Repair Design Furniture

Remedy for dandelions on the site. The fight against dandelions on the site - ready-made and folk remedies. Chemical way to destroy dandelion

The pride of a huge number of gardeners is rightfully their lawn. It is not so easy to keep it in perfect condition, cutting fast-growing grass in a timely manner, ruthlessly destroying weeds and masking the resulting bald spots by sowing lawn grass in the appropriate areas. A plant such as a dandelion can especially annoy the owner of the lawn: if its seeds were brought to the lawn once, then it will not be so easy to get rid of it.

How to deal with dandelions: a mechanical way to get rid of weeds on the lawn

It may seem to a person who has never encountered this misfortune that there is no problem: it is enough to mow the grass on the lawn in a timely manner, and then the sunny yellow dandelions will not be discordant with the main green background. Unfortunately, this weed grows very quickly, and you can miss the moment when the dandelion flowers turn into fluffy white hemispheres, the seeds from which, at the first breath of a breeze, will spread throughout your site.

You can get rid of dandelions in your lawn by mechanically destroying each of the plants. To do this, it is not enough just to pull the weed out of the ground: the dandelion has a very long - 20-25 cm - and at the same time a fragile root, and even if a small part of it remains in the ground, then the amazing ability of the dandelion to regenerate will very soon turn the remnants of the root into a full-fledged adult plant. Thus, each instance of a dandelion on your lawn must first be dug up well, and only then removed from the ground. The remaining bald spots in the lawn after this should be sown with the seeds of the lawn grass you usually use.

Getting rid of dandelions on the lawn with the help of chemistry

Many gardeners use the achievements of the modern chemical industry to control weeds on their site. With regard to dandelions, for example, Roundup and Lontrel-300 preparations are especially effective, but ordinary vinegar, well evaporated to increase the concentration of acetic acid poisonous to this weed plant, is also suitable. It is best to carry out the procedure for getting rid of dandelions on your lawn in early autumn.

Do not mow the lawn for a couple of days before chemical treatment; do not do this for about a week after you have treated all the weeds. Apply the drug of your choice on dandelions dotted - it is most convenient to do this with a brush with a soft bristle. Over the next week after chemical treatment, the substance gradually moves through the plant from its foliage to the root system, which causes its complete death. After removing the withered weeds from the soil, re-sow the formed "bald patches" in the lawn with grass.

Ways to deal with dandelions.

Dandelion is a very pretty plant with beautiful yellow flowers. This plant propagates with the help of seeds attached to parachutes. Despite their small size, dandelion roots grow well, the seeds also fly long distances.

This plant is very hardy. Many gardeners mow flowers and place them in a compost heap. If the peduncles are shallowly submerged, then even in this heap seeds appear after a while. And already as the fertilizer is distributed, these seeds are spread throughout the site.

Dandelion Control Methods:

  • Weeding
  • herbicides
  • Folk methods

Herbicides can be considered the most effective, but most often they also affect cultivated plants. That is why processing is carried out in the fall after harvest. At this time, you should not worry about the safety of crops and the purity of the leaves. These drugs include Tornado, Roundal.

There are many non-standard methods of weed control. Folk recipes have always been popular because of their cheapness.

Folk methods:

  • Salt. It is necessary to sprinkle around the weed with ordinary table salt. After that, watering is carried out. If the roots of the plant are close to the surface, then the weed will soon die.
  • Vinegar. A sprayer is required for processing. It is necessary to collect a little vinegar in it and sprinkle dandelions. Acid burns the ground part and gets to the roots. It is necessary that vinegar does not get on vegetable crops.
  • Alcohol. This method is of course difficult to use by our gardeners, as alcohol is not used for its intended purpose. It is necessary to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and water all the weeds pointwise. The solution burns out the roots and the plant dies.
  • Blowtorch. A strange method, but many gardeners claim that it works great. Each weed needs to be heated for a few seconds.
  • Feed corn. This is a waste of grain production. It is necessary to pour a little feed grain under each weed.
  • Mulching. This is one of the safest and most effective ways. Vegetable crops are grown up on a dark film. Due to the lack of light, weeds and other crops do not grow.

There are several options for weed removal tools. Each summer resident will be able to choose the method that suits him.

An overview of dandelion root removal tools:

  • Fork. This is a two-pronged contraption that penetrates deep into the ground. With it, you can quickly remove the roots.
  • Mulcher. An interesting and unusual tool that will be needed not only for removing dandelions. It is a device with curved and curved teeth. Only 4 teeth.
  • Rake. A special rake is used to remove the roots of weeds that grow deep into the soil. In form, this is not an ordinary rake. It is necessary to immerse them deep into the ground and turn them 180 degrees. Then remove the rake from the soil. A very effective tool that works purposefully.

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Many summer residents believe that the most effective method of dealing with dandelions is to dig them up. And indeed it is. It is necessary to try so that not a single piece of root remains in the soil. Since this weed germinates perfectly, and a whole rosette will grow from a root of 1 cm.

Ways to destroy dandelions on the lawn:

  • Boiling water. This method is very similar to burning a weed with a lamp. In this case, it is necessary to water the weed with boiling water. This is a point method, you should try not to touch vegetable crops.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It can be purchased at a hardware store. Wear gloves and a respirator. Wear goggles to keep acid out of your eyes. Using a douche, apply a small amount to the dandelion. After a few seconds, it will darken and die.
  • Packages. Cover each weed with a dark bag. It is necessary to fix the bags on the ground. Due to lack of light, the plant will die.
  • Lawn mower. If dandelions grow on the lawn, mow it more often. Don't let the dandelions ripen. Flowers must be cut before seeds appear. Otherwise, they will again spread throughout the site.

Of course, using herbicides is quite dangerous. After all, they have a bad effect not only on weeds, but also on vegetable crops.

An overview of dandelion control products:

  • Lintur. This is a new generation herbicide that fights exclusively with weeds. When hit on the lawn, there will be no bald spots. The tool is practically harmless to the lawn. It is necessary to process in early spring, when dandelions have just sprouted. Or in the fall, after the entire crop is harvested.
  • Lontrel 300. Also an excellent tool that is relatively safe in relation to vegetable crops. It is also worth processing with a vein or in the fall. The most interesting thing is that when it hits the leaves and flowers, the substance penetrates deep into the roots and destroys them.
  • Sniper. An excellent tool that is applied pointwise. This is the main difficulty. Therefore, it is recommended to treat the land with a solution of vodka in early spring, and after the emergence of dandelion shoots, treat it with a herbicide.
  • Fundazol, Ferazim. These chemicals should be treated in the fall, after harvest. Processing is not point, but continuous. Next year in the spring, fertilization with compost and minerals is carried out. These chemicals kill moss, rot and weeds.

Despite the beautiful flowers and harmless appearance, dandelions are quite aggressive weeds that can cause significant damage to the crop.

VIDEO: We remove dandelions

Every gardener knows how difficult it can be to overcome this or that garden weed. It seemed that the summer resident made every effort to forever say goodbye to unwanted vegetation on the plot. But the next year, weeds grow in even rows in the garden again. Unfortunately, this is a very common situation.

It is to such "uninvited" guests that dandelion is attributed. This plant is unpretentious, but the weed seeds spread throughout the area with almost cosmic speed. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the yellow "carpet" in the garden only with the help of effective and proven methods.

Dandelion is a perennial plant

Dandelion belongs to the Compositae family. In total, more than two hundred species of dandelions are known in Russia and the CIS countries. The most common medicinal form. The leaves of this plant are located in the rosette. Dandelion flowers are reed, carefully collected in single baskets. The fruit of the plant is a seed. It consists of a large white cap of many white hairs, as well as a nose.

Small yellow suns on the site do not need pollination, because many plant species apomixis or seed development without a sexual process.

Dandelions grow along roadsides, in parks, on the edges, fields, as well as in household plots and vegetable gardens. A few simple ways will help you say goodbye to dandelion forever.

Methods for getting rid of dandelion in the garden

1. Chemicals

Dandelion is an incredibly hardy plant. Sometimes even the smallest root is enough for a new rosette of leaves to grow out of it. Knowing this feature of plants of the Compositae family, many summer residents immediately purchase herbicides against this type of weeds in a specialized store.

Why are herbicides good? Firstly, they are guaranteed to rid the garden of weeds. Secondly, the gardener does not have to spend a lot of time to weed the entire area. However, when using chemicals, you should be careful and remember to follow the following rules:

  • It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer regarding the processing of the garden. The inept use of chemicals can harm the health of the summer resident and his entire family, as well as pets, plants and the environment.
  • Herbicides should be applied to the soil only after the entire crop has been harvested from the garden. Experienced gardeners process the site no earlier than the second half of September - early October.
  • Preparations are applied to the soil only in dry calm weather. After treatment, animals should be kept away from the site for several days.

To get rid of a dandelion in the garden, a summer resident will be helped by drugs such as Roundup, Tornado, Lontrel, Killex. These drugs are toxic, so if the gardener decides to use them at the very height of the summer season, you need to carefully monitor that drops of the drug do not fall on the leaves of fruit trees, flowers and other cultural plantings.

Recently, such a tool as Litur has become increasingly popular. Its undoubted advantage is that the drug is practically harmless to cultivated garden plantings. It is a systemic herbicide and is capable of destroying dandelions about a month after entering the plants. It acts by contact, through leaves and stems.

Festive video recipe:

"Sniper" - a drug for point application. The drug is applied to the leaves of the plant using an applicator. The chemical acts very quickly, the dandelion begins to fade and finally dies in just a few days. This drug can also be used during the growth of garden plantings. The only thing - "Sniper" has no effect on weed seeds.

2. Vinegar

Many gardeners, skeptical about the use of chemicals, pay attention to folk ways to deal with dandelion. One of these methods is the use of table vinegar. A 5% solution works best. The bite is applied to the soil after the harvest is completed. Having abundantly watered those places where a large accumulation of weeds was noted, gardeners leave the treated area for the winter. Vinegar will penetrate the root system of dandelions in a place with nutrients, and the plant dies.

3. Salt

The treatment of dandelions with a saline solution can also be carried out during the growth and flowering of cultivated garden plantings. To prepare the product, you need to dilute one glass of salt in two glasses of distilled water. This method is suitable for the initial stage, when dandelions have not yet had time to flood the entire garden.

4. Manual removal

This is one of the easiest ways to deal with your favorite weeds in the garden, including dandelions. The method is good if there are not so many weeds on the site. Dandelion must be carefully pulled out of the ground with a root. Not the slightest piece of this weed should remain in the soil. Digging up dandelions by hand is much easier if armed with a shovel. Strictly speaking, manual weed control can take two, three, four years. The main thing is not to stop working and not to let the weed grow throughout the garden.

Dandelion is no easier or harder to deal with than other types of weeds. However, it is worth taking action in time, until these yellow "suns" flooded the entire garden.

The issue of eradicating weeds in a summer cottage is relevant for all gardeners. To save the crop from the invasion of dandelions, you need to work hard. One flower can multiply so much that it will not be easy to get rid of new plantings later. The seeds of this plant are carried by the wind throughout the region. How to remove them from the lawn and prevent reappearance? We'll talk about this.


Dandelion: description

Dandelion is a perennial herb from the Compositae family. Reaches a height of up to half a meter. It has a branched vertical root. Its outer part is painted brown, the inner one is white. The leaves are oblong, pinnately dissected, devoid of edging.

The peduncle has a cylindrical shape, its walls are juicy, the core is hollow. At the ends is a single round basket. The flowers are bright yellow, collected in inflorescences. The fruits of the plant are pubescent seeds. When the wind blows, they scatter. All parts contain thick juice.

Fact. The flowering period of these weeds falls on April or May. The fruiting of this plant lasts from summer to October, so the process of weed control is quite lengthy. With the onset of cold weather, the top of the plant dies off, but the root remains intact, so in the spring it again throws out a fresh rosette of leaves with long peduncles.

Seeds are carried with lightning speed by the wind, settle on moist soil, after which they take root, and soon the emergence of seedlings can be observed. Dandelion is an amazingly hardy plant. A rosette of leaves grows from one pruning of the spine. If placed in a shallow compost heap, they can produce seeds.

Read also:

Types of weeds and methods of dealing with them

Why bright yellow heads are dangerous

At first glance, the dandelion may seem like a harmless colorful flower that symbolizes the arrival of the long-awaited spring. However, things are a little different. If you do not take action and do not eradicate them, they will take all the valuable substances from other crops. As a result, you will have to forget about a generous harvest or not find crops on the site at all.

How to get rid of dandelions in the garden

All experienced summer residents know how to fight weeds in the form of dandelions. Beginners in this business may have difficulties, since the root of this plant is too fragile and long, it is quite difficult to remove it entirely in its entirety. Fresh weeds will grow from its remains. You can destroy them in one of three ways:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • folk remedies.

To quickly eliminate weeds, an affordable method is suitable, which involves digging them up by the roots.

Important! If the removal is carried out mechanically, it is necessary to eliminate the entire root, otherwise the plant will re-grow.

It is not easy to manually remove the roots, so a special tool made of blades will be useful for such work. It is enough to deepen the tool to the place where the dandelion grows and press on the handle. The plant will be fully extracted. Such a tool facilitates the process of pest control.

Read also:

No weeds between flower beds, beds and paths!

Another easy way to remove dandelions is to shear them. It is necessary to deal with it before they are ripe. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the number of plants in the territory. This method will not allow you to get rid of the weed.

You can also deprive the plant of sunlight. It is enough just to cover it with sheets of cardboard or plastic bags. In a few days, he will die.

Application of herbicides

If mechanical methods of dealing with dandelions do not give a positive result, it is advisable to resort to the help of chemicals. We are talking about herbicides, which can be purchased at garden centers. You can also replace them with table vinegar. It contains an acid that acts as a herbicide. For a 100% result, you must use a higher concentration of acid.

If the latter are treated with herbicides, the substance will begin to move more actively to the roots, gradually destroying them. Before spraying, it is necessary to stop mowing lawns, since during the treatment a large part of the leaves should be affected.

Folk methods of dealing with dandelions

Boiling water is required to destroy dandelions using the folk method. It is necessary to scald weeds 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure until such time as they die.

You can also use gluten cornmeal. In this case, dandelions need to be sprinkled before shoots appear. It is recommended to sprinkle the area for a month and a half. Given that the tool gives results during sprinkling, it follows that the procedure should be repeated several times during the growing season. You can kill weeds with salt. This must be done carefully, salt should not get on plants that grow nearby, otherwise they will also be destroyed.

Hydrochloric acid works well. You can buy the drug at a hardware store. You need to wear protective gloves when handling. For spraying, a kitchen syringe is suitable. After that, the flowers will change from yellow to brown and die.

Methods for preventing the appearance of dandelions in the garden

Weed prevention should be done regularly, as they quickly fill the site and it will not be easy to deal with a large number of them in the future. The best prevention is the proper care of the site and the timely detection of pest plants. If you follow these simple rules, the problem of weeds will bypass you:

  • Lawn grass should be cut regularly. Thus, it will act as an obstacle to the germination of weeds.
  • It is undesirable to have empty areas on the lawn, as they will be an ideal place for the propagation of plants. If they appear, they need to be refilled with grass in the fall.
  • The height of the cut grass should be 7-8 cm. It will protect the soil, and weed seeds will not be able to take root, and the sprouts will begin to experience a lack of sunlight.

This article discusses chemical (dandelion herbicides) and mechanical methods of controlling one of the most harmful weeds.

Many site participants are faced with the fact that by May their entire site is overgrown with dandelions. Dandelion is a very insidious weed: only one flower is enough for it to gradually spread throughout the lawn. Its seeds scatter well over long distances and germinate on any uncovered piece of land, which is why there are so many of them. But it is difficult to remove these weeds. The reason for this is their roots: very powerful (they can reach thirty centimeters), but more brittle than other plants, so it is difficult to completely remove them from the soil. What is left can easily grow into a new weed. But enough of the horror stories. If we want to successfully fight unwanted plants, we need to act!


One of the easiest ways to get rid of a dandelion is to dig it up. But this must be done before the weeds begin to bloom, and so that there is no trace of the root. To do this, you need to water the place where the weed grows: it is much easier to extract the dandelion root from moist soil. The soil can also be loosened if the root does not lend itself in any way.

Stores sell special tools designed to dig up dandelions and other weeds. They will help you fight this stubborn weed more successfully!

If weeds have already spread throughout the area, this method of dealing with dandelions will be too long and tedious. You can try once a week to cut off only the upper part of the plant, without touching the root. By repeating this procedure five times, you can thus kill the root.

Dandelion is a weed that is difficult to remove from the site.

Dandelion herbicides

For weed control, sometimes all means are good, especially when they interfere with the cultivation of crops and simply spoil the appearance of the site - this is very important for site participants. Therefore, chemicals, or rather, herbicides, can be used. This is a cruel thing, because it kills all plants. But there are also drugs of selective action. It is not necessary to use fierce herbicides from dandelions - ordinary vinegar can be used to remove them. Moreover, the higher the concentration of acetic acid, the more effective weed control will be.

With the help of evaporation, you can increase the percentage of acidity in table vinegar.

Chemicals should be used in the fall: the fact is that it is at this time of the year that the plant is preparing for wintering, and nutrients from the upper part go to the root. If you poison a plant, the herbicides will go straight to its root. For this reason, it is better not to mow the lawn and dandelions on it a few days before the operation, it is better to do it after.

Another "drug" to fight dandelion: salt. If you sprinkle salt on a flower, after a while only a dark spot remains in this place. But don't overdo it with salt: it can also kill beneficial plants. It must be applied pointwise.

Better to prevent

A good way to deal with dandelions in the lawn is to prevent their appearance. You need to take good care of your lawn. There should not be any bald spots on it: as we have already said, dandelion is a weed that sprouts quickly and easily in unprotected soil. Once a week it needs to be mowed (6-8 cm). You can do it in a variety of ways, or you can do it yourself. Weeds will not appear if there is enough moisture and nutrients in the soil.

A thick layer of turf also prevents dandelions from appearing on the site.

Aesthetics are important, but for a while you can sacrifice lawn tidiness in order to fight weed with all your horticultural strength. Leave the cut grass and leaves on the lawn: they will turn into a large protective barrier. Using this natural mulching material will prevent weeds from germinating.

If no methods of struggle have helped, it is worth looking at the problem differently. In the end, the second name of this plant is “medicinal dandelion”, and its beneficial properties were discovered in ancient China. And in this sense, dandelion certainly cannot be called a weed!