Repairs Design Furniture

The device of the rafting roof system from wooden elements. How to make a rafter system of a two-tie roof with your own hands. Options for rafter systems with bats

For the manufacture of rafters in individual construction typically use wooden materials: boards, timber, logs. Despite the relative low cost, wooden rafters for the roof have sufficient strength to withstand all roofing loads and serve as faithfully for many years.

Other possible materials for rafter systems are metal and reinforced concrete - for private construction, it is impractical to apply inexpediently, due to their heavy weight, complex installation and high cost.

The rafter system is obliged to be durable, but not heavy. Of course, for the carrier base of the roof of large industrial buildings and high-rise buildings, have to use metal or reinforced concrete. And for ordinary private houses, it is an unnecessary excess. The rafters in this case are made by wooden - from boards, timber (ordinary or glued), logs.

The logs are rarely used, exclusively for log cabins. This material is too weighty, requiring high professionalism from a carpenter and the ability to perform complex louds in places of fasteners.

Bar is the best option from which you can mount durable and durable rafters. The only lack of timber is a high price.

Broom's replacement often use cheaper boards, a minimum thickness of 40-60 mm. The list of their advantages can also include low weight, convenience in mounting and high margin of safety.

The following requirements are presented to the selected sawn timber:

  • The minimum allowable wood varieties are 1-3. The presence of bitch is allowed in a small amount (it is better to do without them without them!), Not more than three knots, up to 3 cm high, at 3 mp. Cracks are also allowed, but they should not penetrate the wood through, their length cannot exceed half the length of the material.
  • It is allowed to use dried wood with humidity up to 18-22%. If these indicators are higher, rafters, as drying, can crack or explode and lose their shape.
  • The carriers of the rafter system are performed from a material, a thickness of 5 cm, with a width of 10-15 cm.
  • The length of elements from coniferous rocks is up to 6.5 m, and from solid deciduous - up to 4.5 m.
  • All wooden parts of the rafter, before the start of operation, should be processed by protective compositions that prevent their rotting, fire and damage to insect-treewear.

The main parts of the wooden rafter system

The main component unit of a wooden rafter system is a farm - a flat triangular design. The sides of the "triangle" form the rafting legs connected from above at an angle. To connect rafters horizontally, tightening, rigleels, contractions are used.

The rafter system is made up of several farms exhibited on Mauerlat and bonded runs.

To better understand the specifics of the farm, we will define it with its elements. Their composition and the amount in one structure depends on the type of roof, its dimensions and the type of the applied rafters.

So, composite parts may be such:

  • Stropile foot - This is directly the rafters themselves, which are stuffed and put the roofing material. The farm consists of two rafalines (beams) connected from above in a skate as a triangle. The angle of their inclination is equal to the corner of the inclination of roofing rods.
  • Tightening - Crossbar, fastening the rafting legs horizontally and does not allow them when loaded into different directions. Used in the case of hanging rafters.
  • Rigel - Beam, like a tightening, but working according to another principle. In the system it shrinks, and not stretching. Bashes rafting beams in their top.
  • Battle - Also horizontal crossbar connecting the rafal beams and the rapid stability of the farm. Used in the system of spots.
  • Rack - horizontal beam, serving an additional emphasis for fixing the rafter feet.
  • Troop - an element mounted at an angle to the horizontal, which gives the rafters additional stability.
  • Film - Used to lengthen the rafter feet if you need to create soles.

Also in the rafter system can include parts that are not directly related to farms, but used for installation and assembly. They are:

  • Run - Beam, running along the skates connecting the rafter feet farms. A special case is the ski run, which is installed along the rods of the roof in its highest point (skate).
  • Okeekhet - It consists of bars or boards stamped on the rafting legs above the roof rods. The crate of the roofing material is mounted.
  • Mauerlat - Bar or boards stacked around the perimeter of outdoor (capital) walls of the building. The presence of Mauerlat is provided for fixing the lower ends of Stropilin on it.
  • Sill - An element similar to Mauerlat, but stacked along the inner wall of the building. The vertical racks are fixed on the license.

Types of rafter systems

From the tree you can collect many variants of farms and, accordingly, the rafter systems. But all of them can be divided into two types: hanging and voted.

Hanging rafter systems

Apply for premises without inner walls. Farms made up from rafters are based only on the outer walls, there is no need for an additional support. That is, hanging rafters overlap one span, 6-14 m wide.

The mandatory part of the hanging farms, except for the rafter foot, connected at the top at the angle, is a tightening - a horizontal, connecting the rafted beam. The tightening becomes the basis of the "triangle" of the farm. In most cases, it is located below the structure, connecting the lower ends of the paired rafters. But also used raised tightening schemes. And also with its modified option - Rigel, which looks like a raised tightening, but works on compression, and not on stretching, as a true tightening.

The need to use Maurolalat depends on the presence of a tightening and its location in the farm. If the tightening is located at the base of the rafting legs, then Mauerlat is not needed. When installing, the farm is based on the outer walls through the existing tightening, which simultaneously becomes the beam overlap. If the tightening is raised upwards, or the beel is used instead, then Maurylalat is necessarily included in the scheme, as the basis for fastening the rafaline on the upper edges of the walls.

As additional elements in the hanging system, grandmas and soils are used. They serve to harden the farm, when overlapping wide spans.

The grandmother in his own appearance resembles a vertical rack, running from the tightening center to the top point of the farm (skate part). In fact, the grandmother is a suspension, the function of which is to support too long tightening (more than 6 m) and the exclusion of its deflection.

In a tandem with a grandmother, with an even greater increase in the length of the tightening, the sozer is used - diagonal beams. They are drunk by one end in the rafter foot, others in the grandmother. In one farm, two pits are used, on both sides of the grandmother.

In summer and small private houses, hanging rafters from wood are good in that they allow to organize spacious attic rooms without partitions inside. Of course, we are talking about the schemes where there are no pods and grandmothers. Their presence imposes on the developer the need to divide the attic at least two rooms.

Sloping Systems

The rolling construction of wooden rafters is used for premises with internal capital walls that provide an additional support for the system. At the same time, the distance between the outer walls (the total overlapped span) may be within 6-15 m.

Crowing farms, mandatory, consist of rafting legs based on the outer walls, and vertical drains based on the inner wall. If there are two inner walls in the diagram, two racks can be used.

Unlike hanging, Maurylalat is necessarily present in the revolving system to which rafter legs are attached. Racks are crashed into a kind of mauerylalate - Liezhalan. This is a bar stacked at the top of the inner supporting wall.

With a span of 6 m and less used the simplest slot farm, consisting of two paired rafting legs and racks. The device of wooden rafters with an increase in the span requires an application to the scheme of additional parts, such as contractions and soils (subcording legs).

Fights are similar to tightening in hanging systems, but they always arrange above the base of the rafter. The main purpose of the fight is to increase the stability of the system.

Slopes are also intended for stability, which are also called ending legs. Support supports the rafter foot, that is, in fact, it becomes an additional one (third in the account, after Mauerlat and the skate run) support.

Cover wooden rafters are the most common for private residential buildings, cottages. As a rule, such buildings have one or more internal capital walls, which can be support and additional support for a solid rafter system.

Methods of fastening rafters on Mauerlat

The attachment attachment assembly to Mauerlat is one of the most important, the functionality of the rafter system depends on the correctness of its execution, its ability to perceive the load.

There are two types of similar mounts: hard and sliding. The choice of one of them depends on the scheme of the rafter design. Replacing the rigid attachment on the sliding or vice versa, as well as the insufficient provision of the necessary degree of the shift of the rafting leg will lead to the fact that the scheme "breaks out" and will not work.

The rigid fastening provides a durable, still articulation of rafyled with Mauerlat. Shift is not allowed, however, it is possible to turn the rafyroid in the hinge. Organize such a fastening by two main ways:

  • by cutting the rafter beam in Mauerlat and further fixation of the node with corners, brackets, nails;
  • with the help of metal corners and a support bar.

Sliding fastening (or as it is called roofers - "sliding") somewhat different type and functionality. It allows the rafter foot to move relative to the support. Of course, this shift will not be noticeable, but will allow the rafter system not to deform with the natural shrinkage of the walls of the house. The sliding mount is especially necessary in the construction of wooden log cabins. It is also implemented in the construction of houses of any other type, if the scheme requires the calculation of wooden rafters.

To ensure a rafter foot, a small reserve of travel relative to Mauerlata uses special fastening elements - sliders. Structurally, they consist of two metal elements, the first of which is statical, and the second is capable of moving relative to the first. There are two varieties of sliding mounts: open and closed types.

Open-type slider is a predetermined construction consisting of two separate parts: a static strip-guide and angle with a bend. The guide is in the bend of the corner and fixed on the rafter foot, the corner is attached to Mauerlat. When the geometric dimensions of the construction, the guide can move relative to the rigidly fixed corner by 60-160 mm.

The sliding mount of the closed type in its property is exactly the same. A slightly changing design, it is no longer collapsible, but solid. Corner that is attached to Mauerlat has a loop in the central part. The guide is inserted into it, which, in turn, is attached to the rapid leg.

In both embodiments (sliding and rigid) are shown in the video clip:

Another essential assembly of a rafter farm is the attachment node of the rafted in the skunk part. In private house-building for these purposes, the following embodiments are most often used:

  • vansel;
  • jack;
  • with the help of a word inwards.

The molding of the mustache is considered the easiest option. The upper edges of paired rafaline simply impose on each other. Then in both ends, the hole is performed and the connection is fixed with a pin or bolt with a nut.

To connect the end, the top ends of the rafting feet are spilled at an angle in order to appear to combine the cut surfaces. The mount is performed using nails, which are clogged into the end of the skate part through both rafting legs. To additionally fix the nice compound, use wooden horizontal lining or metal plates, which are applied over the connection from two sides of the farm.

Connecting in hardwood provides for preliminary drinking at the upper ends of the stringinille for half the thickness of the bar. This allows you to combine rafyroids in a skate as the details of the designer, without increasing the thickness of the skate assembly (as happens when the flasure is connected). After combining parts, they are fixed with nails, bolts or brazers.

In addition to the described methods, there are other, less common. For example, the connection "Schip-groove". It is not popular because it requires great professionalism from a carpenter. The essence of the fastening is that in one line, the groove is performed, and the spike is cut on the other. Schip and grooves are combined and bonded by nailting or brazen.

One of the possible connections of Stropilin in the skate (online, through the ski run) is considered in the video:

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden rafters

However, there are no special difficulties with wood and installation of wooden rafters. In addition, there are other advantages of using wood, as a material for rafters:

  • low cost of wood;
  • widespread availability;
  • relatively low weight, simplifying installation;
  • there is no need to attract heavy construction equipment;
  • universality, the possibility of applying on buildings from any material, and, regardless of the bearing capacity of the foundation.

The shortcomings of the choice of wooden rafters are insignificant, but they also need to know "in the face" before the start of construction:

  • the need to process protective means that prevent the fire and rotting of the tree, as well as the "attractiveness" reduces its "attractiveness" for different insect pests;
  • the use of wooden rafters is possible only on spans up to 14-17 m, for wider spans, it is recommended to use metal or reinforced concrete;
  • somewhat reduced service life, compared with metal or reinforced concrete farms.

Thus, all disadvantages are rather characteristics than real negative parties. This explains such a wide spread of wooden rafters in private house-building.

When building one-storey houses, the roof with two slopes is very popular. This is explained by the construction rate. On this parameter with a duplex, only single one can compete. In the device, the two-tie rafting roof is not too complicated. And you will successfully mastered this work yourself.

Construction of a soling system of a two-sheet roof

The duct roof consists of two inclined surfaces, which have a rectangular shape. Due to this precipitation, which are represented by rain and melt water, flow from the roof naturally. The duct roof has a rather complicated design. It consists of such constructive nodes: Mauerlat, System of rafters, Falkets, Konk, Svet Roof, Liezhalan, Spa, Tightening, Disease and Racks:

  1. Maurylalat. This element performs the function of transmitting and distributing the load created by the rafted system, on the bearing walls of the house. For the manufacture of Maurolalat, the timber is used, which has a square cross section - from 100 to 100 to 150 by 150 mm. It is better to use coniferous wood. The timber is placed around the perimeter of the construction and secure to the external walls. For fastening use special rods or anchors.
  2. Slinge foot. The rafters form the main frame of any roof. In the case of a bartal roof, they form a triangle. The rafters are responsible for the uniform transmission of loads on Mauerlat. First of all, those that arise from precipitation, wind and the weight of the roof itself. For the manufacture of rafters, boards are used, which have a cross section of 100 by 150 or 50 to 150 mm. Choose a step of rafted about 60-120 cm, depending on the type of roofing material. When using heavy coverage, plump legs place more often.
  3. Konk. This element connects two skates at the top of the roof. The horse is formed after connecting all the rafter feet.
  4. Fakes. They actually continue the rafted and form a row of a row roof. The Falkets are customary, if the rafter legs are very short and do not allow the formation of sv. To make this constructive node, take a board that has a smaller cross section than raftered. The use of the mare facilitates the construction of the charter system, as it allows the use of short rafters.
  5. Eaves. This part of the construct of the rafter system of the bone roof is responsible for the removal of water during the rain from the walls and at the same time prevents them from wetting and rapid destruction. From the wall of Sve, as a rule, performs 400 mm.
  6. Sill. It is located on the inner wall and serves to evenly distribute the load from the roof racks. For the manufacture of liter, a bar is used, which has a cross section 150 by 150 or 100 per 100 mm.
  7. Racks. These vertical elements are responsible for the transfer of the load from the skate on the inner walls. To create this element, prepare the bar, which has a square section 150 to 150 or 100 per 100 mm.
  8. Truck. They are needed to transmit loads from rafted to carrier walls. Spa and tightening form a solid construction called a farm. Such a device is intended to withstand loads for large spans.
  9. Tightening. This constructive node together with rafters forms a triangle. It does not allow the rafters to disperse in different directions.
  10. Obsek. This design consists of boards and bars. They are attached perpendicular to the rafters. The case is necessary for the uniform distribution on the rafted weight of the roof coating and loads created by weather phenomena. In addition, the lamp is required to bonded rafters. With the arrangement of a soft roof to create a crate, not boards and bars should be used, and moisture-resistant faeer.

Varieties of the rafting system of the bone roof

There are divertillary rafaling systems with hanging and sprinkling rafters. Ideally, the design contains their combination. Hanging type rafters are customary, if the external walls are located at a distance, which is less than 10 m. Also, there should no longer be the walls that share the space of a residential building. The design with hanging rafters creates a driving force transmitted to the walls. It will be able to reduce if you arrange a tighten from a tree or metal and place it at the base of the rafter.

The rafters and tightening at the same time form a rigid geometric shape - a triangle. It is not capable of deforming with loads that turn out to be in any directions. The tighten will be stronger and more powerful if it is located above. Things protrude beams overlap. Due to their use, the hanging rafter system of the duct roof acts as the basis for the arrangement of the attic floor.

Sweet rafters in their design have a support beam, which is placed in the midst. It is responsible for the transfer of the weight of the whole roof to the intermediate column of the support or the middle wall located between the outer walls. It is recommended to install spree rafters if the outer walls are placed at a distance of more than 10 m. If columns are present instead of the inland walls, you can alternate the sling of the change and hanging type.

Two-tie rafter system with his own hands

The roof should be durable to withstand various loads - atmospheric precipitation, wind gusts, human weight and roofing coating itself, but with it and easy to not have a large pressure on the walls of the house. Properly organized duct rafting roof evenly distributes the load on all bearing walls.

Calculation of a double roof

The choice of inclination of the duplex roof will depend on the material that you have chosen for laying on the roof, and architectural requirements:

  • When erecting a double roof, remember that it should be tilted at an angle of more than 5 degrees. It happens that the inclination of the roof comes up to 90 °.
  • For areas with abundant sediments, and when the roofing is easily fitted, make cool rods. In this situation, the angle should be 35-40 ° so that the precipitate cannot be delayed on the roof. But such an angle does not allow the residential premises in the attic. The output will be the broken design of the roof. It will have a common upper part, and on the bottom - there is a sharp slope.
  • In the regions with strong gusts of the wind, gender roofs are equipped. If constant wind is dominated in the area, then make a slope of 15-20 ° for high-quality roofing protection.
  • It is best to choose the average option. Cut the batch roof is not too cool. But also the tilt must be not very gentle.
  • When choosing a large roof angle, its sailboy increases, and, accordingly, the price of the rafter system of the bone roof and the crates. After all, such a slope entails an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and, accordingly, the number of necessary material - construction and roofing.

When buying materials for the construction of a duplex roof it is useful to calculate its area:

  1. Find the area of \u200b\u200bone row of construction, and then the result is double.
  2. Ideally, the skate is a tilted rectangle, which is placed along the long carrier wall. To determine the skate area, multiply its length to width.
  3. The length of the skate is equal to the length of the wall. In addition, the length of the roof layer over the fronton is added to the length. Remember that the protrusions are present on both sides.
  4. The width of the skate is the length of the rafting leg. It adds the length of the roof of the roof over the bearing wall.

In order to properly design the design, it is recommended to carry out the exact calculation of the solid system of the two-tie roof, including to determine the loads and characteristics of the rafted:

  1. When the roof is erected for a standard building, which has one floor, the project load on the roof will consist of two values. The first of these is a roof weight, the second is the load from external factors: precipitation and wind.
  2. The weight of the roof is calculated by folding the weight of each layer of "pie" - heat-insulating, vapor insulating and waterproofing materials, a rafter system, crates and directly roofing material. Calculate weight per 1 m2.
  3. Increase the result by 10%. You can also take into account the correction factor. In our case, K \u003d 1,1.
  4. If you plan to change the roof design over time and increase the angle of inclination, then laid the safety margin. Take immediately higher loads than those you received at the time of calculation. It is recommended to repel from the value that is 50 kg per 1 m2.
  5. When calculating the load, which is atmospheric phenomena, take into account the climatic features of the terrain where the structure is located. With this calculation, take into account the inclination of the slope. If the two-screw roof generates an angle of 25 degrees, then take a snow load equal to 1.
  6. If the roof is equipped with a larger slope - up to 60 degrees, the correction coefficient reaches 1.25. Load from snow for an angle is no longer taken into account.
  7. The rafters transmit all the load from the created design on the bearing walls. Therefore, their parameters must be taken appropriate. Select the section and the length of the legs of the rafter, depending on the active load on the roof and the angle of the skate. The obtained values \u200b\u200bincrease by 50% to ensure the high stock of strength.

Maurelat installation methods

The construction of any roof begins with Maurolalat mounting:

  • If logs or a bar were used to build walls, then the upper bar and will perform with Mauerlat, as shown in the photo of the rafting system of the bone roof.
  • If you used brick walls for the construction of walls, then mold rods from metal into the laying. They must have a chopped thread for attaching Mauerlat. Install the rods every 1-1.5 m. Choose the rods with a diameter of at least 10 mm. Between Masonry and Mauerlat, laid waterproofing.
  • For walls from ceramic or foam concrete blocks, pour on top of the concrete. Be sure to make a layer reinforced. It must have a height of approximately 200-300 mm. To the reinforcement, be sure to attach metal rods that have threads.
  • For Mauerlat, use a bar, which has a 15-minute cross section. It will act as a kind of foundation for the rafter system.
  • Place the Mauerlat on the upper wall of the wall. Depending on its design, Mauerlat can be laid through the outer and the inner edge. Do not place it close at the very edge, as otherwise it can disrupt the wind.
  • Mauerlat is recommended to be located on top of the waterproofing layer. To connect all parts to one piece, use bolts and metal linings.
  • To avoid savings, make a lattice from racks, dysprokes and a riglel. To do this, take the boards of 25x150 mm. The angle between the pitch and the foot of the rafter is if possible should be direct.
  • In the case of using too long rafting legs, install another support. She should rely on the ice. Each element binds to two adjacent. As a result, a steady design is created throughout the perimeter of the roof.

Fastening of rafter feet

The best variant of the solo system of the two-tie roof is a combination of rafted inclined and hanging type. This design allows you to create a reliable batch roof and reduce the cost of building materials. Take into account the recommendations when working:

  1. As a material, use only the highest quality wood. Beams that have cracks and knots, use categorically impossible.
  2. The rafters have standard dimensions - 50x150x6000 mm. When the beams have a length of more than 6 m, it is recommended to increase the width of the board so that the beams under their own weight left. Take the boards width180 mm.
  3. First make a rafting leg pattern. Attach the chalkboard to the beam of overlapping and the end of the skate bar. Out of two lines, disconnect the board on them. The template is ready.
  4. Cut the rafter by such a template. After that, do the upper drink on them.
  5. Take the resulting workpiece, bring it to the overlap beam to mark the bottom hub.
  6. Install all rafters. At the same time, remember that after installing one leg, it is necessary to immediately install it opposite. So you will quickly remove the side loads on the ski bar.
  7. If the slope is too long, then standard boards are not enough for the manufacture of a rafter foot. In this case, you can smack two boards with each other. To do this, our trimming of the wood of a similar section. It must have a length of 1.5 - 2 meters. According to the diagram of the solo system of the bone roof, the joint must always be at the bottom. Under it, install an extra rack.
  8. Slinged to the skate bruster to attach with nails. To mount rafters to the beam of overlapping, use the screws. Also fit the mounting plates made of metal. In addition, several nails are added.
  9. If you build a design solely from hanging rafters, then skip the following step. When the design is erected with sputum rafters, it is necessary to think about the supports that are installed by the floor. To reduce the magnitude of the deflection of the rafter, calculate the location of such supports correctly.
  10. If you build a duplex roof, intermediate racks will be a frame for side walls.
  11. When performing this work, withstand a specific beam step. Its size is set at the design stage.
  12. After mounting rafters, attach a horse. It is located at their top edge. For fastening, metal corners or brackets are used. Bolts are very popular.

Giving stiffness design

After installing the sling system of the bone roof, strengthen it according to the following technology:

  • For small buildings that are saunas, cottages, household structures, and the roofs with the simplest hanging system of the rafter connect each pair of rafted from the bottom with the help of the tightening, and from above - using the riglel.
  • For large buildings, which, together with this, are light, arrange not a heavy roof. It must be withstanding the walls.
  • If the house has a width of 6-8 m, then the design should be tightened. Install in the middle of the support. Such racks are called grandmas. Hold them every pair of rafter feet.
  • If the walls of the wall reaches 10 meters, then the strengthening beams will be needed. Podcovas act as an additional support for rafting legs on the tightening. They are fixed to each rafter - closer to the skate or in the middle of the rapid leg. Build them with the lower end of grandmother and with each other, as shown on the video about the rafting system of the bone roof.
  • In a situation with long roofs, the front-distance beams should unload. This is done by mounting the separations. The upper end must rest in the angle of the front. The bottom is mounted on the central beam of overlapping. For fasteners, use a bar that has a large cross section. So you can prevent them if we have strong wind gusts.
  • In the area where wind predominate, rafters should be resistant to such effects. Strengthen them by mounting diagonal connections. The boards are nailed from the bottom of one rafter to the middle of the next.
  • For greater hardness when creating the most responsible fasteners, it is better not to use nails. Use for this lining and metal fasteners. Nails will not be able to provide high-quality mount, as wood is capable of expanding after a while.

Disease of the rafter system

The final stage of the device of the solo system of the two-tie roof is the creation of a crate. It is on it that you will lay roofing. Work in such a sequence:

  1. Select dry bar for the crate. It should not be cracks and bitch. Bring the bars below. At the skate, attach two boards so that no gaps occur. The cheek must withstand the severity of the upper roofing material and not be fed under the weight of the workers.
  2. If you are equipped with a soft roof, make two layers of trim. One - rarefied, second - solid. The same applies to the rolled roof. To begin with, parallel to the skate bruster place the boards, which have a thickness of 25 mm and a width of no more than 140 mm. A small gap is allowed - no more than 1 cm. Top to put a solid layer. To do this, it is better to use roofing fane, rails or a small thickness boards. After that, check the errors in the crate to be left - irregularities and bitch. Also check that nails hats stick out.
  3. Under the metal tile, put one layer of timber. It must have a cross section of 50 by 60 mm. In the same way, do when using slate or roofing sheets of steel. Withstand between the bar, the step, depending on the roofing chosen by you - from 10 to 50 cm. Scroll nails closer to the edges of the board, and not in the middle. Hats drive deep into. So they will subsequently will not be able to damage the roof. If you make a crate for metal tile, then remember that the connection of the bar on the same level should fall on the rafter.

When you installed and enhance the rafting system of the bone roof, you can install roofing pie. Place the heat-insulating material, a layer of vapor insulation and waterproofing between the rafters. When using the insulation in the plates, calculate the step of the rafter under its laying. At the final stage, fasten the roofing material.

The roof of the building protects it from the cold, rain and wind. This is the same important element as the outer walls and the foundation. The rafting system is the carrier roof frame. She takes on all loads: from structures, from snow and wind. So that no problems arise during operation, the roof design of the house should be durable and reliable. The installation of the rafter system should be carried out only after careful preparation and study of all the necessary information.

Roof and roofing

Before starting the device of the roof of a private house, you need to distinguish between two concepts. Non-professionals are often confused, but the builders clearly separate the determinations of the roof and roof. The roof is the whole design that separates the building from the street from above. The construction of the roof of the private house includes rafters, all other bearing elements, thermal insulation material, roofing.

Rafyl - carrying roof structures

The roof is the upper part of the roof. It is roofing. The roofing device requires a careful selection of material. After all, it is from him that the reliability of waterproofing and the comfort of living will depend on it.

System requirements

To properly mount the rafter system with your own hands, you need to consider a specific set of rules. Without their accounting, the structure will not be able to effectively resist negative impacts from the outside.

First of all, it is worth considering the strength. All items must withstand the load without destruction.. The device of the rafting roof system involves the preliminary calculation of the supporting structures in the first limit state. It is he who checks the elements of the rafter system for strength.

The rafter system must be durable and tough

Second requirement - rigidity. The maximum deflection is taken into account here. The design of the roof of a wooden house or any other should not be saved too much. Permissible deformations in the middle of the span are equal to the length of this span, divided into 200. Before starting the construction, the construction of the rafter system should be calculated on the second group of limit states - on rigidity.

The rafaling of the roof is made with their own hands, taking into account the design to have a small weight. Otherwise, the load on the walls and foundations is growing. It is for this reason that the wood was widespread as the main material. The wooden rafter system has sufficient strength, but weighs relatively a bit. Attention should be given not only to the design of the roof, but also to correctly choose the roofing material. He should not be too heavy. Ceramic tile lost its popularity not only because of the cost, but also due to the fact that the roof of the house, its walls and foundations should be enhanced under it.

The weight of the roofing material for the wooden rafter design should not be too large

Special requirements are presented to the quality of the material. The manufacture of wooden elements should be performed only from good raw materials. It is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • For the main elements, wood 1 or 2 varieties are used. 3 Grade can only be applied to the crate and other small parts.
  • The rafting structures of the pitched roofs are recommended to be made from coniferous rocks. They have greater resistance to rotting and other troubles because they contain resin. With the same cross section, the allowable span for hardwood will be less.
  • Previously, all the elements are necessarily treated with an antiseptic. Such a preparation step allows preventing many troubles in the future. Also, if desired, you can treat the tree with antipirens. This will increase the resistance to fire.
  • It is better to buy wood from the northern regions, which is harvested in the winter. It is such a material that has the highest quality.

Parts of construction

The scheme of the rafter system includes a plurality of elements. To understand the drawings and correctly perceive information, you need to know at least the main of them. So what is the roof?

Horse, cornice and rods - the main part of the roof

First of all, it is a horse, eaves and rods. These elements are the main parts.. The horse is the most upper part of the design. Corvenis or Sve - bottom. Skates are inclined surfaces that are located between the skate and the cornice.

The construction of the rafter system requires knowledge of carrier elements. These include:

  • Mauerlat - Bar, which is placed on the edge of the walls of the building. Mauerlat is needed to evenly pass the load from the rafter feet, which are based point. Typically, it is used for its manufacture, a timber is used with dimensions of 150x150 mm or 200x200 mm (for large buildings).
  • Slinged legs are sloping beams that transmit the load from their own weight of the roof, snow and wind to Mauerlat. Such beams are usually installed from the skate to the cornice. But when the hip roof is erected, elements that have only one of the specified points appear. They are based on the horse or on the cornice. Such details are called nurses. They usually have the same cross-section as rafters. In fact, these narcents are cropped on one side of the rafter legs.
  • Run - beam on which the roof elements are based on. Run can be installed under the rack. Another option is the ski run (Rigel). It relieves rafters at the top point. The proceed cross section depends on its span, is usually taken 200х200 mm.
  • Sound legs are needed only for holm roofs. They are diagonal rafters relying on Mauerlat in the corners. The section is accepted enlarged, usually 150x200 or 100x200 mm.
  • The design of a wooden roof assumes the presence of tighters, ducts and racks. They are designed to reduce the burden on the main elements. When building a house with your own hands it is important to remember that the racks can not be described on the span of overlaps. Installation is possible only on the underlying walls or on the runs, percked between the walls. Mounting such elements on the overlap can only be possible if it is designed for such a load and reinforced in the desired zone.
  • Doom Need to make the base under the coating. For metal tile and folded roof, the doom can be sprinkled from a 32-40 mm thick boards. For bituminous tiles, a solid base of 25-32 mm thick boards or plywood moisture resistant is needed.
  • In order to make the carnis departure, install the kills. They become a continuation of the rafted. The fastening of the falcue to the rafter is performed for a length of at least 1 m. The element cross section is usually taken 50x100 mm.
Carrier elements of a hip roof

Another element of the rafter system is a farm. This is a solid design that consists of rafters, tensions, dies and racks, rigidly interconnected. The farm has a triangular shape, and within a few smaller triangles inside, which ensures good stability.

Forms of roofs

The roofs of the pitched roofs are different forms. It is worth highlighting here:

Types of Stropil

Two designs are distinguished:

  • with urban rafters;
  • with hanging rafters.

The wooden house roof device is possible only using the first. This is caused by two rules:

  • hanging rafters must be attached to Mauerlata rigidly;
  • in a wooden house, rafters must be attached to Mauerlata hinged.

The two of these statements contradict each other, so the rafter system of the wooden house may contain only the rolling elements.

Only sprinkled rafters are mounted in a wooden house.

Cover beams are elements that are based on Mauerlat at the bottom point and on the ski run in the upper. This allows you to reduce the horizontal space that acts onto the wall when the rafters are trying to disperse and take a horizontal position. Elements can be reinforced with racks or pins. Fight in this case can be placed through one pair of legs.

Hanging tanks are based only at the bottom point at Mauerlat. At the top, they simply rest in each other. So that the system from the wooden elements does not dispersed, necessarily draw tightening. It is better to install them for each pair of legs. This option is characterized by a strong action of the retrieve on the outer walls, but it allows you to get more free space inside the attic.


Before making a rafter system with your own hands, you need to carefully study the nodes. To build your home, you should not save time or money. Only in this case the result will delight for many years.

Basic connecting nodes

The attachment assemblies of the rafter system of the roof, which deserve special attention, are presented as follows:

  • mounting Mauerlat to the wall;
  • fastening rafted to Mauerlat;
  • fastening rafters at the top point;
  • splicing rafters in length.

Maurylalat to the wall

This node can be performed in several ways. The choice largely depends on the material of the wall. Construction of a building from brick, blocks or concrete allows you to use the following methods:

  • on wire;
  • on brackets;
  • on studs;
  • on the anchor with the device of the monolithic belt on the edge of the wall.

Connection of Mauerlat with a wall in the construction of brick buildings is performed using anchors

Rafters to Mauerlat

Fasteners are carried out in two ways:

  • rigidly for buildings from brick, concrete or concrete blocks;
  • hinged for wooden houses.

Hard fastening can be with a wrinkle or without it. Wide recommended to do on rafters, and not on Mauerlat, as it loosens it. In both cases, the leg is rigidly fixed with nails, screws, brackets or metal corners.

With a hard fastening of the word, it is better to do on rafters and fix the design with fasteners

For hinge attachment use a special detail - Salazki. They allow the beam without obstacles to shuffle in the shrinkage of the walls of the building.

Hinged connection gives the beam the possibility of offset

Additionally, the rafting legs are attached to the wall. It is necessary so that the roof does not break the wind. For mounting, a twist of two wires with a diameter of 4 mm are used, fixed into the wall on the anchor or the ERS. In a wooden house, a twist can be replaced with brackets. The mount is carried out on each beam or through one.

In the level of the skate

Curvas elements are based on the ski run with wrinkle. Optionally, on both sides make a lining from the board. The pad is needed for hanging elements. It can be wooden or metal with screw holes.

Skown run and rafters are connected by wrinkling

Splicing timing

There are several methods of splicing rafters on the roof with their own hands. The choice between them largely depends on the experience of the wizard. The splicing place is located at a distance of 0.15 of the flight of flight from the support. At the same time, the supports are considered not only the skunk run and Maurylalat, but also the soot and racks.

Splicing rafters in length

Severate five ways:

  • butt joint;
  • oblique harbor;
  • messenger;
  • composite legs;
  • paired legs.

To build a high-quality roof, you need to carefully examine the technology, choose the right type of rafters and connecting elements in important nodes. This is especially important when the rafter system is erected with his own hands.

Almost any modern roof of a low-rise building is built on a rafter system of the frame. In the theory, the roof device can be performed in the form of a flat ceiling overlap. But the simple manufacture of the design of such a roof is leveled by a mass of deficiencies, it will take a solid increase in the thermal insulation layer and ensuring forced removal of snow and rain - melt water. Even when building garages or housekeepings to such a roof device is resorted in extreme cases, preferring a more complex rafter.

Why rafal systems are so popular

The rafter system appeared as the result of natural selection among the many different design options. The modern device of the rafting roof system is based on several basic design elements:

  • The rafting frame, which is a set of beams of the same length, forming the plane of the roof slide. The rafters are stacked symmetrically "shalashik", the upper edge on the highest horizontal part of the frame - the ski run, and rest on the Maurylalate-hungry board, sewn on the upper horizontal plane of the brick box of the building;
  • The base or fastening system, which relies with the rafter frame, consists of Maurolalat, Lee and Beam ceiling overlap on the top of the building walls. Thanks to such a device, the load from the weight of the roof and the rafter is per allocated, is aligned and transmitted to the internal and outer walls of the house;
  • The roofing makeup in conjunction with additional power elements - pins, retractable, the riglels serves to give additional stiffness with rafting beams.

For your information! In addition, the base of the crate is formed the basis for laying roofing.

For the device of the rapid system of the roof of a low-rise building, pine logs and bars are traditionally used. This allows you to provide a lung and at the same time a rigid roof device. Attempts to replace the wooden bar with a steel profile lead to weight gain and the cost of the rafter system at least two to three times, and due to numerous cold bridges, it will be necessary to lay an additional layer of thermal insulation.

One of the most popular rafter systems is a device in the form of a two or four-tie roof with a paired arrangement of rafters. In this case, the framework of symmetric power elements perfectly perceives the load in the vertical and transverse direction relative to the skate run.

If the preferential direction of winds on this area is approximately the same, then the longitudinal force arising from the air flow is most often compensated, folding the frontones of the brick. With a strong and changeable wind, a four-piece hollow design is more rationally.

Device and features of the rafter system

It is clear that the use of the rafter technology is directed to the formation of roofing rods with the tilt of the slope for this area. The steeper the angle of inclination, the faster and easier removes rainwater and snow.

To estimate the load, you can use the information of the meteorological service on the power and maximum pressure of the snow layer on a square flat roof meter for different regions of the country.

For the rafter system, the load on the elements of the rafter system is reduced, based on the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof:

  1. For options with an angle of inclination to 10-20, the reduction in the pressure of the snow mass is extremely slightly, on average, an effort of 80-90% of the value for a flat surface accounts for low roof;
  2. For the rods of the roof mounted under the inclination in 25 o, the load will be 70% of the "flat" value, whereas for an angle in 65 on the pressure of the snow will decrease by 70-80%;
  3. On the sharp rods, the pressure is not taken into account at all, in this case the calculation of the strength of the rafter system is made on the basis of wind load.

Important! Even a small one-storey house, with an inclination of roofing rods in 45o, located in the middle lane of Russia, at a high level of precipitation gets an additional burden of snow reaching 5 tons.

Therefore, even in small cottages and houses, a log or a bar is used as a material for the device of the rafter system, a cross section of at least 100-150 mm.

Types of rafter systems

The design of the rafting roof frame system is most often performed according to the scheme with hanging or sprinkling rafters. The use of a specific scheme is determined by the set of factors, among which the size of the house and the ceiling overlap play the size of the house and the septum, the nature of the use of the attic room.

The main differences between the urban and hanging rafters are reduced to the following:

In the case of a free landing of the end of the rafter on the ski run, each pair of beams of a two-sheet roof is not bonded between themselves, but is crashed across the sliding pattern. At the bottom of the rafting legs are attached to Mauerlat in the form of a rigidly fixed hinge, with a bolted connection or nails. Under the load, such a device works like a faithful rafter system, due to the fact that any vertical or lateral force on the rafter system does not lead to the appearance of horizontal driving forces at the Mauerlate.

Important! An important feature of such a framework is the minimum driving effect on the walls of the house, which is unusually important for wooden houses from a bar or logs. But the practical assembly of such a design requires the most accurate and careful observance of the size and accuracy of the installation of elements.

In the second case, the sloping beams at the skate run are fastened with rigidly enhancing overlays made of metal or board, approximately as in the case of hanging rafters. The lower edge is installed on a Mauerlat with a cut on the supporting surface rafter and side guides that prevent twisting board or timber.

Nodes of the rafter system

To provide the necessary strength of the device rafters, especially for buildings with spans more than 8-9 m long, it is required to use logs and a large thickness bar, which makes the roof frame assembly with a very heavy and expensive occupation. It is easier and more efficient to establish additional power elements compensating for the deflection or transmitting the bulk of the effort to less loaded parts of the frame.

For example, two main elements and vertical racks are used to compensate for the deflection of the rafting leg. Depending on the device of the rafter system, power racks can be installed in the central part and maintain the ski run, making part of the load from the frame weight. Elements can be combined with pins in the middle part of the rafted, thereby transmitting the load from the side drives to the tightening or a liter - longitudinal brushes based on the ceiling overlap or internal capital walls. The saws are not crashed into the body of the rafter, but are attached with nails, bolts, self-drawing through steel plates or wooden lining.

The second most popular element for enhancing hanging rafters is either raised tightening. This element allows to reduce the horizontal cutting effect of the rafter and the entire system, in contrast to the previous ones, works for stretching, so the device is attached to the side surface of the rafted using a tricky self-tight node called semi-demurbum.

For sprinkling rafting beams, a similar element is used, called the scratch. If the framework of the frame, length and thickness of the rafter beams do not provide adequate stability of the triangle, in this case it has to be installed an additional horizontal strut. This method of strengthening the system is effective to counteract uneven asymmetric loads, for example, a strong oblique shower or sharp impacts.

To obtain a long ceiling timber or tightening, more than 8 m long, often have to splict two six-meter pieces according to the diagram shown in the figure.

One of the problems characteristic of hanging rafters with a large length of the span may be a deflection in the center of the base of the ceiling overlap. In this case, resort to the suspension device or grandmother. Despite the external similarity with the rack, this element works on stretching, so its cross section can be significantly less. When installing a grandmother, it is necessary to provide a tension device, allowing you to choose gaps and align the tightening deflection.

The fastening of the elements of the rafter system in nodes and connections, as a rule, is performed using nails 150-200 mm, clogged at different angles and a distance from the edge of the bar. On the reverse side, the nail is bent with a break. Such a fastener device allows you to avoid the effect of "self-drawing" nailing from landing into a log or a bar. If a timber is used in the rafter system, the connection will be most convenient to connect with overhead steel profiled plates, corners and holders.

In some cases, the use of such devices allows you to perform a temporary or pre-assembly of rafter beams on self-stairs, accurately extinct the size and location of the margins, and only after that make a capital fastener.