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Priorities in women's life example. How to evaluate life values. Watch the main questions at least once a year

Do you often have a question my head: "" What do I want? "" Sooner or later, this question is asked every person. Trying to realize your dreams and satisfy wishes, we choose our life path.

How to realize your goals in a certain period of life

Desires can be an endless set. And how, in this case, determine the tasks of paramount importance and arrange the remaining aspirations in the right order? After all, everyone wants to be rich, healthy, ride on an expensive car, learn several languages \u200b\u200band gain immortality. Ambitiosity is very good, but it should not exceed the framework of reality.

The main thing is that you need to learn to do is to express priorities. To start, take the handle and clean sheet of paper. In the column, write down all my desires. Write a list in the present time. For example: "" I look at my bank account. Balance is 500 thousand rubles. I feel happiness and satisfaction from remuneration for your work ". The main condition is that what you wrote is plausible. That is, if you write that you dine with the president, but subconsciously understand that it is impossible, or perhaps, but not in the near future, then you should not write it.

Work with a list of desires

After your desires have found a written form, start in turn to read them out loud, making pauses before each subsequent record. After reading one wish, close your eyes and concentrate on your feelings. What do you feel? It may be satisfaction, the feeling of superiority before the rest, indifference, pleasant trembling, or a sense of real happiness and flight.

It is the feeling of happiness that is the true desire of every person. Perhaps he does not even give up this report, but subconsciously each of us is striving for happiness. Guided only by your inner sensations, you will realize that in reality you want from life and learn how to express priorities.

Analysis of the three main points

Crouch everything that does not match your priorities, and leave three items. Why only three? Everything is simple, practice and studies show that a person cannot effectively work for more than three tasks.

Think what you are doing now, what occupation takes you most of the time. The main question that should be asked to yourself - whether this type of activity is brought to my goal. If the answer is negative, then the time to change something.

The road is happily difficult, but correctly arranged priorities will be much simplified and accelerated this process.

The interests of other people

Self-sacrifice and life for the sake of other, close people, it makes sense only if this is a conscious choice of a person whose implementation brings him joy and happiness. Of course, care for loved ones is a normal behavioral reaction, but when the sense of debt crosses his own aspirations and dreams, driving a person to depression, this is no longer the norm. There are a lot of examples when I played a hand not only to a person, but also members of his family.

A vivid example, when young people, seeking a bright future, leave the father's house and leave for other cities or countries where, in their opinion, young people expect many opportunities and ambitious success. It often helps people and leads them in the right direction. While parents, wise experience, prefer to keep their child with them, having the opportunity to help him if necessary.

Each person has its own goals, and no one, including close relatives, should not interfere with achieving the tasks. It should not be allowed to manipulate themselves, the attachment of the surrounding will not make you happy - rather, even the opposite.

Changing priorities

The above-mentioned lists will produce your ability to arrange priorities. And to achieve all points, it makes sense to acquire a new list.

Completely normal when priorities change with age. Stages of adults imply a change of thinking. Changing priorities should be evolutionary, but not vice versa.

Not the best option when a person rushes in life and cannot find his place. In this case, it is important to analyze your actions, and to understand from what place everything went wrong with how thought. If there are problems with analyzing their actions, or assistance is required, it will be worthwhile to visit a psychologist who can help arrange priorities correctly.

Etymology words "" Priority ""

Interesting is the fact that the word "priority" "was not used in a multiple face until the beginning of the 20th century. Prior to this, this concept was used only in the singular.

The word "priority" "has a Latin prefix" Prio ", which means" before ". To expand priorities - means defining tasks that make your goals.

There is an effective principle for working with priorities, namely it helps to express all the tasks using only two criteria - it is important and urgently.

Differences between important and urgent cases

Famous tells us that 20 percent of all our tasks will refer to the discharge of important. It is interesting, but some of them will also be considered urgent. What is the difference?

Implementation of important cases bring you closer to the goal. At the same time, the execution of urgent cases distracts your attention, but do not have a significant impact on the achievement of the chosen goal.

It's no secret that most people start with minor tasks. The thing is that they are easier and do not require serious costs. And the brain, like the body, do not like to overvolt, if they do not teach them. And the implementation of not important affairs creates the appearance of work, but the truth is that it is necessary to pay attention to those tasks whose solution will contribute to your success. This will help you know how to place priorities in life.

Priority categories in the list of Eisenhower

Priority A - These are the cases you need to fulfill today, as they are urgent and important.

Priority B - This is a case, the execution of which is optional on a particular day, but for which you need to carve a small segment of time daily. Their stable execution will bring the goal.

Very common mistake - postponement from the second group for later. No need to do so, because the habit of solving the tasks constantly in a small amount will qualitatively affect your further achievements.

Examples of Tasks from Priority B:

How to work with third and fourth order priorities

Priority C. This includes skills and skills, which seems to you urgent, but is not important. For example, learn how to say "No", "when such a need arises. These tasks will take you the necessary time to solve priority tasks.

Priority D. These are tasks that are not important and urgent. They can be safely postponed for later, or to reassign other people. It is strongly recommended to periodically refuse to perform tasks from the list D. Due to this, you can get a full-fledged holiday in the most busy days.

How to put priorities according to the Eisenhuer method

To be able to arrange priorities - the task is simple, the only thing that is required is to allocate a little time for writing work. But later, following my own instructions, it will act much easier.

No matter how much you want to cover the maximum number of cases, it's not enough for all time. And it must be understood. The most important thing is to put priorities correctly, and then success will not make himself wait.

Distribute your time with the mind, spending it to truly important things that will help you achieve your goals and the realization of the most significant desires. The ability to allocate important aspects of their activities and avoid minor, is an important and useful ability. The Eisenhuer method helps to understand how to properly arrange priorities in life.

School Yuri Okuneva

Good day. I am with you, Yuri Okunev.

Have you already decided on your life priorities? Decided that put on the first place, and what about the tenth? Not? Then I hurry warned - you risks to stay at old age years with a terrifying feeling that they lived their lives as they dreamed.

I really hope that this will not happen to you, but still strongly recommend to figure out what priorities are in life and what they have them. This will help you understand myself, your aspirations and send life to the right direction. Until it's not too late.

The life of a person is like a puzzle, which consists of thousands of smallest pieces - our actions and solutions, natural events and unexpected accidents. Each piece is related to a particular sphere of life:

  • Family.
  • Work.
  • Friends.
  • Rest and entertainment.
  • Study and self-improvement.
  • Health, etc.

And depending on which pieces we connect with each other and what their ratio in a puzzle, the life path is acquired by certain features.

Priority is your favorite color in the picture of life, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity or principle, which captures the maximum of your time and attention. What you do first of all for what is ready to push everything else for a while.

Fates of people with different priorities add up to completely different paintings. Some have colorful and positive. Consider such a pleasure in old age. Others have non-zepaural gray, pushing the longing and a sense of deep disappointment.

That is why the problem of determining its priorities is so great and the problem of determining their priorities. After all, everything is almost impossible to have time. So what to put in the chapter of the corner, then not to regret "aimlessly lived years"? What values \u200b\u200bdo focus? Is there a universal formula for compiling knowingly happy pictures?

Pyramid Maslow

Discussing the issue of life priorities, it is worth remembering the famous table of human needs, compiled in 1943 by American psychologist Abraham Maslu. If you draw up a list of natural human needs, it will look like this:

  1. Physiology (food, water, heat, need for breeding, etc.)
  2. Safety (protection against everything that represents a threat to health, life).
  3. Love.
  4. Respect (recognition by other of your value, importance).
  5. Cognition and creativity (as an indispensable component of self-development).
  6. Aesthetics (man needs beauty and harmony).
  7. Self-realization.

Such a sequence corresponds to human nature, and therefore is quite natural and correct. No matter how you strove to the beautiful, basic thickening of hunger and thirst will be priorities. After all, to argue about high matter, being on the verge of hungry death, you will not be able to at least for purely physiological reasons.

It turns out that based on natural needs, priorities may look like this:

  1. Work as a means of obtaining earnings and way to get food, heat and safety.
  2. Native, close, friends and all those you love / who loves you.
  3. The need to recognize oneself by society.
  4. Study, creativity, self-development.

However, even the oil itself emphasized that the positions in this hierarchy are different people can move as they say necessary. To interpret the components of the list, too, everyone will be in its own way. So, for someone to satisfy the need for food is to have a snack of labels and a glass of milk. And for someone - to dine in a luxurious restaurant with culinary delights with difficult-to-see foreign names.

In addition, there are other models, definitions of life priorities. Someone puts a debt for first place, someone God, someone enjoying feelings.

And all because everyone is a unique system of worldview, a unique set of values, beliefs, principles, beliefs, knowledge, skills and expectations from life. Moreover, our aspirations are influenced by age, the current social and natural environment, life events, other people, actual difficulties, etc.

As a result, it's simply impossible to talk about some single method that was equally good for each individual seized in the planet. So how do you still put priorities so that the quality of life is in the height you need?

Time to make a choice!

If you realized our dissatisfaction with life, then it's time to change something. Imaginely, but at the same time thoughtfully weighing everything "for" and "against". After all, you do not want to stay at the broken trough, right?

Step 1 . Frank conversation with paper

To do this, take several sheets and answer the following questions in writing:

  • What do you think the most important in life? Determine no more than two or three positions, highlighting one as a dominant.
  • What do you spend more than all time? Make a list of classes that prevail in your routine of the day.
  • What do you want to achieve from life? Imagine yourself after 10, 20 years. What () are you externally? Where do you live? What do you earn? How to relax? Who communicate with? Do you have a family and in what part? The image must be truly close to you.
  • What does that require? Take into account the physiological abilities, character traits, knowledge and skills, the presence of certain dating, documents and money, place of residence, etc.
  • What prevents you from getting the desired? And now on items - everything that is lacking for conformity to the dream.
  • What is an intolerable value for you? That, without which you can not live, from what not to refuse. For example, "I will not throw a job", "I will not go far from my parents," I will always take care of the children. "
  • What are you ready to sacrifice? And here - on the contrary, that is less important.

To make information visual, use lists, graphics, tables, schemes. So learn the data will be easier.

Step 2. Analyzing it!

For example, in priority to be implemented in the profession. You dream of becoming an illustrator. To do this, you need to create and improve the technique, communicate with other artists, participate in competitions, exhibit work for public criticism, etc.

In fact, you got married early, the baby gave birth to the baby and after leaving the decree, work as an administrator of a neighboring hairdresser. Thirst creativity is sublimated to the creation of "home" comics for a child and congratulatory posters for colleagues. Your drawings are terribly like, but you understand that you want more hot. So it's time to urgently correct your life!

Call the boss to report your dismissal? Very stupid! You wanted to change your life for the better, and not destroy it. And for this, you need to act correctly and consistently.

Step 3. Action Plan.

Realizing your true desires, put goals - long-term (for 5 years, 2 years, year) and short-term (month, week, day). First, take the problem in the global sense. Then, every task is disassembled into several subtasks, and they are for even smaller goals, whose achievement can be started tomorrow. For example, to be an illustrator need:

  1. Find the appropriate work (in the state or freelancer).
  2. Create resume.
  3. Send resume in the company / potential customers.
  4. Create a bright portfolio.
  5. Select ready-made drawings.
  6. Draw new ones.
  7. Buy photoshop or paper and paints / pencils.

Step 4. Act!

Start with solving the most simple urgent tasks, constantly referring to the main course. Change the reality around yourself gradually, but with confidence.

Remember that in the future you can vary the task list, goals and even change the priorities at all. It is absolutely normal.

Step 5. Lighten the art of juggling

Few people are ready to abandon everything for the sake of one single dream. Behind the priority number 1 there are also points number 2, 3, 4, etc. And they are also important for you. For example, a loving mother and wife will not be able to leave the family and leave the head in drawing.

Therefore, you will have to master the skill of juggling with their own life priorities. You constantly need to replace the crystal balls "child", "Husband", "Creativity", "Health", trying, so that none of them fell and did not crash.

As you can see, the definition of priorities, drawing up an effective strategy of life and competent followed by it - the tasks are not simple. Not everyone managed to solve them correctly. Designed by me - this is your opportunity to decide on true desires, place everything in its place and make the first steps towards happiness, harmony and self-affirmation.

And if you still have any questions, I invite to individual advice. Details.

All resolve to decompress. With you was Yuri Okunev. Ahead - a lot of interesting and useful. Make a subscription to miss anything. To new meetings!

So we are together, dear blog readers! Admit to honestly, how many cases, from yesterday, have you transferred to today? Most likely, quite a few.

We have to state that this is a common phenomenon. But real planning tools exist. And they really help to sleep over time.

How to do everything and do not fall into, do not overload yourself? We will reveal the main secret of competent self-organization.

Man is reasonable - this is, first of all, an organized personality. Success, of course, the term "success" is in the root, but also the subtext "Hurry" is also undoubted. How often do we forget this simple truth!

Great people can serve as excellent examples of productivity. Recall at least the same Boldin autumn Pushkin. What is autumn! The poet left the life of 37 years, and left behind several prosaic works, thousands of poems, and still fairy tales and poems. At the same time he managed and paint, and to travel, and the family worries were enough. After all, there was an estate that needed a masterbala.

A person versatile does not mean - scattered

In addition, the areas of manifestation of our abilities, which means that zones of the choice of life priorities, a lot. We strive to succeed in work, do not forget about the hobby, have a friendly happy family, to talk to communicate with friends, colleagues, relatives. Often we are in the process of study in different forms and deal with self-education on the network. We love to travel, engage in sports. From time to time, they are forced to close attention to health.

And of course, we are not indifferent to our appearance, we are ready to spend time on cosmetologists, massage, swimming pool, shaping, but just for hiking in boutiques.

How is this sea of \u200b\u200baffairs and worries not to drown, to identify the main life values \u200b\u200band priorities? Not so easy.

In his youth, it seems to us that the time ahead is a whole life. Everything can be time. Therefore, we grab about different things, we are looking for, we try. It is not bad if it's not delayed too long, and someone has this search lasts all my life.

Young seems basic priority in life Communication with comrades, noisy parties or country rustles. The importance of learning is understood by many. Someone begins to move along the wood growth of professional growth, understanding what he wants to achieve.

The older becomes, the speeds of it, the days. Subjective is a feeling or objective reality? Apparently, both.

And the problem of life priorities over the years acquires special acute. From the general list, we increasingly choose a cozy family harbor, more care about well-being. The luxury of communication also does not lose relevance. For many for a long time in the top of the rankings, work remains.

How it works?

How to arrange priorities in life, painted in a variety of benefits, there are similar techniques and trainings. Most of them are based on the same basic principles:

  • in every significant unit of time (day, week, month), it is necessary to allocate the most important tasks;
  • sequence, systematic work with priorities;
  • realism: Do not overestimate your capabilities and abilities, but we do not give yourself a concern and do not underestimate the bar;
  • regular management of written plans and reports with examples of life priorities;
  • the ability to abandon imposed and optional cases that prevent translational movement forward;
  • organization of work space;
  • live by your mind, but also use the experience of other people, learn;
  • do not forget about the role of health, full rest in the coordinate system. Other tasks may be impracticable, no matter how important.

If difficult with the definition of life priorities, analyze the last day, week. Pay attention to what you are interested in, it is important that drives forward. And think about what else needs to be done to speed up this process.

Time is not limitless, but you can "get along"

How to learn to arrange priorities in life in everyday life?

"Fit like a squirrel in the wheel, and I still do not have time anywhere" ...

"Time as sand eludes" ...

"Flies so that it does not get angry" ...

These are our usual references about the loss of precious minutes and hours. And the great in due time they said: "You do not observe the happy hours" or something similar.

Why can't we be happy, freeing from this dependence? Why is the time so inexorably? And is it possible to cope with his inexpensiveness?

So the course was created "Master of Time".

At first, Eugene tried the obtained schemes on themselves, having calculated their own life goals and priorities. And succeeded in the field of Internet business. But did not limit himself only to earn money. He knows how to spend beautifully, please the family, his loved ones. There is enough time for communication with friends, and on the active rest.

Want to learn how to organize your life? Pay attention to the target of the "Master of Time".

Join the community of ambitious and successful time conquerors!

Friends! Mi now advanced a few more steps in mastering. And simply, they began to realize the value of time and received practical advice on his organization.

Time is really expensive. We will not forget about it, and it will become our faithful ally!

And I, in turn, I want to remind those readers and guests of the blog, who has not yet signed up - and get new articles to yourself on mail.

to new meetings

Hello, my dear readers and guests blog! Life priorities are one of the most important components of human existence. They are comprehensive values. They converge in many people, but set up differently. Therefore, one person can achieve very much, and the other travelers trample on the spot. This is because they have a different look at the world and accordingly, their life priorities are distributed. It is very important to be able to realize them and properly systematize to facilitate your existence and achieve.

Essence of the arrangement

As a rule, the main priorities in the life of people are reduced to few things:

  • a family;
  • love;
  • professional activity;
  • preservation of health;
  • study;
  • hobbies;
  • self-esteem;
  • spiritual development;
  • socializing with friends.

All these things are quite achievable. It is only important to find out, in what sequence they need to distribute and how much time to remove each. Usually people prefer the fact that they are most important and without which they cannot do. For some of it - a thrust for nature, for others - love for art, for the third - making money. Some put their family and children on the first place.

Nevertheless, priorities may change. Some go to the fore, others disappear at all. It depends on no wishes of a person, but from the totality of opportunities for its execution.

Sometimes the aspirations lead to the target and then the list items are changing. For example, a woman, fully busy promotion on the service staircase, can completely forget about this in connection with the birth of a child or a disease of any of the family members.

Therefore, it is necessary to initially arrange priorities so that they can be influenced by as far as possible. The success or failure of many plans depends on them.

It is necessary to clearly define their aspirations, place them in the order of urgency or the degree of need for implementation, and then begin to act in this direction.

Such a simple solution can help make the existence of a person more meaningful, and successes numerous and reliable.

Consequences of improper prioritization

If his family, friends or social benefit are in the first place, there is nothing wrong or amazing in this. It is just necessary to distribute your aspirations so that care for the neighbor does not interfere with their own self-realization and professional activities.

Everything that man does happy must be at the very beginning of the list of life priorities. In no case cannot be refused. You can simply distribute them to spend time and forces more, and something less.

If a woman will mess around the whole day with children and will deprive himself the opportunity to admire the sunset or listen to his beloved music, then it may experience a sense of accomplishment, but he will not feel genuine joy. But it accumulates a lot and irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define not only what you need, but what I want.

Someone in the list of priorities is five to ten items, and someone includes and thirty. It is unlikely that they will be able to fulfill them all. It will cause impatience and nervousness. As a person begins to feel that a large number of things remains outside the sphere of its reach, he will be stronger to feel like a loser.

Therefore, the list of priorities should be periodically revised, and the items themselves vary places or vary. Those who invariably will be in the first places should immediately begin to fulfill and devote to them maximum energy.

How to arrange priorities in life correctly

Life makes a lot to do without waiting for our desires. Therefore, the list points can be very strong and suddenly changed.

The man who considered his main desire to receive higher education, suddenly receives a sentence of highly paid work abroad. Then the study becomes one of the items standing in the middle of the list, and a favorable position goes to first.

As life enters into its channel and professional duties begin to make familiar and uncomplicated, training in the higher educational institution can again become a priority. It will be even more important if obtaining a diploma becomes necessary to increase or increase earnings.

If a person is lost, it cannot decide that it is important for him, refuses the right and throws to optional, he will bring the misfortune to himself and others. Therefore, the clarity is needed in the prioritization. It depends too much in life and its loved ones.

Those who have not yet compiled such a list, it is advisable to proceed to this. The criterion for the placement of items in it should be obtaining a feeling of happiness. If something bring satisfaction, but will not bring joy, you can safely refuse.

For example, dismissal from your favorite work for the sake of a highly paid, but unpleasant and alien profession, it is unlikely to lead a list of priorities. The execution of this desire will deliver a lot of benefits, but will make a person unhappy, perhaps for life. Naturally, it does not mean poverty stagnation. Just one of the main points in the list should be an increase in earnings. Then he will feel successful and can be proud of himself.

The need to follow the life priorities

The scientific approach to the principle of sequence alignment in the list suggested an American scientist A. Oil. He built a pyramid that includes the basic needs of a person, without which it is impossible to fully existence. If at least one of them remains unsatisfied, then people will feel trapped.

Life values \u200b\u200bare located as follows.

  1. Physiology (food, thickening thirst, heating, instinct continuation of the genus);
  2. Lack of life threat.
  3. Love.
  4. Respectful attitude of others.
  5. Education and creativity.
  6. The desire for the beautiful.
  7. Self-realization.

Such a placement of priorities makes it possible to build a balanced life. However, even the ranking tested by scientific methods allows changing or displacement of positions. If a person is fed and is safe, he can think about finding love. If it consists in a strong marriage and quite successful, then respect for others comes out for him to one of the first plans. The same one who is without work or is generally deprived of the roof over his head not to aesthetic preferences - they are fighting for survival.

Each inner world is individual. Any person has its own set of vital values, major priorities and principles. But they may well go against each other, preventing him to fulfill his conceived.

For example, a rich man who loved the poor woman is sometimes not able to step over the prejudice or its own greed. Therefore, the need for a response becomes a victim of more pressing priorities consisting in the multiplication of their wealth. In addition, it is important that there is an equally successful partner next to him. Such a man is able to make unhappy himself, the lady he loved and his spouse, on which he married for the sake of keeping the status.

Nevertheless, if he followed the field of heart and tied himself with a poor woman, he would be unhappy because of his position in society and fears that love only from the benefit.

Therefore, a clear understanding of itself, its true life values \u200b\u200band the ability to abandon what is not really necessary and necessary, is a pledge of a full and happy life.

Drawing up their own priorities

It is necessary to take the paper and write a complete list of what is really required, without which the existence is impossible. It may be a list of your desires, long-term plans or individual values. Someone will put in it to the first place to raise children, someone is the care of the elderly parents, and someone is the advancement of the career ladder. All other items will become secondary, and from something, perhaps will have to abandon, completely or temporarily.

The list may look like this:

  1. Work.
  2. Health.
  3. Caring for the family.
  4. Love.
  5. Nature.
  6. Music.
  7. Sports.

It is clear that it includes although simple, but very capacious items. At the same time, he takes into account the occurrence of possible difficulties. Priorities are placed so that displaced, but are not excluded from the list. In order to fully take care of your loved ones, we need funds, so the work goes to the fore. But, in the event that someone fell ill, it can be temporarily rearranged on second place. We will have to reduce professional duties to possible limits, giving the freed time and strength to care for relatives before their complete recovery. Then items may take their place again.

If a person is sick, it is clear that the work ceases to be his main priority. Now all his aspirations are aimed at repeating, otherwise he will not be able to fully fulfill his duties and can lose work and earnings. As you recover, the list items also change places.

Therefore, if it is compiled correctly, the graphs can shift, but will not disappear. Moreover, they will be a bit in it and all of them are to control the person.

Worse, if he sails along the flow or desire to be confused and enclosed on each other. A woman who is going through his children and demands high performance in school from them, while first place is posted career aspirations. As a result, at work she worries all the time for the child, and at home she has no time to pay enough attention to school successes.

The sick person or even the disabled is so passionate about the sport, especially extreme, which is not able to refuse him. As a result, in its priorities, the first place is not concerned about the conservation of health, and the climbing campaign in the mountain or winter bathing. In the end, he brings himself to a difficult state or even to death.

A man who most about the world loves his children carried away another woman and is preparing to create a new family with her.

In the end, everything comes down to the fact that he constantly reproaches her in what she makes him unhappy, he himself suffers from the thought of separation from the kids and puts doubt on all their love. At the same time, he torments his indecisiveness of the spouse, and without taking the final decision to preserve or dissolve the marriage.

Therefore, it is once again very important to emphasize. The first place in priorities should be no desired, but necessary. Then you don't have to fight with yourself, without end, adjust your plans and bring to the mountain to other people.

That's all for today, now you know how to express priorities in life. If the article has become useful for you and interesting, share it with my friends. To new meetings!

If you want to be a happy person, you need to properly arrange life priorities. What is priorities? This is an arrangement of things in your life in importance, that is, what is primary for you, and what is secondary. Each person has its own priorities in life. From how much is right for yourself, your future depends on them.

Do not confuse priorities in life with desire. What is the difference between these concepts. Priorities reflect human needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary for full-fledged happiness.

Life priorities

They are laid in childhood. We set ourselves, relying on our priorities. And if they are correctly placed, then you are guaranteed. And our desires can change every minute and depend on the mood. Try to be the owner of your desires and do not allow the inverse situation. Otherwise, you will lose yourself, becoming a slave of your desires, and together with this all priorities in life will disappear. A very vivid example when people passionately wish to possess big money and become like zombies. They can not just talk about anything. All their life priorities they have poured deep into themselves. Such money will not bring happiness.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the main priority in lifewithout which you do not imagine your existence. As a rule, a dilemma between family and career often gets up. Here you should listen only to your heart, despite the fact that someone will persuade, drawing rainbow prospects.

If you agree to persuasion, even if it is your parents, you choose their priority, and not yours. As a result, you will lose time, not gain. As a result, on the slope of years you will have the feeling that you lived a foreign life. Even if it happened, never be afraid to change your life cool, and let it break out to your inner "I".

Nowadays, many people have a belief that happiness can only be with money in life. If you all be measured with money and very painful to them applies, you will sooner or later lose them, and it can become an irreparable blow to your psyche and as a result of a deep depression. Do not put priorities in life relying on prestige. Today we have one considered prestigious, and tomorrow is different. Life flows and everything changes. With this choice, you completely confuse and lose yourself as an individuality.

So, let's sum up when choosing priorities, listen to your heart and follow love in life. Such feelings like envy, uncertainty, a sense of guilt, a sense of duty will lead you to the wrong choice. If you are so, with the go, you can not understand what is more important for you, but less, do the following.

Write on a piece of paper all the priorities that you think must be in your life, do not forget to yourself. Then take the first item of your list and, thinking about him, on another piece draw a circle. It is important to think about him of its significance, but just thinking about him not straining. Sign this circle with the name of this priority. Thus, come with all the others. At the end, compare the size of these circles and immediately becomes clear that it is primary for you, and what is secondary. Now you can start building your happy life.