Repairs Design Furniture

What a ceiling to do in the hallway. What to make the ceiling in the hallway and what material is best suited? Finishing and its secrets

The corridor is a problem zone for many apartments and houses. Unfortunately, the planning of the apartments is often compiled in such a way that the corridor is a pitiful piece of space on which several pieces of furniture should fit. The ceiling will help solve the problem with the design of this zone. If you want to know how to improve the corridor using a stretch ceiling, read below.

Usually people do not pay special attention to the design of the ceiling in the corridor, making focus on other premises. However, it is the corridor that is the first part of the apartment in which people fall. Therefore, it is so important to think about the design of this space.

From the rest of the premises, the corridor is distinguished by the following properties:

  • small space;
  • the inability to install chandelier, only point lighting of sadumes or sconces;
  • the complex form of the room, possibly including angles, turns;
  • relative neutrality of the style of the room.

The stretch ceiling will easily satisfy all the specified requirements. True, for each angle in the corridor, you will have to pay separately, but you will avoid problems with cutting the ceiling tiles, as well as with the removal of the ceiling. The stretch ceiling will be perfectly smooth, and the installation will take no more than one day. Professional work will not leave traces: no dust and dirt in the room will not be.

How to install stretch ceilings in a long corridor

A long corridor is very well drawn up using the stretch ceiling and the corresponding lighting. The main task for the stretch ceiling in such a room becomes a visual expansion of space.

The following techniques will help create a lifestyle in a long corridor:

  1. Glossy surface. Quality gloss has almost reflective abilities comparable to the surface of the mirror. This effect is very profitable if you want to expand the space. In addition, light from the lamps, reflected in the surface, doubles.
  2. Place a few spots along the length of the corridor at an equal distance from each other. This will make the right focus indoors.
  3. Never hang volumetric luminaires; Chandeliers, large scaves or landsrs leave for other rooms.
  4. The ceiling, made on several tones of the lighter wall, will also expand the space.

How to arrange stretch ceilings in a narrow little corridor

If the corridor presented to design is very narrow and small, then the ceiling can also help cope with such a situation. Stop your choice on light glossy surfaces without drawings and protrusions.

Here are some original ideas that will help diversify a small narrow corridor:

  • Original lighting. In addition to the spots, light ribbons will look great or whole light panels located in the middle of the corridor or several small panels along the length of the corridor. In general, games with light saves a small space, turning it into a cozy and cute room in which it is pleasant to be.
  • . Very unusual and it will be quite appropriate to look a bright contrast ceiling, combined with some elements of the interior (frame frames, stripes on the wallpaper, door handles, etc.) Choose bright shades of your favorite colors.
  • Stylish and originally looks like a glossy ceiling of radical black. Bright sides will help to emphasize the sophistication of the dark coating. Reflective properties will help remove the grinding effect of the dark.

Duplex stretch ceilings in the corridor

Traditionally, the two-level ceilings are located in large rooms, where you can learn to play your imagination and create a serious composition using different textures, colors and drawings.

However, at the moment, techniques have been developed that will allow us to construct a two-level stretch ceiling so that it will visually increase the corridor, decorate it and ensure the perfect location of lighting devices.

What ways the location of two levels of the tension film can be embodied in a narrow corridor space:

  1. In a small corridor, you can make a protruding bright frame for a darker glossy surface. This popular reception expands the space and makes the design more completed.
  2. The protruding squares located along the length of the corridor. Depending on the length, it can be fit from 2 to 5 squares. Such structures can become peculiar platforms for light compositions. Ribbons with colored LEDs will create an effect, and bright colors will make a luxurious and playful focus on the ceiling surface.
  3. If the space of your corridor allows you to make traditional waves of 2 and even 3 levels. A stepped ceiling is a handsome reception suitable for a large rectangular corridor.

Playing with levels in the corridor, try combining matte surfaces with original glossy pattern. Photo printing or finished coatings with textured patterns - to solve you.

Material will also be useful in the interior of ceilings with photo printing:

Stretch ceilings in the hallway and corridor (video)

The corridor is a particularly difficult question for those who live in Khrushchev and other small-sized apartments. But, using the right tips, as well as consulted by a specialist, you will succeed in achieving excellent results. After installing stretch ceilings and lighting, you will not recognize your corridor! Do not forget to think over the location of the furniture; The schemes of the future corridor should be provided by masters before the start of repair work. Be careful with the choice of firm! Only a proven company will do everything at the highest category.

Stretch ceilings in the corridor (photo)

Studdered in the house repair, we think about how to create the design of the hallway room, and therefore it is logical that the question is about what the ceiling is better in the hallway.

Most often, the hallway is compact sizes, and then much easier for the development of new finishing technologies.

Designing the ceiling in the hallway, its design is becoming increasingly overlooked, and in vain. It is known that it is easy with the help of designer pieces, you can decorate the room of any size by correcting or just scarce the shortcomings.

Finishing and its secrets

When making low ceilings, it is better to resort to light colors that will be ideally combined with a dark floor and walls of light tones. The visually premises will be higher.

If a high ceiling, then the dark color of the ceiling is used in the hallway, so that the room looks harmonious, it was more comfortable.

Plastic ceiling

The ceiling of plastic is most often used in the design of shops and office space.

The ceiling of the suspension, made of the panels, perfectly fit into the bathroom, on the balcony, to the kitchen.

Most often, the hallway of intricate shape, modest sizes, often curves, and correct such a situation with conventional methods is difficult and sometimes even unrealistic. It is not at all suitable in such a situation neither putty, nor paint paint white.

All troubles are solved using a ceiling made of panels. PVC panels are purchased, then the installer makes the installation of them.

The main plus of such ceilings is that the price is acceptable, the view is beautiful, the installation is simple, the service life reaches decades. If point lamps set, then the light reflected from the plastic will be perfectly illuminated by the hallway.


The plasterboard ceilings in the hallway are also very popular, but they are slightly more expensive if compared with plastic, but the end result is simply awesome. The ceiling transforms the room by changing his shape.

If high ceilings, then it is easy to perform a multi-level ceiling to radically transform having space.

All that should be hidden from the eye, hides in a special frame that is supplemented with backlight. The ceiling in a small hallway, plasterboard, looks perfectly smooth.

Plus this material lies in the fact that while it is in a softening form, it can be given to it as a plasticine any shape, and you can cut any intended design.

Multi-level ceiling

Very effects multi-level plasterboard ceilings. Different height visually modifies the room by volume, which is easy to achieve due to the use of bright shades.

Plus such a ceiling is that all defects are hidden, and the space is visually easily expanding.

The lack of such a design is that the fashion is changing rapidly, but this can be said to any material that is used for decoration.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings in the hallway began to use relatively recently. What is the advantage? Yes, the installation is made from a solid canvas, and therefore there are no seams, butts.

In addition, various material is used - both skin, and tissue, and PVC film.

Stretch ceiling in a narrow hallway can be performed by any color and texture. Often you can find such ceilings with the image.

In this case, under the design of the stretch ceiling in the hallway, and in general design of the corridor, everything must be performed in the same topics. The mirror ceiling perfectly expands the room, changing her height, and therefore for a very small hallway it is the perfect option.

The advantages of the design is that it is durable, has a high operational period. Flint is fragile, and therefore it is worthwhile to do with it.

The lack of construction is that the installation is expensive, and can be performed only by specialists with the appropriate equipment.

Small-sized parishion

Host in old apartments are mostly small, and the majority of such parishings. When planning a small room, you need to consider the project as soon as possible.

If all the innovations do not like you if you do not impress the modern design of the ceiling in the hallway, in this case the ceiling is simply painted, it is flown, it is covered with foam panels.

For the price of the last method is very affordable, simple, because the assortment of such plates is very diverse.

Before starting work, there is no need to carry out some preparatory work. All you need to do, the surface of the ceiling is thoroughly cleaned. The middle of the ceiling is planned, and the tiles are low on it in a certain form, and the rest of the plates are already glued. On each package, by the way, there are detailed information about the blending process.

In the care of the ceiling is not complicated, and when dirty it is simply wiping with a rag. Remember that you can and need to experiment, because your corridor will only won this and yourself. Browse the photo of the ceiling in the hallway on the Internet, select the option that Ideally suits you, then the resulting result pleased not one year.

Stock Foto Ceiling in the hallway

Making the hallway, many want to solve a few tasks: make a room comfortable, beautiful and at the same time functional. The ceiling surface is often not paying attention, paying more values \u200b\u200bof the rest of the finish. And in vain, because if you correctly arrange the ceiling in the corridor, it will be possible to change the perception of the entire interior.

Despite the fact that the corridor is difficult to call a full-fledged room, this room is the first one that see the flouring threshold of an apartment or home home and guests.

Since the location in the corridor is rather limited, there are wardrobes or headsets along the walls, the only empty space for which the first thing is thrown, the ceiling surface remains.

The successful location of the interior items will provide an entrance hall with an additional free area, and the correct combination of colors and textures will provide an opportunity to visually expand the narrow hall.

About how to make a ceiling in the hallway, we will tell in the article.

Options for finishing the ceiling in the corridor

When developing the design of ceilings for an entrance hall, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  • altitude and configuration of the room;
  • the presence or absence of temperature drops;
  • humidity level;
  • stated direction, interior style.

If we talk about the types of ceilings, which are most often used to design a corridor, you can select the following:

  • whitewash;
  • putty and painting;
  • pasting wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • suspended ceilings from drywall;
  • multi-level combined systems;
  • coatings from plastic panels.

Choosing a suitable ceiling for the hallway

Operational characteristics exhibited by different types of materials, substantially isolated plastic and mounted drywall ceilings among other options. However, other surfaces will look at no worse if the interior corresponds to the interior.

Poles the ceiling

This is an old traditional way to repair ceiling surfaces, which today is not popular. However, those who are limited in the means can choose it for themselves. It will help to give a neat light view of the ceiling. To perform work, you must carefully prepare and align the surface.

This is the same whirlpool, only in the paper use modern dyes, characterized by different properties and characteristics. Such compositions are not afraid of moisture, mold, do not distinguish the unpleasant odor, the air is well passed.

The only drawback is the ceiling space before painting will have to prepare as high quality as before parsing, because even the slightest drops between the slabs of the overlap will be noticeable. First, plastering the ceiling is carried out, then its shtlocking, only after that the surface is covered with a layer of paint. The paint does not have to be white, you can pick up the composition of another shade. The main thing is that it comes in color to the main tone.

They are presented in the market in a wide range with different textures and density. This can be said about the price of products. Everyone will find a suitable option for themselves.

Conditionally wallpaper are divided into three groups:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • fliseline.

Textile wallpapers are sold in construction stores, but they cost more, they are not practical, they cannot be washed and clean.

Wallpapers are selected for finishing the ceilings as well as a number of other reasons:

  • hide small flaws and lack of planning;
  • visually expand or reduce space depending on the pattern and colors;
  • reduce or increase the height of the ceilings.

Today it is the most common option that make up the surface of the ceiling in the corridors. In terms of cost, it will be more expensive than the methods discussed above, but the end result will justify all your expectations. The decorative composition is applied over the old finish as the finish layer. To create an interesting drawing or texture use various devices.

You can find formulations with ready fillers, which, after drying, form a complex relief.

Before applying a decorative mixture, it is not necessary to align and prepare the base surface if there are no significant flaws on it. In the presence of noticeable defects, the preparation will be the same as before painting and whitewash.

This is a beautiful and interesting way to finish, which is a suspended system from the ceiling profile and tightly stretched to the perimeter of the ceiling of the canvas. With it, it is possible to effectively arrange a small ceiling space. The only nuance is important to choose the right coating correctly.

Stretch canvas are presented in matte and glossy texture. And, if the spacious premises gloss visually increases even more, then the compact room is, on the contrary, will make it already. Therefore, for the corridor, choose the matte canvas of pastel tones that do not attract special attention to themselves.

Mirror ceilings can also be included in the design, but not on the entire surface, but along the wall a narrow strip, or in the form of abstract figures or individual elements. There are practically no restrictions for wide corridors. You can choose any color you like and the texture of the canvas.

Such a coating combines practicality, an excellent appearance and represents a wide field for the flight of designer fantasy. The popularity of the material is due to its following advantages:

  • does not require temporary costs for plaster and alignment of rough ceiling;
  • hides wiring and communications;
  • eco-friendly material can be used for finishing in any room.

If we talk about the disadvantages of GLK regarding the hallway, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • plasterboard is characteristic of the weak resistance of moisture. Despite the fact that the hallway is not a room with high humidity, however, in most apartments it borders with a bathroom or kitchen. Sometimes this happens enough so that the neighbors can pour the ceilings with water. And water, as you know, penetrates through emptiness in the slabs of overlapping and can reach any room. Therefore, for the suspension, plasterboard with marking "moisture-resistant" should be selected;
  • a small space of the hallway makes the installation difficult, so it's not always newbies to install the design yourself.

Combined ceilings

The system of multi-level ceilings will decorate any room. Moreover, you can comply with each other with any other materials, but it is necessary to do it carefully, taking into account the size of the room. The most common reception - plasterboard and rush or cassette modules, also looks good with GLC with Grilyato. Single attention deserves plasterboard structures in combination with tensioned canvases.

In a narrow hallway, every detail of the interior is important, since the compact room allows you to cover everything that is in it in one look. The same applies to the ceiling, which should be a single integer with the rest of the space. Designers know many ways to finish the ceiling in the corridor that will help it expand.

The most common includes:

  • wallpaper with a transverse pattern, moving to the ceiling surface;
  • dark walls and color contrasting with them the ceiling of a lighter shade;
  • decorative plaster on the walls and a flat light covering on the ceiling;
  • many artificial light will also expand the space. In addition to standard point lamps, you can use wall scaves or floor lamps;
  • the light surface of the ceiling and glass inserts on the walls is a good combination for a narrow corridor. This option will visually spread the space. You can also install a large mirror in the entire wall;
  • make a suspended mirror ceiling in the corridor from the rails. The rays of light will be reflected from the surface, expanding the space. The transverse location of the RESEK will make the room wider, visually shortening it.

The basis of the harmonious interior of the hallway is a qualitatively thoughtful design of the ceiling in the corridor, walls, gender, proper furniture and accessories. Careful choice of materials and colors will help successfully achieve the goals.

PVC panels firmly occupied the honorable place among the finishing materials. Various types of polyvinyl chloride, which are included in its composition, allow the use of panels not only in the finishing of office buildings, but also residential buildings and apartments.

Plastic materials differ from other types of finishes by the following parameters:

  • a budget value that suits most consumers;
  • increased moisture resistance, which allows the use of plastic panels in the bathrooms;
  • strength. This property significantly increases the life of products from polyvinyl chloride;
  • simplicity of installation. Run the installation of plastic ceiling easily;
  • good sound insulation;
  • the ability to implement any designer solution.

But even this, at first glance, the perfect material, has its drawbacks:

  • panels can be deformed from strong heating or under the influence of high temperatures, so choosing lighting for such a method of finishing the ceiling, it is necessary to take this feature;
  • on the material there may be cracks from non-accurate circulation or strong pressing;
  • it is necessary to avoid finishing the ceilings with PVC panels in children's rooms, since the raw material that makes them the basis - unnatural origin, and the new plastic exudes a sharp unpleasant smell

However, for the hallways, the plastic ceiling is a good option that allows you to expand the space if you position the panels across or diagonally.

Fasten the plates to the ceiling in two ways:

  • frameless;
  • on the perimeter of the ceiling frame mounted.

The first option requires the presence of a perfectly smooth ceiling surface. The panels are attached to the ceiling on liquid nails and are additionally recorded by self-draws in the side parts. To implement the second way, you need to build a qualitative basis from a metal profile or wooden bars. It applies more often.

Ceiling design in the corridor

The light is of great importance in the design of any interior. It will help split the space on the zones, make the atmosphere cozy or strict, add or reduce the size of the room. Properly highlight the ceiling Corridor will acquire the form you need.

There are several ways to design long or narrow vestments with light:

  • decorative plasterboard inserts. Divide the hallway to small segments using decorative inserts, interface light sources between them. So you will receive several small corridors, and wide lamps will increase the room;
  • curved lines. They are made from LED tapes installed under the ceiling. The effect of them will be the same, as from the bands, located across, but the easiest radiation will give the room with an additional coziness. The more the distance between the light sources will be, the more spacious the room will seem;

Combining this glossy coating method, you can save on electricity, since the good PVC film ability to reflect light will require a small amount of devices;

  • the chandelier in the center of the ceiling and point lamps along the edges will also add the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Bright ceiling lights will make the edges of the ceiling not as noticeable, visually expanding its surface. And the chandelier focuses on itself and distract his eyes from the walls.

If you are the owner of an apartment with a long and dark hallway, you can turn it into a spacious and bright room. Pay attention to designers:

  • use mirror inserts on the ceiling or stained glass elements. They not only look attractively, but also expand the space;
  • combine the tension and suspended plasterboard ceilings, competently set the lamps and you will get zoning the corridor, dividing it into several sections. So you will have an entrance zone, the main part in the form of a hall and transitions to other rooms. By the way, in the same way you can enroll with flooring and wall decoration. Applying different materials in some sections, it turns out to achieve the same effect, as with several levels on the ceiling;
  • as for the lighting, go as follows: The main light source is located in the center, LED tapes insert into the niches, and point dot lights in the floor along one of the walls.

If you have a wardrobe in the corridor in the corridor, refuse point lighting above the closet, and shift it to the opposite wall. Otherwise, the light will go for the furniture, changing the perception of space, narrowing it even more;

  • just one lamp will make high ceilings in such a room even higher, but visually extends the already long room. You can solve such a problem in two ways:

- Select a darker shade for the ceiling compared to other colors;

- Mount the main source of light to the wall.

What to pay attention to the selection of finishes

Before start repairing the ceiling in the corridor, it is necessary to take into account the glare of the factors that can affect the perception of space:

  • square hallway and wall size. These are the two most important points that need to be taken into account when choosing what better the ceiling will fit into the interior of the corridor. Even the color of the walls will affect small vertical sizes of the room. In this case, a good solution - bright ceilings and walls;
  • suspended ceilings in the hallway corridor from two levels will expand the close space, but at the same time will be taken from the room height. Make the design easier will help the correct lighting. You can use LED backlight around the perimeter levels or point lights on the ceiling along one wall;
  • small corridors should not climb a large number of accessories. Easy and conciseness are the main features of design for such rooms.

Often carrying out the repair of the ceilings, people do not take into account the mass of designer techniques, with the help of which you can achieve different results, but prefer to separate the surface in your favorite way. This is a big mistake, because small secrets will make a room not only beautiful, but also fix all the shortcomings of the room planning.

Video on the topic

As a rule, the final stage of repair in the apartment is the installation of the ceiling in the corridor. This is quite justified, because in order to preserve all the elements of the decor in other rooms at an initial form, the renovation of the hallway is left at the very last moment. However, by completing repairs in the rest of the premises, you should not relax, because the hallway is the first thing they see guests. And the first impression should always be as best as possible and perfect.

Ceiling options in the corridor

The modern building materials market offers a large selection of finishing options, not to mention photos and video samples.

In general, we can share all options for two types:

  • What is mounted on the basic ceiling surface;
  • What is attached to the pre-mounted designs.
  • blissing;
  • painting;
  • fucking wallpaper;
  • finishing with ceiling tiles;
  • decorative stucco finish.

The above types, one way or another, are attached directly to the ceiling overlap. Accordingly, in order to ensure the maximum smooth and high-quality surface, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base surface, namely to get rid of the traces of the previous finish, and then primed.

As for the second group, its elements are also divided into:

  • plastic panels;
  • plasterboard and multi-level ceilings;
  • stretch ceiling.

Such versions of the ceilings require a certain distance between the panels and the base surface, which, unlike the previous ones, does not require special preparatory work.

What a ceiling to do in the corridor: preparatory work

As mentioned earlier, for the most ideal effect, the base must be prepared in advance for subsequent repair work.

Standard concrete overlap, as a rule, should be prepared as follows:

  • Cleaning the surface up to concrete, the old whirlpool is blocked, the paint is considered with the help of a metal brush, and the old wallpaper is cleaned due to the spatula.
  • Then the base surface is processed by primer.
  • Next, with the level of the ceiling level, profiles-beams are fastened, which will help create a reference point for the ceiling plaster process.
  • Directly plastering, the alignment of which is made by applying a special rail-rules.

It should also be borne in mind that after the process of plaster is complete, the beam profiles should be removed, and the cavities formed from the cavity profiles are filled with a plastering mixture.

After the laid dry layer is completely drying (drying time depends on the quality of plaster), it is necessary to stick the ceiling. If the standard whitewas is used, it is not required for a particularly smooth plaster coating, in the case if further painting is planned, it is worth careful to follow the smoothness of the surface. After the preparatory work was made, the next stage is to decorate.

What a ceiling to do in the corridor: whitewashes and painting

The easiest and most affordable way to separate the ceiling for a narrow corridor is the whitewashes and painting. However, it is worth considering that the finishing processes themselves are really simple, however, they require significant work at the preparatory stage.

In addition, the hallway and so on the small size itself, so the space for possible dishes of defects is unlikely. Therefore, it is necessary as ideal as possible and thoroughly alleged the ceiling in the process of putty, because the probability is not hidden, but on the contrary, emphasize the slightest surface defects.

The advantages of this method are considered:

  • The maximum savings of space, in contrast to the structural, which eat up to 40 cm space.
  • Visual increase in the height of the room. Especially with the help of a competently chosen color gamut. For example, the ceiling of bright shades, combined with a dark floor, allows you to visually pull the corridor.

Ceiling design in narrow corridor: decorative plaster

The use of decorative plaster is also one of the possible options for finishing the ceiling.

The application process is carried out as follows:

  • On the previously posted base layer of the ceiling is applied decorative. It is necessary to create a smooth layer of 2-3 mm thick.
  • Immediately after that, with the help of any sponge, a grater or a spatula decorating the next low plaster with relief. What relief to choose, remains at the discretion of the decorator - the point, linear, wavy - everything that only the soul can wish.
  • It is possible to give a completely dry, and then you get out to toned, which is carried out by passing the protruding parts with a brush or the same sponge.

Instead of whitewash, color or plaster can also use wallpaper or ceiling tiles. Such methods are also sufficiently affordable and little cost.

Ceiling in the corridor from the panels: suspended ceiling

The second type of ceilings is also called independent, as it is attached not to the basic ceiling surface itself, but on a specially constructed frame-frame, which can be both wooden and metal.

The installation process is as follows:

  • Approximately at a distance of 15-20 cm from the base surface, an initial profile is attached throughout the perimeter of the corridor.
  • Directly to the basic overlap are mounted suspensions made of galvanized iron.
  • Then the parts of the design are attached to the honey, which must be connected by an initial profile with each other.
  • Plasterboard panels are mounted on the created frame, or plastic. The first can be attached using self-samples, the second-love adhesive mixture of the type of liquid nails or by a construction stapler. See also: "
  • With the help of a construction dryer or a special heat gun heating, in order to stretch it to the required size in the future.

The only minus acquisition of such a ceiling is its fairly large price, and besides, only professionals can guarantee a high-quality and perfectly smooth surface, so for a more budget version, the ceilings made of plastic in the corridor are still suitable.

The hallway finishes is the final stage of the repair of the entire apartment. The ceiling in such, as a rule, a small room is paid to a minimum of attention. The main forces during repair in the hallway rush to the walls of the walls. But it is precisely the ceiling that can transform the room, make the walls visually above, and the room itself is spacious. There are many options for its facing today. What a ceiling in the hallway offer us designers, tell us in our article. We will also present all possible options for its finishes, the advantages and disadvantages of materials, taking into account performance characteristics and personal preferences.

Features of the design of the ceilings in the hallway

This room presents a kind of border between the house and the street, which not only meets the guests of the house, but also assumes all the negative impact of the environment. Therefore, to choose the walls of the walls, gender and ceiling, it is necessary to treat particularly responsibility, giving preference only to high-quality materials of proven manufacturers.

As for the design, it is important that it is combined with other premises in an apartment or house, and the repair as a whole was performed in the same style. When choosing a facing option, the ceiling height should be taken into account. If it is low, you need to try to visually make it higher. For this, designers use a number of techniques:

  • facing elements (plates, panels) are attached directly to the ceiling, and the available irregularities are masked by a complex and bulk pattern;
  • multi-level frame structures are excluded;
  • preference is given to color solutions in a light pastel gamma;
  • much attention is paid to point lighting around the perimeter of the plane.

Imagine the possible design of the ceiling in the hallway in the photo below.

Stretch ceilings in the hallway: photos, advantages and disadvantages

To date, this option is very popular in the design of any premises. Stretch ceiling has several varieties. It can be both matte and glossy, perform from PVC or tissue, have an applied pattern or be monophonic.

Stretch ceilings in the hallway have a number of advantages:

  • there is no need for preliminary alignment and applying plaster on the main surface, since it will be completely hidden;
  • at the same time, point lighting can be used, due to which the hall will become brighter and spacious;
  • high level of moisture resistance;
  • fast and easy installation.

The disadvantage can only be called one - high price. You also need to be prepared for the fact that the ceiling will become below a couple of centimeters. Make the room visually more spacious will help the glossy surface of the coating. In any case, the existing drawbacks are fully compensated by the durability and practicality of the material.

Finishing ceilings plasterboard

This material is currently in high demand. He is practical, durable, it is easy to work with it, and the appearance of the ceiling in the hallway from the plasterboard, as in the photo, and does not have complaints. With this material, you can create complex suspended structures and embody any designer ideas.

The advantages of plasterboard ceilings in the hallway:

  • environmentally friendly material and its health safety;
  • the suspension design allows you to hide all communications and wiring, which is necessary including for point lighting;
  • it does not require alignment of the main surface and applying a thick layer of plastering plasterboard.

The disadvantage of this material is only in the grinding of the height. Also, after finishing the ceiling by plasterboard it will need to be covered with paint or decorative plaster.

Dropped ceilings

In addition to drywall, when creating suspended ceiling structures, cassette and rush (metal) ceilings are used. Their advantages include:

  • strength and durability;
  • the possibility of placing communications over construction;
  • creating the necessary conditions for laying point lighting;
  • fast and easy installation.

A modular suspended ceiling in the hallway has a number of flaws. First, the room loses free space, and the walls are becoming lower at least 10 cm. Secondly, such ceiling structures are associated with office space, but not with the comfort of a home or apartment. According to many people, the modular ceilings look better in the bathrooms, offices, business centers, trading halls.


Someone such a ceiling, especially in combination with the mirror surface of the walls, can remind the laughter room. At the same time, for other people, the mirror is the only opportunity to make a hallmark visually more spacious. One thing remains unchanged - such a ceiling looks boldly and luxurious, but at the same time care requires much more than other similar designs.

The ceiling in the hallway can be made of the most real heavy mirrors or polystyrene plates covered with a special reflective film. The first option provides a real, clear image, it is durable and high-quality. The mirror film is a cheaper and affordable material, however, and the picture is most often obtained by blurred. Special glue is usually used as the attachment.

Decorative plaster

Such a ceiling coating has several advantages at once. First, decorative plaster hides almost any irregularities on the ceiling. Secondly, thanks to the special texture of the material without much effort, you can create unusual textures and images. At the same time, real professionals under the power of the application of Venetian plaster, which externally resembles a smooth stone with a mirror reflection. Thirdly, decorative plaster is environmentally friendly material.

The ceiling in the hallway in this style has another important advantage - its height remains unchanged. This means that decorative plaster can be used even in small rooms. At the same time, light pastel shades should be selected so that the hallway visually looked more spacious. The disadvantage can be considered the complexity of execution in the absence of experience.


The main disadvantage of such a material is impractical. When making a hallway, wallpapers are used in extreme cases. The proximity of the street, constant temperature differences, humidity have a negative effect on the condition of the room. The service life of such a finishing material for the hallway does not usually exceed 10 years.

Despite the flaws, the wallpaper for the ceiling in the hallway has more significant advantages:

  • availability - depending on the material that is used as the basis, the cost of wallpaper can vary from very cheap to expensive;
  • preservation of the height of the ceiling;
  • the possibility of self-adhesive in order to save financial resources;
  • hiding irregularities thanks to a correctly selected ornament;
  • visual increase in the height of the ceiling due to vertical strips on the walls with the transition to the ceiling.

Despite a wide selection of other materials, wallpapers still remain in demand when finishing the hallway.

Polystyrene foam plates

The main advantage of this type of finishing for the hallway is the low price. In addition, polystyrene foam plates are presented in a very wide assortment, differ in various textures and imitation of materials. Their main advantages are:

  • budget price;
  • low weight and convenience of working with the material;
  • uncomplicated fixation to the ceiling with glue;
  • do not carefully prepare the ceiling surface.

As a lack, many people called their cheap appearance. However, today manufacturers produce laminated plates with interesting textured patterns. Another disadvantage is low fire resistance of polystyrene foam plates.

Painting Ceilkov

Paint as an option of the ceiling coating has been used for a very long time. This material has certain advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of paint;
  • the ability to choose and combine a variety of shades;
  • durability of the coating;
  • the ability to save free space.

With the skillful choice of the shade, you can visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. As a rule, if you select a ceiling of a lighter shade, the entrance hall will look more spacious and higher.

Painting has only one significant disadvantage. Before applying paint, the surface requires careful alignment. For this, plaster, putty and primer are used. All these materials can be replaced with plasterboard. However, in this case, the ceiling will become at least 10 cm below, which is unacceptable for many rooms. In this case, it is necessary to weigh everything for and against and choose the optimal version of the surface finishes in all parameters.

Walls and ceilings in the hallway in the photo are covered with paint.


Looking for the cheapest option to "refresh" the ceiling in the hallway? If you still have not interested in any of the ways presented above, it remains to recommend you only whitewash. This method today is considered obsolete and practically not used. However, in terms of price, it is most affordable because it does not require almost no costs of financial resources.

However, despite the main advantage, the ceiling decoration to the entrance hall has many flaws. Firstly, such a coating is short-lived and after a year or two begins to crumble. Secondly, the ceiling under the whims must be carefully prepared, eliminating all irregularities. Otherwise, they will all be very noticeable for others.