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Negative effect of decreasing moon per person. The influence of the moon on the life of a man. Studies of the influence of the Moon

Shining in the night sky Lunar disk has always attracted the attention of people. About the moon was greeted legends, she was worshiped at least than the sun. Already in antiquity, people realized that the moon affects earthly life. And its influence is due to the shifts of the phases.

The moon is located so that all the time reflects the sun. The whole moon may be lit or some part of it, and sometimes the moon is completely immersed in darkness. Such a change in the state of lighting of the moon and is called lunar phases.

Scientific observations came to replace the ancient signs and superstitions, of which it became clear that the change of lunar phases really affects our lives. The gravitational field of the moon creates tides on Earth and flows, affects the growth of plants. Each gardener uses a lunar calendar, according to which saplings are favorable and unfavorable days for planting and fertilizers. Moreover, the moon has a direct impact on human health and his mental state. It has long been noticed that the number of accidents and crimes increases in full moon, and the financiers even concluded that the indices of world markets depend on the change of lunar phases.

In short, the moon is not only a satellite of the Earth, but also the satellite of our whole life. Who knows what it would be with our lives and it would arise at all, do not be the moon.

To know about the effect of lunar phases and lunar days to our lives is useful and especially necessary for those who want to control their destiny. Modern knowledge of the moon is no longer legends, not speculation and signs, but the results of long research and observations. However, to deny the experience and our ancestors would be wrong. With the interpretation of the influence of the Moon, we take into account the symbols and sacral images that the night people were awarded the nightlings.

It is necessary to take into account not only the sign of the zodiac, in which the moon is located, but also what the moon in the sky is currently growing or decreasing.

Phases of the Moon in February 2015(below March)

Start and Completion in March 2015

On the first phase of the moon (March 21-26) It is recommended to start cycles associated with rehabilitation, strengthening the body.

The first and second phases of the moon (1-4, March 21-31) - the beginning of new cases requiring development, expansion activities (excluding the time of the moon without a course and negative lunar days). If such cases begin on a decreasing moon, especially in the days of hecata before the new moon, they are often doomed to failure or give reverse results.

Days of Hekati Suitable for completing any cases. They are also given to be released from the accumulated inner "trash", cleaning the body from slags, sewage, housing cleaning. This is the time of internal coordination (19, 20, March 21).

In full moonWhen the internal source gateways are open, long-term activity will be devastating for the human energy budget. And the remaining two phases of a decreasing moon, a person will feel de-energized, depressed (5, March 6).

In a period of decreasing moon The stream of energy goes inside, in depth. This is applicable to all areas of life. If you want to get rid of some bad habits, use energy freed from them to access a new level, then it is necessary to act in accordance with the ancient experience. At the descending Moon, it is thoroughly appreciated by the unwanted habit, consciously decide to get rid of it - emotionally, consciously programming himself to a new program (March 6-18).

Phases of the Moon in March 2015

Phases of the Moon April

Start and completion

The first and second phases of the Moon (1-3, April 19-31) are the beginning of new cases requiring development, expanding activities (excluding the moon time without a course and negative lunar days). If such cases begin on a decreasing moon, especially in the days of hecata before the new moon, they are often doomed to failure or give reverse results.

Days of the chambers are suitable for completing any cases. They are also given to be released from the accumulated inner "trash", cleaning the body from slags, sewage, housing cleaning. This is the time of internal coordination (17, 18, April 19).

In full moon when the internal source gateways are open, long-term activity will be devastating for the human energy budget. And the remaining two phases of a decreasing moon, a person will feel de-energized, depressed (3, 4, April 5).

In the period of decreasing moon, the stream of energy goes inside, in depth. This is applicable to all areas of life. If you want to get rid of some bad habits, use energy freed from them to access a new level, then it is necessary to act in accordance with the ancient experience. At the descending Moon, it is thoroughly appreciated by the unwanted habit, consciously decide to get rid of it - emotionally, consciously programming itself to a new program (April 5-17).

In the next month, the temptation to return to the old one will constantly increase, up to the periods of hopelessness and impotence. In spite of everything, it is necessary to withstand firmly its decision the entire lunar month and remember that the power of habits and seduction is valid until the next new moon. Then the voltage will definitely subsides and, if a person has not succumbed to the temptation of returning to the pork, he will be rewarded by a hundredfold.

Moon phases

The effect of lunar phases

The activity of the body, its fullness of energy depends on the phase shift. It is not difficult to understand that this is very closely related to the state of health. Therefore, in the treatment, and in health events, it is necessary to take into account not only the zodiac sign in which the moon is located, but also what the moon in the sky is currently growing or decreasing.

With a growing moon, the body accumulates energy, gains strength and waste them at this time is undesirable, since even a minor load can lead to exhaustion. In this, weaker immunity, the body is heavier tolerately tolerates even minor ailments.

And at a decreasing Luke, the body easily and willingly consume energy, while remaining vigorous to strong. At this time, it is easier to carry pain, cope with infection faster and easier by recovering after diseases and operations.

Every month the ancient lunar mystery is repeated, which consists of four phases. Each phase is distinguished by the degree of removal from the sun. The farther from the Sun of the Moon, the more it is free from him. In each phase, we find one of the four levels of our psychological entity. Four phases are directly related to four states of the unconscious.

Looking at the moon, you can determine the phase of the moon

In the new moon, when connecting the sun and the moon, the moon is not visible. These are chapades.

Days of Hekati - 29, 30, 1, 2 moon days

(if in the lunar month 30 days)

28, 29, 1, 2 Moon days

(if in the lunar month 29 days)

In the new moon, the moon is between the Earth and the Sun, turns to the ground with its dark side and therefore invisible.
During this period, everything is minimally expressed than the moon manages. Emotions, mood, ability to memorize, atmosphere in the team, blood pressure - all this goes to the new moon through a lower point. From here there is a practical application of knowledge of the lunar cycle: if one or another area, controlled by the moon, and without it is in a weakened state, during the New Moon, a critical decline in activity may occur due to a decrease in the energy fullness of "lunar" functions in the whole earthly nature .
Since the pressure of fluids in the body is reduced to the new moon, it can be a difficult period for hypotonics, people who have blood pressure and so low. The emotional decline may adversely affect people prone to depression. It is unlikely that during this period you can expect high performance and inspiration from the labor collective, success in studying from the school class, the rapid recovery of the patient.
The new moon or the compound of the Sun and the Moon is the beginning of the lunar month. At the beginning of the cycle, the sun gives the moon seeds new. These are the days of the symbolic "conception" of the cycle. The moon "will pregnant" and grows, arrives in the world. But in the first two and the last two days of the lunar month, the moon is not visible, it does not shine. These days are called chapades, goddess darkness, fatality and secrets. Emotionally, these dark days without the moon are manifested by the deep immersion of a person in themselves, secret fears. The subconscious is awakened and dictates their will. People at this time are needed psychological support. Perhaps the experience of solitude, pessimism. The influence of new moon is usually unfavorable. The biopotential is reduced, therefore, the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases is high, the overload and risky events are dangerous. The tendency to self-speaking, incorrect actions or illusions can cause losses in business, creativity, next lunar month, and this also concerns the previous one and the next day from the new moon. These days it is better not to relax. These days, the action of alcohol is stronger than usual. Increases the risk of catching a bad disease. Men react to the new moon. At this time, they are tense, nervous, aggressive, sexually excit. Approximately the same can be said about women in full moon. But perhaps the full moon is more poetic time, and therefore women with full moon are more intuitive, sensual and sensitive.

Zodiac sign in which the new moon, determines the most successful activities throughout the lunar month.

New Moon in Ovne Guarantees success in rapid and decisive actions. Everything needs to be done quickly and without emotions. No oscillations and doubts. Completion of early postponed cases.

New Moon in Tales Positive to solve financial issues. You can spend money, but within reasonable limits. Everything that will be purchased at this time will benefit.

New Moon in Gemini Positive to obtain and exchange information, as well as short trips. This is the best time to start learning. It is very effective study dedicated to raising material wealth.

New Moon in cancer Promises success to those who are associated with restaurant business, gardening and color trafficking. A favorable time to strengthen personal and family relationships. It is advisable to hold events aimed at the success of family members.

New Moon in Lev favorably for jewelry stores, theaters, palaces. To achieve maximum return on a business meeting, it is necessary to hold it in a high-class place. At the same time it is necessary to refrain from empty conversations.

New Moon in Vid. Patronizing hospitals and accountants. Saving time. It is useful to conduct a financial audit, as well as concentrate all the attention and abilities on the economic sphere.

New Moon in the scales promises the success of elite institutions. Attention to your appearance, health, beauty. This is your business card in all respects.

New Moon in Scorpio favorably for tax inspection, militia, for in-depth studies, association with other firms. You always need energy and everywhere, including to improve your material condition. When new moon in Scorpio is easiest to get energy from intimate relationships.

New Moon in Streltsy Patronizing learning, traveling and church affairs. Period of acceptance of important business information. Therefore, all attention to the business sphere.

New Moon in CapricornOn the one hand, it is accompanied by relations with management and older people, and on the other, it warns about obstacles in matters. During this period, it is very important to avoid stagnation, otherwise the rutin will sleep like a swamp, and the energy is staring. It is now that we should think about changes in business life.

New Moon in Aquarefavorable for clubs, charitable organizations, research organizations, friendly communication, opening new. During this period, you are extremely necessary to strengthen friendly relationships and seek support for friends.

New Moon in Fish Fortunately for everything related to solitude, rest, inspiration. Favorable for all vehicles related to water. Creativity develops your intuition and makes you more successful, so try to find a creative approach to your business.

After the new moon, with the beginning of the 3rd lunar day, thin sickles of the moon appears.

Growing Moon - the first and second phases of the moon

On the growing moonthe visible sickle of the moon is located so that if you put a dash to it, the letter p (growing) will be

On a decreasing moonthe sickle of the moon is in the mirror reflection compared to the growing and see the letter C (aging)

1 Phase Moon

Artemis - the first phase of the moon

1 phase - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 lunar day

new moon

The western moon, growing in his hypostasis, is slowly gaining power. Emotions are clean, virgin, fresh, slowly developing. This is a virgin moon that has not received a single strike, not a single stress from the sun. Just moved away from him, sentenced his independence, independence. She is still sleeping and only awakens for feelings. Emotions are clean and rest in depth. The reaction to the environment is minimal, but constant immersion in itself, in closedness, love for nature.

The first phase begins with a new moon when the moon is practically indistinguishable, as it turned to the ground with its unlit-friendly side. But over time, the narrow thin sickle begins to peck over the night and the young growing moon gradually increases to half. The first phase of the moon is associated with the elements of the Earth. At the beginning of the cycle, the sun gives the moon seeds new. These are the days of the symbolic "conception of the lunar cycle. The moon "will pregnant" and grows, arrives in the world. The most suitable time to compile plans for the future. At this time, a person is given great potential opportunities that need to awaken and use in the future. The human body is configured to obtain energy from the outside and its accumulation. During the first phase, the moon of weak and the body is decline in its vital activity, at the point of its minimum. Immunity is weakened, a person can feel fears, depression, depression, nervousness, therefore the risk of being infected is great. At this time, people, on the one hand, increases the tendency to conflict, and on the other, the state of dissatisfaction is sharpened. And, nevertheless, plans, conceived immediately after the new moon, are successfully implemented, and the cases started at this time are moving quickly. Men react to the new moon. At this time, they are tense, nervous, aggressive, sexually excit. Women react stronger to the full moon. On the other hand, the readiness of the body to cleansing and exemption from slags these days is the largest. Therefore, if you sit on a diet or arrange an unloading day, then warn the development of many diseases. Also, the first days after the new moon are very favorable to get rid of evil habits. Well to care for the skin of the face. Good time to reduce warts. It should not overvolt the nervous system, to care if the organs of the senses (for example, do not smell anything sharp, annoying). It is useful to carry out soothing wellness treatments and massages, take therapeutic baths. It is recommended to clean the skin, feed it by trace elements. At the growing moon from the new moon to the full moon, useful microorganisms are active. This is a good time to prepare homemade kvass, beer, wines, fermented milk products. The cakes are well successful, the dough is very actively rising. This is the best time for the calving and the salinity of vegetables and fruits, but not for canning. All products are beneficial for the growing moon, which is why this time is favorable for trips, feasts, holidays, except, of course, 2 and 9 lunar days. Hypotonics suffer more to the new moon. During this period, they are characterized by weakness, lethargy, low temperature of the fingers. During the first phase, the peripheral and central nervous system is active. Within the entire first phase, it is important to fully eat, as there is an intense absorption of energy from the outside. Well hold soothing and wellness treatments. In the first phase of the moon, you can quickly gain extra kilograms, if you do not limit yourself in food. Diets during this period can only stabilize the weight. The body needs moderate physical exertion.

Day changing the moon phase. These are periods of changing quarters that come around from 29 / 30th day to the 1st, from the 7th to the 8th, from the 14th / 15th to the 15th / 16th, from the 22nd to the 23rd . These days, internal processes in the human body and psyche are unstable. Any business in this period is experiencing a temporary crisis and folk wisdom warns from making important decisions. The moments of the transition of the moon from one phase to another (new moon, full moon, the second and fourth quarters) are critical. People at this time are subject to stress. According to statistics, this period accounts for the greatest number of incidents, accidents, disasters. Critical days of the transition of the Moon phases are the so-called Satanian days - the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar day. In the change of the phases of the Moon, the nature of the energy impact on a person, its direction and power changes significantly. The body and the psyche of each of us are exposed to extensive tests and the transition time - the period of adaptation to new conditions, adaptation to changes.

2 Phase Moon

waxing Crescent

Fetis - the so-called the second phase of the moon

The 2nd Phase of the Moon can begin at 7, 8 or 9 moon days.

Moon growing, western.

This is the awakening of the soul.

The moon in the second phase is revealed in all its glory.

The second phase of the moon occurs after the new moon, in about a week. The lunar disk is lit by half. This full moon phase is completed. In the second phase, the moon is revealed in all its glory. This lunar period is associated with the element of water. At this time, the energy of the body continues to grow. It is already enough to start active actions, so the case started in this period successfully completed. It is also the time of large emotional susceptibility, as a result of which people experience the need for emotional contact, they react painfully to indifference. This period is most favorable to purify the body. The energies and fluids of the human body are heading from the inside to the outside - and it expands. It is necessary to help the body easier to go to the extension. Life forces are gradually approaching their peak. You can start acting. At this time, it is impossible to strain the muscles, especially in your hands and legs, you can't have much, it is better to talk less. It is good to straighten the dislocations, treat the spine, eliminate the consequences associated with old injuries, engage in the overall correction of the body. Operational intervention is not recommended. Overload must be compensated for something. During the second phase, the respiratory system, liver, endocrine system, kidneys and a genital system are active. The second phase of the moon ends, the full moon comes. Full moon days are distinguished by emotional tensions and mood swings, so it is very important to control your emotions, do not fuss and not nervous. Moreover, the days of the full moon are notged, the exacerbation of nervous disorders, an increase in the number of accidents, accidents and suicides. So rest, listen to flaming music, meditate in silence ... or actively act - everything is in your hands!

End of the 2nd phase and the beginning of the 3rd - full moon

full moon

In the full moon we see the whole moon

In the full moon, the moon and the sun are in the phase of the greatest confrontation - the gap of the soul and spirit. Hence the duality, the maximum impassableness and unpredictability of behavior.

After the phase of the second quarter, the moon continues to "grow", and the moment occurs when it is completely covered - the full moon. During the full moon, the principle of the moon in nature as much as possible, saturated with energy. The full moon is the topic of energy fullness, saturation, the highest point of development of the process. The areas that the moon runs are naipped with sunlight, and life threatens in them. The energy of the atmosphere in the masses is saturated, the level of emotions reaches the upper limit, the subconsciousness is activated, and this makes a full-mone harmful period for poets, artists and in general people creative: in their souls, at this time the brightest and emotional images are born at that time.
But at the same time, for those who are inclosed, whose psyche is unstable, the full moon can be difficult, the crisis period. Our mind at this time is so active that it is difficult to fall asleep, so the full moon can create additional difficulties for people suffering from insomnia.
Reach the upper saturation limit all physiological processes in the body, as well as fluid pressure, to which the attention should be paid to people suffering from elevated blood pressure or redundancy of the functions of any organs and organism systems. Different manifestations of life achieved in the full moon of their peak, and the microorganisms "bloom with a buoy". No wonder the people there are signs that the cabbage on the full moon can not - should be soft (the bacteria are excessively active, the cabbage is fervently), and the moonshine cook - on the contrary, just right (the fermentation process is very good for the same reason). The dirt that fell even in a small wound can easily lead to inflammation.
In the full moon, the moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun, completely lit and independent. When it reaches the maximum value, the "birth" occurs, the symbolic getting rid of the burden. Most often, the idea is born that is born, the relationship becomes clear, the first half of the lunar month brings fruit. Often there is some turn in affairs, they take a new direction. Birth is always associated with a crisis. Man feels emotional tension. In mentally unbalanced and sick people enhances concern. Folk wisdom does not recommend sleeping under the right rays of the full moon and walk with a uncoated head on the street.
By tradition, the night of the full moon is the time of iswolves, crazy and poets. However, it was in full moon Buddha reached enlightenment. With the right use of the full moon energy, you can achieve an objective attitude towards the world around the world, to gain wisdom and love. Full moon - the disclosure time of all lunar abilities. At this time, the moon is connected not only with house, birth, growth, children and plants, but also to the greatest degree with poetry, intuition, completeness of feelings.

Full moon in zodiac signs

Full moon in Ovne (October November). Work with a full moon in this sign, if you want to give more energy and enthusiasm for what you plan if you eager to succeed in some new beginnings. However, do not forget about the rights of other people. Magical actions at this time can contribute to the improvement of sportsmanship, although the result will not appear instantly, but only under the condition of hard workouts. Color accessories for magic (candles, etc.) - red. Recommended incense - cinnamon. Managing Planet - Mars.

Full moon in Tales (November December) . Vorozhba to gain wealth can give amazing results with such a full moon, since the calf is directly related to the material supply. This sign is good also to gain confidence in oratory art, especially in speeches in public-based meetings, since the Taurus manages the throat. Do magic in full moon in a body for any growth, including growth in the garden or obtaining a harvest in a metaphorical sense. But the energy of the calf can give rise to greed if not exercising caution. In addition, working with the Moon in the Taurus can help get a satellite of life or find a sensual love adventure. The color of the accessories for magic is blue, blue, green, pink, pinkish-lilac, burned orange. Recommended incense - benzoin (resin styrax). Managing Planet - Venus.

Full moon in twins(December - January) . Magic at this time contributes to strengthening various business ties, and can also ensure that all transactions and contracts will benefit and will not be deceived. In addition, this full moon magic will help in studying something new (learning a language, for example), and especially - in the development of the skills used in information technologies. At this time, you can successfully sort out quarrels with neighbors, as well as in problems with brothers and sisters. The color of accessories for magic - blue, yellow, purple. Recommended incense - Lavender. Managing Planet - Mercury.

Full moon in lion(January February). Ideal time for spells about male strength and fertility. In addition, to obtain confidence, courage, physical strength and leadership abilities. You can also do magic to acquire a large amount of money. But this burner is crowned with success only if the need for money is really great. An attempt to acquire wealth in purely egoistic purposes is likely to complete failure. The color of the accessories for magic is golden, yellow, orange. Recommended incense - incense. Managing Planet - Sun.

Full moon in Vid. (February March). The energy of the Virgin is good for magic associated with health, healthy lifestyle, transition to a diet. In addition, this time is good for healing and cleansing, and especially for the healing of animals. Virgo is a harvest sign, so you can burn to ensure a good result of any enterprise. The color of accessories (candles, etc.) for magic - gray, green, black. Recommended incense - lemongrass. Managing Planet - Mercury.

Full moon in scales (March, April). At this time, you can try to attract in your life love or establish partnerships, both married and business. In addition, it is good to send energy to the proceedings of justice, success in society or the construction of a career. The color of the accessories for magic is pink, pale green, pinkish-lilac, greenish blue. Recommended incense - Rose. Managing Planet - Venus.

Full moon in Scorpio(April May). At this time, it is necessary to work on questions requiring insight, since Scorpio helps to penetrate the essence of things. Especially successful is a burning, aimed at mastering the secrets of occult magic and psychology. Scorpio is a very sexy sign, so if you want a love novel, do not miss this period, but remember that the relationships started using scorpion can transform that it is not always pleasant or predictable. This astrological position is also associated with healing, especially with the healing of the mind and feelings. Contemplation at this time can give deep, although sometimes disturbing results. If you want to be sure that some of your private affairs will remain secret, then resort to the burner into this full moon. Scorpio can also move you to targetedness, which will be needed in school or solve any task. The color of the accessories is dark red. Recommended incense - Keefi (aromatic resin of ancient Egypt). Its composition includes: menthol oil, mirra, juniper extract, cinnamon, pistachio oil, cannabis, hemp and other drugs. Managing Planet - Pluto.

Full moon in Streltsy(May June). Sagittarius are associated with long-distance ride ties, so the full moon in this sign will be useful in terms of burning for long-term travels or receiving protection during such trips. Magic at this time contributes to writing and publishing activities, as well as achieving sports success. The color of accessories for magic is purple, bright blue. Recommended incense - wood cedar. Managing Planet - Jupiter.

Full moon in Capricorn (July August). During the full moon in Capricorn, you can burn for promotion. If you need help in organizing any sphere of life, then this is the most suitable period. Just need to remember that there is a danger of getting too much by the communist ships. The color of the accessories for magic is black, dark green, dark blue, indigo. Recommended incense - peace. Managing Planet - Saturn.

Full moon in aquare(Aug. Sept). This time is good for acquaintance, and to strengthen friendly relationships, as well as for the formation of general interest groups. In full moon in Aquarius, it is necessary to burn in the aim of acquiring greater freedom or independence, however, it is necessary to be very careful here in order not to wake up the desire for disobedience and rebound. Energy of Aquarius also contribute to the development of intuition. If you started studying astrology now, your efforts will not be in vain. The color of accessories for magic - electrician. Recommended incense - Eucalyptus. Managing Planet - Uranus.

Full moon in fish(September October). At this time, the productive is aware of the help in creativity. The energy of this period can be used in order to become more understanding, sensual or involve people who have these qualities. It is also a great time for any kind of prayers and meditations. But the most important thing is fish energy helps to increase or develop supernatural abilities. The color of the accessories for magic is a sea wave, grayish, pinkish-lilac with a pearl tint, blue. Recommended incense - sage. Managing Planet - Neptune.

After the full moon, the moon becomes descending, eastern.

Descending Moon - 3 and 4 phases

3 Phase Moon

Waning moon

Diana is the third phase of the moon.

3 Phase moon, or full moon can begin at 14 (rarely), 15, 16 or 17 lunar day.

After the full moon, the lighting of the lunar disk gradually decreases. By the end of the phase (after a week), it will already be lit by half. The moon begins to decrease, and with it, and the active surge of energy accumulated in the body begins to decrease. The third phase of the moon is associated with the name of the goddess Diana and is associated with the element of air. The third phase of the moon is the period of the body that has accumulated energy. Man is capable of much. It is important not to miss this time, use it for the most important cases, because after the completion of the third phase of the moon, the body forces will begin to decrease. During the third phase, the moon recommended increased physical exertion and power work with the use of calorie and biologically valuable food, but without overeating. At this time, the muscular mass and bioenergy potential is well. But at the same time you need to be careful when performing the Nogovsky Asan, especially those possesses when the abdominal bodies are loaded, pelvic and hip joints. These bodies are subject to diseases during this period. In the period of the third phase, the musculoskeletal system and leather are active. Showing classes with self-regulation, psychological correction.

4 Phase Moon

The symbol of the 4th phase of the moon is the goddess of messenger - Gorgon.

4 Phase moon can begin at 21, 22 or 23 lunar days.

The goddess of Gorgon is extremely beautiful, with a cold cruel face.

The moon continues to decrease, and energy decreases with it. Every day the sickle of the moon gets thinner and thinner until it comes to no. A person loses activity, the viability of the body is gradually decreasing. The fourth phase of the moon is the name of the goddess of the Miscean Gorgon and is associated with the element of fire. During the fourth phase of the Moon (approximately moon days from 22 / 23rd to 29 / 30th), human emotions, clearly manifested, stormy, appear flashes and bursts of subconscious activity. At the same time, it makes itself felt emotional depression, as the sun gains strength, suppressing the lunar manifestations. At this time, it is good to influence people of heavy, closed, withdrawing them from this state. It's time to work on chronic diseases with erased symptoms, cancer, diseases of the immune system, karmic diseases. Good to take herbs. The energy of the body is depleted. This is the time of emotional depression, possible disruptions and depressive states. It is very important to approach this period with the feeling that everything possible and time has not passed. The fourth phase of the moon is the time of completion of the most important and significant affairs. Forces continue to decrease, and they should only be spent on the most important thing. The fourth phase is active lymph, bone system, cardiovascular system. Cleansing procedures are effective, as well as overweight. Favorable work on karmic and chronic diseases. If you observe yourself for others around the lunar month, then find regularities between the moon phases and emotional states. This is due to the lunar energy that increases at the beginning of the cycle and starts decree after the full moon. The moments of transition from one phase to another are marked with critical stress in human life. The body is weakening, especially sensitive people feel depressed and lethargy, during these moments, people are more susceptible to diseases and accidents. Focusing on the Phases of the Moon, you will know what days nature and you yourself are full of lunar energy, and therefore you can live a full life, and what days the dust should be tangled. So you will avoid many unpleasant situations, learn to plan your life and properly spend energy.

Who uses the calendar - he manages time

/ Wisdom of the ancient Suchmers /

Use the lunar calendar and buy! Moon is the best adviser in various acquisitions: large and small.

Real estate in the coastal zone:

The influence of the moon per person is not just mysterious myths invented in the people. In our material you will learn how and why the moon affects a person, as well as understand what period you need to pay attention to your health. Recall that earlier we wrote about, which you can come in handy.

Why the moon affects man

About how the moon affects a person there is a lot. But one can assert exactly - depending on the lunar cycle and the lunar phase, our well-being and even health states can change. The fact is that the moon is in constant movement around our planet, it regularly reflects sunlight from different sides of its surface, and it affects the life of a person on the planet Earth. Moreover, the moon has a direct impact on the tides of water - its gravitational field attracts large water masses, which causes rise to their level.

But back to the issues of the influence of the Moon per person. The well-being of earthly residents often depends on what phase is the Moon now. Therefore, we will tell about it in more detail.

Influence of moon phases per person: new moon

The impact of the Moon per person during the New Moon period is expressed in the fact that human energy resources are at the minimum level. Therefore, people can feel the lack of forces, weakness and need for rest. Some have unexpected fears and obsessive ideas. Interestingly, men are more influenced by the new moon, so during this period they can be irritable and sharp to those who surround them.

And if we talk about how the moon affects the woman in the new moon, it is worth noting lethargy and exhaustion in her well-being. It does not happen anything terrible with its body, but during this period it is better to reduce physical exertion and not to cherish with. But the new moon is not suitable for cleansing the body, so at this time you can start or sit down on a slight diet.

As the moon phases affect the person: full moon

The impact of the Moon per person in full moon is expressed in the fact that we become more emotional and sensitive. During this period, many suffer from insomnia and increased activity, often feel that it is difficult for them to stop in one place, especially during a long working day. If men react to the full moon, the full moon affects women more, since they are more often guided by their emotions.

Chronic diseases often sharpen in the full moon, so each person needs to follow his health, paying attention to any ailment. There is a common opinion that has no scientific confirmation, that during the full moon is better not to make any operations. It is said that at that time blood turns worse, therefore surgical interventions, even if minor, should be postponed at another time.

The influence of the Moon's phases per person is trying to explore decades, opening new interesting facts about how we are dependent on the Earth's satellite. In the meantime, scientists are trying to explain many anomalies, we will tell you at the subconscious level.

In astrology it is believed that Moon It plays a crucial role in the formation of all existing, and damage to a member or body, in the sign of which the moon is located (especially growing), is very dangerous.

Moon Symbolizes the rolling part of the human psyche, which is customary to call emotions. In addition, it symbolizes the subconscious. Moon - It is our habits and reflexes, these are physiological processes in our body in the broadest sense, but especially those that are associated with the assimilation of anything. Therefore since ancient times Moon Associated with a digestive system, to a greater extent with a digestive system, with a stomach (the absorption of nutrients), as well as with a lymphatic system and leather (protective functions). It is also associated with all fluids in the body, with their level and pressure.

For this, it is important to know the structure Lunar cycles . Thanks to these knowledge, you can foresee the changes in all areas that the moon will be driving at the moment.

In New Moon The moon is visible to the residents of the Earth minimal. It is at this time that everything is managed by the moon expressed minimal. Mood, emotions, ability to memorize, blood pressure - all this in its change in the new moon passes through a minimum. And when the one or another region, controlled by the moon, is in a weakened state, during the new moon, a critical decline in activity can occur in it ..

Since the pressure of fluids in the body is reduced to the new moon, this phenomenon can become a difficult period for hypertensive. The emotional decline may adversely affect people prone to depression. During this period, you should not expect great success in school-class studies (teachers and parents note), as well as the rapid recovery of the patient.

After the new moon, the moon begins to grow. At the same time begin to grow, and saturate all the processes that are managed by the moon. Phase of the moon when its illuminated part is not illuminated is called * First quarter *.

In our body, during this period, malfunctions in the work of various systems are particularly likely, chronic diseases and various kinds of equilibrium disorders can be acted.

In full moon The level of emotions reaches the upper limit, the subconscious is activated by full. For people who are prone to overexcusion and whose psyche is unstable, the full moon can become a difficult and crisis period .. This time creates difficulties also for people who suffer insomnia.

In a word I achieve the upper saturation limit of all physiological processes in the body, as well as the pressure of liquids, to which should pay attention to people suffering from elevated blood pressure and redundancy of the functions of any organs, and organism systems. Knowing it, you need to plan your affairs so as not to relent the body at this time.

The next phase when the moon begins to decrease and it is lit by half, called last quarter . That is, the fourth quarter to this phase applies all that was said to the first quarter.

Wise people of antiquity have always said that it is not safe to invade the body that the moon is managed at this time. For those who have not read the previous article See Effect Moon when passing a certain zodiac to treat a person.

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It is known that in our solar system the sole source of its own light is the sun. All other celestial bodies of our system feed on solar energy, remaining in their position around the sun and reflecting its light. The satellite of our Earth is the moon, directing the light of the Sun towards our planet, is a kind of mirror for the Earth. The movement of the moon around the Earth and its certain position relative to the sun is made to divide on four phases of the moon.

There are four main phases of the lunar month:

  • (1 - Phase moon)
  • (2 - Phase moon)
  • (3 - Phase of the Moon)
  • (4 - Phase moon)

Being in its movement around the Earth in the shade of our planet, reflects the sunlight then one, then another half of the disk. At the energy level, the lunar phases represent various types of transmission of solar energy, which affect all types and forms of life on our planet.
Each lunar cycle phase affects its all earthly, which is due primarily, with the degree of remoteness of the moon from the Sun. Cardinal changes occur twice a month: when the mooner peopic grows, until it turns into a complete disk, then decreases until it disappears at all. Not only our overall health depends on the influence of the moon phase, but also the nature of various life situations.

The growing phase of the moon is called the period flowing from the new moon to the full moon.

The decreasing phase of the moon is called the period flowing after the full moon.

The effect of the growing phase of the moon

During we more emotionally react to the situation and phenomena of the surrounding world. During this period, energy is accumulated, and therefore more favorable planning. From the new moon to the full moon, it is good to begin new things, to make important decisions, lead responsible negotiations, etc.

Effect of decreasing phase of the moon

On emotions, on the contrary, they slow down, we have reduced sensitivity and susceptibility. At this time, it is favorable correctly to waste accumulated energy, and therefore continuing to continue well, to complete things. Both phases growing and decreasing the moon are still divided into two parts, each of the four periods lasts about a week.
Features of each phase of the moon separately:


- This is such a phase period in which the moon is not visible at all in the sky because it is on the same line with the land and the sun. At this time, the moon "shows" our dark side, which is not illuminated by the sun. New moon can affect a person for several days. During this period, a person feels depressed, exhausted, often accompanying his headaches. At the same time, there is an acceleration of the withdrawal of fluid from the body and the accelerated metabolism. For new miles, many people have a violation of the psyche, phobias and mania are manifested. It is not very desirable at this time to start developing something new and meet suspicious people.

When the phases of the moon change, it also affects a person, as well as the change of sun cycles. A lot of astrologers are confident in the presence of points of contact between these two planets. The moon also has four phases. They are called quarters.

The first phase of the moon is associated with the elements of the earth

She begins with the emergence of the month in the sky and lasts exactly half the term from the new moon to the full moon, that is, 1-7 days of the lunar month, and ends in the first quarter. Corresponds to spring via a sunny calendar, that is, means the beginning of everything. During this phase, the brain in humans is very active. If during this period make plans, they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. Increases the overall activity and the desire to do. But it is not very hurry too, it's better to think better, count and, slowly, proceed to the execution of the plan.

During this period, the treatment of eyes and head will be effective. Also, this period is favored by agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase will grow perfectly and bring a wonderful harvest.

It is characterized by the acquisition of emotional equilibrium. During this period, we have large potential capabilities that must be used to achieve their goal.

The second phase (first quarter) of the moon, associated with water element

Duration: time from the first quarter to the full moon, which corresponds to the 8th to the 15th.
At this time, we will see half the moon disk in the sky. By the solar cycle is summer. The most productive period, the period of filling the energy. This is the best time to change work, travel, public speeches.

This moon phase is well suited for the treatment of the gastric bubble, liver, a large intestine.

They advise in this period to plant and replant plants, rooting the cuttings.

This is a period of strong emotional tension. At this time, we, more than ever, we need spiritual comfort, and therefore very painfully perceive indifference and alienation. This phase of the moon is suitable for effective resolution of conflicts, solving problems and overcoming discontent, maintaining difficult negotiations and knowingly unpleasant meetings, and the proper negotiations will certainly give a good result.

Full moon

At this time we see the moon completely in all its glory. Moonlight, in this phase of the moon, can influence people in different ways. Yes, and the body has been fiercely consumed during this period. Insomnia, increased irritability and emotionality can manifest.

Alcohol can be dangerous. At this time, the largest number of road traffic accidents, man-made accidents and disasters.

It is better at this time not to carry out surgical operations.

Also, during no need to transplant plants, it will be much better to do them with a weeding and soil looser.

Third Phase of the Moon, associated with the elementAir

It comes into effect after the full moon when the lunar disk begins to decrease. Its duration is from 16 to 22 moon day. It comes autumn over the solar cycle. The period is characterized by balanced activities and maturity.

This phase is very well suited to complete your affairs.

At this time, energy is best spent, and the appetite decreases. That is why many nutritionists recommend starting a fight against overweight and cellulite at this time.

It is desirable during this phase to plant root and bully.

At this time, we are most open to communicate, openly express our feelings and go to social contacts. During this period, we can easily overestimate your strength, so you should not find out the relationship, bring up children with a volitional way. There may be an effect of oversupply of feelings for the most minor reasons, inadequate perception of reality, when the petty seems important and significant.

The fourth phase of the Moon associated with the element of fire

It comes into action from the second week after the full moon, and lasts until the next new moon from 23 - 30

During the lunar month, tides and flows on the seas and oceans occur, and their power increases and decreases depending on the day of the lunar month; The behavior of the atmosphere is changing, which, in turn, is reflected on many meteorological phenomena; The passage of the moon through the magnetospheric loop of the Earth changes the parameters of the magneto sphere; The reflection of sunlight from the surface of the moon is also periodically changing, and all these changes are reflected in the organism of plants, animals and humans. Thus, the intensity of fermentation of wine depend on the lunar cycle, the absorption of oxygen by agricultural crops (carrots, potatoes), periods of breeding in animals (especially maritime), the monthly periodicity of ovulation in humans.

Modern science found a connection through which the moon affects a person. So, due to the strong gravitational effects of the moon on the Earth shell (hard and liquid), the following physical parameters are strongly changing: humidity, atmospheric pressure, temperature, electrical and magnetic fields. It turns out that even small changes in these parameters affect the human body. But if it happens sharply and strongly, and the human body is pre-weakened, linked, etc., this leads to the emergence of various diseases. For example, sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure disrupt the stability of blood-forming functions, leading to diseases such as hypertension, various recurrences of cardiovascular disorders. The brain very sensitively reacts to the change in the humidity of the atmosphere, which affects its activity. Even more pronounced on the bioelectric activity of the brain, changes in the magnetic field strength are affected, which can cause a mass of mental disorders. The American psychiatrist Leonard J. Ravitz at the beginning of the seventies carried out measurements of the difference in electronic potentials in the brain and in the field of breast of mental people. And it turned out that this difference is changing day by day depending on the phases of the Moon. The initiation of patients also changed. Ravitz explained this phenomenon: "The moon does not directly define human behavior, but, changing the ratio of the universe's electromagnetic forces, it can cause catastrophic manifestations from unbalanced people."

At first glance, it seems that modern science knows everything about the moon, the mechanisms of its influence on a person, etc. But if you contact various ancient sources, in which there is a lot of recommendations on how it is better to use the lunar cycle, you become a dead end. What are they based on? Although the importance of these recommendations is incomparably more valuable by strictly scientific. Thus, Tibetan medicine recommends prophylactic treatment and other generally investigating activities from the first numbers of the lunar month. It is indicated that "diseases of evil spirits" (hemorrhage to the brain, paralysis, myocardial infarction, acute mental illness, epilepsy and others) most often occur in 4-, 8-, 11-, 15-, 22-, 29th days of the moon month. Chinese folk medicine recommends with an emerging moon, on the first day, to do one cave, in the second or two and so up to 14 cavities in the middle of the lunar month. Then the wave decreases the same as arrived. So, to make the famous procedure "Moxa on Dzu-San Li" (causing a duration of longevity, which is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint) and consistent only in the first 8 days of the lunar month. Avestiya Astrology claims that the new moon excess physical activity is not as dangerous as in the full moon. For the new moon energy is concentrated in the depths of the body and with difficulty goes out. In the full moon, on the contrary, it is located outside and is easily spent. Therefore, excessive motor activity at this time can strongly devastate the "energy budget" of a person. Real masters qigun also adhere to this rule.

In China and India, people still live in the phases of the lunar calendar, which is introduced into civilian. Scientists believe that the lunar biological cycle is not inferior to the daily diurnal cycle, and esoteric astrology claims that the lunar cycles are the key to it, and the phases of the moon-first stage of knowing this key. Now we have to do with you independently, whether it is worth coordinate with the lunar cycle and what is the esoterism of the lunar phases?

Consideration of this issue we will begin in the following order: what is the lunar month; What makes the phases of the moon and their influence on the ground? And only after that we will make generalizations, conclusions and recommendations.

With its movement relative to the sun, the moon is approaching it, it is removed. The return of the moon in the same position of the outer space relative to the sun occurs in 29.5 days. This is called the "synodic" month - from the Latin word "rapprochement". These are 29.5 days and are the lunar cycle. But there is a "Sideric" ("Star") month, which is equal to 27.3 days. During this time, the moon makes a complete turn around the Earth. Due to the fact that the period of circulation of the moon around the Earth and the turnover of the moon around their axis coincide, the moon is turned to Earth always the same side. This side of the moon, depending on the movement, is illuminated by the sun in different ways: it is visible that the increasing day of the day is the right half, until it becomes completely illuminated-round; Next, it begins to reduce the illuminated surface of the moon and only the left half is highlighted until it disappears at all. The change in the illumination of the moon indicates its phases, which are four, and are equal to 7.4 days.

Now consider in detail the various positions and phases of the moon and their effect on the aqueous shell of the Earth.

I. New Moon. When the sun, the moon and the earth are on the same line, so that the moon is located between the sun and the observer located on the ground, the sun illuminates only the opposite side of the moon, and then it becomes invisible. This is the new moon. Due to the fact that the sun and the moon are on one side in relation to Earth, their gravitational forces add up and act in one direction. It is at this time that the greatest tides and flows are observed. A change in gravity, resulting from the tides in the solid body of the Earth, is approximately 20% of the main change due to the attraction of the moon and the sun, and acts in the same direction!

Supplement that at the point of the new moon, at the maximum of tides and sings, the opposite movement is planned to soothe, changing the direction of influence.

II. The first phase. As the moon continues to move to the east (counterclockwise) from the sun, she again becomes visible-in the form of a young month in the western part of the sky. And the lighted (right) part of the lunar hemisphere increases, while in 7.4 days, exactly half of the moon will not be lit. This is the first phase. During this phase, the following changes occur with the water shell of the Earth. Since the moon at the end of this phase occupies a position 90 ° in relation to the Sun, the gravitational effect of their resulting effect is least. The lunar feeds coincide with solar differences, and the lunar fits, on the contrary, with solar tides. Thus, in this phase there is a trend of the transition from the largest tidal and tidy effects to complete soothing.

III. FIRST QUARTER. During the day, when exactly the right half of the moon is lit, there are no gravitational perturbations from the moon and the sun. This is a special point in which the direction of movement on the other-expanding is changing through a small interval of peace.

IV. Second phase. The moon continues his movement after the point of the first quarter, more and more removing from the sun. The illuminated surface of the moon is growing day by day. And finally, when the moon occupies a position 180 ° in relation to the Sun, and the land with an observer on it is between them, the side of the moon completely illuminated by the sun is visible. Comes full moon. From the moment of the first quarter to the full moon there is another 7.4 days (from New Moon-14.8). This is the second phase. During this phase, the resulting gravitational influence of the moon and the sun begins to divide the aqueous shell of the Earth, until this process is completed into the full moon. Thus, after the point of the first quarter, in this phase, there is a tendency to disconnect, expansion.

V. Full moon. In the full moon there is a maximum separation of the aquatic shell of the earth between the moon and the sun. From the side of the moon, they go their stuffs, and on the side of the Sun-their own. Salves are observed between these tidal waves. So, the full moon is a special point, maximum separation and expansion of the water surface, after which the reverse process begins.

Vi. Third phase. After the point of the full moon, the maximum removal from the sun, the moon begins its approach to it. A fully lit part of the lunar hemisphere begins to decrease until the left side remains exactly half. This is the third phase that lasts in the lunar month from 14.8 to 22.1 days. In this phase, the moon is moving from the position 180 ° in relation to the sun 90 °. During the movement, the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun are now combined with the aqueous shell of the Earth. Riding gradually decreases, up to its complete disappearance. Thus, in this phase there is a trend of transition from expansion to compression.

VII. Third quarter. Per day when the exact left half of the moon is lit, as well as in the first quarter, there are no gravitational perturbations. This is a special point in which a tendency of compression is changing through a small interval of rest.

VIII. Fourth phase. The moon more and more continues to close with the sun, until it takes the middle position between the land and the sun. It takes time from 22.1 to 29.5 days, i.e. before the new moon. Externally, this is expressed in increasing disappearance of the lunar sickle down to the new moon, when nothing can be seen. This is the last, fourth phase. In this phase, the moon from the ninety-gradual attitude towards the Sun comes to zero. During this movement, gravitational forces gradually begin to overlap each other, mutually strengthening and "pull" the aqueous membrane of the Earth in one direction, forming the largest lins and tides to the new moon. Thus, in this phase, the purposeful, mutually informing movement from rest to maximum activity.

And now we consider how the influence of the phases of the moon and singular points on the movement of energy and fluid in the human body is reflected. To do this, we use the ancient terminology Jan-Yin. But before proceeding to the consideration of this important issue, several preliminary explanations.

1. The term "Yang" we denote the earthly gravity, and "yin" -long and sunny.

2. Position: Jan-inner, Yin-external.

4. Trend: Yin-expands, Jan-compresses.

5. Weight: Yin-light, Jan-heavy.

6. In the human body, Yansk energy goes from top to bottom, and Yinskaya bottom up.

The gravitational forces of the moon and the sun on a man standing on the earth's surface will act as follows.

1. In the new moon, liquid mediums of the body due to the folded gravity of the moon and the sun will be attracted to the head. Earth gravity is no longer so attracting a person, since moon-sunny acts in the opposite side. As a result, a man "is loss" by 20%. Full moon is the first special point, in which it takes on the maximum of Yin's origin of the opposite-yang. For now expanding and climbing processes are replaced by opposite-compressive and directed downwards. Such a cool turn of intimate processes places elevated organism requirements.

2. In the first phase, a decrease in the joint gravity of the moon and the sun begins, up to their complete mutual neutralization. Thus, the external-yin exposure-gravity on liquid media weakened, but the Yang exposure, earthly, increases. This impact is expressed in the fact that fluids from the head area are rushed down and evenly distributed through the body. Due to the fact that the external gravitational force-yin ceases to act, the earth-yang gravity is stronger attracts the human body, which is expressed in increasing its weight. The first phase of the moon is the height of Yang ("Great Yang"), which is expressed in the gradual growth of the activity of the human body.

3. The point of the first quarter is characterized by the maximum activity of the body-Jan-manifestation. There is no gravity outside, it is mutually related, the Earth from the stretched, the egg-shaped state began again round. The weight of a man at this moment is the largest, the body is compressed. In this transitional point, when Yang is maximized, its opposite of yin is born. The processes in the body under the action of all the increasing strength of the Yin gravity of the Moon and the Sun will begin to act on the extension of the body. Change these movements, mutually opposite, is a huge internal work and stress for the body.

4. The second phase is characterized by a gradual increase in external gravity from the moon and the sun. Yin grows, and Jan-earth gravity decreases. By full moon the external yin-exposure to the Earth is maximally. Moreover, the moon and the sun of their gravitational energy divided the aqueous shell into two parts, mutually opposite to each other. Such a process is observed in the human body due to the fact that the total stream was divided in two-ways. In Chinese philosophy, this is expressed by the term "Malaya Yin". The energy and liquid mediums of the body exposed to the inisk influence are sent from the inside outward, the body expands. Due to the fact that all from the inside goes out, this period is most favorable to purify the body. But physical activity is necessary, really, to cut, so as not to dispel the energy flow.

5. Full moon is characterized by the maximum opposite effect of the moon and the sun on the ground. Earth stretched extended. In the human body, the energy is freely poured from the inside out, liquid media is also closer to the body surface. The maximum yin at this time creates its opposite-yang. At this point there is a turn from expanding to compression, it is a fight, a fracture in the most thinnest levels of the human body. This is a colossal stress.

6. After stressing fracture from expanding to compression, the compression processes-Yang begin to prevail. Now the energy and liquid mediums from the external, the extended state of the body seek to concentrate, go deep into the body. Centripetal, compressive movement is a sign of activating Yang processes. Thus, during the third phase, all Yang processes and organs associated with them are activated. A person appears for strength, he wants to actively move, play sports, in general to give a load. And this is quite advisable - this is the best period for large physical exertion, which are arguing with the organism without problems. This period is called "Small Yang" due to the fact that previously separated, weakened fluid flows and energy tend to connect together. As a rule, an increased sexual activity is manifested in this phase, which is fully justified. After all, during the first two phases, the ripening of the egg, its movement along the phallopy pipes and getting into the uterus, to which the first 14 days of the lunar month leave. From here, conception can fully realize in this phase. As you can see, everything is consistent, in which the wisdom of nature is.

7. The third quarter is the point of maximum compression of the organism of the Yanskaya, that is, the earth, gravitational energy. In it, as in previous singular points, an internal turn from compression to the expansion is born. This day of the "inner storm", like the new moon, the first quarter and the full moon must be calm. Avoid large loads, food abstinence and other similar things that are stressful for the body. Two stress-inner: from turning compression to expansion-and stress from the load (for example, baths) -Organism may not withstand.

8. The fourth Phase of the Moon is a reappearance of yin energy, an increase in the joint impact of the gravity of the Moon and the Sun in one direction. The stream of energy and fluid inside the human body tends to the head, the body weight decreases, it expands. This favors the flow of all yin processes, activates the Yin organs. Due to the fact that in this phase, the largest tides are observed, and gravity forces act in one direction, according to Chinese terminology, this phase is called "Great Yin". Outwardly, this period is characterized by increasing passivity, some swelling, the expiration of slags and liquids from the body. In other words, this is the period of natural purification of the body-monthly in women; Ending life cycle-completion of the menstrual cycle; Completion of all processes in nature. The lunar month (cycle) has always been considered by the ancient wise men as a complete integer, similar to the great law of similarity with any other whole, be it day, year, human life or the grand era of the existence of the universe.

The lunar cycle in the natural healing of the body is similar to the table of elements of D. I. Mendeleev for physics. This cycle shows full alignment: what, why and when necessary. From this cycle by logical reasoning, we can "calculate" for themselves what is unknown to now. The main thing is that we can now independently adjust the program of our own recovery with the forces of nature, and not with the "recommendations of various authors, various systems", which in the biorhythmology of zeros. I am a supporter of the ancient Vedas. A person needs knowledge, not the system. Conditions changed, and "System", previously proven itself, begins to give reverse results. Therefore, get knowledge, full knowledge, true, and apply it. The rest will come by itself and health, and material success, and you will take our place in the Great Harmony of the Universe.

And now we will create-make the layout of health events in the lunar cycle and justify it.