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What does the inner world mean. What is the inner world of man

The inner world of man is a set of vitality, values \u200b\u200bthrough which his system of perception is formed. If it is more scientifically, the inner world of man is an energy information matrix, which is formed by the electrochemical processes of the interaction of the brain neurons.

How does each of us differ from others? It would seem that we all have the same number of chromosomes, each of us experiences both positive and negative emotions. So what is the difference and at the expense of which between us are so often misunderstanding, this is the main question of our article.

The inner world of the individual is the mental reality of a person, the organized content of his psyche, which accommodates all aspects of the conscious spiritual life of the individual and its spiritual energy. The inner spiritual world is the initial creation of cultural values \u200b\u200band their distinction, distribution. This concept is a kind of verbal metaphor defining virtual realitywhich is modeled by the interaction of brain neurons.

Psychology of the inner world of man

In the modern world of the soul - is synonymous with the inner world, although it is not quite so. The expansion and development of the spiritual world can occur very rapidly, while the soul can remain unchanged.

The structure of the soul world

A rich inner world of personality is formed using the components of the spiritual structure of the world.

  1. Knowledge - The need to know something about yourself and the meaning of your life, his role in this society and what happens around us. It is this property of our thinking and forms our intelligent platform for further development, training the ability to receive new information based on the one that has already been known earlier.
  2. Emotions - Personal experiences about everything with us what is happening, some phenomena or events.
  3. Feelings - Emotional states that differ from emotions are greater resistance and time duration. Also, feelings have vividly expressions, in other words, a special focus on what or anyone else.
  4. Worldview - a key aspect in the study of the inner world of a person. This is a combination of views on life, value landmarks and moral principles As your people around you.

The worldview plays a significant role in the fate of a person, because thanks to him, we have life guidelines and goals for practical activity. It also allows each woman to allocate the main life and cultural values \u200b\u200bfor themselves. The development of the inner world occurs through the improvement of all its above the presented components. Should also not forget that the development of worldview depends on life path Which you have already passed, while the spiritual aspects of knowledge can be formed and expand from the moment of understanding itself as a person.

Types of intellect

Human intelligence is perhaps the most flexible part of the whole human being, which everyone does such as what he wants. The concept of intelligence has a structure and species, each of which is recommended to develop in order to be a harmonious personality.

  1. Verbal intelligence. This intelligence is responsible for such important processes as a letter reading, oral speech and even interpersonal communication. It is quite simple to develop it: it is enough to study foreign language, read books that are literary value (and not detective novels and boulevard novels), to discuss on important topics, etc.
  2. Logical intelligence. This includes computational skills, reasoning, the ability to logically think and so on. It is possible to develop it by solving various tasks and puzzles.
  3. Spatial intelligence. This type of intelligence includes a general visual perception, as well as the ability to create and manipulate visual images. It is possible to develop it through painting, modeling, solving problems of type "Labyrinth" and the development of surveillance skills.
  4. Physical intelligence. This is a dexterity, coordination of movements, motility of hands, etc. You can develop it through sports, dance, yoga, any physical product.
  5. Musical Intellect. This is an understanding of music, writing and execution, a sense of rhythm, dance, etc. It is possible to develop this by listening to different compositions, dancing and singing, playing musical instruments.
  6. Social intelligence. This is the ability to adequately perceive the behavior of other people, adapt in society and build relationships. Developed by way group Games, discussions, projects and role-playing games.
  7. Emotional intellect. This type of intelligence includes an understanding and ability to express emotions and thoughts. To do this, it is necessary to analyze your feelings, needs, determine the strong and weak sides, learn to understand and characterize yourself.
  8. Spiritual intelligence. This intelligence includes such an important phenomenon as self-improvement, the ability to melt itself. You can develop it by reflections, meditation. Prayer is suitable for believers.
  9. Creative intelligence. This type of intelligence is responsible for the ability to create a new, create, generate ideas. It develops dance, acting, singing, writing poems, etc.

All types of intelligence can be trained and develop in any period of life, and not just in youth. People with developed intelligence longer retain performance and vitality.

Internal and external world of man
The external world of man is his social life, his interaction with other people, his life in society. As you know, we manage our reality only to some extent, it is managed by different external powerBut we can control our own energy, directing these external forces in favor of either harmful to themselves. Hence it becomes obvious that the greatest impact on the world It will be able to give one who has more developed ability to control the world internal. A person who is able to take control of herself will gradually be able to control the part of the surrounding reality. Why it is so, we will look further.

Interior spiritual world man
Understanding is achieved by developing your inner world, and every time you go to new level Awareness, you will experience this satisfaction, since these processes cause influx vital energyand increase inner power. The harmony that appeared inside is constantly increasing, and is projected into the outside world, thanks to this, a person begins to receive more pleasure from interacting with others, it gives new forces and continues again and again. The development of the inner world of a person, directly leads to the strengthening of its interactions with the Spirit. A person increases the ability to feel the power of the Spirit, and interact with it, and therefore often the inner world is called the spiritual world of man.

Development of the inner world of man
The development of the inner world of a person is a meaningful practical process, and the purpose of this development should be an increase in the awareness and an increase in internal force. Increased awareness is achieved by self-knowledge. Awareness without internal force will only lead to the fact that a person will be treated as a school excellent card, which no one takes seriously, so it is necessary to develop internal force. Internal strength is being studied by real action.

Inner world of man development plan
In essence, the development of the inner world, it is self-development, but with a bias more in the direction of itself, so you can use the plan below. I note that this plan is conditional, and is made only for the convenience of the perception of the material.

  • Self-analysis, identifying what we consider our problems (understanding yourself)
  • Prioritization, lifestyle adjustment (understanding of situations)
  • Getting rid of harmful programs, mental cleansing (internal freedom)
  • Self-programming, creating the necessary life habits (your way)
  • The operation of internal qualities by movement on the intended path (action)

Self-analysis helps to understand where to move and from where. Getting rid of harmful programs makes it possible to have enough energy and time for deeper analysis and reflection, it allows you to improve the quality of thinking, as it eliminates distracting external programs and thoughts. The priority arrangement will give a clear action plan to make in their lives in accordance with their life values. The operation of internal qualities through real action allows you to take your life under control, and live in harmony with the Spirit. This is a direct path to an increase in the inner strength, this increase in such qualities as self-control, discipline and willpower. This clause is essentially creating a result, creates a person's lifestyle, its integrity.

Inner world, external world - concepts that fix the difference between all things belong to psychic phenomenathe spheres of a person and the fact that it does not apply to it. This difference is associated with relations between material and mental, between the object and the subject, but does not coincide with them, t. Is carried out in relation to the individual consciousness. So, to the phenomena of external for the person of the world, along with material things and processes include living beings and other people who also possess the inner world. Knowledge of someone else's mental life is also special view Knowledge of the outdoor world. On the other hand, the object for a person can be the phenomena and processes of its own inner world: perceptions, memories, reflections, emotions, etc. In the history of philosophy, the difference between these worlds was described in the concepts of immanent and transcendent, subjective, transubjective and objective. The following differences in the objects of the external world and phenomena of the inner world are usually indicated: the first localized in space and time, the second does not have spatial existence and are less rigidly associated with time; On the material objects of the outside world can be physically influenced - to move, deform, etc., - while the phenomena of the inner world can only be easily worried and explore in self-observation; The first are available in observing different entities, they can be observed again; The second individual and allow repeated consideration only in the acts of memories. Many epistemological concepts (R. Descart, D. Berkeley, D. Yu M, I. G. Ficht, immanufactured philosophy, phenomenology, etc.) postulate the mediated nature of the perception and knowledge of the external world and the immediate dense of the inner world, as well as special reliabilitythe recent phenomena compared to experience about external objects. The criticism of such a position was undertaken by I. Kant, who, refuting the idealism of Descartes, argued that the experience of the inner world does not have privileged immediacy and reliability. In modern philosophy, similar arguments continued by the English philosopher P. Stroson in the work of "Individuals" (1959), which proves that the identification of the phenomena of any type requires a bound system of publicly observed and sufficiently permanent objects. Such a system is formed only the material objects of the outside world. Therefore, only they can be described independently of other objects, while all other, and in particular the phenomenon of the inner world, can be identified and described only in relation to the system of external objects. V.P. Filatov

The inner world of man is unique and unique, thanks to this phenomenon, people create works of art: painting, music, masterpieces of literature and cinematographic genre. The deep inner world of people enriches the planet and gives a lot of useful discoveries.

What is the inner world of man?

The concept of the inner world is very multilateral, it can mean biological processes occurring in the body, such as the speed of combining synapses, the location of the internal organs, the processes of thinking, but to the same extent this concept can be attributed to the mental organization of the person in which it is located: Harmony or chaos. The inner world is every person, but someone is a whole universe, and others have barely illuminated "Little Camcor".

Inner world of women

Men never approach understanding what the inner world of a woman happens, because the wonderful representatives of humanity themselves for themselves. Interior women's World - This is a treasury of different states, the ability to visualize events and phenomena and influence the world. If the woman is closed within himself and does not allow himself to bloom, to be beautiful, she will never inspire her man on the overthrow. What helps a woman enrich their inner world:

  • communication with the Divine Benefit (, singing mantras, conversation with God for souls);
  • reading educational, psychological and spiritual literature;
  • needlework (then like);
  • hearing classical music;
  • communication with girlfriends, senior women;
  • communication with nature.

Inner world of man

Popular psychology The inner world of a man describes as a space in which he can indulge in dreams, thoughts and psychologists believe that the spiritual organization of a man is thinner and wounded than a woman. In its inner world, often a successful man - a little boy, seeking approval and recognition, which could not get from parents. Wise woman It feels and gives him respect and the opportunity to grow. The development of the inner world of men contribute:

  • travels;
  • moderate asksui;
  • sport;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • responsibility for the family;
  • soul conversations with their second half.

The inner world of personality

What the inner world of man consists is difficult to describe - this is an individual phenomenon. Everything is faced with a person throughout life postpones an imprint on the inner universe. Faced in childhood with traumatic and tragic events, a person carries in itself in the form of a disharmony, expressed in phobias and neurosis, people with a "crumpled" inner world and in adult state attract failures. Happy childhood Forms in the person an internal image of a reliable island in which you can learn strength, heal the soul, in the case of a life storm.

What does the inner world look like?

The deep inner world does not have a clear image in the usual understanding, it cannot be touched or imposed on a specific form. Every time it can be a different image or form, filling can be for a long time The same, if the person "sticks out" on certain stereotypes, the rich inner world of the person who seeks to change and knowledge. The structure of the inner world of a person can be described in the following categories:

  • emotions - Bright events always go accompanied by emotions and postpone the imprint on the inner world;
  • feelings - (love, hatred, joy) are fueled by emotions and change the usual state of affairs;
  • worldview - It is formed throughout life and has a great influence on the inner world, these are moral guidelines and principles.

How to know your inner world?

How to figure out your inner world and do not get lost? The ancient wise men said: "Know yourself - know the world!". The man delimited the phenomena and events in the category of good and evil, while I forgot the truth that there is no absolute good and evil, so knowing yourself, people more often pay attention to positive qualities, and the disadvantages are ignored and not analyzed, and there are so many potential without which the inner world is boring and fresh. To learn yourself, you need to take everything without a balance and decide to use it or what does not like to transform into a new quality.

How to change your inner world?

Dissatisfaction with his life, surroundings and events leads to the fact that the conscious person begins to think that it is wrong with him, and can it be different? Yes, the rich inner world is a true treasure, and if not, then it's time to change. Starting important from small steps - Taking it all and immediately there is a risk of breaking and further no motivation will help. Psychologists and esoterics give the following recommendations on the change in the inner world:

  • working with the body (yogic practices, respiratory techniques, elementary everyday charging for the body - in a healthy body and the spirit will perceive);
  • mental practices - work with thoughts, filtering negative and replacing them for positive;

In order to change interior filling, It is important to stop:

  • condemn people;
  • engage in challenge;
  • friend yourself.

Development of the inner world of man

The soul and the inner world of a person are not in the frozen position and need constant development. A rich inner spiritual world drinks soul and its potential grows. Since childhood, a child parents must instill a sense of wonderful, virtue and learn to express themselves, their emotions. The inner world develops from simple actions and rituals:

  • proper - food should be a medicine for the soul and body, everything that the person fills himself becomes;
  • interaction with nature - forest, water sources, fresh air fill the body with energies;
  • assistance to other people and the ability to ask for help in the necessary cases - all people on higher plans are a single organism, helping others who need help, a person helps themselves;
  • thanks - to be in this state, it means that there is always a harmonious inner world, there is always to thank life, God;
  • the ability to rejoice and act from the circumstances proposed by the life, whatever they were.

Internal and external world of man

"Have you ever experienced a feeling that you are in disfavor of the universe?" - asks the heroine of the film "Cloud Atlas" Journalist Louise Rey from Physics Isaac Saks. What is it about? A person comes to this world with a specific mission and for testing. Inner worlds, external worlds - everything is interconnected, they attract each other. People who inner world are based on the desire for the knowledge of the truth, the truth and the struggle for it may face such an external world, which will give them grounds for this struggle. All in the inner world needs - external gives it.

Books that form the inner world of man

Good literature as a friend and is even able to become a spiritual teacher for a person who knows himself. An read book for the soul and mind is a good time, a huge resource and "brick" in the construction of the inner universe. Books forming the inner world of man:

  1. « Sage and Art of Life"A. Megeretti. It is raised above the life, to strive and answer useful questions offered by the author: "Why did I come to this world?" "What is happiness?" "Who am I?".
  2. « Magic stories chest. Therapeutic fairy tales "N. Besc. Traveling with heroes magic fairy tales And the child and the adult will find something close to his inner beautiful world, the soul strings will attain and give a resource state.
  3. « Eat. Pray. Love"E. Gilbert. The book, which has become a global bestseller and embodied on the screen. Throwing main heroine And search for support and love inside ourselves. About how to find light in yourself.
  4. « How to streamline your inner world»McDonald. The inner world can be like a blooming garden, beautiful and harmonious, and can be in chaos, as a result of which the world as a mirror shakes the problem.
  5. « Life without borders"Nick Vuychich. Happy man with a rich inner world, warming people alone with a smile and gaze - he knows how to be happy - God did not give him hands and legs, but gave full love a heart.

The inner world of man, or subjective reality, is all the internal content of psychological activity, which is characteristic only for this particular person. Therefore, the inner world is always individual and always unique. Each person by knowing the world of external and is trying to penetrate his inner world, understand it to use such an understanding to build his life, his unique life path. Explore the inner world with objective methods is very difficult, we can only see his "reflections", which are manifested in the world external. Nevertheless, the attempts of objective penetration into the inner world will probably not cease - so interesting and attractive his nature. In psychology there are pretty interesting experiences Descriptions and analysis of the inner world, its structure, its "work". It has been established, for example, that the inner world does not arise in itself, it is reflected in the specific form of the world of external and has its own spatial-temporal characteristic, its content.

The inner world is reflected in the specific form of the world of external. According to some religious and philosophical concepts, the inner world is given a man initially, and during his life he only reveals and knows him. According to other ideas that have a more materialistic basis, the inner world arises and develops with the activity of the reflection and development of the surrounding reality.

A person can become a man only thanks to the human brain, which is ready for a special reflection of the outside world and in which consciousness emerged and developed. In psychology, experiments are known when the young chimpanzee was brought up in the same way as a child, but chimpanzees did not become a man due to the fact that his brain was not initially adapted to master the speech, consciousness as a whole. Thus, the presence of a human brain is the most important prerequisite for relevant development. But for a minute, the situation when the child's born, having a human brain, does not see the birth, he does not hear, does not touch, does not feel. For a while, he may, and will live as an organism, but by a person, he will never become, the more personality possessing the inner world. In another case, when a person was born with all the functioning senses, but was not brought up among people (and such cases are known), he will not be a person with his unique inner world.

Hence it becomes clear that the inner world of man is not specified initially, it arises as a result of the reflection of the world of external. As a result, this reflection arises the image of the world (as the famous domestic psychologist A.N.). But such an image is not a simple cast of the outside world, it is initially individual and subjective, since each person constructs reflected reality in its own way, it creates its own unique system of images, he has its own unique experiences, his own vision of reality and himself. All this is carried out due to its own activity on the reflection of the outside world, adapting to it and transform it, approving its existence as a person.

Thus, the outside world and the inner world are interrelated, have the intersection points depend on each other.

Spatio-temporal structure of the inner world. If the inner world exists, it is logical to assume that, like the world external, he has its own. Internal space and its internal subjective time. Special studies conducted by psychologists fully prove this fact. For example, refer to the results obtained domestic psychologist T. N. Berezina, who conducted a series of curious experiments on the study of the inner world of a person.

In her opinion, the inner space in a broad value is the form of the existence of psychological in general, and in a narrower - the form of the existence of internal images. Outside these images, it does not happen, as the images themselves cannot exist outside space. Images are subjective forms of objects and are generated by the inner world, acquiring unique uniqueness as a result of the impact on them. They themselves fulfill an informational, emotional, regulatory role in the human psyche. As a result of experiments, it is shown that these images can be located in the inner space and to localize differently different people: On the left, on the right, behind, at the top, below, panoramic, it can be carried out beyond the limits of a person, can be close, remote, differ in shape, color, located on the time axis: in the past, present and future.

Example. Spend you a little experiment: Imagine how you are going to school for the first time. What image arose? What is it in form, in color? Where it was located: at the top, below, on the left, right, etc. Where are you, inside the image or outside it? If you did all this and answered questions about the questions, then you will be clear what an image is and where it is located in the inner space.

No less interesting data was obtained relative to the subjective time. First, it is proved that this time really exists. Secondly, the facts of acceleration or deceleration of internal time, its reversibility, the possibility of obtaining information from the future or past, the existence of parallel time, etc.

Example. Consider the facts of acceleration-deceleration of subjective time (each of us knows about it personal experience). If we are busy with interesting and fascinating, then the time passes very quickly and imperceptibly, and for us subjectively, it is stopped. On the contrary, if we are inactive for a long time, do nothing, we expect, for example, a train for several hours, then the time flows very slowly - it also stops, but the nature of such a stop is different than when we do not notice it. After several weeks or months, that period that was rushed very quickly, it seems longer to us, as it was saturated with interesting events, and the period where we did not do anything, perceived as an instant.

There are also age changes in the flow of subjective time. One person internally lives faster, because it feels older than it is in fact, the other is slower, so even in adulthood it seems to him that it is still ahead that he is just beginning to live and will have a lot to do.

We can face with some time paradoxs when, for example, getting into any place or meeting with certain people, it seems to us that it was already, or, on the contrary, getting into a good familiar place, it seems to us that we see him For the first time and with interest begin to study it.

The content of the inner world. So, the inner world has its internal space, subjective internal time. Who "lives" in this space and in time? And every one of us lives there, our personality, our, which, thanks to the reflection, has unity and multiplicity at the same time. Thus, the content of our world is the psyche as a whole, consciousness and unconscious. It is extremely difficult to structure this content, each of us knows it yourself: consciously and intuitively. At the same time, attempts are made in psychology in this content to allocate some leading structural elements. Again again on theoretical and experimental studies of the T.N. Berezina. The author notes: on the one hand, the inner world is subjective and includes our thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, dreams and much more; On the other - social, since it includes images of other people, their actions and actions. The inner world of man, i.e. its reflections, fantasies, dreams, exist either in a sensually-shaped form, or in the form of thought clothed in the form internal speechor, most often, combined with the other. The way of existence is a monologue or a dialogue: with yourself, with others, the story of another about what is happening with you events, a complex dialogue - my own I seem to be the eyes of another.

With the help of a special study, the seven of the most common states of ours characterizing our inner life were revealed.
1. "Self-expression I" - a person reflections about itself, attributed to now; Features of the state - monologue thinking (monologue) and the predominance of the inner speech of the pronoun
2. "Reflections on a friend" is characterized by a dialogue, the predominance of the pronoun "you". For this state, the approval of itself is typical, but mental self-criticism is possible.
3. "Nextiveness of mental images" - another or others are imagined in abstract form and exist as it were in the head. The subject focuses on himself, its merits, the shortcomings are rejected.
4. "Planning the Future" - a state in which a person comprehends his prospects, plans the future, puts certain goals, reflects on the problems of their incarnation.
5. "Fixation on obstacles" - characterized by the fact that a person, fixing on obstacles, difficulties, feels ("no one needs anyone"), rejects the possibility of interaction in the resolution.
6. "Sensual perception of the world" - all images are represented very bright, contrastful, the thoughts are voiced (thoughts in the form of votes).
7. "Fantasies" is the most creative state, where any objectives are represented by achievable, with the obstacles are considered as insignificant ("there is no such hopeless position from which the output cannot be found). A person is strong and active who can achieve any vertices.

So, we tried to show that the inner world of man, or subjective reality, is closely related to the outside world and is its reflection in a specific individualized form with the introduction of its "vision" and its "bias" through its own activity. It has a spatial-temporal structure and exists in a sensually-shaped and mental form, revived by a monologue and a dialogue, which personality leads with them, real or imaginary people, plans its future, praises or scolds itself and other, fantasies and much more.

Self happy marriages Those in which the husband and wife are not fighting between themselves for the departure, nor for the territory. In such pairs, with all the differences, a man and a woman are internally equal. They are separated from them and complement each other. Therefore, there is no reason to prove something to each other.

Not a gift, one of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete lack of need for someone to prove something.

But happiness does not work simply by clicking the fingers. And here we find ourselves at such a point from which there are many paths, but the choice is almost impossible, because there is no criteria of correctness. And then went, went, but what is correctness and so on, and so on.

Happiness want everything. But the contribution of each of the spouses to creating a happy family is not at all the same, contrary to the seeming equality of two halves. These are women in this world of the masters of relationships. Men in matters of relationships and nearby are not standing, nervously smoking on the sidelines. And it is clear that, first of all, psychological comfort in the family depends on the woman.

And now tell me who of you, women really thought about it, did it work on it, and then ran step by step? I'm afraid that no one, or literally units. And everything for the same reason that is the most real craft. And he needs to learn.

Well, let's at the psychology of relationships in the family somehow still see any other way.

Somehow so it happened that the society from childhood inspires a woman that her main role is an erotic object for men. And if in general, I have nothing against erotica, nor against the fact that the life of a woman is built around a man and for a man, then in particular I draw attention to the fact that it is usually all aspirations are aimed at everything outside: the beauty of the body, Beauty face, beautiful clothes, house, good job, car, children. In general, the pursuit of external well-being. And here it lies one of the main problems of building a happy family. Where is the inner world of a woman? Do she have power and time to live their inner world and develop it? Does not the legs grow from the desire to solve your problems at the expense of a man? A harmonious person does not have the need to chase all these false values, such as the external well-being and praise of society.

Here, from here, perhaps, we will return to the point that they said at the beginning.

There are people: two worlds, two entities. The man is turned into the outside world. And a woman? If the inner world is saturated and rich, - it can easily draw up a man's man, and thus take the place of his second halves. And if there is inside, finely, as in a saucer, but complaints about external well-being are huge, - inevitably the misunderstanding of their partner will be shown, as the goals of her husband and wife, in essence, are different. But both are operated on to the external, turning out on one competitive field. There is no in such an alliance of the internal equality that we spoke at first, which means that someone from the spouses will be forced to prove something else. Here is the cause of the scandals in the family.

All this picture is also aggravated by the fact that women are from the nature of the Master of Relations. You understand that the final result of the work of any skill depends on the ideological foundation of the master. And here, as in arithmetic, if the ideological basis of her husband and wife alone - there are no problems. If they are different, someone is waiting for serious breaking. Guess who? Options, of course possible, and a broken man - Sadness Spectacle ...

But the main thing, click the fingers - do not click, there is no happiness, and there will be no. But everyone wants happiness.

A little earlier we talked about a woman, as an erotic facility for men. But the object is not a person. So, a thing with defined properties. But the property does not stick the property. So the confidence of the many is that beauty, wealth and health, this is the key to happiness - erroneous. Everything is exactly the opposite: acquiring happiness, harmony and integrity - easily come and all other values.

In addition, such acquisitions do not depend on age, in contrast to beauty, for example.

Conclusions, in general, asking themselves. Is it, understanding said, is it worth surprising as an erotic object? And however, such an attitude for a woman, with a rich inner world, and readiness for serious relationship. But whatever manipulation you have achieved reciprocity, there will be no happiness without penetrating your internal worlds.

And to be happiness, it should be, this amazing, deep and rich inner world!