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Autonomous systems of heating of industrial buildings. What kind of heating to choose for large industrial premises. Features of industrial and industrial premises

Heating of industrial buildings is an important issue, which in most cases is solved by non-standard methods. The fact is that such premises are usually created under certain technological processes. And their sizes are individual, unlike residential. Square of such structures may vary from tens to several thousand square meters. At the same time, each has its own height. Often the work area, which must be heated, small.

Features of industrial heating

The heating of industrial premises, in contrast to residential, has some features:

  1. Equipment for heating should have maximum efficiency.
  2. The location of the installations does not play roles, especially from the point of view of aesthetics.
  3. There are buildings where it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature only in certain zones. Others need to be pulled completely.
  4. It is important to take into account the heat loss.

Depending on the premises and needs, suitable equipment is selected.

Effective types of industrial heating

There are a lot of manufacturers offering different industrial heating systems. The most effective of them are considered:

  • steam;
  • water;
  • air;
  • electric.

Consider each in more detail.

Steam heating

Immediately need to clarify that this type of heating is placed in the building, where there is no highlighting of aerosols and combustible gases, as well as constant dust. For example, for the workshops for the production of paving slabs, such heating is not suitable.


  1. Constant high temperature (more often exceeding one hundred degrees).
  2. The room warms up in the shortest possible time. If necessary, it is cooled too quickly.
  3. The number of floors in the construction does not play any role.

Important!Steam heating of industrial enterprises is ideal for periodic warming up.

Like any other systems, this has its drawbacks:

  1. Permanent loud noise during operation.
  2. It is almost impossible to regulate the amount of steam and heat transfer.

If you calculate the installation of equipment for the building in 500 squares and the height of the ceilings in 3 meters, the approximate cost of service in the winter will be from 30 to 90 thousand rubles. Such a diverge difference depends on the frequency of use and fuel.

Water heating

The main component of this heating system used in industrial buildings is a boiler capable of working in almost any form of energy carrier: electricity, gas, liquid and solid fuel. The most economical (for the same room) is considered to be of about 1,300 dollars in season, or stone coal - 1500. Other options are most often worth it, and therefore it is not worth considering.

There are some features of water heating:

  • high pressure;
  • it is possible to maintain the duty temperature, allowing not to freeze the building;
  • in case the room temperature falls to zero - the installation may fail;
  • if the equipment is not used - antifreeze is added.

Air heating

One of the main features of air heating of economic and industrial premises is the ability to produce it on a certain area or throughout the area. This type of heating is characterized by the following factors:

  1. Air always moves.
  2. Permanent filtering and update.
  3. The temperature distribution occurs evenly throughout the reservoir.
  4. Safe for a person.

Basically such installations take the air directly from the room to once again not heat it. After that, it takes place filtering, communicates to the required temperature and again goes inside. This allows you to noticeably minimize costs. But the air is also served outside.

Local industrial heating involves using only internal resources.

The main advantage of such a system is the rapid heating of the room. At the same time, it has a number of flaws:

  1. Hot air according to the laws of physics rises upwards, and the cold remains downstairs. It turns out that at low ceilings, the head of a person will be in a hot area, and his feet in the cold. And only the torso will be normal. This often negatively affects the body, leading to diseases.
  2. Large electricity consumption.
  3. If the installation of local destination, it dries air, because of which it is necessary to additionally use humidifiers.

Electric heating

Heating with this type of energy carrier allows you to use a variety of developments. For example, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise has small sizes, you can install infrared emitters. Such systems are excellent for warehouse.

In addition, thermal curtains have proven perfectly well. Usually they are installed in places where the air can get inside the outside - entrance doors. With the help of heat, a barrier is created that does not allow cold to get into the room. This system is convenient, but it will not always help completely heat the building, so there may be a need for additional equipment. The use of this method will cost the owner of about 7.5 thousand dollars per heating season. So, with such expenses, you can think about choosing another method.

The most effective today many experts consider ceiling systems - innovative technologies that allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. The essential difference between radiant plants is the heating of gender, walls and objects inside the building. At the same time, the air heats up only from them. It turns out that the employees of the leg and the torso are warm, and the head in the coolness. In this regard, it is possible to avoid the development of diseases or colds from workers.

There is a lot of advantages:

  1. Heated local zone.
  2. Long service life without any reconstruction work.
  3. Location at the minimum area.
  4. The technology has a small mass, which is why the installation of industrial heating is performed quickly and simply. Such heating is suitable for any room.
  5. Fast heating provided space.
  6. Such equipment is perfect for buildings that have problems with a sufficient number of electricity.

Sometimes IR heating is installed as wall panels. Such a solution is often used on a hundred, in the hangars and in warehouses of a small height.

Many specialists believe that it is the radiant heaters that are suitable for heating industrial premises better than the rest, since not only accelerate the production process, but also have a favorably affect the health of employees.

What kind, there is a lot of equipment that allows you to give production facilities. They feed on various raw materials and are applied to different situations. The main thing that needs to be done is to determine concrete targets, choose the necessary technology for existing conditions.

In the cold season, the inner part of the production buildings of any size needs to maintain normal temperature. For heating industrial premises, several types of heating system are commonly used. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Which option to choose - will depend on the object, its area and destination.

Due to Russia's harsh climate during cold seasons, production premises need to be missed, supporting in them. To create normal conditions will have to make a lot of effort. This is due to the large size of buildings, the implementation of certain works and the technological equipment placed in them. All these factors complicate the task of installing the heating system.

Despite such difficulties, the heating of industrial premises is still provided. The heating system in such buildings performs several important functions:

  • creates comfortable conditions for staff work;
  • serves protecting equipment from temperature drops, not allowing its supercooling;
  • comfortable microclimate in stock products.

Heating and cooling of high premises. Hoval Air-Injector

Industrial buildings area differ in size and come from dozens to several thousand square meters. These buildings usually have very high ceilings, and the working area in need of heating, small sizes. Unlike residential buildings and apartments, industrial heating has its own characteristics.

Equipment for heating industrial premises should be as efficient as possible. The zone of its location in the building does not matter about aesthetics. There are facilities in which you need to pull a certain zone, but there are also such where it is necessary to heat the entire area. The heat loss is of great importance. The heating system is selected depending on the type and purpose of the room.

After performing the calculation for autonomous heating of industrial premises and enterprises, it is necessary to take into account that it should contain a constant temperature without sharp jumps. In some places there is a need to create separate zones with different levels of heat. When calculating a specific type of system, it is necessary to rely on the following criteria:

All these factors will help determine the need for thermal energy for industrial and industrial buildings. To calculate the heating systems, it is necessary to use a special table. It is also necessary to take into account the specifics of the production, the availability of fuel, its cost, heat engineering calculations.

There are now several heating systems for industrial structures. The most effective are:

  • steam;
  • water;
  • air;
  • electric.

Heating of large rooms

When choosing any of these options, you need to focus on the dimensions of the building, ease of installation and availability of repair if necessary. It is also important to calculate the amount of thermal energy that will be spent on supporting a specific temperature regime.

All of the above-listed types of heating have its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a project, we must take into account technological processes. Working in the shops people will not be able to be indoors if the temperature in it will fall below 10 o C. In warehouses, finished products are usually located. Its quality may suffer from temperature differences, so it needs to create a specific microclimate.

Heating with a steam is characterized by the fact that it cannot be installed in rooms, where there is a separation of combustible gases, aerosols or a permanent dust source. For example, in the production of paving slabs, such a heating system is not suitable. For other Enterprises, heating steam has its advantages. This, for example, a high temperature that keeps constantly. It can warm the room very quickly, but also soon the building is cooled. To maintain heat does not matter the number of floors in the building. This species can be called perfect for periodic heating.

In addition to positive sides, steam heating has its drawbacks. During operation, the equipment makes a strong noise. The second minus is to regulate the heat transfer and the number of steam is very difficult. The cost of the heating season will depend on the frequency of use and type of fuel.

In the heating of hot water, the main component is the boiler. It has a property to work on many types of energy carriers:

  • electricity;
  • liquid or solid fuel;
  • combined view;

The most economical version of the fuel is the gas and stone coal. Other types of consumption will cost more, which is less profitable for heating industrial buildings.

Water heating has its own characteristics. It is highlighted under high pressure, when it is used, it is possible to maintain the desired temperature level so that the construction is not freezing. If in the process of operation, the temperature mark drops to 0 ° C, the installation may fail. When using the heating equipment, antifreeze should be added.

The main advantage of such a system is a quick heating. Nevertheless, besides this plus, there are many flaws. For example, with high ceilings of production buildings, hot air will rise up, and the cold will remain at the bottom. With this heating, a lot of electricity is consumed, the air becomes dry, so it is necessary to moisten it to a normal state.

With the help of electrical devices, you can use a variety of systems. Now many modern developments are increasingly used. For example, infrared emitters Excellent fit under storage rooms.

Also installed thermal curtains, at the expense of which the cold does not fall inside the buildings. Nevertheless, despite all positive qualities, with the help of these devices warm up the whole area will not work, and when using additional equipment, material costs will be high.

The most effective is the ceiling systems. This innovative technology of radiant installations allows you to warm the walls, floors and ceilings of any premises. During operation, a long heating of the local zone occurs, with such a type of equipment takes the minimum area. IR Heating does not need reconstruction work for a long time, the installation of this system occurs quickly and simply (it is sometimes installed in the form of wall panels). According to many specialists, radiant heaters are the most acceptable option for the heating of industrial buildings and premises.

In order for the manufactured products to not lose their qualities, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for its storage in the storage room. In the creation of a suitable microclimate, not only the ventilation and the level of humidity play, but also a comfortable temperature in the building.

Types of heating

The main criterion for choosing a system is fire standards, sanitary and hygienic and technological requirements.


As a rule, the heating of warehouse buildings is carried out with. A feature of such a system is the location of the heat source outside the heated premises.

Central heating system

Depending on the type of coolant used, steam, water, air and combined warehouse heating systems are isolated. The same types of heat supply are used for heating production workshops or hangars.


Depending on the methods of moving the coolant, two types of heating systems are distinguished. One of them is forced circulation, for which certain mechanical instruments are used - fans and pumps.

Scheme of forced heating


There are also heating systems for industrial buildings with natural circulation. In this case, the heating of a warehouse or workshop is based on the principle of the difference in densities of warm and cooled coolants (air or water).

Scheme of natural heating

Characteristics of the room

Choosing a heating system, you should pay attention to some of the characteristics of the building. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling and the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. If the height from the floor to the ceiling is more than 3 m, it is not recommended to use water systems, because They are unable to provide the necessary temperature in large rooms.

The second important indicator is thermal insulation. Insulated walls and ceiling will significantly save funds spent on the heating of the workshop or warehouse. If there is no possibility to avoid heat loss, it is recommended to use heat sources that heat certain working areas.

It should also be considered technological temperature requirements for the storage of raw materials or products.

Varieties of heat system

There are several types of modern heating systems that can quickly and efficiently provide a warehouse, shop or hangar with warmth. All of them must correspond to several criteria: fire safety, high power, efficiency. A detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages of heat supply systems will help make the right choice.


The heat source is used water vapor. It is forbidden to use indoors where combustible gases or pairs can stand out. The main advantages of this method are:

  • quick heating of the heating main;
  • equipment compactness;
  • low pressure in the heating system;
  • minor heat loss in heat exchangers.

However, the heating of a warehouse ferry has significant disadvantages:

  • pipelines are subject to corrosion;
  • the temperature of the coolant must be at least 100 ° C;
  • large heat loss in the pipes.


The optimal option for small production buildings, an area of \u200b\u200bup to 250 m². That is most often the heating of woodworking shops. First, water heating ensures uniform warming of the entire workshop space and maintains a constant air temperature, which is very important for such a material as wood.

Water heating.

Secondly, the waste of the woodworking industry can be used as a fuel material. In addition, the system allows, if necessary, organize hot water supply.
But there are both negative points:

  • for maximum heating, the pipes of large diameters should be used;
  • the air indoors warms slowly;
  • complex and expensive installation.


It is a network of branched channels for which heated air moves. Air heating of the workshop is as follows.

Through special equipment, including filters and fans, the outer air is made. The incoming air masses are heated in a special electrical or gas installation. Next, hot air is distributed across all the working zones of the building using a branched channel system.
The system was highly popular due to its advantages:

  • the absence of radiators and the coolant, which significantly reduces heat loss;
  • Efficiency - up to 95%;
  • compatibility of the heating circuit with ventilation;
  • ability to adjust the temperature mode.

Water infrared panels

To date, another very favorable way is known, with which you can equip the heating of the hangar or any other large room of the utility type - the use of water IR panels.

In this case, the coolant fluid is heated to 160 ° C and enters the emitting tubes located under the ceiling. The infrared emitter effectively dispels heat throughout the volume of heated room. Thus, the equipment is not functioning on convective, but on the radiant principle.

The uniqueness of this equipment is that the air indoor does not heat up. Different types of surfaces are subject to heating, including the surface of equipment, goods, racks, walls, floors, ceilings, and even indoors people.

With the help of water IR panels, it is possible to effectively organize the heating of the workshop in which the welding, carpentry and other production works are performed.

In this case, the purpose of the method is not heated of the room or raw materials, but to ensure the warmth of working personnel.

Main advantages

  • quick and simple installation of the necessary equipment;
  • the possibility of heating of certain local storage areas;
  • minimum thermal losses;
  • durability, reliability and safety;
  • additional functions of noise absorption, lighting and ventilation.

In addition, the heating of a warehouse, a shop or hangar through such a radiator is an economically appropriate process, as the savings reaches 50%, if they carry out parallels with other methods of warehousing heating.

The heating of production buildings has its own characteristics and requires a special approach to the question, and the individual in each particular case. Sources of heat for various methods of heating most often serve industrial boilers operating on different energy carriers. The purpose of this article is to consider the existing systems for the heating of industrial premises, the requirements for them and the types of boiler plants for the production of thermal energy.

Industrial heating systems

To organize heating industrial premises, it is necessary to take into account the cardinal differences in production buildings from residential and administrative. They are as follows:

  • large dimensions and height of the ceilings;
  • low degree of insulation;
  • the presence of many drafts or constantly opening gate openings;
  • the presence of technological equipment separating heat;
  • emissions into the space of the workshops of harmful substances that need to be deleted;
  • the cost of energy for industry is usually higher than for the population.

In addition to these features, industrial heating systems when heating buildings should provide optimal temperatures on workplaces or support the microclimate required for storing a particular product.

Note. The temperature values \u200b\u200bin the workplace are registered in the regulatory documentation, in different countries of the post-Soviet space, these data may differ. As for the conditions for storing products or equipment, it is impossible to list them, it requires an individual approach.

Currently, such systems of industrial buildings are used to create certain conditions in the premises:

  • water;
  • air;
  • infrared heating.

Traditional one - and two-pipe systems, where water is used as a coolant, successfully function in buildings of a small and medium area with a ceiling height of up to 5 m. Although it should be noted that one-tube schemes are inflounted infrequently, since a large length of networks and a large amount of batteries make water industrial Heating ineffective. Usually the role of heating devices play steel registers from smooth pipes or convectors.

In buildings whose ceilings are at an altitude of 5 m and more, water heating with registers becomes inappropriate. Warm air heated by batteries rises into the top zone of the workshop, leaving the lower part where people work cold. At metallurgical and chemical enterprises, water heating of industrial premises will also not be effective, even despite the small height of the housings.

The reason is a large number of harmfulness distinguished during technological processes. They are removed using the help-exhaust ventilation, which is why the air in the workshop is updated 4-10 times an hour, it is impossible to quickly warm its radiators. In practice, 2 systems are combined into one and organized air heating of buildings. Moreover, the entire volume of the room is not warming up, the air of the normalized temperature is supplied from top to bottom to the zone where people are located and work.

Note. To avoid getting out the workshop through the opening gate, air curtains are installed near them.

Large industrial enterprises, for example, tube or metallurgical workshops with a length of 500 m and more, shipbuilding shipyards and hangars with a height of 60 m, cannot be heated completely due to economic inexpediency. In such gigantic corps, it is customary to carry out local heating with portable or stationary fan heaters. In addition, with recently, infrared electric heating began to introduce infrared electric heating. Wall or suspension devices are not heated by air, but the objects and surfaces located within the radius.

Types of industrial boilers

To heat industrial heating radiators or to supply hot water to heat exchangers for heating air, medium and high power heat generators are installed in enterprises. Most often, enterprises use such types of aggregates:

  • gas hydraulic;
  • gas steam;
  • solid fuel water heating;
  • diesel.

Note. Diesel heat generators are found at the factories extremely rarely due to the considerable cost of fuel.

The most common among all are gas industrial boilers, warm water. They are fully automated, have several safety steps and have the highest efficiency - more than 90%. To increase the efficiency, these aggregates are supplied with water economizers that select the heat of flue gases and the installation efficiency by another 3-5%. The number of personnel for servicing gas boilers is required minimal as the frequency of maintenance.

Gas steam boilers are not installed specifically for heating, their task is to produce pairs of specified parameters for technological needs. But if such an unit is available, then it provides the workshop in parallel. For this steam passes through a plate or casing-tube heat exchanger, where water is heated, supplied to the heating system. The boiler for the production of steam is more complicated by the water heating, the highest requirements are presented to it.

In recent years, solid fuel industrial boilers have become increasingly popular. Despite the relatively low efficiency (depending on the type of unit), these installations are in demand at woodworking enterprises, agriculture and other related wood or coal. Heat generators are not so easy to operate as gas, and need permanent supervision from the service personnel. At the moment, industrial boilers on solid fuel are used for heating industrial premises:

  • boxing wood and carbon with manual loading;
  • coal with automatic fuel supply;
  • pellet.

For buildings of a small and midline area, you can apply aggregates with manual loading. Where there is no opportunity or desire to contain excess personnel, it is customary to put industrial water-heating boilers with automatic coal supply, pellets or chips. Although the listed heat generators still need to be cleaned from ash at least 1 time per week.

For reference. Often high-power boilers operating on solid fuel are loaded using a tractor or a forklift.


According to the cost of installation, infrared heating will cost everything, since it does not need a boiler. But the exploitation of such heating has its own nuances, and the price of electricity is rather big. The second value is the water system for which the boiler needs and powerful circulation pumps for heating. The most expensive installation is the aircraft, in addition to the listed equipment, the supply and exhaust ventilating unit is still used.

The heating of industrial premises has its own characteristics, because the area of \u200b\u200bbuildings is large, the ceilings are high, and the zone of the required thermal comfort is often limited. Water heating, which is most often equipped in residential buildings, is not always suitable for heating spacious shopping, industrial areas, warehouses, hangars, etc. It is necessary to ensure that the heat is at the bottom of the premises - at an altitude of up to 2-3 m. Warm air flows rise upwards, and the owners are involved to heat 70-80% of the "excess" volume. How to ensure economical heating of industrial premises?

The area of \u200b\u200bindustrial buildings is hundreds of square meters, so the usual heating systems are inefficient and too expensive.

Options for heating spacious non-residential buildings

For heating large areas, three main types of systems are usually used:

  • water;
  • air;
  • radiant.

Under water heating, systems using radiators are meant. They are beneficial due to the wide selection of heating devices. But at the same time, many premises owners are not satisfied with the irrational use of the area, high costs and energy consumption, large thermal inertness. Systems are not suitable for many outlets and warehouses, because Radiators occupy a place near the walls where it is convenient to have racks. Aerial and radiant heating are greater popularity, so we will consider in detail exactly their arrangement.

Air heating system of the shopping center

Air heating of industrial premises

This method of heating production areas has become popular in the 70s. The principle of operation is based on heat heating with heat generators, water or vapor carriers. Air on collectors enters those zones where it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature. For the distribution of air flows, special distribution heads or blinds are installed. This is not the perfect method of heating, it has significant drawbacks, but it is quite widely applied.

Central and zonal system

Depending on the needs of buildings owners, you can equip a uniform heating of the entire room or separate zones. The central air heating is the devices that take air outside, heat and serve it into the room. The main disadvantage of this type of system is the lack of ability to adjust the temperature in separate buildings of the building.

Zonal heating allows you to create the desired temperature in each room. To do this, in each room, a separate heating device is installed (most often a gas convector), which supports the specified temperature. The zonal system is economically beneficial, since exactly so much energy is used as non-rational costs are minimized. When installing, there is no need to lay ducts.

To determine the appropriate type of system and the calculation of air heating of the production premises should be an experienced specialist. Factors are taken into account:

  • thermal losses;
  • necessary temperature mode;
  • the amount of heated air;
  • power and type of air heater.

Advantages and disadvantages

Important advantages can be considered quick air heating, the possibility of combining heating with ventilation. The disadvantage is associated with the well-known law of physics: warm air rises up. Under the ceiling is created a warmer zone than at the level of human growth. The difference can be several degrees. For example, in the shops with ceilings with a height of 10 meters at the bottom, the temperature can be 16 degrees, and at the top of the room - to 26. To maintain the desired thermal mode, the system should work constantly. Such an inappropriate energy consumption forces owners to search for other methods of building of buildings.

Air heating scheme of industrial premises

Radial heating - Economical systems for large industries

For heating of industrial premises, "light" and "dark" infrared heaters are installed. Natural or liquefied gas is used as a heat source. In buildings, where for any reason it is impossible to install gas equipment, mount the suspension emitting panels.

Features of the work of different types of infrared heaters

In "bright" heaters, the gas is burned with a special burner, the surface temperature of which can reach 900 degrees. The hot burner provides the necessary radiation. "Dark" heaters (they are also called "pipe" according to the type of construction) are emitters with reflectors, which are intended for the direction of radiant energy into the desired areas of the premises. Pipe infrared devices are less heated (up to 500 degrees) and differ in less hard radiation, which significantly expands their scope of application.

The suspended radiating panels are universal, they are widely used in category, production and warehouses of all types. Systems operate with the help of the intermediate coolant "Par / Water". Water in devices is heated to 60-120 degrees, and steam to 100-200. Today it is the most convenient and economical way of heating of industrial premises and enterprises.

Pluses and disadvantages of radiant heating

Infrared heaters are distinguished by such indisputable advantages:

  • fast preparing premises (15-20 minutes);
  • the possibility of creating warm zones in unheated premises;
  • lack of energy losses for heating "extra" area ";
  • minimum heat loss in systems operating without coolant;
  • savings on maintenance, because you do not need to change filters, check, repair pumps, etc.;
  • comfortable microclimate: air is not overwhelmed, the floor heats up and serves as a secondary source of heat.

Cannot be installed infrared heaters:

  • if the ceilings height is below 4 m;
  • in production, where radiation affects product quality or technological processes;
  • in the premises of fire categories A, B.

How does an infrared heater


Infrared systems of heating of industrial premises are more economical and easy to operate than air. The radiant heating devices do not contribute to the spread of dust, create heat zones at the height of human growth, are not dried air. The radiation heats the floor, thanks to which people in the premises feel more comfortable. At the same time, there are buildings where radiant heating is not applicable, and the air will be optimal.