Repair Design Furniture

A do-it-yourself carriage is a fabulous gift for any person. The process of making different types of horse carts

Almost every horse breeder in the village knows how to make a cart for a horse with his own hands. Village life cannot be imagined without a horse - the main farm assistant - preparing hay, transporting heavy loads, and simply driving off-road in summer and in snow in winter.

To solve all of the above tasks, a cart is needed. A cart, as a variety, can also be used on the farm, but more often it is used for entertainment purposes, photography, etc.

A cart is called a carriage in which horses are harnessed. Horse-drawn carriage - independent view transport that can travel on roads common use, in places permitted for this by traffic regulations.

There are several types of horse carts:

  1. drogi;
  2. shelves;
  3. cart;
  4. carriage - decorative cart, cart.

Drogi is a cart without a body. The shelf is an outdated name for a flat-deck cart that is used to transport large loads. A cart is a small cart with a seat and a goat - a place for a cabman who, with help and reins.

By definition, a wagon is a wheeled carriage with a plank body, a conveyance that a horse is harnessed to. There are many types of carts. Let's consider only the most basic ones.

Plank bottom on wheels


Depending on the purpose, horse carts are divided into:

  1. passenger;
  2. freight;
  3. combat;
  4. specialized.

Among the passenger carriages, in turn, there are:

  • - covered wagon.
  • Stagecoach is a multi-seat carriage, passenger or mail.
  • A wagon is a wagon that serves as a dwelling for nomads.
  • A stroller is a small carriage that has an open top.
  • The chaise is a semi-open cart.

Among the horse carriages, one can note:

  • Arba is a two-wheeled vehicle.
  • The cart is a four-wheeled vehicle. If covered, it is called a van.
  • The wagon is a large, long wagon.

Varieties of war wagons:

  • chariot;
  • tachanka.

Specialized carts are divided into:

  • field kitchen;
  • mobile church;
  • mobile medical center.

It should be noted that no matter what type of carriage the master plans to make, the base of the cart will always be approximately the same. First you need to make a flat flooring on the base of the frame, and only then think about external appearance carts. Will it be a cart, carriage or carriage - the inventor will decide later, embodying his fantasies and imaginations in reality.

The main components of the carriage are the course and the body. The move is all the mechanisms that set the cart in motion. The body is the vehicle itself and its component parts.


The main elements of the move:

  1. Front and rear axles.
  2. Wheels.
  3. The struts - front and rear - function as shock absorbers.
  4. Dissolution is an element that connects the axles and allows you to change the length of the carriage.
  5. Shafts.

Freight wagon diagram

An important step in making a do-it-yourself horse carriage is to decide for what purposes it will be used. The choice of material will directly depend on this. Moreover, if the cart is supposed to be made of wood, it makes sense to use dry hardwood. Pine for this is not the best way... If the carriage will be used in most cases for the transportation of heavy loads, it is better to use durable materials - metal, etc. For a pleasure carriage, you can use modern lightweight materials - plastic, etc.

Vehicle elements

In order to answer the question: "How to make a carriage for a horse yourself," the master only needs to spend some time, reflect on the image of the future carriage and make a choice necessary material... Parts and elements of a car, motorcycle, bicycle or sidecar can be used here.

The main step in the process of creating a wagon is deciding on its dimensions. In the old days, craftsmen adhered to approximately the following proportions: width - 1.5 m, length of the cart - 3 m.


The main supporting element of the carriage is the frame. A welded frame made of metal profile... The frame consists of longitudinal members and cross members. In accordance with the size of the frame profile, it is necessary to select the bars to which the flooring will be attached - the platform of the carriage.

The front and rear pillars are welded to the frame, and the upper and lower turntables are attached to the front pillar (bottom) and to the front axle (top), respectively. The swivel circles must be separated by means of an oiled felt circle - the function of the sleeve bearing during the turning will be ensured.

Metal frame

The axles of the cart are conveniently made from metal pipe small diameter, but you can also use a bar made of wood, in the ends of which it is necessary to make holes of the required length. Studs will be inserted into these holes later. Washers are put on the axle. The wheels are fixed to the studs with nuts.

Wheel with axle

Wagon wheels should be selected based on the purpose of using the wagon.

Body making is a creative process, a flight of a master's imagination. DIY horse carriage - inimitable masterpiece, which absorbs the whole soul and inner world inventor.

As everyone knows, a handmade gift is the most unique and original. In addition, how nice it is to give a thing in which a piece of the soul is invested. And how the person for whom such a gift is intended will be shocked. On the Internet, there are a lot of different crafts for every taste and color. And so you decided for yourself that a carriage made quickly and easily with your own hands will be just such a gift.

The carriage can be used not only as a gift, but also as a decoration. festive table or interior. It is not only original, but also functional. It can be used as a vase, casket, flashlight, or just as a toy for a child. So what are the crafts-carriages. The most popular carriages are made of felt, plywood, wood, cardboard, paper, wire and pumpkin. The most spectacular gift will be a carriage with flowers. Flowers for such a carriage can be made both independently and decorated with fresh flowers. Below we will conduct several master classes with photo and video instructions.

DIY workshop on making a cardboard carriage

For work you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • wooden blocks;
  • lace;
  • skewers;
  • ice cream sticks;
  • wide two-core and single-core wire;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • stationery knife;
  • hot glue.

Manufacturing instructions.

To begin with, we make a diagram of the cabin, transfer it to a thick sheet of cardboard. Cut out the blank with a clerical knife. To connect the carriage parts, you need to cut off strips 14 centimeters long and glue them with hot glue. Using skewers, wire, and wooden blocks, we make wheels with a diameter of 10 and 14 centimeters. Using screws, we screw the axles to a wide wire.

We connect two axles of the carriage with the cabin using screws. We cut two pieces for the doors and decorate them with ice cream sticks. We make details for the chest, which will be located at the back of the carriage. We glue them with hot glue and decorate with sticks. Glue the finished chest to the carriage.

We procure the part rectangular, which will be the bottom of the carriage, and glue it. To give the bottom of the carriage neatness, we glue the ends of the wire with chopsticks. To give relief, we decorate the carriage body with napkins. We make a seat for the coachman out of thin wire and cardboard. We decorate windows, doors and a seat with a decorative string or ribbon. We make benches inside the carriage and glue the cardboard with a cloth. We sew pads and place them on benches. We glue the wheels with gold tape. We lay a rug. We decorate the carriage with lace.

We make a roof out of cardboard, cover acrylic paint and decorate.

Such a spectacular carriage can be used to decorate a wedding table.

We make a carriage of flowers in a step-by-step tutorial with a description

To make a carriage from flowers, you will need:

  • two-core and single-core wire;
  • skewers;
  • black corrugated paper;
  • penoplex;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun;
  • black electrical tape;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • wire;
  • nippers;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • stationery knife.


We make wheels, for this we cut four segments from a two-wire wire: two of 28 cm and two of 40 cm. We bend the resulting segments in the shape of a circle. We fasten the resulting wheels with tape. Cut strips from black corrugated paper and wrap them up. Glue the tip of the paper.

Cut out a circle with a diameter of two cm from the penoplex. Cut the skewers into sticks 4 cm long and make the spokes of the wheels. We thread the finished knitting needles into the penoplex, having previously greased them with glue for better fixation. We connect three skewers with adhesive tape and wrap with a corrugation - this is the shaft of the wheels.

From a two-wire wire we make a base with rounded ends and wrap it with corrugated paper.

We make a cabin. To do this, we cut five blanks of 55 cm from a single-core wire, wrap each one with black electrical tape and dilute with gold tape. We cut circles from the penoplex for fastening the rods. With the help of an awl and glue gun making a carriage skirt. We collect all the parts and fix them with electrical tape. We hide the tips of the skewers on the wheels with beads.

The carriage is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate it. To do this, cut the corrugated petals and create a floral base. To make petals, you need to cut rectangles of the same size and cut petals out of them. Having made the blanks, you need to draw a wave away from you with the blunt end of the scissors and stretch the segment, giving it the shape of a petal. Then glue all the petals with hot glue to the foam base. Place the resulting flower in the body.

We decorate the buds. To do this, you will need organza, round candies, decorative mesh, gold ribbon and teip ribbon. Green colour... We insert the finished buds into the foam base. We make flowers and decorate the carriage by inserting them into the base.

We wrap the top of the carriage with paper, and from organza we make a fluffy skirt. We make roses from corrugated paper. We decorate the top of the carriage at our discretion.

The carriage is ready. Any woman will be glad to receive such an original bouquet.

Video tutorials on the topic of the article

At the end, we invite you to watch the video master classes on making different types carriages.

Horses are versatile farm animals that help their owners cultivate the land and transport goods outside the village. In the latter case, in addition to the horse, a special wheeled cart, popularly called a "cart", must be used. Together with the animal, it becomes a horse-drawn transport and can be used to move on public roads. It is for this reason that it will be useful for every farmer to learn about the features self-creation such a design.

Scope of use of the cart

The device of a horse cart and its design features directly depend on the purpose of use. finished product... For example, to transport people on public roads inside the carriage, you will have to install comfortable benches and handles, and outside - reflectors. The sides of this design should be high enough to protect passengers from dust and stones flying out from under the wheels of passing cars.

If the cart is used only for transporting hay or straw, then its base can be made of lumber, without much concern for the strength of the structure. A good option in this case would be well-dried deciduous trees (but not conifers). For the transportation of bulky and heavy loads, carts with a strong frame and a metal base installed on strong supports wheels. When building such a structure, you can use almost any raw material, the main thing is that it meets all the strength requirements.

In some cases, horses can be harnessed to carts intended for horseback riding around the city. Of course, in such situations, the appearance of the structure plays an important role in the choice, therefore, it is desirable that all elements of the vehicle are made only of high-quality wood that has undergone appropriate processing.

Did you know?If you believe the statements of historians, then the first horse appeared about 60 million years ago and weighed only 5 kg with a height of 35 cm. It was her zoologists who called it eogippus.

Not bad decorative material also considered plastic, which can be supplemented general form or focus on specific elements of the cart. Separately, one can single out carts used for harnessing horses in winter time... Unlike standard wheel variants, they do not have axles, but this does not prevent them from reaching a speed of about 6 km / h.

Types of horse carts

"Cart" or "supply" are common names for horse-drawn carts with four wheels. Usually horses are harnessed to them, but sometimes there are cases of using mules, buffaloes and oxen. Most often, wood is the main material for the manufacture of this type of transport, and often the entire structure is placed on the same wooden wheels.

Leads with rubber pneumatic wheels and shafts - more modern version carts with a carrying capacity of approximately 750 kg. The weight of the cart itself can fluctuate between 250-300 kg, because much here depends on the specific type of construction. The following are considered the main varieties.

Cart - a specially equipped cart for transporting people. Its design initially provides for seats for passengers and a cab, and can also use handles installed on the inside of the sides for greater safety of passengers when moving. The wheels of the bogies are made only of pneumatic tires, since they also have to drive on hard road surfaces.

Under this term, it is customary to understand a long cart, the front and rear parts of which are connected by long longitudinal boards or beams, with metal sheets laid transversely on them. Drogs do not have a body and in the old days were used as funeral chariots to transport the bodies of the dead to the burial place. Today, this version of the cart is perfect for transporting bulky goods, including haystacks, of course, if the owner fixes them correctly on the surface.

This type of carts is most often used for transporting heavy loads. Its body is made in the form of a solid wooden base, on which the load is laid, securing it if necessary. The shelf platform can be made of solid wood: in the longitudinal direction, the boards are stacked very close to each other, and on the sides they are fastened with transverse, shorter, wooden elements. It is advisable to install the entire structure on a solid metal frame with good shock absorption, and use rubber inflatable tires in the form of wheels.

The crew is a closed passenger carriage, the design of which is provided with springs. It can be single-axle (two-wheeled) and two-axle (four-wheeled), more or less mobile, which affects maneuverability. To others distinctive characteristics between these types can be attributed:

  • differences in structural stability;
  • the spaciousness of the body part;
  • type of springs;
  • carrying capacity.

Based on the type of harness, the crews are equipped with a drawbar or shafts. Can be used as wheels wooden elements, but they are more typical for small excursion carriages on the territory of private historical museums, and more comfortable rubber wheels are installed on the rest of the carts.

Important!Always calculate in advance the approximate weight of goods transported in the future, which will help you choose the most suitable materials for the manufacture of carts.

How to make a cart for a horse with your own hands

Different types of carts are easy to find in the public domain, but not all farmers are willing to pay thousands of rubles for them. It is much more profitable to make them with your own hands, especially if you already have the skills of "home design".

Dimensions and Drawings

In the very simple version the horse cart will consist of an axle, a frame and an attachment the right size... As for the parameters of the finished product, then everything here is purely individual and depends on the purpose of the future. vehicle... For short trips and transportation of crops, a total length of 2.85–3 m is sufficient, with a hinged part width of 1.46 m and an axle width of 1 m. The optimal height of the cart is 1 m, but it is important to take into account the size of the horse and the purpose of using the cart. An approximate diagram of such a product may be as follows:

Materials and tools for work

Not all farmers have the ability to process wood different ways, therefore, in order to make it easier for yourself, it is better to prepare metal wheel axles, a welded frame and two pairs of tires (along with disks) from any car as a wheelbase. In addition, in addition to these, you will also need:

  • wooden boards (preferably hardwood);
  • metal pipes or profile;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • metal corners;
  • welding machine and accessories;
  • tools for working with wood.
You can also prepare a screwdriver and long screws, with which you can better fix the parts at the joints.

Important! When choosing metal corners give preference to large and thick products, at least 5 mm thick.

Manufacturing stages

The manufacturing process of each individual cart has a number of features and, depending on the materials used, implies completely different actions. but general stages creating a structure with finished car tires will look like this:

  1. Running gear manufacturing: wheel axles and a sturdy frame base. It is desirable that these components are completely metal, made of a pipe or profile.
  2. Creation of a fixed rear and movable front axles, attached to a thick metal pin with washers.
  3. Manufacturing of a special attachment for the drawbar(if you need a drawbar harness). Shafts (long wooden beams or iron pipes) must move in different directions, while simultaneously connecting to the front axle. This possibility is provided by the fastening mechanism.
  4. Additional fixation of shafts with brackets and their reinforcement with straps(a wire attached to the shaft and the front axle of the cart is perfect for the role of this element).
  5. Installation of wheels(on the existing base, you just need to "put on" the prepared car wheels and fix them with suitable bolts).
  6. Creation of the base of the carriage (body part). Sections of the required length are cut from the prepared boards, after which they are knocked down into a solid platform and attached to the frame. If the cart needs sides, then 4 longitudinal poles can be made on the right side, and longitudinal poles can be attached to them on top. One-piece sidewalls are fixed to the carrier frame, and the rear and front parts are closed with removable parts, which will make the process of harness management more convenient.

Video: how to make a cart for a horse with your own hands

How to harness a horse to a cart

Competent manufacture of the cart is only half of the successful completion of the task, because in order to cope with the transportation of people or cargo, it is also necessary to correctly harness the horse.

Did you know? Horses have a very well developed sense of touch, and the lips and hooves are considered the most "sensitive" organs in this regard. With their help, animals are perfectly oriented on the terrain.

Usually this process does not differ in increased complexity and its nuances depend more on the type of a specific design, but, in general, the owner needs to focus on the following steps:

  1. Preparation and cleaning of the animal itself, control of the condition of individual components of the harness: the horse must be completely healthy, and all harnesses and connecting elements strong and intact (even the slightest abrasions on the belts can cause unforeseen problems on the road).
  2. Length adjustment and alignment of tugs(if you do not pay due attention to this issue, the harness will bend and the accuracy of the movement of the cart will be impaired).
  3. Harness complete set. The abdomen and sweetheart connected to a single ring must be fixed on the shaft.
  4. Horse uniform. Put on a collar, a bridle and a nurse on it, only so that the latter is fixed at the lower part of the withers (when placed on the back it will be very low, and at the withers - too high). Put the collar on the horse, only so that it is at first located with the pincers up, and then it can be lowered onto the neck and turned over as needed (if necessary, level the part). Now stretch the helmet over your neck and straighten it just as well. Connect all available straps to the buckles that are suitable for them, tightening them until there is only room for the palm between these elements and the ischial tubercles.
  5. Plant a horse into a shaft that can be done in many different ways. In the simplest version, the animal needs to step over the pole, but if it refuses to do this, then you can try to start the horse backwards. Some individuals react cautiously to this maneuver, so if both options are unsuccessful, it remains only to roll the shafts onto the standing animal. The latter option is most suitable for shy and young individuals.
  6. Fastening the arc. Take the product and stand in front of the horse, looking exactly at it. Lean the arc against right leg animal, and then twist to adjust the length of the tug. Place it next to the edge of the shaft, and then insert the left edge of the arch into the loop of the tug. The second one needs to be thrown over the shaft and secured so that it comes out fixed in the cutout of the arc, which, in turn, has already taken place on the horse's neck. Now go to the second shaft and turn the arc with a notch towards it. Place the tug on the shaft and the loop on the arch. Tighten the clamp well, and wrap the supon around the pliers: after connecting, they should be at right angles to each other.
  7. Closing events. When the horse is already tied to the left shaft, all that remains is to put the reins around the animal's neck, attach the lanyard to the tug (only so that the horse can freely raise its head) and put the straps over the shafts so that they are securely fixed and not dangling. Finishing touch- fastening the reins and the bit.

Video: how to harness a horse to a cart

With diligence and hard work, nothing difficult in self-made there is no cart, and you just need to choose the most suitable materials, choose the wheels and spend some personal time, the reward for which will be a relatively cheap cart.

It is difficult to imagine village life in the hinterland of our country without a faithful and reliable helper - without a horse. Therefore, here you will need both a cart and a sled in winter for the horse when it sweeps. You can bring a load on a horse, and firewood from the forest, and plow a vegetable garden, and just go to the market off-road. Previously, in almost every village there was a master of making carts and sleds. And today you will either have to buy them or do it yourself, which we will talk about in our article.


How to make a cart?

A horse cart is a separate type of horse-drawn transport and has several types. That is why you need to decide immediately before you do it yourself, for what purposes and what type you need a cart. If it will be exclusively work on the transportation of goods, then it will be enough to have a roadside or cart like a platform, that is, without sides with an ordinary flat bottom. If you need to transport hay, other materials on a cart and use it as a vehicle, then you need to do it with the sides.

It is also worthwhile to immediately foresee how many horses you will harness to the cart. The fact is that the one-horse and the two-horse cart are different in their essence and manufacture. One-horse in Russia has shafts and an arc, and one-horse one has a drawbar. If you make the Ukrainian version, then here the drawbar or cart is used for both one horse and a pair. Note that it is easier to make a drawbar cart with your own hands than an arc one.

Important points

Before you start manufacturing, you should know a little about the design of the cart, its main parts. So, the main element of any carriage is its chassis. And these are two axles (front and rear), wheels and the frame itself, on which the body or platform is installed. There are also struts that act as shock absorbers. In this case, the rear axle is made stationary, that is, without movement, and the front axle is turning, due to this, the turn will be carried out.

The next important elements are shafts in an arched one-horse carriage or a drawbar in a parokonny (Ukrainian cart). Shafts and a drawbar are attached to the front axle, as they turn the front wheels. It is advisable to make the frame welded metal, since the entire load of the cart will go to it. The cart itself is made of wood.

As for the dimensions, before the standard was the width of the cart about 1.5 meters, and the length - 3 meters. The height already depends on your desire and the size of the horse, but the standard is made from 0.5 to 0.7 meters.

Tools and materials

  • Wooden boards;
  • welded frame and wheel axles;
  • welding machine;
  • 4 wheels (auto or motor transport);
  • metal pipes or U-shaped profile;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • woodworking tools (saw, hacksaw, sandpaper, sander);
  • other tool as needed;
  • blueprints.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First of all, we need to make the undercarriage of the cart. This, as we said, is a welded solid frame and wheel axles. If you have never dealt with welding, then you will have to contact the masters. The frame and axles can be made solid metal from a profile or from thick-walled pipes.
  2. We make the rear stationary axle and the front one turning on a pin on two fixed washers.
  3. Before completing the front axle, we decide on the type of vehicle. If it is a drawbar, then we make a special holder under the drawbar. Shafts are made welded to the front axle on special holder... That is, the shafts should not be removable, but movable to the sides and even up and down - due to the holder. They can also be fixed on brackets and reinforced with special straps - wire rod with a diameter of 10-12 mm, which is attached to the shaft and the front axle.
  4. We complete the chassis by installing wheels and, if necessary, brakes.
  5. Now you can move on to the basis of the cart - the body. If we make a platform, then everything is simple here - we cut the required length and width of the board and knock it into one platform, attach it to the frame. If there are sides, then first we make 4 longitudinal poles, onto which we then nail vertically inclined slats. We immediately attach the side walls to the frame, and make the front and rear removable for greater convenience in using the cart in work.
  6. As for the shafts, they can be made both metal from pipes and wooden. The drawbar, as a rule, is made only of wood.
  7. For the convenience of sitting in a cart, you can make a bench in the back or even attach soft seats.
  8. On the finished homemade cart in the back, if you plan to go out on the track, you need to attach reflectors.


  1. The arc is a special part of the shank cart, which will have to work on if there is no ready one. It is made from elm or willow tree, as the material must be strong and flexible. In the old days, oak, birch and hazel were also used.
  2. Homemade workpiece under the arc needs to be cut in early spring when the sap is just starting to move in the tree. The workpiece itself under the arc is taken with a thickness of 8 to 12 cm and a length of 1.5 to 1.8 m.
  3. It is better to bend the arc in a special machine (arc), placing the edges in the recesses. Before work, the tree is first soaked in cold water, and half an hour before work is steamed with boiling water for greater flexibility. If the tree bends poorly, it is steamed several times.
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After full bending, the edges of the arc are tied with a dense rope and the tree is allowed to dry and take the desired shape- about 45 days. How to do it at home, look at the video of Oleg Moskalenko.

We make a sleigh with our own hands

Everyone can buy a sled, but not everyone will be able to afford it, since their cost is quite considerable. Well, it remains to do it yourself. Moreover, the sleigh was the favorite means of transport for people. Look at the video of the author pashinkirill about this.

Tools and materials

Before making a sled for a horse, you need to decide what material will be the most important part - the runners. They can be metal or wood. If you want to make from wood, then you need special skills and knowledge for preparing wood and bending it. It is easier with metal, here it will only be necessary to forge runners in the workshop.

  • Wooden boards;
  • plywood;
  • metal sheets;
  • corners or metal profile;
  • metal pipes;
  • varnish, paint;
  • wood processing tool;
  • other tools as needed;
  • blueprints.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The very first and most difficult thing is the runners. We will make them metal - it's easier this way. Stainless steel or regular carbon steel will do. Runners are best made forged flat from solid sheet metal but there is also a practice of using pipes. But to bend them you will need helpers.
  2. When the runners are ready, go to the base - the crossbeams and racks, which are located on both sides. They can be made from pipes or profiles. All parts will need to be welded.
  3. An important part of the sled is the brakes. When the runners are ready, we make them in the simplest way - shoe in the form of rubber with a lever. This will be both the running brake and the parking brake.
  4. Weld to the front metal plates, on which the shafts will then be attached.
  5. When the chassis is ready, we make a sled body of wood - this is how your imagination will work. Of course, the drawings are made first. After that, the bottom and the inside can be sheathed with plywood and even attached on top soft material for convenience, for example, leatherette or felt.
  6. Last of all, we fasten the wooden shafts and that's it - the sled for the horse is ready with our own hands!

Photo gallery

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Video "How to make a sleigh"

An interesting video about how sleds and horse harness were made for attaching sleds in the old days.

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You will need

  • - sheets moisture resistant plywood(4-5 pieces);
  • - jigsaw;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - a circular saw;
  • - colorless varnish;
  • - upholstery material;
  • - bolts;
  • - screws;
  • - drill.


make bcarriage / b from emtree / em "class =" colorbox imagefield imagefield-imagelink "rel =" gallery-step-images "> Take a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood (after all, this is a product for the street) measuring 9x2500x1250 cm.Cut it into three parts so that the dimensions of two are 1250x700 cm, and the third is 1250x1100 cm.

Saw out all the component parts along the drawn path. Mark and carefully saw out doors and windows. In the process of sawing doors, to save material, drill in the corners along the hole, and then saw through using manual jigsaw(approximately 0.5 cm each). Further work can be continued with a jigsaw. This will make it possible to use the sawn-off parts in further manufacturing. carriages.

Saw the two smaller pieces of plywood in half and then glue them together. It is important that the inside is slightly smaller than the outside: this will allow the front and rear walls, as well as doors and windows to rest on them. Glue the resulting pieces together. For this purpose, you can use PVA glue. The more clamps you have, the better, but you should end up with at least twelve.

After gluing the sides, glue the ceiling and bottom carriages... The distance between the uprights should be such that they rest on the edges of the front and back wall when gluing the front and back. Twist the racks using bolts and a screwdriver, along the way aligning the curly parts with each other, since they will be the ones that will rest on both walls.

Go to the front and back wall... It is not difficult to determine their size: use a regular tape measure. Make the windows the way you like. The only thing that needs to be considered is that there will be a coachman's seat on the front wall: you need to leave room for it.

On the back wall, make the window slightly larger than on the sides, because there will be passenger seats. Windows can also be cut out on the glued walls (for this use circular saw). The optimum spacing between cuts is fifteen centimeters. The depth should be approximately six centimeters.

The body is ready, proceed to making the frame. Take a glued board (or two 18 mm thick plywood) 400x1500mm. Transfer the frame drawing to it and cut it out. Sand the edges with sandpaper. Take one of the leftover material and size it 400x455mm. With it, you will connect the previous parts together.

Prepare space for the back of your luggage and coachman. Make overlays on each of the sidewalls. First, draw lower part, cut it out. Attach it to the sidewall, leaving nine millimeters from the bottom, draw the upper part. Saw out, glue the finished pads on the inside of the sidewalls. In the future, they will be needed for the manufacture of the floor and protection from below. For the back, use the second piece. Cut it to size, one bevelled edge (45 degrees).

Drill holes in the sides of the resulting part. For the side holes, use a drill bracket, which allows you to drill at a 90 degree angle. Put the part back in place and install three screws on different sides. Use the remaining holes as guides and in the bottom carriages... Put everything on glue, attach with screws and clamps.

Start making a floor for the coachman. Prepare two sheets of plywood: the first is 290x350mm and the second is 290x500mm. Make incisions in last sheet with a depth of 6 mm with an interval of 15 mm by 300 mm in length. Paste big leaf using clamps. Grab the sheet with several screws - for greater reliability. Glue a small sheet on top, glue a footboard from pre-cut boards.

Make windows and door curtains. You will need thin plastic for this purpose. Since it is sold in rolls, you will need to flatten it by dipping it in boiling water. Saw and sand the grille for doors and windows with a jigsaw and sandpaper... Glue into the window and doorway.