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The practical value of insects for man. Useful insects. Streamed insects plant

Amazing phenomenon - insect flight. When a slow down show on the screen of a flying butterfly or flies, it can be seen that it seems to float in the air. The air environment for these small organisms is pretty viscous as water for fish. Those insects that "float" in the air at a speed of up to 30 m / s and more (many flies, dragonflies and bees), strikingly streamlined. The flight of insects is their characteristic feature that arose hundreds of millions of years ago. Insects - the first real conquerors of the atmosphere of our planet. The appearance of numerous flying insects was probably the most important condition for the evolutionary development of flying insectivore vertebrates - birds and manochable mammals.

During the evolution, insects had complex ties with other organisms. Their role in various biocenoses is extremely large. Insects are involved in the soil-forming processes, destroy the dead parts of the plants and bring them into the soil enriched with humus. The destruction of corpses and excrement has a great sanitation. Insects pollinated flowering plants. The main role among pollinators is played by refamming, dirt and scrappers. Insects give valuable food and technical products, such as bees - honey, wax and other products. Natural silkworms are produced from cocoons of the tute silkworm. Many insects serve food of vertebrates. They are eaten by birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles. Entomophages are constrained by an increase in the number of pests of agriculture and forestry. This feature is performed by predatory beetles, refamming and dirty, riders and eggs.

Ant eat fruit photo: Zainichi Gaikokujin

The artificial breeding of such insects in industrial conditions and their mass release in the places of reproduction of pests is widely practiced. Insects have a lot of aesthetic meaning. Many types of butterflies and beetles, dragonflies and refoliates are the decoration of nature. Insects play a big role in the nature and life of a person. The main food of most of them is different parts of the plants (from leaves, fruits, seeds, pollen and colors nectar to wood). Therefore, insects are of particular importance in all terrestrial vegetables - animal groups as essential consumers of plants. Because of this, they often turn out to be very dangerous pests of agriculture.

Imitating circumstances of rare insects

We are accustomed to believe that reserves are huge areas where rare exotic animals are protected. But few people know that there is in our country, and in many other countries, micro recruits, where they guard ordinary insects. In these reserves guard insects for which there is a threat to disappearance. The first insect reserve in our country, and otherwise the entomopark was created in 1972 near the city of Omsk, in the territory of only 6.5 hectares. The name is already the name - a microdepacer - speaks of its small size. It can be a small glade on the edge of the forest, or a piece of a school yard, where land processing and special growing plants are stopped.

Such sections gradually overwhelm wild plants that provide protected six-legged and food, and asylum from enemies and bad weather. Sometimes the seeds of wild herbs are specially filled, placed on the seeds and rot cockles. To create more favorable conditions in the soil, additional moves make, dry the dry branches of the cantham, corn, straw bundles. On such sections from early spring to late autumn, many blooming plants, there are places where insects can withdraw offspring and fall. Inside such a reserve, the movement of people is limited, you can walk only on special tracks.

In such conditions, bumblebees are preserved and well multiplied with bumblebees, wild bees, roar, rare types of beetles and butterflies, riders and gold-profiles, dragonflies and many other insects that are less and less. According to scientists, such microstaticists should be created everywhere: in cities and villages, in the fields and in the forests. Small corners of untouched nature not only help preserve rare and endangered types of insects, but also help to successfully deal with pests, because numerous entomophages that limit mass reproduction of pests are well developed here.

The role of insects in human life

The attitude of a person to the world of insects is gradually changing. Previously, he used chemistry to completely destroy insects - pests. Today, the main task of people is to make useful insects with their allies in the struggle for the harvest.

In nature, each insect - pest is usually not one dozen enemies. For example, with apple-leaving, they are about hundreds. In the undisturbed natural communities, mass reproduction of pests very rarely: their number is controlled by natural enemies. And in our gardens, pests in the fields and gardens are multiplied in huge quantities.

Some entomophages are already bred on an industrial scale, creating whole boflamps for their production. Specially breed trichogram, zlatpolanse, predatory phytosayulus tick. If necessary, they are released in the gardens, on the fields, to the greenhouses, where they begin to fight pests.

Natural entomophages have to be not easy: a person will poison them along with pests with all sorts of chemicals, deprives them of food reserves. The fact is that most adult entomophages are not at all predators, in contrast to the larvae, and peace-loving vegetarians, eating mainly nectar, pollen or fruit juices. But the period of flowering cultivated plants is very short, and the wild blooming dispersion becomes less and less.

In order to improve the feed base with adult entomophages, scientists are recommended to sung around the edges of the fields, along the forest belt, on the shores of the irrigation canals nectarone plants - Facelius, Raps, mustard, donon, etc.

Insect value in man's life

Insects in the life and economic activities of a person have both positive and negative meaning. There are only more than one million insects, so, these pests, with whom it is really necessary to fight, only 1%. But the remaining insects either benefit or indifferent to humans.

There are domesticated insects, for example, a honey bee and a taled silkworm - their breeding specially do. The honey bee gives honey, wax, propolis, apilac, uterine milk, and a taled silkworm - a silk thread that can be continuous and reach 1000 meters.

In addition to these insects, the caterpillars of the oak cocooner caterpillar are valuable - they have a coarser silk thread and it is suitable for the manufacture of Chesch's fabric, lacquer worms - they highlight a wax-like substance with insulating properties, which is used in radio - and, carmine worm - they give red paint carmine , Beetles-unprovers - they highlight Cantaridine caustic substance, which is used for the manufacture of disruptive plastering.

Insect pollinators - they represent many detachments, among them an important place is occupied by the refamps - they increase the crops of seeds, berries, fruits, colors of many cultivated plants - fruit and berry, vegetable, forage, floral.

Insect value in nature

Insects are 80% of all animals on Earth. By the way, according to different estimates in the modern fauna from 2 to 10 million species of insects, and it is known from them, while only over 1 million. Actively participating in the cycle of substances, insects play a global planetary role in nature.

For example, more than 80% of plants are pollinated by insects only. It can be said with confidence that the flower is the exceptional result of the joint evolution of plants and insects. Fixtures of flowering plants to attract insects are diverse: pollen, nectar, essential oils, aroma, shape and color of the flower. But insect adaptations are a suction trothotock of butterflies, rodent-linguring trumps of bee; Or special dustholders - the bees and bumblebees brush and basket on the hind legs, at the bees-megahil - the abdominal brush, numerous hairs on the legs and body.

A significant role insects play in soil formation. This participation is associated not only with soil breaking and enriching it with humus insect insects and their larvae, but also with the decomposition of plant and animal remnants - plants, corpses, excrement of animals, and at the same time a sanitary role is carried out and the cycle of substances in nature.

Different kinds of insects are performed by various kinds:

Coprophages - among them the beetles-insuries, muffins and cowpers;

Necrophages - such as the beetles-dead, graveters, leisure, flies, meat and padalants;

Insects, who are the destroyers of dead plant residues: Whether the wood, branches, leaves, needles are bugs - drillrs, larvae of Usachi, rags, Rogohvostov, Komarov-Dongovok, Affiliates, Mushroom Mosquitoes, and so on;

Sanitary insects that feed on suspended or at the bottom of rotting organic substances (Dudit) are the larvae of mosquito dergunov, or bells, datsok, creepers, purify water and serve as a bioindicator of its sanitary condition.

Thus, insects are an essential element of food pyramids. Many animals feed in the insects: fish, amphibian, reptiles, birds and mammals.

It is interesting!

The dimensions of the adult individual insects are in the range of 0.139 mm (0.00547 inches) - fireflies, up to 55.5 cm (21.9 inches) - ladies.

Scientists have discovered on the island of Borneo the longest insect - a lap, the length of which reaches half a meter. While experts found only three individuals and almost nothing can say about the peculiarities of this species.

Another remarkable find - a frog-chameleon. At night, the coverage of these amphibians with a size of 3.5 centimeters is painted bright green, and during the day the color of their body becomes brown.

Entomology - Insect Sciences (from the Greek Words Entomon - insect, Logos - Science). Insects are an insecta class, type of arthropod (artropoda) animals. Insects are inherent in such signs as the presence of one pair of mustaches, maintaining a terrestrial lifestyle and as a trachean respiratory system to it. According to these signs of insects, they allocate in a separate subtype of the trachechenes (Tracheata). Often insects also belong to the subtype of jewish, or mandibular (mandibulata), for which not only the presence of umbilies, but also the transformation of the three pairs of rotted extremities in the mouth of the mouth, of which the upper jaws or mandibles are particularly developed.

The class of insects is unusually diverse and in terms of the number of types of species in it exceeds the total number of species of other animals and plants. Currently, about 1 million species of insects have been established, but in reality their number can reach 1.5 million. Each species has a unique combination of properties and signs, i.e. It has only inherent specificity. And insects reached an infinite diversity of morphological and biological traits, adaptive features, connections with other organisms. Organic nature embodied in the world of insects the largest number of life forms and the largest number of forms of participation in the cycle of substances.

Insects can be found everywhere: on plants and in the soil, in the air and water bodies, high in the mountains, in the zone of eternal snow and in the hot deserts.

No less diverse and the role of insects in nature, in the economy of society, in the lives of people. According to fossil residues, it was possible to establish that the most progressive groups of insects developed in parallel with the highest flowering plants, which for many of them served as a source of food, moisture, sometimes as a refuge. In turn, insects pollinate up to 80% of plants. Often, due to lack of pollinkers, the crop of fruits and seeds of such valuable crops, as an apple tree, a pear, buckwheart, sunflower, clover, alfalfa, is noticeably reduced. From the insects man gets honey, wax, uterine milk, propolis (honey bees), silk and basshy (taut, oak silkworms), shellac (lacquer cherry), coloring matter - carmine (koshenylene worm).

A large group of insects participates in the soil formation. Together with the ticks and ringed worms, they destroy the OPEAD and the vegetable litter, break the soil with their moves, contribute to the best ventilation and enrichment by humus. The destruction of corpses and excrement of animals, carried out by representatives of another faunistic complex of insect species, has a great sanitation. So, due to the lack of insects, decomposing manure, began to die pastures in Australia, and only the browse and acclimatization of the beetles of Navitarians allowed to correct the situation.

Along with positive, very significant and negative consequences of insect activities for humans. Many types of insects that feed on plants can achieve high numbers and make serious harm to agricultural crops, forest plantations.

There are a lot of species, powered by a person and vertebral animals. Many bloodsuckers not only worry people with their bite, but also tolerate the pathogens of dangerous diseases. So, the lice transmit a rapid and return title, fleas - plague, malaria mosquito - malaria, Muha Tsetz - Sleepy disease, etc. Agricultural animals suffer from dryers and are blind.

Insects-ґruttoethekuvachi . In the tropics, the main producers are termites that are recycled in the forest all the extreme wood. Substressive remnants of animals, the waste of their livelihoods in nature are destroyed by the larvae of flies, grooks-gobacharicams, beetles - a member.

Insect pollinators . Most flower plants (about 80%) depend on insects, pollinate flowers, thus ensuring the formation of seeds and fruits. The role of both pollinators of plants of representatives of three rows of insects is especially great, twisted and butterflies.

Insects are pests of plants. Dozens of pest species adapted to development in the stem (Loubohedov, Coroes, Usachi), in fruits (fruzens, weevils), in tubers, bulbs, rhizomes (Vedges, larvae of beetles, shortcuts), in the leaves (Gallery flies, nut-making), etc. Dangerous for nature and man There are plants pests such as locusts, faults, applety fruzing, roasting fire, unpaired and pine silkworms, beetles-Usachi, cores, etc. Harh harm in the fields and vegetable beetles, beetle, beetrals, beetle Both his larvae-wire, whitening (cabbage, referee, trouser), winter scoop, American white butterfly, etc. With double field and garden plants, some flies are harvested (larvae, cabbage, carrot flies). For trees and garden bushes, the most ordinary pests are Tly, apple-blossom bloom, strawberry weevil, raspberry beetle. To date, biological methods of plant protection are great importance. Biological method of combating pests - the destruction of harmful insects at all stages of development with the help of their natural enemies (frogs, lizards, birds, earthlings, heroes, moles, bats, etc.) Many natural enemies in pests and among insects: god's cow destroy tool and other pests predatory beetles (grows, hopping) hunt for caterpillars of the unpaired silkworm, predatory bugs ( miscellaneous, Perilyus) are the enemies of the Colorado Beetle, riders The larvae of cabins, silkworm of the unpaired, tool, lay their eggs in ticks, which transfer pathifiers of diseases.

Domesticated, or home, insects . Such insects include a tuet silkworm, a honey bee and others. Silkworm tute - The only fully domesticated form of butterflies, which in vivo does not exist now. Food for the caterpillars of a mulk silkworm is the leaves of mulberries. As a result of domestication, these insects lost the ability to fly and in adult state do not eat. The breeding of the silkworm of the Tutov began to engage in China about 5 thousand years ago. Honey bee It is a wholesale insect. In each bee family there is one female ( uterus, or queen), several males ( trutne) and tens of thousands work individuals which are females with underdeveloped reproduction bodies. The uterus lays down in cells fertilized (it develops working bees and uterus) and non-secretive (drowned) eggs. Depending on the feeding conditions, the larvae turns either in the uterus, or on the working bee. One larvae working bees is fed throughout the development only by the "boy" and from them at the end of development are formed by the uterus, others feed "milk" only the first three days, and starting from the fourth - a mixture of pollen and honey (working bees develop).

Icharkin is a very peculiar group, no other animals look like the origin of an ancient and incomprehensible.

1. Insects are pollinators of flowering plants. A particularly large role in this belongs to the refamming.

2. They play a major role in the process of soil formation. Ants, larvae of many insects loose soil, creating favorable conditions for ventilation and moisturizing, enrich it with humus, organic residues.

3. They play an important role in the biogenic cyphans of substances.

Many of the insects are part of the food chains of fish, amphibians, birds, mammals.

4. Products produced by insects are used in food (honey), or as technical raw materials (wax, silk, shellac).

Along with these, some negative consequences for the nature and person of insect activities should be noted.

1. Insects, feeding in vegetative organs of plants, can influence significant damage to natural biocenosis, agricultural land with intensive reproduction.

2. Insects can damage various structures. Some types of beetles, termites can destroy wooden buildings.

As pollinators of plants, insects play a significant role in the reproduction of plants.

Insecomes and in the economic activity of a person have important importance: as pollinators, increase the yield of cultivated plants; It is important to use them for the purpose of biological methods of combating harmful insects, domesticated insects give valuable food and raw materials for industry.
Under the influence of human activity, the number of several types of insects has declined so much that they became rare, some were on the verge of extinction. Therefore, all these insects need protection. 202 types of insects have already been listed in the Red Book. The inclusion of a particular type in this book is a signal about the danger threatening, about the need to apply urgent measures to protect it.

The study of insects is engaged in science entomology

From the above, it can be seen how diverse the structure and behavior of arthropods compared to the ringed worms. The similarity in the structure of ringed worms and arthropods proves the relationship between them. At the same time, the comparison of these two types shows what a big step was made by nature in the morphusiological organization and animal behavior at the type of arthropods.

Measures to combat harmful insects

Fighting of harmful insects can be carried out by various methods: quarantine, agricultural, mechanical, physical, chemical, biological.

Quarantine events are aimed at protecting the territory of the state, the region from the penetration of agricultural pests.

Agrotechnical method provides for the creation of conditions favorable for the development of cultivated plants and overwhelming pest reproduction. So, deep autumn plow promotes the destruction of the larvae of the May beetle, weevils. Changing crop deadlines can break the power of pests.

Mechanical methods include a device of various traps, using adhesive tapes.

Physical methods are based on the use of physical factors - high and low temperatures, emitters of sound oscillations of a certain frequency that scream pests.

Currently, chemical methods of combating pests are widely used, providing for the use of a wide range of insecticidal preparations. However, their application leads to the destruction and useful species, inflicting the families of damage to natural communities. Against bloodsowing insects, heaps, dischargeing substances are clearly used - repellents.

Most suitable from an environmental point of view, the use of biological methods of combating insects - pests. Above mentioned the riders, ants. Recently, the methods of sterilization in the laboratory conditions of males insects were largely distributed. Being released into the natural environment, they "fertilize" females that lay eggs that are not capable of normal development. As a result, the number of pests is significantly reduced.

Insects pests with intensive reproduction can be destroyed using microorganisms affecting the winged forms or their larvae.