric drill with thin drills;
  • electric soldering iron;
  • leske 0.3 mm for fishing;
  • the chisel (it can be made of flat noodles with four edges, removing in advance the notch, the handle is done in the same way as for the cutter);
  • sewing needle №100 (often used instead of a thin drill).
  • glue.

What glue to use and how to cook it

There are several types of glue that can be used when repairing points. Next, we will analyze the main of them.


It uses dentists. You can purchase such glue in any pharmacy point.


  • best gluits plastic surfaces;
  • quickly dries.

Important! Cook it only before direct use.


It is widely used for gluing a variety of materials. To make three components in the ratio of 10: 1: 3.

  • epoxy resin;
  • hardener;
  • filler.

Glue is prepared as follows:

  • the hardener is mixed with the resin;
  • the resulting mixture is added aluminum (or steel) powder fraction to increase glue strength;
  • the resulting substance is mixed with a wooden wand.

Use glue immediately after cooking, because After an hour and a half he hardens. It is painted in any color using a nitrocracy or a paste applied in ballpoints.

Glue from acetone

For its preparation you will need:

  • acetone;
  • acetic acid;
  • plastic chips.

The volume ratio should be 60: 39.5: 0.5.

Cooking method:

  • mix acetone with acid;
  • then dissolve the chips in the resulting mixture.

It can be prepared in advance and stored in glass vessels using a fit plug.

Having at its disposal these tools and materials, you can easily and quickly repair points or get rid of damage to be discussed below.

Examples of breakdowns and repair instructions

Repair of broken transfer

You can execute this procedure in two ways:

Glue and paper

To temporarily solve the problem associated with the transfer breakdown:

  • clean glued surfaces with a varnish containing acetone;
  • cut the paper (the glossy wrapping is best) on small stripes, which in width will correspond to the size of the rim;
  • glue it to a rim of one strip at a time (using a small strip length, wind the broken transportation);
  • wait for drying each glued strip and then repeat the procedure with the following stripes.


To repair the transfer, this method will be useful to you:

  • threads;
  • thin needle;
  • electric drill;
  • set of emery paper;
  • glue;
  • wooden wand;
  • several rubberry;
  • sheet paper sheets;
  • cotton discs;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cutter.

How to repair:

  • clear and polish opposite parts (for this you need to take sandpaper);
  • prepare the surface to gluing (using a few lacquer removal fluid (can be replaced with alcohol) to lose the place of the joint);
  • both parts are fixed together (cut off a piece of wooden stick in length, which corresponds to the interval between the temporal sectors of the glasses);
  • close the optics of waxed paper;
  • next, to wrap the end of the stick using rubberry, strengthening it;
  • repeat the same actions on the opposite side;
  • thoroughly combine both halves so that there are several points of contact;
  • glue a transfer;
  • wash the seam where the gap is discovered by the necessary amount of glue, making sure the absence of bubbles, gaps and voids;
  • using a cotton disk, eliminate excess glue, wipe the surface of the glasses before drying it;
  • postpone glasses to complete glue drying, which lasts more than an hour;
  • drill no more than two holes using a small drill;
  • cutter cut the guide holes on both sides of the renovated compound;
  • gently drill parallel holes on each of the sides, placing glasses on the soft tissue.
  • sew repaired parts (for this it is best to take a small needle size and 10-15 cm of threads suitable for the color of the rim);
  • when the transfer will be sewn, you need to pour holes with glue to the impregnation of the thread;
  • excess glue to remove using cotton wheels;
  • leave points to dry about an hour, but better more;
  • wrap the transportation by the remaining threads: from the outer part to the inner one thread and the other in the opposite direction;
  • wrapped place to fill with glue and leave to dry it on a day;
  • after the past time, you can use the glasses again.

Plug and temperature

This method is only suitable for plastic frame glasses:

  • boil water (fill a small capacity with water and put on a large fire);
  • melt the plastic base (after boiling water, it is necessary to keep damaged parts of the rim above the capacity at a fairly close distance to heat, it will help to make edges soft);
  • insert a pin into Din from the edges and subsequently to put another on the same pin (while plastic remains hot, you need to smooth it on the pin).

Important! In no case can not keep plastic frame right over fire.

Replacing the lost screw

The lost cord can be replaced in several ways.

Repair kit

When the screw is lost, which fastens an arc with an eye, repair the glasses using a special set. It usually includes:

  • a small screwdriver;
  • magnifying glass;
  • screws of different lengths.

To repair, it is enough to install a screw into the appropriate hole, screw it and then break the tip.

Sometimes it is difficult to fit the desired screws on the temporal and front part. The reason for this is that the hinge inside the temporal area holds them. This situation is fixed as follows:

  • make a hook from a clip, skip through a hole in the temporal area of \u200b\u200boptical devices and stretch;
  • to save the location of the hole where the screw is inserted, it is necessary to insert another clip vertically into the "gap", formed when pulling out the screw from the well;
  • align both holes by inserting and tightening the screw;
  • after that, pull out the paper clip (thus, the recess for the coil will return to the previous location and create a strong landing with points).


To solve this problem, you can use toothpicks:

  • it is necessary to align the holes of the hinge mechanism in the rear and front parts;
  • after that, to establish a wooden toothpick through them as far as possible;
  • in conclusion, it is necessary to break down or cropping the unnecessary parts of the toothpick.



  • it is necessary to remove insulation from the wire;
  • place the hole at one level by passing the wire through them;
  • to tighten it in such a way that the area of \u200b\u200bthe temple occupies the same location;
  • crop the extra parts of the wire in order to remove an irritating factor (can scratch).

In addition to wire, it is advisable to fasten the components of the glasses by the English pin (it is often fixed with labels with a price in stores). It is enough to insert it into the hole so that the hold of both parts in place.

Removal and filling scratches on lenses

Solve the problem with appeared deformations on glasses you can, applying:

Special means

You will be enough to apply a tool that is used in glass engraving on lenses. Due to its properties, it will remove the anti-reflective surface resistant to scratch (film) on plastic, not the touch of the lens itself. It is possible to use such a tool only for the repair of plastic lenses.

When removing scratches, it is not necessary to clean and polish lenses before reducing their thickness, as this will change the quality of refraction and will lead the optics into disrepair.

Household cleaners

  • food soda;
  • abrasive cleaning products;
  • toothpaste;
  • wax products.

They will fill out small scratches. But when using wax, your glasses will deteriorate visibility and it will be necessary to use on a permanent basis after a certain time.

Alcohol (ammonia solution)

After processing points, one of the reagents you will need to polish lenses using a soft fabric that is designed to wipe the spectacle lenses.

To reduce the risk of scratches in the subsequent, follow several recommendations:

  • Use eyewear case. It will help protect fragile lenses of glasses. Pocket or handbag is suitable for its storage.
  • Rinse lenses. With soapy water, clean the glasses lenses daily. Wipe the glasses best using clean soft fabric.
  • Use only suitable inventory. In no case do not use napkins, also eliminate the use of paper towels to wipe glasses.
  • Do not use antibacterial soap.
  • Be careful when using hair lacquer, perfume or liquid for removing varnish. The substances contained in them destroy protective films on lenses.

Broken part of the hinge connection

How to restore the broken part of the hinge compound that presses in the frame?

  • Using booths and the tip remove the remains of the hinge elements, fused in the frame of the glasses. Or after a good warming up the soldering iron, remove the debris using a tweezer from the rim and stabbing the vacant place.
  • After that, with a copper or steel wire with a loop and give this billet outline of the letter of omega.
  • Next, install the resulting hinge element to your previous place. To do this, take it to a tweezers and heat the soldering iron, after pressing at the installation site. In the process of heating, the created design will deepen in the frame to the required depth.
  • When you reach the right depth. Remove the soldering iron, wait until the plastic will cool and the loop will fix in the frame.
  • At the end of the repair, perform a cosmetic work using a soldering iron to remove unevenness and sandpaper with a shallow fraction.
  • Brilliance can be returned by finishing it with a transparent nail polish.

Doodle hacks

From the problem of diverging towers, other - glasses practically do not hold on the face. They manifest themselves in different ways depending on the material of the rim (metallic or plastic). But, there is also a common cause - the wells are cleared in hinge elements due to long-term use. How to get rid of the problem, was painted above.

One of the reasons, due to which the towers of plastic glasses are diverged - erasing the faces, where they come into contact with the rim. This is solved by restoring the erased part with:

  • slipping or sticking to headphones Thin piece of plastic;
  • application of the glue layer, which, after drying, becomes very solid, followed by its processing.

In the case of metal rims, the tower will be attached to the bracket, which is one of the whole with a rim.

Flying glasses from the rim

Such a problem is often observed with fast head movements. This problem is solved quite simple.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • remove the lens;
  • drill 4 wells that will be located on the inside of the window of the window;
  • in the drilled wells, place a few droplets of glue, inserting in the following lenses back, firmly compressing the rim;
  • leave for several hours (better for a day) so that the glue is fully hardened. After that, you can use the glasses again.

Broken back of the tow

Typically, such a breakdown happens in the absence of a metal base (rod) in tall plastic towers. To repair them you will need to take advantage:

  • glue;
  • metal pin;
  • electric drill.


  • It is necessary to make a central hole in both one and in another piece of rim.
  • Then paste the pin (size 1.5-2 cm).
  • Docus the fragments into a single whole and the place of the joint to be treated with glue.
  • Leave to dry the glue approximately during the day.

Split arc lenses

Most often a plastic arc is split. This problem is solved by simply gluing the alignment of the rim, where the split appeared. However, for this it is necessary to choose suitable glue and this is a rather difficult task. Professionals are recommended to reduce the load on the site of the split and glue the lens itself to the rim arc.

For a small operation, you will need:

  • a thread;
  • fishing line;
  • scotch;
  • nail polish (transparent);
  • super glue;
  • set of emery paper.


  • plug the edges of the lenses of Scotch;
  • handle the inner part of the alignment and place of fault by glue;
  • insert a lens in the frame and surpasses the places of gluing;
  • for greater reliability, brew glasses, using a fishing line and scotch;
  • delete and clean the places where the glue fell;
  • in case of the appearance of scratches at the place of stripping, hide their imposition of nail polish.

The arched out of the frame and the arched arc towers

Due to such deformations, the glasses are very poorly fixed on the face. In plastic frames, this occurs when they exposed to high temperatures. And since they are quite elastic, then this property can be used when repaired. That is, by heating, return them to their former shape.

  • Glasses are heated, as a rule, in boiled water, using a pair of passage. After filling the rim, they are removed from the water.
  • The position of the towers is fixed by pressing a heavy item before it does not cool.
  • The frame is straightened independently, fixing the hands before its cooling.
  • If metal rims or towers are deformed, they are straightened using the mechanical effects of the passatology or hands.

Points are a very fragile optical tool. They are easily exposed to strain: rims break in different parts, ears are laid out, screws and lenses fall out. In order to return them to your former condition, you need to have a number of instruments and materials using it in repairs. And the duration of the use of repaired fixture directly depends on how carefully you will relate to it.

If there is no possibility to repair the points yourself, you can always contact professionals. Repair points are made in different cities, but the best quality has repair shops of large cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Points that are constantly worn are most often out of extreme conditions, and therefore sooner or later cause damage. In this case, it is customary to apply to the repair shop, paying considerable amounts for the restoration of the rim. But it turns out, it is possible to repair the glasses with your own hands, if you first deal with their device and explore the basic recovery techniques. In some cases, we need a soldering glasses, but often you can do without it.

The main constructive element, fastening handles and glasses, is a hinge node that can have two versions.

One of them is mugging through a conventional screw connection. A more complex design is execution, in which a special spring-loaded mechanism is used for fastening, called Flex.

In the simplest case, when the malfunction is associated with the screw turning from the attachment node - it is enough just to return it to the place when using a clock screwdriver or a well-pointed knife. Soldering here is not needed.

Glasses with flexami

If there are flexs, the repair points is significantly complicated, since the fixing screw in this case passes through the mobile bar, and it is drawn into the cavity of the awesome.

At the same time, the two mounting holes that coincide in the normal state, after this breakdown, due to the action of the spring, they lose alone, so the screw can not be returned to the place. The only possible way out of this position is to shift the bar back to your place and screw the fastening screw into the hole.

To return the bar, the easiest way is to use a seboard or needle, which allow you to cling to a small ledge, going beyond the habit of glasses. For this operation, two hands are usually lacking, so you will need either assistant help or small vices (clamp).

In the second case, the towing housing is first clamped, after which you can try to screw the screw into place. In the event that the material of the bump is very soft - it is advisable to lay them with a piece of leather.

If the screw is damaged or lost - it can be replaced by any suitable and thread. If the diameter is miserably, it is screwed into the mounting hole, thereby cutting a new thread. You can also use a piece of copper wire of a suitable cross section, which, after installation in the hole, is blocked from both sides.

Repair Flex

Some glasses sushin (handkah) breaks at the fastening of a hinge to the flex itself, which forces the choice of one of two solutions: a complete replacement or repair. Since it is possible to change this part with glasses with glasses - consider the device of the node and the order of its recovery in more detail.

With a careful study of the structure, it can be seen that from the end of the hack there is a rectangular groove, which includes a steel strip thickness of about 1 mm. It breaks usually with damage to this part of the points and needs to be repaired.

A possible version of its recovery is the connection in a reversible location by riveting.

As such a part, a sewing pin from brass with a head with a diameter of about a millimeter can be used to drill holes in the connected parts. When marking, one of them is planned in the center of the convicts (arms) with the calculation so that it coincides with the central line of the strip fixed in the hinge. Only after the attachment of this part can be clearly stored, and then drill holes in both combined halves.

Fastening lenses

In some models, lenses have a hard fastening of half the rim, and their open part is held in the rim from the fishing line, recessed in a special groove. This method of fixing the lenses makes glasses more elegant in appearance and convenient for wearing due to a decrease in the weight of the rim.

But for all these advantages, it is necessary to pay the inconvenience that they are easily breaking in the event of a negligent relationship. Here, as well as when repairing flexs, the following two options are possible:

  • in case the lens jumped out of the attachment, and the fishing line remained in its place - due to its elasticity, the optical element of points is easily set to the previous position;
  • in a situation where the fishing line completely fell off the rim - it will be necessary to complete its replacement.

In the latter case, you should not be upset and immediately contact the workshop, because such a fault is easily eliminated with your own hands. It is possible to solve this problem with the help of a solid fishing line with a cross section of 0.8 mm, from the shift of which a piece of approximately ten-centimeter length is cut off.

After removal of old forests, make sure that the ends of the new workpiece easily pass into the locking holes, and if not, then slightly sharpen them (cut off the oblique line). If in this case the fishing line does not pass into the holes - it is necessary in any way to expand them in any way (sometimes it is necessary to even take this part of the attachment).

After the ends are inserted into the holes, and the size is measured strictly along the length of the lens arc, it is necessary to warm their ends of the soldering iron, then securely fix the optics in the frame. This is the case of the application of soldering for repair points.

If the frame is metallic, and burst the metal of the lens holder, then the soldering can be applied to repair. The holder solder using rosin (for stainless steel and has become better than chloride zinc), and the solder is chosen or tin-lead or in accordance with the features of the rim metal.

Repair of hacks and arms

There are often cases when the glasses are broken into two parts one of the arms, and the breakdown occurs in the metal joint zone and the plastic tip, fixed on the pin by means of a screw. In this case, of course, it is possible to use the method of laser soldering of metals, but at home this option is difficult to implement.

It is much easier to use a brass lining of the corresponding shape and a thickness of 1 mm that connects both sewing at the point of contact of the half.

Two holes are drilled in the lining, and with each side there are fixing bends. The size of one of the holes coincides with the embossed recesses in the openwork pattern of the metal part, the second is made arbitrary. After assembling the handle in a single whole, it acquires quite suitable for wearing.

The custody of the alignment can be restored by the same methods as convulsions. However, in this case, it will be wiser to purchase a new one, not very expensive frame suitable for the color and structure of the metal. It will not be much difficult to rearrange it instead of the old broken part.

Metal rim rim

In the event of a breakdown of a metal rim rim, a serious repair will be required, since this place is experiencing strong deformation loads.

The simplest solution is the option of gluing a metal rim directly to lenses of glasses. At the same time, the gluing area increases significantly, which ensures the necessary strength of the compound formed.

For these purposes, the well-known brand of universal adhesive "Contact" is optimally suitable, whose strength only increases with time. To eliminate glue to plastic lenses on both sides of the connecting seam, you need to stick through the scotch strip. If lenses are glass, then you can do without it, since glue from glass rubs enough simply.

Plastic frame (rim)

For soldering rims, points or rim from thermoplastic material will require a soldering iron or a similar heating device. They are necessary for heating plastic in the bond zone of broken parts, joined in the molten state. This is not a soldering in the full sense of the word, since the solder does not apply here.

You can do without soldering devices, if you use dichloroethane or benzene, melting plastic to the desired state at normal temperatures.

Regardless of the selected method of heating, softened to the desired state of the rim is tightly pressed one to the other and are kept some time sufficient to obtain a reliable diffusion connection.

Repair using laser

The laser soldering method refers to the category of the latest technologies, allowing to perform a very subtle repair of metal frames of any form. The locality of the heating of the contact zone allows you to maintain adjacent areas in an undeformed form.

The restoration of parts by a laser method is carried out using a special microscope, which affects the cost of all repair operations.

You can solder in this way both in vacuo and outdoors; Moreover, the use of fluxes in this case is not at all necessary. When soldering points, it is preferable to use the pulsive mode of operation of the laser device, using solders that correspond to the brand became a forehead or rim.

Professionals spend the soldering of titanium, composite and steel frames, know how to choose the right solder. Soldering with a laser low power can lead to the fact that parts of the points are once again broken down, so the choice of the power of the instrument plays a big role.

How to save glasses

In order to protect the glasses from the breakdown, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wearing them best with a special safety cord, eliminating the drop and damage to the product;
  • before removing the clothes, do not forget to shoot glasses to avoid their breakdown;
  • store them better in a specially designed case.

We also note that it is desirable to preserve the fears in non-working condition, without leaving points in a dangerous and unstable position.

Glasses is an integral thing for all people with poor eyesight. But it is not always worthwhile to this item. As a result, they break, they are broken or screws are lost. But it does not matter, because it is possible to glue plastic glasses at home with glue.

However, to achieve reliable attachment, it is necessary to choose an effective adhesive mixture.

What glue gloves can be glued - inventory selection

Glue plastic points on their own not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance.

All tools that are needed for repair work are likely to be easily located in the house:

Mini drill with a thin drill (0.3-0.5 mm.);

  • Needle;
  • Thread;
  • Degreasing means (alcohol or gel for lacquer removal);
  • Stationery gum;
  • The cloth;
  • Cotton swabs;
  • Line;
  • Glue.

Not every glue is suitable for repairing broken glasses from plastics.

To do this, you need to look after one of several types of glue:

  • Bison Plastic. Effectively used for durable gluing plastic glasses and abundance of household plastic objects, such as polycarbonate, organic glass and PVC. It is also great for repairing plastic toys, consoles, mobile phones, fastening of plastic auto and bicycle spare parts, PVC pipes. It has high strength, waterproof, transparent after drying, withstands the temperature in the range from -20 to +100 degrees. The cost of tubes with a volume of 25 ml: 290 rubles.
  • Moment plastic. Blesses various types of plastic (polyurethane, polystyrene, soft and hard polyvinyl chloride) among themselves and with other materials. Perfectly fixable plastics: ABS, polyethylene and polypropylene. It has a high speed of gluing, frost and moisture-resistant, resistant resistant, provides durable glue seam, resistant to aging. Glasses renovated with these glue will serve for a very long time. The cost is 30 ml of tube: 160 rubles.
  • Uhu Plast Spezial. With it, you can reliably glue points and parts from plastic. Provides solid fixation of rigid plastics and polystyrene, as well as plastics with other household items. Perfectly fills the seams and microcracks due to the needle-dispenser, which allows you to apply glue into the most hard-to-reach places. After drying, it becomes transparent. The cost is 30 ml of tube: 375 rubles.

How to glue with glasses - Phased instructions

Often, glasses break in half in a place where the transfer is located. When the entire inventory is prepared and you buy the necessary glue, proceed to gluing the rim.

We give an example of repairs of glasses with glue Bison Plastic:

  • Sanding with sandpaper and pass the broken surfaces to glue;
  • Declaring glued surfaces with gel for removing varnish or alcohol;
  • Cut the piece of the wooden line so that its length is the same as the distance between the side parts of the points - this will allow fixing points in one position, which will increase the quality and convenience of repair;
  • In order to avoid scratches on the lenses, cover them with paper;
  • Attach a wooden ruler to one half of the glasses, attach them to each other by the stationery elastic band. Do the same with the second half of the glasses, while tightly pressing it to the first half;
  • Ensure a dense adjacent of two broken parts of the rim;
  • Slowly squeeze the glue in the seam in the place of fault;
  • Fill the joint completely so that there are no gaps and voids;
  • Watch sticks wretched the remnants of glue before it dries;
  • Leave points in this position for 2 hours until the glue is complete;
  • On a carrying, from two sides of the joint, do a drill one hole;
  • Around the joint, stretch the thread through the drilled holes. To do this, use a needle. The color of the thread must be selected for the color of the rim;
  • Skip the thread through both holes until you fill them with;
  • Look hole holes with a large amount of glue to the thread soak;
  • The remnants of the adhesive mixture remove the car, and cut the extra thread;
  • Postpone the glasses for a day so that glue is completely pros.


We glue the alignment of glasses

Often, problems arise because of the breakdown of the handle (towers).

If they broke in half, there is an effective way glue a handle from glasses tightly:

  1. In the middle of the ends of both broken parts, the arms drill on one longitudinal hole;
  2. In each broken part of the handle, next to the ends, make two through holes so that they create a square around the joint, and the longitudinal hole was in the center of this square;
  3. Between pairs of the upper and lower through holes with the help of the chisels, ride small grooves, in which later you will need to put the wire;
  4. Fill in both longitudinal holes drilled in the ends, epoxy glue or glue containing acetone;
  5. Insert the steel wire rod into one of the longitudinal holes so that it comes out a little;
  6. Thin layer of glue lubricate both split ends of the towers;
  7. Connect both broken parts by putting one half of the alone on the rod, protruding on the other half;
  8. The junction should be dense, do not allow voids;
  9. Excess glue Wrap a cotton swab;
  10. Enroll the seam of nichrome wire, stretching it through through holes;
  11. Shy the split parts to increase the strength of the gluing;
  12. Sticking wire hide in previously cutting grooves;
  13. Twist the ends of the wire, making the turn;
  14. Wire residues Cut with nipples;
  15. Give points to dry a day, then you can wear them further.

Glasses - often the constant attribute of a modern man who have to spend a lot of time at a computer, because not everyone has the opportunity and the desire to wear contact lenses. However, glasses are not only people with poor eyesight; It is also a pretty stylish accessory, and sunglasses, waiting in the hour, lie on the shelf almost from everyone.

Whatever glasses - for vision correction, perforated, sunscreen, decorative without lenses, expensive brand or cheapBought in the market for a hundred rubles - they have a property break. Ribbed robbed, but also broken lenses are not uncommon. How often do we sit on the sofa and suddenly hearing an unpleasant crunch? This crunch suggests that it is time to buy new glasses.

Very sorry! Maybe it's not too late to fix everything? If, for example, to figure out what glasses consist of and how to fix them yourself?

Design of glasses

The main element of any glasses - lenses made of glass or plastics. Lenses are inserted in the frame to which using hinges Hands are attached, or hassiness. The hinge has a fixed part fixed in the frame, and the movable, welded to the metal core of the tow and fixed in its plastic part. In some models, instead of hannikov, a tape or gum cover is used.

The jumper between two lenses is called "bridge", or we transmit, and plastic or silicone bearings protecting the bridge From a strong pressure of the rim, - the noseporates, which, like the arms, are attached to points with the help of hinges. The presence of noseofers is characteristic of heavy metal points, while plastic glasses are quite lungs and do not have such pressure on the nose.

Any element of glasses design can break, but especially often the breakdowns are susceptible to the "bridge" and places of frames of rims with arms (and nucleoprases, if any).

How to independently fix the transfer?

1. Temporary repair of "Bridge" with paper and glue

Good news: even a child can cope with such a task! It is necessary only find superciles (suit "moment") And glossy paper, which in color is not very different from the rim (however, can be played in contrast).

The paper should be chopped into thin strips and gently wrap it with it to the desired thickness, not forgetting to miss glue. Before applying a new layer, you need to wait until the old dried.

Glasses are ready! Now you can safely reach the trip to the repair specialist.

Also a rather interesting way. It will take a small saucepan or a bowl with boiling water and a pin.

At first, it is necessary to melt plastic, for which the ends of the "bridges" are formed during the split, are descended as close as possible to boiling water. When the ends softenedYou need to insert a short pin into one of them (you can "pinch a piece of pins part of the pin), and then put another end on it. The resulting gap should be smoothed by hand until the plastic froze. Glasses like new!

3. Professional repair "Bridge"

This method is essentially similar to the previous one, however requires more attention, accuracy and diligence. In addition, you will need various tools:

In the ends formed during the split, the ends need to drill two holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm and a depth of 5 mm, then top and bottom to drill Through holes with a diameter of 1 mm. With the help of a cutter, form grooves between two upper, as well as two lower holes. In the hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm, pour glue and insert a steel wire with a length of 9 mm. Shoots to lubricate with glue and connect. Correct the design with the help of nichrome wires passed through the upper and lower holes. Holes and grooves to pour glue, after drying to polish sandpaper.

How to replace the lost screw?

1. Temporary repair of the hinge

Make a temporary repair of a hinge, which will make it possible to wait for a campaign to a specialist, you can with the help of toothpicks, wires, pins or a caprony fishing line.

Rim and handcraft glasses align relatively each other So that a hole in the hinge is formed into which the toothpick is inserted (or that it will come from the list presented). The extra part of the toothpicks must be cut, the wire is twisted, and the Kapron Lope is to melt the lighters or matches in the flame.

2. Repair of a hinge with a flex

Flex mechanism is used locking a meek glasses In a certain position, it is very convenient for those who have a non-standard head size! Unfortunately, such a wonderful device has a serious disadvantage: the screw from such a hinge is very difficult to insert into place.

The fact is that between the two parts of the hinge there is a movable plank, which when the screw is dropped, draws inside the arms. To pull the barIt is necessary to fix the handguard (for example, with the help of vice) and, by one hand holding the rim and drawn with a needle or scolding the bar, screw the screw into the hinge. The first time may not work, but do not give up! Several attempts - and ready.

How to independently adjust the arms?

Sometimes it happens that after a long wearing In a bag or short-term unsuccessful contact with something heavy glasses, it seems to be not broken, but still wearing them are not very convenient: put on the ears, the nose or, on the contrary, they constantly hang out and slide. The reason may be wounded in the wrong adjustment of the arrangement and nose-support.

  • To check whether the nose-absorbers are regulated correctly, you need to put glasses on a flat surface and compare their position relative to each other. To change the height of planting glasses, the noseoporas should be moved (if the points need to lift) or push out (if you need to omit).
  • If the glasses are humbered or dangling, you need to hold the towers in hot water for a while or heat them with a hairdryer, and then straighten to straighten or, respectively, bend stronger. It is necessary to act carefully, so as not to melt the arms and do not break them. This method is suitable for plastic frames. Wire rims are easily bent with small pliers.

With the help of non-hard tools, you can successfully fix the above-minded glasses or adjust the rim for the greatest comfort.

Experienced "balloons" do not throw out old glasses, in which fastening bumps on the spot. If the screw in the glasses, which are currently used, most likely it will be lost, because Its size is very miniature. Then you can use a screw from old glasses, which can be screwed in a special hour screwdriver. It also needs to be in his arsenal.

2 step

If the alone alone is damaged, some use a fishing line as its replacement. A segment of a thick fishing line is taken, one end is fixed in the hole on the alternation of points, and you need to not only tie the knot, but also gently melt the end so that it does not unlease and do not fall. Another end is refilled for the ear, and so that he does not swallow, the small, but weighty ship, which will hold this end behind the ear, will not be visible. Such a loader can be a nut or a small metal washer. The method is tested by some pensioners.
If it's not very pleasant that a thin line is a thin line, you can skip the fishing line through the beverage tube (these tubes have a special convenient "harmonica" for flexion) or a technical soft Cambrick. Then the view will be more civilized.

3 Step

And there is still a simple way out of the situation with breakdown of glasses. You can attribute them to the repair workshop. If the rim is subject to repair, it will be restored for 15 to 20 minutes and it will be not very expensive. That's just workshops there are not very much, so it may have to spend time to get to the nearest.