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How to reduce dampness in the apartment. How to remove moisture in the apartment: useful tips. Additional causes of humidity

People have long noticed that there are rooms in which a person feels worse than usual. Some, notice that they are not on their own when they go to visit, move in new apartment. Often in worsening of well-being to blame the air, which we are forced to breathe. If, you noticed that in your apartment there is an increased humidity, fungus appeared on the walls, it's time to think about how to remove moisture from the apartment. After all, the "wrong" microclimate of the house causes whole line Unpleasant symptoms - nasal congestion, insomnia, sneezing, general weakness, pain in the joints.

Regulatory Humidity in Housing

In the residential premises optimal is the humidity of 60%. You can measure this indicator using a hygrometer. It is allowed to lower air humidity in the summer months to 45%. On the human body renders negative influence Both overly dry and too wet air. Particularly attentive should be for those who like to include air conditioning. This device has the property "take" water from the room and reduce the level of humidity in the room.

If you dry the lingerie in the house, do not carry the apartment, the air can be very wet. Increased humidity Provocates the formation of fungus.

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Why need to reduce moisture in the apartment

Finding into a lung man, the mold fungus contributes to the development of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. If a person often moves in conditions of high humidity, it is quite possible that the migraine will be observed more often, the work of the cardiovascular system will violate.

Lifestyle modern man He contributes to the level of humidity in its dwelling. If earlier people took the bath for about once a week, today they take a shower twice a day, often erase underwear, etc.

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Sources of humidity in the apartment:

  • Human respiration through the skin surface and lungs;
  • Taking a bath or soul;
  • Washing and drying linen;
  • Plants, aquariums;
  • Cooking food;
  • External atmosphere;
  • Oversupply groundwater;

How to lower moisture in the apartment?

In the family of three people, the volume of half of the bath is released in the air. It is about 70-100 liters.

Humidity is the main factor for the formation of mold. To successfully deal with this, you need to find out the cause of humidity.

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Find the cause and eliminate

If the humidity in your home is a temporary phenomenon that takes place, for example, when you cook food, it can be eliminated by ventilation of the room or the use of heating devices. The main task is a thorough ventilating room. If moisture is concentrated on the walls, the air flow must be significant. Arrange a draft for several hours, and even better - for a few days.

If your room is deficient sunlight And heat, it can also cause increased humidity. To lower the humidity in the room, you need to use heaters that will be able to heat the entire room.

In addition, the crying state of the ceiling can be the cause of high humidity in the apartment. Drain of this part of the room is a rather complicated process. You can simply turn the room to additionally. Wait for complete drying of plaster better without furniture. It absorbs moisture, and after it begins to give it out, which can cause another increase in humidity.

Hermetically closed windows (for example, PVC) often cause additional humidity. After all, they become a barrier in many apartments between the street and the room. It is better to immediately order frames with a thoughtful ventilation system.

Remember how to reduce moisture in the apartment, you need to repair work. All compounds for plaster contain water, so it is very important to carefully dry the room. So you can prevent the formation of condensate.

Lower the humidity in the apartment can be with the help of modern chemicals. For example, Henkel has developed a new remedy, which helps in the fight against excess humidity called "stop moisture". This is a system that includes the absorber and absorbent. Active crystals are struggling with the formation of excess moisture. Moist is collected in special containers.

For full-fledged life, a person needs air with an optimal level of humidity. There are often cases when this level rises in the bathroom, in the kitchen, living room or tambone. The owners are enough for her head, not knowing how to get rid of the smell of dampness and high humidity. Besides the unpleasant fragrance impresses clothes and wooden elements Decor, the mold appears on the walls, which spoils all the impression. To cope with the problem in short timeIt is necessary to adhere to practical recommendations.

Optimal level of humidity

It is believed that the residential premises should have moisture, the indicator of which fluctuates in the range of 50-60%, not higher. To measure the microclimate, you need to use the instrument called a hygrometer. In the summer, there is a decrease in the level of moisture to the mark of 35-40%, this feature It is achieved for obvious reasons.

It is known that the human body is equally poorly tolerates both an overly wet climate and arid. People who use split systems should be extremely attentive. The air conditioner sucks moisture, causing a decrease in the optimal indicator. However, if you often dry the lingerie in the residential room, and not on the balcony, the split system will become a chopstick.

Causes of high humidity

  1. Increased humidity arises for many reasons, one of them is considered the absence of both natural and artificial ventilation. If the air circulation takes place to be, it means to check how well it works.
  2. There are often cases when humidity rises above the permissible borders for the reason that the neighbors living on top glance at the bottom. The dampness accumulates in the corners and cracks, provoking the appearance of mold.
  3. To date, not every developer can be called conscientious. Some saved on the material, others hire workers with insufficient qualifications. Increased humidity appears due to poorly sealed seams from the street part of the wall.
  4. If we talk about the house, in most cases the basement is often amplified due to a large amount of groundwater. From the lower yarus, the moisture rises to the first and second floor, while accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
  5. Modern design of many residential premises implies concealment sewer pipe various decorative panels. For this reason, if the water leak happened, the owner cannot eliminate it on time.

The consequences of high humidity

Important attention must be sharpened to health, which is spoiled due to high humidity.

  1. In such conditions, the human body is not able to cope even with the most banal cold syndromes, which is there to talk about serious diseases. If it is constantly and for a long time in a wet environment, a banal cold may grow into something more.
  2. In addition to weakening immune system The wet microclimate causes allergies, ecase, skin rashes, insomnia, runny nose, pain in the muscles and joints. Also elevated humidity contributes to the development of apathy, total fatigue, depression.
  3. There are often cases when the fungus appeared becomes the cause of chronic diseases. Older people and children are most susceptible to such reactions. In the first category, the protective functions of the body do not fully work fully, the second - the body has not yet been fully formed.
  4. If the humidity of the air passes the optimal boundaries, the caustic and nasty smell mold. Sinic is entrusted to the upholstery of furniture, floor soft coatings, clothing, towels, linens, mattress and pillow.
  5. Due to the increased humidity of the seams of the room, evidenced by the development of mold. With each day passed, the fungus is striking an increasing surface, under the threat of walls, ceilings, cabinets, window frames, etc.
  6. If the increased humidity persists for a long timeIt begins an accelerated damage of food (bakery products, vegetables, fruits, flour, cereal and legumes).

  1. Air Dryer. Most. optimal option Combating high humidity It is customary to use the air dryer. The pricing policy depends on a particular manufacturer, the power of the unit and its model. You can purchase the instrument in the shops "Everything for the House", as well as in electronics hypermarkets. It is worth clarifying than more productive the unit, the faster it will cope with high humidity. If possible, purchase a device with a regulator and a table, which displays the level of dampness. This feature will allow you to save on electricity and do not overcover the air.
  2. Heating radiators. You can get rid of excessive moisture in the room with the help of heating radiators. Batteries are present in each apartment, but not always they can be used (the exception is the summer-spring period). If you notice that dampness is saved for a long time, periodically shield the room. During the peculiar heat treatment, the fungus dies, the air becomes significantly land. Include heating only in the cold season, avoid sharp jumps temperature mode, because of which the windows sweat.
  3. Fresh air. It is known that the wet environment is afraid of fresh air, but only if the ventilation occurs in cloudy and rainy weather. Take over the habit of opening windows 3 times a day, leave for a quarter of an hour, if possible longer. If it is possible, keep the window open constantly, closing it only in case of precipitation on the street. To ventilat takes place more efficiently, install plastic windowswhich opens up (micro). Such a move will exclude the likelihood of the appearance of drafts and remove moisture.
  4. Sugar and salt. The products listed perfectly absorb moisture, but, as a rule, they are extremely rarely used. Agree, it's not very convenient to keep in the middle of the room a five-kilogram package with bulk makeup, even in the open state. The option is commemorated in the fight against humidity in small rooms, such as pantry, tambour, bathroom. It is enough to pour salt or sugar in the pelvis, then attributed to the room, do not forget to periodically stir.

Preventive action

  1. Spend an inspection of sewer pipes and heating radiators, find out if leakage has not happened. In the case, call the wizard or troubleshoot the problems.
  2. If the yard is sunny and warm, ventilate the room constantly. Do not sit in an apartment with closed windows for a long time.
  3. Air conditioner absorbs part of moisture from the room. In addition, the split system eliminates the smell of dampness and does not allow mold to hit all the large sections.
  4. Equip the kitchen with an extract. Include it every time during cooking, especially if you prefer to cook or stew foods.
  5. Check the craving ventilation systemClean it from dust and extraneous garbage. Perhaps the ventilation is the cause of an unpleasant smell.
  6. Choose for yourself houseplantsthat do not need abundant irrigation. The most optimal is considered a cactus, put in 3 species in each room with a stileanese smell.
  7. It is known that natural materials Absorb the excessive moisture. During cosmetic repair Give preference to products of this kind, refuse synthetics.
  8. Look at absorbent drugs that absorb excess moisture. An excellent option is the "Stop moisture" means, it can be purchased at any economic store.
  9. IN winter time Year Set an additional heating radiator in the apartment or hire the simplest blowing "breeze".
  10. If possible, dry the lingerie on the loggia or balcony. Otherwise, on the whole drying, keep windows open (relevant for warm and sunny weather).

It is enough to get rid of high humidity in the apartment, if you do not have knowledge of the existing ways. More often, repair the room, install the air conditioner, fit the apartment. Purchase air dryer, turn it on at least 4 times a week.

Video: How dangerous air humidity in apartments


One of the ways to reduce humidity in the premises is the use of heating devices and special moisture absorbers. However, this may have negative consequences. First of all, the use of heating devices leads to additional electricity. Secondly, excessive drying of air should be avoided, since the humidity complex for a person is about 50%, and lower moisture can adversely affect the state of the cardiovascular system.

Set indoors quality windows. It is desirable that these are two- or double-glazed windows. Such glass is well saved heat and at the same time prevents the formation of condensate on. Please note that high-quality should not only be the glass package, but also window frame.

Check the room more often. The airtight of the window, the less fresh air in it. It is best to air three times a day for 15-30 minutes. At night it is advisable to leave an open window, for example. This will reduce the likelihood of condensate formation and reduce humidity. You can install special ventilation valves on the windows.

Purchase special moisture absorbers and install them in places subject to dampness.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

It is undesirable to dry the lingerie in the apartment. Thus, you will only increase the humidity in the apartment.

For the feeling of comfort in the apartment or house, humidity should not exceed 40-60%. Elevated adversely affects the well-being of a person and objects of life. To begin with, it is important to find the cause of air moisturizing. This may be: ineffective plumbing or poor waterproofing, repairs from neighbors or weak ventilation.


For accurate measurement of humidity in the room, household hygrometers are used. If the instrument shows the humidity indicators exceeding airSo, it is necessary to take measures and lower the level of moisture.

The easiest way to normalize the level of humidity is to ventilate the room in cold weather, even if humidity air The street is significantly higher than home. In the room the moisture content on cubic meter significantly higher. Therefore, cold wet air, hitting the room, heats up and, mixing with air indoors, lowers relative humidity.

The main source of wet air In may be unbelievable rooms, such as a bathroom and. Although in the bathrooms and the exhaust is provided, it may not always work well. Installation exhaust fanproviding circulation of dry and wet airwill not be superfluous.

In the kitchen, it is also necessary to provide installation exhaust systems. To lower the humidity level, use climatic equipment - dryers air. Specialists call them moisture absorbs. They are household, industrial and semi-industrial. The devices are usually installed where the level of humidity is exceeded and adversely affects equipment and health, forming mold, dampness and condensate.

Basic ways to deal with high humidity

Very often, the increase in air humidity turns out to be connected with poor ventilation. Plastic windows that are installed now in many apartments and cottages are distinguished by tightness, which allows them to hold heat in the room and cut off the street noise. However, if a high-quality ventilation system is not installed in the house, this tightness acquires an unpleasant side effect: air humidity gradually rises, especially when using a bathroom and a kitchen. To solve the problem, you should take care of the installation autonomous System Ventilation, aircraft equipment or at least more often to air the room.

The "crying" windows are the first sign that the level of ventilation of the room leaves much to be desired. Remember that the standard generalical system will not be enough in such cases.

The problem may wage not only in poor-quality ventilation. The flowing pipes, poor waterproofing of the foundation, rotting the roof can also lead to a strong increase in air humidity in the house. If the problem lies in this, installation new system Ventilation will not help get rid of it. In such cases, it is necessary to take care primarily about the elimination of the cause, not the effect.

How to quickly lower air humidity indoors

There are I. additional ways Combating high humidity to apartments and cottages. A good option can be the use of special chemicals. They absorb moisture, normalizing the microclimate in the rooms, despite, as a rule, coped with their task quite quickly.

Be very careful when using such tools if you have children or animals in your home!

Another a good option - Installation of air dryer. Such devices allow you to quickly reduce the level of humidity to a specified value. They are mobile, so you can transfer them from one room to another if necessary. So that the air dryer worked qualitatively and helped quickly and easily cope with the problem, pay special attention to his choice. The more spacious room and the higher the humidity of the air, the more powerful the device must be. Otherwise, it simply will not be able to perform its functions.

Finally, if it is cool in the premises, autonomous air can be used to dry heating devices. They increase the temperature and reduce the level of humidity, allowing you to make a comfortable microclimate. One way to gently lower moisture is the use of a "warm floor" system.

From this article you will learn about the main reasons for dampness in an apartment or house. We also tell me how to eliminate these reasons and restore the normal housing microclimate. You will learn about the traditional and most modern methods solutions to the problem of air drainage.

When changing the seasons, almost all owners face high humidity due to melting of snow. The scatter of negative phenomena is great: from light discomfort to the "crying" walls and mold. Consider some of the most popular cases and the reasons for the appearance of dampness in residential premises, as well as ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon.

Any changes to the microclimate have their cause, affecting it, you can change it. The dampness has its own "sources", about which the owner may not know or not give them importance.

Cause No. 1. Bad ventilation

On the device forced ventilation during the repair of the hosts often "forget" from savings, leaning entirely on the windows and doors. In our apartments, the project provides ventilation of two rooms - bathrooms and kitchens. Residential premises have vents, windows and air balconies. Of course, the ventilation lowers the room temperature, blowing warm (and wet) air, so in cold period It is rarely resorted to it.

The effect of drainage in the summer is achieved due to the mixing of dry air from the street with saturated pairs internal "waste" air. In transition periods, especially at the beginning of spring, the atmospheric air is saturated with pairs, but it remains cold. Accordingly, the ventilation does not bring due effect.

How to fight

Check the ventilation arranged on the project - the thrust must be tangible. If the kitchen and the bathroom are good, and the dampness is not displayed, there are three options for solving this problem.

1. Forced exhaust ventilation. The device of such a system although certain costs and inconvenience will result in certain costs, it will also decide the problem of dampness forever. The branched extractor has its drawbacks - power consumption, channel system, noise background. The minimum that can be done is to install a fan in the kitchen channel.

2. Installing the recovery. Channel room recuperator of the type "Prana", "Regent" or analogue - a more modern and ergonomic element that solves two problems at once - the extract of wet air and the influx of fresh. Many models have heated to work in winter. Cost of the channel recovery - from 340 to 380 y. e.

Video: Channel recovery "Prana"

3. Use air dryer. This device passes through itself air, collecting excess moisture and filtering it. Such a device is very effective - removes dampness from the room for an hour. In this case, the composition of the air remains unchanged. The moisture is collected in a separate container and merges. Filters, ozonizers and flavors can be integrated into the device. The cost of such an instrument for the room is 30-50 square meters. M is from 140 to 220 y. e.

Reason # 2. Moisture Source

In private houses, this is close to the house of septicities or shambo. They impregnate soil with water, water passes under the house, the soil surrounding the foundation or basement becomes raw. Same with atmospheric water flowing on a split scene. Dampness in the basement and in the floor of the 1st floor is provided.

In the apartments it can be:

  • flowing roof;
  • defect of the drain or sink of the roof, guiding atmospheric water on the wall of the apartment;
  • the windy side of the house - the rain is constantly falling on the wall of the apartment;
  • constantly current cranes, plumbing;
  • a large number of water on the ground floor - aquariums, swimming pool, sauna;
  • evaporation of condensate on the windows (which is assembled due to poor ventilation).

Other trouble-free open sources of moisture in the apartment are difficult, but in each individual case everything is possible.

How to fight

Eliminate source. Fix the roof or drain, transfer septic tank, protect the wall from atmospheric waters. If the reason in the open source should be made waterproofing with liquid composition. Remember that waterproofing is applied by the source of moisture.

Cause # 3. Intellane

Extreme savings on heating on the principle "Only warm air in the room" is the most common cause of the dampness of the "crying walls" of an apartment or at home. The wall should be a rand in at least half of the thickness. Then the dew point (the place of condensate formation) will come to the side of the street. The wedge wall displays the dew point closer to the warm area, and sometimes at all on the inner plane.

This problem often "works" to the lack of ventilation. Abandoned or low-willed premises rawate very quickly - decoration Materials Credited for 2 seasons, the constructive loses up to 5-6% of the strength annually (in addition to natural wear). It is extremely unwanted to combine heated and unheard (by project) of the room under one roof.

How to fight

Strengthen heating. Try to calculate how damage can get a dwelling from merciless dampness and the amount you will save on heating. Then compare these amounts and conclude. Of course, insulation should be qualitative and timely.

If there is no possibility to increase the temperature, install the fans to the heating devices and provide short-term ventilation - the humidity will be aligned. Do not leave the house with abpense, if you are going to return - find a person who will make it.

Cause No. 4. Incorrect Warming

Thermal insulation of walls cheap and light foam or expensive modern extruded polystyrene foam has already gained momentum and becomes a welcome event for tenants apartment houses. Almost no one and never heat engineering calculations The walls of the apartment for determining the thickness of the insulation. Therefore, when choosing a layer of insufficient thickness, the wall continues to freeze and cooler.

Life in such a "thermos" can spoil dampness in the apartment and inevitable fungus. The reason is the same dew point, which is cozy, located between the panel (wall) and the insulation stove. In addition, the vapor permeability of the voiced materials is close to zero and this is not the only problem of foam. Cheap Materialproduced by handicraft, extremely fuel and toxic when heated. Have this in mind, getting ready to warm the apartment.

Video: Problems with polystyrene foam

How to fight

Learn useful articleswhere engineers and builders are expressed with extensive experience. Understanding the physics of processes will save you not only from dampness, but also from many other troubles. For the insulation of the apartment there are two error-free options:

  1. Obviously excess layer of polystyrene insulation. Thickness 100-150 mm guarantees the dew point of the wall outside the wall (in the thickness of the insulation) for any region.
  2. ParProtable insulation. Minvat, Equata, any kind of ventilated facade. This with a guarantee will save from moisture in the walls.

Dampness in the apartment can provoke the appearance of mold, which, getting into the body, becomes the cause of human virus diseases. In addition, the wet air is not suitable for themselves. Weakness, soreness, spontaneous loss of working capacity - what can happen due to excess moisture in the air. Therefore, the elimination of humidity is taking care not only about the native walls, but also about themselves and expensive people.

Before deciding how to get rid of dampness in the apartment, it is necessary to find out: the moisture goes outside or is generated indoors.

To do this, take a small piece of glass, tightly press it against the wall and hold a little. If after leaving the glass from the wall it will be wet, you can be sure: dampness goes outside. Otherwise, it is necessary to look for an internal cause.

What is the reason

What can cause high humidity in the apartment? First of all, the lack of or bad ventilation work. Check for starters, did you not blocked it with wallpaper or installing kitchen appliances.

Such a reason to eliminate simply: cut the desired square on the wallpaper on the spot ventilation lattice Or make the right removal of household appliances.

Perhaps the neighbors are hung on top. Inspect the ceiling carefully in the entire apartment, especially in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen. When identifying wet spots on the ceiling or the walls adjacent to it, go to the neighbor to find out the relationship.

The accumulation of moisture in your room could form due to poor thermal insulation of walls, flaws in the seams of house-building. In this case, you need to eliminate these flaws.

How to prevent

If you dry the house a large amount of linen, high humidity in the apartment can not be avoided. It is worth thinking, maybe there is a way to stretch washing in time, and for drying linen it is not a bathroom, but a balcony.

In chronic dampness in the house it is worth buying air dryer, better with automatic mode of operation. It will independently support the optimal humidity in the apartment.

If the source of dampness is in the bathroom, install there electric. It will dry not only towels, but also the air in the room.

Any raw room should be periodically produced, dry and ventilated. It is necessary to do it even in winter. When cooking in the kitchen, use. It will successfully cope with the absorption of moisture formed during cooking.

Ground floor

The reason for damp in the first floor apartment is the flooding of the basement. If this happens all the time, and the complaints in the WEC results do not give, you should think about installing waterproofing. But she does not give a complete guarantee from dampness.

The apartment on the first floor needs even in additional heating.

The heated room - the rays of the sun, the warm air from the air conditioner or warm floor with the built-in electric heater - the values \u200b\u200bdoes not have. Heated apartment, you will drive out moisture out of it.

If you are thinking how to get rid of dampness in the apartment on the 1st floor, know: the flow of moisture from basement sharply enhanced in spring and autumn.

Therefore, if it is competent to place heating devices in the room, the problem will be solved. Energy overruns are not necessary: \u200b\u200bit will be necessary to include them only twice a year, in the spring and autumn, for periods a lot of maximum month.

Fifth floor

If you encountered the opposite problem and do not know how to get rid of dampness in the apartment on the top (spot) floor, you may be helped by these tips.

In Khrushchev on the 5th floor, the reason for dampness is usually external. Increased humidity here - direct consequence of absence duscal roof, insulation of walls, low-quality interpanel seams, cast-iron batteries Heating with extremely low efficiency.

Oddly enough, technical progress only aggravates these problems. Khrushchka design assumes fresh air Constantly enters the room through the slots in the windows, and goes out through the ventilation mines.

The installation of plastic windows closes the air flow from the outside. And Ventilation on last floor The five-story buildings work badly, because they are ventilated in such a design mainly lower floors. As a result, on the 5th floor always in the corners and rivers on the windowsill.

To solve the problem, you need to install the Alpine Footage. This is a valve system made by the walls of each room in combination with a powerful exhaust.

Through the valves in the apartment comes fresh air, the hood pulls out of it spent wet air.

It is easy to ensure in winter in winter: large icicles are formed on the pipes of the valves in frosts outside. This is moisture from the air of your apartment.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to get rid of dampness in the apartment with proven time folk remedies? Let's turn to the experience of our grandmothers.

Perfectly absorb moisture from the air salt, sugar, coffee grains. If you place at the corners of the room, in the cabinets open bags or jars with these products, the apartment "will dry".

With the same purpose, the furniture in the room should be wiped regularly weak mortar Manganese. With all the wet plane wipe dry. After each cleaning, the room is thoroughly tired.

Against mold

The mold must be offended from the wall, then the walls should be labeled with a solution of copper vapor or a special antifungal mixture.

It is possible to use chlorine, bleach, soda, vinegar, tea tree oil, and an ordinary soap solution.

Need to do in the house qualitative ventilation - Fresh air will not give to develop mold.

When cooking is better to use forced ventilation. It is also necessary to repair the flowing water supply line, not to transfer the room, well press the underwear before drying.

It follows the winter with a special cord in a cotton sheath or porous gaskets. The gaps in the frames to close ordinary paper for windows.

And from the replacement wooden windows It is better to refrain about plastic with dampness.

If still decided to install plastic windows, think over the ventilation system. Through the window to get fresh air to you can now not. And not everyone will decide to open the window in the twenty-perdus frost.

Dampness and repair

If you started repair and intend to drastically solve the problem of dampness in the apartment, it is desirable to use natural materials for it. They, as a rule, absorb excess moisture from the air.

When repairing, waterproofing materials must also be used. In the grouts, turn on antifungal components.

Treat the future installation of furniture in advance. It should not be placed close to the walls, be sure to leave the gap.

To destroy the causes of dampness, it is necessary to thoroughly engage in the insulation of sex, external and internal insulation walls. The walls must be watched by a bleach solution and perform their secondary shockting.