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Street cells for rabbits do it yourself drawings. The main types of helpers - what is common and what is different? Single-tiered and multi-tiered structures

The maintenance of the eared has long been practicing industrial farms and ordinary peopleDeciding to organize a small farm at home. Keep fluffy animals a pleasure, as they do not require constant attention and are quite simple in care. To make a business, you should organize animals comfortable living conditions. Today we will tell, which cells for rabbits can be made with their own hands.

When choosing a place of future animal living and installing their cell houses, you need to pay attention to some parameters of the selected territory.

Cells for eared wards can be placed:

  • on the street;
  • indoors.

Of course, the first option is suitable only to those farms that are located in the southern regions with a steadily warm and mild climate. Otherwise, in winter time Animals will not stand out on the street without shelter. If you are planning to stay with rabbits just in such a collaboration, consider the following rules.

  1. The humidification rate of air, which the rabbits are well tolerated, has an upper limit of 75%. To transfer it a larger percentage they will not be able to physically, will begin to get wake and root. Based on this, choose a place to install the cells should be dry, located far from the reservoirs, best on the hill.
  2. There are recommendations regarding and sunlight. Eared love to warm up under them only in cartoons, in life it will bring alone alone and lead to cooking diseases and death of animals. To straight sun rays did not fall on the cells, install them in the shade garden trees Or organize canopies. If rabbit breeding is the matter of all of your life, you can put a bush rod, which will dispel the sun rays, passing through yourself.

Pay attention during the insulation of those cells that are cooked for pregnant rabbit and newborn rabbits.

Requirements for closed room for rabbits

Growing, breeding and feeding rabbits

Build a comfortable cell for rabbits - it is less than half of the case. It is equally important to correctly organize the process of content, feeding and breeding of the krolls. Read to find out what features there are in the process of growing rabbits and what the difference between their contents.

Getting to build

Before proceeding to construction work, It is necessary to correctly pick up the materials that will be used in its process.

Necessary materials

When creating housing for rabbits, it is better to give preference natural materialsTo maximize the content of animals to natural conditions. Therefore, as a base for cells, you need to choose high quality wooden bars, which are additionally processed by antiseptics.

Additionally, for the construction of the cells, we will need:

  • boards and high-quality wood;
  • thin plywood;
  • the welded grid of a finely shape;
  • wooden rails, 3-4 centimeters wide;
  • metal wire of medium thickness;
  • wide plastic pallets in cell size;

Sewing the inner surface of the walls of the cell is best plywood, as it is moisture-resistant and strong material. Chipboard, for example, is not suitable for such a goal, as it absorbs moisture and collapses from swelling.

What are cells for rabbits

All rabbit cells are built in some general principlesHowever, they still have differences. All construction nuances depend on what rocks and individuals of the rabbit people will live inside the cells under construction. There will be at least a few species in your farm, and that's why.

As you can see, the cells can differ in many respects, depending on the characteristics of future tenants. However, for each of them there are general instructions Building, which varies depending on the purposes. Let's start her consideration.

Important nuances

Before voice the instruction itself, we will discuss some important moments. Standard dimensions Spacious rabbit cells Make up:

  • 120-170 centimeters in length;
  • about 50 centimeters in height;
  • 70-80 centimeters width.

As a rule, if the cell parameters change, then reduce only the length. Height and width remain standard, since these parameters are most comfortable for care.

Mixing in one cell of rabbits of different sexuality is prohibited, as this can lead to:

  • uncontrollable increments;
  • difficult to track pregnancies;
  • male dogs for the attention of females;
  • fights of females for the attention of males;
  • redrawn by the emanatory females of each other's offspring.

Instructions for self-building Cells for rabbits

So, go to phased instructions Building cells for rabbits. We propose to consider accommodation for eared, consisting of two sections. Adult individuals will be accommodated in one of them, in the second - sugar uterus with the ranks. For a while, until you have a nursing female with a young, you can install houses for rabbits in the nest office, in which they will hide with a bad mood and desire to relax from fluffy cohabitants.

We proceed to the construction.

Step 1

Take the harmful wooden bars and treat them with antiseptics. It is necessary that it is necessary to prevent the drainage of the tree and penetrate the malicious microorganisms in its structure, which can continue to spoil the health of the eared.

Remember, the composition of the antiseptics should be as gentle as possible and not to contain in a large amount of chlorine, burning wood and destroying its structure. This is important, since the exploitation of cells is not skid and necessary so that they serve for a long time.

Step 2.

Take a wooden bar, harvested ahead and saw it so that you have the items with the following parameters:

  • 4 bars 1.5 meters;
  • the same number of 55 centimeters bars;
  • two pairs of bars 70 centimeters.

Instead of four bars long in 55 centimeters, only two and two more 35 centimeters can be made. Smaller in size will be mounted frame parts for the rear of the cell, where we place the uterine socket.

Step 3.

Connect the shortest and half-meter bars to get two identical figures. If the parameters of the bars for the frame of the front and rear of the cell you have the same, then the rectangle will turn out if different is a trapezium.

Step 4.

Now connect the rectangles among themselves using the cutters of 70 centimeters in length. You should get a wooden frame design, reminiscent of the form of a large box.

Step 5.

We begin to install the floor. It can be made of several different materials. We present a comparative table of advantages and minuses of each of them.

Metallic profile Small and fine grid Wooden rails
+ - + - + -
  • long life;
  • ease of care.
  • the lattice will have to weld yourself;
  • cells must be small, so that the paws rabbit do not fall inside.
  • easy to install;
  • comfortable in care.
  • may break;
  • the service life is very dependent on the quality of welding;
  • rabbits can damage the paws.
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • easy to install.
  • with bad processing, rabbits can get offended;
  • gets and requires replacement after a short service life.

A good solution will be the use of combinations, for example, the first layer can be launched from metal profilecooked in the usual way, without small and frequent holes. The second layer is made from a fine grid. The profile will interfere with it to deform and such a floor will last long.

It is impossible to make the floor from the floor in the main compartment, since the animal feces will be passed through holes and accumulate in the pallet under the cell.

Install the selected material to most of the future floor of the cell and fix with fasteners. 40-50 centimeters Leave empty

Step 6.

The rest of the empty space under the floor must be made wooden and solid, as there will be a nest of rabbits. It is best to fasten the board to the bars, be sure to be well polished so that the animal does not get injections. In place of connecting cells and boards, screw the metal rail and welcome the grid to it.

Step 7.

We proceed to the upholstery of the walls. The back is also performed from polished and impregnated by gential antiseptics of boards. The front make the mesh so that you can watch the favorites do. Leave the ceiling not clogged.

Step 8.

We carry out board walls from the inside of the cell using Phaneur. Material must be multi-layered and good quality. Thickness can be any, but very thick sheet take no need to not do the design too weighty.

You can fix the faeer using self-tapping screws or nails. The main thing is that the sharp part of the nail does not go outside and did not hurt you when careing beyond the cell.

Step 9.

Construct roof. To do this, we will need a sheet of plywood and loops, like on the doors or cabinets. At the beginning, we screw the loops to one of the top bars of the frame, then on them the same garden sheet of good plywood. It is better to choose the material thoroughly, because the roof of the house will constantly rise and go down. Take care that it fits tightly. If large gaps are between the frame and the roof, do not avoid harmful drafts.

If you cannot adjust the lid to the frame tightly, do not despair. Take a little felt or syntheps and cross the roof around the perimeter. You can do it, even if there is no cracks, because winter Such insulation is useful to eared.

Step 10.

In place of the connection of the cellular grid and boards, set the plate, running from the floor to the ceiling and from the wall to the wall. Pre-do in non-LAZ mean size so that rabbits can move freely from one cell to another.

Step 11.

Install the cells on the backups, set in advance in the rabbit. Now, from the bottom of the cell mounted the pallet. It can correspond to the size of only the mesh part of the floor, as it will not be fascinated through the wooden floors of the breakfasts and rabby.

Step 12.

Now install inside the cells of the feeder and drinkers. They can also be made with their own hands from the tree, in the form of small bore. Be sure to find place for the hay. Some rabbits put it in homemade suspended structuresSo that rabbits can get it and at the same time they did not sleep, turning into the litter.

Now that you have learned to make the easiest option of rabbit cells, pay attention to other popular options.

Family Cell

A family dwelling for ears consists no longer from two, but from three sections. The male manufacturer is settled there with good quality health and appearance characteristics. In the side offices, females will be settled, in the median - male. Lases are equipped between the rooms, this time with valves. It is necessary in order to at the time of the readiness of one of the females to conceive the offspring to produce it to the seedlor, and then do the same with another rabbit.

This cell constructing is considered to be very effective for breeding thoroughbred animals, as it allows you to pre-sort the individuals suitable to each other and track the upcoming pregnancy.

Features of construction

Let's call some points in building cells from three sections that will help you during construction.

Cells for rabbits in two tiers

The construction of bunk structures of rabbit cells is not too different from the same-tier. Such a structure will have the following parameters:

  • height of 2 - 2, 5 meters;
  • width of 1, 4 meters;
  • at the edges of the structure every 10 centimeters are given to the installation of feeders.

Dimensions may vary depending on your idea, but the cell of smaller dimensions is not rational.

Instructions for construction

So, proceed to building a bunk cell.

Step 1. Just as in the first instruction, connect the bars to get four frame frames. Each of them will serve as the bottom and upper part for two cells. Also scold eight of the same in height of bars for the angular parts of the cell "skeleton".
Step 2. We make floors for cells. Most, as in the case of a single-tier structure, will be a mesh, smaller - solid, from the board. The rear walls leave a small distance of about 10 centimeters, there we will place the stock for animal life waste. Close this distance follows a dense mesh with a larger cells than that of the base for the floor.
Step 3. The back wall is made from the boards, then it is trimmed from the inside plywood. The side and front walls are also equipped with a grid with medium-sized cells.
Step 4. With the help of rails and metal plugs, we separate inside the house for eared compartments, leaving the place between them for the hay english letter "V".
Step 5. Krepim in waste scope compartment metal sheetsdriving to the pallet under the cell. The collection of feces for each cell is installed so that it may be pulled out and clean. For the upper tier, it is placed on the bottom ceiling, and for the bottom - on the special corners of the stand, mounted in the Helding frame for cells.
Step 6. We equip the roofs for each of the tiers of plywood, pate felt or dense linoleum.

So for animals in the cells it was possible to take care, make the back wall or roof on the loop.

Video - Cage for rabbits, self-building

Mikhailov cell

To date, there are many popular ways to breed eared. One of the most effective is Mini Farm Mikhailov. The features of the minimum farm are as follows. It allows you to get a large number of healthy offspring and cultivate it in productive female individuals with minimal attention from the farmer.

Features of the design of the mini-farm Mikhailov allow us to achieve the following positive effects.

Cleaning cells occurs without human participation. AND we are talking Not only about animal feces, but also about food waste containing harmful evaporation. Rabbits do not inhale them and maintain health. Due to the fact that inside rabbit houses is supported by such high level Hygiene, insects insects insects of infection do not fly inside, since they simply have nothing to get started.

Lining food and pouring water into the feeders occurs once a week. Yes, now you are delivered from the need to constantly track the presence of these batteries in the cells of the wards every day. The fact is that the feeders are constantly filled themselves, as feeding feed from the feeders. Another plus - winter water in drinkings is automatically heated.

Zones for the succulent and born rabbit with offspring in frosts are also heated, which allows crossing animals round year And ensure health newborn.

The inner device of the cell is as close as possible to natural conditions, which provokes in animals to connect instincts. Thus, the royaltic reminds the animal hole, as it is located below the main level of the cell, and the entrance to it really imitates the rabbit LAZ. The ceiling in the nest compartment is inclined, as if it really is not a cell, but apparel eared.

Open wall areas alternate with closed so that rabbits can get privacy and break from attention from human or other animals.

Mikhailov's cell is also equipped with folding doors that allow you to pickitate a rabbit for rabbit or on the contrary, add. This is necessary at the birth of too small or a large litter from one individual. If a young bust is a mother can score or eat alive a few. In this case, it is necessary to reject the cubs and transfer the uterus that has little offspring.

That part of the cage that is installed on the north is insulated. Southern sides on the contrary, equipped with ventilation to fresh air came inside the houses. The roof is equipped with a pipe through which gases from animal feces are emitted. Feeders and drinkers are used hermetic so that there are no waste in them.

Consideration of construction

The area of \u200b\u200beach cell is 1.4 m 2. Up to 25 goals are placed inside. The main element of the design is a shed, consisting of several rabbit cell tiers in one or two tiers. To contain such a shad can 70 houses. If you take the basis of this quantity, then in 35 of them will live uterus, and in the rest - adult males and young rabbits.

It is customary to do about two rows of cells that occupy 8.5 m 2. The roof of these cells is one.

Realized cell "Mikhailov"

The shelf life of Mikhail's mini farm is about 20 years. Next, it will have to be replaced or completely replaced with a new design.

Necessary materials

We warn if you do not have sufficient experience in construction, it is easier to buy a cell of Mikhailov. But if you are confident that we cope, bowl in the following materials:

  • sheets of plywood;
  • paint;
  • nails;
  • roofing iron;
  • wooden bar;
  • boards;
  • rubkeroid;
  • Fiberboard soft and solid;
  • stakenik.

Collect a stand

Collect a stand, carefully reviewed its image in the photo. In the horizontal section of the stand will be located the reference part for homemade transformer compartment, as well as shelves for tools and benches. Lases are arranged here rectangular shape, leading from a sealed tank to the bunker to collect the feces that merging into it in the shafts walls. The mine is covered by Fiberboard and rubberoid resistant to frost and moisture.

Zone walking and nest

Two pairs of racks are mounted on the stand, the cross section of which should not exceed 10 centimeters. They will rely on the long-distance tier, consisting of several compartments in which rabbits are caught for inspection or sit down.

The flowing department is equipped with a drinker and feeder. In the lower part of it, the hole hole is arranged 20 by 20 centimeters, which goes into the mine. The floor is posted as a stakeholder on the rails, which are inhabit the metal strips to protect against rodents. The flooring is made at an angle of 45 degrees.

The nest compartment is equipped with a hinged door, which leans and forms a free area to interact with rabbits. The location of the Donatika's bottom goes down on the level of the main floor by 9 centimeters. Outside the wall of a house for mother and kids is insulated by any available materials. LAZ is insulated in the department. For its arbitrary overlap, a view is installed.

Drinkers and feeders

Drinking bowl is represented automatic constructions. The waters itself can be any, at least a plastic bowl, even a wooden. This bowl has outputs from several 5 liters in volume. In each lid, the canisters are drilled by centimeter holes so that the water merges down gradually and only when the rabbit heating is enough to be bore not worked out.

What size will be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe warder separation directly depends on the capacity and the magnitude of the canister itself, as well as the trough. The door to the compartment is made of plywood and metal sheet. One edge of the trough for watering should be hidden from rabbits to establish a small electric boiler, automatically starting work when the air temperature drops below + 8 ° C.

Next to the drinking is installed a feeder, in which the feed feed in the granules. Installing it is made in a small gap between the floor parts, in which the device has a disposal device. It is waste - crumbs and flour, as well as granules flooded with rabbits. And from there they roll in the utilizer.

The aft bowl for coarse feed is located at the top and at the bottom of the farm. From the outside of the cell, the tank is suspended to it, in which hay and vegetables are laid.

Installation of Upper Yarusa

The upper tier can serve as a uterine and sweeping level. In the first case, it is manufactured under the tilt, in the same way as described above. In the second, they are divided into two sections of different sizes, which will then be placed small rabbit.

The length of the upper tier on 25 centimeters is greater than the lower. In each of the sections, drinking and feeder according to the methods described above are also installed.


The roof is made inclined, on top of it mounted a pipe for ventilation of rooms. This pipe is necessary to remove the accumulation of harmful evaporation from the cell, which are allocated during the vital activity of the eared.

Bottom part

At the bottom of the cage is equipped with a box, in which the rabbit litter is referred. This allows the use of animal excrement for garden purposes and deprives the farmer of the need for constant cell cleaning from feces.

Mikhailov cell is an effective option for rabbit business. This design requires a minimum labor and time consumption farmer. So, a week to care for animals, it is necessary about half an hour - to fill feeders, drink and clean the pallets. The eared in such a farm is gaining their lives in three months, which rabbits in ordinary content can only get only 6-8 months.

Cells for Rabbits Zolotukhina

Another famous farm concept for efficient rabbits breeding. Nikolai Ivanovich Zolotukhin studied the life of rabbits in vivo from the small years and in the heyday of his career developed this amazing structure that increases the efficiency of rabbits cultivating due to the activation of their natural instincts.

It has a farm cell gold three tiers, it is quite simply made. Let's proceed to consider the instructions for its manufacture.

To build a cage, we will need:

  • wooden bars;
  • boards;
  • metal grid;
  • sheet iron;
  • high-quality polycarbonate;
  • slate.

Instructions for construction

So, first of all, we define the dimensions of the future cell:

  • in the width of the rabbit, the dwelling is 2 meters;
  • the height of the structure is 1.5;
  • the depth of construction is not more than 80 centimeters;
  • rear bias of the floor - 5 centimeters;
  • the grid at the rear wall occupies 20 centimeters;
  • doors are made in the form of a square with 40 centimeters of the length of one side.

We proceed to the construction.

Step 1. Frames for cells are collected by the technique already familiar to you. Each of them is divided into two equal halves, between which there is a small distance to accommodate the deck.
Step 2. For sex, this time is used not a grid, but a durable slate. Putting and attaching slate sheets to the frame, calculate that 20 centimeters need to retreat from the rear wall. This space is covered with a welded grid through which the eared feces will be leaving.
Step 3. Now proceed to the manufacture of walls. The rear walls are made of carbonate sheets at a certain angle. The upper part of each of the walls is mounted by the end of the slate floor of the next tier height. At the highest tier she is straight. Thanks to this design, the rabbit litter is rolled through the walls of each of the tiers and in the end falls into the pallet.
Step 4. We make the door for the dump trucks and feed compartments. In the first case, we prepare it from the tree and insulate to create the necessary conditions For rabbit. In the second - we make from the grid.
Step 5. Sitz for summer content is also made with mesh walls. From the remaining space, they are separated by a platform partition, which can then be removed and obtain a spacious cell for young.

Women's winter sumps, with closed walls. The entrance to it is also wooden, with a closing hole, bottom part which comes into contact with the floor. The hay rises on the floor.

Step 6. Making feeders. Presents these devices tray, occupying most of the cell wall in front. The feeder is inserted into the cage only one-third, the bottom is performed at an angle. It is necessary that the feeder can be filled outside without opening the cell. Also inside the rider is installed.

Zolotukhina cells are famous and have been successful for many decades. Easy making makes them popular, and the rabbit effect is stunning from them.

Cells for dwarf rabbits: Step-by-step instructions

Not only farmers can make a rabbit cage, but those who chose this cute animal to their pets. Of course, it is easier to buy such a structure, but it costs not small money, which instead you can spend on buying vitamins and food for eared.

Making a lodge for rabbit with their own hands will take quite a bit of time and will not require serious labor.

Step 1.Collect the framework for the cell according to the mechanism described above. This time the framework parameters will be as follows:

  • length - 1 meter;
  • height of bars for the rear wall - 55 centimeters;
  • height of bars for lateral walls - 70 centimeters;
  • frame width - 70 centimeters.

Step 2.Collect the frame so that between the lower end of the rear wall and the future floor there was a distance of 15 centimeters.

Step 3.On the bottom of the cells are wide wooden rails Or install the welded grid from the metal profile. This backout is needed to give the rigidity to the future floor from the grid. When the rails or profile are installed, over the mounted fine grid.

Step 4.Make walls for the cell. The back can be made of plywood or boards, and the remaining metal mesh with small cells. One of the walls also make a plywood or wooden and drank a hole for the door in it.

Step 5.Make the door out wooden Rama and metal mesh and put on the loop to the hole.

Let's summarize

Now you know the many most popular methods for building cells for rabbits. The choice of the appropriate option will be based on the following nuances:

  • starting budget;
  • rabbit-specific experience;
  • region of residence;
  • the size of the livestock, etc.

The main requirement is high quality Designs

For example, the cells according to Mikhail's mini farm method will help maximize labor costs and loss of animal care, however, placing this serious design inside the shed is very difficult, which makes the use of structures in regions with protracted cold winters almost impossible. In addition, equipment of such a cell requires cash costs and construction experience. Beginner rabbits will not benefit so much money, especially if they are not sure that they will want to keep rabbits for long years.

Zolotukhina cells do not require large financial costs, but imply that the rabbits contained in them will not be small. Therefore, this option is not entirely rational for beginners to engage rabbit business farmers.

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

One of the important components of the successful content of rabbits is the provision of animals with suitable housing - cells. Cells are very comfortable for breeding animals - it is easiest to feed in them, making care, to happen and, if necessary, to treat animals. In this case, do not hurry to buy industrial instances - cells can be made it yourself. We will look at how to build cells for rabbits with their own hands, as well as a series of photos of original ideas of facilities.

Two-storey cell for rabbits.

Features and requirements

In fact, the cell is a design in the form of a box with opening front doors. Consists of a frame (sometimes with high legs), covered with walls, roof and floor. Inside there are branches for feed and recreation, separated by a septum with a laser. The feed binder is the feeder and.

Size I. constructive features Cells depend on age, breed, rabbit floor, method of content. However, in essence, its design will be identical for all groups of animals.

Common drawing of rabbit cells.

When viewed from above, the cell circuit is as follows. The floor of the cell can be both completely mesh and have an insert from the grid to remove detergents. The floor in the nest department must necessarily be solid, irreparable and warm.

Conceptual cell image from above.

Also in demand, another variant of cells - in which the sides are sleeping offices, and in the center - the territory for feeding and activity. Such blocks differ with a greater length (up to 1.2 m), the height is standard about 35 cm.

There are several varieties of cellular content:

  • in room;
  • on the street;
  • combined - part of the year indoors, part - on the street.
  • the use of high-quality, durable, coarse building materials;
  • reliability and stability of the structure;
  • no more than 3 cells of the cells (device of oblique roof for efficient removal of detergents);
  • the presence of a canopy.

Important! In winter, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of cells. Boxes must be reliably protected from frost and wind, especially if animal breeding is planned.

Types of cells

As we already indicated, the design of the house for animals is selected based on many factors. Because further briefly consider the main distinctive features Blocks for animals with different needs:

The house for rabbit rabbit.

In addition to standard cells, there are also options with aviary. If there are free areas, you can set exactly such blocks. The aviary is equipped either under construction or near the rear wall. At least one of the walls of the enclosure must be mesh, but also popular the option when the rear wall is solid, and the rest of the grid - as in the photo:

Two-storey cell with aviary.

With a large number of individuals, the shed will become a comfortable design for the content. It is a frame with 2-3 cell tiers under a canopy. All this design looks like mini-barn, but it increases the efficiency and convenience and convenience of care, it allows you to rationally use the area, while each animal can provide a separate unit. The deputy can also be built independently.

Shed for rabbits.

Depending on the needs of the animal and your goals, the appearance of the design can be 6th of absolutely any. For example, for males, which usually contain single, you can build a very simple block into one floor:

Simple single-storey cell.

You can also make a frame and divide it into three compartments to settle several individuals under the same roof.

One-storey block on three cells.

If you have enough space, and the number of livestock is small, you can make it possible to make bunk (two-storey) Animal apartments:

Two-storey cell in the form of a house for one individual.

Another variant of the bunk block with a symmetrical attractive facade:

Please note: in all similar structures with an aviary below, a pallet is located under the top tier to effectively remove detergents.

Two-storey cell in the form of a house.

If you wish, you can swallow the most original ideas and make the cell for rabbits with your own hands like the teremka, as in the photo below. For descent to the walking zone, the unit must be necessarily equipped with a staircase.

Blue Teremok Cage.

And here is another outstanding design - to use the place with the use, the beds with greens are equipped on the roof of the block.

Cage with seedlings on the roof.

Another example of the structure - on the sides of the block there are a feeder and a rider. In the center there is a nest with lazes on both sides. Thanks to the convenient door to the kids, you can access and make leaving procedures without any problems.

House with branches.

In the photo below we see a very original, practical and simple design by car type. An animal house is equipped with a pair of wheels on the back side and a pair of heads in front. If necessary, the cage can be quickly and without help to transport to another place. At the same time, the block is equipped with a nest and there is enough space for walking.

Transmitted house on wheels.

So that the economic part of the yard looked aesthetic and original, the houses for livestock can be built in eastern style Pagoda.

Pagoda lodge.

If a spacious aviary is required for the walking of young people, you can make the design of metal, fully mesh with a small shelter.

Spacious aviary for rabbits.

Before embarking on the construction of a dwelling for livestock, read such simple recommendations. They will save you a lot of time in the creation process and will avoid some errors:

  • With year-round outdoor content for the manufacture of walls it is better to choose thick boards. If the rollers are partially on the street, the sidewalks of the cell can be made from plywood. If the rabbits are on the street only in the summer, then the walls are quite possible to make it possible from a solid grid.
  • When keeping on the street, the design should be located at a minimum of 0.7 m from the ground. It protects animals from cold, precipitation, as well as rats and other animals.
  • Paul can be built of wooden rails or grids. The size of the cells should be about 1-1.5 cm so that through the holes freely passed, but the animals did not wound the paws.
  • For the roof you can use boards or phanel. And on top to reliability to put any available roofing material. The only thing is to take into account that metal sheets are capable of rapidly growing in the sun and overheat the cage, so there will have to be installed on top.
  • On the front wall you need to install two doors on hooks, one mesh, the second wooden.
  • The wooden elements of the house will most likely be exposed to blazing, because the most vulnerable parts of the cell are recommended to sew thin tin sheets, namely: the verge of wooden brushes in the frame and doors, LAZ, feeder.
  • In case of bad weather, it is necessary to provide a removable glazing. Rama with glass can be attached different ways, for example on hooks, and in sunny weather to shoot.

Idea: Facade and Outdoor Walls You can climb decorative material or paint to give a house decorative look.

Cell with supports.

Necessary materials

So, consider the manufacture of three-tiered structures for the group content of the coll.

Necessary materials:

  • timing segment 5 * 5 cm;
  • aluminum plastering corner;
  • screws;
  • metal connecting corners;
  • rake 24 * 12 mm (for floors, you can use a metal grid);
  • galvanized sheets.

All attachments in the cage will look like.

Required tool:

  • construction stapler;
  • bulgarian (knife);
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill.

For the construction, we will use the following drawing. Here is a single tier, such designs will need 3 pieces.

Cell drawing (single tier).

Manufacturing process

Below is the turns out of a step-by-step instruction for making a house.

  1. First, you should prepare the material for work - to cut the bar for the desired segments. So, it will take 16 pieces of 1.9 m (12 pieces you need to cross the corners from one face), 24 pieces of 0.35 m, 18 pieces of 0.8 m, 12 pieces of 0.45 m, 6 pieces of 0, 7 m. All prepared segments are needed on one side to take the corner with a stapler. These parts will be directly in contact with animals, which means you need to protect the tree from the coupling.
  2. Preparation of BRUSEV.

  3. For the manufacture of the first tier we collect the framework. To do this, connect the corners of 2 segments of 1.9 m and 0.35 m. It turns out a rectangle.
  4. We fold the frame.

  5. Next, on a long section, die from the edges of 55 cm on each side from above and below. We make a mark. Now the timing is 0.35 m long insert in the middle of the rectangle so that the line mark is closer to the center.
  6. Insert jumpers.

  7. It turns out this separation:
  8. Caracas in the process of manufacture.

  9. Make a hole for the feeder. To do this, we find the middle of the long line and make a mark. From the opposite side, on Bruke, we note 0.7 m from the right and left end. 45 cm long bars Apply a triangle for fitting, we plan an angle and cut off with hacksaw and attach.
  10. We make a hole for feed.

  11. By the same principle, we build the second part for the first tier. With the help of bars with a length of 80 cm we connect both parts. The frame of the first tier is ready.
  12. Ready burst frame.

  13. For the floor, you can use wooden rails or metal grid. If you use the rails, you first need to drill holes for screws, otherwise thin rails can crack. Watch out of the distance between the rails - it should be about 1-1.2 cm so that the animals do not waste the limbs.
  14. Fasteners on the floor.

  15. Side part of the design, as well as jumpers are made from plywood. Instead, you can use a grid or boards.
  16. For the roof we use galvanized sheets. In size, they must be somewhat more than the frame, so that there was an opportunity to make small visors over compartments.
  17. With the help of the hinges from the front, it is necessary to attach the doors from the grid and plywood. On this, one tier is completely complete.
  18. In completion, the cell wood needs to be treated with fire. First, it will eliminate burstles, and make a tree smoother. Secondly, the firing will eliminate most microorganisms from upper layers Tree. Then the design must be treated with a disinfecting drug, for example, with brovatesis according to the instructions.

In principle, this can be stopped if you do not need accommodation large number Living. But if there are many rabbits, and there is little square, you can continue and fold three compartments into a single three-storey construction.

This requires strong bars with a length of 2 m (4 pieces). Securing compartments needed with metal corners. The first compartment should be at an altitude of at least 30 cm from the ground. The distance between the compartments should be fulfilling at least 10 cm to place pallets.

Finished design.

Thus, we presented a selection of photos from original ideas constructions, and also considered the phased production of cells for the rabby with their own hands.

Video: step-by-step construction Cells for rables.

Rabbits are easy to maintain at home, but, like any other animal on the courtyard, they need their own place and their homes. For comfortable growth of young and life of adults, they can be purchased. But, of course, it is much more profitable and easier to build cells for rabbits with their own hands. Make it quickly and how our article will help you.

Rabbit cells differ depending on which animals and in what quantities will live in them. Correctly build rabbit houses - this is a whole science, and we will try to understand it further.

Optimal dimensions cells, in particular, for young people, are calculated by the number of heads that will live there. And repairing young people, and the goods are usually held by seven heads in one compartment. The length of such a house is on average from 2 to 3 meters, the width is 1 meter, height - up to 60 cm. Self-fertilization searched separately - one person in one house.

The sizes of the cell, where it is planned to settle the pregnant rabbit, the following: 120x70x60 cm. In some farmers, the magnitude of cellular structures may be less, but it is necessary to strive for such parameters. If the masterpiece of the retractable, its dimensions must coincide in height and depth with the main compartment. The length of the uterine separation on the front wall is 40 cm, the depth is 70 cm, the height is 60 cm. The magnitude of the window for the release of a young to mom: 15x15 cm or a circle with a diameter of 15 cm.

At home, the device is a cell in which adult males will live can be single and two-section. The sizes of cells per section are from 80 to 110 cm and a width of at least 60 cm. The sizes of the cell into two sections: length up to 130 cm, the width is the same as a single-section. Thus, 90 cm account for the feed part of the two-section design, and 40 cm. Adult rasrers in a single-circuit house can be kept 2-3 heads, in two-section - 5-6 heads.

Male young teams hold only to 3 months, then sit down one by one. Dimensions of a single bachelor dwelling: 70x70x60 cm (length-width-height).


Make the cells with their own hands is easy, because for their facilities they will need the most simple materials. Step-by-step following instructions - And now the house for fluffy pets is ready! On the next video, the farmer talks in detail about the size and construction of rabbit houses. Implemented this design According to the Golden method.

Materials and tools

  • wooden boards or timber;
  • reiki;
  • Chipboard and plywood;
  • sheathing for protruding wooden parts (for example, thin tin);
  • roof coating material (polycarbonate, sleek slate, linoleum);
  • durable mesh for walls, dental and parts of the door;
  • hammer, nails, self-tapping screws, screws, screwdriver, loops, valves, feeders and drinkers;
  • roulette for measurements.


Step-by-step instructions will help not confuse anything and quickly finish the work.

  1. Locate a rectangular frame from the bar. If there are several separate tiers, between each you need to leave a distance of 10-15 cm (for the pallet).
  2. Between the front and rear bar, we feed the transverse rails, they will hold the first tier on them. Just do with the subsequent.
  3. We stick to our rectangles side "legs" made from boards. The legs are measured in advance so that there is a margin at a height of 30-40 cm from the ground. So the cells will be convenient to take over the bottom for carrying and cleaning.
  4. Next, from the rails and screws, twist the doors, get the grid. From the inside the mesh is both a construction stapler. Do not forget to make a tilt on the front side of the door to fit the Sennik.
  5. Doors broadcast on the loop and attach a small scorehold, the most convenientness to make a folding door "top down".
  6. The deck is made in the form of the letter V, tighten the grid.

The final stage

  1. Next, we build a castler cell with deaf walls of plywood and with a removable plywood bottom. This bottom can be removed and dried after the handsome young. After you can use Phaneur again.
  2. The door of the Musicinee is also deaf, kpripim on the loop.
  3. Under each tier we place an inclined pallet. Tilt make to the back wall so that it is convenient to remove the manure.

Such homemade cells Survaging the races not one year. They can be transferred from the barn to the street in the summer, and even to hold tiers higher. But as practice shows, three tiers usually enough.

See step-by-step construction to make cells for the ramp on the specified instruction, in the next video. Making this method will take you literally half a day.

Other species

Other types of rabbit houses include a design for rabbit with a socket. This is an autonomous structure that does not imply any tiers, and is built separately. As can be seen in the photo below, it is portable and can be on both the street and indoors.

Instructions for manufacture

Tools and materials you need the same as the assembly of ordinary rabbit housing. Is that grids need less - only on the door of the general office. Next, we propose a brief step-by-step instructions By assembling a cozy rabbit house for mom and young.

  1. Based on the sizes (we take the same on the beginning of the article, 120x70x60), weak the framework.
  2. From thin boards or plywood we make side and rear walls.
  3. After that, we collect the door for the Musician and the door for the main compartment. On the second - you feed the grid.
  4. Doors Sadim on the loop, screw any shape for the latch and the opening handle.
  5. The final stage is the roof. It is covered with water-repellent material, you can take linoleum, polycarbonate, but not iron, so as not to heat up in the heat.

That's all ready! Such a house for females and a young you can endure in the garden, or put in summer kitchenSo that the pets are always under the supervision. The following drawings will appear best to look like cells.

Photo Gallery

Video "German houses for rables"

Cells on video made in German technology. They are intended for solitary confinement of adults or for young to 3 months.

Experimental rabbits should be known how cells for rabbits are built. do it yourself . Only in this case can be confident that the eared pets will not be dangerous from poor-quality materials or the wrong manufacturing process. There are no particular specific conditions for the content of rabbits, it is worth only to take into account that their wild congregates live in ordinary nonorah. Since nothing is difficult in how to build a cell for rabbits with your own hands, no, even novice rabbit farmers will be able to do it.

Cell components and materials used

Any cell intended for rabbits should be equipped in a certain way. The following parts are necessarily present in it:

  • The framework and supports on which the whole design is being held is made from wood bars. In order for rabbits when keeping on the street, they are protected from rodents, cats and dogs, it is worth placing their cage at an altitude of about 70 cm from the ground.
  • Walls Performed from puff plywood, boards or grids. For beauty, you can separate the walls outside plastic or wooden slats. For the convenience of cell care in facade Parts make two doors (one of the grid, another of the board).
  • Floor Most often make from rails or from the grid. Separate rabbits are suitable for a solid floor, only in the rear part put the grid to remove waste through it. There are adherents of various materials that learn from their experiences, which is better for animals contained in different conditions.
  • The roof is most often drawn up with the same material as the walls, and to protect against conditions ambient When maintaining on the street, you can install an additional coating from any roofing material.

When creating cells for rabbits, it is not recommended to use metal. In the heat, iron is repent, which delivers inconvenience for animals, and in the cold they can easily face such a coating. Even when the most simple cell for rabbits is created with your own hands, you need to ensure that all the details are smooth and not attendant. Any mesh defects should be eliminated, and the tree is better to handle emery paper.

Various designs

Before making a cell for rabbits with your own hands, you should learn what structures exist at all for their content. Now there are several types of designs:

1. The usual cell for the content of rabbits is represented by a kind of drawer at high legs with two doors. Inside, the space is distinguished by the feed and socket compartment, and the LAZ is equipped between them. Cells must be equipped with various fabrics and drinkers, as well as sufficient space for animal activity. If the most popular cell for the rabbit is made with your own hands, the scheme should look like this:

Some sizes can be slightly increased, based on the breed of rabbits, but in most cases it is these indicators for adults.

Of course, there are some differences when creating cells for young, pregnant and nursing females, adult individuals, but in general they are all built in one scheme. For content in one cell, two individuals are worth a slightly increase its dimensions.

2. The design of the cell proposed by I.N. is very complex. Mikhailov. Mikhailov cells for rabbits are whole mini farms or, as they are called in scientific sources, aggregates for reproduction. Its aggregates are equipped with ventilation systems, original feeders, a plurality of climb and shelves, electrically heating of uterine departments and cream, self-suggestion systems, etc. On the head farm, their cells constantly improve, so followers should regularly visit the authors farm to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe latest developments in the field of acceleration rabbit breeding.

3. Unlike the previous unit, the structure of the structure proposed by another author - N.I. Golden. Creating a gold cage for rabbits with their own hands is not a very difficult process, besides the author and does not think to hide his ideas. From above, its design looks like this:

The floor is performed from plywood or flat slate, and not from the grid. A grid of about 10-15 cm wide is used only on the floor in the rear of the cell, since rabbits are most often running. Three-tier gold constructions: two cells in three floors, and each advanced floor is shifted back to the distance of the grid in the floor - so the products of the life of rabbits do not interfere with the inhabitants of the cells below. Also distinctive characteristic Cell data is the absence of a stationary mastercraft: in the winter the house is placed in the cell, and the rabbit is satisfied with the nest in the summer.

Master-craftsmen create other designs with different amounts of tiers and with different equipment using combinations of the most suitable, in their opinion, cell components and building materials.

Stages of creation

It is necessary to consider in detail the process of creating the simplest single cell for a rabbit (more complex designs are based on this approach):

  1. First you need to choose a place where the rabbit will be. It must be maximally protected from wind and draft.
  2. Next, which will be needed to create a cell for rabbits with your own hands, - drawings. They take into account the purpose of a particular cell, various filling, structure of the whole design. When determining dimensions, it is necessary to rely on the size of a particular breed, but most often take dimensions of 150 * 70 * 70 cm.
  3. Next, according to the size, the framework of BRUSEV is manufactured. If the cell height is usually 60-70 cm in the front part, then in the rear of the height, it takes less (so that the roof is under the tilt).
  4. The frame is trimmed by plywood, boards or other selected material. Inside the cage partition is divided into the socket and feed compartment, and the hole is cut into the partition with a diameter of 20 cm. In order for rabbits not to nibble the partition, it is better to hide the hole with the tin.
  5. After the walls begin to make a roof (for convenience, it is better to make it removable).
  6. On the facade of the cells hang doors , and the door to the feed separation is performed from the grid, and in the socket - from the boards.
  7. When the content of rabbits on the street can be added to the rear of the cell to make an additional structure from the grid for walking. If you competently consider the design of the ladder and the shelves, you can provide a rabbit opportunity to sometimes eat by the feed.
  8. shelves, etc.),
  9. high and solid pallet (This is important for the pet itself, because its paws do not have pads, and for the owner, so that the cell contents are not spread around),
  10. lack of acute elements, slippery surfaces, parts treated with varnish or paint for the safety of the eared animal.
  11. For the apartment content, the cells usually buy, because they are pretty beautiful. But beauty does not always mean convenience for pet, and therefore it makes sense to think about how the cell is made for the decorative rabbit with their own hands. You can easily make a cell that will be similar to the purchase option, from a rather high rectangular pelvic (to create a pallet) and galvanized grid with cells not more than 25 * 25 mm.

    Such a grid is easy to nut and does not break, thanks to which it is easy to make parallelepiped without the bottom, and the lower ends of the wire insert into the pre-made holes on board the pelvis. On one of the walls is drawn up the door. In order for the floor to be slippery, you can pour into the sawdust cage or put on the bottom corrugated cardboard. At the end of the cage you need to put the drinking, feeder, staircase and other entertainment for the eared pet.

The owners of fluffy, charming rabbits are asked, first of all, the question - in what conditions their favorites should live.

How to choose a place to install a cell

Let us dwell first on the household content of eared animals. Two options are possible:

  • open content (in air);
  • placing cells indoors (for example, in a barn).

To select the location of the cell installation, you must follow the rules.

  • Air humidity should not exceed 60-75% (therefore, the cells are installed in a dry removed from the reservoirs, an elevated place).
  • Insofar as rabbits categorically do not perceive straight sun raysThe cells must be located ideally - among trees that give a shadow, or protected by an artificial hedge, scattering direct sunlight.
  • Drafts are frequent cause Diseases of rabbits. Therefore, air movement exceeding the speed of 30 m / s is undesirable. However, cell ventilation is one of the rules that should be strictly observed. Otherwise, evaporation of allocations will damage the health of your pets.

At winter, the time of the rabbits should be warm, so that the temperature is fluctuated in the range of 10-20 s. Special attention is paid to the insulation of the Musicians and branches for rabbits.

If the animals are contained in a closed room, then it must be:

  • necessarily plastered
  • well ventilated
  • lighted in winter no more than 10 hours.

IN perfect version The room for the content of animal cells should have a window on the south side in the entire wall.

Cells in the open space are also preferably located in accordance with the sides of the light - the face side east.

And another nuance - cells need to be installed at an altitude of 0.8-1.0 m from the ground. It will save rabbits from the bites of home rodents and will greatly alleviate the cell service by the breeder.

The classic variant of the cells for the content of rabbits is the design of the following dimensions:

  • 50 * 70 * 30 cm - for young people;
  • 50 * 100 * 30 cm - for rabbits.

The entire space of the cell is divided into dulfillment and deaf backwards, where rabbits of any age are refuge in the minutes of "dangers" and bad weather. The length of the wagging department may vary, but usually up to 50 cm long and width. The snacks are served by rabbits - this is a box of 25 cm long and a width of 50 cm. It will be covered tightly, and only a removable door is attached from the front side. Lases, located in the wall adjacent to the walking room, and is usually 17 * 17 cm.

The specificity of the structure of the rabbit cell is that the mesh or whether the netting gear is usually equipped for the free passage of waste into the pallet under the floor.

The height of the facial side of the cell is usually 55 cm, and the rear wall is 30 cm. Those, the cell involves the sloping roof, which, in the case of a "tier" cell placement, will be simultaneously a pallet for higher cells, due to which it is common to galvanized iron.

Materials for making cells

When choosing materials for the manufacture of cells, it is better to give preference to a high-quality and ecological tree. Wood bars are suitable for construction frames. To cover the walls, a board or plywood fit. Chipboard is unacceptable, because he gains water, swells and crumbs.

For floor dispensation use welded grid With 1.7 * 1.7 cm cells, or wooden rails up to 3 cm wide. The rails are located at a distance of 1.5 cm apart, for the free passage of waste into the pallet. If the distance between the rails is larger than the specified, or the mesh cells are larger, then it is fraught with lap fractures when stuck in large openings. Reiki for the floor can be plastic.

One condition should be observed strictly - the material for the manufacture of cells should be smooth, without hiding foreign inclusions.

Dimensions and drawings Cells for rabbits

Cell dimensions for rabbits are in direct dependence on:

  • breed rabbits;
  • the selected content scheme (mini farm, battery-type cells, on gold
  • etc.);
  • regulatory indicators of the required areas (for example, for rabbits - 0.5-0.7 sq.m.,
  • the males will need - 0.17 sq.m., and young people- 0.12 sq. M).

In practice, houses of two connected cells of 100 * 55 cm are often used. In these cells, the uterine compartments are adjacent to the outer walls of the cell and are communicated with the stern departments with 17 * 17 cm. On the front side of the house there are doors: two solid in the nesting compartments, and two mesh in stocking spaces. Between them there are nursery and drinkers. Feeders are usually attached to the front side of the mesh doors.

All-fiber cell

This variety of cells is designed to accommodate in the premises of the livestock type and even in ordinary snowy sheds. The walls and ceiling of the cells are trimmed with a mesh with cells of 2.5-5 cm, gender - 1.7 * 1.7 cm.

The main advantage of these cells is the simplicity and availability of cleaning and disinfection. This will require only a good brush and a propane burner, which will help you easily get rid of unnecessary microorganisms and clusters of rabbit fluff.

All-run cells occupy significantly less than the place, which is also their advantage in the conduct of the farm.

Difficulties in cell construction

The main problem in the manufacture of cells with their own hands is the lack of high-quality and detailed drawings, or unjustified high cost of licensed options (for example, drawings from Rabitax).

The second difficulty facing house master - This is non-standard size of the used building materials. And as a result, the need to buy materials under the order. If there is a deficiency of experience in the manufacture of cells, then the item of the costs for materials turns out to be exorbitant.

Beginner masters make similar mistakes in the construction of cells:

  • saving material leads to flavors, which badly affects the health and reproduction of rabbits;
  • the uterine or nest compartment must be stationary (snacks frighten the rabbit and can serve as the crib crown).

To reduce stress with a swelling of young people, you can use a cell with a stationary room for a rabbit, in which a 12 * 12cm lase will not allow the rabbit to constantly be with rabbits. And the moment of the branch of the rabbit will not be so stressful.

N.I. cells are very popular. Zolotukhina. Their basic the difference is the absence of pallets, i.e. Solid Flat Slate, and the presence of a grid is only with the back of the cells on the width of 15-20 cm. The speed of the location of one cell above the other helps to get rid of waste from the "upper floors" on the "bottom". Characteristic feature It is also the lack of nest offices. The rabbit is given the opportunity to build an independent Musician from the hay. Feeders in the doors are attached to rotating nails, thanks to their hinge design is easy to clean.

On our site there is an article dedicated to which you will find all practical advice and recommendations from the author, in addition you can familiarize yourself with the drawings and cell sizes.

Cells from flowers

This is a kind of four-quarter house, with an equipped ventilation system and "sewage". There are also mounted satellites and gravitational feeders and drinkers. Nursery for the hay is rich in a galvanized grid and are attached to the frame with nails. All vulnerable parts are strengthened with tin plates. In the winter, the branch for young rabbits and the satellites are heated by conventional medical harvesters. It is unusual to turn the face of the cell on the south side.

Rabbitax for beginner rabbit

Cells from the company Rabbitax features a kind of decor and environmental friendliness ( characteristic of them for them to redirect airflows). Basically, they are intended for large farms. But there are acceptable options, for example, a cell of two compartments. For a novice master drawings are still complicated. And the main minus is high cost in manufacturing.


I would like to celebrate the cells for the rabbits Mikhailov. The main advantage of mini farms is compactness (the ability to contain 25 individuals on the area of \u200b\u200b25 sq. M. Taking into account the distance between the houses in 70 cm). Undoubted advantage is also automation of cleaning waste into a sealed container. An essential disadvantage of Mikhailov cells can be called expensive materials for construction and undoubted professionalism of the Contractor.

The design of E. Ovidienko attracts attention. Its characteristic distinction of it is a special gate that closes a quail structure containing 24 cells, from wind and weather whims.

Cage do it yourself for decorative rabbits

Decorative eared creatures can also exist perfectly in a cage made by their own hands. For simple solution It is necessary to determine the question - how often your pet walks in the open space. If the rabbit walks at least 3 hours a day, then there is enough cell size 70 * 40 cm. If most of the time your favorite will hold "at home", then the cell size must be 100 * 50 cm. The rest of the construction rules should be held Cells as for rabbits farms.

Of all the above cells for rabbits, a beginner master will be able to choose for himself optimal optionwhich combines the simplicity of execution, the convenience of content and acceptable cost value.

If you decide to start a decorative rabbit, we recommend reading the same, no less important meaning is.

See also the video - how to make a cage with your own hands.