Repairs Design Furniture

How and what to choose a linoleum for home and apartments: recommendations from masters. Linoleum for the living room: how to choose the best option All about linoleum

Linoleum remains one of the popular flooring. Many, carrying out the repair of the apartment, are faced with the need to select the desired coating and there are many questions arise, because a lot of linoleum varieties. In this article we will tell how to choose a linoleum for an apartment and specifically for each type of room.

Natural or artificial material

Before the start of choice, it is necessary to clearly decide which type of linoleum will be used, natural or artificial. The natural linoleum includes such components as:

  • Wood flour;
  • Natural resins;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Natural dyes.

Of course, this material is environmentally friendly, meets all the standards fire safety, easily cleaned from different species Pollution. However, the cost of such material is an order of magnitude higher than that of artificial analogues. Natural coating does not conduct electricity And practically does not have shrinkage after editing.

Part artificial linoleum Polyvinyl chloride includes many other chemical components. Household and semi-commercial material is safe, but when exposed to temperatures above 27 degrees, it begins to exhibit toxic substances. In addition, he has a much greater shrinkage than natural, but it is much cheaper.

Important. Carrying out the repair of apartments, specialists do not recommend putting the commercial and rubber linoleum in residential premises, as the requirements environmental safety They are also understated and their use is permissible only in administrative buildings with good ventilation.

Selection of linoleum class

Solving what linoleum to choose for apartments and specific rooms, it is necessary to study the coating classes:

  • In rooms with low patency, such as a bedroom or a working office, you can strip the linoleum 21-22 class of wear resistance;
  • In the living room you can retain the 22 class coating, if 1-2 people live in the apartment. If the family is big, it is better to use the 23 class;
  • For children's rooms, the 21st grade is used in the presence of a small child or 22-23 class with several children;
  • In the presence of big family And frequent reception of guests, in the living rooms and halls it is better to use 31-32 linoleum class.

For your information. The higher the class of coating, the higher its value. If you have limited financial capabilities, you should not buy coverage larger classThan that the room requires.

Selection of linoleum under a specific room

Kitchen linoleum

When choosing a linoleum coating for the kitchen, you need to be guided by two basic criteria, the resistance of the material to mechanical exposure and moisture resistance. Most. better decision For the kitchen there will be a natural linoleum, which also has the name "Marmoleum". It is a natural coating on a tissue basis, which is usually used by jute. This linoleum will last long enough, has high strength and makes it easy to eliminate various pollution Using modern detergents.

If financial capabilities do not allow natural coating, it is possible to buy a synthetic linoleum, only during the purchase it is necessary to clarify the service life of the material. It is not worth saving on the kitchen linoleum, make sure that the material complies with GOST standards and quality certificates from the manufacturer.

Important. Solving which linoleum for an apartment is used in the kitchen room, consider the opinion of specialists who recommend using semi-commercial coating. This linoleum has a resistant decorative layer, an enhanced protective coating and has sufficient density in order to withstand a random drop in the kitchen inventory.

Usually for the kitchen choose material with imitation natural stone, parquet Board or ceramic tile. It must be remembered that an increased antiseptic indicators are needed for the kitchen. Natural linoleum By itself, it is an antiseptic due to the use of flax. In synthetic coatings, it is necessary to use a substrate with antiseptic characteristics, such as jute.

Important. Try to pick up the roll width in such a way that the coating has no joints, because it is the most vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bthe material with the peculiarities of the kitchen room.

Linoleum for the corridor and hallway

The most vulnerable linoleum in the apartment is in the corridor and hallwaySince these are rooms with the greatest patency, which repeatedly accelerates the process of abrasion of the coating. If one or two people live in the apartment, it makes no sense to overpay and you can use a 22-23 class coating.

With a large family and high pavement of the room, the coating must have at least 0.25 mm of the protective layer and a thickness of at least 4 mm. Most. reliable option There will be an application of a class coating 31-32, which is also used in office space with low permeability.

Important. Before laying the material in the hallway, make sure the floor is perfect smooth surfacenot having convexities and pridins. Use a PVC or cork substrate. The jute or linen substrate is not recommended to be applied, since it has a small density and only increase the abrasibility of the coating.

Linoleum for Cabinet or Bedroom

Coating on a foamed soft basis, it best linoleum For an apartment that can be sought in the bedroom or desktop. In these premises, the minimum permeability and density of the material can be sacrificed at the highest level of comfort. For these purposes, a household artificial coating of a 21-scale, having a foamed base of PVC, as well as a single-layer material laid on a soft jute or linseed substrate.

For your information. The children's bedroom strongly recommends the use of only natural coating of the household series with a stronger base of 22-23 grade, since the active child creates a considerable load and mechanical impact on the coating, playing with toys.

Linoleum for the living room

Choosing, which linoleum is better for an apartment, household or semi-commercial when laying in the living room, it is necessary to proceed from the degree of load on the coating. For example. If the apartment lives a large family of 4-5 people or the owners like to receive guests often, it is better to lay a semi-commercial linoleum 31-32 class, which is used for the corridor. With frequent reception of guests, the likelihood of damage to linoleum is high, so expensive coating It is not worth stacking, as it will have to be changed after 7-9 years of operation.

But if 1-2 people live in the apartment, then the passability of the room is minimal and sufficiently household coating 22-23 grade with thickness protective coating from 0.15 to 0.20 mm.

Tatiana, city Voronezh

During the repair, the synthetic linoleum was put in the hallway and used a linen substrate. On the coating were clearly visible traces from heels not only mine, but also from the husband's shoe, which over time disappeared. Initially, they thought that the poor-quality linoleum was caught and wanted to make claims to the store. But then it turned out that it was necessary to use a more dense substrate. Changed Jute on cork and traces stopped appearing.

Among the many outdoor materials that have already gained popularity among consumers, linoleum has been fixed. This material is affordable, has a low cost and is well suited for floor covering in any room. They are used for 200 years. Despite the fact that the flooring becomes more, the linoleum has not lost its popularity. All this thanks to the advantages of products. The coating is not only cheap, but also soft, springs, while remaining durable, so as not to crack. Linoleum care is rather simple. I am glad and a huge range of goods. But this fact puts some consumers to a dead end. They cannot choose high-quality coverage. So today we will talk about how to choose a linoleum for an apartment in quality and other factors.

We will look at the varieties of coatings, compare the characteristics and learn the requirements for it. This will help you choose the right linoleum for any room.

Types of linoleuma

First you need to consider that today is ready to provide you with a modern market to decide in advance with the type of linoleum in the kitchen or in the room. You could not know, but Linoleum has several varieties that have their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, products have their own features and scope of use. Buying linoleum, you must pay attention to it.

So, here are the varieties of linoleum:

  • natural linoleum;
  • linoleum PVC;
  • glyphthale linoleum;
  • colloquiline linoleum;
  • linoleum Rural.

Let's consider each of the types of material.

Natural material

Based on the name it becomes clear that it uses environmentally friendly and natural materials. Outdoor coating composition simple: linseed oil, Cork and wood flour, limestone powder, pine resins and natural dyes. At the base of linoleum jut tissue.

Due to the fact that the floor products are 100% environmentally friendly, choosing them, you may not worry about the health of your family members, especially children. The product is not scary for allergic and asthmatics.

  1. Material is resistant to abrasion.
  2. It is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances.
  3. Over the years, color and structure do not change.
  4. Not deprived of bactericidal properties.
  5. He is non-combustible, which is very important.
  6. Material care is simple.
  7. A huge range of colors and drawings.

  • fragile, if the material is severe, it can crack;
  • use indoors where high level humidity (bath, kitchen) is not recommended;
  • has a high cost.

PVC (synthetic) material

The basis of this flooring can be a non-woven or woven base having thermal insulation properties. Today PVC Linoleum even domestic production Made according to the latest European technologies.

  1. It has dielectric properties.
  2. It has low thermal conductivity.
  3. Also is environmentally friendly.
  4. Does not rot.
  5. Perform installation and care for linoleum is quite simple.
  6. Large assortment of patterns and colors.

  • afraid of elevated temperatures;
  • it is impossible to be environmentally friendly;
  • the material is unstable in front of alkalis and chemical solvents;
  • with a decrease in temperature, elasticity is lost.

Glifthaled products

They have interesting technology production. An alkyd resin is applied to the basis of the fabric. Features of products are that they have good indicators of sound and thermal insulation.

At the same time, the material is rather fragile and difficult in installation.

Colloxiline products

This linoleum is based on nitrocellulose. Its advantage is that the material is quite elastic, non-combustible and resistant to moisture. Cons consider the probability of shrinkage and increased sensitivity to temperature fluctuations.


The basis of such a linoleum is two layers. The first is crushed tires and bitumen. The second is a pigment mixture with rubber and special filler. The material is cheap and used extremely rarely. Due to its composition, it is not very safe.

Linoleum wear resistance class

Before buying a product, you need to deal with wear-resistant classes, as the use of this is also dependent. If you take into account the speed of abrasion and the thickness of the protective layer, then the linoleum can be divided into 3 varieties:

To know which linoleum is to choose for an apartment, it is important to deal with the classification of products not only a domestic sample, but also by European standards. In Russia, it is also supported.

Classification Next:

  • for use in apartments (in the value of the material first costs the figure 2);
  • for use in offices (3);
  • to use B. production rooms (4 ).

Further, the classification is expressed in numbers from 1 to 4. At 1 linoleum withstands the minimum load. But with the value 4, the linoleum is able to withstand high loads and abrasion. Thanks to this scheme, invented by Europeans, you can choose a linoleum. Often it is placed on a roll with a product.

It can be concluded that a class 31 product can be purchased for a large family, not lower. Class 23 can be used for the kitchen, with the condition that the family is small. But for the bedroom you can choose the 21st class, it will be enough.

The selection of linoleum on the substrate

It is important to pay attention to the substrate for the material. Previously, a felt substrate was used, but now preferences foamed. Choose carefully, focusing on the density of the substrate. What it is denser better linoleum will resist pressing the cabinet, the legs of the chair and others heavy items. You can even determine the density by weight, because with a high-quality substrate, the linoleum will be much more and more massive.

Nevertheless, it is better to check the product to the touch in order not to disappoint from the material you choose. Just push it. In the case when it will spring, I do not accept you, you fell to high-quality linoleum. You can safely buy it. It will not be traces from heels, etc.

In addition, the high-quality substrate not only resists shocks and pressure. It allows you to save heat and reduce the noise that penetrates the apartment. Due to the thick layer of the foam, your floor will be pretty warm. Yes, and at the expense of this you can hide some unevenness of the floor, to which you will be treated with linoleum.

Note! The substrate from the felt is a little high quality assisted by impacts and pressing.

What else you need to know when buying

Now we will look at additional advicethat will help you choose the right linoleum. You need to know a few moments to pay attention to the store.

If you carefully examine the icons on the linoleum, you can find out for yourself a lot of information. This will help you in choosing a suitable product and simplify the task.

Select the coloring and texture of the material

The appearance of the room, its interior and perception are partly dependent on the flooring. It plays an important role in the finish. Therefore, it is important to choose color gamut and material patterns. For example, cold tones are capable of causing some feelings, warm - completely different. Here your fantasy can get raised and you can experiment with it.

Thanks to the selected color of the material, you can make a premises with a cute and cozy or strict and office. That is why when choosing you need to focus on the purpose of the room and your goals. In addition, a general design is also taken into account. Linoleum must harmoniously fit into it. Here are some examples.

If we talk about the design of bedrooms, it is recommended to use warm and bright tones of material. Linoleum can be beige, cream, dairy or coffee. There is an option to separate the floor with linoleum, which mimics marble or tree. It will be worthwhile and the intricate ornament of linoleum, to give originality. But for the children's room, linoleum is better to choose a bright, not gloomy and with funny drawings. Such a material will immediately raise the mood and will like kids.

There is a small trick, in the case when the room has small size. It can be visually expanded if you choose a drawing with a diagonal lines or a material pattern like shallow tile. And in order to divert attention from the flooring and emphasize the furniture, it is better to buy products with abstraction.


Thanks to this article, you learned how to choose the right linoleum. We reviewed the options for the floor covering, learned their pros and cons. In addition, you were able to deepen in product characteristics to consider the properties and scope of use of the material. All this will be useful for you to purchase. Take all the advice from the article to buy a quality product for yourself, which can withstand all the tightness and adversity even the most loaded room. Also, see the manufacturer's company. This is a guarantee that you do not buy low-quality material. In Russia, the Tarkett, IVC brand is quite popular from Balta Group and Slovenian "JUTEKS" (very common option).

May 27, 2016
Specialization: finishing facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

Linoleum is one of the most common flooring, which is familiar to everyone. Nevertheless, many people, coming to the store, discover many of his varieties that, sometimes, puts them in a dead end. Therefore, I will tell you what to pay attention to when buying, and which one to choose a linoleum for an apartment in different rooms.

Features of the choice of linoleum

When buying a linoleum, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

How to choose the color of the linoleum for the apartment, as well as other design questions, we will not touch, because you can find answers to them in numerous articles on the interior design, which are available on our portal. Therefore, we consider only the selection factors relating to the performance of the material.

Parameter №1: Material

Currently you can meet the canvas made from a variety of materials.

However, the most common are the following types:

  • polyvinyl chloride or abbreviated PVC - The canvas from this material are in our time the most common, due to the fact that the cost of products is affordable, and also vinyl is harmless to humans.
    It must be said that Linoleum from PVC is one of the most universal, since it can be used not only in dry, but also wet rooms. True, it must be borne in mind that many of the coating characteristics depend on the number of layers, the foundations and other moments;

  • natural - The main feature of this coverage is that it is made of natural, environmentally friendly raw materials. True, at the same time, the material has some disadvantages - it is much more expensive than the vinyl canvas.
    In addition, the coating does not like sharp temperature drops and high humidity. Therefore, it is not worth using it in the bathrooms, as well as in duty housesintended for seasonal residence;

  • glipThal (alkyd) - The data of the canvas are a good alternative to polyvinyl chloride coating. In particular, it has good heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • rubber (Relin) - The coating consists of two layers. The upper layer is most often made of artificial rubber, and the lower from the crushed rubber. This coating is distinguished by elasticity, good wear resistance, as well as resistant to moisture.

Since all types of coatings have different qualitiesThe choice of linoleum for the apartment depends on the conditions of its operation. So, in the bedrooms better material, in the kitchen or in the living room - PVC canvas. Rubber linoleum is an excellent choice for an entrance hall or bathroom.

Parameter # 2: Basic View

Speaking about how to choose the right linoleum in the apartment, it is impossible not to pay attention to the basis.

According to this parameter, the coverage under consideration can be conditionally divided into the following types:

  • on fabric or felt-based basis - Well keeps warm and provides noise insulation. Such canvas are an excellent choice for cold concrete floors;
  • without fundamental - Coatings of this category are most affordable. A feature of this material is good moisture resistance and a higher level of thermal conductivity. Due to this, the homeless linoleum can be used over "warm floors". The disadvantages include the fact that the material is necessary for the perfectly smooth surface;

  • on foamed basisthis species The material is relatively new. It must be said that the people there is an opinion that such a basis is inferior to the operational qualities of natural, for example, felt. In reality, the foamed layer is more durable, and at the same time it is well holding warm, and perfectly hides the sex flaws.

As we see, the choice of the foundation also depends largely on the operating conditions of the coating.

Parameter №3: Classification of wear resistance and abrasion

By wear resistance, the coating is divided into several classes, which determine, above all, its thickness:

Wear resistance class Features
21-23 (household linoleum) This outdoor material It is characterized by the smallest wear resistance and is intended for use solely in residential premises. Moreover, class 21 can be used only in rooms with a small patency. Otherwise, the coating will quickly come into disrepair and it will be necessary to replace it.
31 -34 The canvases of this class are called semi-commercial. Their thickness ranges from 2 to 3.2 mm (referring to the protective layer). Accordingly, the material is much more resistant to abrasion than household.

Covering this class can be used in the hallway if you want to flooring It was durable.

41 — 43 This linoleum is called commercial, as it has the highest wear resistance and is suitable even for use in public places with high passability. Its only its disadvantage is a high price and a more modest selection of design. Although, the cloth data can also be used for residential premises.

At first glance it may seem that the thicker linoleum, the better.
However, when choosing, it is also necessary to focus on operating conditions.
For example, in the case of laying on the "warm floor" it is better to use a thinner coating.

If the wear resistance class tells us about the thickness of the canvas, then such a parameter as the abrasion class is responsible for the stability of the coating to mechanically loads. Accordingly, it does not depend on the thickness.

Below are the main groups of abrasion:

It should be noted that the above figures are conditional obtained experienced way for certain conditions. In fact, wear depends on a number of factors.

When choosing a material, attention should also be paid to the class of flammability.
Wemologies are the canvas that belong to the class G1 (most of the models).
The most combustible are the canvas of class G4.

Parameter number 4: Number of layers

So, with classes of abrasion and wear resistance, we figured out, choose the linoleum for the apartment further, and now we will pay attention to the structure.

On this parameter, the product can be divided into two types:

  • with a homogeneous structure - such canvases have the same structure throughout the thickness. In their production, PVC granules and all sorts of dyes are used. As a result, the drawing is located over the entire thickness of the material, respectively, is not erased.
    Thanks to this, Linoleum can save an attractive appearance for years;
  • with a heterogeneous structure - this material consists of several layers (from two to six or even seven). Coatings with such a structure are manufactured both for industrial and domestic use.
    Models with the most complex structure usually contain a substrate made of natural tissue, as well as foamed PVC, non-woven fabric, etc. This ultimately provides optimal noise absorption and minimal thermal conductivity.
    The drawing of such cloths, of course, does not pass through the entire structure. However, B. expensive models It is protected by a transparent protective layer, which ensures its durability.

The choice in this case depends on the individual preferences and financial capabilities. It should be noted that the range is richer.

Parameter No. 56 Cost

As with the choice of any other building materials, it is necessary to remember that it is not always a good dear linoleum. But high-quality linoleum is never too cheap, relative to other models.

Therefore, to acquire the canvas is preferably in large stores. Moreover, it is necessary to ask the certificate to make sure that the material corresponds to the generally accepted standards of quality and sanitary safety.

As for the cost, below will give the prices of some models, which will help you navigate when buying:

Of course, prices can be slightly different in different stores. However, if the coating is suspiciously cheap, it is unlikely to take it, and thereby try to save.

Here, perhaps, the whole instruction on the choice of linoleum for the apartment. Given all the above nuances of the coating, each of you can choose the optimal model yourself.


Linoleum, as we found out, varies nearby important parameters. Therefore, when choosing, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the conditions in which the coverage and the basic requirements for it will be used. Otherwise, when choosing the above information should be taken into account.

FROM additional nuances On voiced topic, you can read the video in this article. If after reading the material you have any questions regarding the choice of linoleum, leave them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer them.

May 27, 2016.

If you want to express your gratitude, add clarification or objection to ask the author - add a comment or tell me thanks!

The hall is the part of the apartment or a house in which there are absolutely all family members. This room has the greatest patency. That is why choose the floor covering is needed most thoroughly. It should be as high quality, wear-resistant and safe.

One of the most popular options for floor covering in the hall is Linoleum.

Features and advantages

Linoleum has a whole number of advantages, thanks to which many people stop their choice in this form of floor covering:

  • Priceson this material are low, you can buy good quality product in full acceptable price;
  • Durability - The coating will serve you quite a long time;
  • Safety - Linoleum is made from eco-friendly materials, fully safe for health;
  • Beautiful appearance, wide variety of designs and colors of products;
  • Unnotic junctions - seams of modern products, made according to the newest technologies, will be completely invisible;
  • Easy laying - Linoleum to lay the linoleum is very simple - it is rolled and glued to the base, and the edges are trimmed with a special knife and fixed by the plinth.
  • It is very convenient and unpretentious in care;

It can be safely argued that linoleum has all the necessary qualities of flooring. The most important thing is to choose to choose the appropriate characteristics and appearance Product variety.

Floor Requirements Living Room

The first and most important demand for linoleum for the hall is its thickness that should be at least 1.5-2 mm. The best and most reliable option will be a 3-4 mm thick coating - this option will withstand heavy loads, as well as to act as an additional heat insulation.

For such an outdoor coating, there is a concept of wear resistance.For the hall, this parameter must be higher than 21-23. In this case, you can be sure that this type of linoleum will serve you enough for a long time - about 8-10 years, and maybe more.

Of course, in the living room chances to mechanically damage the floor covering much less than, for example, in the kitchen, because there are no sharp or hot objects in the hall, and aggressive detergents. Therefore, for the hall you can choose not too expensive types of products.

Ideally, the linoleum in the living room must have a felt or jute base with PVC coating. This material is universal, it is quite durable, moisture-proof and at the same time soft and warm, it will be nice to walk even barefoot. It is very easy to care for this type of linoleum - just wipe it slightly damp cloth. The price of this type of coating is also the most optimal.

Some types of linoleum also have bactericidal properties that can prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. It will be very relevant for the living room, especially if children live in the house, as they often love to play just on the floor.

If four-legged friends live in the apartment, the linoleum floor covering will also become optimal decisionSince this material has antistatic properties and will not attract wool. The main thing is choosing quality option Products with sufficient thickness so that the floor covering is not damaged from the claws of domestic pets.

How to choose?

When choosing a linoleum in the living room also pay attention to the following points:

  • The product should not have a sharp smell, otherwise it may contain in its composition harmful substances;
  • The pattern of the coating should be clear, and the greasy shine must be absent;
  • The seller must have quality certificates for this material, if available, you can make sure of the security of the composition;
  • Linoleum must have a protective layer that will provide more long term operation;
  • When determining the material required for your room, do not forget to take into account a small supply to the fitting of the coating;
  • Carefully review upper layer Products and make sure there is no damage.

Coloring options

It is very important that the chosen linoleum is not only high QualityBut and perfectly fit into the interior of your housing. Therefore, when it is elected, it is necessary to focus on the overall design of the living room.

Linoleum is considered to be linoleum white color and other bright shades - beige, light gray, dairy, cream. The coverage in these colors will perfectly fit into any interior, it will look very stylish and modern.

Light coating will be harmoniously combined with absolutely any furniture. And another plus - white linoleum will visually increase the size of a small room. However, this coloring and its minus has enough money. Therefore, if you have small children and pets, it is better to abandon the bright linoleum and choose a more practical color.

In general, when choosing a coloring linoleum in the living room, you can guide the following principle: If you want to cover the floor to stand out on a general background, choose such shades that will contrast with the color of furniture and walls. And vice versa - for harmonious combination The colors of the floor with the interior of the room pick it up into the tone with furniture and other interior objects.

When choosing a linoleum for the living room, certainly consider all the nuances described above, and then you can easily choose the right product suitable for you, which will delight the whole family for many years.

Useful tips on how to choose Linoleum, you will find in the video below.

To do right choice Linoleum for the apartment, you need to define the criteria to which it should be answered in a particular room. To do this, determine:

  • maximum load on the floor (permeability, use of furniture on wheels, walking in shoes on heels, etc.);
  • specific conditions ( increased humidity, temperature differences, etc.);
  • design of the room.

Solemn and elegant view can be created using finishing material Light pastel tones.

Juicy colors (green, orange, etc.) fill the atmosphere of fun and cheerfulness.

How to choose high-quality linoleum for apartments - Useful advice from professionals

  • If the linoleum has a sharp and strong smell, then cheap and low-quality raw materials were used in production. High-quality coating (natural and artificial) should not be smell.
  • You have the right to request the seller a certificate of compliance with the technical, fire and sanitary standards.
  • Buy linoleum in a specialized store, where materials are stored in heated room.
  • Choose a coating of such a width so that you can put it without seams. So it will have more presentable view And it does not deliver trouble with stacking.
  • If you buy different pieces, make sure that they were from one party and coincided with a shade.
  • Check the quality of the coating in the deployment. If there are bugs or waves on the surface, they will not be smoothed.
  • The preplanted top layer, burgers on the edges or poorly pricked pattern indicate marriage.
  • Coating with additional special properties (sound insulation, antistaticity, etc.) Choose only if necessary. It is not necessary to overpay for them if their presence is not important.
  • In the store, pay attention to the weight of the material. What he is heavier, the higher its density and longer service life.
  • It is impossible to add linoleum by burning it. We turn into the roll of the face of the face inside.

If you found a marriage on the coating of the house, do not despair. By law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (Article 18), you are entitled to:

  • price drop;
  • replacement for goods of a similar brand (model) or another brand, with compensation in the price difference;
  • return a low-quality product and return funds in full.

Modern linoleum perfectly imitates color and texture different materials (Tile, stone, parquet). However, some hostesses note that linoleum with a rough texture requires more thorough cleaning.

In places with a high degree of pollution, it is advised to drain the linoleum of dark shades or with an abstract pattern. It should be abandoned by light gender in the kitchen and in the corridor.

Many note that Linoleum laying does not require special skills. This allows you to install yourself.

Which linoleum firm to choose in an apartment?

As for the question, what company is better to lay in the apartment, here the preference should be given to the proven trademarks. They supply their products to the market for more than one year. The quality of their products has already managed to study and evaluate consumers.

One of the leading Russian firms, the quality of the products of which corresponds to international standardsIs Tarkett. Consumers are preferred from foreign manufacturers